HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-09-08, Page 7-+..-prop,.----�---
Fun ant) Tanct , 1
'Wilt think' is the 4 abs two of al
fresh 1a41li w'liu a wilto w tau sat bas-
1 ,ys ire danann ash Ivmrticulal iy in
Dimmest. se take at tete.. Dr,
VAN iluausl's Kt..w.v Opts and .obtain
relief frets sat yonr •wiurip,ta Your
druggist keeps it. Juke. Wilco, (hal*.
rich. int
What's that man yelling at !" sd.tal it
farmer of bis bay- " tt h v," chlrik•t d
the yosutteter, "hi. yoetling at the top et
his voice."
CleuALauL - A Immo sell 1... o n• n
onnectieu with the gait Renee ..r•wlsich
nater,s grey hair to ite natant" o•.t.r by
a few weeks use. Sold at h.l cents lar
bottle by Jaime Wilgus. 2sit
Mont people who visit Niagara Falls
we ottllssrp(,tnt.d in the roar. They ea -
pact to smoothing like thu v• •,ou of
a chairman in a ward caucl:s.
Proclaim it far and wide that Dr. Vast
Bn•affl's KIDNEY CUBA not only imme-
diately relieves all kidney diseases. but
what is more important t.. the u..foltn-
nate sufferer. will ultimately en,e hum
effectually. Sold by J. Wilson, (:,de -
rich. to.
M. see an article in the pawn about
1.•y inventors. We hope they will in -
tee a bey w1•• won't whintfe on hu tai -
,en and ua the stremma et night
time Loy pews 4 elm* imine ` a
t.s Dr. Ontisesus 4 verwase , Ia.Yy
,.xwdd�erenid �i�mpd�nlilsa Kids*, Curs
wraises all mem
CAW Dlrmma. Me seas aril ask
.es Sural Ise Dr. OaltRttsada Kra-
ase Cris. Seidl by James M tine,
• .•.dwxlt tae
k girt what seas est se leek (meet el pt
aareet. bas • smash went us. test
.•eb es the .oma Me trios to be lee-
. •me Lug 4.dl.. n., hum dowel
L sampie hest• dosed ora the sunwy
.alis of a Illssahere same haa.seder the
. if allmmompeiftmee elk Dr rM ^. raw,
-wed sae elf the i/__I__- ►istrrams erg
sect a,.wfierla( brawny .Dr Vas f3o-
. •ley Can seeker, le•Igret all the
.. er as the •sty psalms* r.„ 1 "•l,
MP - rosMea Tow ellieMe hut
is. GesdoricA !n
re' Rani,-Ifssaso Ovum ))r .-Oar
��teeL. Aad spring, says the Kentucky
T.ra J.. win af, has been remodelled. The
.,ne fur two in a hre.l u to arranged that
the part the part the wife lies ..n can be
set by the husband unknown to the
f,.rmer, and it cartage her out of bed
and stands her up •.n the flair at any
hour for which it is set. It then remains
turned up on one edge so she cant get
back again, at least on her side of the
bed; and she won't cote back •on his
'side; for *he's too oilfired mad to come
near him. So the result is she is com-
pelled to dress and go down stairs and
..veto breakfast, aed the old man will
get. a rest.
Satn.on lost his strength witl. his hair.
Thousands of men and women lxue
their beauty with theirs, and very large
numbers restore the ravages of time by
using the famous CingaleseHairRestorer.
Sold at 50 cents per bottle by James Wil-
son. 2m
When the rider in the guise o' a drunk-
en spectator staggered into, a circus ring
at Marquette, Mich, and the ringmaster
went through with the usual foolery of
ejecting him, incidentally remar :ing that
no policemen were ever preseut when
order needed to be restored, a German
officer hustled the performer off to jail,
in spite of all protests and explanations.
" A choke is a choke," he said, " but
Yen a man zay vere is the police, and vy
don'd dey arrest dat drunk man, den de
'Marquette police is in dot vicinidy, and
(lona you forgot id, Mr. Circus, I bed
\Why go on dajb after day suffering
with splitting headaches when a brittle
of Dr. Austin's Phosphatine will cure
Jou 1 If you do not believe it ask your
lIruggist for a circular -and read what
those who have used it say about it.
