HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-08-18, Page 7r1 THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY. AUG UST 18, lr►t, The Poet's tLorner. 'Twos leer Thar. A narrow r,,ad. with Iwinb.g brsechee Low- ered; A pair of lovers whisper */ In tl a shade: A sigh, • bluets. • softly wb aper<d "yes,' A kers gad 1 hue the old. aid emit riser's Made. IT( n Years anent '1 hree pain of mallets bead rant re reaewtag, Three hoysers waWat fur the hapy y chance. Tilt dad as We SINAllit pair et itret ghee 1Hb old ones rola, 10 the boys for pants', A grocer's Dtlf is meet. the wino r i fuel. nerd day neat week, wad schoolbooks to be kat; The '`_.lira how to make one dollar ffy Forever press:as ( ■ the h ins y der'. !Two 1 co Tears Laic :.l T..n a lov, is o'er t'rrte me d(ns softly bend- ing; em bowls that teat as three will never sever; The same old prob:ems looming In the dis. tance- And thus ilia merry world goes un forever. Fun anb Fancv. 1 have a cont -Tho oak. I'm never odd -The pcar. They can't skin me- the tir. I'm off my nut -The hickory. I've got the sand -The beech. It's pitch and toss -The pine. I ve got the sugar- The maple. '!'hese hands are clean- The palm. I will haveto go to 4w-Thesumach. I never unbosom myself - The chest- nut. Yon'll bear me down in Dixie -The ce- der. I cannot sing theold songs - the bass- wood. Yon can't get into uiy trunk - Tite hemlock. 1 sometimes go back on my pals -The peach. There is no oleomargarine about ton - The butternut. " Ah," said an Englishman the other day," I belong to a country upan which the sun never seta."'Aid 1," said a Yan- kee," belong to a country of which there is -1 sect map it grows so fast that survelsA can't keep ip with it.' J.1.1 • the first Euglishntutt if nate that e -..+Jed in America with only one '-►k and no umbrella. His great and ....:,using popularity is largely doe to the fret that he cannot go back and write» book ab out as Farin anb tbaraen. -- Pilot-1y ventilated stables are hot'.eds of dinette. Feel the cern crop, and cultivate of. tern and not deeply. The secret of powering winter rj.ite'tet is hue plauting. Now it the time to watch fur vermin in the poultry house. Itis not proper to ea stuck oe- cause it is summer. (luodl she'ter is neoessary at all times. In selecting animals it should be le in mind thM thaw with .wall c do nut fallen roe lily. It is claimed that dry fish guano e:.n.- tains more than 15 times as mu, h am- monia as oidi'ary stele tuauure. In high-bre.l and lihurwlly-fed ani- mals the teeth aro prowlitoed earlier than in those liviuy uudel reverse cntditnais Let the hens set if th •y will, as Late - hatched chicks will pay better than to waste time in breaking the heti fiom set- tiuH. Hun manure carries much less water than stable wauure, but mora nitrogen and organic in inter. The proportions of potash and phosphoric acid are nearly the tante. Tan malty people plant only a first light crop of lettuce. It Laity be sown in August, and is still one of the most useful of vegetables. The winter varie- ties may be sawn as late as September. 11 water roust be drawn front pumps or aqueduct* for watering plants, it is well to till half -hogsheads with it in the morning, and let thorn stand iu the sun all day. Then the water becomes quite warm, and is more beneficial t.. the plants. . The attacks of squash bugs, cumber beetles, etc., may it is said be pretreated by attaching taus saturated with kero- sene oil t short sticks, and put in the hills or near the vines. The bugs will sown" disappear. The rails need t., be saturated auew about every two days. }touseholb }tints. For a weldor burn apply immediasely pulverized charcoal and oil. Lamp oil will do, but linseed is better. The colour of dry sea weeds .nay be pre- served by brushing them carefully with a solution tulle by dissolving three small lumps of guise mastic in a gill of turpent- ine.. A sure and safe way to remove grease stains free silk is to rub the spot quickly with brown paper; the friction w soon draw out the grease. A good remedy for blistered feet from long walk is to rub the feet at going to bed with tallow dropped from a lighted , candle into the palm of the hand. To remove warts washthem with moist washing soda and let them dry without n•ipintt;do this two or three tones a day. Timeli es s,wide. (Malin TRUNK. 