HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-09-08, Page 1• W ;Tp>J I; tU' - tt L-, r GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 182. few id•ertt.rwealS. Dross ' : . sats-Gtturte U.na Hoy w fated-.1p.ly At r1:. ,»j ., Catharti.• Pills -Ora. Bert; •i. entistry. NiCHOL4ON• lit7RGEON DEN - rti'r. Oil r tad ridden •e. West Street hrei, ; II' b .1 • r Ht•,:; of .,utrral. Ou.ie ri, h 1732 rpi\VI`f K PEit. DENTAL SUR- 1a44:t;JV,Hate with Trotter t Caasur.the 1 ri ll. . Ilan i* .* of Tosint.,., All operations II. -t. y and carefully ;erfnrott>1. W.nms, (' rr'. )i:.a i . nv.•r %V. Ta'lor s rt t4m's CL1K- Tu`t z•rPati.,ts from •distanee will please make appotutment in advance by mall. 1515. She People's Column. ,)FASTED.--TOLEABN THF. DRUG Rustness, a inspectable and intelligent la l Apply a• thtr oftice. 1tlSMt 1 ) iv' 1174r It %V - \MF INTO Tit E PHEW - 14 e of Pie undersigned, Lot 7, con. 10, W. I).. A-' Rol1. on the. Iftlt of August. a brown raw• ,r •h one droop horn. The owner 1s re- yn••.. to prove property. ppnnv exppeenses, and tax:, !•. - anay._I)AVIlt JOHNSTON, 143.i-1 Kiutall P.O. • G' 05D Flak FOR SALK-BEING ermpnree of lo: number 44, in the 14th sono -.'iii of the township of }fullett in the ('our,•• •.f lGtron,containing 100 acres. 83 acres clear ' balance hardwood built. For further part ors. app'. to 0AIt':UW .f• 1'ttot-DFL'OT. Barristers. ete.. 1 ail Sat Ooderlch. NOTICE. -THE FIRM OF HODGE & Haynes. sow millers. Rihepp(trdton.waa till, da • dissolved. A. Hodge will sell the loge ah 1 lumber on hand. and recelve'and pay the debts due to and by the company at this ' date. WILLI t9 PR 1tn►noT, > ARCH. Home. Witness.. R. T. IIArNE+. Sho-,pardton, 19th July. 1582. 18.3 -Int. ' I MCGILLICUDDY BROS. Puausug . i $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. NEWS ABOUT HOME. ' A •Itiefiouscag le. t dotes. .1a tattltt,ell gr'eaift . ?:NPN TOPICS. IN you W'WI a store 1 Or any goods In my line. If so call arid save money, G. N. Latvia. All overdue accounts mut he settled at once. W. S. Hart S Co. have a large quantity of Ntun and linen begs on sale for fat tiers' use, Jtewt•er than they can be pro.•ured elsewhere In Iota. n. `*trpt.ttrd Ss se!:ir,g an Immense o Uantity of Evan s n' a cent Iniac told price. Mr... l'ata- Lyue free. and ordered musts promptly se- curest. fall and see. Artistic card vignettes only $2.00 a dozen. cabinet vignettes $350 a down. copying and enlarging dose Iso not rfna♦ style. A flee assort oath of frames also at E. L. Johnson., 1:.•o. A. Hobson. Manager. There is nothing so gratifying to the eye as A lite -like photograph. Such an one will at once bring up in the mind of the penton who gaze* upon it the ha heat remembrances connected wftb The oi?(Ina1. gallows, the phototPapher, deals only in flet -class photos. Rev. .1. Wakefield is absent at Con- ference. Mies Margie 1\'ilkdnsom, is visi'ing itt Toronto. Mrs. W. 1Velah is visiting friends in Brabtford. Mr Booth returned on Saturday, from his holiday trip. Miss Trueman has returned home from her vacation. Miss Marian G000diuv, returned from London on Monday. Bengough, the /arricsturist, pronoun- ces his name Bengofl; Miss Burns of Bay City is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doyle. Mrs. Gordon, of Saginaw is visiting B''' fKBINDING. _-WE HAVE MADE, arrangements with Mr. 1). McGregor, 3•1the well-known bookbinder of Seaforth, to take orders for work in his line. All work done from the plainest to the most superb at w Tot -alto prices. priers left at this office will reatirehis psrsonal atteanon. 1853. vi Tti RENT.-TIIAT VERY CON - lenient house oorner of Newgate and F Alhe -'t streets for a n•tmber of years occu- pied M Mrs. Elwood, The house is in every la war a desirable one. For further particulars apply to Jou,: Bt:ti•'AENRIDxE Newgate street. 