HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-08-18, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR.
t $1.60 A YEAR 1N ADVANCE.
New td•errlsensente•
Tess O. II. Ot.ls.
Melia. 1 Moore -J. limits.
h. ward - J. 11. 1.1uvd.
• 1'- nr -J. Yreeloutr dee.
Ma Ma N/edlo:ine.
&v,', 1 Hoak Depot -Q. **Leopard.
Mori: .ffe 4a2e-18eat'er A'Morton.
Pori wkpa, Pim pd ee aatrs Nair RoWsselt.
Hall', tfrstrpr.-Dr. J- C. Ayer B Co.
T1AT. ORlois sad r j4..us. West Street
hree door below Binh of Montreal, (lodo-
rieb 174I
J LEON, elate with T. -otter t Caesar. the
les,lint Dentists of Tor•,a(s..t AN epesMtoae
neat y and carefully performed. Rooms.
t' .e' • Block. ore: W. Taylor's .t !Fen's (LIN-
T.! S.rPaticnt• from *distance wail Maass
make appointment In aleance by mail. 1M.
She People's £otumn.
Learn the cabinet making. Apply to
D. Oordos.
ply at his chase 1
harness. Per particulars ap-
N house corner of Relegate and
Alheirs streets for a number of years occu-
pied In Mrs. 1':Iwood, The house is in every
way a di s!rable one. For further particulars
apply to JOHN Rxcei:cNaioon Newsate
Oro er, 1
nn Wednesday, Magnet IIAesspentad.ihe pad.
A •two year old rod a bb te stem. A bal-
ance remains to my hands aver all expenses
have been paid. and 1f not claimed and satis-
factn-y proof made to me at on.a, the money
will he paid over to tde municipality. Jo+rata
Mourns, poundkeeper, Block "D.- Colborne.
1, out of pound, on Saturday, the Iftb day
of August, at one o clock, if not claimed be
fore that date. one red and white steer. auark-
ed on .left ear. JOHN Ronemn(or, pound
k.•rp, lot 3 Con 1. townehlp of Colborne.
kJ A member odium lumks art 0y a Pjwe 1*-
et*1 wi1ageAlb sore c Mees o[ grew
For psrftealars apply to M*Trusw LIMY. It
•ren. of Colborne. 1817-3m.
win not be responsible for any debts con-
tracted by my wife or any other person wit h -
out my written order. IL -mutt DOAK.
• Stanley.
►J Came on the premises of the subscriber.
about the beginning of June. a ewe. The
owner iso requested to proveroperty, pay
charges and take her away.Jpoaei'H HCTH-
ERiRGTON. lot 8. can, 12. Colborne, Nile P. O.
1 o; Louden. 11441.. Academy of Music,
O iso of tit. (images Chan:b. Goderich,
win give lessees in Organ and Piano Oaying_
siogtns and harmony. For particulars ad-
dress. care of Ills Payne, Oodericb P.O.
Colborne. will meet in the townehro
on Monday 21st. at leek** p. m. The t
tees of the different .l oleo are re vested to
vend to the Clerk. on n- before the 18th, the
amount they runt: . J. A. Mi'DoNAOH,
Clerk. Carlow P. O. 1•-1851.
"-i will be futslshe.t any person willing
to go West who will take ehsrge of fourchild-
r.•n. arr•,•1 res,•,ectively 3, 5. 7, 10 years of age.
and d, lip sr them to their father at the ter-
mtnation of the Journey. Rddre*s or call
pereota•1r apse Mr. HARRY JOKN*TON at the
Clerk's glee. Goderich.
181/-1 r.
Hat leg completed her studies In music
tinder Prof. SIppl of London. and having re-
f^ivafa osr.Aaoats, ,Is now prepared to re-
eis e a limited ntym!ter of pupils for Piano
In at rn-tree. Mhos Seep/tiller le also prepared
to tate orders for Crayon Portraits. tiatistac-
tion in every case guaranteed. Residence,
corner Cambria Road and Newgate street.
