HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-09-08, Page 81 11tou ev • uv th w• h ro Is 1'1 • t&1 1 ti t r: t vt 1 1 8 MOW TUE HURON SIGNAL, I BAY, SEPT 1, 1182. DOORS MASHES, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, and every Description of Intenur Fiut.,h STAIRS, ANDRAIL$, NEVE: vet BALUSTERS A S •' y. Bend for Price Lists. S MOLES, LATH LUMBER. Esti! •s 00 aliplita t tun. .y'er'Addreu FRANCIS SMELT'S, tioderieh OUR TOWN FATHERS. The Mlaatea of the east Meeting. Fir ft:113434 On Fridaymorning last about 4.90 o'cIlock the ouse of Mr. Wm. Tindall was burne4 to the ground and • portion ,( tjle con uta destroyed. Cause un - apemen. InWjed for $004. West Wavraaosh. Feint SOLD. -The far oetwpied by Rohm. Taggart, lot 14, 8th con., was sold on Saturday M* Wood&Thpsi. pond was lKt,u30. no farm comprises 100 acres. Aug. 31, 1882. The regular meeting of the Town Council was held this evening. There were present, the Reeve, 1st Deputy Reeve, 2nd Deputy Reeve, and Councillors Bingham, Butler, Camerou, Dancey, Jordan, Lee, Nicholson, Sloane and Swanson. In the absence of the Mayor,the Reeve occupied the chair. Tne minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The Treasurer presented showing Ant mat of cash received since Ian statement " paid out Balance In bank Referred to Finance committee. Report of the sexton of the Cemetery was read, showing number of interments since last report, seven -five adults and two infants. Referred to Cemetery com- mittee. a report 81.971.10 1,059.93 J'Ja.57 17s Sone. Mr. T. Cudmure, of this tuwuship re- ceived $260 instead of $120 for his colt. SOLD. -Mr. Frank Dagg, of lot 6. con - cosi 6, has sold his splendid farm, containing 100 acres, to Mr. Jos. Haw- kins, for the handsome sum of $7,000. Mr. Dagg thinks of going to the North- west next spring. Acc'OC1T The following accounts were read and referred to Finance committee: E. Bel- cher, relief, 84.20; 1\ itli,nns .t 1lurray, $182.99; J...' , planting, $3: SI.ieete. printing, 821; ('•arrow & Proudfeet, $14.25; Like EIIcrJ, Maitland Ceme- tery, 812.10. • The Public Works committee preselA- cd the following report: (1.; In regard to the pc': .. .. ends .and°23 of?,.:,, fur nesuott street to Wlaghant. FIR6suEN's DEMONSTRATION. -The fire- men's demonstration held here on Fri- day last was a grand success, and eclips- ed anything of the kind ever held before in this part of the country. The follow- ing visiting fire brigades were present:- Seaforth, Exeter, Mitchell, Listowel, Harriston, and Kincardine. There were four bands present, viz., Exeter, Blyth, Mitchell, and Brussels. Among the representatives present from the various municipalities were the Mayor of Sea - forth; the Mayor, Deputy -Reeve, and Chairman of the Fire and Water Com- mittee, Kincardine; Councillors Geed, of Mitchell; Bissett, Drew, and.Eacrett, of Exeter, and others. The hose -reel race, for which there were six entries, resulted as follows: -First prize, silver tru:upet,'w'eu by Soaferth; time 1 coin. 10 sec. lecund prize, silver trin t:at, won by Kincardine; time 1 min. 13 sec. The Best prize, a silver cup, value 845, -given fer the firemen's running race, was wen by Seaforth. An attractive feature of the day's proceedings was the amateur band o.uutest it& tine skating rink, fu which there were feta manes, namely u , .._.. ..ommentl L`ct•!ee tllyth, lirusec:'s, and Mitchell The A ogle trade. Muutrtat Nrruld nays: - The wholesale apple trade during the Vast few days hills received a fair start off for the season by th,.