HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-08-18, Page 6'1111E HURON SIGt,tL', FRIDAY; AUGUST 18,` ' Mo$OIRECT FROM JAPAN. Doi "I neves wait so disappointed in my te,_" said Id Miss Beckley, letting her peglames drop hopelessly at her aide. on Are you quite sore, Belinda r "I've been everywhere," aid Miss or Belinda Beckley, the younger of the two th ancient maiden ladies. "Everywhere w, And there's nothing that corresponds h k Mt Franklyn. ou bis way- t,, 1'•u ., I often sin stupid. But bow pleats - legal Mecca •,f Waiutill & Lineer.uu , • ny aunts will be, bless their dear old the neat day, stopped at the new :y pas,. hearts ! And what a wonderful pair of ed and gilded estahlixhu,eut of 1a.1.. limpid base' eyes that little girl has Auoku, where 116 plump rdphialp,trw 1 gut !" man, wbo spokao seeI1i sit tnglish (a it§ And all day long Alta Graves' sweet perhaps a redudaney of h's) Oared hi.n face came between hits and the dun - self at his service. Together they 114 ty wages of his'never law books, Lib' a rolled the ivory inuurt'sd banner a vaeue dresseefoletsmIgiett have bs.o, viewed the stork atxl the palma and the h.el she not 'beei • "epgid`and he with it in the least degree." wonderful needlework wares of the bachelor closeon the hrtiea k pl R The two Misses Beckley looked at Kyusi River. He went hume early, and on his way d BI each other despairingly. And a ons 'Very sorry," said the aepertnteettliett be stopped at the establishment of Tado lhad been gifted with it fertile intagina.Its ire called himself, •rt Taste' Atluk••' An .ko. Q. T tion, it would have been easy to fssy Paean, "but 1 don't suppose, air -I do 't Mr. Simp.on uttered an exclamation thein a pair of elderly enchantresses in indeed,—as you'll find ..nything to cor .f amazement at the sight of the ibis the midst of a magic pwla e. For the respond with this 'erd piece of 'i rh har ani the sawed peek, Yuaiynma. "Well, t Aa g quaint, low celled drawing rooms were i There was but a few of 'cut himporteI never'" ('cried he. Mint harsh• look tilled with jointed bamboo screens, care- !And they're all bought hop. Lew tiles i e, sir, if 1 may maim so bold as to Frew ed masses of ivory, hideous painted; you, sir, the gentry they will 'ave . • ,„1 for 1 djdn't ',now, I gave you my o ware, an tiny cups and saucers as sir. et hany price. ems! of how:rata therewasnot one like it neo transparent as so many eggshells. And, t plump, fresh colored old wor:awit,tte- it, the city." Buff by way of finishing up the harn ionioua;saloon an's auut, who had Leon arra' 1 t was new Mr. Franklyn's turn to R. whole, they had hung their walls with iug p•ahnleaf fans on a gigantic s;ruran • open•his eyes. '-The young lady whoui ice-' drap.e•ics awl banners with wrinkled •• the heck of th. store, now eaten• f . ward ; y,, c.,ll Alta Graves brought it to ate,' from crape cucircled with [;old thread, lus- pt'epiu2 at the rain acr•1I over her tie oil •1 he; "and I supposed, of course, that can truss satin, brceJtded tapestry, even Iphewe shoulder. f s strips .4 gilded • paler, wheretlr:ental "It's quite true. sir. what Riianp the e, plants blossomed, :std phenomenal •:iy+, prunouticed ..h. "I 1.u.•a tiros •. the', birds se: ;til one's preconceived ideas of bahners. There An,tate to 1. ' .d etAnsa perat.ectit e at defiance. and a faint the city. Preps our house may 1N..• r tub perfume of teak and sandal wood hung s. nun more for the holidays; but--' y,,,t Mid sent L. ••.Uta Graves'" repeated Mr. gimp- s 0. ••i ter Alta ah..rtly'peke Miss Sarah. "When, as 'ore as my game is Sarah p,on, she hate stole it —and out of of the "n the air, and ,limy ruga blotted out "Call Alta Graves. " itnperionsly our ,cry st.H:k. And she knowed of it etc. the hart',•.