The Huron Signal, 1882-08-11, Page 54 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. AUGUST ll, 1882. WAIL IN EG Y,r'l1The heat at Kingston ranged between A7 and 95 degrees during the past week. tltaPVRT o► TAE INUAadrNT. Glen. Aliwu's report of t..0 engage anent with the Egyptians yatei.da4 says: Owing to the penteteaft nature .of the reports dilating the past few days that Arabi was retiring from Kaleel-Dwaruls,. the 1)au.auhuar. I determined u .- ou a ruc,nneissauce t4• asaertatn clearly whether Arabi .ill iseld his original po- sition struntly. ?ie left column com- menced taro ,.,value at 4.45 p.m. The fuuradvaiiae pkketa of the /famed* lines mowing by both banks of the Eahtuou- dieh calla! :11 soon anon into action with the II aN.Mr aTICONGLY Po' in a group of palms en the east side and in strong defeueible houses NMI gardens on the ether. 'these petitions were'car- ried, Lieut. Lyse of the 60th and a: tod- dler being killed. Thu enemy then took a second FewitioU one-half wile in rear, upon rheum bunk of the canal among high crops esid houses behind the irre- gular bark's of the canal. Front this position also they were driven with great hem. 1 accompanied the right column myself. A. M ini as theenennyobserved us they opened tire with the artillery. I pushed on as rapidly as possible till we reached the point where the railway ap- proacled neare.t to the Mahinoudiah canal and then opened A MUsLCT&Y Fink on the enemy lining the honks of till canal. Two 9 pounders were dragged on the embankment and came into action against the enemy's guns, the 49 pound- er filing over our heads against the point where the enemy's forces were beginning to appear. I new threw forward two companies to carry the house near the car.p and followed up by throwing four companies still more to iny left upon the banks and across the canal, thus attain- ing the position I wished and forming a diagonal line across the causal and rail- way. The enemy retired slowly. The fire of their seven pounders and nine centimeteruns was speedily got under iy our artillery. The O•JECT Or MY REC•ONNAIKNANc'E was obtained and I determined to with- eraw. The movement was carried out v :• e• most perfect regularity and pre- . The troops fell back I•v alter- . •u • .ries with the regularity of a tit ..veryattemptby the enemy to opts crushed by the beautiful prec ...1 rt the forty pounder and the steady firing of the nine pounders. TUE L.nt$Ea OF THE E.EMY appear to have been very great. They were so dispirited that, contrary to the usual practice of Asiatics, they made no attempt to follow up our withdrawal. As the reconnaissance was a success our trove was all I could wish. I regret to state our lues was somewhat heavy. Lieut. v yes was one of the most promis- ing officers i ever met. Our total lou is four killed and twenty-nine wounded The enemy was about 2,000 strong. The First Battalion of the Black Watch (42nd Highlanders) left Edinburgh last evening by train for London, on their way to Egypt, A great crowd witnessed their departure. The bated played '`Auld Ling Syne." Greit enthusiasm was manifested. A .•OURAGEOt-g YOUNG CANADIAN. The Her.tld correspondent writes : - