HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-09-15, Page 1DEVOT"To coUNTY NEWS
11.50 A Yit AR IN ADV
\rw \ l,.rlI einenrh ,
1 arm to Rent Win. Ratite. _
Girl Wanted-IW'4at
t1'awted -Hct,
fair Renewer Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.
Grey's Speeinc M • Ilelne-The Gm; 91e•1lclne
1r 4 ,( 08OLSON Si Bill *, DI R.
lj;. OtheAi4re+iiAnus. etfttmet
herd it bcldw It ink of Montreal, i1376Nod -
-1j0EON. date with Trotter .t: Caoanr, thn
le&dt ,Dentists pt_'Lurunttao�d Ali.upa•atiuus
ncati a c r perfornn+d. Wont*,
O' BI ova/lV. 'r. Io?a st' Sous% CLLN-
TON. Patlentw from a distance will please
make appointment in advance by mall. 1245.
Slee People's (Conine.
for •'ittfiall family. Hood references.
Apply at tide office,
JL of years, Int 7 lake nod eat?, townahlp
n' C'oTeree. About 441 acres cleared. Rood
hotldfag.,, Water and orchard. Ante to Geo.
B. Jshasten, Oederich, or Wts, Burke: on the
kind and well broken tnaingle harness,
Mark. brown, or bar preferred. .1plyat St.
Yt ) hen's Parsonage. }Inron (toed to Rev. C.
R. Matthew. 1856 -It
L mei Oahe undersi ed,4Al 7. Con. 10. W.
D., Aehfle'id, on the 12th of August. a brown
cow, With one droop horn. The owner 13 re-
quested to prore property. pay exnenses, and
take her away. _DAVID JOHNSTON,
19 iCf 1t Klnull P.O.
NEWS ABOUT HOME I NoTICB TO Tttz PUPLI,'.-The latest; E. R. Marsala, Painter and Huua. De- The schooner Geo. D Russel was run
• thing in Hoose Drei•rnti.nn are Cumbie. I tester. Combination Ceilings done in intor'by tho ata. Northern on Thursday,
and sunk in the Sault. Ste. Marie River
lits ey pewit by E. R. W ATYON, j Yesterday we had the pleasure of a Two, if not three persons, one of whom
-- Mr. (leo. Old has shipped an enor- brief visit from Mr. Evan Maceell, the is a woman, are believed to have gone
TOWDT'1'OMQfi. mous quantity of plums this season. I veteran Scottish and Canadian hard. dawn in her. The` schooner is said to
"They say plums are scarce," sett Mr. �•Mr MacCull is iutreduciue, to the pub -
been in her proper course. tape
Old, on Wednesday, "but I got all I can tic in this section a neat little volume Shephard, o.f the Northerner, says Ilia
Rus -
handle," Plums range in price from entitled "'Bide a Wee', and ether veeeel became unmanageable. The Rus -
Poems," the author of which is hia sal is said to have had a cargo of 1,27ti
daughter. He will he at the Alt ion tuna at the time of the accidot,t, though
hotel until Monday next. only registered f..r 7.18 torts. The Nun -
ken schooner, which lies in the middle
up in Goderich' harbor in the spring, of the channel, is a serious inpediment
iwned by Jos. Kidd and sailed by Capt. to lake navigation, as the river is nar-
Hill, was tout off Tobermoray a few days sew and the current extremely rapid.
ago. The engineer was ale° lost.
Whether she struck a rock or foundered
from rough We ler is not known
C'pt. Hill resided here during last win-
ter and wu very i opular with his assecm-
G. T. R. CHANo,ae.--Mr. J. L. Mor-
ton, of (iodertch, has been appointed
agent at Fort Gratiot, and Mr. W. W.
Hume, of Paris, has been appointed
agent at Port Huron. Mr. Luttrell,
who was brought from Hamilton with extensive lumber dealer, and showed
".heh�Natpnabtye,t is' noses,
!talon Ceilings, duue in the latest styla the latent style.