0A,rr. • Pass.a Yaa'd Lederlch.Lv TAUT- . tlIspas. ste•Ateth 7.811• - L " ..1.15 " rltr•tfw.LAralien . iLipp .11.70put weer. Pars, nap's. M i I'd. etraafsrd.Lv fear sod .as NSeaford' .. T .1 Arail 11sU. ClIntew r• ,r' ,..one seers .Lgym HTAOIL Idlrllik. 1.sr`ass taiga Wady I ser. Itit ash* Ne.rwlller x (Wednesday and aCiwu flatware, arrives tam e.1 naeasssre amiss salve. The best salve to the world for Cuts, Bruises, Ulnen, Suit Rheum, Fever Sera, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chil- blains, (bras, and all Skin Ereptiuus, and positively cures Piles It u rw.au- tuusd to give perfect satisfaction. or money refunded Price 20 cents per hot. For sale by (leo. Rhynes. 11130 ly. are 4p.s Mat The hest drink for the harvest field to thin eatrneal and water - nue fourth pound of meal t.) two "r three quarts of water -with a little sugar. The oatmeal should be well boiled, and about one ounce of brown sager added. Thi• quenches thirst better than any .other kind of drink, and gives strength and endurance. The importance ..f properly thinning out fruit trees wheel bearing; abuudtuit cro,s is more and mote apparent. To pn.duce fruit that commands a good price in market has beotene an absolute necessity. This seen especially in that ' intended for exportation. apples of gad size, fair end plwperlypecked, command- ing in the English tnarket fully double the price of those which have not receiv- ed such care, A tad Cbef (' enstable. For wine. time pas! there have been rti,nors atha 1, and charges made aggainst Chief Constable Capron, of Ingersoll,tbet that has tended to destroy public confi- dence in his honesty and ability to dis- charge the duties of his office, at the last regular meeting .rf the Council a thorouvh investigation was made into the matter, and it was clearly proven that he was in the confidence of a notor- ious burglar named Beatty, who for vears past has been committing roberiea in and about Ingersoll; has accepted val- uable presents from Beatty, and at dif- ferent times has aided him to escape justice. It was ale.. clearly proven that Ike has for years accepted bribes from keepers of disreputable houses for the purpose of not prosecuting -at one time taking a bribe of $50; beaidea many other charges, quite as grave, which justified the Council in nnaniinonsly voting his immediate dismissal. Trllka. The Masher Meshed. .►bei Ise thea resettles. The ate that does cant t., relieve suf- feriug humanity of the thousand and one ills that befall them, is uertainly the best f ell physicians Electric Bitten are daily dong this, curing where ell other remedies failed- As a spring tonic and blood purifier they have no a iu .L They positively cure liver and kidney com- plaiute. In the strongest suttee of the term, they era the test and cheapest 11hysiciau known.- Daily Timer. SoIJ by Geo. Rhynas, at 50 cents [3. j There were plenty of seats in the car;, bot as he walked down the aisle be look- ed sharply to the right and left until he reached a pretty girl who was sitting alone. "Seat engaged miss 1" he asked with a knowiug wink. "Nu -no. sir," stammered the girl, looking around in dismay. Down he plumped and braced himself for the compatgn. He was as regular passenger and held his commutation ticket in his hind. "Shall I open-'" "Tickets !" roared the cuuduct..r who had watched him front afar. The regular passenger smiled sweetly on the pretty girl and put up his paste - beard., .out of which two sides were promptly snipped.. 