HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-09-08, Page 6Kon
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blhe Poet's Corner.
•ies'e Vernet N ear "Gerd-R•trallag.'
Dunt forget to say "goal morning".
ejiusbaud, when you leave your door.
For the duds of the office,
Or the labors of the anon:;
Press a kiss upon the fund lips
Of the wife you leave behind,
Lighter far will seam your day's work,
As tuucoil that kiss W mind.
Ilona forget to say "good-niorn.ng. .
To the children. parents all.
When you meet their loving glances.
At the early morning call;
Say it tenderly and fondly,
Say it ever with a smile,
It will please them as they scatter.
And may keep their hearts from guile.
Don't forget to say "good -morning -
To your teacher, little lad.
She has left her home to meet you,
And today she may feel sad;
Ureether coming with these kind words,
And her smile will soon return,
Cheerfulner will make your lessons
All the easier to learn.
during an iliums which overtook her
'•Oh, Miss Fay, is it you r' said
Harry. "Do you work hetet Upon say
word, you seem to be in very comfort-
able quarters."
"But I don't stay here all the while,"
said Flora, noting how his glance wan-
dered from dilditi` to fresco, A:miniater
carpet to brimmed chandelier, "I sew is
a little dark room, where there is a stiff -
ling smell of awl gas, and no carpet on
the their."
"I've come for a dream, said Captain
Drake, plunging headlong into his sub-
ject, after the fashion of men in general
--"my sister's dress. She is to be war.
rind next week, and some of her friends
ewxed her to have her dress wade here.
Miss Fortealue-she's only my half sis-
ter, you know," in answer to Flora's
look of questioning surprise; "but she's
very nine, and is going to starry well, I
"It's the mode colored dress," said
Flora with brightening eyes "I helped
to trim it myself. Yes, it's all ready."
And presently madame carte smiling
in, with the bill, and the dress folded
neatly in a white pasteboard box, and
Captain Drake departed with a din: ides
that Madame Molini perfectly compre-
hended the art of high charges
Miss Fortescue herself came the next
day. She waa a young lady not lacking
in quiet resolution. She knew her
right and was prepared to defend them.
"Where is the material I tient ?" said
she to Miss Fox, who was in attendance
in the reception room. "It is Rut all
made up into the dress. I had purchas-
ed enough for a new waist and sleeves,
and it is nut here."
"You must be utiataken," said Miss
Fox, with au aspect of quiet impossibil-
ity. "The bias puffs and fold cut up
the material shtocki ngly, and
But at this moment, little Flora Fay{
who was packing some tullet capes and
tiachus into a bandbox et the back of the
ruuni, ruse and came forward, with
deepening color.
"There are two yards and a Half of
the node -colored silk, Miss" Fox," she
interrupted -"don't you remember ?-
On the shelf in the back room."
Mina Fox colored and bit her hp.
J Madaine Molini, with ominously -dark-
ened face, twitched the two }r,rds and a
half of silk off the shelf, folded it into a
paper, and handed it to Miss Fortescue,
muttering something about "a mistake
trade by one of her young women;' and
the young lady departed a little` dubious
as to whether or riot the fashionable
dressmaker had intended to cheat her.
She had hardly closed the door be-
hind her, however, when Madaine Mo-
lini turned upon poor Flora Fay with a
scarlet spot growing in each cheek and
lips closely compressed.
"Young woeian," said she, "you are
There's acharm that seems to follow
Every greeting word we say.
Our "good nights,- and our • good moru i Ugs."
Chase unkindly thoughts away,
They give rest to tired watchers --
To the weak impart naw power.
While the good within the greeting
Semis to fall onevery hour.
ed brother in the world, came there
nearly every day; and little Okra, all
uncou.eious of her own feelings, began
4o watch for his daily visit as a helio-
trope blossom watches the sun.
Until, at last, there was talk of an-
other long voyage to Japan, aur then
Flora grew pale and nerI our again.
"I -1 have been here lung enough;'
she said. "If I go to the Exchange
Bureau, they will perhaps tell ate of a
new situation. -And 1 need a charge."
But Captain Drake went straight to
the rout of the matter.
"Flora," said he, "are ybu unwillinY
I should sail to Jeddoi"
"I always had a horror of the mea,"
whispered Flora, hanging down her pret-
ty head. "But of course, Captain
Drake, do as you please."
