HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-08-18, Page 3rHh HU•t 9N AlGNAL, FRIpitV, AUGUST 1$, 1882, who, a sewa,a?ievaeen far Mensa. The furrowing article should be read •d pondered well by eve:" man who t km s newspaper wits at paytug for The result of nay observation enables me to state as a fact that publishers of neeapepen are more 'timely rewarded than any utb. r cleat of men uu the coun- try who invest an equal amount of labor, capital and thought. The are expected to do more work far loss pay, t.0 stand more sponging and dead heading, to putt •sd detract more people without any NO or hops of ere sard than any other class. They credit wider and tenger, get of - tenet cheated,suffer more pecuniary low, and are c.ftnner the a ictus of misplaced evnfidetce thin any ether calling in the community. People pay printers bill more Reluctantly than any taller. It goes harder with them to expend a dol- lar nn a vatualle newspaper than ten an a needless Kew gaw, yet everybody avails himself of the editor's pen and the prin- ter's ink. How many professional and political reputations and fortunes have been made and sustained by the friendly though unrequited pen of the editor ! How many embryo towns rind cities have been brought into notice and puffed into prosperity by the press I How many railroads, now successful operation,would Lave foundered but for the assistance of "the lever that motes the world !" In short, what branch of industry or activi- ty has not been promoted. stimulated and defendeil'by the press 1 And who has tendered more than a miserable pit- tance fur its mighty services e. The b users of fashi m and the haunts of ap- ietite and detailatio.a are thronged with an eager crowd, bearing gold in their paln.s, and the commodities there vend - Noes $wavNit*g. Will. M. Kellogg, in Prvirio Farmer, says on this subject: —There art many who keep bees in • small way that do not wish to have their bees iaacreese be- yond a certain number. This can be done almost completely, so much so that the increase can be easily disposed of. About the time you think they will be- gin to get all idea of swarorlug see to it that they have an abmndauee of roux for sturing honey, placing sections tilled with nice thin comb foundation down loth sides of the brood nest, and on top, haring, of course, had some surplus re- ceptacles ou before this. Added to this the hive needs t, be shaded from the too direct rays of the sun, but not in t,,v dense a shade. Keep all underbrush trimmed up so there will be a cireula- tion of air, for it is hotter in a grove with thick underbrush, than richt out iu the open air where there is plenty of bre tee. With a large an.ount of surplus honey rooms, and hives kept from being too hut, you can keep the bees from swarming to a great extent. But you c in make it almost sure by going over the hives once a week thoroughly, mad pinching out every queen cell, uut omit- ting the little cups, like a coni cups, just started. 1 have never had a swarm issue, from my apiary when these con- ditions were followed. But the search for the queen cells ai.d cups must be the rough, clear through the hive on every cr,uth, er you WTI new and then mire a queen cell in some odd corner. Seine make claim for the Italians that they sill swarm without any prepara- tion whatever, but I have failed to see this verified. It will take considerable work to go through every stock once a week, but it is not much more ,,f a task A PICNIC TRAGEDY. is.s•rIe anal INsi lIti. A levees Mw. — — From Wm. Rodl g, 114 Rodman St., Me/aessetrs ems. (ar.waed walls *SS$ Full River, Masa-- "I was severely massa ramie bar& afllieMd with nmelsl deleilitg caused by --. over-exertion in . ,rkisiii when whets I FLasl[aatrua, County Grey, t)nt., was n e strung euuegh t.r•do si. I b,_ Aug. 10.—A inelewhuly drowning +mei- came .o noes and debilitated that I was flaully obi* give up work and dont occurred yesterday sfterneo,ta abirut devote myself a irely to lest. This, 4 o'clock at Brewster'. lake, O.prey however, did not beneht tee, as I hall el are sold at euonneouow profits, though than to Le watching and hi, in' swarms, intrinsically useless, and paid for with chasing s inn struts the country perhaps, s_ruptilous punctuality; while the count- and with your stocks swarmed down so ing-room of the newspaper in thedew- weak that they are of no profit. ing, cheapening trade of orders and pen- Nang nies. It is made a point of honor to liquidate a gruce hill, but tot o1 di+honor Charles Carleton Coffin, in his "Boys to repudiate a printer's hill. of 61," relates the folowing incident connected with the Potomac Army's rwsiefsuality. ' march north, shortly before the -battle of It is astonishing hew many people Gettysburg. N1•lten the Fifth Corps there are who neglect punctuality, and ' passed through the town of Liberty, thousands have failed in life from this Md., a farmer rode into the tillage mounted lin his farm wagon. His lead cause alone: it is, not only`a serious vice 1 was cocercci with whiter table cloths. in itself, but it is the fruitful parent of „�� hat have ye bite sell, old fdlow tuany..other vices, so that he who be- I Bread, eh ' ' said a soldier, raising a comes the victi•n of it gets involved in ` toils from w hiclt it it almost impossible I corner of the cloth and revealing loaves to escape. It maker the merchant I of sweet, soft, plain bread, with several wasteful of time; it saps the business re- I bushels of ginger -cakes. ''*Vat do you ask for a kaf ? ' nutation id lawyers, and it injure the I haven't alio to sill, said the fat- pruspect of the mechanic, who :night i others iee rise to fortune, in a word, WerHareu't anyto eel! 1 What are you there is not a profession, not a station in 1 here fur 1'i de, which it not hable to the canker Of, • The farmer made no reply. llie destructive habit'. It is a fact rot 'See here, old man, won't ye sell me s always ren•embered, that Napoleon'' a. great t icterics were won by infusing into' h'pk of gingerbread read said the soldier his suhor'ittates the necessity 0e producing as old wallet. township about 'lateen miles east of uothing to uucupy my mind, and I could'\ here. The omega Young Steams frump Dot bre bYidle. 1 concluded that my roed - Dander':, Singhamptoo and third line physieian, who pronoanond k an aggn- a of Osprey were enjoying their picuio. sated 1nr,u of d�ralepsia, and was treated Six young men, all tanners' taus, went eecotdiugly. Nothing that 1 tried gave uutIin a small row boat. They are nun- me any *chef until paacviaN Santee ed rppeetivoly Edward Myles, Jote was reameimonded. 1 used three bottles of thisand could see a great improve - Myles, JohnHughr,n, Francis Welter, ,went, as 1 was able to resume work. David Willie' and Wm- F• ►sdcou• Three bottler koro completely restored The latter stood up iu the mw bust, al my health." Said by all drugs fists. the same time using an mar. The boat -- — _— lurched anal Wisdom fell, on falling he The 4real Arnerte013 Remedy for put his arm around David Winter e.'O•LIGH8, COLDS, AS7'H.M[A, ueck, capsizing the best. All were BRONCHITIS, LOSS OF throwu into the water. The two Win- VOICE, HOARSENESS AND ter. uiaoaged to reach the boat, clung on THROAT AFFECTIONS. tl rreperet fr'ou tau a rte lar_ www e•►�� a.id were saved. The four others sank .t„a. rseor,l 1Niesa,la LM �� rot 7Laeo, b par eo ateat= and never rose once to the surfatw. of nae neo[. ao.iftaram a if rap Gaa, [viiia aw4aJaow caw rrw The accident happened fifteen rods from _ � west mtrabta *vette 0 .s for the shore, in fifteen feet of water. Ea,ry O11 1s. tai, ora r,puro- Scores on the banks saw them go down, te r' n A V'C t:na nae but could render no assistance. None telwt e /cat, q/4.14 of the young men could swim. 