HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-09-22, Page 31' 1 1.k 11 U R011( 1114IttaL. DUDA Y r MeT. 22. 1882 £it Futhions. ut every shale a Mealier into favor. Finely tucked, eery tight sleeves are faahiutt&Ws for cotton donne. Sboalder aspen shirred at the reek are only becoming to dewier wuulea. White flannel dre..es fur the country are made by tailors in very severe style. A new sad handsome shade d cardinal ha %ouch u..d iu snaking children's dream ss. 1411. -Ones and old-fashioned lavender are anions the newest shades in silk grenadine.. Gaily colored ribbou, from one half.ao an inek in width, is nos worn around the waist, and tied in s bow with very lung ends. Clever girls now employ their spare time in nuking quantities of "rick- rack," with which they trim while and cambric drawee. Venetiau lace in patterus like three of nos point is the must elegant trimming for the cantons crepe dr.ses worn at summer receptions. Msdupolams is the new French fabric for "washing" d•eases, It is stamped with figures in bright colon, .•r else it is plain cream whfte. White Chuddab cloth dresses, with dark blue or dull red velvet Dollars and cuffs, are much worn in the morning at some of our fashionable seaside resorts. Pink has rased in Paris and London for two years past, but those lately re- turned from abroad say that this beauti- ful oolor has been ;'done to death," and although still worn has kat much of its former glory. In America it is at pre- sent the must fashionable of colors, and in its numberless shades is found in every grade of goods, from the cheap American lawn to the costly silks and satins. Lisle thread mind all -silk gloves are very popular. The tendency is to long wrists. In the lisle thread gloves there is a perceptible improvement in the finialt and akadinga In kid nothing but long gloves are worn. The cord lacings for futmainp are gaining favor. The genuine India muslin, are glossy as silk; and diaphanous. like gauze, is now much worn by English women of wealth, who import it directly from India A betimes skirt is generally worn beneath this fabric, and both of these are mounted on a silk skirt to bring out ita finest effect. White linen lawn makes up charming- ly, ands s style of dress that can be worn on almost any occssiun; the trim- ming should be lace or fine embroidery. Indeed, whits drawee of all kinds of material were never more worn than at present. Some of the models are richly adorned with both lace and embroidery, and there is no limit to the delicate beauty presented in the making up of these dresses. Pale sea -green ailk dresses of the most artistic and aesthetic hue, or tint, rather, nearly oovered with white lace ruffle., panniers, and berths of lace to match, draped over the bodice, are very feehionably worn at summer evening dancing parties tbi. season. An import- ed toilet of this description u marked at $650, the elegant lace upon it having much to do with its most muuest price. =move weer. The followings Tic information, im- parted by th ly reliable pectora will convey a clearer idea than any amount of abstract reference, how certain desir- able results are being accom- plished. Mr. Alexander McKechnie, Rochesterville, Ottawa, l .,t., says: "I was a perfect cripple with rheumatism in my arms and feet fur more than two weeks, when I was advised to try St. Jacobs Oil. I did so; in two days I went to work, and at the end of a week i was as well as ever. I consider St. Jacobs Oil a 'dead sure' cure for rheumatism in every form." Mr. James Dempsey, Coburg street, Ottawa, is pleased to re- mark: "Having suffered for same time past with rheumatism in the back, I •m gratified to saythat I have been com- pletely cured afer a few applications of St. Jacobs Oil, and can confidently re- commend it to any one suffering in like manner." •,eerie Raeder, w'AveeaMaO• •. What I was gwiae to remark," said Brother Gardner, as the book end of Parndaes Mali grew quiet, "was to say to you dat de mason who expecte to ea - joy des life must make up his mind to strike de world on de general •vers.. He who neglects to do so will swat wid daily