[ reties ;eel tulips of the car- terrupted air. Simpwxt. "She 1crow' a ;,1i the time, the ungrateful minx, while Ma pet, wl.i. i, had l,eo.l _"•..1 enough for' deal about the at.•ek She .:an tell I0.' we was atureing over everything to find in 1 she hail ley Captain, who hail once been Alta Graves was sumrnouad—.n pru't t . a ,catch for the banner that you brought enc uncle to the two aitssea Beckley, and !pink c,Inaeeketl little damsel, with h: is s it only-i-njnired a cmffre colored native brown and shining like a newly ripene by with -tv,, hat sh..et enol a braided queue chestnut. awl dark eyes which sh • 11111 to tua.:e one believe .ale's self in the scarcely venture -i to lift ir.,i the beer. a ••0, -yes.'' she assented, in an innocent wt• Flowery Land. "Jap mese you See - the two old birdlike sort of voice. "sine had seen the holies would s•ty, leekitie complacently those tanners But there was none 'at 1 at the :'.st.0 nl.d _nest who had stentit ;I.-1c,t reulaining in Tado Anoke's ,toss•' t 1e.' t nl an ••••-• e' • s r ,fly fell•'n " • erns.' nevelties. Unless, imleetl, Ill t. tin 1'. :. I,,e101 weeld tike a flue ,inulin': ' ma' ' • e v t h •re. And 'ou paid her, yea say, sir ? Her 1" "Certainly I did," bezeteing more and uncomfortable, For !-'tits maid with the MU St( hint I.: hi, ti, st eineeiy scented meanie of . f leper luuui.tett on linen—" - to.doubt about it now; for she 'ave net•- "Imported, any dear. No, of course us the 1•: ,at ' •cutirely Japanese.' - Bet Mr. Franklyn shook his heel. ler paid us the cash 'for this 'ere satin the pa Ilia life }s. nmt without its shadows, . Paver een1.1•nut meet the views of Ili'' ;'banner," su said Mr. Franklyn more puzzle.' and as to the oval -faced liquid brown eyes tending to use your a.Aide 'coinage at Asb.ry Park this yeer?" "Not if we go to the mountains," said Aunt Belinda, laking up it some sur- prise; "ane I believe that that is our plan." "May I borrow it dol you 'f" esus. Fradk. "$(brow itf" repeated Aunt Belinda. laid thea Frank opened his heart, and told thele all—about pretty Alta, with the limpid ryes; about the pale invalid, with the.txe little girls who played at cat's cradle so quietly at the foot of the bell, and hushed their baby laughter w as not to disturb remnant; about the baud to hand contest with want and dis- ease, ill whichirhe sick woman was get• ting so sorely worsted. "She stall have the cottage, • said Aunt Belinda, enthusiatical)y. •'And I will send my own Haid down to make to all comfortable far her as soon a the month of May comes,"added Miss Beckley. Auti re, eerhaea, the ole ladies were nut ae much amazed, in the autumn, when they heard that there nephew Frank had engaged himself t.. starry Alta Glace's. She was very pretty, that was certain, and men like pretty faces; and also they knew that she had been very ;:o..1 and dutiful to the' poor no- ther ala• had just been laid under the yeliot, autumn leaves. Asti if Frank WKS ,lttormitied to marry, he couldn't do better, they thought, than to marry Apra Graves But there was one thing which Ftatek never told them, nor did Alta, his wife. And that was the secret of the embroid- ered bunter. And to thin day the old ladies paint it nut t:. their ,esthetically minded visitors with conscious exulta- tion, and say, with many twists and wags of their venerable capstrings: sing a thief. he did not believe a word ,f It. •• Very well," asserted