HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-09-15, Page 5A 3easn•ee et She ('reeks let. Iu asst to Wisp of the 9asrrl 4416• ideal 0 ►$ tbv Tory pr.11 shunt the present Willie taw, it may lee well ,o lw int out that 'utts i mts Ewturas aro. the following: At the end 01060111•011000 , sear a elate meat is wok ^"-'� r's0etpee ts6d expenditures for esei' dills et. 1t embodies the u.nab 4 kid of linen - mos issued In the'.11MtfiOt,tte total amount •,f the statist".ey duties imposed by the in unicipali ass, the rmeipts for fines, transfer. , fees, eta, the psytuents 2.r .nspitetore for a Sri, and the ,sudsy Mrc peerage, stationary, fats In :oinaectt'on with legal pruceed- Ing., and any other items of ex. pendltum fully partioulanaed. The annotate of unsay re aainirg to be dis- tributed ►etwess the Government and the isnoitlipalities are given in detail showing the proportion due each mun- icipality. Copies of thew statements are furnished to the Inspector, and he is di- rected tu•dslivr a oupy to each munici- pality for the infamatlun of the munici- pal ooaseil. In addition to this an anneal report .howiug the workieg of the license system, embracing all the above and many other details, is brought down at every sassius of the House, each member t,eing supplied with s number of copies. The pretence that the people are kept in ignorance of the financial details of the license system has no further foundation than the imagination of Tory jooirn*liste utterly at a loss for sub$eota of attack uponan boniest and capable Goverstaes 1. The transit of Vents, which is to take place next December, will be the last fur ver one hundred and twenty threeears; and u transits of that planet are chiefly relied on as a means of determining the distance of the sun, the scientific world as alive with oo•tly preparations fur se- curing complete and careful observations if the unuaua 1.414115010111111. There is no doubt -that mankind is very much indebted to the oyster, both in his fried and raw and his stewed stats, and even womankind hat been placed under deep obligations, as without the oyster church festivals would, be a hol- r m Kkery and chunk debts mown - f perpetual sorrow. We can ek of no higher example of self-ucri- «tion to good and noble pur- 1 t'2. enc for one poor oyster to gonna .if to he pursued, solitary and a:ou through a plate of alleged soup in Border to raise funds to wipe olf'a church debt or pay for putting new cu+hioss in he pews. LIM of Fall Whew. One taut. Industrial, Toronto Sept. 5 to 1G. Mitchell, at Mitchell, Sept 14 and 16 Hulled Branch, Clinton, Sept. 18 and 19. Provincial. Kingston, Sept 18 and 33 West Huron, Goderich, Sept. 10 and :0. Hay Branch. Zurich, Sept. 21 anti 22. Tuckersntith, Branch, Sesforth, Sept. .1 and 22. Western Fair, London, Sept. 2i to 29. Mouth Huron, Exeter, Oct. 2 and 3. East Huron, Wroxeter, Oct. Sand 4. Ashfield Branch, Dungannon, Oct. 4. Grey Branch, Breese's, Oct i and 6. Esst \\'awanosh, Belgrave, tint 11. !1Lorri4 Branch, Blyth, Oct 112 and 13 GekHea lrartI ta. 0o404slcu. Sept 14th. 1882. ,t beat. (Fails i best. ........ r 00 s. 31 00 wheat, (Sprint) i bash........ s 05 ed 1 00 Flour. i barrel .................. 0 50 sl 55 nate, i bush........ 00 iia rley. i bush . ................. R.ggs, i doe. lunp icked)-....--- `'beese. ... .. .............- .'bons. i cwt .............-.._ Bran, i cwt - t hop, 2.l cwt ................. -- Wool.._ 11 ides.. sheepskins.. .. ...... _ e 6 75 s2. 