sorrows and disappointments. Darn' expect dat de man who happens to agree wid'you on de weather ave mar- tin to agree wid you un politicka It dorm' feller dot de tan wb agrees wid you nn politicks will brei hosed to accept your kind .1 religion. De lack dat you lend a naybur your shovel down' bind him to lead you his wheelberrer. He who looks for honesty wham, he finds gray ha'r will be as sadly disappointed as he who argues dat an old oust am de sign of a thief ur a beggar. Put faith in human nater,' an, yet he eber ready to doubt. "I expect to meet about so many mean men in de course of a ya'ar. "I expect de summer will be hot an' de winter cold. "I expect 14, have chilblains in Decem- ber an' shake. of de ager in April. "I expect dat a sartin per cent of di■ world's population will lie to me, steal my cabbages, frow stones at my dog an' hit me wid • brickbat as I go home from de lodge. "On de odder hand, when I come to strike de average, I kin put my hands on men who will lend me stoney, go on my bond, speak well of me, an' set up all night to protec' me. "No man am perfeck. He may strike you at fust sight as werry good or werry bad, but doan' decide until you average him. He may beat a street kyar com- pany an' yit be honest wid a butcher. He may crawl under de canvas to see • circus, an' yit pay his pew rent in ad- eaoce. He may lie to you as to how he woted, an' yit tell de truf about a spavined hose. He may cuss on the street, an' yit be a tender father at home. He may incourage a dog-fight, an' yit walk a mile to restore • los' chile to its parents, "Accept no man fur his fine talk—re- ject no man fur his old clothes; stand him out in de sunlight an' average him. You will be marten to fin' suathin' bad about him, but you will also be martin to' fin' sunthin' good."—{Detroit Free Press. Mother's Tars. "It is mother's turn to be taken care of now." The speaker was a winsome young girl, whose bright eyes, fresh color and eager looks told of light-hearted happi- ness. Just out of school, she had the air of culture which is en added attrac- tion to a blithe young face. It was mother's turn nus.. Did she know how my heart went out to her for her unsel- fish words t Too many mothers, in their love of their daughters, entirely overlook the idea that they themselves need recrea- tion. They do without all the easy, pretty and charming things, and say nothing about it ; and the daughters do not think there is any self-denial involv- ed. Jenny gets the now drew and moth- er wears the old one, turned upside down and wrong side out. Lucy goes on the mountain trip, and mother stays at home and keeps house. Emily is tired of study and mud lie down in the after- noon ; but mother, though her back ache., has no time for such an indul- gence. Dear girls, take good care of your mothers. Coax them to let you relieve them of some of the harder duties, 'which, for years, they have patiently borne, and when a. length the green sods cover their graves, you will not be sick at heart with remorse for what might have been. Let the mother take time to be her daughter's intimate friend, receiving all her little confidences, and giving her ad_ vice, even if to do this she must surrend- er some other engagement. The smith 18e0Irlat f.. Gentlemen, --I have very much plea- sure in testifying to the efficacy of Dr. ;Smith's German Worm Remedy. I found it to operate snccesfuliy afteronly two doses. Have tried other remedies with the same child without success. Yours truly, W. T. Hart, 12A Amherst St, Montreal Sold by James Wilson, Ooderich, Ont. 2 A Case .f feaeempttss. Chesterfield. N ,H., March 20. Mario. SETH w. Fowia h Sola: Gentlemen—I feel in duty called upon voluntarily to give my twtinnny in favor of Dr. Viatar's Balsam of Wild Cherry - I was taken sick last October with a lung complaint, accompanied with a very ser- ious ooagb: mad after having beeu treat- ed a 'Dumber of weeks by the best phys- icians they gave me up as an incurable case of consnmption, and for about six weeks my friends expected I might die any day, having entirely dupaired of my recovery. At this time I read the