• arrival of several c. n- signwenta to dealers here. The if - ahem* exercised by the wore liberal receipts has beet& to cut down the prices of Canadian stock, some of which, arriv- ing in an over-npu ctouditiun, has been sold as low as $1.50 a per barreL How- ever, good sound stock principally con- -41401g of the Duchess and Astr+p n varieties, has found purchasers at $2.2b to $2.30 per' barrel. Winter apples, such as Belle Flowers, Kings and Greenl- ing", have reached this market from the South-Weatern States, by way of St. r ►• anode of conveyance. The bench in- - flirted a fine of a shilling in each case, with expenses, and the case was thus settled. -(St. James Gazette. I 1 A Kamm joker has had w pay $5,000 11 has boon a alert "mason," but Loans arse 3insuranee. for destroying a mans eyes with au es- sissy Well purses ate very .441y d4440 -l . - --^_. t ' __ plosive eiear. ' a j t1O IT.-YWVA? MfXDa To Legal proceedings have Puttee taken to emir. Doo rico, M. P.P. tot .i11s s A 111 and ea seer terms is sumo to sen tor taxes alleged to Ir, due from thea, has accepted the Solicitor-Oeneral- ress e. mg's. Stt:D AWN. rnejca .1 the Province, w too mons of the Ooderirh Iauv. 11th teal. ldt Iuu. Glta•d Trunk Railway to the State at ship tate Don. J. thawford In his preliminary eiawtuats u a us misers King's County, N B. , rkotiu tautest, prof. Foster denied in tutu the ohagi a Sno IlOt ' LEND O:I 1 !R A L E s - o bribery sud corrupt practices, either TATY Terme by.r toe. IAp p y to B. 1. UUl•Ls:, t/o4ei a 1154 ya,fi0,000 PRIVATE FUNIQb TO LEND 10" em good Yarns or /restless Town Property • i • pr seat Andy es L k►UCL1 r1.16. 1701 1091EY TO LEND IN ANY reaching an audience than those who I cant T4ivatet le bMose . ail 6 14 build churches Messer, tmaertd Maine. Cholera is attacking the foreigners in Manilla. The American Consul u among the victims Upwards of 200 na- tives die daily. T1s W. Ritchie, Q C, an eminent Montreal lawyer' died very suddenly un Monday evening, just as he was about to land from the steamboat at Newport. He was a titan of fine ability and sound jedgassa_ As • lawyer he commanded • large pesctuce. Luis, an unprecedented eveut in the The young ne(ln, Bush, who was lodg- history of the trade here, and which may ed in the Sandwich jail a few weeks ago' prove an important factor int our market on a charge ot attempting to outrage a this season. The higher prices thew Mrs. Doan, in the woods fourteen utiles foreign apples bring, six., $2.75 to $3 back of Wiodsor, was convicted before per barrel, is simply owing to their Let- Judge Leggett, on Wednesnday,and sen - ter -keeping properties, and west not blamed to the Central Prison at Toronto be taken as evidence of superiority over Mur one year. the horse crep,'as CauFdian winter at The great French railway ouwpaniea plea are not ,get en die market It is for some base Dave employed women u authentically stated by a large dealer ticket an 1 audit clerks, u also have he here that buyers are purchasing fruit credit funnier and several banks and west of Toronto at $2 per barrel on the public companies in France The cor- tree, which, taking the lowest estimate peeetiun of the city of Part& mean alio of expenses, means at least $3 per barrel to employ women in their offices, and here These speculative trn.actions S00 situations are offered. may or may not turn out profitable, but It& order to test the legality of the ar- es far as we are informed, the heavy rest and cuntinemer t of American sus - crop in the Western States will measure- Pis in Ireland, Meant'y, recently arrest- uLly effect values. ed at Ennis, has withdeswe his bonds