80 O 40 to 50 7 00 st 00 0 15 w 16 0 17 2.R le e 11 12 030 It 100 Oro 030 di " 0 18 3 00 " 350 7 00 700 40 " 120 #1n E itraariinarn Offer GOODS UNSOLD RETURNED. If you are out of employment and want to start in a Waimea you can make from 93 to $10 a day clear, and take no risk of lou, we will send yon on receipt .f 911, goods that will sell readily ins$ few days for $25. if tie Agents fails to sell these goods in four dye, they can return all unsold to us, and we will re- turn them their money, can anything be fairer t We take all risk of kw, and the Agent gets started in a business that will he permanent, and pay from 41,000 t4, n.000 a year Ladies can doss well as sten. We want an Agent in every r,inn ty. Full particulars free. Address. I-, S. Manufacturing Co., No. 118 Smith- tield Street, Pittsburgh, Pa: THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, SEY1'. i:, ltd"'. 5 WILL you EXCHAMeE a case of vspc pWla or 1.111oucnet n 14.r 25 rents? It is :anr..d!y unwfam tt a�ccus uu- iL rt:l rui.ny allmouts arising from 1)y8p0pitn, IkdluestIrn Diserdered 81oouselt Hod Liver. when this offer is made to you In your own bwuse in ail sincerity tib 16111O1nte certainty of Mai' vera. IGOPr'.SA (from Brasil) cure' Dysperola lard Mousiness. A 11d>ag a dose relieves a pimple bottle convincer; a 7L cleat bottle cures. It acts directly ttpoa tho Stomach, Luer, and Kidneys. Cleanafa., Corr•+etlog, 1tez- ulatinss, Z peltavet, energy and vim to the l raf-t, Nerve, and Muscle, simply by work- ing ondand Wondersupon the n'gcn- the Liver. C t; activity to Cat this out, take it to cloy dealer in medicines, and j•( at least one 76 seat bottle of Lopes', and tell your neigh be r how it acts. It 11 warraur •1 to euro r pepsin and La - Trade .Nark Registered. AO THER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG. By casual observation, we find all load speculators have a clear head nod watch the ups and downs •of property. thio quaking large fortunes. But the whole secret is, they keep the system in • healthy oowdRlon by the use of Tat rampant' er Tia VAL11s11 1•RIMCIYL We can safely say that hundrede come to w for the great lung and bloodrlfier before going west. Itaad the following statement. We eoekt give thousands of the same kind If It were necessary. certify that I was troubled with Catarrh In the head gathering of placgtn in the throat, ehoklttg and toughing at night for years, so I could not sleep, often troubled with dull, life- less feelings, pains in the chest and back. After giving hundreds of dollars to doctors, .rad giving up all hopes, I tried the PRIDE or THE V ALLEY, and am now able to do my work after seven rear's sickoews." MRS. JAMES McNEII., )332 aimeoe Street, London, On "The alcove atafemeayof my w fe'e is cot rest. JAM sof Mt NEIL. gREMOVAL ■ -Ml NEW DRESS GOODS MISS STEWART Has removed her millinery eetatdishment to A large shipment of Fall Dress Goods The Stand Recently Occupied by Harry Smith. For sale by all druggists, manufactured by I'rof. A. M. Shrieves. London, Ont. Sample package 25 eta; live for 31.00. Can be had in Goderich of the following Jahn Read. Jaa. oris..'. F. Jordan. Gee. 'My- att*. and J. 4. %aftel. 1425 CANADA'S GREAT MR ! An,l Agricultural and Iudo/Real PIOSPIITIliE3 Toaowro. Marek at Mt \le.sr• 4 wowx tib.' DEAR ylwt. roe the ono twq weeks J haee been usigg [h. Aw s'I Plueepk.Ha• M my family with the pate aceor>r_resulta._i is moue* iotlia atrial vMaa►{e tpepic;ine Yours truly. W. K. Wfitl-LA.AVik. Sproul CorreepostietltSslfilI0 G441&. IDR- A.t7STIWS F'IlO�PHATINES HIBITItN For 1982 at the CITY of TORONTO From 5thto l 6th SEPTEMBE$. $26.000 in Prizes. Fhe largest amount everotiered for IIve Stock Agricultural Products and Maloof*, Maas. etc. The Magnitude of exhibition the beautiful park and buildings in whirl I1 is held. and the large number of special e•' vacuole which are offered to rialtore it. addition to the re- gular cvh(hltion makes it the Cures all Nervous Diseases, N e wueintlt. .2.s n't 81. 