It. S*!bwa the people's photographer. Oode-
rluh. guvrsntees entire satisfaction In price
style au l tlglsh In all work la his line.
Do you Kilp t a stove t Or any goods is any411.23 to $3.00 ,t bushel. Saunders Is
7 ne. `fagd"nsad cath m•xity, O. N. Mavis
i41I vw.t"1""‘"•tau ttst st be settled K Deco Sen has also done a frig business in
Artistic card vignettes only IMOD anosen, plums.
vignettes •e .SO a down. C'o vin
and enlargin done 1 )
cabinet t ign tt N g Rev. Father Northgrave+, of n ffrst elass.t'le. A floe
Strut -
Assortment e, frames also at 1.. 1.. Johnson s.
tie,. 1/. Itubson, Manager.
Li1.y aur, 11.e evurythin �� has its uses anal
Its abuses. tie hat in Ch*, food and ral-
tnest In
i,.' the test: and or you want detlighaelne U. quality tltould
rat q•tahty gn to
ttorton s, in the A bion block.
dpateal bvga.ns in all lines at Saunders'
&nety Store. in order to make room for
sew sola seelvi ig tad to arrive. they wilt
sell ata stall advance on cost fur the balance
of the month. Stove& Tinware. Cutkry,
('fated Ware, kb. Tke Cheapest House Und-
er the Sun.
"Dueler" McLeod is in town again.
Arms Reid is visiting friends in De-
Gta,rve Jessup is nn the stag of the
London daily Adrertiser.
Miss NeUie Do,nagh has returned to
Howell, Mich.
Air Willisni bwnnron,;from bl,andou,
is visiting his hone.
Mr Conly, Waterloo St, we regret to
learn, is very ill again.
Mr Chas. Nairn is spending his holi-
days in the Queen City.
Mr. W. Watters, from Chicago, is
composed of let number 14, in'the lith t,
concession of the township of Hultett In the
County of Huron,00ntaining 100 acres. !Moores
clear. -a. balance hardwood bush. For further v
particulars. apply to
. 0ARItOw Q- PRotDY00r. g
Barristers. ete..
1811-31n Oodericb.
II sr Haynes. saw millers. Sheppardton,wae
Ihi., day dissolved. A. Hodge will sell the i,
logs and lumber on hand. and receive'and pay
the debts due to and by the company at this
WILI.IaM PR)UnroOT, 1. ARCH. I1ooce. „
Witness. • R. T. Harlem'.
11eppardton, 19th July, 1891. 1�16111m %
arrangements with Mr. D. McGregor, t,
Ito well-known bookbinder of Seaforth, to c,
aka orders for work la bit line. All work
lone from the plainest to the most superb at
roronto prices. Orders left at this office will ti
•eceive his ptrsonal attention. 16.53. S
1. eenlent house corner of Newgate and u
&lberts etjeets for a number of years occu-
pied Ly ]Ins. Riwood. The house Is in every b
way a desirable one. For further particulars
triply to JOHN RRECKENRI DOE Newgate
street, 1852. t1
17 A number of ram lambs, got by a Proria-
•1a1 winner. Alan sem' choice hive, of Mees. ti
For particulars apply to M. TTtt:;w LEVY. 4th b
on. of Colborne. 1`47-3m.
[t cf Loellon. Beg.. Academy of Music. ,a
Drganist Of St. Georges C'hur'ch. Goderleh•
will e,v.Iimons in Organ and Plane ^playing ti
sing: ng and hnrmnny. For particulars ad'•
dress. care of Miss Payne, Ooderich P. O. d
3mo.-1551 I
1. Basile Comet$ted her studies in mnMo
under Prof. Iippl of 4ondon• and having ro-
^etved a cefti ea' -e. 1Ws now prey red to re- -
roive a lieteed number of pupils for Piano of
instrn^tlon. Miss iM,Im111eris also pre pared
In tate enders for Crayon Portraits. Satisfac- 0
lion in every case guaranteed. Residence,
corn -r Cambria Roa I and Newgate Street.