ttn•y1r. and ur Bale of ter eased. and notified the authorities that he is not bound by his recognizance any longer. At Cucktield petty sessions yesterday tees ns s action the been taken Governmenter . Brighton John Thor,wood, the driver of the Brighton stage coach, was sumo fined for The open lessens fur game are: Deer, having drreen on the wrong side of the elk. ui."Tae, caribou, Oct. let to Dec. read at Handcroas on the Mat of July, loth; grouse, pheasanta, prairie fowl, and Edward Spencer, the guard, for partridges, Sept. 1 tot Jan. 1; wild tur- assault on Mr. Clmpmnn, a bicyclist, at key and quail, Oct. 1 to Jan. 1; wood - the sante time. by striking him with a• o. ck, Aug. 1st to Jan. 1; snipe Aug. 15 whip as he was passing the coach. Mr. to Jan. .1; Millard, grey and black and Evett, whe appeared for the defence. wood duck, Aur. 15 to Jan 1; other stated that an arrangement had been ducks, geese, swans, Aug 15 W Jan 1; made by the parties, the proprietors of hares Sept. 1 to March 1. the coach agreeing to pay ae5 towards IMPoRTIlt n DONKEYS -A large number the txi.vi.ses, and censeuting to a decia- of jackasses fr.em Spain recently passed seem • as [ouch right to the reel to a over the Canada Southern Railway west - bicycle rider as a coach ler any other ward, They are the importation of Abiel Le,nanl, of Mount Leonard, Saline Ccunty, Mo., who took thein west for breeding 'purposes. They werecollected with caro in Spain, but were thin when they arrived, having suffered from a' se- vere drouth in that country, but they stood the voyage well. They lived on barley. They would have been centent with thistles and stt;;,w. They are large boned and big eared, and have fog -horn lungs. Their progeny will be large, healthy mules of strong action. Mr. Lennard, who is a wealthy young farmer. will return to Scotland is a month to import blooded cattle. PALACE STOCK CAR.s. -A train eom- poaed of twenty-five cars belonging to the Dlontgumery Palace Stock Car Corr, allay, loaded with cattle, pissed through that the prayer of the petitioners be Each band play -e1 hvo selections, ares granted this year, but that it be laid the first prize, $50, was won Ly Brus rover six mouths. (3. Petition of Mary eels; 2nd prize, $30, hy. Mitchell. Mr Skimmings, in regard to well on Stanley C. Teel, of the 7411 c asihcra. London ataeet. we find that the Council gave ;tried as judte. Mr. Cattle permission ty sink the well, and as there has net been any preeioua complaint, and we cannot see t'.bat the well does any harts, we do no, recom- mend any action in the matter. The Finance ci,tteittee presented the following report : (1.) That the account ..f Nin. Mitchell, 85.26; be paid; ,(2. That the matter of the St.MIarys Credit Valley and Huron Railway he left in the; hands of the Mayor to settle, and we re - c. mmend that he pay, our fair share of the expenses incurred at procuring char- ter. (3 ) That they w. uld respectfully submit to the Council the financial ^sti- im*.tea for this year. They have had a ty-law prepared, tieing the rate for all purposes at 11 -cents on the dollar, which is a reduction of lc from the hist 'year. The greatest care and economy will bo necestary to keep the expenditu a with- in these estimates. It will be .