HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-08-11, Page 85
• MOULDINGS, and every
Description of Interior Finish.
A Specialty, Send for Price W. Ruuchte and T. C. Dillon; 2nd, M.
Lists. SHING Copeland and W. McKenzie.
LATH & 200 yd race: ---open to employees -1st,
Estimates un applica Win. McKenzie.
tion. ner-Address Boys' rsce, 100 yds. (16 years of age
FRANCIS SMEETH, and under) -1st, A. Eldridge; 2nd Thos.
Coder• h Cunboy. i
Oiris' race, 100 ds -1st, Nellie Con -
bio ; 2nd, Alice Morrell.
S Running hu step and jump 1st, W.
ituehie; 2ud, Squire Burnley.
Running long jump—S. Burnley; 2nd,
0. T. R. Employees' Excursion to W. Rouchte.
Goderich. mane. uotts--lst, Needham and McNa-
About $20 in prizes were distributed
As EuJ.y•bie Teat--Raatarerlaterite a's among the children.
Mtea Melee.
1 Flat race, 200 yds. (Single wen) E0laossfi11s•
1st .. ruy J1cKeinue; hid, T. C. Jew --• i I
uinuta At the last official meeting of theQuar-
.'. Flat race, loll yds. (married sea)— fatly Board of the Huh u.svill • Methodist
let, Morrell Copeland; 2nd, Squire Church, I Mr Wakefield, of Goderieb,
Burnley. in the chair it was moved by Mr. John
3. Three-legged race. 100 yards.- 1st, ! Rudd, sect. ed by Mr. Walgate Tebutt,
and carried unanimously , that the salary
of Rev. A. Edwards be increased fur the
incoming year. The returns front the sev-
eral appoint slowed an Menem ov-
er previous quarters, and the reports
from the several churches were very en-
1 From the Brantford Courier.
On Saturday last, through the kind-
' nese of R. Lamour, EMI., Supt. of the
Butfalu B Goderich division of the G. T.
R., upwards of 000 "railway people"
from this city visited the town of Gtder-
ich—a charming summer resort— where,
from the summit of its "Alpine' cliffs
can be viewed the harbor with its flotilla
.f steamers and schooners, and beyond
the expansive waters of Lake Huron.
N e had the pleasure of accompanying
the excursionists, and during our brief
etas were enabled to resit the a{ricul-
tural works of Seegmiller & Cu and
other hives of industry. Knox Church,
the Engine Department, Forester' Hall,
etc.poaaesa lines of architectural strength.
•Many of the private residences are built
in modern style and indicate that the in-
mates are in comfortable circumstances
and know how to enjoy life. The town -
is surveyed after the Washington model After an illness of some time, William
by which the streets—eight in number— Henry, son of Mr. D. Cook, of the
are made to radiate to a common ,centre, f►th con., died on Monday last. He was
at the Court Howse, which is enclosed a young man whose lou will be much la-
mented. He was buried on Tuesday last.
It is said that about one hundred and
thirty appeals have been entered by the
the leading cities ar" mow 'loincz. \\'c Refit' mets against the Voter's Lust id this
areit •di • file t..Wnship. . Gross irregularities havene-
oeetireed s.•nehow, foe wee who have res -
'n`` ided in the township and owned farms
SIGNAL, for their g;uo•uirsa in „ui.plyiug for years, are left from the listaltooether,
us with valuable information tespe.ting a1fhuugh they have keen on in former yea -
portfacilities of Goderich as a shipping
port and railway terminus.
from Brantford was effected at 6.30 on
the morning of the 5th instant, and the
powerful Locomotive Engine No. '27t;, in
charge if Engineer Thos. Charlton and
Conduct•,r Jno. Lauder, was decorated
with.a profusion of ilritish flags and
:esthetic flowers. It required seven: evil
coaches to tramport the men anti their
families to their western destination. .\
halt was made at Stratford and thtcc or
four extra coaches attached to the train
to accommodate Mr. Barker and 'other
old Brantfordites who now reside on the
classic "banks of the Avon." "All
aboard," and we are spending "o'er one
of the best railroad beds on the contin-
ent, graded at the expense of British
capital, and pass several fields in which
the harvesters are aheafit.g the golden
grain. Much improvement is visit' a en
route. The new station buihain1.+ in
course of construction at Seaford. at-
tracted attention..
at Goderich was made at I1.30, and the
host of good people who had congrega-
ted at the station was evidence that the
visitors were assured a hearty welcome.