'Their aprere, an bodies were recovered late last nivLt' p•lnde,1i1e n the minute. It was his plan to c141 I(eu• j .Well, yo' re a ul:ut t.. be proud of, ing tariff of rates for threshing be adher- ed to until further entice is given -- Wheat, 3iic per bushel; barley 3c; pear, 4c; oats, 0c;or at the rates of .e1,50 per hour as the farmer may prefer. cosi, of .t MasatBiHlet,. Luny /Ls- - sy1K. nieoe As I sat 00 the hotel steps at Dalton, .he ,•ty,at Oa., talking with a drummer from Cin- es ,ass thrtr con- cinnati, the landlord came out anti ask- . p00 -o .a to e 1 us if we wanted to it)) a man who r i nod was carrying six bulhts about with hint. iii:tthe Of curse we aid, and we were walked down :o the other end of the verandah and introduced to Col. Beach. I was going to approa:.h hien sluwly and grace- fully, but the drummer rushed right up t him with: "So you are carrying sir bullets short with you, eh 1" "Yes, sir.' "Do they pain you m ich ?" "Oh, nu." • "Lands alive; but I don't see hew you lived through it. How many battles were you in 1" "Eighteen." "Did you get all o.tce 1" "Yes, all at once." "By George ! Well, I never heard the like of it ! Colonel, I don't want to be impudeut but—but—" "You want to know where they ate located ?" "Exactly—exactly." carrying 'em in this pocket to- day," was the quiet reply, as he fished down rind brought up six old bullets picked up off the battle field. It was a job put up tel me, but the drummer got in ahead, and he was to mad about it that lie wouldn't eat any supper. —Detroit Free Preis. these bullets at The threshers have held their "conv-- entiun " and arranged a tariff of charees. II The meeting was held inLe,ndun on Sat- urday,and tt wasresolvedthat thofollow- ore over large spaces of the r.,nary, sir ain't you 1 1.% e a r000l [Hind to top you as to render the en'•mv uncertain whole mut '4 your old bread -cart. It would he wee abut to et,.ke a lalow, and then, I serve you right Here we are marching sutlilenly t.e renceutrete Lis ` ii es 'end fall with irresietilde power on some ween 1all night avid all they to' photcct your p tint ..f the extended liner of the foei property, and we haven't had any break - The execution of this sy-stetti detuantted I him. anti rosy not have any diener. You're a pretty mean set round here any that each divisive of the stilly eivaild sea said the bulgier. arrive at the specified nine punctually; A crown of soldiers lead s'athered, and for, if any pal t failed to come up, tl:e i others expressed their indignation. battle was lost. It was by imitating t After quietly listening to them, with a I thin plan that the allieletinaliy atcceeded if '1' • face fiat a few minutes, the i The prescription of a skillful�.hysician S p r- n e e eason reps. ,o• Its remarkable power in relieving certain forms of Bronchitis, and its almost specific effect in curing ob- stinate /tacking Coughs, is now trill known to the public at ,large. Soil by all raynctabte clannish. Price, ';5 ao l 16 e•.ts 0 bottle. Tae word. "syrup of Pled Speaker Gain" a,.sti Kee f oar Registered registered. Trude Mart, and sur