• eervod from the annexed estimates Cat the (' ...n_il actually control only abe:tt one- third of their entire revenue, the balance being take.. up for schou}s,sinking fund, interest, municipal loan fund, county rate, &C. THE E.TI V ATI:.. The following are the estimates of revenue and expenditure for the year 1882: Revenue -Magistrates' tines, $40; licenses, 8400; clergy reserves. $75; boundary lines. $100; ;Maitland Ceme- tery, 8:150; rent $40; taxes at lfc on $1,121,470, $19,625.73; dog tax and statute labtor, $300; balance from reve- nue account of 1881, 82,971.39 -total 824,902.12. Expenditure -'Maitland Cemetery, $100; elections, $75; public works, $1,500; tire department, 840); relief, 81,000; eonuuon schools, 84,800; C C. and otticial. expenses, 8120; insu- rance, $30; band, $100; salaries. 82,400; interest, $3,300; printing 875; Dominion day, $100; water works, 8200; sundries, 8750; High school, 81,700; separate School, $300; municipal loan fund, 82.4:33.38; sinking fund, park, 8300; High ach , ,l, $54;0: Mechanics' Institute, 8100; horticultural society, 8100; county tate, 81,600; balanic to revenue account j8S1, $2,858.79-t.ttal, 824,902 12. We recommend that the collector's r'11 be placed in the hands of the collector, and that loo prucewl with the collectfon 4,1 the taxes forthwith. t Tho report sou then aJ.q.ted, clause by clause. By-law No. 11 to assess and levy the ,.um of $19,625.73 for 1882, was then read a first and second time, and on me- tioit of Jordan, seconded by iiingham. rule :;4 was suspended, and the by-law read a third time and passed. Moved by Sloane. secuuded by Came- ron, that the repairs of the Bridge hill, and ..1 Bruce street, west of Cambria street, be loft to the Public Works com- mittee, with power tenet -Carried. The Council then adjourned. - DsalOP. Mr. Harry East and wife were the eueats of Mrs. clean last week. Mr. S. Appolby ham returned from an - ether quit to the (Black Hills. Miss Agnes Graham, of Ashfield, is si ending a week ler two with Mts. John 1:,trkcr. 1 our energetic lumber merchant, Mr. A II -dee, is Off for a week or two. His 1...inatien was the Queen city. Mr. Archie McQe.arrie who recently :, turned from Kincardine, has gone to lake a Position as clerk in • storeat Lon- ,'.. sl a ere . Alarc,.• the Luckn owgames,t nta in - Tel s u and we • ietatand that our townsmen 1). Cum- mings will be one o1 the tlunitore. Lash, mon, but wouldn't it be ground if he'd Mints home the mold medal, .11rvn. When it comes to valuable horseflesh we tan just lay over our Lee - urn n•:, hhrwa one of our fanners was o•', • -cad A7: for a colt three weeks . t the one sold at the neigh- .r P70. Webster you'll `•se•.1s.tter, it you wnuld r Tea 141 twiny, COSb0Pa0. The Horror•sf ■ydrephsbla. Dallas, Texas, Sept. 6.-Sp1eaker of the House Reeves died by hydrephohia NIL-. \\ in. Amann, of Lender. i- ti.e, y'ester'day. He was bsttett by n mad dug gin•_=t of Mr. Kenneth Morris, several weeks ago. At the time he tried Iiit lrrrs aY a Don. -Mr. S. Morris, i could n t hieastiui.*elert ttnad eound, int did not euffer an actual attack of hydropho- bia until a few days age, when, finding the;vicious canine. The auuna! was! he was genie toad, he instructed friends t,, ease to the bed to prevent his shot. Mr. Morris was rescued in time harmingthem. His atony, ravines and to prevent a inure seri•ius accident. He frothings became horrible, and alt day is progressing favorably •yesterday' his sufferings wove indescrih. se Coceete Merrie - The 'Ionic* al • ..c .L. Stratford per Grand Trunk trout Chicago p able. - He had been ietie .