HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-08-18, Page 5Ate • • THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1882. 00I1IINIOATION8. We *net hold vert • rre 1 opinions doer . t' OTII tt,ls dr}640111•111111010S tt nest eeatbse .ri res se piddle vis, and Ise Mist. L Ammer, M tis Tees. Ma. fauna,—Thaskiug yea fot your proffered spine w re0y to n tk,.. ea - militate in your last s. I, in sasemolina the scan. will not vis with time parsons asd in the es.' of maisreprensistions vituperation. I own ftp bastes es thew pyitlie. I will $.asels•s, ess myself M the lash tilt lise tib use. Up to this "Annabelle" affair, no one ever complained to tae of say wt'itin: , and I would nut have nutiesd the ►oohs sad designing innuendoes which "Annabelle" No. 1, so liberally heeled at my head had not I thought my silence aught be construed into weakness; so 1 laeaehed out an anathema, which, if it did not siku.w him, at Mat waded his abuse iu that character at any rate. Siuee then have arisen a couple et other asj i rants for public favor, whish, in selfish baseness surpasses the blesSering usealta of my first enemy; but with this deeper - aging difference: while protsssing friend- ship fur me they have left no deed undone to revile and belittle sae. Neu now that their mask is torn &seeder, and the hideous meanness within disclosed, 1 would prefer a dignified silence. The malty "flings" of this trio I might let pegs by unnoticed u unworthy my eon- uderatton, but when my best intentions are distorted and my chamfer personal- ly assailed, I think it proper to notice it. In the article of "Annabelle'.', No. 2, which is in the main without point or interest, the writer refers to my "lady friends." Of these I can say I have on- ly two—a mother and sister; the other female residents in the village, I have no real cause to designate as either `•friends" or enemies. Viewing the course taken by "Annabelle" No. 2, in the matter throughout, '1 wish to remark end my IanJruage U otaln, That for ways that aro dark and tricks that ere vein. This heathen Chtaee is peculiar.' S.�..de�felon! , hate'= 'JUST RECEIVED exanteraintg untie or teideadtag, ray readers Rives a semis, Md. tat of fens. As to Mr. frown Mallusah re- ferring to "Minn" es a tramp Melee partly oe ray charily," I o dean- Da- gate that as • do. end, Ili Perkins falsehood, d with a full h.►ad of stamp." Thanking you again, Mr. Editor, foe yoer spew, I remain yotus always, W. G. Wixom, alis. "ensue." eiederlea llllssiliet.. tll•assusrs hag. 17 t•K Wheat,IF&RI e1 Is Wheat, (gs�a�L • 11t (dash. a hszf ................ i M • 0 U le lbs FOR • •0 A u • •M Iw it dos. (.spoked)........ • 17 N • 1111 lasesse • 11 - • n f)ksefec V Cwt ............... • ti• ! la Try them and be convinced. My stock Draw • Deaf „ • It• • r •cwt .................... iM ft.. ......... ...... . _• q .. . 15 " • " i 70 Groceries b well assorted and at Weed... .......................: 1 M f IM Ruin.7.: - 7 N 1 Droned prices which defy competition. Bast ......... ....«.... / M " • Y —AT— GBORCR II. OLD'S A tares sad .sleet variety of Real Estate. HOUSE, AND LOTS NOB. 33 ANL a•a. 1l Denier of Victoria and keel etreIs. the nom at tiodertcb, for sale cheap. or will M artter faro property. Eat particulars a Batatu. Architect. office Crabb. or J. C. Comic asealsaesr. At the low prices et 3 " $1.00 1.00 1.00 In the article signed "Truth," which has the semblance of being oonocwked by tt,• brain as the above. the writer S11 , .1 am personally aoquainted with h;1 • • •aoerned, and perhaps know thanany other individual is the tgo. ' A regular old chum, se- curdi_.,, , his own &hewing; and