Everybody said it was the largest ex-
cursion of the season. The 'busses and
street carscould not of course de half
the business that was required on this
,occasion, consequently many of the em-
ployes of the Brantford car works and
Ctaint shops followed the G. T. R. and
itizen's Uniform Band, which paraded
up East Street and took the shortest cut
to the park—a delightful, breezy place—
that crests the harbor, hundreds 'if feet
below. The park is owned conjointly
by the corporation and the proprietor of
the "Park House," a row of Staples de-
fining the line of demarkation. P,tvi}-
lions, swings and drinking fountains are
placed t.n the grounds. The excursion-
ists grouped themselves into primitive
pic-nic parties and prepared their noon-
day and evening meals in true gipsy
aty'le. This was a characteristic Opting
place. During the afternoon Captain
Clark ran short excursion tripe on the
lake. The young folks enjoyed them- On Monday Rev. Mr. McDonagh was
selves n•&rily by dancing to the music called to Toronto by the death ttf bis mu_
r of a local orchestra. ()there traversed ther, which occurred the day previous.
the steep flight of steps leading down to Deceased had been ailing more or less
the harbor wharf and had a peep at the the pest seven years, not being able to
salt wells,viewing with curiosity the im- go out on the street during that time.
'Lenge furnaces that boil the briny solu- She was born in Enniskillen. Ireland,
tion, ,and collectively, hy, extract the salt at c
)iuing to this countryunity with her husband
the rate of 800 barrels per diem. and seven children about the year 1847,
.settee:see. her husband dying in Montreal soon af-
In the evening, on its way to the ter of what was known as the emigrant
station, the Grand Trunk Band seren- fever. - She subsequently removed to
aded Mr. Nathaniel Weston, a respected
employee lir the G. T. R. Co., and for-
merly a resident of this city, but now in
charge of the railway interests at God. -
rich. Mr. and Mrs Weston gave the
boys a hearty welcome; "before separat-
iu , Serge. E. James favored the house -
ho d by singing one of his popular songs. ing of the fancily are two daughters, who
The band re-formed and marched to the have been residing with her. and Rev.
railway station, where the officials hall 1 Mr. McDonagh, who have the sympathy
everything in readiness for an early mart of all in their bereavement.
homewards iMI'oRTgt* Homes. -lin Saturday er-
Mins Maggie Linklater, of Wingham,
is at present visiting at Mr. W. Young's,
prior to her departure for the North-
Mr. J. Young is home for a few -days
visiting his relatives and friends in the
neighborhood. It is expected he will
supply the Rev, Mr. Pritchard's place on
Sabbath next, August 13th.
For the haat eight or ten days the
weather has been very wet, and should
the same continue two or throe days
longer very much of the fall wheat will
be destroyed. Sonia fields are alrerdy
slightly injured, but no great damage is
done as yet. Little grain is yet saved
although scarcely a field of fall wheat or
barley remains uncut.
Godirich Township.
within an shaped park. We ad-
vise the TownFather's to plough under
the lank grana and seed the plot with the
beautious flowers of earth, as must of
Miss E. Macdonald, of Hopeaot,
Rhode Island, is visiting her uncle, Mr.
A. C. Macdonald.
Saturday's heat was must oppressive.
The ram during the last week has check-
ed harvest work greatly.
Mr. J. M. Macdonald left on the 2nd
inst.. for Alpena, Mich. Mr. J. C.
Allen went with him, and will see the
wonders of Michigan, after which Case
will bid his shun, good bye and push on
to green Bay, N iaconsin. We hope
the beauties of none of these States will
entice him to join the benedict forces,
and lease his bachelor frirnda here for-
•arsawaa s'emesae re Ire Creams.
Courtney, the Union Springs ',mermen,
attended a Fourth of July festival of the
Methodist church of that town, and,
with nearly a hundred others, was wade
sick by ewtii) ice cream ill which some
vagabond lied put tartaremetic. Sovioleut
was the sickness of some that they vont-
ted blood, and a few narrowly escaped
death. Of course there was great indigna-
tion at the outrage, which was probably
denims s4 by its author as a joke, and the
utmost tfi,rta were made to detect its per-
petrato • Courtney himself seems to have
been suspected, although he was one of
those trade sick by the ice cream, but
just as his arrest wapeudinghesnnddenly
charged one Robertson with having used
the puiwn and the latter was arrested.