16641. m di H `NTP AND REES FOR GALE. -A t .\ number of ram lambs. got by a Provin- cial w ,tier. Also some ehoico hives of bees. it, For psi -Reuling apply to MATTHEW Lsvv, 4th T -,on. of Colborne. 1847-3m. CHEEP ESTRAY. -CAME ESTRAY. s I•--.7 ('pme on the premises of the subscriber. ei abont the beginning of June. a ewe. The owner is requested to prove property pay- chargJorsand take her away. k*KPH IfaTR- ER[S,;Tox. lot 6. con, 12. Colborne, Nile P. 0. °I IVYROFESSORC. J. NEWMAN, LATE cl London. Eng.. Academy of Music, m Organist of St. Georges Church. Goderich, will give lessons in Organ and Piano playing. Si sing,ng and harmony. For particulars nd- dres+. card of Miis Payne, Godcrich P. 0. ,moa -1801 T '4IS NETTIE SEEGMILLER, le leaving nom .luted her studies in music under Prof. Sipppi of London. and having re- 0 erred a oeriiticete, is new o•,••sare l to re- P cetve a limited numiber of pupils for Plano instruotto't. Mi.sSeennailleris also prepared to take orderi for Crayon Portraits. Satisfac- tion in every else guaranteed. Residence, f1 corner Cambria Road and Newrate Street. c lR SALE. -THAT BEAUTIFULF Building site. and buildings thereon. tI lots 414 and Sgt, in the town of Goderieh. be- tt ing the property owned and occupied by the lase Henry Horton sen. convenient to the square. NVIII be aoM in one Parcel or in lots w to su:t. Enquire of J. C. CURRIE, Auctioneer. c 1847. 4(C. WILL PAY FOR THE SIGNAL, C and pSubscribe at once, getor he fullalance benefitoof this o offer. 3fiebical. p E DR. HUTCHISON, DUNGANNON, r Ont. 1819 I (`I R. McDONAGH, 111.D., P1IYSIC- '.X. iAN. SURGEON. arc., Graduate of Tor i onto University. Licentiate of the Royal ('ol- I lege of Physicians. London. England. Jcc., Ie.. M. C. P. R. Ontario. Office and residence Opposite Bailey's Hotel, Hamilton street, God- erich. 17964m ' DR. MCLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- GEON, Coroner Ste. Office and residence Bruce Street, second door west of Victoria Street. 1731. ' G. MACKID, M. D. PHYSI- ' . clan, Surgeon and Aeonuober. Or rl ato 1 of Toronto University. Office opposite ('amer -on k Cameron's Bank, Lucknow. If not in *Mee. enquire at the Bank. 1762-y. I IRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, L Yay-aietaaa Surgeons, Aoconcbors, &o. •Ates at Dr. Shannon's residence, near the ra11. Goderich. 0. 1'. SHANNON. J. C. IlAwiL 11011, 1761. - Legal. TEWIS & LEWIS, BARRISTERS, Attorneys, Sollclton In chancery Ike. Office 1a the Court Howe, Ooderlch. IRA LEWIS. M.A., B.C.L. E, N. Lawns. tads. CI ARROW & PROL'DFOO'r, BAR T R1STER.9, Attoreeys Solicitors, etc Dederick. J. T. Darrow. _ . Presdfoot. 173 L. DOYLZ, BARRISTKR A ND fIdMllar in C • Oodetick. Quest. ' y17411.a. SAGER s MORTON, B A R R 1 8 - TSRe, Le Re.. Qs .ds set C. meager Jr.. Le, hem.WillIM d 6,16. 8 ►MALCOMBON, BARRISTER AND efftonmea emir Cherie ...vv. _ieriOwes --(brw of West serest CAII EEtrION, AT?O R K II T-t1AT- . LAW..nese s, a aeA1s. everr j . esaine .sfikilL Oat. boas at Mot rebs eT hasseest. ■two . !'1A CON. AOLT R 0•11.111111IL r sister Mrs. D. A. Frazer. Mrs. Elms, Nelson St., has been Citing' friends at Wallaceburg. eine Alex. Wilson, of London, spent a eek in Gnderich with rolatives. Mrs. Ronert Hunt, of Kippen, was siting relatives in'town, last week. Mrs. Capt. Rhyne" and the Misses erguson, left for Detroit on Friday at. Mayor Horton' arrived home from a malts' trip to the North-west on Fri- iy last. Miss Stewart,the well-known milliner, making tall and winter purchases in o Miss Minnie Hamilton is teaching in t. David's ward echoed, in place of Miss ac-llahon. An insane man named Joseph Wall, Ashfield was; committed to gaol on [onday last. Rita. Hayhurst