Building ate. and buildings thereon, 1
Iota 8't sad Ills, in the tows of Goderich. he -
Mg the property owned and occupied by the
late Henry Horton sen. Convenient to the 1
square. Will be sold in one Parcel or In lots 1
to suit. Enquire of .1. C. CtRRIK• Auctioneer.
1847. i
V postage free for the balsace of I1H4. '
8spur ibis at untie, and get full benefit of this 1
offer. 1
Oat. • " 1812
• iAN, SURGEON, kc.. Graduate of Tor-
onto Univer tty, Licentiate of the Royal col -
ism London. sngbast4 no,. no..
Si Pbyeisas.
H. C. P S ODM. Oleos and reelden ee
Opposite Ba11ey'e Hotel. Hamilton street. Ood-
erlch. 17954in
ORON, Coroner &e. Office and residence
Brwoe Street, second door west of Victoria
Street. 1751.
clan, 8800�csooqq and A� �oo ocher, Graduate
of pronto University. °Mee opposite Caster
ren k Cameron's Bank. Lucknow. If not Is
edea. enquire at the Hank. 17tl-y.
1J Parelelana, 8urpeess. Aeconeher.. !e
•sloe • i r. Shannon's residence, near the
Tall. God.rtch. O. C. BMAwiOw, J. C. HAMtL
.0N. 1761.
o ('�eMly An
) 4 Attorneys. o, tt House.
l trete in s he Court Hoaa.. flea
int Lewis. M.A., R.C.L N. Lewis.
14.T RiPTZR2. Attorney". Solicitors. Ole
OMericb. J. T. Garrett, W. PYoadfeet. 175
�Atts . Solieltor la Cba.esry. &e..
MORTON, �BdAwR�►sR II A.t--
C, flair Ir.. B lee.• J. A.11tirtw Rlsig-
bass. HIS.
eos.tw over Omega Aelte.wlli
�N1 �t Me. ---)twat et West mesa
].. P. A ttA li
Cat P. mit. I1[. a.
W test,atw
isiting his parents in town.
Mrs. James Sharpe left on Saturday
juin her husband in the North-West.
Mrs. Pinkerton, of Hamilton, is on •
isit to. her son, Mr. W. J. Naftel, drug
Mr. WilJJam Macara returned to Win-
nipeg recently where he has opened out
n office.
For Combination Ceilings done In the
test and beet style, call and see E. R.
Mr. Joseph Jessup, left to resume his
frame" .>n the Chicago Inter -Ocean on
Wednesday last.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Best, have gone
locate at the Sault. Mrs. Jenkins ac-
ompanied them.
THE SIGNAL will be sent on trial for
e next three months, for only 25cta.
end it toabeent friends.
The peach crop has been an utter fail -
re ie this section. All peaches sold
ere are imported this season.
The sooner new subscribers send in
eir names the more papers they will
t for the regular subscription price.
Rev. Mr Parke returned on Tburdaay
> his home at Durham, very much the
etterof his holiday trip to our lake town.
W. Campbell, jr., familiarly known as
Chummy, ' has gone to Chicago, to fill
situation in the G. T. R. •freight Maces
BASE BALL. -The Actives of Goderich
efeat ad the Low Batters of Seaforth on
uesday, by a score of 34 to 17 and an
Bv112112.2 MEN AND T114 FAIL Stow.
-Send in orders fcr printing for fair
ay eatly. Use printers' ink, and work
p trade.
Mrs. Thos. Sturdy and family have
one to their new house in Manitoba,
dr. Sturdy beim on the police force at
The friends of Charles Girvia, Feq.,
Eleeve of Wawanosh, will be glad to
earn that he is in a fair way of recovery
rem his recent serious accident.