Building site. and buildings thereon,
lots 808 and ell, In the town of Ooderlch, be-
ing the property owned and °couple& b1• the
late Henry Horton sea. Convenient to the
square. Will be sold In one Paroel or in lots
to suit. Enquire of J. C. CURRIE, Auctioneer.
thisdHaynes, saw miller. Sheppardton, was
sy dissolved. A. Hodge will receive
and pay the debts due to and by the company
at this date. ' R. T. Haynes will carry on the
saw mill on his own account.
WILLIAM PRotD►o,T, 1 Aw-tt. HnnoE.
Witness. i R. T. Haines.
' .r ward will be paid for Information
leading to the conviction of the person or par-
sons wbo stole a wagon from the Huron Road
near the {{to eon.. Oodericb township. on the
night of t`'edneeday. Aug end. 1''01. and for
the recovery of the wagon. The wagon wag-
on was a one-horse vehicle painted red.. J. H.
postaghe e
once, d gefull ot
• HER and Hair -dreamer. begs to return
hanks to the pubilc for past Hpatronage• and
s,Ilsits a oeutieuasce of cusm e can
always be found a iW Shaving Purest. near
Poe 0111se G•derleh. 1780
$. HUTCHISON, DritoLfltOlt,
Oat. 1111
G.R. IAN. ACRE/EON. Le.. Graduate of Ta`
onto University. 1.1o.ntlate the Royal Col -
Iwo of physicians net Ate.. etc..
R C p. R., Ontarioad residence
•Vomit* Bailey's Hote4 Hamilton street 001/-
.11. h. I tense
▪ / OBON. Conner to. OlIce and
Breen 1tre*R .weed door west of tobvla
etre t. 1711.
G. MACKID, 111. D. , PHYQ-
• claw emigesa and At bar, (1=0
.#es. swine at t!• Bank. 171111-y.
' C11;1 tRiAJrw- M_ - T
"A ciders apish( yd', takln' notes.
Au' faith Ys7t-print tt-"
settitits sew stock of School Books a,d
suppUeeat buries' book store which he
1* offering at the lowest price.
Do > on want a stove I, Or any goods In my
line. 1.1 so call and save money, O. N. Davis.
Alloverdtte accounts taut be settled at once.
Artistic card vignettes only 12.00 a doses.
calrisat vissettes 01,50 $ doses. Copying
and enlarging doss to put class style. A Inc
assortment of frames ate at E. L. Johnson's,
Ile y. IS. Robson, Mstarer.
Pea pluturesof people are very interesting.
but no pen portrait of • person can giro any-
thing like the eatLsfactlon that a photograph
by Salow's. tete web known photographer
eerier of Montreal -.t and the Square, wIll do.
Reed Whea•, liletialrhas 1t. The Democrat
wheat. one a the best milling varieties yet
Introduoel, rand the winter well: is strong In
the straw and yields remarkable well. Par -
tics thatgrew it Ibis year, easy tgat it average
50 bushel per acre. Order early, as only a
limned quantity is in stock. And choice Diehl
wheat trout my own tans. near Tyorono. Also
eboloe timothy seed fall sowing.
What shall the harvest be 1
Dr. Hicks, late of Detroit, is in tows).
.Mr. Troy W. Savage, of Buffalo, is 'in
Miss V. Hale, of Port Huron. is visit•
ing her parents.
Mrs. Adams, Waterlo., St., is visiting
frieiids at Lucknow.
Mir Haystead, of Seaforth, is the
guest of Mrs. Armstrong.
)►lass Sturltetm of Detroit, is visiting
her aunt Mrs Kirkbride.
Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott have gone
to Dakota fur a few weeks.
Miss Hay, of Detroit, is the guest of
Miss McIntosh, North street.
Mr. John Jessop, of Bay City, has
been on a visit to his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Wade, of Brussels, are
spending a few weeks in town.
Father Steridan, of Seafurth, officiat-
ed at St. Peters ou Sunday last.
Mr. Peter McFarlane G. T. R, i1
lakinga holiday trip to Chicago.
