HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-09-08, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. SEPT. 8, 188t 2's'Mglil. tiut•lanr-L Heaver. - Although tiatuiday's rein Weir some vi our fer- nier* back in theisliarveisting ol.eretiom, nearly aj1 We sosideted their garner- ing, arner in , and Dose by the land ready for fall wheat awing. The berm are full, and stacks id main mood fpr lust of covering awaitisigthe t1besljher.1 The .c __ .crop has bees as If large one, and ths� tbrwises ve an immense amount a work before them. Township FAL, WMSA4.-Mr. David Purvis, Huron Road, had a little over one hund- red loads of fall wheat this year. Mouse Waiter. -Mr. Thomas Gor- don, 8th eon., has bought a farm in Michigan and is moving onto it this fall. biotin {Vont[.-Mr. M. Donoghue, of the 6th oun., Goderich township, bound 1873 sheaves of trate in six hours and three quarters on the Stith Aug. Tau. Bievino.-Hugh McQueen of the Take shore .road, one day last week cut sad bound uue hundred and fifty al( zin sheaves spring wbe.it. Hoita AGAIN. -Mia Ida E. Cryd man, of Porter's Hill, has returned hunie after a six weeks' visa to Michigan. She looks much better after her trip. FisentiD,-Mr. George Sturdy, with his usual characteristic smartness, fini-h- ed harvest on the 28th of August, he being the first as usual. Hoses Dian. -Mr. Edward Slatery, one of our eutsrpci.0 steam thr�eesehers, lust a fine horse the other day,indaman- tion was the cause; it will Ouse hard on him u this is the seound he bis lost this fall. Lases Ayouwr,-A few days since Mr. W. Perdue threshed on the farm of Mr. John Rathwell, Hayfield conoession, tJ00 bushels of wheat in less than 10 hours. This was very good work, con• sidering the condition in which vrain is in this year. Accxnner.-On Thursday last while a threshing was in progress un the farm of ,I„hn Smeltzer, 10th con., a young man ..�.xl Hiram Hill, in stooping over, err• eek ' s forehead on a knife in the 1 . •,•r's hand, cutting to •. the bone. Ne.; Era, were all dressed in navy blue silk, the latter being Miss Sarah Cante'ou, of Goderich, and Miss Belina Fluudy, of Uullett; the en were Messis Hebert Fly and Arthur Cau1sfun, end after the ceremony tbe h. jiM ouuple left by the 4 o'ulesk traits os Wein- er% un their wending tour to Niagara Fags, Teresa) sod other plseea Dmperstss Piga-A very aatruig inbiiest emend at Irwiu'a pond, one day last weak. Mr. White, of Mitchell, had taken a drove of 60 pigs to the ata thou fur shipment, but as they were very hot, he was told that he might owl these off by allowing them to bathe 1n the {sad. Ahoy were acourdiugly turned loose and eagerly plunged into the water, where some of them began to in- dulge in *11 sorts of maim. As soon as Mr. White found the waiter was deep, be became alarmed, and when a jolly porker would go under the water or turn up its feet in the air, he would shout out "It's drowuiutg, "its dreier losing all my looney,” and sexesl who witnessed the affair were c ,nvulsed with lacghter, knowing that a pig randy drowns. If any one wants to make Mr. White atigry, all they have to do is to ask him if he won't cool his hogs. - New Era Straw is so plentifnl in Raleigh that wore of the farmers have burned their stacks to get rid of it. That dues not say much for the Raleigh farmers. Mr. Spurgeon recently made this re- mark: " Doubts about the fundainentals of the gospel exist in certain churches, I am told to a large extent. My dear friends, where there is a warm-hearted church you do not hear of them. They do not come near; it is too warm. I never saw a fly light on a red hot plate." Holinesville, Aug. 23d, 1882. Council met pursuant to adjournmout. Members all f•reeeut. Minutes of last meeting read and jammed. Letter from County Clerk read, stating that the sum 'of $2,397.51 is required from Goderich Township for county purposes for pre- sent year. Moved by Jos. Whitely, seconded by James Laithwait, that two mills on the dollar be levied on all the real, rateable and personal proper.y of the township fur county purposes. That a further sunt of two mills on the dollar be levied on sante property for township purposes, and that the clerk levy the different status required by the several school trusteen fur the present year on the seine property -Carried. The clerk to prepare .