Sintpauu; "this the ole • hatfair There can't • be ' be meat wonderful caistive reodt« of the pprtwwea..t day, ere those that Owe from Germany, or at least esigiaate there. The oaaat ogalaawuevlauaaroa, which has never been kaoro M fail in curing a single ease 01 impotency, sper- tu.turrhims, weakness and all diseases raaulting from self-abuse, as nervous de- liityi ilabdity, amnia' anziety, lang- uor, lassitude, depression of spirits and functionalderangements of Ace nervous systeut. Fvr solo by duggists, or sent free my mail on reed t of the price, $1.00 per box, or Nix ,,,,tea for $5.00. Address F. J. (htattsv, Toledo, 0., (leo. $hynas, Sole Agent, Goxderich. 1tii3.3w Those affected with weak Lungs, Slug- gish Liter or Derangements of the Kid- neys, should procure et package of Dr. Ca eoa's Liver aid Lung Compuund. Each 50 cent package makes three pints Syrup. It is a valuable collection of Roots, Herds and Barks, and its results are wonderful. For sale by all drug- gists. • Geo. Rhyme, agent, Goderich. anti intim the riecia thin ng, as a ]q. .•t 1! R 1 ,qts )e 1.. to tt is e, 1 . fro nephew and heir apparently of the old fn's the inccstieation,he suid.The heeler t•h ladies, , dee Frank Frankly'. sauntered . itmet be et agiu, of the s:►oie black calor, ch' in jn,t as the daffodil gold of February a ::''ret,lered in a corresponding pattern. 1 CQ. taili ht was turning ti, hazy purple, he II t; :eery f 'r Kiri:;; i00 11111C11 tr 1>r at.� f• eutl loth his Aunts plunged in the :;.iii he went out, ler, ill!; las car.', se :,tj deepest abysses of gloom. Mr. Franklyn that in case any new rein of banners or f-cil leel;rsl from our to the other it the decorations should be struck at the el - weird aid agitated face'. He knew that [..,.nth hour he might perchance stet the fo aunt afarulcht's eap was never tipped at benefit of it. to that particular angle . over her false Three days afterward, just, as the id- ol front except ellen matters were very bad' tice re;ulat.,es were coltsolidatina them- indeed mid Aunt Belinda leaned n4aifst f aelrei at the figure twelve, and the bet's cl al the nitntel in an attitude of limp de - .1 ,pair. . tl "What is the mutter !" et he asked, s - a ting his hat on a lacquered tripod in one r Lerner, and balancing his cane i;: the c tingleef the wall, behind the stuffed .!oleo t whose speculative eyes •aeeined to .,tare at hint from the partial shadow, after a most uncomfortable fashion. "Look there, Frank !" solemnly utter- ed Miss Buckley, pointing with her crooked gold -headed cane tothe upp eeite [tall. "Ileautful 1- said Frank Franklyn, at a venture. For he saw only a long nar- row parallelogram of black satin mount- ed in -a border of glimmering scold bro- cade, with a background on which a pensite stork wandered through waves of lead colored silk embroidery and be- neath the silver -green ehanow ,-f sacred pelma, `,'Isn't it ( said Miss taltolinda, her ti•nerible face lighting up with wmmetit- .0-y satisfaction, only to darken again Mo. gleam. "But, Olt !. Frank, we ;,aren't got a match for it." • • No( gut a match for it." • There's nothing — netthine,- cried Miss Beckley tragically lifting her hands, "in all this room that is fit to )hang on the other side of buy dear grandfather's portrait.' "Why,". said this reckless incoloclast. "1 should think that almost anything world do." The two old ladies• uttered a smell. tauaous cry of dtsttmy and horror. "Frank," reas:•ned wild Miss ited.lcy, '•you don't understand high art." "l'ou'se n dear, good-hearted fellow, added Miss Belinda, with that degree of charity