-•e most pro- New York on Thtltaua afternoon. Council e1 Colborne met in the 1'wn- moment men in Texas, and was a rand*- y ship Hall, en August 21st, 1882 -mem -date for re-election to the Legislature. The cars divided made into stall.. for bers all present -Reeve in the chair. _ three or four beasts, the sides being Minutes of last meeting read and con- - -- -- nicely padded with. rubber so that when firmed. Communication from Robert THE WORLD OVER. they arrived at the stock yard, tiie cattle Quaid, cotnpLtiningthat the public, road are nut bruised in the least. Each car wafifotit'ellacross- near the end of the 7The Wilkie farm, near, Gerrie contain- will hold from eighteen to twenty head, and 8 con., shutting the tulle; oqt ing 230 acres. has been bought by Mr. and they are fed and watered on the freiq access to the lakee The matter Phair, of Turnberry. I.e.88.000. cars, thus saving the time and expense in wag 'deferred. An order was issued'Iiss,Shaw, the teacher of the Cen- of unloading while in transit. It favor of A. Hodge for the sum of $5.32, was an experimental trip, and much in - was struck ar., was badly bitten by a bulldog while visiting a neighbor ort the commercial road Three incisions were made by t&..500,000 TO LOAN. APYLT TO ltPP ealfe BUN, HULT & MOS, Gods - Mb. b himself ler friends. Mr. D1ovdy has expressed Iso prefer- ence mor circuses fur preaching wbeuever they can be hand. Ile say" those who build circuses have a better ides of The Globe's special a owwiaaiuusr in I' {OI(ET TO LEND. -A LARGE .L. aramt ur 1'nvate for investment u lowest rates ea erste ortgages. Apply to UAHBUW r rltueurUOT. tors North \N est writes eundewtung to unqualified lauguagu the selection int rile of tk,ucm, ur Regina, as the capital int Assiniboia, and he directs afteutlon to the supern.r qualifications of fort Qu' Appelle. Much of his letter train of an interview between Lieut. Governor Dewd- ney and Piaput, a red man, in which the latter is by no means vanquishes* in a polemical encuuuter. 1544. Auctioneering. 1 C. CURRIE,THE PEOPLE'S ACC eJ Th./NEER Goderich, Ont. 1791. Tonsorial. tv KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR- T • Blt:Et and ttairdresser, begs to return haat* .0 I.140 puWte fur past pa.n,riagr, and * Awn. 4 .vrn.uU*t.n, w corneal. tie can Lis ahava.a . armor, near • t'w .. ... ...•.Ieta.u. 1.,,3 tral School at Ottawa. who for butvber for the township roads by lightning, is still in a critical cundi- Communication front the County Clerk tiu n. requiring the sum ..f $2,31•.07 for coup- A meeting will be held at Dublin in ty.purposea. Communication from the trustees of the different school sections favour ..f a commutation of the 'death requiring the following sum for schooll sentence upon Hynes. c"nvictel• for ag- purposes, viz: No. 1, $600; No. 2, 8800: rarian murder. No. 3, $060; No. 4, $400; No. 5, $425: The larest belt ever made from a No. 6, 8750; No. 7, $260; A. U., single width of hide has just Leen mane - $104.70. Moved and seconded, that thefactured by a Hartford firm. It i t 4 feet sum of 2 mills on the $ be raised fort wide, 96 feet lone. and weighs 1,00') 1 county purposes, a like sum fur local ', pounds purposes -Carried. James Young was, A b..y fell ince a creek at Iatf,•rd, Ind, granted an order fer the sum of 812.50, and went home in wet clothes. His ang- fo. erecting 50 rods o1 wire fenee. Thos. Iry mother said that she wished he had Morrish was paid $1.50 for repairing stayed in the sat -?r. Taking this re - fence at gravel pit. The clerk was in- mark to heart. he returned to the creek atructed to write the manager of the ;and drowned himself. Strathroy Poor House in regard to the John Rankle, foreman of the Ports- terms upon which they accept persons. The mouth (0.) Bap', • is state.' to have on 1 assessor was pain 830 balance of salary' Angela 22, for a wager of fifty dollars j for 1882. It was moved and seconded , that l'e could not set 15,000 ems of solid that the aunt of 825 be given the Cl•- nonpariel type in ten helms, put up I borne Branch Agricultural Society to 17,010 ems in nine acorn, exclusive ..f be distributed in prizes at the furtlic i i -one hour taken for the noonday meal. ing fall show -Carried. Moved by Mr. Care ll, seconded by Mr. Allen, that a cine exchantea herr unearthed hy-law be paused prohibiting all animals an"they a.cmdlr, anSd the farmer is the of any kind from remaining at largo on victim. This time a fellow renes ala»g the public reads of this township. 'there dricin, a Ahiuiut ing. and sells carpet being no amendment the motion was de- clared by the /temple. He offers three-ply in- • clared carried. The Council then ad- grain car1).t at 37; cents per yard, and genuine )brussels at 43,1 cents. The far- mer' selects the pattern he wants, the agent writes out the number of }aide and the price after which the farmer signs the order. The next week lie ha• his rote in the Lank to pay, and he never sees mer hears of the carpet man again. Samuel Mountain. of i91dodelphi;►, went hoer c drunk Sunday night. bleat his wife end dr. ve her anti three chldren from the house. After admitting them subsequently. and when they had gone to beta, he s:aturetepl his coat with coal oil and set it on tire. His wife carried the e 'pr buruint 1,1 45 tete the street before scr- is ruins,ered t the stet ased altnues will d;. It taus dentate was done. Mountain has heen is feared the list ..f casualties be in- held for anon. creased. Several h.edies have been re- covered headless and many with tltt The cantata of •' Esther has broken liwbs cut off. Several of the victuna are out simultane'usly- in Parkhill, Ades preeminent citizen* of Vienna. Craig. 5no1 Lucttn, end the streets are There were 1,200 persons in the train. vocal and the surrounding weeds ftll ..f The accident was caused by a telegraph it. A few days ago a Parkhill miller, who is pretty well upin his part, was noticed heavine• bags of f!eur around to the re- frian of "Thus shalt it be Bono unto the man whom the K ing delighteth to honor." journcd. Terrible Bann ay .trrldrnt Carlsruhe, Sept. 4.-A train running between Freiberg and Culemar left the rail near Hugstetten. Fifty p.er•aons were killed anti many wounded. Vienna, Sept. 4. -The latest reports from the railr.a.l disaster near Frieieerg state that thirty cars were smashed. and the scene of the catastrophe is strewn with tho, bodies of the v-ictiuta. The train was thrown down an embankment. S far -3 bodies have been hand in the pole, which was struck by lightning and fell 'wreathe track. Paris, Sept. 4.-A telegram from Mul- house stages that 100 persons were killed and 300 injured by the railr.pad ercblent near Hugstetten. Nineteen coaches were smashed to pieces oar shpt down an etnbanisneset into A swamp where their weight caused then to sink. Mr. John Dickson, of McNdlkip.fell front a straw stack, di l000tieg *kis shoulder and hreeki•g hie easy bush. Mount Vernon, tat, h•• been theist- th ed hy a mon, owing y.mp dirt the saloons on Sunday. morning the residence of thretty a1 was burned by the mob, mad •• Marshal terribly beaten. The and telephone wires were ranted M prevent rnmmwnieaf i 'tr, with neighboring towns PRE-SIT/RV .,F MAITL(7D.