Mts. Duff, of Holmesville, is the
gue.t of Mrs. Robert Henderson.
Mrs. Capt. Rhynaa and Miss Lizzie
Ferguson, now of Detroit, are in town.
Mrs. E. L. Johnston and daughter
Hattie, are rising; &tends in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Coaly, Waterloo-st.,
have gone to Kincardine to visit friends.
Mrs. T. Whitely, of the "Western"
Hotel, is visiting her -sister at Pine Riv-
Harriston "ezcurt.d" yesterday to
Goderich on the occasion of its civic
The warm weather has very percepti-
bly thinned the attendance at the Sun-
day schools
Mr. Jas. A. McIntosh„uf the Goderich
Foundry, has taken a trip to Winnipeg
on business.
Prof. Gregg occupied the pulpit of
Knox church on, Sunday last, morning
and evening.
We didn't have Vennor's snow storm,
but we had very cool weather last week,
all the same.
Mrs. William Rothwell and family, of
Galt, are the guests of her mother, Mrs.
John Mitchell.
Mia. Cassidy, of Toronto, has been
visiting friends in this section during the
past few weeks.
Mr. Andrew Whitely, of Detroit, is
visiting his mother at her home in God-
erich township.
Miss Lizzie Wilson, late of London,
has returned to G xlerich, accompanied
by Miss Young.
POSTPONED. -There will be no meet-
ing'of Knox church teachers -this even-
ing for Bible study.
Mrs. Bounthrin of Southampton, has
been visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Campbell, Stanley St.
Mrs. Capt. Savage left this week for
a trip to Duluth, previous to her return
to her home at Sarnia.
Merchants who want to catch the fall
trade should advertise ruin. "Every-
body reads TisSIGNAL."
The wife of the late Mr. John Snell,
of Edmonton, is visiting her neice, Mrs.
Henry Morris, of Colborne.
Arrangements are underway for an ex-
cursion to Niagara Falls from Goderich
on Friday next, the 25th inst.
The county Council has had the ap-
proaches to the iron bridge at either end
made safe for traffic and travel
Mr. F. W. Johnston is again *round,
after being prostrated bya severe cold
which threatened to sette nn his lungs
Mr. Veen Elwood, of the Inland
Revenue department, is in town, visiting
his father, Ven. Archdeacon Elwood.
We have to thank Mr. J. S. Walton
for aP excellent sample of celery which
he'sent in to our office on Thursday last.
Mw Rothwell, has returned to her
school at Grimsby, bet will spend a few
days visiting friends at Brantford on her
Mr. George Robson spent a few days
least week visiting old friends and scads
in Galt and Toronto, and enjoyed his
Mies Fannie Williams, daughter nt
llfr. J. H. Williams has accepted a situa-
tion Is a millinery establishment in
lr.JJohn Cott, Oen of Mr George
Cox, of this Mem, has serepted a situa-
tion in the establishment of his uncle
Mr. Ben. Allen, the well-known Chicago
jeweller, and is riot, at home in the
Rosin city
Mr. and Mrs Malcolm Nicholson and
family, are on a pleasure trip, and will
visit friends at Detroit and several
American cities.
Mr. Donald Utica, one of our pioneer
fanners of the Bayfield road, has gone to
make his home in Michigan with his son
Mr. Daniel Bruce.
Mr. R. Seaborn, who is now a Perth
county teacher, has oeen revisiting
:oderich after an absence of a few years.
He is an old High School boy.
London's civic holiday occurs on Mon-
day next, and among at berth ings there will
be sll excursion from that city to Gudor-
ich. Look out for your friends front the
Forest city.
Mr. W. J. Hayward, Inspector of
Weights and measures for the Western
Division of Ontario, ip attending to his
duties at Goderich. He keeps up his
own avoirdupois.
We nnderittand that a "Harvest
Home" under the auspices of the Gode-
rich M. E. Church, will be held on Wed-
nesday, 20th Sept. Further particulars
will shortly be given.