wherewith a missionary may be supposed to regard a well intoatiottad cannibal, "and in a knotty point, of taw i ,lon't suppose yeu lase your oval. Inst. ) t u see, yr 0 are mot aesthetic." ' • N —no," confessed Mr. Franklyn, tubbing his nose; "perhaps I ate ort. But why ,don't you and Aunt Marinda ge down t.. the stores and watch the thing t • "We hart tried," said Miss Beckley. s 1 t "1 always Eusj.ested elle wasn't reli- a1)1e," said Aunt Sarah:,slowly wagging her head to and fro. "She's a deal too gosel looking. I never had in. faith in -he.p-girls myself. Didn't I tell yet; eo, Siwpsuu! • i And Alta Grates, who was unp.acking u hxoi;•cr of t: ups and saucers and fautas- 'tieallJ• patterned plates down in the mot - ' sly ba+eatent, was promptly sumutosed up by tn'uth of an eager, panting little erraud icy,. She came, coloring and' a little abashed, but prettier then .ever. o: (11.1 Triuity were paealiug their teusi-••Veuug • woman," uttered Simpson, c d soon jingle, there came smallest of 1 m•tjestically, "what does this mean?" t u,. -taps at the outer door of the firn, of , .'Confess at once, you base, unpririci- 1Vaitsill & Lingerlong, in which Mr. pled g.rl: •.said hit aunt, Frank Franklyn was a silent partner. "Look here, Miss Graves, •' spoke An.1 there stood Alta Graves, rosy ani; Franklyn, "I'm awfully sorry to startle I palpitating.. I you so, but there seems to be 'something "Why,'' exclaimed Mr. Fi'atillyu, try-.. wronl, about your sale .4 this banner to in; to Legate the fresh, bleetuin_ face in''i•1•'. hie mind, and associating it oddly with! re T.hc•re is. nuthitig w rung ,. said Alta Chinese monsters, mammoth clients ,)f I andquittly. "I ,1;,1 sell it to yeti. • tea. and a curit•us ..dat or of fresh mtinand where did you get it!" bternly and caudal wood Taus, "its the y�.une' t „ ., olden' era d Sarah. Curate's baste fr.xn Talo Auuku's place, tilt it ' ! and Alla made a little courtesy, and it that you stole it. Prevarication 1r:,it't do hare." answered, breathlessly: "Yes, please. bite's hceek criuisurted; hereyes 'blaz- I 31 1•;, Franklyn graciously bade her en- el into seea brillance. tar. Mr, ll'aitstill was at his lunch. !and Mr. Lin_erlong was in the back T sager stole it," elle cried. `'Do you office, arguing with a. dusty odd client think I am a thief! 0, Mrs.Simpson,how who believed himself a Lettct ,,,,141,,f cont et be o : hard on me, a mys elf. endle s lair than Blackstone, so that the mast girl bieralat the satin and -the embroidery silk `teas clear. What en earth did 'rhe want I and the gold thread, out,c1 my savings, of •him ? he ashen' himself. Hal the' atrI1i'I s t up no nights tv on Lot it. Min got into a lawenit, aiel 1:ad she been i se that I could earn a little more money I sent too bid his immediate eresence •m than the ur wagesyou .a me to buy1 the scene ! 1 tr was she herself ab sit t , 1'' )d pay , wine and fruit for ably mother, who Iiea sue her principals for a breach of c •n• h, :tie dying of consumption. There: If f'."t'ie Beene a thief,I stand. condemn - "Can I be of any service to yeti ! he e•1 •' courteously asked, 1+ she stood there 1 An..t Here poor Alta's dignified bearing still breathless, and turning front pint; gave way all at once, and she burst out t... kale" try-ins like a child: e tract ? • "Would you please look at this. str, ••Don't fret, My dear. seethed Aunt• Anti sow holt' %OU like 11 : said she. her—Sarah, Who was a kind hearted wonian, rie.11y unrolline a little parcel which. un- til now, she had carried is her hard. It was a long strip .