Intending subscribers for 1883 can get
Hz Staaat for the balanoe of 1882 free
y subscribing early. Show this to your
eighbor who is not now • subscriber.
ford, who v'iaittd Goderich lately, es the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Doyle, was
made the recipient of a handsome silver
service, and well filled puree by his con-
greeation at Stratford on the occasion of
the 25th sutliversay of his ordination to
the priesthood.
Mr. R. M. Fraser of Imrie's Leek
store, returned last filturday from his
two week's visit to Uncle Sam's domin-
ion. He looks much better for his trip.
Customers will be glad to see m his old
place amain, one wino, by his pleasant
manners and polite address, has made
himself generally popular.
Rev. P. C. Matthew, incumbent of
St. Stephen's church, who has been ab-
sent from his parish during the past five
months, returned home a few days' ago,
much improved in health. Ho spent the
greater portion of the time in the Mari-
time Provinces, and also paid a pleasant
visit to points in the United States.
AT TORONTO. -Mr. C. J. Newman,
the organist of St. George's Church,
Goderich, is spending the week at the
Toronto Exhibition, his aert•ices having
been secured by some eminent firms to
manipulate their organs. Mr. Newman
was selected from a number of other ap
plicants having the" highest testimonials.
This speaks well fur his professional
Tae Ran CoAr.t-Guderich volun-
teers, No •1 Company 33rd Batt., left on
Tuesday for London, where they interd
to go into camp on Carling's Farm. The
Company was about forty strong. The
following staff officers of 4he regiment
also accompanied the boys: Col. Rose,
Paymaster Jordan, Quarter plaster
Strachan, Adjutant Cooke. Capt. J. R.
Miller commands the company, and is
aidtd by Lieutenauts Beck and C. Ross.
The Goderioh papers, unintentionally
perhaps, get off a good joke at the ex-
pense of Mr. Ben. Armstrong, the well-
kudwn musician, in stating that "on ac-
count of ill health he nae had to give up
hia music claw," while on another page
appears ''the wife of Mr. Ben. Arm-
strong, of a daughter." L it not fair to
infer that the cause of his illness is due
solely to having a whole mimics class em-
braced in an atom of humanity. -[New
The New Era nays : Before the tariff
commission at Detroit Richard Hawley
i well known in this county, he having a
summer residence at Goderich) argued to
show that the United States prospered in
a much higher degree from 1860 to 1860
under the reciprocity treaty and the re-
venue tariff, than from 1875 to 1880.
Some time ago he published a work on
free trade, which showed him t0 be well
informed on free trade matters -in fast
he is accepted as an authority on this
The Gateway House, Emerson, will
soon come under the management of
Messrs. Marlton & McKay. Capt. E.
Marlton is well and favorably known to
many of our citizena, as well up in his
business, he having kept the Park
House, Goderich, Ont., and as to Mr.
D. McKay, the mention of his name
will be sufficient, as all know him to b)
the man for the business. The new firm
will no doubt at once grow in favor.
Their opening takes place shortly. -
[Morris Herald.
On Tuesday about noon, a number of
up the large sawmill d Warton for boys belonging W the common school,
r. Joseph Kidd, is in town again. i entered the grounds of Mr. George
Mr. Chas Humber, who has been fit-
Wiarton mill is one of the most
complete in the Province.
Mr. Frank Addison, foreman of the
Monetary Times, Toronto, is visiting his
relatives in tows. Mr. Addison likes
Toronto, but had a large place in his
heart for Goderich. He looks we1L
The Exeter salt well was recently of-
fered on hberul terms to any of the
members of the Canada Salt Association
that would take and work it. So far every farorable opportunity is not check -
none of them have accepted the offer. ed
Acheson, and after fastening a rope to a
valuable beehive, dragged that article •
tonsidesable distance, after which it was
t..rn apart with a garden rake and the
contents stolen. The act is one that
should be looked into and punished.