"Yes, of course," he answered, ab-
sently; and, when he was gone, Flora,
shed • few tears over the table linen she
was hemming for Mrs. Arkwright.
"How bold and untuaidenly it is of
me,"she thought, "to let myself care for
a man who does not think twice of me !
If he had cared one iota for me, would
he not have said so then?"
But the next evening at du,k, Captain
Drake sauntered in with that swinging
gait of bis, as if he was still treading the
deck of an outward -bound vessel.
"Don't run away, Flora," said he as
Now, girls, this won't de '" said
Madame Molini, pouncing in upon the
six pale sewing girls, dike a wolf into a
flock of lambs. "No, it will never do
in the world : I don't pay you all exor-
bitant wages to sit, around and fold
your hands, like fine ladies. Miss
Sedge:vick, we are waiting for that
lavender silk I5,len:line. Lucy Lisle,
why do you not go en with those' but -
holes ? Miss Fox, you will he ao good as
t0 change your seat from the window to
the middle of the room at once :"
"Brt, madame. I can't Ree there to lay
ua "•^s: ti::e Isis •stied Miss
"You mean you can't see the carts
'and carriages in the street, and the
type -setters in the window opposite
retorted Madame Molini, whose true
nomenclature was "Mullens," and who
had been a milliners apprentice in the
goodly city of York, before she set up on
sixth avenue as a French modiste.
Lucy Lisle caught up her work.
"I stopped just a minute, madame,
with that sad pain in try side," she said,
beginning to stitch away with 'eager
"If you're sick," said :ntadauie severe-
ly, "you had better go" home and send
.for the doctor. ' While you are here
your time is mine, bought and paid
While Miss Sedgewick, in self de-
fence, urged that she had not enough
of silk gimp to trim the polonai, ,, and
was waiting for more.
' •Not enough," shrilly repeated mad-
aine,-"not enough : 1 measured that
trimming myself, and I know that there
is enough. You may just rip it off again,
and sew it on higher up, and more
economically; and I shall deduct this l what ?'
morning's lost time from your wages : "I want no one in my service,' said
What's thatiFlura Fay -the modecolor-
ed side dress ? Finished ? And where are
the two and a half yards which were
left ?"
"I folded thein up with the dress
madame," said Flora Fay, an innocent,
blue-eyed young girl, recently from the
country, who stood in an unconsciously
graceful attitude before the fat and florid
"Then you wen e a goose for your
pains," shortly retorted Madame Molini,
as she unfastened the parcel, abstracted
'the piece of glistening, uncut silk, and
whisked it away upon a shelf. "Two
yards and a half isn't much, but it is
better than nothing,.
Flora o,teiled the innocent blue eyes
"What is she going to do with it ?"
she asked Miss Fox, hi a whisper, as
madame rustled nff to acold the errand
boy for putting too much coal on the
••D.nt you knew, little nilly whis-
pered Miss Fox, laughing. "It's what
she cabbages
"Cabbages ?" repeated Flora, in
amazement. "I don't understand you."
"You will, when you Bee the mode
silk made up into it sleeveless baa1ne
for madame," said the other, "trimmed
with gimp that was left from Mrs An• "But how did she come to lose her
bray's dinner dress. and the pearl fringe place ?' asked Capt. Drake.
from Mrs, l►asett's white damask ball -• And Mrs. Dodds, who liked to hear
costume." • the sound of her own voice, told the
Novel. Oussr s o a.- -With tine ..f
Beck's fits London Miewoscupes, which
fres .stern thytiellsid Brio era,
Thatcher, a chemist of 24 years
experieooe, has subjected June and white
wiener butter to a eereful comparison.
The wbstauoes wanting iu the white
t utter have thus beau traced out and I
supplied to perfection with his Orange
Butter Color. The microscope is truly
an instrument of worth and wonder.
echoed Flora. "For
Mr. Ww. Ranson, of South Norwich,
says Fur sixteen years I ■uffered from
Biliousness, never had any wediciue
done we any perutaneut good until rt -
cowmetided by our druggists. (.1. Wes
new Fish &o., (hterville.) to try Dr
Carson's Stomach and Constipation Itlt- ,
tan, which have done ate wore geed
than any medicine 1 have ever taken. 1
would, with the utmost oonbdenee, re-
commend thew to all suffering frnn Bit
liousotus, etc. Sold by all Druggists at
50 cls. • bottle.
There will be • bicycle race at St.
Thomas, un the 22nd, between Petty
Dolittle, of Aylmer, and Fred. West-
brook, of Brantford, for the champ •
ship of Ontario. A salver cup, •hick
will be gives to the winner, is on exhihi
tion in Hermit stall's window, Bt,TlH4aar.
The match is to be on* of the sttrscti. i.•
of the Southern Counties Fair.
As a reined for Bea $eekss, f... sun
imta tion of th�
e stomach said bowels, for
canke r of the stomach aid mouth. foe
piles sad kamorreee, sad fur all raw ise
c.f bowel complainta, De. Fowlers M aid
titre, beery r ttsna.sai Una stsctM. 1
the girl caught up her work aid preps:. The scarcity el Y a� Ostia, 4 to
ed for a precipitate retreat. cootmess, will sadly .--'-w wish thy
"Did -did you want to speak to rater bee seas of merahiwaa ca Na West WWI
she faltered with downing eyes. tome
"Don't I always want to speak to you. p• M. cesealee. prll�tir, cif Wasar-
Sit down, Flora,.. said he, "and bear' down, under dere of Jen. 1 esttttiittss
what I've bees pluming. 'that 's I1t. Fol 's Utast ,1 Ari
"Now it is coming, thought flora, tMwbs.vy awl" use .se'iswd, when
with a sick feelingat her heart; 'be is tilos
tl�et>L loci flhw ix area s..
the reetcwe, and I bird dee shies wee slid
ptoilig to be married, and he is goings t.. ,fic,‘„,„micesriff tesemeaset y j. a.u. civ
tell toe .. cures all Bowel w.ssphesa "
'•1 have decided to give up the sea
faring business," said Captain Drake. . Is a wuoderful the yea so .nowt. 5.
"Have you?" fluttered Flora faintly, ' rcaa n•jale. Why) f f vcre haw bed
madame, ''who is too conscientious to
fulfil my wishes. You have intermed-
dled unwarrantably in the matter of that
silk, and I repeat that you are no longer
in my employment :"
So poor little r lora went crying home,
with a vague comprehension that she
had been discharged because she had
spoken out the truth.
It was nearly a fortnight afterward
that Captain Drake noticed tht absence
of Miss Fay from the table at the board-
ing house.
"Is your little blue-eyed lodger ill,
Mrs. Dodds ?" he asked. "I dent think.
1 have seen her of late."
"I am so glad:"
"And I've bought a farm in Connec-
ticut," he went on -"the old Berkahire
fare, Flora, where you were born and
brought up; I'm going to be a farmer,"
She looked at hint, the ruse and lila
following each other acruss her cheeks.
"Oh:" she cried, int,duutarily, "if I
could only see the dear old place once
"But „I won't go there to live," said
the Captain, determinedly,"unlesa you'll
go with me, Flora, as the farmer's wife!
What do you think of it little girl? Shall
it he & partnership?"'
And when Mrs. Arkwright carte in
the papers were all sealed, and delivered
the "partnership" was a foregone con-
"I don't know how I shall succeed as
a farmer," said Captain Drake to his sis-
ter; "but if little Flora here is only with
me, there's nothing in the world I
haven't courage to undertake."
And when Mr•s.Arkwria_tht took Flora's
hand in her's the girl whispered:
"I think I aqt the happiest creature
in all the wide world to -night. Because,
dear Mrs. Arkwright, he loves me:"
"No, she is not ill, said the landlady.
"That is to say, not exactly sick. But
she will be if oho don't' lookout. She's
hoarding herself, Captain Drake, on
bread and crackers, and such like, }our
clear ' and wasting away like a shadow;
because she's lost her situation at that
dressmaking place, and don't sec her
wny clear to another. And she won't
run in debt, she said, not even for a
meal of victuals. Alt :" the geed wo-
man added, "1 can remember wlien she
was the pet and darling 3f the old folks
at home, before they lost their all, run-
ning abut among the daisies and butter-
cups like a sunbeam."