•f black satin, w.th a scarlet plumed ibis wading through white silk [deeps of water, with the sacred Simpson closely scrutinizing the gleana- M„tu,tain Fusiyama rearing its peak be, ing 'lues mf embroidery. "Really I -y.ae1, while in the foreground Mated a think emu 'ave genius.' pic•t•'-cs';ue tangle of reeds and rusl.e.e Pray furgice. me for my blundering `•Thr• eery thing,” exclaimed Frank• swknarduess," said Mr. Franklyn. len, Lut it isn't nwuntetl' And Alta tried to ',wile threutth htr "Almost any store will de that ft r you can,and said that aha would. She sir," said Alta, her cheek brightening ire• was ashamed ..f haring made such a to still deeper carmine at his eci.lclnt scene The whole tiring was a matter of tl c I,stquenee wilater-er, The satin banner was lined and ineuuted and ?Ir. FrankIyu took it to ' hit alttita, w • ho could eearcely be ecstatic in the main. "It's a misunderstanding. that's all. Don't fret." "It's a eery peel hlutitatiuu of the Japanese style -- v,'ty," remarked AIr t ntisf.ctton, "And what is the price ! air. Frank- lyn naked, putting his hand in a 1',lain,sa like way int" his pocket. Here again pretty Alta s. erred to lie "it can't be [lone," added Miss Belin- puitzl.d. She didn't know, she sen'. blit with a ai;th, t' 411.1 the 1,enticman tell her 1 r;, e o f •'Gift• it 1. tete eaid Feud, who v as the rt her ono ,teat at an et.:ern ncy. "1'11 take it it was p10, Mr. Fianklyn believe.[, down with one t,-uurrow. There's a "Theft.' said Alta, sl•enking with an new plaoc opened nuat the Cocks, where evident efloit. "would roe think tl.ls; they p'etend to import nnvc'ties. Ta4n ton Clear nt !•�, seem;, that it isn't' Amite, I believe, is the nail e 1 ainte.l motutte i 1 a Deer the d,.nr. Pn.bslrl •the concern ' • 1 should consider it a eery air price, nice things out at the door. l'erhapt 1 anti three nri+p 'ter $1 bills; aatl abs can obtain something to suit you there:. ,ameba.' away down the long hall like a "(1, Frank, if you only could cried little Cray shadow. 'miss Melinda, ela+pinst her tnittened ^twttdia. 'At ail eoenta, it is worth the tesla'," . 'ties Beckley :Itaetinp up a little. e Twat i. sable a nM► em pili in its praise. it was a rest '1 ' beauty, a marial of art. &. h a thins net•et, never I e rrottea tip att)- wLate 1,ut In' Japan. Ati.1 it ass 1v. /;ee.l of Frank to fiat it for theta, after ;they themselves had aroused the kith - ways and byways in vain. The love 1 an ibis: end that m luieite Sacied "Lam - Tiley never could think t�tr nephew sntficiently. Mr. Franklyn went the next clay to see Alta °rarei mother, ren the dreary top thee of the tenement }times. where the Itnoompr.atieing sunshine that pour- ed through the curt/unless window re- velled every flaw in the plastering,every mildewed +fain on the ceiling. He came home grave and reflective. "Aunt Melinda," he ebeervad, "yew sail ,hs ,ether 4*' 'hst were not la p y f „ itl kept by an Irishmen. with a stall of ani 1 lir. Franklyn, kindly. And he German clerks Amt the s'tn some psi t her the iwia y—a pfviI.t fief? east, 'What a fool i ass." th.,ught Mr. Frsnklyn suddenly tnnsina himself front a torte* "not to ask her to take it to AI:o't.'e, to he tneunlod on ivory : And' view I shall iter. to go around around • .. •^+11,a'1IM Ilt esla 1'e try at one., -f me rote • can't tet anything like it, because it came direct from Japan.'. GODERICH BOILER WORMS. C h rest a184 B10cka Tt ►all 1.1. MIN fwd SALT WILL, MEN New Lill,:1' 011 '.IT I)Z i..,c..•. I vnvl .,u abort vat *WOO. 11 k n1, of :ie:,•.r. n: .