1. "Tickets ' "Hold on !" protested the regular pas- senger, "you punched this twice. This lady isn't with ane'" "Sorry," replied the conductor, "but you walked in, sat down anti went to work on the regular married style. Supposed, of course, it was your wife. Too late, now, take a vacant seat next time. Tickets !" And the passengers went to the con- ductor and asked him to drink and offer- ed hint cigars, and bought out the train boy for him. "I knew they weren't married," said he, as he squinted at a flask of extra prime. "I've seen hint before but this is the first time it cost hit) a couple of dollars to play it." "Ho you know who the lady is?" ask- ed an inquisitive man. "My wife, gentlemen," replied the conductor, and even the flask chuckled a merry "ging, glug" as he spoke. Mae /11,111C1111110 lessor Ur. 11 is generally e+onsidet d a pretty dif- ficult task to outdo a physician, hut the following will prove conclusively where nine were anupletely outdone. Mrs. Helen Pharviz, 331 Gayton St., Chicago, was treated for Consumption by nine physicians, and all pronounced her case •ncurable. Seven bottles of Dr. Kit. •'s N ow D.sc+rery for Consumption oumple- oety cured her. Doubting ones, plunge drop her a petal and convince your- selves. 'Trial bottles free at Rhynas's Drug Store. Large sire $1.03. 4) SUBSCRIBE FOR THE SIGNAL The with), of the late Luke Nal.le, xyof 1',Atein, elx, bra gained an unenviable reputation by marryiug her deceased daughter's widower, just eleven socks after the death of her husband. This is the first ku..wn instance in Canada of a man actually marrying his mother -Pi- law. Such a merriagge is a•etrary to the laws of this c,wntry. The ceremony was perfonued by Rev. J. V. Smith, of Windsor, who, of corse, did not know tke relationahip the parties bore to each ..thea. Partite; just retur•med front the Qu- Appelle district report upwards of eighty squatters on the proposed Bell farts in that district. They declare their inten- tion to remain, as they were squatted before they kuew of the sale of the tract of land. An insect resembling the army worm has appeared at Halifax. On Saturday they were in such numbers at one place as to change the color of the ground. Places where they have passed are as brown as though front weeks of drought. The best fidelity to Christ is shown in a daily vigilant service to him in trifles, in efforts to honour him in humble, in- conspicuous service, each as in good temper in families, sympathy with man and beast, honesty in business, liberality to servants, fidelity to employers. These things make up the best discipleship. The same truth applies to many things. The beat paintings are those where such details as the blades of grass, the leaves of the trees, the lines upon the water, the similar minute points. ars most per- fectly delineated. Artistic exoellency consists chiefly in the complete accuracy which the slothful nr the ignorant work- s: cannot or will not accomplish. The 'Teat Italian sculptor, Michael Angelo, was once visited by an acquaintance, who remarked on entering his studio, "Why, you have done nothing to that since I was here last.” "Yes," was the reply; "i have softened this expression, ouched off that projection, and made other improvements." "Oh !" said the visitor, '`these are mere trifles." "True," answered Michael Angelo, "but remem- ber that trifle' snake perfection: and per- fection is no mdse." in like mantel., the highest firm et deeotion to Chan consist' in fidelity to apparent trifles. For only heartfelt love and ahtdia' re- rollectedness of Him ea an ever -beloved "hject, will enable His disciples to main- tain throughout each day, h word and enmpany, in busy occupation and before His enemies the duty of honnnring him thei continuously, and in the whale details of life (London Record FROM NOW Till Ibe lst o(dauaary The Dealer's Last Happy R .art. Ev'A]ev(LLE, Ind., Jan. 11, 114 '. 1 recently had a very difficult case of Consumption. I treated it in the moat scientific manner possible, but to no ef- fect; patient grow gradually worse. Rather than give up, and as a last re- sort, I decided, much against my wish. to use a remedy that had cured one of my former patients. Greatly to my sur- prise. the patient began to gain, and in • much shorter time than I dared to ever expect, she was ^„mpletely cured. The name of this remarkable remedy is Dr. King's New Discovery for Conaomp. tion. I now use it altotgether in my practice. -[Leading M. D., Evansville. Trial bottles free at Rhynas' drug store. Large size $1. �1 ONLY 50 Cts. Now is the time to Subscribe for a -{EAP GROCERIES( D AN SWIFT I /tt4fr 1 annAUleCe to the people of Ooderieh and Chir section of Huron, that he he s rur.