and family, of Pal- erston, are tate guests of Mr. and Mrs. amuel Platt. About 78 persons went from here on u esday on the London and Port Stan - y excursion. Mr. and Mrs. Taw, of .Washington, nt., were the guests of Mr. Samuel latt this week. Mr. W. Park Grierson has returned un Portage la Prairie, where he pur- ased property. Charles Finlay Ross left for the Cen- al Prison on Tuesday East to put in his rns for burglary. Mrs. MacLay, of Watford, spent a eek in Goderich, the guest of Mis. {rierson, Brock St. There will ho a large turn out of loderich people at the Lucknow games n Wednesday next. Mr. Troy W. Savage was made a ha p - y roan last year, hut he is a happier tan now. It's a girl. Our bicycle riders are increasing in umber. Mr. J. Platt received a machine y express last week. Rev. Mr. Caswell and wife. of Dnn- annon, left for Toronto on a trip by the "Rtrain nn nThursday. ev.Mr. W Park, of Durham, is Udine Goderich, for the benefit of his ealth. He is the guest of Mr. (Grier - on. Capt. George McCulle.ch, formerly of loderich, has resif,ned his position at the lnchor Line elevator to take charge of Miss .11acMshon will not resume her duties as teacher in M David's ward school this season. It is much to be re- gretted, she being an eficieut and pains- taking teacher.. The bankrupt stuck of Wm. Camp- bell wee sold on Thnt'eday, and realized t:lc un the $1. Tho purchaser is T. E. Hay of Listowel, who will remove the stick to that town. (Mr old friend, Capt. Cox, has been l"idly pr.destiug of late ngainat the infraction of the town by-laws, whereby the Court House Square tens n risk of being converted into a goose pasture. Dungannon MU shite will be held in that villa ander the auspices of tate Ashfield Naseh Agritiukural Society on Wednesday, ()ot. 4th. • The posters are out, and a srt".d list a prises is advertis- ed. Mr. Jas. McNair, asssientan, has been appointed judge of Aire cattle at the Toronto Industrial xhibition, and hie services have also beets secured as a fudge of grain for the Western Fair at London. Mr, Ben. Armstrong hes been rather "under the weather" of late, and has not been abje to give full attention to his pupils. Be is improving, however, and intends taking a vacation for rest and health. O. O. F. Gussets Lowen. - from the report of the Grand Lodge of the Inde- pendent Order of Oddfellcws of Qntario we find that F. F. Lawrence, of Geder- ich, hss been appointed D. A M. for Clinton Lodge. Rev. G. A. Francis, returned to his home in Aylm-i after spending a week very pleasantly to and about Goderich. He preached in Knox Church, on Sun- day morning, Rev. Mr. Parks occupied that pulpit in the evening. WEST HIR(N FALL Snow. -The fall show, under the auspices of the West Huron Agricultorel Society, will be held in Goderich, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 19th and 20th Sept. Intending ex- hibitors are getting their geode in order. The apple -dealers are now on the road and auticipate a lively trade this season. The competition is so brisk that Geo. Old has purchased an additional horse to rush business. He says he is bound to get his share of what's going, or know the reason why. Dire. W. F, Gooding arrived at Bran- don safely with her charge, whom she delivered to their father, and then re- turned to the city of Winnipeg, where Mr. Gooding is at present. Her lett, Albert, met her at 1Vinnipeg, and ac- companied her to and from Brandon. Ir, the list of invited guests to the marriage of Mr. F. E. Macdc.nald, son of the late Senator Macdonald, and Miss S. A. Cook, daughter, of H. H. Gook, M.P., we observe the names of Rev. Dr. Ure and Mrs ere; M. C. Cameron M.P., Mrs. Cameron and the Misses Cameron. PHOTOOR.