Mayor Horton and Mesar. J. C. and
Saml. H. Detlor left by the noon train
on Thursday for a trip to the North-
west. The two former are interested in
real estate in that region.
Mr. H. I. Strang, principal of the
High School, arrived home on the train
with the Harriston excursionists yester-
day. He is much improved in health,
and greatly enjoyed his Eastern trip.
Miss Aggie McIntyre, of Toronto, is
spending vacation in town, land is the
guest of Miss lda V. Straubel, Hamilton
street. She is enjoying the "blooming
breezes that blow" here, and thinks our
town is "immense."
We are glad to Itvarn of the good for-
tune of our friend Mr. John R,burtaun,
who has been appointed Deputy Sheriff
of Wissiipelt. Mr. Robertson '• exper-
ience is a similar capacity in Huron will
stand hint in god need in the Prairie
W. Stra_han, of Leeburn, and W. J.
Cumming, of Dunlop, vouthftl amateur
quoiters, played their first public game
en Wednesday last, beating A. Colborne
and - Grierson, of Godench, in a game
of 21 points, by 5. So a correspondent
The North street Methodist church
wilt hotel their annual pic-nic at the
Point Farm this year. The day has
been set for Tuesday neat, and great ix-
pectations prevail amongst all chases of
scholars, as they are bound to have a
"big day."
The M. E. Sunday School pic-nic was
held in Mr. Swaffield's grove on Tues-
day, 15th August. The weather was
favorable, and quoiting, boating, swing-
ing and other games and exercises were
freely indulged in. A happy time was
spent by all.
Divine service was hetd iu the draw-
ing room of the Point Farm on Sunday
last by the Rev. W. Williams, of Wood-
stock. The choir under the leadership
of Mir E. R. Thompson. of Brooklyn,
N. Y., added much to the interest of
the occasion. -
No. 1 Company of voluntoar., Clole-
rich, will go out to their annual drill at
London thi year on the 12th Sept
There are some vacancies in the ranks,
and persons willing to go out are re-
quested to apply to Capt. Miller, com-
manding tho company.
ACCIDENT. -Miss Jenny Allen, now of
Stratford, a relative of Mr. A. Sande, of
Saltford, met with a serious injury in
Brantford the other day She jumped
out of a buggy when the horse was run-
ning away, and broke the bone of one
leg just above the ankle.
Master John Swanson, son of Mr.
Geo. Swanson, councillor for St. A n-
drews ward, succeeded in the late inter-
mediate examination, getting a second
class certificates, grads B. The lad is
only fourteen years of age, and has made
rapid progress from the start of his edu-
cational career.
The lecture on "The Art of Perfum-
ery," to be delivered in Knox Church
lecture room on Friday next, 25th inst.,
promises to be a treat. The collection
will be devoted to the school library
fund. We understand that an extensive
report of the lecture has already appear-
ed in a scientific magazine.
The Clinton Nem Btu says: -.Rev. Dr. Loot nt't yon THEM --A p trty of bi-
Ure, of Goderich, preached in Willis cyclists, including members of the Lon -
church, un Sunday, Prut lireig taking ' on St. Thomas and Aylmer Clubs, in -
Mr. Ure's work at Guderiela. Dr. L're, tend leaving London Saturday morning,
though so long a resident of this neigh- ' the 19'h of August, and riding to Godrr-
borhoud, is one of whom the people nev- I ich the same day; distance by the road,
er tire, and his sermons un Sunday were Tb miles. After spending Sunday at the
characterised by that deeirueee and earn- Point Farm, they will make the hone
est practitai nature fur which he is so trip on Monday.
well known. LATa1T AaaIVaLe AT THI POINT FARM.
MAIL Rau CAT*-uJ -Mail bag catch- ; --Mrs. J. S. Ashbury, 4 children and ,
nurse, flus E. R. Thompson, o[ B , -
stations and soon• of the larger ones, 1yn, N. Y. W. R. Data said stn, A.
along the lice of the Chicago & Grand ( Dent and eon, of 'Mfitchell. The Misses
Trunk Railroad,with a view of reducing Laidlaw, Rev. W. Williams, Mrs. Wil -
the nmuber of stops and the ruuniug Hams and two children, and Miss Short
time on the road. Now that the coesol- I Woodstock. of Wdstock. Mr. and Mrs. Moore of
idation has gone into effect there is to be 1 London. Chas. Funke of Detroit.
some fast time made over the mitt)mitt)be- I A WATER WAIT. -An interesting lit-
tween Buffalo and Chicago.