"But you don't mean," said brctthlcss
Flora. "that madame takee the silk that
is left from the customer's drawees?"
''1..sxle !•' cried Miss Fox, "don't
talk nonsense any longer. Its what
t very fashionable dnssisaker dots, and
ings of gossamer; toe weak acid dragging
to rally; too aersume M Weep; an app.*
tits hardly sutgiient to keep b✓.11v awl
soul together. headache, •nth pair
',erose the hack; the whole system Silas
ed; perhaps coughs and awe lungs': and
will use one W sax betties of 1h. G. L
Austin's Phosphetuw se the case may
dettaud; it will not fail to utake y, u au
enthusiastic friend. R by do we say
thus 1 Because i'hosphatine supplies a
want, t)ir rare prof.rrties the npntent whet -L-
ing 0041 ye.Irni0y Jur. It is not a Medi
cine, but nutriment instantly converted '
into blood, bone and tissue. It is else! I
delicious to the taste. Try it. The re-
sult is as certain as that cause and effect
go hand in hand.. All druggists. Low -
DEN & Co.. Sole agents for the Dt,mi-
nion, 55 Front St. East, Toronto.
Importing and Breeczi—
ass —
Osmilne the choicest cathartic prlaciplm 'I
in medicine, la proportions accurately�d
lusted tot�assure .ctiviggq6, certainty,
ol years of ocar,tul study ind per ottoalssx-
perimene d are the most effectual rets-
edy yet diand for diseases caused b
deran`emsat of the stomach. liver,
bowels, which require pt
dual treatment. Areas PILLS are spe-
�cially ss to this clam of &maws.
� �act dateolly on the digestive and
sslhatiative plesae.u, and restore regu-
lar healthy s•tias. Their extensive use
_ V their practice, and be
grilses, is one of the many
- aM15a as a safe. sure, and
seNsble purgative medicits..
4.mp.et ded of the concentrated
vis of vegetable substances.
Stay nes bee from calomel or
�eepertles, and can be
le children with perfect
Ad's Pn.0 are an effectual cure for
Qewgs4Nbw or C.estiveaesa,pindl-
11=1.4Duswe611411l+oes Dlaa4
Masai, s nalLeio of Memory,
MaaSwea% Jaundice.
and Ufa
r$, Wones.
llroe, .ordDiarioaf
Mow ttrs o
j ether diseases tesult-
fragamem.�Iedsawd state of the digea-
Asa 1plea.r pt11 they hare no equal.
lib la their action, these
Pea nasal difigiegh sod sesrl:h-
_ baa — be employed, and
grim Wee tie bowels are in-
influence heal -
om .1.- - the appetite
dBMs; Ow operate to purify
the bleed. and impart re-
lis1lih aad vigor to the whole
..instal sad Aaaistteal Chewable.
Lowed. Mass.
DT a• • aaDeela11 araarwusaa.
.a Neighbor
Gave me a dose of Dr. SMITH'S GER-
MAN WORM REMEDY and it removed a
large number of worms from my chil-
dren, after all so-called wor.n medicines
failed.-THos. McEwooTr, 51 Ander-
son street, Montreal. '25 cents. Sold
by Jas. %Wilson, Goderich, Ont. 2
Tories and the Sheriffs.
t )ne of the greatest outcries against the
Mowat Government is that it took from
Shettiffs the power of appointing jailors
throughout the Province. During the
last session, the government of Sir John
took front the Sheriffs their position as
returning officers, the excuse being #hat
they were not trustworthy men. If they
are not sufficiently reliable to snake an
election return, will our esteemed Tory
friends say that thy/ should be entrust-
ed with the appointment of men to re-
spoigsible offices ?- ln:nden Advertiser.
The indications of the approaching
season neem to threaten am unusual
amount of the various forms of bowel com
plaint.. Our readers would do well to
supply themselves with some reliable
remedy like Doctor Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry, as a safeguard against
sudden attacks of Cholera, Morbus, Colic,
Dysentery, do . , that unless promptly
treated are often suddenly fatal. 2
The Tecumseh (Ala,' iron furnace late-
ly clew out, after continuing in blast over
seven years. This is said to be the long-
est continuous blast ever made by any
furnace in the United States.
whole story. Scrofula is a depraved in nditition of
its a shame cried the captain. the system often hereditary, and cherac- I
"Just what i say myself, '.nodded the I terized by indolent tumors, glandular
�affections, bad blood and a low condition
of that.:; that tends towards consump-
tion, which is realy R: rofula of the Lungs.