The state of public feeling may be imag-
ined front the fact that a prominent cit-
izen of Union Springs recently proposed
that a vigilance committee be formed to
avenge the crime. The case will be tried
a week from Saturday, undCuurtney de-
clares his purpose to spend all smuttier,
if necessary, to bring the offender to pun-
ishment. Since he has lost his skill with
the tars, he can make no better use of
his time, perhaps, than to effectually dis-
courage such practical joking as putting
tartar -emetic in festival ice cream.
OatrUAay.—Another of those who
braved the hardships incident to pioneer
life in this cuuntry has been called to
their long home, in the person of Mrs.
VanEgmond; wife of Mr. E. VanEg-
mond, of the Huron Road, who died on
Tueaday last, at the age of 63 years.
Deceased had enjoyed good health up to
last winter, when she sustained a para-
lytic stroke, which was the cause of her
death. She was burn in Glasgow, and
settled in this country about 40 years
ago, and as neighbors began to move
into what was then truly a wilderness,
she became known and esteemed far
and wide on account of her genial and
friendly nature. She leaves ten chil-
dren—eight daughters and two sons—
five of the daughters, being married re-
spectively to R. Govenlock, McKillop;
J. 31:Millan, J. Fowler; P. Hawthorne,
nail 11. McMichael, ail .•f Hallett,. and
singularly, all these reside oil one line,
within a distance of ti••e miles. Her re-
mains were interred in Egniondville
rs; and these omission* happen to be Re- cemetery, yesterday (Wednesday) after-
formers.—(New E noon, a large number accompanying
them thither. '
Mat Wawanosn.
Tia>Zalf .
Mr. - John Menne, 10th con.E,i%t \Va- e '—
uaiureh, has put rip a splendid brick tc- Per. Mr. \rcCosh and wife are spend-
teered house, and when coiupleteed will " oily a month's holiday in Chicago.
Fall wheat is so heavy that it is breaks
ing the reapers .in all directions.
be a good one. •
Mr. M. Pearen about a week ago sold
a yoke of oxen twelve years old for 0110.
about a year ago he bought thein for
Mr. Patrick Brown, lOth con. E.
Wawacosh, has shipped a large quantity
of lumber this season. He hal also sold
Mr. T. G. Marks has sold his team of
ponies. - He will lease for Manitoba
Mr. A. Rutledge will leave on a visit
to the North West in a couple ut- weeks.
Mr. J. Parke has been erecting a neat
his old team of horses to Mr. Coad, on little brick cottage just outside the village
the same line, and bought a team from limits.
Venstme of Brussels, for 0350. Mr.Jaa. Wells has returned frumMan-
ReteINu.--Mr. T. Irwin, of the 10th itoba, where he has been spending his
con., got the framework of ibis large honeymoon.
bank barn placed in position last Satur-
day. The two oldest men there George
McKay and C. Hanna were chosen cap-
tains. The race at the last was not very
clear. Hanna's side comingoftv;ctorious
by nearly all he rafters.The body which was found in the woods
Clinton. identified
a short time ago was exhumed, and
identified as being that of a roan named
Mr. John Ridout, of this loom, has ThomasClarke, an Englishman. He had
sold bis farm of 65 acres, on the Huron got into some trouble in England. while
Road, Goderich township, about a mile
and a half from town, te, Mr. Wm. Fen-
ton, of Hullett, for the sum of $3,200.
The contract for the English Church
rectory has been let. The building is to
be of brick, and the contract price is
$1595. It is tri be completed by October
the 1st,
a young man, and was sent out to this
country. He was in receipt of $4100 a
yearfrum the old land; the letter found
in his pocket was directed to William
This week Mr. Wm: Robinson, of the Alder, Corn Merchant, Wakefield,
Huron road, sold a four-year old qcyotlt to Yorkshire, England. In the letter he' as -
an American, for the sum of $fi20 : it ked to have his next quarter's allowance
weighed over 1,600 lbs. sent to Elmville.
Last week Mr. Thomas .Watson, of
place, ground new wheat at Trick's still; b»barns
It was ground for Mi. \\'illiam Yeo, of
Goderich township, and was a good earn- Rev. J. A. Turnbull, B. A., occupied
plc. his yccustomed place in the Presbyterian
Mr. James, Biggins, of the London church on Sunday last. At the close of
road, last week sold to Mr. N. Math'- the service a large number of the con -
son twelve head of too;)-year-ohl cattle at
$60 apiece They were good cattle.