"Crum" AND "ETAr."-A number of
our local exchanges are sharply censur-
ing the teachers of their respective
schools for their failure to pass as gnat wheel. on examination was found to Ion-
a number of pupils as certain rival school Iain it note, somewhat as follows: "On
entrance and Intermediate examinations. board the steamer Idaho out of sight of,
In these mischievous exhibitions of local land, on Lake Huron, 7th July, 188`2.
bile" is the grand cause of almost all Whoever finds this would they kiudly
the evil of educational cramming, a syr- return to C. E. Brown 369, Wabash at -
tem which makes the pupil a dray horse enue, Chicago, giving particulars, and
and the teacher an educational Jehu.- oblg." The missive was duly returned to
[Loudon Advertiser. the address named, and an acknowledge -
American au'oscrii ere in arrears, will went received, stating that a pleasure
iblige us by remitting early. We are
bout to make a radical revision of oar
ubscription list, and would like to have
11 subscribers paid up. Our subscribers
row the lines (as well as those at home)
ill please look at their address label,
and send us the balance due. Any over -
plus sent us in making even money will
duly credited et yearly rates. Ad-
ress Tug SIGNAL, Goderich, Ont.
Dot ars FATALITY.- A melancholy and
atal accident took place at Blind River,
era are being put at all the small
(rot k
tie incident occurred the other day at
the Point Farm. While some of the
guests were enjoying a stroll along the
beach a bottle was seen to come ashore,
party of five on their way from Chicago
to Buffalo had thrown the bottle u:or- ( i
Mr Charles Vogeler, the managing
partner of the firm owning StJacobs Oi-, c
died at hie'residence in Baltimore, Maty- I a
land, at five o'clock on Satnrdatyy morn-
ing. Mr. Vogeler was taken illi at the
close of the first week in July,•and the
disease, which was at first pruuocinced
malaria, finally developed into a maliv:
nant type of typhoid fever, baffling the a
Algoma. Laurie Tulloclt and hie hr.- skill alike of physiciays and nurses. Al-
ther-iia-law James Ht wick were splicing though hut thirty-one years of age, he t
a piece of rope on the floor of the saw had been for the last eight yearn the
mill of Messrs. Williams & Murray, of managing partner of the house, arid to
Goderich when the both killed h' -d t t' t b '
by the burst•ng of a new pulley. Tul-
och never breathed, Howick lived till
one o'clock in the afternoon, but never
was conscious. Both men leave widows partners to continue the bnsiness un -
and small children to mourn their changed.
Quorrrxo.-The second match of the
series between Elijah Martin and nines
McNair, ropresentingGoderich, and Jas.
Strachan and D. Cumming, representing
Colborne, came of at Dunlop on Wed-
nesday., and resulted in favor of the lat-
ter pair by a score of 63 to 50. The
heads were well prepared, and the play
enjoyable. The players were pitted as
in the first game. Cummings had a huge
pair of " pancake" quoits, and tshen he
got in a good lead McNair had a tough
time getting points, although in a single
game between the two, played jun`. after
the big match, the Goderich min beat
Cumming by one point. The final and
deciding game between the pairs will be
played in Goderich on Wednesday next
at two o'clock, on Newgate street.