(PH Or THE COURT HOUSE. - R e tender our thanks to Mr. George Robson, manager Of E. L. Johnson's gallery, for a handsome photograph of the Court House. The picture is a clear, well printed one, and does credit to the camera owned by Mr. Johnson. Copies framed can be had at the gallery- at a very cheap figure. AN EVENING WITH TILE FAIRIES. -On Monday evening next the operetta of "Lail* ' will be performed in Crabb's Hall by a number of local amateurs, fen- der the auspices of St. Georee's church. The piece is one that will doubtless prove attractive, and the ladies of St. George's generally do well what they at- tempt. Young and old will likely turn out in large numbers on 31inday next. The Caledonian games at Brussels, on Thursday Sept. 14th. promise to be sec- ond only to those of Lucknow. Great preparations have been made for the holding of the athletic games. Se00 in prizes will be distributed to profess- ional and amateur athletes, and the lowest excursion rates have been secur- ed to Brussels and return so that persons at a distan,e may attend. Dinna forget the games at Lucknow and Brussels. . t. Cumberland. ROMAN CATHOLIC PICNIC; -The picnic Miss L-ttie Morris, of Colborne, has in c.ennection with the Blyth . C. Church will be held in Blyth on Tues- day, the 1 -9th inst. A good hand has been secured for the occasion, and a con- test for a silver cake -basket, between two ladies of the section will be among the events of the day. A string band will also be in attendance. A pleasant time is anticipatd,and a good turnout is expected. Admission to grounds and dinner 35cts. All are invited NORTH STREET MErRonitrr S. S.--Der- ed. ing the past few weeks North-st. Metho- Mr. Jas. McGregor, formerly of the dist Sunday School has Iost two very returned from a lengthy visit to Budaln, where she was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Harvey Howell. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carlyle and family, of the Paris road, Brant Co., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. McVicar, the parents of Mrs. Carlyle. Mr. S. H. Detlor returned front his Nor' -West trip, and has gone to Burling- ton, to join his family, in their holiday visit. Mr. John Dotter has also return - Winnipeg Free Prase, dropped in to see u• during the week. He is fast assum- ing aldermanic propnrtiens,and "booms," so to speak. Mr. John S000bis, of the Star Salt works,has shipped a tar load of headings ito Maxie l fou sumer barrels. and is likely to work up a considerable trade in that line. The G. T. R. station presents quits a planing as, being newly paint- ed a grey, with green blinds rutthe outside of the windows in the etatioe _aster's ease. The Atioetasy met with an O. (Admit streak with • carriage wheel while going kir a drive on Tose. day bet. Fortunately the results were not unmans, hat slight as they were the MM. that he had received injury ease. .J 116 aolIeltnr, Ited haloes excitement amongst the Ma- C..3odrrloh and \i -Ingham. M, (`, t e. ,* -,!t nts for the ire which he P Holt. M. G. ren. (➢ei.ttN. Q Mars,* vt-Inrbam 174. taro One year ago Sept. 5th, the celebrated dark day occurred itt which some per- so•'- thought the end of all things had cos7.•, and prepared themselves accord- ingly. Old Earth is still carrying her (righted treasure, and another year has been added to its existence since that memorable day. Wednesday neat will see in Lucknow the $rest Northern Games. Donald Dinnte, D. C. Russ, Archie Scott, E. W. Johnson and other well-known athletes will take part. The "peelers" of Huron, under Chief Currie, will have a tug of war with the constabulary of Bruce on that day on the Caledonian grounds. Tho day promises to cep all its prede- cessors. Rev. Fred. Sanders.