this per- son, or thing so far belies, me his holism companion as to state that "my letter meant mischief," knowing at the same time such was not the case. Anon he says my object was to damage a sup- posed twat." Oh, shades of St Patrick! a "supposed rival" "Only that and nothing more." But here lies the key that unlocks the whole mystery. Now 1 will pledge my honest word that I was quite innocent of "supposing," or even thinking of any rivalryin the matter, u I had nothing to be rivalled in; bet it ap- pears from this, that I, poor unespecting creature, was looked upon as a "rival; therefore "Annabelle' must constitute himself what he designates as . the "worthy defender of their eseee," rush into print with a letter signed "Anna- belle." and aesume the position of cham- pion quelcher of all rivalry. "Good- ness to goodness!" Don't I wish I was just such a man as he thinks himself to be. Some one has said that "like the froth on a mug of beer, the blatherskite is always a nutlance on the starfaoe," and so it is in this case. Farther on he says, "I have heard a dozen of my lad ac- ,luaintances denounce the letter." i Ai ly "a dozen," be the same mere or leu ? Sure] he does not regard me as a "rival," for the affections of so many as that. I fairly wilt under suck a charge. "love's as vied sport as anv But nine is eight too many: - And "a dozen" is worse yet. He must be a .egular lady-killer, and w ithal the worthy "defender of their cause." Let me tell this person that "solicited honors WILL YOU EXCNANAE �*caseof pai Dilfous ens for 75 cents? It L *wittily unwise to agonise un- der the many ailments arising from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stomach and Liver. when this offer is made to you in year own home in ad sincerity. with ss. absolute certainty of fOtinria11 E8A (tress Sragil) cures Dyspepsia and Biliousness. A. single dose relieves; a mingle bottle eoavlaces; a 73 cent bottle cures. It acts directly upon tho 8to Liver, and Kidneys. Cl; n , ess gi tiniz, energy elstij lUopesa stvrtt Beg - and m to the (Brain, Nerve, and Muscle, simply by work- ing wonders upon the Diges- tion._ and slvli g activity to the Liver. Cut this out, take it to any dealer in medicines, and `et at least one 75 cent bottle ot Lepage, and tell your neighbor how 1t acts. It 1. warranted towers. 1)7 -pepsin and B ii - 1 have also opened out a complete assort tae at ot China, Glassware & Crockery. Which I intend to sell at Very Low Prices. A CALL Iii SOLI('ITHD. G. H. 0 Stet S� Trade Mark Registered. ANOTHER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG. • THE SQUARE IOBIEI -Thousandsdfgraves are annually robbed of their victims. live* prolonged, happiness end health restored by the nee of the great GERMAN INVIGORATOR, which positively and permanently cures teat• �.eeatee.� ry (caused by excesses of any kind,I sal Weakness, and all diseases that fol- low as • sequence of Self -Abuse, as love of en- ergy' loss d memory, universal lassitude, pan in the back. dimness of vision, prema- ture old age, and many other diseases that lead to insanity or consumption and a prema- ture grave. Send for circulars with testimonials tree by mail. The 111YI•LS0ATIPa is sold at 81 per box. or six boxes for e5 by all druggists, or will be sent free my mall, securely sealed, on receipt of price, byaddressing. F. J. CENEY, Druggist, 187 Summit 8L, Toledo, Ohio. G co. Remit sS, Sae Agent for Goderich. FOR BALE THE SUBSCRIBER, FINll1NG That Ids .bole attention will be required this suns nee 1a the management of the (BIG HOUSE, will dispose of that property known as the "WZNTimR HRaNOH,' situated on the Main