-A ..nf•t meeting •.f this Presbytery was held in St. Andrew's Church, Lucknow, ole the $$nd inst. , at which the follow- bnaineee was transacted: A call was M the table from the ole of Kinkel% in favor of Rev. A ire- Kenxie, probationer, sigwsd hf 43 mem- ben and 226 adherents. . mi was emonipanied with a promise of 1700 as There was also tabled • tall ken III. Andrew's Chunk. Lweknow, in dnee tel Err. John McXab, of Beaver- tail, deed by lit umbers mind 43 ad- herents, with s minims of 101I00.00 end sense. Both mils were tlesteined. Rev. R. Leask was appointed to prosecute 111r. XeNabb • sall forr 'hr Preshr.ere of Liodsat terest was felt in it, for, if successful, these palace cars will revolutionize the lite stock business. Quite a number in- spected the train while it remained at the station.-lHerald. THE BENEPIT nr COAL OIL - Last spring we published in the E y,ositer a statement to the effect that bugs could be excluded from peas by soaking the seed in coal oil before sewing Mr. R. Charters, of the Mill Road, determined to try the experiment despite the 're- monstrances .1 seme of his neighbors who assured him that hia seed would ne- ver grew. lie tried rt, however, and, the result is that he has a splendid crop, and se fares ht can tell his peas are en- tirely free from bugs. After sewing his field he had a Antall portion of the c..al oiled seed left, which Ile gave to his neielib..r, '(r. Gerdou McAdam. Mr. A C1 -ICE ttl'ARINTEED. 1 OANti FREE OF CHARGE.- J Money to lend at lowest rates, tree !of may costo ur cl.arlots. iih:Alihit d' MORT(t5. otets I. ulhunte Nutri. - h Ord Marsh Mil. 1779. `• PER CENT. -THE CANADA V Landed l rodit Company is pre to lead acne on guod Tarn security, six per Siren Upon applteatwu to HLGHAMU.TU'i. C. L. agent, Uodnrlcb. 1765. 420,0$0 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND SIV on Faro and Town Property at lowest In- terest. *wigoges pun -hared. iso Co'nmtrlon charged, Conveyancing Fres reawoabla N. B.- -Borrowers can obtain money In one day if }ltle 1a satLdaetory.- DAV DION & JOHN - STUN. Banisters. &c_ Oodericb, 1751 1) RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, lv Life and Accident Insurance Agent. K-^praruu.ing tirecismeCaopaoies. AYoagent for.cie'e'ASAnA Llvr; rrrox•tt I45ackaaca Cu. )mey to Ieu.1 on Mortgage, either in Town or i'ann Property. in any way to cult the borrow- er. Onteo--1uystainl Kay's bloc►. Goderich Banhing. MAtAt;i0 MEDICINE., 1):,Nf, ItF MiONiTREAL. I ( Sir0wc l T MAA e. t AST 'K 1411.11 N and NERVE. F(X)U. -wows interest on deposits. Drafts, letter Far e1d *ad asug. Male and rrasale. of credit and circular notes issued, payabl in all parts of the world. 1754. Positively cures Nervousness in alt its stayers, /Truk .t/rtnue yy,• luso of itr rein i'o.r'N'. )ileo! !`IAN ADIAN BANK OF COMME' ERC Prostration. Night Streets, Sper,autorrhaer, lJ - Leucorrharr. Kurr,nneia, Sestina! Weakness and General Loss of Power. It repair* .\'errors IVstate, Rejuvenates the Jaded Intel• aid up Copiful, - 96,000,000. !eel, strengthens the Enfeebled Brain, and Re- stores Suiainpp Tone a,ut Pippeorr to the t r- mfr - - 91,4°0,000.,77m haunted Generative Organa With each or- der forTwxn.%E packages accompanied with President, - Iry W.U. J1r.1(ASTER five dollars, we will send our Written Guar Oennnl Manager, - W. !t. .... uGnoV antes to refund the money, if the treatment does not effect a cure. It is the Cheapest and --- rat \medicine in the market. Goderich Branch. It Cir particulars In our pampid,•t, ch we desire to mail free to any address. M. ROSS, - D1aaiAutlt MaeFull1t's Mesectic Modiolar is sold by whiDrug- Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on a A. gists at accts. per box, or 11 boxes for e3. ur the principal Towns and Cities In Canada will be mailed free of postage, on receipt of the Great Britain and the Grimed States, bough money, by addmssingg and sold. Mll'If.'S MASAET11' MEDICINE to., Advancesto Fanners on Notes. with one o Windsor, Ont.. Canada more endorsers, without mortgage. 