•hased from Mr. A. Phillips higrtuek of Oroeeries, to., and will continue the business in the old stand, 00 the Corner of Victoria and Bruce Streets. Having bought the goods for cab, rod as 1 intend to make all my putchases from wholesale men for tush also, I will be in a position to sell at Very Low Prices for Cath Nly stuck will always be freak. 1 will keep the best brands of teas, good sugars, -- and everything in the grocery line from the best producers. Bacon, Spiced Meats mea etc., always on hand in season. I am determines' to please, both iltiquality and price ti. .00rCa1l at the stand, Victoria street, opposite the Fair Ground, near D. K Goderich, March 0th, 188Strachau'a machine shop. _ C-�-=FT• 3. .L WidTIk c %spar. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. G. _LARRY CABINET MAKER an' IJIL13ERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich. idesA,'bails ihairccane andiwoiodseat (. Cupboards. Room Parlor s, MaitreFurniture, sta, Wasles,an lusn1ee. Sofas, What -Nuts, Ltuking (.1aeor*. N. IL -A complete assortment of Cont::e and Sbrucds ale ups on hand 541-o }karst f..r h at reasonable rater. 1;. I Picture F rutnir.a a atceialty.—A tall sulic it d. BOOTS&SHOLS =Jwziirig c 777e6_cl-Llas. Beg ,aunuunce to the Public flit they lase • I. red Lusiners in the Id eve Struts iii the More lately occupied by Horace Ne.t. u. Hat not purchased a large and well a:soited stock of Sp.ri 1it g and 8uuPat 1.1t-' bat enefit. tigutes, We are determined e e ie QLIOi SALES & SMALL FBOFI'IS WILL BE OUR MOTTO r i';ease call and examine cur pods before purchasing elsewhere. ,..'"Remember the place, ".ext doer to J. Wilson's Drug Store ;14 -Custom work will receive our spec -al attention, pt' -None but the best of material used and first -dare workmen employed. i'f• Repairing neatly done ..n the shortest notice. Goderich, March 9.1882. DOWNING & W E D D U P. uI.,ISCOL1(�NS .� HOARSENS 1-iO 1 FOR TT'O , A private letter trout Engbau.l says: -- At the review held rt-cently at Chatham. England, Lieyaal Military CollegeMackay and The Huron Signa, Stran'berle, Rro Dii1i Gdi e,Kir. ston, were highly complimented by Gen- eral Sir Evelyn Wool' un the admirable manner in which their companies had been drilled. They hs:e carried off the highest honours in the recent competitive -cminations at Chatham. Mackay is the son of the ex -Assistant Warden of St. Vincent de Paul penitentiary. and was fn.. two years reporter "n a Montreal" newspaper. The Ray'. E.11taa11 e1 a Me tier's Werk. "My mother gets mo up, builds the tire and gets my breakfast, and sends me off,," said a bright youth. ,Then she gets my father up and gets his breakfast, and sonde him off. Then the gives the other children their breakfast and sends them to school; and then she and the baby have their break fall." "How old is the baby i" asked the re- porter. "Oh, she is meat two, bet she can talk and walk with any of us. "Are you well paid 1" "1 get two d"llapt a week, and my father gets two dollars a day.., "How much does your mother get t•' With a bewildered look, the boy said. -.Mother f Why, she don't work for anybody." "1 thought you said she worked for all of you." "Oh, yes: for us she does. Bat there ain't an, money into it." e the tardiest Preflasass. said all wham 11 may ewe.. Phosi.hatine, or Nerve Fowl, a Phos- phate Element bawd upon Scientific Facts, Fornawlated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Boston, Masa., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertig.. and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human system. Phospkatine is not a Medecine. but a Nutriment, because it ©attain no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates, Narcotics, and no Stiasulants, but simp ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements found in our daily fond. A sin le bottle is sur'' cient to convince All Drogpfgarts sell it. $1 00 per bottle. Lawnglt & Co„ sole agents for the Domini on 56 Front Street East Toronto ('nl. Train, it is reported. has been in - eructed to Ligate a stntable spot at