The school boys are frequently chimed
out of fruit gardens in the neighborhood
of the school, and some of them will yet
find themselves behind the bars of a
prison if their propensity to steel at
Oslrc.&ay. -(hl Monday morning last
alx,ut 2 o'clock, William B. Hibbard,
eldest son of Hon John Hibbard,
American Consul at this pert, breathed
his last, aged 34 years, 43 months and
eleven days, The deceased was a victim
of consumption, which seized upon him
last winter and gradually wore out what
was at one time a particularly hardy
constitution. In his earlier years de-
ceased had the location of timber limits
in Michigan fat hia father, who was an
the intention of making him agent here,
hat been appointed Assistant -Superin-
tendent over the tragic department of
the four stations, -Point Edward, Sar-
nia, Port Huron and Forth Gratiot, Mr.
Laminar being relieved of the superin-
tendance of these places. --[Sarnia • Ob-
server. .
Curtu'H OPENING. -The new Metho-
dist church, Himself, will be opened and
dedicated on Sunday Sept. 24th. The
Rev. John Wakefield, chairman of the
Goderich District, will preach in the
mornieg at 10.30, and in the evening at
6.30. The Rev. Hugh Cameron will
preach in the afternoon at 2.20. A col-
lection will be taken after each service
on behalf of the trust fund. The open-
ing tea meeting will be held the follow-
ing Monday evening, September 25th.
The meeting will be addressed by several
ministers, and there will he music, in-
strumental and vocal. Tea will be
served froni 5 to 7 p. m.
LAMA. -This operetta was played on
Monday and Tuesday, under the aus-
pices of St. George's Church. The piece
was superintended by Miss Radcliffe,
who showed considerable ability for an
amateur. Unfortunately the neglect of
most of the singers to enunciate their
words distinctly detracted much from
the success of the affairs nearly all the
Solos were not fully intelligible to the
majority of the audience. But c,•naider-
ing the youth of the players and new-
ness of the situation to most of them,
the affair was creditable to the young
actresses. The dresses „f the children
and fairies were tastefully made, and the
music furnished by the orchestra was
very pleasing, and such as the trio need
not be ashamed of.
The Farmer's Advocate announces that THR SaRn'i nt.LRR Plow AHEAD. -The
the prise essay on "Th. most correct
a000unt of the apple blight, and the
remedy on prevention for the were," has
been won by "L•thrax," d Goderich,
To lar itt>Iwo 81 w,Crllb$Rtl. - Now
is the beet tee to subscribe for Ten
Stonmt., for you will get the paper for
over 15 months for one year's subscrip-
tion. New subscribers for 1883 will get
the paper fur the betimes of the year
A��longing to Kr. G. Smith
took fright on Fndgy last, and in its
race dashed off the wheels from s child's
little express wages, is whielt the child,
a little son of Stn. W. Logan, was sit-
ting. The dad's escape was truly mir-
-1116-eaorris, itis., Herald thus refers
to a foist taisereee: -"it was also
ear pleases to fess the aeq miasma of
Mr. AreiihaMI McEa , barrister tit
leweetwo, sad frlrussriy orf Uederish,
Oat. Frees msswvee eseree9 we leges
Mtn *to hate sot le oar Tr airs • sere
K masher of thone
legal bavi.isa
them IKr. Dee sad- s.1(1uv1m4 &
good word for him We eordi&ih wish
Kim .neesss
Foust Free Preis says : "At • trial of
the South Bend and Seegmiller Plows,
held at Mr. Ephraim Pierces, Warwick,
yesterday, the Seegmiller was declared
the champion. At a similar trial at
Hent Hyde., Plympton, a like result
was obtained, and Seegmiller Plows or-
dered in each ease." Several farmers
also testify to the superior lhsraoter of
the Seegmiller as compared with other
plows. One of them, Mr. Switzer, 1•fth
onn. of Plympton, tried the South Bend
Co.'s plow, left hy their agent, and the
Seegmiller. No. 26, left by W. H. Pierce.