During the month of July, Messrs R.
Fitzsimons and E. Watson shipped about
300 sheep to the English markets, and
also a number of cattle.
gregation came forward to congratulate
hien on his recovery, and also expressed
their sympathy with him in his recent
• Mrs. Capt. Peace and daughter Kate,
of Hamilton, are the guests of Mr. Jar.
ON THE SILK Li,T, — Our townsltiail
Mr. Harry Horton was very seriously
ill last week. The remedies advised by
our local nurses having failed, at the
earnest request of a brother bachelor one
of the nurses of the Dunlop sick commit-
tee put in an a) )e whose t j aran:e, ht se pre-
scriptions were tried and found to be
successful. He is now miring about as
jolly as ever.
Seim ItereiNe.—At a social gather-
Tor,nto, where she has since resided. ung the other evening spirit rapping was
For over half a century she was a mem- indulged in, and one or two local /Ache -
bet of the 11Iethodist church, her illness lots took part. A Dunlop solitary- was
being rorne with Christian fortitude. terribly astonished to learn that he 'WagShe 'tad passed the allotted age of three to be married three times, and that his
score years and ten, being over 82 at the first wife was to be of the tender age of
time of her death. Ail that are now lit-- 38 1 He tied. Another was told he had
but four months and a half more of sin-
gle blessedness before him, end a third
was ordered to build at once. The re-
sult is that the Dunlop architect had
two visitors next morning for plans for
new houses.
THS PIMA ttrrRE. ening Mr. J. J. Fisher, the well-known
Amid hearty cheering and regretful
leave-takings, at the will of its careful
driver, the ponderous b..comotire screech•
cd its loudest as it slowly began to move
eastward; but very quickly were the
intervening eighty miler accomplished
and at 9.40 it. m. the excursion train
steamed into the ftrantforl station. So
much for gi'.sl management. Special
reedit is due Mr. Charlton, the engineer,
Mr. (ender, conductor, and the train
men generally. Not an accident occur-
red to mar this "outing." We were
pleased- to see Capt. Kerr and other
prominent gent valval accompanying the
excursionists The
t'.elywrrrra .•r Nt dt.:Rw55T
deserve honorable menti M ane, we ap-
pend t' sir names: .Maxwell Craig. chair-
man; 'i'. Rodgers, Secretary; George
Campbell, treeanrer; R Patterson, J,
Muirhead, T. fowling and J. Herbert.
Mosses. \Vilea and yyrett had charge
fit the tafreshment sahon.
n A V got,
Thee games were closely contested. and
pR'hiee Mete awarded as follows
hone -man, arrived at this place "n his
return from Scotland, with four stallions
and two mares it would not lee doing
justice to his judgment. nether would
it he correct if we said the h sees were
not l.eltutiea and first -claw in every res-
pect. They c -"uprise a 4-yr-ohl bay
breeding mar, for Mr. Edward Turner,
Tuckenmith, a 3 -yr -old bay breeding
mare for Mr. Amus Ftaher. Colborne,
b..th of which hare some exceptionally
fine points about them; a beautiful 2 -yr -
nM iron grey stallion for Mr. (leo. Nott,
Tuckenmithtwo yearling stallions, hay
and black. as symmetrical in appearance
as could be desired, for himself, and also
a large dark benwn 6 yrold stallion, well
proportioned and developed in all its
parte If all horsemen do so much to-
wards keeping up the reputation of Hu-
ron on horseflesh as Joe. Ftaher, no fears
need be entertained as to the position it
will take, for it Mande head of the rest
now. (Mince the above was in type we
are berry to learn that one of the colts
has died, and the other is dying of du -
temper. i --f Ileo Sea
Three panes of glass were broken in
the porch ..f the Presbyterian church
during the past week. Such sacrilegious
conduct is worthy of severe punishment.
We can hardly believe that any resident
of this section could bare done so, das-
tardly a deed. It surely must hare
been some reckless passer by.
A little 5 -year-old boy was being
isutrttcted in morals by his vrandmnther.