u•rupl,rr untis are J1 E'RR 1: ww1t 7'80'1' tt i�0•, tr'tetr,aie Druggists. &A.! P.opricrors and Manufacturers, SYRUP err RED SPRUCE gunk never notant o teb moats, -,pea. mea p t<•, ns• avec turont font.,• and It t,a sell properties are pre - sorra d. /fila .Syr. tura- / v pre aur r&e porn herr, leontefpae tan wt(d ytusI!erre !fit` paw iw GUM.let. PERCHERON HORSES LARGEST • Importing and Breeding. ESTABLU SHiEHT JUST RECEIVED. a eas The Tara school board meets in the Council chamber and pays seventy five cents per night for the privelege. In. ot- her words the Councilfurnishesinoney to the Scho el Board to pay the Council for the use of a room in which to meet:Com- mend ns to the Tara representatives fur careful financing. in overthrowing the emperor. The h h'" ami me Iold farmer stool up on his wagon seat, whole R'aterino campaign • tunnel on i tack of the table cloth and replied:— these tactics. At Mt. St. Jean Blucher "I didn't brieg my bread here to sell, was punctual, while Grouchy was not; la tys .wife nal brew ten sat up all and the result was that Napoleon fell night to bake it furyou, and you're seer-, and\leliingt'n triumphed. pou tried it? Soleil by Druggists, 50c. a In mercantile affairs punctuality is as cr'ttle M all I've got, and 1 wish I had Ix,ttle. ten times as much. Help yourselves !" and ceotnp,med of vegetable rugs of great remedial power, Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters purify the blood, give tone and vigor to the system, cures Dyspepsia and Indigestion when all Tether medicines fail. Have important as in military. Many ate the i "Hurrah ! htirrah ! hurrah ! "Good instances in which the neglect to renew 44. oY" " "You're worth the fighting anou With tu insurance p has lei to seri- for !" "Three cheers for the old man !" nue leas. �� ith soouu nd policy do the "Three cheers for the old lady !" "Three banks insist, under the penalty of a pro - more for the Oils!" They threw up their caps and - fairly danced for joy. The bread and cakes were gone in a twink- ling. "See here, my friend, I take loads all the hard words 1 said about you," said the first soldier, shaking hands with the farmer, who sat on his wagon,half laugh - i sg, and yet so pleased and happy that he could do wsmething for the soldiers, Viet he was abnest es much inclined to est, on the punctual payment of notes, for were they to d•' otherni-e, commercial transactions would fall into iextricahie confusion. Many and many a time has the failure of one man to meet his oLligations brought on the ruin of a seore of others, just as the tippling down in a line of bricks of the master brick causes the fall of all the rest.l Thousands remain poor all their live& who, if they were more faithful in their cru word' would secure a large run of cum- tom,and s.i make their fortunes. Be punctual if you would succeed. IfiaD}1aena le Ike anyat opera In a recent eonversatien with Mr. Conner, Royal Oilers House, (Toro1Mo), he spoke as follows to to n represents - fire r.f a prominent journal in reply to a t' n mince/ening his health •— 'Dnr- 71iIE EXPERiMENTS OF PROF. ihtaart and ltalfe, of Paris, and lir...n- denser, or l.osdon, and other eminent nhysi- ofog lets demonstrating the function of I'HOS- Pt1ATE 4 as cxeitantsofnutrition and nerve powerbavin brought these ag'nts into gene- ral use, it onfht not to be nesessacqy to call the attentionol utalidLi to V1lEEl.Ei Phos- phates and Calisaya, the best combination of these food elements, wits',Vlld Cherry Hark. in existence. Its value in prostrate conditions of the system is obvious, and its prolunged lite in obstinate eases that hate reacted