•n, well known to many of our readeis as a gifted young minister of the Methodist church, has, unfortunately, disgraced himself while stationed at Jerseyville, near Brantford, by an undue familiarity with some of his congregation, notwithetandtng the fact that he is a mai tied man. Stoner than have a public repetition of the Brampton case, be has resigned his charge and eed- SUBMARINE WORK. blowing up the Nile with dynamite. Dua't you f•,reet to drop down and ex- amine the Esphtrer when gist comes in - A Chat with an Amphibi '1Ia to, the harbor, You'll find the auger holes under the limber -boards, eight on the starboard side and four on the port aide.- Gentleman. ide." Gentleman. Yaw Ilse e'alyda•1a was 11411.ett YI.er e.G r - Ya. la e•rLLOCOIs Mel'wlbamY as the Loot Explorer rsr is au intelligent keikirnpp nanoabout 5 Twelve atsat•r Malta area Flare nose. ft. Pin. in hight, asst is' of a made Cum- plexion. He is fluent, though not vole - On Saturday morning about ten o'clock ble, and seems to thoroughly under - the schooner Caledonia which wasstand the business in which he is engag- wrecked last winter up at Whiskey Is- fed. He is a resident of Part Hugon. land, about fifteen miles from Saugeen. was towed into Goderich harbor by the A starves ssus rerun ion. wrecking barge Victoria, commanded by. Capt. H. N. Jex, of Rat Huron. The !mildly. must he very destructive THE CALEDONIA of the Queen's Engliab, if we are to was laid up last winter. but br,ke from judge from the following conversation her moorings owing to the heavy gales which took place between a couple Of from the north west end was driven on our senting members of Parliament on the quicksands at Whiskey island. Capt Friday last, the day upon which school Jex, who [cakes a profession of raising re -opened. As the youngsters were wrecks,purchaaedthe foundered schooner about half a bl,.ck apart, the exchange and started from Port Huron on the 19th of words was not conducted in a low of Sept. to raise her, expecting to get key through with the job in a few hours,but, "S -s "Y -a -a -a -s. " "Ain't ye goin' to school i' "V1'hy?„ " 'Cause I ain't got no tee*, ain't got nnoto shlatn'., aiu't got no pencil, ain't get no- te denly departed to the States, i owing to inaccurate information concern- IIARvt.,r HOME. -We understand t :ating the vessel and the nature of the bed the Harvest Home under the auspices of I ° mf quicksand in which she lay, it took the M. E. Church will he held in the eight days to rinse her. It was found building formerly occupied by Mr. Wm. that two planks had been rubbed off the Arthur, near the show ground, on Wed- nesday,come Sept. 20th. Tables spread with out of her seams. The diver had to re - the choice products of the season will in- place the planks and atop the other site the appetites of all, and it is expect- leaks, before the Caledonia could be ed that the festival board of the ladies raised' of the M.E. Church will 1,e well patron- bIc(l Capt. Jex *as well-known enlisted l t by MrrditerRG. ized by the public ecnersily on that of Port Huron. Mr. McCullough, was al - Mr. James Trainor, as will be seen from the following clipping front the Chicago Tt,, e , has not. forgotten his frequent pulls en Goderich harbor: "A new boat crew liar been or,'iuize.l, consisting of, the following' members,' all of whom are employed in the account- ing department: Walter Moore, bow; Edward Burns, No 2; James Trainor, No. 3; L H. Wilson, stroke; Willie Avery, coxswain. They are now in training, and expect to participate in the regatta to be held at Pullman this fall." DROWNED.