,Price $1.00. 2m
There is a slight misunderstanding be-
tween McGinnis and his wife's mother.
it came about this way: Hostetter Mc-
Ginnis is thinking of'taking • trip to El
Paso for his health, but his mother-in-
law has been telling him that there is
danger of being scalped by the Indians,
and that he had better stay right here at
Austin. "Nonsense," replied Hostetter
McGinnis, "There used to he Indians on
the El Paso road, but they have all' leen
driven off. 1 don't „believe there is an
Indian in the whale country." "Very
well," replied hi* wife's mother, "when
you get (put on the plains, and one of
these wild beasts comes at you whooping
and yelling, then tvou will think of me.'
"T don't doubt it, ' said Hostetter- Mc-
t;innis, and now the entente cordiale has
Lien spoiled, and there is a coolness be-
tween them.
Dr. J. W. Fairchild of New York,says:
Personally i believe in Phosphatine; I
use it myself and in my family and prac-
tice I prescribe Phosphatine with a ctn-
fidenee that i can attach to other remedy.
It is safe --it is effective. For sale by
all druggist. 2m
An ingenious tramp, thinking to wrinv
tears and money assistance from the
stoniest hearts with a new science. gate
it an experimental trial in the north end.
He has decided not to patent the inven-
tion. He told a nnrth end lady of his
unfort.unete condition, and asked if he
might mat 'tome of the grans in the yard.
The lady, not less amused than surpris-
ed, said: "Certainly." He went out,
and getting down on all feury oommeuc-
ed on the grass after the netgfected dhd
never popular faahinn of Nebuchednes-
zer, and apparently not enjoying the
diet any more than the ancient sinner of
.olden time. Presently the tramp's eyes
aught sight of the servant girl b Bon-
ing him from the back yard. He
hon flit a rich reward for his humility
•vat , doh, and tnstantly tespneded
" D. of motion to mei" acid he.
1 e+ " What did you want t' "He
for w e a look of hopeful expectancy.
•u may go in the back yard, if you
t to; the grans is taller t
/Ass Ohm BOTtO. • ,tarried w°roan,
of ltbwterd wear Font, Mich., on Mon-
day lactated her five-year old child to
herself, and then held her own and the
child's head under water in a tnh entil
loth were drowned
Lt.... re11 *haw% far
Indu.trial, 7 'rout(' Rept i ft. 10.
)titodwli, at Mitchell, Sept 14 mud 15
Mullett Branch, C1iuG u, Sept. 18 and
Provincial. Kunitst..n, Sept. 18 and .'3.
West Huron, Uuderich, Sept. 19 and
Hay Bench, Zurich, Sept. 21 and 22.
Tuckennsith, Branch, Seaforth, Sept.
21 and 22.
Western Fair, London, Sept. 23 to 29.
South Hurts, Exeter, Oct. 2 and 3.
East Huron, Wroxeter, Oct 3 and 4.
Ashfield Branch, Dungannon, Oct. 4.
Grey Branch, Brussels, Oct 5 and 6.
East Waasmash , Belgrave, Oct 11.
Morris Branch, Blyth, Ott 12 and 13.
Civic Hounay.-In accordance with
a nwneruu.Iy awned petition the Reeve
has proclaioird 'Thursday, Sept. 14th,
the day following the vreat Caledonian
gathennglas a civic holiday. This will
afford our cinema an .opportunity of at-.
tending the gauges at Brussels.
700? AMP1TATan. - For 1••We time
past, Mr. W. J Ferguson, school teach-
er, of St. Helens, has been suffering from
a dummied ankle -joint, and finding it
impcmmihle 1.. care the evil it was thought
advisable to 'amputate the foot, the oper-
ation being performed on Wednealay
last by Dr. Ilackid• assisted by Drs.
Stewart, u( urucefield; Bethune, ••f
Witts►mm; Heiebisua and McKay, of
Dtwtprnue; sad llaeCnmrnon and ren-
ames, orf Lts.lie.r. qtr Ferguson, wit..
se et premed in the t i11a),e under the
care •.1 Dr 1i..t:al, if doing well.
A Travr"nl. Sweep. -As announced
is the "rwt4e.4 knit week a travelling
oiirun'y esu.•.-;• a•nved in town, an•1
ems. Moa rule ix till places LIC t' Isite.l IC
strrvh •t ow:4..y ,••nt was t.,e luilii•.en
sats)' .h.e.s i ••f :In. P, ui • ttf • •
he ea* rn±a:•a•.I t.. els," ''..• .L•,
After hisdel..r ore. h..weler, (tri.