A LIVRLY GAME. -The Mitchell R.
rordrr in retrtini a me between the
p Brussels and Mitchell lacrosse clube,thus
stock, N.B. The firm feel sanguine of ' describes the conduct of the Brussels
working up a good trade in the Maritime boys: -"On the part of the visitors there
Provinces, now that the ice, (or, rather, I was but one
ntaA -thg ' ' e"er-whq
Fey were , r u assiduous
familiar sheet at their home or place of
businese for a fes weeks becomes an in-
supportable privation, and they hasten
to take it again, and probably' apologize
for having discontinued it. No friend-
ship on earth is more constant than that
contracted by readers for a journal
which makes an honest and earned'
effort to merit their continued support
Henca a conscientiously conducted pa
becomes a favorite in the family -[
tL•STRICT MSITIN&. - The Financial
District meeting for the Goderich Dia-
tzict of the Methodist Church of Canada
was held in the village of Blyth on Tuft. -
day last, the Rev. J. Wakefield of this
own presiding. This meeting is com-
posed of all superintendents of circuits,
and an equal number of laymen appoint-
ed by the different Quarterly Official
Boards. All the Ministers were present
xcept the Rev. Mr. Hamilton, of Lon-
deeboro, who is very dangerously ill.
There are on the District three weak, or
dependent circuits. and to these, sums
were granted trom the Contingent Fund
of the church. Arrangemeuta were made
or holding Missionary and Educational
services on all the charges during the
winter. Mr. McHardy of Lucknow was
lected a member of the Conference Mis-
ionary board. Arrangements were
made for a District Sabbath School Con-
ention, to be held in the town of Goder-
ch during the month of November, a,
programme to be prepared by the Chair-
man, and Secretary. The Kincardine
hurch is unduly burdened with debt,
nil the conference has undertaken to
raise 85,000 at once, to lighten the bur-
den of the friends in that town. The
beat way of raising the proportion fur
his District was discussed, when at
ength each circuit agreed to raise its
!rare according to the number of mem•
hen. 'The chairman preached at night
o a good audience, and a very pleasant
and successful meeting was brought to a
close. -[Cost
a Len ton o usmesa an
well directod enterprise, its present pros -
prosperity and reputation are mainly
due. It is the desire of the survivin;
PRESS RACK.- A new and startling
feature will be introduced this year'. The
Reporter's race, open only to tuna fide
newspaper men. Dan. McGillicuddy, of
the Goderich SIGNAL, suggests the plac-
ing of a local item on the winning post,
and the result will be a scramble to get
there. W. K. Atkinson, "Sparks'• of
the London Advertiser, thinks a bowl of
'Athol Brose' would be a still greater
attraction. W. K's memory carties him
back to last year's Caledonian Banquet.
Lucknow Sentinel.
Saremes-r or ,PLowr.- A short time
ago the Seegmiller Chilled Plow Co.
sent a few plows to New Brunswick as
samples. The implements appear to
have been much appreciated, for an or-
der was soon received for a car -load, and
a few days ago the shipm cat, consisting
of 130 lows, was duly made to Word -
the Rod) has been broken in tett rogion
by the Seearmiller chilled -slow.
'i'RORoconnaap Srocn.-The leading
breeders of thoroughbred Dadra eis in
this county, have had a somewhat unus-
ual coincidence in the reproduction of
calves, as nearly all those dropped this
year are males. Messrs. H. Snell &
Son, of Hullett, have four bull calve'',
Mr. Dickson, of Tuckersmith, five, Mr.
Elc,at, Tuckeramith, two, and Mr. W. J.
Biggins, Stanley, two. They are said to
be particularly tine animals, and should
they appear at the several fall shows,
which is altogether likely, they will he
an.interesting exhibit.
AMERICAN APPLES. -The reports which
we have received film Messrs. J. W.
Draper & Son, Covent Garden, the prin-
cipal Landon agents for the sale of these
The pic-nic of St. Paul's Church Sab-
hath School, held at Goderich, on Tues-
day, was a most successful one. The
day was fine, and over 400 availe 1 them-
selves of the opportunity to get a breath
of lake air. The picnic was held in Bing -
ham's delightful grove, and everybody
appeared to enjoy themselves immensely
-few Era.