adver- tisement and certificates of th. Wild Cherry Balsam. and was induced to try it myself. i have taken fire bottles, and from the commencement i have been gradually recovering. My cough has now entirely ceased. i have regained my flesh and strength, and am fooling quite wail. 1 attribute the cure t.. Dr. Wiatar's Balsam of wild Cherry, as 1 hays taken nes other medicine since i commence taking that. ' Very fireapect- fully yours, Mat MILS S MMMTR. GILSTI.gttstw—Mrs Smith gives me the foregoing esitafl.at• of the efficacy of your mediains in her mase. She is au acquaintance of mine. and took the Bal- sam nn the stree. th of any certificate, which she saw in the papers, Her Mori is liters ly true. Yours truly, W. H. ln7rna 50 eta and .1 a bottle. Sold by dealers generally. racy Oar owursa.► T 1.. IJ. n Mr. )f.'seest, the hew Pre- mier tt Quebec, did the Liberal party of Ontario s great service when he frankly stated in • resent speech the terms up.ro which he and his Preach colleagues alp* to enter the cabinet of Bir John A. onald. Mr. Mouweau reports what he himself said as follows:—"L said if itis ?twined of Ontario is W req an additional territory .d 02,000,000 asses mote than she was given ander the 10. N. A. Aot, the Preview. u( Quebec would have the right to demand an equivalent." Mr. Mousseau further de- clares the. "it would be impossible for the Province art Quebec to remain in her present position if Ontario trained her ease, bemuse any improvement in her position must be followed by an equal one in oars." It is .caroely neceemery to point out that Ontario never claimed any "additional territory.'` She merely left the questions of her boundary to ar- bitration and waa prepared to abide by the result of the decision. It has now been wade clear from the evidence of the Premier of Quebec and ex -member of the Dominion Uoverument, that the cunditiou lapin' which Sir John secured the French support was the robbery of Ontario of half her territory. --[Wood- stock Review. The nearer we fulluw nature in the treatment of disease, the more .uooesdul we are. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is Nature's Specific for Chol- era Morbus, Dysentery, Colic, and all forms of Summer Complaints. It speed- ily cuaes Canker in the stomach or bowel. and is safe for infanta as well as .adults. 2 r. somese .. le a wosiderisl thing. yet au n•to el, so reasonable. Why 1 If pou have feel- ings of gonenees; too weak sod dragging to rally; too nervous to sleep; an appe- tite hardly sufficient to keep body and soul together: headache, with pains across the back; the whole system relat- ed; perhaps coughs and sere lunge; and will use one to au bottled of Dr. G. L Austin's Phosphatine as the can may demand; it will not fail to make you an enthusiastic friend. Why 40 we say thus 1 Because Phosphatine supplies a want, the eery jrroperfie, the system to lark- ing and yearning for. It is not a medi- cine, bat nutriment instantly oonverted into blood, bone and tissue. It is also delicious to the taste. Try it. The re- sult is as certain as that cause and effect go hand in band. All druggists. Llw- DZN & Co., Sola agents fur the Domi- nion, 65 Front St. East. Toronto. F....m.et earF..mses amid Ose'eaMs. 1 T T C'1►1 it 1 ,� 1 1 t� 1 \ / l�,wf Theusesds .of dollars can be eased by wipe props lodgment is takias vera of the health ui yeomen aid family. if you are Bilious, have /anewa nl. pout appetite, law and depriased spirits, as/ gssee lly debilitated. do not delay a isomeat. bet go at nares aid procure a wonderful E;.otric Bit- ters, w weer taiil to Ostyonoel that foe the Boni art fifty mete --(TA- - deid by .11111. WILow[1] -j _ .. tY! ir, ESTERN FAIR, A W.ud .r spreads.. A. is ovally the case where an article of true merit ha. attained • world-wide reputation by its wonderful malts, in. the celeoratsd Llactrio Bitten have done, certain unprincipled parties have endeavored te imitate them, and expect to induce an unsuspecting pubis to pur- chase their fradulent waren Ask your druggist for the genuine Electric Bitten, that are guaranteed to care, and take no others. Sold