1� 'seats. Low Malt ! (7s.. Teres 2.w 1 hay. tabs* Grandest Event of the Year. STRIPED 0,234 BROCADED SATINS The store has been fitted up specially leer her, and with lamer preemies. she hopes to be able to give fuller aatiafacttoa than ever before. REMBM BER THE PLAC E HARRY SMITH'S OLD STAND, Nearly )611W1.1 visitors each year. Full particuur.:n the prize list which will ire sent anywhr-v on application by tient cart or otherw-iae 1.2. the .secretary at Toronto. The attraction Chi. year will porno.... anything before offered. Entries should be scl.t in at once. J. J. WITHltrtrr. W. J. HIL. I'rea{deyt. Secretary. Toronto' LUMBER THE BQIIdRE, 0-03DERIO- HAVE YOU TRIED IT ? IF not go to your Druggist and get a bottle:of the Tc, Crutch in color for trimmings. COLBORNE BROS, GODERSCH FOR THIRTY , RA'Y'S DO NLI NSON HAIR RESTORER You will find it to be the Gem of all Hair Prepare/Jess.. Restorir•tt tray gr raced aalr to its Natural color; ('leaning the scalp ant giviag a healthy and beautiful Appearance to the bur. Price 50 Cents PEs Bottle GEORGE RHTNAS, 1ClENT FOR C FODERICI3_ INSURANCE CARD. BRITISH ASS. CO'Y, Tenowro--Ertatdshe PHtENIX INS. CO'Y, d Loxnon fi0agtand)- Eatabliahed 1782. HARTFORD INS. OVY, of Hawrr.sn. Conn -'Ostabliahed :810. Rinks taken in das above first,olass Offices, xt the lowed rates try HORACS HOIRTON. The lindersignsd is also Appraiser for the CANADA PRA. LOAN AND SAVINGS CO'Y TORONTO. Mosey to lean on Mt -clan security. rota 7 to 8 per C . -Charges moderate. HORACE HORTON. Ge desk& Sept. 10. 1330. 1833 HEMLOCK, ELM, BASSWOOD, &C. iN BOARDS, PLANKS, SCANTLING and JOISTS. BILLS CUT TO ORDER. CUSTOM WORK DONE. AROEIBALD HODGE Dunlop P. 0. 1753-Im. Saw mill. JUST RECEIVED =.1 Tours oral, I R. W*TJ{RRif.1, .Tonsorial. AT - ti1ORGE N. OLD'S A Targe and select variety of wr PI. ES At the lowprices et r0 Iles FOR t 3.. =LOO 1-110 L00 Try them and be convinced. My stock Groceries is well assorted. and at prices which defy competition. ka't alit tenet out • csoylete atsortra ent China, of Glassware i Crocrery Which i intend lo sell et Very Low Prices WKNIGHT PRACTICAL RAR - . BRRand to osteal Mots to He sad •,Hefts a can alweys h near Poe Office0odertcb. 1733 A CALL 18 SOLICITED. .kT J.C.DETLOR & CO. -SPF.4'iAL \ .�L( E IN DRESS GOODS. FOB BALE THE SUBSCRIBER, FINDING That his ...tattle attention will be required this stunner in the management of the BIO HOUSE, will dispose of that property known u the "WINTER BRANCH,' situated on the Main Gravel Road, consisting of a capital house of ten rooms, with reran• duh on two sides, large driving house 60x82. stabling for ten horses, wood shed, etc., togeth- er with owe and • half acres excellent garden, well fenosd. The premises are all new and in fintclassorder. To • good man no reason- able can will be refused. Apply to J. J. WRIGHT, POINT FARM, Goderich. P. 0. A pril.atst.1882. 1838. Real Estate. These goods were bought at a discount of twenty -flue per .vast. ('all and see them. 2 Cases Prints Newest Patterns. J. C. IDETLOR 8i Co. SAUNDERS VARIETY STORE. HOUSE, AND LOTS NUS. :371 ANI' 78, corner of Victoria and Ennf ..t r•• 1belowt, of Goderfch, for sale cheap, or wt.' 1 e x8arged for farm property. For �particular. ppit to JAI. SMAll.L. Architect. office Crabb's Hloek, or J. C. CU RRIE. auctioneer. 