The oid lady told him that all such terms
as "bygolly," "by jingo,' "'by thunder,"
Me, ostia only little oaths, and but little
better then other profanities. in fact, she
said, he could tell a profane oath by the
prefix "by." All such were osthe
"Well, then, grandmother," maid the
little hopeful, "is 'hy telegraph,' which
I Me in the papers , swearing
• No ," said the old lady' "that's only
lying. "—[Rom. Sentinel.
it is reported in Napanee that Miss
Fannie Clapp has received tin nt-
mentof Vice Consular Agent of
in rnnrn of her Aeon,... fstbee,
Uterary SMtees.
Blurkwuotl's Nayu:due, for July, re-
printed by the Leonard Scott Publishing
Co.. 41 Barclay street, New York, has
reached us, and furnishes its readers
with articles upon : The Great African
Mystery; Carlyle's Life and Reminis-
cences; The Ladies Lindores—Part IV.;
A Handsome Amateur; Autobiographies
—Part IV.—In the Titne of the Com-
monwealth : Lucy Hutchinson—Alice
Thornton; Our Food Supplied in Waa-
time ; The Light of "Maga"-11. The
Heroes of the "Noctes"—Lochart ; Pol-
emical Language and its Results.
The British quarterly, for July, re-
printed by the Leonard Scott Publish-
ing Co., 41 Barclay street, New Yerk, is
els, to hand. This is one of the stan-
dard periodicals, and the present num-
der ie a capital sample. The contents
are: Recent Japanese, Progress; The
Puritan Element in Longfellow ; The
Hittites and the Bible ; Bach and Han-
del; The Poetry of Roaetti-; The Situa-
tion in Ireland ; The Ministry and Par-
lialnent; Contemporary Liters t ure.
The Messrs. Gunn; of Ailsa Craig,
have about fifty Indians engaged pulling
The Rev. S. Turner, of Ailsa Craig,
holds an upeu air service every Friday
evening. It is well attended.
Dennis Menard, captain of the tug
Annie Louise, fell off his boat on Satur-
day, at Chatham, and was drowned.
Mr Thos. Humphrey,. saddler, widely
and favourably known in Bowntanville,
died very suddenly on Saturday night.
The singing of a burlesque hymn in .a
London threatre, intended to ridicule
the Salvation Army, wae'urtously hissed
by the audience.
Felix Mahon, of Quebec, was drugged
and rubbed in a house of evil -repute at
Montreal on Tuesday night- The num
stolen was near $500.
A game of cricket was played at Blyth
on the9'th inst., between the Clinton and
Blyth clubs. The latter won by four
runs and eight wickets.
At Warren, the new Pennsylvania oil
town, water for use hats to - be brought
from a Boring at some distance and is
worth more than petroleum; the selling
price is 60 cents a barrel, while oil is
worth but 56.
Eleven metallic coffins will be sent to
Ruasia to bring home the bodies of De
Long and part).. The frozen bodies
will be packed in such a manner that
they will be in perfect condition when
they reach their destination.
The Hon. Bills Flint, of Belleville,
has reopened the 1Villoughhy kissing
case, and charges the rev. defendant in
the late suit with having kissed at (east
three married women and one young
lady, while stationed in that city.
In an editorial article on tine discon-
tent of the Irish Constabulary} the Timra
says: "No Government could! yield to
threat of it strike from servants whose
duties compel the State to keep them in
a state of armed mobilization, Mr.
Trevelyan, Chief Secretary ° for Ireland,
was justified in using firm language on
the subject."
Joseph Crele, the eldest man America
has ever produced, was born in Detroit
in 1 i 25and and died in Wisconsin in 1866,
making hint 141 years old at the time of
his death. He fonvht on the side of the
French at Braddock's defeat. Ile was
thrice married, and died in the house of
A daughter who was born when he was
69. Towards the close of his life he was
wont to say, " 1 feu death has forgotten
Lamleaky, the Russian .pew refugee
who recently accused hi_ employer of ar-
stlh at I'etmlee, and with bribing him to
set fire tohis house, was brought before
the police court at Petrolea and charged
by Aaron with larceny. It was a badly
concerted caae of bluff. The evidence was
moat contradictory and the refugee was
discharged by the Justice without a
moment's hesitation, amid loud applause
from the spectators in court. Aaron was
immediately arrested for arson and per-
Auctioneering. ( ANCHOR LINE.
• TIONWt podartok• Oat. alai. nail Weekly to and from
• Hai and hairdresser. to return
hanks to the public (wt and
s llelts • oontlasaace of vas
always be found • Ida ldYsldag , sear
Poe (ince Uoderlch.