byGeo. Rhynes, draggle, at 5(1c. [2iM THE St PPLY OF CONSUMED brain substance can only be bad rem the nutriment In the bleed deriv.d from iced The man t[oys IanaUe whottwa whales►..try'*, nine, or minimto'goad bin to porters. a wesE in hand when he feels too week te1�{oO tkroegb It without stimulants, which s'dppt7 nothing but increase the consumptionold `thane. In Wheeler's Miele' of Pbasphates sad Cal= restoratives have the only true rtoratives of Deals waste -the only source of nerve force a found In our food. Free .1 Cast. All persona wishing to test the merits of a great remedy—one that will posi- tively core Consumption, Ceughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronehites, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs—are requested to tall at Jas. Wilson's Drug Store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Dir oovey for Consumption, free of cot, which will .bow you what $ regular dol- lar -aim bottle will do. (1) The Me metram the wperier merit sad g of ihtf • tee's =ztraet d)( Will Strawberry foe tette ours el Summer Complaints, is that Ins popularity and demand is greatest where it has hese Mngeet known 2 A Remarkable Escape. w. C. Clarke, of Port Dalhou- sie, Ontario, states that she had been confined to her room for a long time with that dreadful disease, Consump- tion. The doctors said she could not escape an early grave, but fortunately she began taking Dr. King's New Dis- covery for Consumption, and in a short time was completely cured. Doubting ones, please write Mrs. Clarke, and be convinced. Trial betties freest Rhynai drug store. Large size =L.. (3) LON DODJ, September 25, 26, 49, 28 & 29 N C. Poison A Co., druggists, dc., Kingston, express themselves as sur- prised at the sale of Rurdoek Blood Bit- ters in that locality, where patent medic- ines are hard to intrndnee, lest, say they, ' • the gross last ordered a few days since, will convince you that the demand is gond, and that it ie giving satisfaction to our customers." 2 ems 'toward Is offered for any ease Of Catarrh that can't he curved with Hall's Catarrh Core. Taken internally. Price 76 omits. For sale by George Rhynes, sole agent for Oodsrieh. 1&43-3an Twenty -Mr moms' ' IP•zte.ee.• Says an eminent physicians, convinces me that the only way to care nervous .xhansios, and weakness of the mufti organa, is to repair the waste 17 giving Mein and nerve food. and all remedies oomspnvRdsd, Magnetic Medi - .tee is the best. &.e advertisement in lisother onlmnn. Sold n Gnderich by Jag. W.Won, druggist .lm ffl V 1 1%1_/ • LTAlt .-A : # J. 9' tall D.FEReN' A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF FRESH GRO1ERIES, 1882.— 121171TABLZ FOR TIM MOON. $1 ` (ft IIINPHItiESpecial 8againsmTeas alTory Low Prices OPEN 10 THE WORLD 1ags teles w4U bo voa for trM4 o1 .peed In th.-bore. ring, wbic1 Ma barn eaIarrtd to • halt mile track Five Indian iande will omaete for patass. Exhibitors will addgs= J. H. Smyth, Seem ary, London, Oat., (Tor Prise Lists and any Over informatloo required. JOHN B. SMYTH, JOHN PLUMMHR, Secretary. President. Aug. ti. 1 1843.31 arper'sWeekly. ILLITISTRATED. Harper'a Weekly sands at the head .f Am- erican illustrated weekly journals. Ry its us- ppaartttlaan poetical in ppool1iUus, its admirable il- losteatleea, its earef.11y chows serials, short aeries, sketches, and pacing. contributed the foremost artists sad authors of the day, it carries lastrsatloa and eatertalnneat to thou - steads of Americas homes. It will always hs the atm of the publishers to make Harper's Weakly the mast popular and attractive fanny newspaper to the world. HARPER'S PERIODICALS Per Tear t HARPER'li WEEKLY'i t 0GO 0 HARP 1a tQv t Oe Aabove TheTHREE TWO Dhveee namedd �7 HARP R'S YOUNG' 'YAWLS ••180 HHARPLR'S MADAZINT 610 HARPER'S YOUNO PEOPLE HARPER'S FRANKLIN RQUARZ Id- BRARY, one year ISINumbersl..... - 10 00 Postagetree to all embaertbers in the Vatted ,!Rotes or t eaode. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the that Number for Januaryof each year. When no time is mentionewill be understood that the subscriber wishes to commenee with the Number next alter the receipt of order. The last Twelve Annual Volumes of a- eon's Wagxt.Y, in neatclothbinding, willbe p• sent by mail. postage d, or by express, tree of expense (provided the treegbt does not ex- ceed one doMar per volume), for $7.OS each. Cloth Gases for each volume, suitable far binding will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re- ceipt of g1.00 each. Remlttanee's should be made by Post Office Money Onler or Draft, to avoid chance of ISM Newspapers are amt to copy this advertise- ment without the express order of HAMPER & Bsorunls. Address MARTEN g B=•TR1'1. New York. 1882. HIRPRR'S YOUNG PEOPLIs. AI IU.USTIUTER WEEKLY—It PACES. U iTRD TO BOYS AND GiRLR OF FROM 81X TO SIXTEEN YEARS OF AOM Vit.= OOm seioa November 1,1811 now Id Tis 77881 Ter P411BOW lISV. Te Youxo Pcot't.' has been from the Bret aacp tcessful beyond anticipation.- N. Y. Eveii- ItPPhas a distinct purpose to which it steadily adheres- that, samey, def supplanting the *rice ism papers for the vows with a paper more attractive. as wen as more wholesome. --Bea- te* Journal. For neatness. elegance of engraving, aad esetents generally, it is unanrpased by any publication of tbs kledet brought to our no- 11oe.—Pittsburg Gazette. Its weekly ruts are eagerly looked for. not only by the children, but also bg parents who are anxious to provide pure literature tor their girls and boys.- Cb,-ia(faa Advocate. Botha*, N. Y. A weekly paper for children zhlch parent need not fear to let their children read at th family fireside. -Hartford Daily Times. -Vaal the paper to kite the eye and secure the attention of the aye and girls.- Spring - fit -id Union Composed Divert ul, powdered RBA or latii- ai the11211 V i ertutpondered]seaaiats- attheflltt and CMIAP101la0rlca- bor, ta Mewoe''d—tie 01ST became asses gays.. Ira tarso a 1lolrty.taltalise ear" soar tae axis. nueumng fvlotlen and 1✓1ee01rte tno draft 1 the CM I APIST bo- lt o -h ousts NO MOR1 thaw Irtlbvlow Medea, 'tad owe toe mat de the wart e� M aver ott Andean s a retake. Aneawe1 tax Harvesters. 1'Ct [Martis, Terestung Y C3rn-r'tanters. carriages. Ruggles NI '..r Wynne GUARANTIED t.( IaM NO Petroleum. Sold by ail des Mea 1 Our Prim CW p.bo al T'M.y. r rtA lewalaf maned tree. MICA MANIUFACTURiNS Co. � a= Modsos $t, utsw 'ran. Cleveland. O sed Obtewigo. g's. saMUTL PG II *I A CO. teroote.Ont. !'Its. Arears toy are I MMO 1. 25c. per tb amt upwards. If you want a really Rlea try my 50c. Young Hymn.it is a aplwpdiyl article and worth mire money. Love also just opened colt a 0002 pieta oswrtnignt of orckery Glassware, tuoludiag Ston. and Chum Tea Seta, Children: Toy Tea Setts, Ladies and Gads Pew Tea Cup. and Emmen, suitable for Chnatniaa and New Year's Gifts Imps & amp Goods ia Groat Variety TERMii3_ ■.tRa ors turbo rear= g{rave. Per Tear. rectus. rresent. lit smlg NCMBSR. Four Cents each. The Bound Volume for 1381 will be read early is November. Pr1oe 11:.00: postage pre - Cover for Yot su Pipets for 1881. 36 cents: postage, 13 Costs additional. Remltta•bse ehoeld be made by Post•Oglce Mosey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of los. Newspapers are not to ropy tais advertise. meat wt1Aoat the express order of HArtrza t Beare ens. Address. HARPER t BROTHERS, New Tom. Gray's Spectc Iedicine TRAINS WARRTCp ATT- TRADE le ARK w M. As on- Ham1onwo a.1 to • e.gwg8d, Speesatey- .any. 8 atAX.ata 11 Aglow as a n- NM Taft p''rawatarn der sre Writ ape`, and essay Mime that Med 10 t..aalty r w ; grave IR err eoblat, wide* we to sand tem W to everyone. The d ,sante Maine s by aNr 1►per se M Tits e hli �p�gy .li�l be OM free tq mate ton SY ArAreran const deldobt lin order eh t.