1•T E QCT G- 0 0 .i S _ , 'mels.._ HB,1ND TR BK RAILWAY. 'Tickets to Winnipeg and return w 11 he on .ale althe wriest -tool ticket ofikeaof the com- -.etany from August los, to September 300h in dlosi ve, gond t o return within forty days from dote of MAY. First clan ticke e atailable via all the usual routes, those by the lake route. include meats and beet hs on the steamer lawn Sr. ••nia -secollingwoen. to and trout ih Wk. /ARE FROM GODER1CH - it5:,,r0 CUTLERY' BIRD CAGES FRUIT JARS PL.ITE.D IV,IKE COOK1.N G STO VES FANCY BASKETS PRESERVING JA S S�? UNDEIS & The Cheapest House Under NEXT won. . TO TiIE POST OFFICE. KETTLES SON. The Sun' 1 3 Medical =all, Gcderich A large supply of L iserrat Lime Fruit Juice, and Lime Juice, Cordial Tbei purest and best Trnrd in tie Market. \Baty.. a &leap, delicious, and WHOLESOME SUMMER DRI N KS. Just received a groat lot of LONDON PURPLE r ANiD:, PARIS GREEN) Foy3ELLEBORE FOR INSECTS, isle sl1l;t lilt at\-. PERSIAN INSECT POWDER 1649.11. ,141 THE HIGHCOi;RTOFJrh'TiCE. Qt sex's BioncH Drvterox. sn601a.I. ve. outcry OF HURON, c 11 virtue a Wri IN) wrr: 1 1-'lerl Faeetiaa, ie,uedtrat 011j of Iles Matcsty's High (`cart of JnAlnr. and to me directed against the Lands and Tenements of T. S. Reid at the sun of Gen. S. Birrell mod William A. Birrell. 1 have/fired and taken in execution all the rlgnt. t11k•. interest and equity of redemption of the shove named defendant in and to that parcel of land situate. lying and being is the County at Huron in the Province of Ontarin, and being composed of the Month Easterly corner of 'he east half of lot numrer twelve e in the eleventh cones -Won of the Eastern Division of the township of Ashfield, contain - Ing three quarters of an acre more or less In- cluding lot number eight and part of lot numberscvs In the village of Altonrille in the County of Huron. Which Lands and Tenements 1 stall offer for sale, at my oatce In the (bort Horse. in the town of Goderich. on Friday the tweutf-ninth day of September at the hour of twelt e of the clock. noon. ROBERT GIBBON~. (Sheriff s Office, (tntioich, Sherifof noron. )ane 3ekh lilO. 1845. G-. Mi. 0 7...4 Z� ' THE SQCARE WILSON ' Si For ti v destruction of all kinds of inset In. 9 he new rat and mouse poison, : ^ 77 a- Ori RATS • I'. o1 -,r\ t1,Y PAPERS, Etc. P. JORDAN, Chemist rand Druggist. ii1IMi AND SOMBER SMTS 1N ALIfrHE LATEST STYLES P1 U G- I-1: D U N- ZO P SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS. Destglls PRESCRIPTION CO[ IITT orRrrmx, 1 Ry rtrttte M a %t sit of TO wrr. i Fieri Yartaa lsesred ret1ft II C lill in lull p li c of Her 11ale.ty's County ('cert of the Oeenty DRUG S T O R E. t ora►, 'rad rn me dr$, anlWd ire Uafia ani rad tn,me er TMtettas Mat . ke stat (12. AMttawdr R 1 to tWlras std, Mien la Execution an uta rfsht. Fashionable Tril.•r, West Street Goderich. ACHOICE ASSORTM ENT OF GOODS TO SELECT FROM. t r ass. ve jI'. Sad et mien+p los at the etewdaM. In sad to that K lr*s Now la the time. Inn wish one nr t w n nice room, at home, to see Butler's room paper Pure lameJnfce ftelehore Waste Sylvia and hada, ISH MNtsws Hetsasevrr ef REEK. W'arNOn Om 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs PARS t _ . eAeada tawest CM ', et I� beer et wire of 1AeSL, JIM* What .. lit ltsi Silleilig 31t 1ai'iis �I F3Sili011S,ntew. Sheriff sOffice. ___-"TRaTui4OIfRornSres. 15 $66 •Mwanses rAwdrwwH. RTrnn. k (`o. P•Nlse d helms Fly and mew i eetroyar for sake In B -U- ......n ... ......Ara lesutlfal rnlnre. and at yriee.1.,44 than very n, rh Inferior gand.. (til and at•: then, they are the Most .Nue In town. and must M sold. At 323 . TZ.1.=R'S_