& by confirming above for next meeting of Council. Medical certificate Ervin Dr. Worthing- ton, Clinton, was read, stating he had examined one Joseph Miller, and that the latter's age and infirmaries unfitted hint for earning a living, and that he is a proper subject for aid from the town- ship. Letter from clerk of Clinton, road stating "that the amount to be paid by Clinton toward the opening on the Hohnesville and Colborne Riad was paid at the tirne the road was opened," the letter was considered unsatisfactory, if nut evasive, no sum being mentioned as paid. An impression existed in the minds of the Council that the sum prom- ised was largely in excess of that which they understood was paid. Moved by ,iohn Cox, seconded by J. Laithwait. that the following sums be paid: -John Wier, repairing culvert 16th con., $1; S. Plummer, pathinaster, fur shoveller* ,4 gravel 16th con., $7; C. W. Williams, pathmaster, for same Maitland con., l3 .1. Shanklin, cutting hill 6th con., $6. ; J. Whitely, pathinaster, fur shoveller* f gravel 7th con. , $3; R. Bray, indi- gent, $10; J. Cokely, lumber for culvert and bridge and spikes, 17th con., $8.70; 1• Long, repairing culvert Bayfield eon., $1.50; R. Hanley, balance on gravelling, $1. Council adjourned to meet again first Monday in October. -JAMES I'AT- mw, Clerk. Clinton. EX HAI EE a case of Dyspepsia or Iitliousness for 75 cents? It is awftilly unwise to agonize nn- dorthentany ailments arising from Dyspepsia, Indigestion Disordore Stomach and Liver. when this offer is made to you in your own home in ail sincerity, with an absolute certainty of oaring on. ZOPESA (from Brasil) cares Dyspepsia and Biliousness. A single dose relieves; a sample bottle convinces; a 75 cent bottle cures. It acts directly upon ;,ho Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys. Cleansin,, Corr'cting, Reg- ulating, Zopesa jived energy and vim to the Brain, Nerve, and Muscle, simply by work- ing wonders upon the Diges- tion, and giving activity to the Liver. Cut this out, take it to any dealer in medicines, and get. at least one 75 cent bottle of Ifopesa,andtell your neigh?, r bow it acts. It i+ wnrran•--d to cure Dy-'pepuia and litl- tousnrss. g-REMOVA' MISS STEWART Has removed' her millinery establishment to The Stand Recently occupied by Harry Smith. Mr. W. C. McMillan, of Clinton, has safely t.rrived in Hanover, .Germany, where he and five others have gone to sink oil walla He received, since the day he left Petrolia, board and passage pail and $2.110 a day for ayear. A Co ira1I r1BLi Ater. -On Monday some one administered poison to the beautiful trained letter belonging to Mr. L P. Davi:, from the effects of which it died soon after. It sus valued at $.300. The perpetrator of such an act must be devoid of all manliness. So Cane ifttrtr..---We understand that the idea of holding a camp meeting in this neighborhood this year, has been abandoned, owing to the holding of the general conference, which breaks in on the time and takes away three ministers who would have taken an active part in the services. Arrangements will likely be made whereby it will he resumed next fall. Mr. Kenneth McBein, the original owner of whet is m.w the village of Blyth is at present a resident of Mani toll►, having lately returned from Eng- land: A friend Ulla us that he is moon to be re -.Harried. He is now 84 years of ago, but evidently believes that it is not a good thing for a tan to be aloes. Ar Tinter. -i)r. Worthington. of this pleat, carries • pretty stiff shoulder, and the cause of it is the: -A few evening* since, while driving down the 14th con. of Goderieb tewisAiip, his horse got of the road in the dark and rolled over the side of an 'embankment, throwing hie wv,nl fest frust the hujgcy. fillegularty bailey was dos to either bores or .taw, bet it will he Irene time before he deetor get* over his broises. The store bas been fitted up specially trot- her. and with larger rremises she hopes to be able to give fuller astiefactioa than ever before. REMdEIdBER THE PLACE HARRY SMITH'S OLD STAND, TSE BQUbRE, G>FODERxCS_ HAVE YOU TRIED IT ? NEW DRESS GOODS A targe shipment of Fall Dress Goods STRIPED and BROCADED SATINS To notch in color (or Trimmings, COLBORNE BROS, G0DER,TCH F'OR TI I RTY RAYS IF not r° to your Druggist and get a bottle;af tate DO I KIONHAIR RESTORERJ•GDETT-ib‘i&R 8z CO. • You will find it to be the Gem of all Hair Preparations. R "oto ring Croy .r Faded Hale to its Natural color; Cleaning the scalp and giving it hell:hy and beautiful Appearan •c to the hair. Price SO Cents PEI Bottle GEORGE REYNAS, A0 -ENT 1tOR QOD�RXCS_ INSURANCE CARD. BRITISH ASS. COT, Te.etr•ro-Netablisbe 1833 PHO3NIX INS. CO'Y. et LONDON ()creasedl- Established 1782. HARTFORD INS. CO'Y, of litirrVORD, Conn -Esubllahed 181e.Risks in - Offices, the owestken rates byeHORACE HOshove first-cRTON. at The ttnderstgned is aims Appraiser far the CANADA PER. LOAN AND SAVINGS OO'Y Towner°. Money to Loan en first-class security, rout-. 7 to 8 per Cent Cbarges moderate. HORACE HOR'ION. Goderich Sept. 1e. 1880. resale .(lark Rcgiafcrrd. A GTHER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG. -- By casual otwervation, we find all land epteulators have • clear head and watch the ups and downs of property, tuns making large fortunes. But the whole secret its. they keep the system in a healthy condition by the use of THE rIiSEOF TER IVALLF.V.rraaarr\tai. We can safely say that hundreds come 10 Us. for the great lung and blood purifier before going went. head the follAwing statement. ‘,1-e could give thousands of the same kind 1f it were necessary. certify that i waw troubled with Catarrh in the heat. gathering of phlegm in thethsoatl choking and coughing at night for years, so could not sleep. often troubled with dull. We- iner feelings, pains In the chest and hack. After giving hundreds of dollars to doctors.. and gtving up all hopes. i tried the Paint Or THE VsLLA\. and am now able to do my work after seven year's sicknna." Mita. JAM of trcet o Very .10'1 Bimcoe Street, London, On V "The *hove statement' of my wife's Is ca rect. Jaws McNarL. For aeric by all druggtate, manufactured by 1'rof. A. M. shrieves, London. Ont. .Sample pecker 25 eta: five for "Loa Can bre had In Goderich of the fonetwIng drngRista: Jap. Mud. Jas. wfMee. V. Jardas. Gee. sad J. A. 11111181186. Ilir. E Fbnody, lat. edit.r of the Ke- swel, fuilowed the enures of many of the wisest o( ansa on Monday, when he tout unto himself a wife, in the person M Miss Kate Cantelon, .laughter of Mr. Adam (7antdoe, treasurer of (:,stench township. The bride ¶n1 bridesmaids -SPECIAL VALUE IN-. DRESS GOODS. t. These goods were bought at a discount oft wenty-flue per cent. ('all anti see them. FOR SALE. 2 Cases Prints Newest Patterns. J. C. IDETLOR & Co_ TUE SUBSCRIBER, FINDING 11 That his .+hole attention will be required tab sum Der in the management of the BIG HOUSE, will dispose of that property known ail the "WINTER BR. .N CEI,' situated on the Main Gravel Road, consisting of a capital house of ten rooms, with veran- dah on two sides, large driving house 60x22, stabling for ten horses, wood shed,etc.,togeth- er with one and a half acres excelent garden, well fenced. The premises are all new and in first -clam order. To a good man no reason- able offer will be refused Apply to J. J. WRIGHT, POINT FARM. Cioderlch, P. O. April 21st.1882. 1838. Real Estate. JUST R E C E I V D T.To , Al(I) LOTS NOS. 33 AND tai earner of Victoria and East Et rets, in the town or t;rslerieh, for sale cheap. or will I e .xchaogedfor farm .properly. For t,artiMars aappph�c to JAG NMA ILL. Arch ilek 1. MA,a �'rabb'r Bleck, or J. C. CURRIE_ anetionccr. --AT GHUHGE N. OLD'S SAUNDERS VARIETY STORE. NEw GOODS_ „ CUTLERY BIRD CAGES FRUIT JABS PLATED jt ..IRE COOKM G STOVES F1.