< 5 R':I.nn 1888_ Harper's Magazine ZLLUBTRATED. AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. Call and be convinced s a ixx .ems Ott pr .tion .! Barbed Fence Wire contracted fot{ln any quantity at very lowest prices I SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBED FENCE WIRE. Wire and barb galvanizedjafter bang twisted wltiolt cannot acaleoti. Use Barbed Wire for Feel. NO SNOW JIFTS - NO WEEDS %C WASTE LMIOS. For sal by G H. PARSONS, CHEAP r1ARDWARE. OODFiRICH, The Great Cleansing Flaid, I McCOLL BROS & CO. TORONTO_ MRS. WARNOOK tM AN U FAC TURER S Has great pleasure In announcing to her many friends and patrons in Oodcrich and vicinity. that she has secured the sole right and privilege to manufacture and sell DR. LUCYAN'S CLEANSING & RNOYATING FLvzn, For removing grease and soil from anything and everything. from the finest fabric to the coarsest garment worn. No mater if the geode have been saturated with oil, grease or dirt of any kind. It can. for • trifling ocat. be made to look as good as new. It the color, that would bell ldestroyes ed by changing usee of water. No seed tosend to Toronto or an where else to have our feathers cleaned and when it can be done for les than half the cost in your own town. Call at MRS. WARNOCK'S Millinery F.stablkhmew on Hamilton 8t. and see for yourself. 18W -Y. "Alwals varied. always goo& always im- proving. - CHagt.a Faasce Asara 7r Harper's Nyssttse the mest0 pesal�r Dlwi- trated pewiodleel la the world. bss(ae Its ulzty Marta volosm Nse with the Deoeumber, it represents what is best M ersordeas Merri- man sad set ; aad its marked a. Rtita• Mad - where 1t has already• et Ion er than that of arty Regim.earlee efthe saves close -ban heowgwt halo Ila sautes the most anises' writers and artists Of Orem son- ata. The fortlworntng vassal for IMM MU la every respect surpass their preese ssrw HARPER'S PERIODICAL&. Per Tee t MARIMBA MAOAZDii..............g le HA[tPBRI1 WEEKLY HARPERS BAZAR. Tim TN R*E above pmbilse i• • ea, TWO above T• RARPER'x Yours l PL11� I M HARPER'S MAOAZINS 1M HARPRR'a YutN:O P88UPLi HARPER'` FRANNKLiN ARE LI- AR Aar. see year o' Nssbssel. sl l88 root,/, fore be alt ,.*., .,ban•. to the Mead 'fates or 1 awada. rhe voltaic, of the Napo sew bola with the • anhors talon* and Deerrebr of eat= Alton nn time g. spwtaed. It will be uswsoti�w moeA that tie se beeeOM weave se bests the emergentpl Nr. Ott M RAUFds MaO s ns A M Nary?stuse., I. Rasa bbl es ist of M was, mall Oce Mwdia,r• M sand try hies to R avow** raissad MilvsiSed. ler Mr' 11111 c s inuewamorreo ono lee 11544 was ewe. use ev d.aaauaew.aya►res: - OF— LARDINE OIL ANU- CYLINDER OIL. Four Medals and three diplomas awarded them last year at the leading Exhibi- tions. in the Dominion • MAN U FACTU RERS And all men running machinery will save money b' using our oils. Our LARDINI and CYLINDAR OiL has no equal. Facts speak louder t en words, and the public can find out that the foregoaa foregoing sertlons are true, by try- ing one sample of our. Oils prices ete., on ap- .lication to YcColl Bros & Co Toronto. The Lardioe is tot sale in Goderich by R. W. cKENZIE, G. H. PARSONS, C. CRABB, and D. K. STRACHAN. 183641 ss ALLAN LINE of ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, Ui,AN- GO W. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS tf.41f, STEAMERS — vEAN(iN JRt>tS Cabin, intermediate and Steerage Tickets at owner RATIN,. fitr.rage Passenger, are hooked to l.ondoe. Cardin Remo. Queenstown. Iharry. Belfast. Oat. ay anti Ola'.ow, at same rates a lo Liverpool •tY31L2 ER 13AILINC413- From Quebec. lSatnrday i'rrsvian ...... May 10 Ciresalan Nora Scotian June 3 Parisian 50 eftentilitlan Peruvmeslan ian. ............ July i t'ivett,sian 8 viardfntan. " is ParMaa llannattan Pbl nanism A ago S Infos. 11 aslso 111 tan t • to N eteel.gg,s �. a IaY. loweett#, Ona 11111. nelIaoas sdoonld be made by Post OA#. I i!oney Oder Or Weft, lo avMd 40040 of ism Neworepare ire oat to earn ate adverting- ieMond tar Morro* order of HASPS* MIL AAdreea 11 121•1r1 .UROTUN.a. Mew York IPTw>,re .d tsMws.n weISAT ROOK rs yes tAMse •. R. OAR tearer ?laser Dies h .a/ tear .1 hew •t - .►at ,g Mel ./vee• tet - ... we Is. Dawe wee IMAM - MAN e •1fi6AND •OHTI. Ossa, 05 8,a? . t^ v !lard 1 Clrnssdaa s Perovt•a. Art 7 For tickets and every I.terwatbn soNy to N ARMIITRONO Tleket AgenO .mea ... Sept. M 118!1 -]rev. • '/► ' 2 A mein ,, .(antpeel e,i'. r late r.:t ,t I.. elle ,e4eat& helm a,. eve. 144rep 5 L dila d 'S 'Lv e and teak out try- tap - tot s en ,A e- •TS et, at al.don, :el ( tot , eve to )8. '0 R 3 10 44 4t L' 111 1F at y to etieb