Gravel 'toed, consist int of a capital house of tell rooms, with t erase dab on two sides, large driving house 00; 22. stabling for ten Dore*, wood shed etc..lugelh- er with one and a half acres excellent garden, well fenced. The premises are all neW and ,n first -elms order. To • good man no reason- able offer will be refused. Annly to J. J. WRIGHT, POINT FARM. Goderich. P. O. 1831. April 21st, lett!!. IINSURANCE CARD. I BRITISH ASB. CO'Y, TORONTO—Establisbe 18311 PWXNI INS. 4YY, of LONDON (England)- iratabiehed 1782. HARTFORD INS. CO'Y, of fLornmRD. Conn —Established 1810. Risks taken In the above first-class Offices, st the lowest rates by HORACE HORTON. The undersigned 1s also Appraiser for the CANADA PER. LOAN AND SAVINGS CO'Y Tetsmrty. Money to Loan on first -dem security, rom 7 to 8 per Cent—Charges moderate. HORACE HORTON. Godericb Sept- 10. 1M0. S. SLOANM. PROD1JCE ME1tCHANT HAMILTON STREET. General dealo r in Garden and Farn, Seeds Wheat and mane grains. and Wool, dc.. fie. MONEY TO LEND ON 1'F.At•'ONA1 LE TERMS. TWO HOUSES TO RENT ON NEW - GATE STR.LET. is the sour milk that simpletons pour By casual observation. we find all land into the ears of egotists." In the letter speculators have a clear bead and watch the ▪ written by Mr. Brawn Mallough only ups and downs of heprwhole thus is. they K y lat•ge foetuses. Rut the whole secret is. they . two prints are worthy of notice. in his keep the system in h why condition by the • reference to the letter signed "Shod- TEE Mine OF TIM SALAMI' aar•ICI\r..1 nee grass, ' he like "Truth," is very wide of We can safety say that hundreds mese to us the mark. The two youths who in lat for the great lung and blood purifier before ng west Read the following statement. week's Mee signed themselves "Anna- 'e could give thousands of the same kind if bells" and "Truth," professed friend- it were necessary. DRUG STORE• shipfor me, prior t" s ain the head, gathering of phlegm in thethroat thiffair. But "i certify that 1 was troubled with Catarrh wheu Mr. Brown Mallough threatened choking gndrnuthingat night for years, so I° to expose the 'Snodgrass'' business, could not sleep, often troubled with ddb, lite- Pure Lime Juice Hdebore leas teelinrrur 1s the chest and hack. they went and sold themselves to him After giving hundreds of dollars to dsetore, for a contemptible mesa of loathsome and giving w all hopes. I tried the PRIns or FLIRTS GREEN. pottage. Why 1 Because they beinic k A Lsevn t�y�eeaaar d Dicker sable to do my work afterthe principal actors in the "Snedgrase =R8. JAMES McNEIL, affair, boiled to save their own "hide,' 102 Simooe Street. London, On by helping the aforesaid Brown Mal- "The sib oveatatementlof my wile's la cot lough, Esq., to throw the whole blame tet' Jarrs MCNEIL. ..n my shoulders. Now that their ac- For sate by dl druggists, manufactured by Fly and insect nestroyer ter sale In tion has rebus,' me from keeping this Prof. A. M. Shrieves. London, Ont. Sample pacage s etre, eve tow Ifo. Can be had in miserable affair secret any longer, I, in trierrIch of leto-Mowing druggists: J*k■ justice to myself and a duty to thowgen- Med. Jam. wit.... r. Jordan. ewe. day. gentlemen whom the letter slandered, au. and J. A. Ile tel. I,(25 proposed to unfold a "plain, unvar *sh- ed tale," and lease the matter to the earn - mon sense judgment of the resideata I 1 our village. Now, the article of Brown Mallough would lead one to sup- pose that I nodiwas the author of the notori- ois I can us in aletter. n all truth1 em not, or did I suggest the writing of such a letter. The facts of the rase are simply these: The letter in question was handed to me