Burdock Blood Bitten cure Scrofulous
diseases from A pimple to an Abscess, by
by purifying the ).hood, correcting the
creti.ins and giving a healthy tone to
each organ. 2
And the next day, Miss Fortesbuo
who was Mrs. Arkwright now) came to
ser Flora Fay.
There's the reception rem 1x11," "it is all my fault,' said she, with af-
.hrilly called madame. "Miss Fay, fecuonate vehemence, "that you lost
answer it at once :" your situation and eh, if you would on -
Harry Drake was standing in the ly come and stay with roe, and help me
pretty room, all glistening with satin with the selling for my new house, I
drapery, gilded moulding and huge ear. should esteem it such a favor : Would
rocs, when Floee•came in --Harry Drake. you, please ?'
tht young sea captain, eau boarding at "Are yon quite sure that i can make
the same toilet and inexpensive house myself useful?" sail Flora. a little hes-
w:iere'Flora was allowed a hall bedroom itatingly.
at a rcasr,nable rate, on account of Mn. "Yes, quite," said Mrs. Arkwright.
[odds having ones boarded a summer And, in the Runny atmosphere of the
at the (Id Fay farm beam up among the bride's pretty home, the young country
Berkshire hills, and still retaining a girl seemed to expand into a different
L,ni rer,llertinn of Mrs. Tar's kindness creature Cent. Drake, the most dtvnt-
neatened Dream ante &:rate.
Mrs. Helen Pharvis, No. 331 Daytea
st. Chicago, Ill., is now in her sixty-
eighth year, and states that she ham suf-
fered with Consumption for about ten
yeas, was treated by nine physiei.,ne,all
of whom pronounced her atm hopeless
She had given up all hopes of ever roma-
Eldren bottles qt Dr. King's New
DW very for Oonsseplaos eevapi Lely
eared her. Doubtingones, *set
her a postal and satisfy yourselves
bottles free at Rhvras's iDrug Store.
Large site •1.00 1
Never Give fp
If you are suffering with low and de-
pressed spirits, h.ee of appetite, general
debility, disordered blood, weak consti-
tution, headache, or any disease of a
bilious nature, by all means procure a
bottle of Electric Bitters. You u ill be
surprised to see the rapid improvement
that will follow; you will he inspired
with new life; srength activity will re-
turn; lain andmisery will cease, and
henceforth you will rejoice in the praise
of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a
bottle, by Geo. Rhynas.
he moat wondertul curative remedies
of the present day, are those that come
from Germany, or at least originate
which has never been known . to fail in
curing a single case of impotency. sper-
matorrhtea, weakness and all diseases
resulting from self-abrtse, as nervous de-
bility, inability, mental anxiety, lang-
uor, lassitude, depression of spirits and
functional derangements of the nervous CORN BEEF,
system. For sale by druggists, or sent
free niy mail on receipt of the price,
$1.00 per box, or nix boxes for $0.00.
Address F. J. CHENEY, Toledo, 0., Geo.
Rhyne', Side Agent, Goderich. 1843.3m
Wayne, Da Pane Co , ▪ 8. A_
t30 miles west of
A pMR Z-
L:o%aa AND SAXES TAXES harmmbeen ea M
f�ryo". Frewoe N gA4 we or
ail r tis hire et r^�^ /mew
aft I.a.te.jarepe for east ea* "OSA
entire numbor of Issosert-
e.r Prreis lferw• in Ams Mi ssaa NB ea
his him Ins frepertatlemi haws
Prise Winans dlie 11ists•i r�
ons Oeat
• Toil;
1 ale
ossITW4knff bh►erne, 1478 and
.t the LyMennial, Mite; nod. at We
l'Islas lair. 1$111, Mr. Disiaaam4 =arid
ef We tarot and Awwsaeaollestloap or
lora Bear d
ears at the Orme Ors•s Oboesd aid
Prisee1 of 11 d Seen/ eatd
1 ea applteation.Cweir
e name-
trst.ana and toeO PrsAMeu
rune. Order "CLT JL
& EVERY 212101000111110011
rums A reaamilnwi irAtuaoe
BECAUSE se▪ adese
moo, sn hennm wear►
end sell owe E ca ns the eine
Vasa say o assess.