ExcvsaiON TO Goorei H. _ A grand
excursion will he ren over the Grand
Trunk Railway from London to Goder-
ich and retorn, on the civic holiday,
Monday, 21st inst. The fare for the
round trip has been placed at a very low
figure --75 cents --and this will no doubt
inddce many to avail themselves of its
COOLrxn ger pews. - A drunken
worthless ohsrwslsr named Janes Adley,
formerly of Wisdoms, who a short tints
ago wee gent te Waikato, jail for able
inti his wife, mot with hi jest deserts on
Friday sista ktsl• Be OMNI hone es ve-
nal brio fad elf w1ikey sad etertsd to
abase his we, mai hava-j Jislsly's fun
hnwev7r, tarallr-i d row elmailly, es
two young MB who WireMitow
time, heard thin real and ws I do
house. f3taisfhlg held el /Way ay they took
him to the pep in the ashonl yard and
gave him web s duaking that he will
not soon forget.
deserves to toe tuentiuned, except for
their brutality. None of thein possess
any of the science of the game, and
their forte is not playing lacrasss, but
skull -cracking. They cut and slashed
like as if they were stowing thistles or
thrashing hogs. It was wonderful the
amount of hammering the Mitchell boys
stood and kept their temper. The Brus-
sels players are tha poorest lacrosse play-
ers, the roughest, and most ungentle-
manly lot of fellows we have ever seen
upon a lacrosse ground -Indians not ex-
The first associated meeting of Shdrt-
hand Writers of Canada, irrespective of
system and proficiency, will he held in
Toronto on the 29th and 30th inst. The
Committee have prepared an elaborate
fruits, indicate that the crop is most pro- and unique programme. The Secretary,
laic this season. From personal observe- Mr. Thos. Bengough,-who believes to
tion we gather that in England the crop spelling as we speak, -writes: -"Deep
is comparatively a failure; in Germany interest attaches to this maeting, at it
one-third crop only; in Holland only half wil doutles result in the organization of
a cropand in Belgium not half a crop- a Canadian Shorthand Society contbin-
thus the pruspects'were never more favor- ing the influenc of profesionals and am -
able for shipments from America to ateur, or, teknicaly speaking, of 'Steno -
England than they are this year. The graphers' and `Shorthanders.' Alredy
American apple trade, formerly monc- the art-sienc of Shorthand has taken hih
polised by Liverpool, has during the last rank in this yung Dominion --the de -
few yarn (in consequence of direct steam mated for amanuenses being greater than
communication` been gradually diverted the imply. Among the papers to be red
is one by Mr. Wm Houston, MLA., on
'Fon•,tic Shorthand as a Universal Med-
ium in Writing and Printing.' Rev. Dr.
Wild, Rev. Robt. Torrance, of (luelph,
and other prominent shorthand-ritets
and representativ steno4rafers from New
York, Buffalo, Chicago, Detroit, and
others American cities, wil participate.
Shorthand titers and learners wil find
the meetings very profitabl. Reduced
fares hav been secured for delegates"
Aid. John Taylor is Chairman of the
Committee. The Secretary's address is
No. 11 King-st., West, Taranto.
It is curious --and to publishers pleas-
ant -to observe how people become at-
tracted to the newspaper to which they
ari accustomed. To long as a paper
sues a just, honourable Etbd judi.rsoes
course, meeting the wants of ate eslstoss•
•rs in all respects, the ties of J hissdship
between the eeh.trihsn and the paper
are ss hard to Mask by an outside thiel
party as the link whisk buds old friends
in beams er i• sato Me. Oeseional
detests end errors in the newepecoaz
overlooked by these who have
attttehed to it through its passel for
They sos.Wsss become dktsMie-
ed with it on esnownt of
which hoe .lipped into its sohmrn,
step taking it; bet the abeam of the
to London, which market now competes
favourably with that of Liverpool.
A Dimon -nut RsraIAT.--Mr. LA.