Age ,worst a v.,ieahle e'• in l •!:..r
ltaa$.tnl 1,1 Cie el, ata•I n' • v .i
:he v,La:e r..natal.le, who t• :e_
Waltham. the •w -em harng '• ft i :l•.
tasantla.e for tit place, t., hive him r
armed wheth d e r. •. • .-
stables Met 10. V i.. and • :tl c••. .• r
S'inirfuilu on f'hurel.v tot role.
brou_ht the prisoner lack to the villi • •r.
the missing article having been found ill
kis iox. He wss brought up before
magistrates Campbell., Ltwreece and
Grahain "n Fi idly, abs committed him
to Walkerton for trial before the Judge,
when he was sentenced to, thirty days
and hard labor in the County Jail. -
eawleg weed.
.ews:oof Taws.
11 . 4 . .1 article that has achieved sue
ee •s, rut attaiuieJ a world-wide r;,„srs•
turn by its true India* and wonderful re
sults, is always irritated. Such is the
case with Dr. Kings New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Al-
ready unprincipled parties are endeav-
oring to delude an uususpecting
public, by o'Jerill ; imitations of this
must furtaaat, dim.. .very. Do not be
deceived, but insist un having the true
remedy, and take no other. Trial bot-
tlers freest Rhyn Li' drug store. Large
size $1. (5)
iseekies•s Zanies salve.
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chil-
blains, Coeds, and all Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures Piles. It is suntan -
teed W gree perfect satisfaction, ur
money refunded Prion 25 cents per
box. Fur sale by Gen. Rhynas. 1830 ly.
Wk.'s the .eat Physician.
The one that does most to relieve suf-
fering humanity of the thousand and one
ills that befall them, is certainly the best
of all physicians. Electric Bitten are
daily doing this, curing where all other
remedies failed. As a spring tonic and
blood purifier they have no avid. They
positively cure liver and kidney exult -
plaints. In the strongest sense of the
term, they are the best and cheapest
physician known. -(Daily Times. Sold
by Geo. Rhyme', at 50 oents. [31
No one ever hears a Loy cteeplain
al,.,ut the back -breaking., soul -killing
hard -ships of woad sawing. All such
talk is confined to adults, and it leis no'
real foundation. There is only one way
to saw wood and take comfort at the
same time, and everybody bait that way.
Yesterday afternoon half a c .rd of ,four
foot wood was flung down at the date of
a house on Second street, and the wagon
had only departed when a Loy fifteen
years old appeared with a bucksaw in his
haml. All hie action indicated his pur-
urpose to go through that word pile like
chain lightning, but it took him exactly
seven minutes to discover that he had
left the saw -buck in the woodshed. and
five minutes more to bring it out.
Some boys would have dr.•ppe•1 the
saw buck wherever it happened and
pitched right in, but this boy spent five
minutes in selecting a location • f the
first water. By this time he had the
presence of three other boys to cheer
him to victory. These three h ,ys Slade
the following suggestion in the order
given below.
"I'd hire a mas'.Ieen,"
"I'd run away. and fight Injuns.
"I'd let the ole nun du it."
But the het.. went right ahea•1 with
his work. In t.enty minutes after h ■
first move he had a stick of woad on the
saw Luc::. He turned it over four times
Before it settled down to his own s.itia-
faction. and then he picked up the ass
A bucksaw is a simple yet initenious
pie:, of machinery. Men who were'saw-
ing wood by the day have been known
to stand and gaze at the saw an hour at
a time without bei.:g able to solve its
mysterious points. This boy picked up
the saw and carefully examined it. in
the course of seven minutes, with the
aid of the other three boys he was en-
abled t.. discr.ver.
1. That the teeth were all there.
2. That it was in perfect order, as far
as a boy could judge.
When these discoveries had been made,
a discussion arose as to whether a holy
cpul•i saw faster by sawing left handed.
The vote on this question was decided
in the negative, and now the moment
arrived for actin.
The bey spit on his hands.
He removed his art.
He humped his back
He pulled his rap over his ears.
He had his knee on the stick and the
maw in his hand, what a little three omit
ri^• low.. ••n the next corner ran nut at
a cam ng govt. The goat noshed into a
yard, and the girl was heard screaming.
The sew fell to the mend, tum saw beck
was upset, and the b.y went tearing
down t.. the e. rner like a cheap whirl-
wind, and when darkness hasps tet set-
tle down over the We of earth he re-
turned to carry the saw and buck into
the woodshed far the night. --{Ks.
\Ino rbyslNaaalenrel se.
It is generally oonsidered a pretty dif-
ficult task to outdo a physician, but the
following will prove conclusively where
nice were completely outdone. Mn.