- A lamentable occurrence happened at Kintail on Sunday last. ()n that day Mr. John Ramsay, a sheemaker well-known in Goderich, who had of late worked for Mr. John Thomson, of Kin - tail, went in bathing. Shortly after go - in,; into the water, it is supposed he was seized -with a cramp, and sank and was drowned. The body was recovered and sent to , his friends in Goderich for inter- ment. The funeral took place on Tues- day last. Deceased was about 63 years of age and had lived in Huron for the past thirty years. He leaves a family of three suns and three daughter'_ CLINTON CAMPERS. -A party of Clin- tonites, consisting of Mr. John Cun- ningham, Mr. J. C. Stevenson. Miss Mary Callender, Miss Clara Calan - der, Mies Rose Cunningham, Mrs. Ruts and (laughter (of Manitoba),and Masters Tommy and Curtis Callander, spent a Pleasant time under canvas on the lake shore, on Mr. H. Y. Attrill's estate, daring the last week or two. The party had comfortable tents, and the weather being fine, they had a snug time of it. to number of Goderich visitors were hospit- ably entertained by the campers. A young lad named Yule while bathing at the month of the river one day during the stay of the party, helped their boat over the shallows, but was carried out beyond his depth by the current. Mr. Cunningham sprang from the nott and brought the lad safely to shore. No other accidents occurred during the visit of the party, who voted the 'camp" a first-class affair on their return home efficient officers in Mr. 11,. F. Moore, sup- erintendent, and Min K. Jamison, primary superintendent. Mr. John Mann, the active secretary of the school is about to leave for tit. Paul On Tess. day last the following persons wens slee- ted to 611 the recant pe6itioes : W, A Robertson. superintendent; Mies Susie Mahn secretary. mary : S. Meals. Parsons andj Lee, •naito$s of the Ors.t Western Railway. were is tetra hest week, closing up all the town ape - cies essleected with that mad -sews el the trunks of the amalgamation. Mr,t Jsiaslsa, (ioderieh, and W. Jackson, Qialos, eseerdia riy handed over ail the tiohsts is their poe.ssion, and their of - floes ars discontinued. It is anticipated that all town agencies connected with the Grand Trunk will be likewise die- crontimesd, bat orders to that eflect'hare t vet been issued -New Res so with Capt. Jex at the floating of THE LOST EXPLORER. In an interview with Mr. McCullough on his arrival in»Goderich, the Explorer became a t• pic of c'.nv-ersation, and the rioter aware. Before Mayor ilurton. 8e1't. ;,th,•1852. Thos Noble was charged by constable Yule with beim, drunk and disorderly tn the Sept. 4th. Defendanstreets r acknowledged dged theoffence and was fined $1 and costs, or, in default, 21 days in jail. The tine was paid. Joseph Robertson was chanced with a diver vouched for the truth of the ant- similar offence un the saute day by cot. - des that had recently appeared in the constable Yule. Defendant pleaded guilty Port Huron payers. a said: and paid $1 into the hewn treasury, with "The statements published are as cost'.. straight as a string. It was no object to ua to lie about the matter. I didn't (• J. CriminalCasrt. know Waddell or his antecedents, but Judge Tonu presidinx. when I was asked about the matter I I •, was bound to tell the truth. The Ex• I plop r, ,hen we kit her, Was Joseph Prince, the lad charged with "CLEANED petty thieving, was up this morning for OUT.' sentence. Sentence stayed, subject to There weren't any sails,b!. cks it tack- the call of the County Attorneys the• le ti be found on her; there wean t any bey s father piomising to remove to Par- ry Sound, and becoming responsible for there weren't any utensils; there wasn't the srn's good behavior. ?resestations to Miss Jamieson.. . Miss Kate Jamieson, who fur many years has been an active member of • the aboard to finish the business; the two North Street Methodist Church, was sailors got drunk, and married on Wednesday last to Rev-. D. Sept. ith. a dish