"He bought the Seegmiller, as it ran the
lightest, held the easiest, and did the
best work in extremely hard clay." Mr.
Henry Seegmiller went on • trip north a
few days ago, and returned with orders
for 13 plows, all of which were purchas-
ed by farmers living within • radios of a
few miles. Mr. John Washington, the
well-known tt�turist of West Wawa -
web, tested a Teeswatert Copp. Bros.
sed a No. 26 Segmilter plow, and par -
Aimed the latter, declaring that it cover-
ed dabble batter, was easier held and
lighter to draw. Kr wan. Ticker &lee
sat aside the ?seawater plow for the
No. 28 tleegwailler whieh h. an,. Baena
•4 hotter
-The semi-annual meeting of the West
Huron Teachers' Association will be held
in the High School, Goderich, on Friday
and Saturday, Oct. 13th and 14th, com-
mencing each day at 9 o'clock a. m.
Programme -President's address; Re-
ports of committees; Monthly reports,
Mr. R. D. Cameron; Geography, Mr. J.
R. Stewart; Arithmetic, Mr. J. W. Mor-
gan; Intermediate Algebra, Mr. D. D.
Yule; he Useful and the I'seless in our
Public School Teaching, Mr. A. Crass-
weller; Music -Tonic -Sol -Fa System,
Mr. W. M. Leigh; Common Errors in
Pninuuciation, Mr. J. Elliott. Election
of officers. On Friday evening the ses-
sion will be held in the Temperance
Hall, at which one or two subjects on
the programme will be taken up, togeth
er with the readings and music.
PKOMOTEn.--Our readers will regret
to learn that Mr. A,e, Straiton, who for
about eight,,years has very efficiently
performed the,duties of station agent for
the Grand Trunk here, is about to re•
move, he having been promoted to the
more lucrative and responsible position
of agent at Gcderich. Mr. Stratton has
made a large number of friends here,
notwithstanding his somewhat retiring
disposition, and we can heartily recom-
mend him to the people of Goderich as
one who will he a desirable acquisition
to the place. A leading member of the
Presbyterian church, and worker in the
Sabbath School, his place will not be
easily filled. His successor is Mr. Pat-
tison, of Dublin, who has already enter-
ed upon the duties of his office. These
who know this gentleman, speak highly
of him, and if he succeeds in establish-
ing as good a reputation here as his pre-
decessor will have no reason to regret
his removal to this town. -Clinton New
OwrrPART. - The Clinton Nrtr Ern
says: -It is our painful duty this week
to record the death of a lady, who
though only a short time a resident of
Clinton, heaves many warns friends to
mourn her demise. We refer to the ,
wife of Mr. Geo. Swallow, who did on
Friday last at the age of 32 years and 3
etonths. Deosased was a daughter of
Mr. Frederick Phipps. of Toronto, and
sister of Mn. John Marquis, and Mtn
John Alexander, of Goderich township.
Fot about two years past deosessd had
been a sufferer from consumption, ani
despite all that could be dome by kind
friends and the best medical skill, this
fell disease carried her to a premature
grave. The wail an earnest member of
the Presbyterian church, and amid all
her great suffering. and even in the hour
of death, manifested her love for that
Saviour whose lows had been manifested
Ire her, and leaves behind a reoord of a
blameless life.' Her husband and child
have the sympathy of a very large eircle
of aorrewing friends
great capacity for doing hard work end
withstanding fatigue. The body was es-
corted to the station by friends and re-
latives )f deceased, whence it was con-
veyed for interment to Port Huron,
where the family burial plot is located.
bir. and Mrs. Hibbard have the sym-
pathies of the entire community in their
deep affliction.
forth Expositor says:-Jlesars. James
Horton, of Hibbert, and Thomas Dick-
son, of McKillop, arrived home from the
Old Oountry on Saturday last. They
brought with then) one two-year-old and
three yearling stallions and a breeding
mare and feel. They are all good ani-
mate. They had a pretty rough passage,
but got them all landed here in safety,
although two of the colts were pretty
badly used up when they took them off
the cars, and for some days were in a
critical condition, but we are glad to
learn that they are now all right. ' Owing
to the carelessness of the railway hands
in shunting trains at Stratford, the
horses received some pretty rough treat-
ment there which did them more harm
than all the rest of the voyage. The
offending party was, however, reported,
and no doubt will be properly dealt with
as his carelessness deserves.