H• Ian Pharviz, 331 Gayton St., Chicago,
was treated for Consumption by nine
physicians, and all pronounced her case
iucur.l.le. Seven bottles of Dr. King's
Nee D ...very for Consumption oomple-
u v c rel het. Doubting ones, please
irop her a postal and convince your-
selves Trial bottles free at Rhynas's
Dru; ",.re. Large size $1.00. (4)
The Allan steamship Acadian went
ashore on Crane Island d wing a fog on
Stu or ray night, while in charge of a
titbit Several holes are in the hull and
the fore compartments are full of water.
Lighters have been despatched to assist
her in getting of.
Sea w.s 5 your ewe town Terme awl
V WWI emit (reg AAdrwee H li so t e*+ R
Ce. Ianl alai,•
T?.e dieter's Last happy arwrt.
Era:esVILLE, ltld., Jan. 11, 1882.
1 recently had a very difficult case of
Consutnption. I treated it in the most
scientific manner possible, but to no ef-
fect; (..(tient grew gradually worse.
Rather than give up, and is a last re-
sent, I decided, much against my wish,
to use a remedy that had cured one of
my former patients. Greatly to my sur-
prise. the patient began to gain, and in
i much shorter time than I dared to
ever expect, she was -completely cured.
The name of this remarkable remedy is
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump-
tion. I now use it altotgether in my
piactiee. -[Leading M. D., Evansville.
Trial bottles free at Rhynas' drug store.
Large size $1. (6)
to the Kedlcaa Profession, sad all vibe=
11 rosy .
Phosphatine, or Nerve Food, a Phos-
phate Element based olein Scientific
Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin,
11. D. of Boston, Mass., cures Pulmon-
ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the human
system. Phosphatine is not a Medecine,
hut a Nutriment, because it contains no
Ve.;etable or Nlineral Poisons, Opiates,
N irc,tics, and no Stimulants, but simp
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
found in our daily food. A single bottle
is sufficient to convince. All Druggists
sell it. $1 00 per bottle. I.ownzN &
Co., sole agents for the Dominion
55 Front Street East Toronto
Under a contract with the county of
Syracuse, N. Y., Mrs. Freland receives
pauper babies, and also takes childr-n
for young women who don't want to be
bothered with them. A child, which
recently died on her hands, was found
to have been left out in a w.axished all
night while fatally i11. Other babies in
her keeping were starved to a pitiable
c onditien. Mrs. Freland says she in not
paid enough to keep them properly.
The /infest, beet and cheapest medicine
in the world is Dr. Carson's Stomach
and Constipation Bitters. Sold in large
bottles at 50 cent., by all Daug Lista.
Begs to acquaint the ladies of Goderich
vicinity, that she is now showing
Sp* add Sauer Misery
.tt her shop, Hamllfon Street. in great and
heautlfnl variety. She has secured the ser-
vices of a city milliner, and feels asnored that
she can give
She ho sus to he favored with a t nit from her
patrons. and the ladles generally.
-Tboeaawderee Of gra rM
et thrlrt7mrolsb
a A sttltharpn fro d
by the use of t he m-r'est
SL1 BSy,R 1 BE
Till the 1st ofJauuary
ONLY 50 Cls.
Now is the time to Subscribe for a
The Huron Signal
Local & General
Newspaper in the County of Huron.
Subscribe Now I
wtMsh pdHidawti 010 so 1..,,111
lewv �1e•�em of .��femA�Kisfk��re�.a.
[mfg ws��� 1efker��f��� 1
Asst RwvwAn,
nolo Anent M OM.rl.b:
Begs t., ,.nnounoe to the potpie of Goderich and this section of Huron, that he 1.s.
I,..tehased from 14r. A. Phillips his stock of Groceries, etc., and will
continue rhe business in the old stand, on the
Corner off Victoria, and Bruce Streets.
Hating bought the gouda for cash, and as 1 intend to make all my {purchases from
wholesale men for cash also, I will be in a position to sell at
Very Low Prices for Cash
My stock will always be fresh. I will keep the best brands of teas, good sugars,
and everything in the grocery line from the best producers. Bacon, Spiced Meats
rte. , ale ays on hand in season. I am determined to please, both inquality and rice
Aer'Call at the stand, Victoria .meet, pposite the FairirGrund, near D. K
StU,eterc machine .hop. _ S /� %= FT
li.alrrich, 'larch 9th, 1892. �I �r
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Hamilton Street, Goderich.
-1 good ..... rtmcnt of Kite1...., lied -room, Ininit(g Room and 'Parlor Furniture, emit as Ta
Wes, (*limits (hair, cane and wood seattdt, cupboards, Bed -steads, Mattresses, W.sh-stao
Lounges. Sofas, What -Note. I oolit.g (iluse41.