to read and send down for publication along with that week's oo rrespoondence by its author, in the presence o1 three others, who were taken intothe secret. Now, until i read that letter I had not the remotest idea that teen was any trnuh!e about the treetop elution. And T distinctly renumber asking the boys no lass than thews times the parties* alluded to in ce Coraete0 PFrr 23ott1 the letter deserved all w they were getting, I V`./ C0 and all declared that they did. Mr. Editor, the upshot of it all is, I tent the letter down for publication along with the week's correspondence. This was the only part I took in the "Snodgrass" affair. The second letter published and signed "8ttod,r•a.s" I knew nothing shoot until T saw it in print. The arti- cle 1 wrote against "Snodgrass" express- es precisely what I meant, and k wneld write the mem thing again nn er the same• etrowedgences. Ani if after this explanation I deserve to be charged with the a.thenbio of the "Snodgrass" Iettro, i will tales (thea impel, all that i wrote to its soadle albana. Yr. Brown Mal - lough was thusrt�h�ly acquainted with the "Snodgrass" all dung, w ase t hie rete faired %rierela lately told IDs in the )meaner of a third party that he Brown Mallough knew all shoot the $66 a week In your own town. Terms and *outfit tree. Address H. HALLttrr & Co. Portland Maine WILSON'S PRESCRIPTUJN &IPIPint =It 'T=3=RTY' RAYS -AT J.C.DETLOR & CO. 40 SPECIAL VALI K IN DRESS GOODS. These goods were bought at a discount of tweet -flee per centl'all and see them. 2 Cases Prints Newest Patterns. J. C. DETLOR 8i Co. SAUNDERS VARIETY STORE. NEw GOODS_ C UTLER Y BIRD CAGES FRUIT JARS PLOT_ .ED WARE COOKui G STOVES F..?NCY BASKETS PR.ESER VING KETTLES JA. S SAUNDERS & SON. The Cheapest House Under The Sun NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE. Bargains in Prints RARGAfNS IN TWEEDS I BARGAINS IN TABLE LINENS ! EXTRAVALUE IN CASHMERES. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY.' B -CT LK_ Valuable Riscovery-_ WHO can doubt that both for one's own comfort and the pleasure of others- a mast impor- tant point ,s a WWI preserved head of hair when tae scalp gets dry and feverish and the ball' become* fwded aid prematurely gray. go to yonr rimier and ask him for a bottle of DOMIINION Tickets to Winnipeg and return will be on ale at the principal ticket officer of the com- pany from August 1st to September 30th in elusive. geed to return within forty days from date of issue. HAIR ItESTORER Ma.1e by S. TAPOCOTT, of Bvsattord. and you will be more than satisfied. GEORGE R$YNAB, .AGW'T a'OR QODERIOH_ First class tickets available ia all the usual routes. those by the lake routes include meals and berths on the steamer from Sarnia to Collingwood. to and from Duluth. FARE FROM GODERICH - $55.O3 PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. AND AT LOW RATES AT "THE SIGNAL OFFICE. " 1849-3*. IN THE HIGHCOURTOFJUSTICE. Quecr'a BIDICI1 Dlvte,os. BIRRELL IS. Rite. Covert or Hoene, y By virtue of a Writ of To WIT: i Fieri Facies. issued out of Het Majesty High Court of Justice. and to me directed against the Lands and Tenements of T. S. Reid at the suit of Geo. S. Birrell and William A. Direct'. I have seized and taken in execution all the rigid, title, interest and equity of redemption of the above loaner' defendant in and to that parcel of land situate, lying and bete 1n the County of Heron in the Province of f ntarlo. os and being comped of the South Ewterly comer .t •he east half of lot number twelve In the eleventh concession of the Eastern i►:v;s ,n cA the township of Ast.fleld. contain- ing three quartern of en arty more or less in- cluding lm number eight and port of lot number seven in the village of Altnnville in the Covertly of Rte./in. Which i.nds and Tenements It offer for . *!c. at me office in the Coney House. in the town of Grater:ch. on Frtelar the twenty-ninth tiny of September at the hnuref Iwet%e of •he tock. noon. ROBERT G L ** RON `-. RhcriT, (M9e,. Goderich. Shrrlft of Huron. June. 30•h ISti2. l84 . 