CaAwroRn- On the Ise of August. the wife
of Mr. R. J. e'rhwfnrd, Dtmgannon, of a
Soren At the Canadian flank of comments.,
on the tib Inas , the wife of Mr. Bee.
Stiven, of • daughter.
Elliott Pratt --in Farge.at the Methodist par-
sonatte, en the lath mt. by Rev. A. R.
Warmer, Mr. Thos. nein. to Mia Re-
becca A. Pratt, of Quincy. both
former[ of
The above new and firstIsss Meese, capes to
BMWs Railway BMa and moronism to the
teen, amead IS tome In remtark% ter erne
tart and asssisttatnsl►on. is Mame bi Mee
oaf t1a the
too OBS Sea slS as
F ieaical.
1/01. Sas
\Jt • LAN. SURGEON, to-, Graduate of Tor-
oronto University. Luo etttate of the nasal Col-
lege of Physicians, London. ICaglaad, tc.. &c..
M. C. P. S., Ontario. OtSee and madam*
Opposite B•lle.y's Hotel, Hamilton streeh. t, -
UNON. Coroner. to °Mace sad resteenee
Bruce Street, second door west of Victoria
Street. 1731.
• clan. Surgeon and A:coacher, Graduate
of Toronto Unlverdte. Olthceopptwlte Canner
-on & Cameron's Bask, Luuknow. If not in
_Lilco, enquire at the Hank. 17347.
Physicians, Surgeons. Acoonchees. kc.
,fnoe at l)r. Shannon's residence, near the
'all. Go dertch. G. C. Susrino t, J. C.114111111.
.0N. 1731.
CAPITAL, - - IIS,two,oa,
SURPLUS, - - - - 11,000,000,
Goderich Branch.
D. 11LAS.1 - - - :fit Hoge,.
Itaw Vona ARU ULAYOUW, VIA LoaooNUatu.Y
l,abta Passage, t1a* W feu. Reburial. $110 W *Ile.
Seeuu 1 taints, ISO. Return 'rickets, 417 5.
Steerage passengers booked at low rates.
Passenger sccuwwudations unexcelled.
d LL 61 ATCItoolld'UN MAIN Daclt.
Passengers booked at lowest rates to or from
Uerwany, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Denmark.
Foo hook of "Tpurs In Scotland," Rates, Plan •
'!'r., apply to , HENDERSON BROTHERS.
New York.
Or to MRS. E. WARNOCK. Hamilton at
least Uudertcb
Allows interest en deposits. Drafts, letter
of credit and circular nu:cs Issued, payebl
in all parts of the world. I:Sr.
Paid up Capital, - *6,000,04,.
Rest, - - S1,400, '•
I'rearideRt, - Irv.'. KM ltiie.MANTL;
General Manager, - 11', n. ,,.. .ra..-..
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROSS, - - - - MANAt,EC,
Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on a
the principal Towne and Cities in l'ana.ts
Great Britain and the United States, hough
and sold.
Adeaeeestn Farmers on Notes, with one
more endorsers. without mortgage. 1:.33
General dial, r in Garden and Farm Seed,.
Wheat and roarer 1(1 1 , Cl.d Wool, tc„ &c.
• to Dr. Duncan) Graduate of Ontario Vt.
erinary College. (Mice, stables and residence
n Newgate Street, four doors east ofr'olbonre !
Hotel, N. B.—Horses examined as to Bound ; Rea( Estate.
vas. 1731.- r
That his ...hole attention will be required
this auto ner in the management of the BIG
HOUSE:, will dispose of that property known
as the
situated un the Man Gott el Road. consisting
of a capital house of trn rooms,. with veran-
dah on two sides. large driving house 110:22,
stabling for ten horses. wuud abed . e t c., towel h-
er with one and a half acres excellent garden,
well fenced. The premises are all ..rw and in
first-class urder. To a flood t u no rc.Loon
able otra•t w ill he retuacu. A 1.
J. J. \1'IRIIt,HT,
Goderich. P. U.
April 21st,Iaa':.
:o. rvn.er of Victoria nod Fust strets, in
s Office, Crabb's Block. Kingston wt., Gode ' the toot. of Goderich, for tole cheap, or will be
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ly. Carpenter's' plasterer's and nasona work apple 01 .1 SWAM I.. Architect, office Crabb'a
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