ngesaI sear aiy topeweer d Is tea or ia:a-
(.,:, to theworid—tie BEST because lasers
*.Ot gum, but t.: Cos a highly poiiehee ler'
ace over the axle, reducers; fsiati n and
2E:honing tfe draft t Ow CMEAPtST u*'-
..:.gree It oasts NO MORE than inferior
brands. ;.nd one Dos will .ee the worn
' ei or any other make. Answers to eel\
for Ilarvt-ai.eiw, &Ia Grating, 7 hreshing Ya
• ti7`i Coro-Pt.et.ers, Canlaglx Beam
a eel.. a3 for \Ws•,; ms Ctt*R NT UD t
rf contain NOPetroleum. Sby
.; (Ina -Qtr' Ib tat C,e'op"tia f TA:.,J4 trwtA
I -A)le'rf,i.1 malted free.
ata Hudson St. New Ilo a.
Cleveland. O. and Ceieamm, t,1•
5eMOE:. RO•'iR0ACO. Toronto,Ont.
I . , . 1 terie ' •r the r. r: Imo t v
IUSICAII :I�►fit Il��S
•w AND
S� V'i1►�G M CHit1- S.
The s'Oscriber would Intimate to the peo-
ple of Ooderlch that he has decided to give up
husinesu in blot line owing to Ill health. and
j��/ V 1 �(1 that he is now prepared to ive exeaeption-
1 �JJIJ. ally good rtargatas. All waitinv
will find it to their advantage to call at once
us this is a GENUINE clearing sale.
glee Reward
Is offered for any case of Catarrh that
can't be cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Taken internally. Price 75 cents. For
sale by George Rhynas, sole agent' for
Ooderich. 1843-3m
e _
If Catarrh has destroyed your sense of
smell aid hearing, Hall's Catarrh Cure
will cure you. 75 cents per bottle. All
druggists sell it. For sale by George
Mynas. st.1e agent, Goderich. 1843.3m
Twesly-tsar years' Esperleure.'•
Saye an eminent physician, convinces
the that the only way to cure nervous
exhaustion, and weakness of the sexual
organs. is to repair the waste by giving
brain and nem e fowls, and of all the
remedies comp.ounded, Magnetic Medi-
cine is the best. See advertisement in
another column. Scold n Otelerich by
Jan 1Wilsnn. druggist.-- lm
Illustrated Floral Guide I
tar Iwit I. an tlepat Nana er I:M pee ••
1.. n 1 elered rules of flew sen, and I•er,
Nese/11 b
of the choicest Plow
,ttiM ani ibr
frVI esM� ('trn-
irw'p1�fs a
name se
and t writ �ta� • �/
i• not •tlttarter of Ir esM- Tt s
brthV rah•W 11
anter seeds dedaet the Miele.
t NW* MOW are tie IMO h th. wtwtd.
The IN/MAI Ot'ina wilt tell lee hew 10 Rte
and grow them
VOW* Picone nee fegrset. d.erM., t!i
��e•.4 C Phare, NU Reararlss . Per
lea Ferris la covert : g1.Mt le e . am tints.
1a Gonna&
101'5". lseetnly hwgentee-.1♦
Pa rin every wane toad
Ae Regnorlew�sii141er •1.h • ���es.rr�
Fire ('sates liar 0.tls. Reechiew Ns
sent for fe seven : trial hetes for le meal,
J&ws a tslri. se-SraYtt.i
$5to$20 l home. Ram,dt
L bre AdAn
Ttwanr A- t•� Maine
Christie Brown b. Co'E
Pure pio es.
Chas. A. Nairn.
Ana as
points In fires
lis brrka M lesou rt. 6 as
Ily, x.w Mexico, Arlaosa,
teas tool Tessa.
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Northern Pacific R. R.
Len Mogi : Lana Teat: ReM7r rOn lamwoet-
Nawrt rant AND manor TO •trr►tse
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Ind Me Mesa Goal M .r,
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J. Snereoi,
Canadian Far. Ag't,
Torono, Ont
Oro i1 .fowxsms,
Ticket Agent Orwderich