\ C BASKETS PR ESER Vf G KETTLES JAS S J, UNDERS & SON. The Cheapest House Under The Sun NE): IJJOFt TO TILE; POST OFFICE. A large and w•le, t variety of GRAKD TECH RAILWAY. avzocucal �311 Gcderich 311E1111151 SS/ Ti.%r is to W:ne.pt•g.and re: ur:t nil 1s.• on At the low prices of 10 lbs FOR 4 " 3" $1.00 1.00 1.00 Try them and be convinced. 3F,1 stock Groceries is well assorted, and at priceswhich defy competition - have also opened out a cont;tlet.e atsgrtment of China, Glauware & Crockery Which I istend to eel( at 01111111 MIT FAIR ! And Agricultural and indnatrlal XHIBI TION For leea at the CITY of TORONTO 1 ('DO Prices. A CALL 18 SOLICITED. G.=. 1.1 THE SQUARE WILSON'S PRESCRiPTTON From 5th to 16th SEPTEMBER DRUGSTORE. $26.000 in Prizes. ral 8 -- M�dsoroott c V ger L1 1Sleek wlolck s�lila. Purr Lime Jwce et le�►aa ead guMre�consari* »PAR 5 GREEN. REEN. Grandest Brent of the Tear, ale al the Dr:nrilat ticket ufllcee of tle CODI- paayfr.nn Aagu.t Is' to September 30h Sn i titmice, goer to return within forty r:aystfrom date e issue Full che «l�J Wrrrfrwow. President visitors isseb year. the j0ae lbs whleh w111 Witon by nut card nataa shoushouldtbe a. rsessse,.t 1A at W. J. ns., e Tneon14. stir and tweet Destroyer for sale In B TT l'i'ef class ti.-ke a available '..1 all t!•c usual mutest. those try the lake routes inf Ittele meals awl her Its on the steatite, •r.Sarnia to l'oltingwasrt. to an 1 from i litho,. FARE FItOM GODERICI1 - Q:o:o,tvl • I•I-'it. 414*. ibC1J USI1 THE HIGlie OIIRTOFJt"STICE. TICE. Hamm i)Ivmsov. MAHAL!. Vs. Rale. ('OONTT Or HURON. ) 87 obi n of a Writ of To WIT: i Fusel I a,•iav, tseucfi out of Hct Matjc.ty'e ili,wh Court of Justice.. anti to me directed against the Lands and Tenement of lteid wt the snit to'f Geo. ti. Rirr•11 and execution A. Barrell. 1 hae sclxed and taken in cxccetion all the right. title. interest and equity .A redemption of the above named defendant ill and to that parcel of land situate, lying end being 1n the (:onntyof Huron in the Province of Ontario. and being composed of the South Easlerl, corner of the oast half of lot nominee twill in the eleventh concession of the FAst.•rn !Mention of the township of Ashaeld. rrratein- ing three quarters of an acre more or leis in- cluding meluding lot number eight and part of lot numherseven in the village of AltonvilleIn the County of Huron. Which Lands an)1 Tenements i shall oats for sale. at m Aloe in the (/wart House, in the town of Goderleh, on Friday 15. twenty-nlnt day of rteptember at the ivouref twelve of the Omit. t 110011. +. y;heiff s OTee, Dederick, Sheriff of Heron. June AIM tttgt. l ett1. tin At ,fiti SHERIFF'S BALE OF LANDS. Cotury or Hraow, 1 :it/ clause of a Writ of m war i Wiest /arias. Inagsgd SSt . lisi 11 ill \t\I 1 of Her Majesty: (7 ssty Cort sr the g of Huron. and to me (reeled qr Lands and Tenements 01 TWINS at N s the snit of .1teemeder Jis... 1 art taken 1n Eseentlos ad tb and equity of OF defendant. in and to teat *itwt tmahelyrZiaceiatildale.ta, {Fut eweety aerie .1 tae µ hi*vides eft to w 7 7 A large ,upply of Manserrat Lime Fruit Juice, and Lime Juice, Cordial, The' pun et and Lt et trar.d :n the Market. Makes a cheap, delicious. and WHOLESOME • SUMMER DRI N. KS. Jitat rcceivert a great lot of LONDON PURPLE rANO D� 14PARIS GREEN, For HEZ.LBORE FOR INSECTS, ETC_, ON SHRUBBERY. PERSIAN INSECT POWDER the destruction of all ktndilof insects. The new rot anal aumse poison. R O v G- s3 0 r1Z .A.'T's _ • POISON FLY i'AI'ERS, Etc. F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist. 3PHING AND SHIIER SITS LATEST STYLES TT G-1-1 D U 1\T Li O Fai,l,i ,nablo Tail,,r, {Vest Street Goderich.. ACHOiCE AS3ORTM ENT OF GOODS TO SELECT FROM. Now 1s the tin, + you while one tw awn n:e. moms at borne. to Dee untie-'. rn.•, . pop, , Ile tit o, 20,000 Robs of the Latest Designs lsaetlhl ceMws. and . rriews;eaa than very emelt Infer$w goods. ('a'I and etc them them (laielrer. at tis -Z 1 are the boot ',slue tat town. and most k( be so. noose Nheriff s Oaten. OJ..I e e. .Far isui a • M � .r«214711.J s.1 The latest Srillgi����;��t Paint's � Fashiolls, At $vTzr,=R's_