Pile of Ranee Creek the new C. P R. town and capital of the North west, for the Mounted Palle. headrrnartera US. WARNOCK Berl (0 seewabt the Isaias of Oeaerieh ed vialal>'. Thin en, V sew showier 8* ad flat Mr! At hweerrt��sdb ..fsui Nim• 1� est .rie.e�lef: A' �vs..rr ...s e. IIsi BATBIPAO T I ON t ( ROTH STYLE AND MAKE. IS THE IiES-r Local & General .Newspaper in the C.runty of Hun n. Subscribe Now 1 She ho .ors to bs favored with a cleft ir'eat her llatrov. sad Ae (Mies Sw«raaf- MRS. WARNOCK. MAN ITO81 The Great Western Railway will rue their excursions to MANITOBA and DAKOTA points during May and June every two weeks, commencing TUES- DAY May, 2nd, 1881 . Fares Reduced. rBelD111-1C Z'p lam, Coserunorrs and Arc -inners which Hecv4so i Ysttow Ort .s .aran- tsed to lean or relieve either in MAC air R:.AST. G7t TAM laTUNALLY FOt r CR (t[P (, COt70H(, SORE THROAT, ...ASTHMA, COLDS, L•e. APPtlat [USUALLY ma RHEUMATISM, REVR. LGIA, CMILIL4ZSS, CLLLOUS LUMPS R WSLL1Ns, STlrr JOINTS, GALLA, �. FROST RITA LAMENESS, CORNS, OO11T14CTIONS REVISES, £r1r8AGO, ITCH', DILIPNWSS, PAIN IN RACE, SPRAINS, PALS is SIDE, let ' Beery bottle gguusnowed to give satisfac. tide ow mossy rdwnded. tilstsitlas Ifl UNI U TRL NIM Aiwa =UMW 6 Propriatars TORON0001 STRICTLY PURE HARMLESS TO THE MOST DELICATE, In Co iptiTe Cases 50 Oil a tt arlrbe that "Nilefv- h„. •,eebe4 an near a apeeitar ,-rat. are oersaneptl eared where tM d,r-.•ti ,,'sr. Innerly • onnelied oil h. litres tr :rel or ether Ir.lrvdieats W Mrmlbe oeng r 614. Aeon Expectorant It has no equal. It contains no Opium In any form Bs= BY ALL DRUGGIST& Perry ()vv'S & Son & La'fcre•ice, Pols Aerate. bit 0 INT s were "117 b; I rule :ins of rear to Jr, yet pro - ht and •s are 1e gets he in -e aro rel for ora: these over veri- f mea - These asUr'ee eeiz- 1 mea - .1 aria ) were Steel- e was njust. lee it-- lemn- not ed of m are y that ,ction, as in Divi• I rea- d as s •hoice ffered )radon i and leave :uffalo rgpplar ose to ne .too .ly for i will ho do 'xcur- :amp- td go t the after - el will node - a. A C. for ricers sup - For itformat i„n, tickets, etc., apply to cessa- e ob- ]Ce to CEO. B. JOHNSTON . A . con - Special Agent Great \Venter!'Ha le y tiod1 5. g} i:cr lets, .Apr;l. HALL'S CATARRH„ UyRE tt>•� Ica Recommended hv Pt; rstelana. L UFLisS Catarrh of the Nasal Cevlty -(agenic and Ukentivp Catarrh of the Ear. Eye nr ihr,at. It Is Liken irtliRNALLY. anti sots D,RtCTLY upon the Blood and Muton Surfaces of the System. It is the best BIoo t Puri.;er in the WORLD, and Is worth ALL that Is ch rged for IL for THAT alone. ONLY INTERNAL CURE fOR CATARRH FM' IN TISK M tlti(kT yy S 1 00 Wei0Al Ica cs: ft W Ciliatar$1Grat 517 ear -:reoro 100 er -,•asrtwar •wrra� WRr.t.AND, 13r3. al .slit 21, 1112. My little reught••r was trot.;;14.1 with Catarrh for two 1 J ors, A0141.44 very m rah b.neflllel by the ore of Hall's Catarrh Cure' Hhe as now about curet W. T. HOUbI(. Wou.t.A`t), On,., Marsh 90, 10Pl 11 ., + ute•.l ” Hell's C.tarrh Ctrs,” and judg nr� 1.,,.e Vie g r". results 1 derived Iron awe I a,a'Ie, 1.011••• it will olive the Tenet stubborn nes•, of •'atarrb if its use be oonUnud for r reit, amide length of time. W. H. HFJLLEMS. W Rt.c.tten, Ont., March 90, 18M1 P. J. Cwraar d Co., Toledo. 0 Oewte. -Have sold Hall's Catarrh Cure for the I ,at 1 ear, and liaises entire satisfaction. T,wrs truly7 H. W. 111OBSON, row/gist. Hall's Catarrh Cure la sold by ail Wholesale ant Retail Densest, and Dealer /w Patent Mel.emea in the United 3taMe and Canada PRICE • 75 Cents a Bottle. $9.00 a Dos. The only genuine Hall's Calvvb Con is man- ufactured by F. .1 CHs:NET &('O. Toledo, O. serEon are of Imitations. Bottled for the Ontario trade by H. W. HOBSON, Welland. Oat GEORGE RHYNAS, look puny ante a vicin- take 5' tho ashel. ought ham's ilo re - every recol- tel on them -Tho rgy of ter on 'esent, iv, W. )n and isaary. •etary. tans in fully, adding of t:_9 d from to the d wan !xpres- o Rev. a long ,t vote )le ser- (gtobe A -gig of as held my in - Rural to sub - 11 ustra- dly ap- iatand- ws prt- eetingt •gy and L•ednes r. John cancer The Iliculty, tart. of 14 1e Aig•nt. t:ndsrieb Mf„rth p�aethM