N. It. -a complete assort mewl of Collin* and Shrouds always on band into* Hearers fcr h
at reasonable rates.
Piet lire I ramin¢ae[•t'e nl:�.- :'. t511!olicitrd. 1751
cSt Weddu�^
Be.; t. announce to the Fel lit '1;.t t1ay hate opened business in the above St roe
in the At•.)e lately occnpirti 1•c I . ibte Newton. Having purchased a large and
well assorted stock of : 1 1 in g 11 cl t 1 n it ft Goods at else figures, we are determined
tit Ri%e the Public the'behetit.
7'11 -Please call and examine "; r e• •'ds before purchasing elsewhere.
?.3rReulember the place. at ,. oleo r to J. Wilson's Drug Store
r+: ('u..tonl Work will it et ick • ur r}ecila attention.
..• None but the beat of ►.i4t.-itut used and tint -class workmen emplo3.1.
1 ..rah leg neatly dont . 1.:1 r a1:, •rtt it notice.
(loderieli,March 9.1S&. [�OWN1N0- & WEDD.UP
Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the
Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying
off gradually without weakening the system,
all the impurities and foul humors of the
secretions ; at the same time Co
Acidity of the Stomach, curingonen_
sonans, Dyspepsia- arturn. H Oonstaou pstion.
Dryness of the Skin, Droysy, Dim-
ness of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Bhaunt
ItrydDelas, Scrofula. E'litteringot
the Heart, Nervousness and General
Debility ; all these and many other simi-
lar Complaintsyieldto the happy influence
Sample Bottles 10c; Regular size $L
For sale by all dealers.
T.11111111:116 • to.. Proprietors, Toronto
Cures Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Or
sentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sick-
ness and Summer Complaint ; also
Cholera Infantum, and all Com-
plaints peculiar to children teeth-
ing, and will be found equally
beneficial for adults or children.
Proprietors, Toronto.
ST2!C'LY P:111,E
• 5
- (v._._.. -sows r albad11.041111110.. . r�
atop •- :rate: r Ma* noequal.
It containr *Opium In any fort►
The Great Western Railway will run
their excursions to MANITOBA and
DAKOTA points during May and June
every two weeks, commencing TUES-
DAY May, 2nd, 1881.
Fares Reduced.
For nforntation, tickets, etc., apply to
Special Agent Great Western Railway
God erlt•h, Ont.
uolerich, Anrtl.28. 18,2. 1535.
AT Alf13 H URE
14 Rernmmended by Pbrslctane.
Catarrh of the Nasal Cpvlty --Chronic and Ulcerates,
Catarrh of the Ear. tie erhro tt It Is taken
INTERNALLY, and- acts IRLCTLY exon
theBlood and Mucous Pram of the
System. It is the best load Faruk.,
-in the WORLD, and Is worth ALL
that i charged fur It for
THAT alone.
1_t IN THo MARKET -say
sY l 0Ymat�rt. 11 •'m to ;anal• $ 00
Wet.Lsen, (Pb.,s.Manila 9� lasl<
My 11111. .augt.F•t way tlwa:.J wt* asaarrb
'or two ) 5am, an 1 was v4 web bee.ateed by
tee use '.f Haal'e Catarrh (tug'V Abe IS wow
• .out cure .. W. T. SOUS&.
% ot.LArn, On:, Marc). 20. 1i.
1 h••ve need " Hall's C.terrb Can,' ee.1 jada
1,., n ti,e g +o.1 reeulM I •),dead from owe
.•ales, braev. it .1 sun the most stubborn
• .we of • ararrb If 14 twee be ewtlnoeJ for a
�u"uai.le Ieutth of time.
WILr.(9(t. Oat, 'herb tri, Paola.
_.tres fC••..Teirda,O.
Nears -Haire en4•1 H•Il'e C.Nrrh Cure for t).o
sl) ear, soil It gives satire eanefaet.em.
,•wan trulS
H. W. H0itW)N, Dragftst
Hall's Catarrh Cure
mid by a0 wholesale az:lires=mit bromism
i t'eata a Bottle. Iii IA° a DOA
The oaly gsneine Halla Catarrh Cents rtitt
nfertnrad by P..1 CH IiN*T A CO.. ?plods, a
sees ware of Imtteei-os.
Aoit.d for the Onta.4, train by
H. W. HOBSON, Welland. '
Perry Davis & Son & Lalllre-Gil, GEORGE RHYN
Ilot,s *arm.