till ordinary treatment, will clearly demonstrate luext rordisary merits. — LS THit — WORLD. A T fl . F A SPLENDID At.oRTMENT OF FRESH Gl{OCEIHES, SUIT.ti3LE FOR THE SEASON. Spacial Baaius iu Teas at Very Law Prices. son its asar th and splendid art cle and wwards. orth neeti at, nt a really Ile Tea h hive ads, just opened my , out ng Ha coin plete assortment of M. W. DUNHAM Corckery Glassware, Inclu.ting St.nie and China Tea Seta, Childreni' Toy Tea butts, Ladies and Gents Fancy Tea Cups and Saucers, suitable for Christmas and'iew Year's Gifts. Lamps $c Lamp Goods in Great Variety Wayne, Da Page County, Illinois, U. S. A. (35 mules west of Chicago.) Duringthe past 17 months 360 .STAL. Lw.V't .4'D M-IREShare been imported! from France to this establishment, brio MORE than the combined importations off all other importers of Draft Horses from all parts of Europe fur any one year. Own -fifth of the entire number of rmport- ed French Horses in America can be seen on his farm. His Im harp included the PrLe Winners of the Untrersal Exposition. Paris, 1878 and nearly all the Prize Hones Of the Great .bows of France since his impor- tations began. They also carried orf the honors at the Centennial, 1876; and, at the Great Chtea��t,ee Fair, 1881, Mr. LIu,harn's Herd ofPERCIIEROS8, (in competition with the larged and finest collection of Clydes- dales ever shown, consisting of the prize win- ners at the Great Shows of Scotland and En- gglandJ was awarded the Grand Sweepstakes Prize of 111,000 and Grand Gold Medal. 100 PAGE EATAEOIITrE sent FREn en oppllrstion Contains over 40 Illus- trations and the history/ of the Percher** race. Order "CATALOGUE S." , EVERY LARGE BREEDER da EVERY NEIGHBORHOOD Ir14EDs A PERCHERON STALLION CAUSEthirty yenn' trial tae i'mrn- {� strated that when trod to the common mares of the country the produce is more uniform, are easter keepers, batter work- er,, and sell for more money on the market than any other Class of Horses. , *sella Agate. Every day we receive testimonials hien well known Montrealer, testifying too the wondarf41 merit' of Dr.SMITH'S GREAT GERMAN WORM RZMEDY. Pae latest comb to -d ay (\ovember 24th) from Mr. J. O. Darois, :Io. 19 St. Mary I Street, who says his child, six years eta, a seat pawed an immense number of am it 1UP+i n ing the early part of last (Attoler i had or pin worms and large stomach worms, a severe attack in ray right knee, of what I with only a few doses. For sale by Jas. my physicians pronounced acute rheu- . Wilson, Goderieh, Ont., at 252 cents. mantel. I used many so -palled rheu- ; ruse no other. i trade reaedtes, without resew ere any apparel* benefit. Observing that St. Jacobs 01 was being e,nstanUy reeom- mended by many of the leading imesebers r f 'ur professiteu, 1 decided to give it a trial. Accordingly I purehawd a bottle / of the firtieis and applied it IS directed. From the Mt application 1 Orwansenced to improve, and before 1 used two thirds fo a notal, I was entirely cured, and' have reperienced no retntn of my *4- The safest, hest and cheapest mecliciae ALLAN LINE cf ROYAL MAILSTEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL. LONDONDERRY, (\LAE- • GOIV. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS AND AT VERY LOW PRICES Call and be Convinced MILLINERYU Miss Jessie Wilson Y' ..• .•.,Y' car+_. a. ,•.-..• w- .. f".J r..•+..♦ cr Tw,♦ ev,.,n •1:Cere...`1e,11,101Me11r.l.1.1ma7,[ !r Takes pl_m-ere}n informing the ladle. of;Goda. ,c.....•t1 vicinity. that sl e c•pt ned out on Saturday, April the 8th I.t;LAR(:E F•I'CCK i)F' TRIM MED UNTRIMMED GOODS �....tnd One a--. men' ,,f FLOWERS A =FEATHERS. And everything in the shape of Z.