•t••eu&od under th ptrryntrl *open -Neon ,t the tPreprtutote wh , There would be little if aay sicknes during the hot months of July and -Au,- gust, Aur gust, if every one would take Dr. Car- son's Stumarch and Constipation !litters, as they ,prevent and cure all derange - Metes of the Stomach and Bowels. Sold in large bottles at 50 cet is by all drug gists. Geo. Mynas, agent, Go derich. - Phu' eRai Ine is a trt nderful thing, ♦ et sit, natural, tis reasonable. Why ? it you have feel - Ines of c,•neness; tett. weak and dragging to rally; too nervous 10 sleep; an appe- tite hardly sufficient to keep body and soul tugcther: headache, with paina across the. back; the whole system relax- ed; perhaps coughs and sore lungs; and will use one to six, bottles of Dr. G. L Austin's Phosphatine its the cass may doh and; it will not fail.to make you an enthusiastic friend. W by du we say thus ? Because Phosphatitie supitlics a went, As sere properties the system t, luck - hay opal y..,'nli,.f for. 'It 1s not a niedi-. cine, bin -nutriment instantly converted into Meted, bone and tissue. It is also delicious to the taste. Try it. The re- sult is as certain as that cause and effect go hand in hand. All druegiets. Low - DEN & Co.. Sole agents for the Domi- nion, lea• Front St. East. Toronto. Do \•I 1,r Deerltrd. In these times ..f quack medicine ad- vertiseuaents everywhere, it is truly gratifying to find one remedy that is worthy of praise, and whiclt really does as recommended. Electric 'litters we can touch for as being a true and relia- ble remedy, and olio that will du as re- commended. They invariably cure — will fin d of to their advantage to call at (nee stomach and Liver Cnn:plaints, biseases I as this is a GENU1NB clearing sale. of the Ki wfie end Urinary difficulties. HE I J. W. V�(EATH ERALD. rte knew wltercuf we 'peak, and can g fifty cents n 1s�ttle, by Gee. Rhyme,. (4] Prvgri;' %--cm3: P. O. Itox 104 - 1787 8t. Gathering Nurseries, uTArwwsn Is 1596. Having fully tested IOORB'S B1RLY &BRIGHTON two new grapes. I unhesitatinglyadvise my pennies so pMatt them. Yoe wilnot be dis- appointed. MWIIETi EARLY is the best very early k w yet grown in Canada.. It has stood decrees below sero unhurt. BRIGHTON le deNat.Us red grape, ripening Juni slice Moore's MeV They aro both targe in bunch and berry, and lure productive. I will mall bath to any ad dr poetpaid, on receipt of a0. ur either furl!. dgeute wanted. D. W. BEADLE, CATuLIlffiga, ON1. 187slrat. V I0K's Illustrated Floral Guide l Per PAW la as tltseeaal leek of 170 rases. two Colored elates of Ylowrr.. wad more llama l.tse Ulwarrarloaa of the choicest hew- ers, Plants and Vegetables, &NI tar growing. 1t is handsome eaeugh tar the .ea. tri Table or a holiday 1'r,•a,•nt. Pend on your name and Post tllsee address, with IN gest% and 1 wu1 send yea a copy, pt. !ewe paid. Thts ie out a qyuarter of its cost. It is printed In both English and German. ft Ten afterwards order steeds deduct the le tta- Y1N'fL'a Soba are the best in t: ,• world. The FLORAL (i -i ,g will ten ) U,, b,.w to ret and grow them blower mod IrasYablr Caret's. In Nagrs. 11 c •s'an'd Plates, :9a Ei.,;rtt ,, t', For SO Dents in paler covers: t)I.5O in octant cloth. In Ocrnian or English. Yak'.. 