Pattullo, of the Woodstock :liminal-Re-
vie,r, who recently paid a visit to Goder-
ich, thus discourses about the Point
Farm' - "One of the most charming
summer retreats with which we are ao-
uainted is the summer hotel known as
Point Farm, about five miles from God-
erich. It is beautifully situated on Lake
Huron at one of the most enchanting
places along the shore. The hotel is
large airy, and admirably arranged for
the etrrstort sed plessor• of insets Th.
grounds an laid nut, overlooking
a b..Mifel grove that coven the hag`
re he
banks that skip costly down tot •
Like. The tag is the finest along
say of the Canadian Ickes Upon the
whole the Point tarn out be pronounc-
ed one of the most delightful rural re-
treats its the country, and one that
should be sought by those who wish
►sdth, ruaustion and quiet. Those la-
den mad sesames who have hese then
hos Weediest can testifyto the Otos-
does tendered to all by te proprietor,
Mr, Weight. A person can leave Wood -
stook ol 150 p.m. and reaahAhere that
evening; returning he can be in Wood-
stock at 10.37 s r.
Constables' Tag of War.
The Lucknow Sentirwl says: -"Some
weeks ago Mr. John McHardy, jr., Di-
vision Court Bailiff, and County Con-
stable of the County of Bruce. issued a
challenge to Mr. J. C Currie, High
Constable of the County of Huron, to a
Tug of War between ten con tables from
each county, to take place at the Cal-
edonian Games, here, in September.
Chief MacCrimnion received notice from
Mr. Currie this morning of his accep-
tance of the challenge _ in the following
characteristic letter:
Goderich, 7th August, 1882.
DR. MA''CRIMMON, Lucknow.
DRAR SIR, -It have written to Mr
McHardy, accepting his challenge to
pull a Tug of War on the day of the Cal-
edonian Ganges in your town. Will you
kindly drop me a card and let me know
at what hour of the day this part of the
programme generally comes off. I will
be on hand with ten men that will
either break the rope or pull the other
chaps out of their boots.
yours truly,
Intense interest will no :1.
in the result.
nnht be taken
Testing es the Prairie.
The following is an extract from a
private letter from Mrt John Breeken-
ridge, jr., who is now plying hie trade of
plasterer along the route of the Canada
Pacific Railway :
" I was working in Winnipeg up to
the 1st of Aug. at 13.50 per day, and
board was $+i a week. It is, without ex-
ception, the dirtiest place 1 ever saw.
I got a job on the Canada Pacific Rail-
way, lathing and plastering station -
houses at 35c per hour, and we make
$1.20 a day. We have a canvass tent
and keep "'etch," and I think we will
board for about $3 a week. I amt at
present working at Gopher Creek, about
185 miles west of Winnipeg, and we will
be moving backward and forward all
over the line. F. Hick, with a partner,
is keeping a jewelry store in Winnipeg.
He pays $61 a month rent for a shop 20
feet long and 61 wide. Bob Rutleige is
partner in a grocery business, paying
$200 month rent. They appear to be
doing a g *al paving business. Eggs aro
454.1 a dozen, butter 35c • Ib. In the
part of the country where I am at pre
sant there are what are called "Spanish
needles," that kill sheep. (The writer
encloses some specimens, which can be
seen at Tug SI•+NAL office. They are
short pieces: of a variety of broom,
twisted and wiry, with pointed heads )
When they enter the sheep's mouth,
they will wore their way right through
the roof of their mouths, and the ani-
mals die slowly, in great agony. Jona-
than and Mows McBrien are working
in Winnipeg Robt. McBrine is in part-
nership with two other men, and they
are doing considerable work. Plaster-
er's are many in Winnipeg. I am feel-
ing well, living in our little tent on the
prairie. "
Sig /leas nave Little Itea..
A Mtn•,r AL-n..poly seeks to attach it
self, like a barnacle on a ship's side, to
the great railway monopoly of Canada.
This Ma company that has concluded ar-
raag.ssnts with the Pacific Railway
Companysecuring the exclusive right of
delta all the cartage at the stations of
dot railway in and around Winnipeg
fee fifteen years By this it would ap-
psar that the Canadian octopus is
Fogerei7thing with its tentacle* --Mein
trail Wttnesn
t Ln
r th
ti sus
y wr-
to N.
N !ts