A Passenger's Troubles.
Mr. Duncan McKellar, of Minnedosa,
Manitoba; complains of hia treatment lay
the steward of the Beatty steamer "Man-
itoba," which left Duluth on August
27th. Mr. McKellar says that his wife
was sick, and unable to atay in the close,
poorly ventilated and but stateroom
above the engine roost appointed to
them, and that he asked the steward to
give them another room, where they
could get a little pure air. That official
refused, and Mr. McKellar was forced
to lead his wife into the cabin where a
bed was made for her on the sofa by some
ladies on board. A request for another
room next day, was stet by an 'oath
from the steward, and another refusal.
Mr. McKellar then decided to go on
shore and wait for the next boat at Prince
Arthur's Landing, where he received
more profanity from the steward. Af-
ter waiting for three days he took pas-
sage on the Quebec. and his wife and
hintseli were treated with much consid-
eration and kindness by the steward of
that vessel on their journey to Sarnia.
Mr. McKellar says that the c
the Manitoba was not to blame;
the conduct of the steward towards him
and his sick wife was brutal. This is
the story as told br the abused passen-
meeting of Presbytery.
The Pres, r of Huron vet in
Willis Chu Meade), 12th
inst. It was to the
annual misei ,,, t the
making all n _ ' ts, as
also the time of . ing be
left to the sessions • us congre-
gations, and that ons report
compliance at the March mectin;t of
Presbytery. A letter from Rev. Mr.
Thynne, declining the call to Ro Igor -
vino, was read, also nne from Rev. J.
Gibson, B. A., declining the call to
Exeter. Grand Bend was granted leave
to moderate in a call to a miniseer.
A memorial signed by a few of the
The twsemsest•s fare for tie tallale.
Miss Loveys, who has charged of the
needlework department at the Asyl
for the Blind at Brantfurd spent s few
days in Goderich during the week, the
guest of Mrs. Strauble. Upon her re-
turn to the Indian city, Miss Loveys as-
sumed the character of "guide," that is
protector on the journey of pupils of the
blind college returning from vacation.
This school fur the blind has been in op-
eration for many years, and is growing
more popular with pupils and their
friends every year. There are about 150
pupils, who are instructed in reading,
writing, geography, history, etc., as well
as in useful handicraft such as sewing,
knitting, making willuw•ware, cane seats
for chairs, nick-nacks in bead -work, and
the manufacture of other articles which
sell readily, A. specimen of writing
shown us was very legible. The pupils
range from 7 to 21 years of age,although
excel tions have been made in a few in-
stances in favor of older and younger
scholars. Attendance is voluntary, and
no charge is wade for residence on
beard at the Asylum. After vacation,
"guides" are sent out to gather back the
pupils. "Miss Lovey'a route is on the G.
T.H. between Goderich and Tavistock.
The pupils all seem anxious to return to
Brantford, and as a rule are of a cheer-
ful demeanor. Miss Loveys left on
Wednesday, accompanied by Master T.
Johnston, who is returning from his hol-
day visit hoine, and she expected to take
up pupils nn the way as follows: -Clin-
ton 1, Seaforth 1, Dublin 1, Stratford 5,
(4 from one family) Tavistock 1. From
what we hear of the school far the blind
at Brantford we are led to believe that
the Government is doing a noble work
in thus providing for the education in so
popular a fashion of the sightless but in-
telligent and active blind of our Pro-
i e sin or tie Proprietor and rat -
sous of tie Foist Farms.