1753 Sold in Goderich, by JAMEJ tt 1LsOS. and all Drug gists everywhere. 1852-tv CAPITAL. - el:,w,,••r SURPLUS. . - - • e•:,M:.,n.. Goderich Branch. L. (a,A.SS - - - J attar. . AG ENT S panrk, ted. *staignt Penipq• Ligh RoCopsloyntru Or Capital required; Jamas LEs & Co. )It& creat. Queue 1762 T AIKENHEAD, V.S., (SUCCESSOR e . to Dr. Duncent Graduate of Ontario Ve erinary College. °M e, stables and residence. n Newgate Street. four doors east of Colborne Hotel, N. B. -Horses examined as to sound css. 1731. - FRESH ARR. . AL OF NEW TEXT BOOKS FOR INTERMED!ATf EXAMINATION -1802-3 NEW ARRIVALS TWICE A WEEK. 'farntion, with copious notes by T. C. L. Artustrung, M. A. Marn.ion and Burke's Refiectiens on the French Revolution in one volume, with introduction, !item of auth.ora, character of their works, etc; and copious ex- planatory notes, Grammatical, Historical, Biographical, etc., by John Miller, R. A. Burke's French Revolution, with notes and introduction by E. J. Payne, M. A. Lvtre Hoche, notes by Bue (r Tytler. Schiller's Eelagetung Von .Antwerpen, notes by Buchheitn. Schiller Ballads, etc., notes by A. Miller. Caear s Helium Britannicum, notes,by Dunn or Henderson. \"irgil's tEnied, Book 5. The latest editions of the following School Books just arrived. McAdam, in order to thoroughly test the experiment, sowed n pPatch of un- Abbott's How to Parse. soaked seed, and ou Vac following day Chase's Complete Notes to Fourth Header. sowed along side and en precisely the sante •ground, the recd which he got front Mr. Charters. He now finds, up- on harvesting his crop, that the peas grow') from tine unprepared seed are fill- ed with bugs, while these grown from the seed which bed been soaked in coal oil are entirely free from the pest. This is a very fair test, an.l ahnws pretty con- clusively the validity of the experiment. The pea crop is a most important one to our farmers, and for years has been reg- ularly )destroyed by the bug, and if the loss can be avoided by such simple means a great benefit will have been ac- complished. - [Seaforth Expositor. Travelling s:ultte. GIt.tNUTRUNK. r a•T. Peas. Esti*. led Goderich.l.v 7.30am.. 11.05pm. 3.151 m.. autism eeatorsh 7.90 •' 1.10 •' . 4.t& " . 10.59 " St nit ford ..tr9.15am 2.15pm..6.1epm.. LOT " tt EAT. Paas. Exp's. 51ia,1. \lix'd. Atrat ford.l.v 1.211am - 3npnt 5.011am 3.19pm Seafnrth . . 1.17 " 6.:1.5 " _ 7.10 " 5.40 Ooderleh.Ar 3.19pm &Short 9.00am 7.i5em GREAT WESTERN. Exp a. flail. I:x s. Clinton going north. .9.19am .4.ttpnt..elnpw. •• ruins enwth. 3.54y a .*.t►.'ain..711 " STAGE LINE'S. Locknow Anise idailyt arr. 10.15am dep Ipm Kincardine •' .' 1 Wont " 7am Henmiller'• .W .!*e day and testerdaa 1 amt n Oant 9.1 Conner's Etymology. Collier British History. Ilue's First Frentlll. Beatty & Clams' fBcok-keeping, also narrow ruled, blank book for do. Schmetz History of Ronne. Schmetz " Greece. Casaell's French, English and English -French prononuncing dictionary. Speirs and Surennee " .• Chambers' Latin Dictionary. Putt's Euclid pts 1 and 2. Knight's Chemistry T.alhuntcr's Euclid pts 1 and 2. Liddell & Scott's Greek Lexicon. Smith's Latin Dictionary. Harkness' Latin Grammar. Adler's German Reader. Adler's German Grammar. TEACHER'S HELP, Etc. Teachers Hand Book of Algebra. Currie's Common School Education. Park's Manual of Method. Tanner's Primer of Agriculture j-.A 8S 1MR=E, SUCCESSOR TO T. J. MOt)RHor'sE, 1 ozitlz Sidle Market C3'0DMRICH.