it any crockery except one cup in the forehold of the schooner. She was a lonesome looking craft, I tell you. My own idea is that the two sailors and Waddell cleaned the loat,and then went WADDELL STAYED SOBER. Then she went down. The shyer holes in the bottom caused her to go down, and they were in all probability boreal beforehand and temporarily plug- ged. The plugs were likely drawn after tho sailors got drunk and were lockwl in the cabin. The cabin door was hocked when we raised the Ex- plorer . It had been pulled off with our grapnels, but the bolt was shut, and THE REV WAt ON THE oCT,IDE. ' We could not unlock it again until we hod poured any quantity of kerosene into the lock. The other diver saw the man lying in the cabin doorway, but was averse to handling a corpse under water. When I went down there were onions of putrid flesh, stringy, just like old cheese, lying about, but the [ran the other diver had seen, had been evident- ly Ideated over the side by the surging of the waters. If there was not a juts put up on the insurance o,ntpanies what because of the valuable cargo, and the last week t ngs o e tat en we got her the cargo consisted of about fifteen tons The Lake Superior fishing industry is of "hardheads" (stones) and nothing likely to receive a boon[. With a length else. Milling machinery, and blocks and tackle, and sails, and furniture and such things don't get up and walk out of a wrecked schooner. Besides, didn't you see WHAT CAPT. TAYLOR OF SARNIA PUBLISHED of some :100 miles and a proportionate breadth and depth, it is fully stacked with all the commoner varieties of the tinny tribe, such se herring, white tish, trout. pickerel, etc. A now enterprise - the Lake Superior Fish Company -has lately been set in operation on the north shore for the twr,wose of curing and ship- ping them in large quantities. Tho in- exhaustible abundance of that supply and the superior quality of the fish found in these waters will from the start insure a ready market as well as a pernanently successful investment. This Company has at present the entire run of the business, and is sending off im- the other day, about meeting Waddell and a boy in the vicinity of the wreck some time after, with a lot of barrels, and tome of Taylor's sailors thought it was whiskey that was in the barrels, and "hooked ' one of them; but when it was tapped the liquor wouldn't run, and nn examination it was discovered that the barrel wasn't full of liquor, hut was packed with sails and ropes. Put that N. McCanns, of Bethany. On Mon- day evening the ntenthers of the choir met at the residence of the leader, Mr. S. P. Halls, and presented Miss Jamie- son with a handsotto silver bouquet holder (purchased from Ellis & CO., Toronto), containing an eoluisite bou- quet, accompanied by the following -ad- dress DEAR Mote JaMIEsoee-We, the mem- bers of the North St. Methodist Church choir, Goderich, on this the eve of your departure from us to assume other rela- tionships. and with them other duties and responsibilities, take this opp t. tuni- ty of expressing to you our high esteem for you in your own private character as well as in the more pnhlic walks .1 life. As a member of the choir you have al- ways been to us a valuable aid, and we have admired that zeal, faithfulness to duty}-, and ardent desire for the efficiency of the "Sertice of Song" so eminently displayed by you. By your wise coun- sel, unassuming manner and elteerfue.