For a long time past the proprietor of
the Point Farm, Mr. J. J. Wright, has
been of opinion that a bell should be
placed in the belfry of the pretty little
Presbyterian church at Leeburn, about
a mile and three quarters distant from
that popular summer resort. With this
end in view Mr. Wright had subscrip-
tions taken up among his guests, and
when a sufficient sunt was collected to
pay for a bell, ordered one from the
Guelph manufactory. The bell was for-
orwarded by the makers last week, and
Mr. Wright has presented it to the pas-
tors and congregation of Leeburn church
in the following neat style ;
5th September, 11111 L
On behalf of the guests of the Point
Farm, I ask your acceptance of a bell for
the Leeburn church. The subscription
has been taken up at different times and
seasons from parties residing in New Or-
leans, Montreal, St. Lnuu, Toronto,
Saginaw, London, Bay City, Guelph,
Chicago. Hamilton, Detroit, Stratford,
and many other places in the States and
I am ,,articularly requested to state
that the sole object of the donors was
simply to show their appreciation of the
advantage of having the means of public
worship in the neighborhood.
Trusting that the little gift nay prove
of artlice to the church,
Believe me, dear sir,
Very sincerely yours,
J. J. Walgwr.
To Rsv. J. A. TI-aNRt'LL, B.A.,
Pastor of Leeburn Church, Goderich.
Dr. Ure has been absent
of weeks and will not be home fur .mise
time, so Rev. Mr. Turnbull acknow-
ledged the gift as follows :
GoDialt'H MAIMS,
Sept 13th, 181112.
In the name of the congregation at
Leeburn, I accept with gratitude the gift
of a bell for the church, from yoer
gueats, who during their stay with nu
were wont to join with us in the public
worship of God. It will be of great ser-
vice in securing punctuality, and if in
our midst we have any who are inclined
to neglect the house of prayer, i trust it
tear bong to their, remembrance the
niembers of Manchester congregation word, of Holy writ "Partake not the as -
was received, read considered seriatim, semnling of yoursefvee together.
answers being given to the questions i May you at tome future time have the
contained therein. , opportunity of conveying personally to
The appeal of Mr. Jackson a ainst the them our thanks. and tangy we once note
recent election of elders in Manchester I be gladdened by 01141111111 them in our
congregation, on the ground of alleged midst'
informalities was after hearing the par- tour sincere Mend,
Joni! A. TI'aNnr1.L
Mr. J. J. Wright, Point Farm.
The bell will be planed in the belfry
at an early day, and it's tones will son
before the Presbytery by one o1 the I be heard inviting all to the preaching of
members of Manchester congregation, the envoi. It is • boon to a country
a number
ties, carefully considered, and as no
ground on which to sustain the appeal
appeared from the evidence given, It wait
dismissed. Mr. Jackson was then cited
to answer to the charge of circulating a
false statement throughout the congre-
gation, but as he produced evidence
showing the troth of his statement he
was declared innocent.
The clerk was directed to grant cede
fiestas to students returning to college.
The next meeting of Presbytery will be
held the second Tuesday in November.
Sir Garret Wolseley is a goof deal
grayer than when he passed through Is
mauls fourears ago nn his way to Ni-
cosia, and when he arrived there recently
labia sad an 1 nreoee•Ipvd
congregation to have a bell, and we feel
one that Mr. R right's thonehtfulnettle
and the generosity of his guests will be
much appreciated by the people who at-
tend the church.
Ter. Waowo MEN.- Fear sen were
arrested at Ent-erson the other dayem
supposition of being onnested withe
robbery of $10,000 from the llle eheMI
Rank, Winnipeg. Two of the eeepeele
' w ere Knox. Registrar of Crystal City and
J. W.O. freemway, son Kr. Thos. (;rens
way ea -M. P, for South Horne Thep
ware not the ptrtie. a•amid