�T'ES'T 1TC77=2.1152ES. The la. ic, are cordially invited to inspect geode, and 1 will leen* it a plcaeure to show th LATEST AND BEST STYLES. ORDERED WORK ASPECIALTY_ .11.4 iL vTE.l MER.• — 4EAw)N 1F142 Cabin. intermediate and Moorage Ticket. at ow•E5T aATaa . Sterrett(' pa.eenfeera ant honked t London. tartlet. newel, Queenstown. Gerry, Delfa.t, Galway and lia vow. at same rates as to Li• ['pool CBC&GO,ROCKI (oil too sweetens 01 tM 41141. ,� (pee P gcryLzsicR BAILIN cis, I s..1 � asp Frost Q trbee. May ru'day• Ae ses Peruvian. „ r Nle ova Jane 1$ Nova pedNMn.... . 0 *aarre�tien " 17 1 lyta in the world is Dr. Carson's Stomach permpewlaa >t Bitters. rte kl in large • e� Yd Amu •• It meat. Mr Thus. Hamphrey, saddler, widely anti favourablyknnwn in B»ewmanville, lied eery *ndt enlr nn Saturday night. loose t era • , .. •• Is battles at cents by all Danytgists. Thmugk the �e'wwt swath of jolt' .a� l�wmks are liablethe Stomach very to bestial* derilat 1111. peeper re. is >neo 82eitosh end �DA ,Ire by their the tbi jiguatjre OMpns ars mwlgoetlg0 the =kept molar and the Blood/ MO sad sad soul. Sold in large bot- tiesItoSOMA*by all druggists. Ge,. lMflw. M'm . C3,d Fer tickets and every Iwformatien &rely to 11. AR1tSfRONO. 1'Mkc• A M ltderieb ast Ave stNem. 2 Farsmers Atter.�tici-s.! Barbed Fence Wiie contracted toren any quantity at very it1• -• ; rue I SELL EITHER 2708 4 BARBED FENCE WIRE. Wire and barb galvanized atter u:ng t`t'iat•, lvwaicit ca here: scaleoK. Use Barbed 'Tire for Fences. NO SNOW!b7IFTS NO::WEEDS YC . WkSTE:. LANDS. .Furji.ale by G H. PARSONS, C REAP ,IARD'AARE, OODERICH. The Orett 0181118I112C4 g }Fluid. McCOLL BROS Co. TORONTO_ IM ANU�IFACTURER S OF- LARDINE OIL MRS. WARNOCK Hai great yleatere in anno,un in;t to her Satiny friends sheha ss ured the sole right and privilege le mannfactnrc and sell DR. LL:C Y AN'S .r CLEANSING & RENOVATING FLUI�1Df, grease met boo lie ;8111;useset*I"eatic tthing th¢ I' MANUFACTURERS And all glen r emiing maehiner v wilt save oNa. Oar LA DIN It aa4 peal. TTTact. speak t ` mar ike yettlie sea fled eat rtk� are true, by try- -_ ew,163leeee etc.. en ale dearest to -A\I. CYLINDER OIL e !Four Medal* and three diploma* awarded then leaf year at the leading Exlotti- tione. In the Dominion 1 Wet Dai Tlosot OMMO MI &heat as ilia Mk r^as rempaat IN Oeer lila "deo nall.sIM••rmsttns.-Vth.Itemsand Told. et ice MEAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. ��,st sanest TAW011oa. or addr.w *. OAaI.S. a. ST. JOHN. ►.**. ,r 0...1 et a. tot. Si ra.. 145 CM1CAU O Mk. NS2.2 AGENTS 5e t -*w t 57--{erLL"k, Or C asital roe 7Aaae es atao.:e treat. eareette 12 742 A W KKK. VI • day at home *sail -- n'.ed .A Colirnet lntttree. admire IcGoll Broa & Co Toronto. The Carlin' In for sale In Oodertch by R. W. c K ENZIE, ti. H. I'AR.YONf3. C. CR %BR, awl D. K. BTRACHAN. its% s w. were y by rule g of r to , yet pro - and are gets hem are for Ir. these over vari- es- SPA alba arm were eel - was hut. in- 511111 - not of are that ction, as in i- rro- 1 as s nice eyed radon and leave uffalo gular see to 1e to ly for will ho do acur- *mp- d gal t the aftor- 1 will mode - a A 3. for ricers I sup- lease - a+ ob: ice t i A con- la,k puny into' a ticin- take 1 the rebel. Ought Dam's ie re - every recol- lel on then —Tito rgy of ter on resent, iv. W. in and aviary. ietary. stns in /fully, holding of the a from to the wag attires- ? Rev. f long 11 Coto tie ser - 1 ti 1141 A 1ttig of is held Illy in- t Rural 1e snF.- Ilustra- ►Ily sp:- hstand- we per - wet i n ger tory and 1'ednea 'r John cancer t. The acuity, wart, of saf••rth mon hie