- ness of disposition, you have won an en- viable place in our affectionss, and we feel that in your retnot•al we are losing not only a warm friend but a faithful and efficient member of our choia As a token of our high regard for you, bo i leaved to accept this silver bouquet stand, with its contents, and as you front time to time till it with the ohoncest products of the floral world our desire is that it may he to you `a souvenir of the donors, and that the varied hues as well as the rich fragrace if its contents may bring prominently to your nun! each of those with whom you have so often asso- ciated in sliming the praises of the Meet High. Ile assured that our hest wishes shall follow you, and our ardent desire is that in your separation from its mense Iluantitiee to the States and other W taand that together. and draw your own to enter upon other spheres of duty, markets. its various distributing points inference. it was a mistake for d• your usefulness map be still more abun- dell's friends to make the matter a sub- "ear ub- a fishing •tea of neary a thou -act of controversy. We were willing to nand [square miles, thus giving scope for tet it rest. but when they began to bnl- operations more extensive than that of doze us.and make out that we had anystetted for and on helsralf if the choir, similar company in existence. trumped up a eery. we made up our dant. and that at the last we all may he permitted to swell the "Grand chorus of the skies." A \VLLL-Kxowe Mit.tnN tau. -Rev. mind to stay with them, aid give a bill S. P. Hem" Leader. E. ANDREWS, (1 aniat. Sievenght, one of the most successful of particulcrs, rg missionaries in the North West, of the w tE K/Noi IN I CN CPA WATER& G elerich, Sept. 4th, 18432. Presbyterian Church, is at present in isn't a profitable occupation. The car- Thee Jsmesen matte a neat reply. the city. The pec. gentleman was for. Roes, as • rule are not valuable -the Es- Refreshments were *erred, and the even- at ,astor of the Presbyterian Chinch. Piorer sea• loaded with "hardhesds," ing was • nt in a most pleasant man• at Grelerich, haring left that charge and the Caledonia, here, was fiplesI with ( weer.onTuesday Min Jamieson was about twe pears ago to enter even hie sand. During the put five years i latemade the recipient of a touching addreaa. ;I psweot field of labour in the North- done everything in the shape id dicing,1 am,mprnied by a pretty silver fruit M no, his removal there he has from laying water•pipes to pier-huildieg. dish, 'purchased at imrie's), by the Asses very successful in estsbli•hing 1 use • robber suit, five-ply, :and have' teachers and officers of the Sunday ehases. aHis own of lrorabip is been down for fire hours at a time. It school. She had been a teacher in at Prince Albert. Potence, is a little uncomfortable in winter, when that institution for six years, and sew of Mr. H. W. Pets sow, i. selssist you have to work barehanded. 1•.,a see, in his eharsb thee. Mr. flieveright is a b ether-ia-lew of Rev. J. C. Smith, =signs et Ad1sw's Church, Guelph. rcr sills h e removal to the North• West his bawdy have been living in this cit ewaaiag he oesspied the pulpit of ' Chursh, preaching an sble and eloquent meow on the em hodInnen t off Christ is oral history m priary aupenntendent for three years. the rubber Land fits tightlyon the wrists, The wedding preseata were numerous and then there is a broad clasp that Ata and handsome, en.1 the happy pair were close, and it impedes the circulation. accompanied to the railway station by a You have had your foot asleep some- number of friends. times; well, the hands feel just like that when the ctrculation is suspended. W e Ry a recent accident on the Grand have ALL K,ND4 w•ORK (earn were thrown of the track and all Trunk at Highland Creek, nine cattle or to do, such as clearing wrecks (non char-' cattle killed. They were owned by M. pr,ttptho.ta.- .n,i'doctrine. neelph Mer- nela where navigation is imp.eole.l. 1 Wm. Kelly. The Inu,$10.000. wail fall curt had a i..h •.I 'hat Lind a .lyre etc sn the railway--mpany to