1I1e crated fleet&', ateeisslae 32 Pages, a l'ulored Plate ill Pt cry nuvtlee :and ,naey ants Engravings. Price fL:1 a )car. Ftte C'uplon for 115,1N ripe:iwen Numbers seal fur 10 ceuta; S triol collie. for .3 a urs. Address. .1 t'IE..ylfi, tarie•trr t.Y RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia. Sciatica, Lumbago, Ba•kache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy', Sore Throat, Swell- ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, frosted Feet and Ears, and a// other Pains and Aches. To Pre ration on earth equals Pe. YAMS OIt. ill a se sure, sinsple and rkeep'Iiteri..t Remedy. A trial entails but the roapatsd,tly triamg outlay of 60 Cents. and every one taker• tug with pain can halo cheep and peen's• pry of ltr riaim.. Ihracuone to Moven languages, BOLD ET ALL DIUGGIBT8 AND DELLE,b IH MEDIOI1B. .. VOGET iR & CO., Bt.utlws•r•5 4., O.8. 4. ire ere'"• targets' e: eve reered S: Ica o- Istn- 1 ' solattetEBTbaItHi-APE::T"_t:rca- to-, to thcworid--ere C=ST txcs•• tt does it guru, l ti, tones a e lehiy ,'to: she d sur- eeover tea aslo.: aeoc*r, trot an ..'„1 nC`,tonMCtheCraf.: the CIIEAPEST b- 3a2.x !t Nita NO [',OKE than Inferior brands. •, t o e, Pot w du rho work o, 'wo of ary. cr eta e . ':211: cr3 ,:t n'e.• tor llarvi e a •t, r I Ceara '.ltr. slang !la 1 1lc1,lees. C' .r., I 1 :mere ear -nukes. s. I:t:yg1en j 'e[^_, as fo. a .t,,ai. GUARANTEED to o petit In NO Petroleum. Sold by ail dealers.1 $ r Our Pa•lrt l'yr:ope:'.a of Teinns r.'ort). e setre , nailed tree i'llCAMANUFACTURING CO. j • 229 Hudson St.. New York. Cleveland, O. and Ch!cago, 1a. St.M')tt. OC EPS d1 CO. toronto,Ont. .0e • .• t For tae L'o:t:inli) i $5 to $20 per dad at home. smite worth a i tree, .' ddre &Tts)ON d• Co.. Portland Maine. MUSICAL INSTJ1 if ,ANL • S WANG i�CNi��� S • The subscriber would intimate to 11,e peo- ppic of OoderIcb that he has decided to gi% a up business In hie line owing to 111 health. and that ��i now pr,•pared to give exece OA -G- alt! \ wantin r PIANOS. . ORGANS or SEWLNG MACHINES readily say, ire then) a trial. sold at , I!g If Catarrh has deatroved your sense of smell and hearing, Hall's Catarrh Cure ser UUIIlU ll, vis AND GRAZING LANDS ARE r0:,N0'.r•, Northern P will cure you. 7:r cents iter 'bottle. All dtutrgists sell it. Fur rale by George Rhynes, sole agent, (.,derich. 18.43-3m FAESII CI IRN ARRIVALS. CAN1 k D (BEEF, LUNCH TONGUE, ENGLISH BRAWN POTTED TONGL•E. BEEF, HAM ('$ICYEN FRESH SALMON AND LOBS f ER. A FINE ASSORTMENT Christie nF Brown & Co'f BISCUITS Asn CAKES. TEAS, SUGARS AN Pure pioes. TRI1 THE11 Chas. A. Nairn. t, Mit•I?'rESOTA, DAKOTA, AND MONTANA. BIG CROP AGAIN IN IE8I LOW PRICES ; LONO TIME : RELATE FOR It• r•novc• MINT; RECOCED FARE ANO FREIGHT TO 8e -r. es. FOR FILL INFORMATION, ADORE53 R. M. iltEWPORT, IiEN. LAND AOT. drawee t.•e P• r., r T, PAU, Mt*is. UNCLE TO TO BUILDERS. KINT AIL BRICK YARD. A quantity of goof white brick on hand an tor sale at reasonable rates. The Iacrltt.r it ,owcarrying nn the brick the Kin**tintall kllna, and w 111 . ghee Wet is sent cif Orritr e� IM terns are reasonable Address JOAN K. Nt GR E,GOR. f tor.;` lS2.,-It. PRINCIPAI:÷ L -IN And all polars la lows, Kebraoka,Mlw,n o Kan .ss, Kew Mexico, Arizona, Vit... tans En,1 Terns. slnrl:TES I', QL'ICKLBT 5n1 Ili:aT Ib.. 10 at, Jnerph, Ate:Ilion, Topeka. Dent P fl, 11n1:.., E..31. *mon, 00. 1 nlr.taal- ly conceded to Ix tar best equipped Railroad N the worlq wit Osman of tear M. 111. it.wtr he. ., . ,1,..- ,. , ,, t • Lel, )tine• 4;1,.11. ..e! S, 1•1 n.h,nil•, r ant..1 1.•Ing the Creat ThreeghCar line • KANSAS CITY •,•••liens made Tbeewse Tickets eta cht• OsieWate4 LI•' sale M all 'Sec the Cwt's► Try 0, -11 you will Sat traveling a i•rary, tamped of a au - rotifers. Inform., �n show RAI.. ..1 Fero. Alf,ptn. , are, c,rh,•rffg.l] E t 1 POTTER. PERCECAL LOWELL. to 11.-. PMeetA NW/ ifember, O•.,, noes. casesse. sit. % AL T, RIsfr,uw, Canadian Pass. Ag't, Tnreno, ()n' G a a II. J, Rxamx, Ticket Agent. ' .>d y ct'