5 x GOOD PLAIN Dress Goods, 12 2 cts. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Couery or Brews. ! By virtue of a Writ rat TO WIT. , Fieri F'*Cia0. lasered ant of Her Majesty's County e'onrt of the County of Hmmn. ,.rad to me directed against the iands and Tenements of Thomas (honk at the suit of Afeaand,r Roes. 1 have setae' and taken in Execution all the right. tltle.interest and equity d redemption of the abore named defendant. to and to that unreel of land situate lying and being in the ('minty of Huron and Province of Ontario. comprising the Easterly twenty acme of *he North half of int n,imher Mx is the tenth mnecs.ion of the Western Division of the township of A.hleld. Which lands and tenements i shell over for sale.at 'needles. i, the Court Honse.In the town of G.xderich. nn Moritay the second day of October. at the hoar of twelve of the clock. DOOM ROBERT GIBBONS, Sheriff s ORfoe. Goderich. Sheriff of Huron. June 10th Pi • 1845. CANADA'S QRBAT FAIR ! And Agricnitnral and Industrial EXHIBITION THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS f COLBORNE BROS, GODERICH. Medical =e1] 1, Godericri A large supply of Manserrat Lime Fruit Juice, and Lime Juice, Cordial 1 • The purest and best brand in the Market. Makes a cheap, delicious, and WHOLESOME SUMMER D R I N K. Just received a great lot of LONDON PURPLEPOTATO DaANPARIS GREEN B1;G. HELLEBORE FOR INSECTS, ON SHRUBBERY. PERSIAN INECT POWDER For the destruction of all kinds of meets. The new rat and mouse poison, R0 TGZ-3 O N RATS_ POISON FLY'I'APEI:S. Ea.. F. 'JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist. SP8IN6 AND SOMBER SIIITS IN ALI.,THE• LATEST STYLES HUGS3 D it NLO P Faahi.'nnhle Tailor, West Street Goderich./ A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS TO SELECT FROM. ForIWt•1atthe tit nnnitrnn in HI 11t, CITY of TORONTO Frosnbthto18thS F1'EMHl3i3. $26.000 in Prizes. M imam tlesai a�Rasava ete bets ee a k! et tIt the w se Grp Int of the Int wow 00.h year. Fen patlema s in r• whisk will be send anywhere eh b�tkarwls* IM lee refease& seattln si %lgn ark w " '�:.•1•.>.t, Inteste• Now is the thee. if you aim ewe or two wire Brooms at hewn 80 tree Beller „ room paper Hie has 20,000 Rolls of t he Latest Designs Detaitifil edsve. and at prices IDs. than very much Intertnr grunt* Call and s,•o than. they aretis bo.t •sive le town. and meat tr anted The latest Siog hoar P11is aHdFashos, At R R'S_ f were ,fly b; t rule ring of ,ear to • yet pru- •st and •s are ,e gets he is 'e aro rel for 'these over ver. - I mea- Thevt asures seiz- I rues - 1 anti ► were steel- • was 'just. les in- lemn- r not ed of •n are y that &tion, asin Divi dat 5 1i nice tiered ►radon ► and leave .uffalu lgular ose to no to ly for I will ho do lxcur- amp-. id go - t the aftor- d will noda- r. A cfur ricers sup- MM .° obi Ice to con- hxok puny tuts a ticin- take I tho jaltel. ought �haut's ile re - every recut tel on then —Tito rgy of ter on 'esent, tv. W. ►n and lottery. •etary. Milt in :fully, adding of the d from to the ti ea% *pres- 9 Rev. ` long .11 cote le ser- gtohe e.' A tt►g of to held igly in - Rural le out- lustra- tlly at•- Istand- we pet - eetings 'gy and serine* e. John cancer 5. The tart.culty, .ot trlflorth. pow hie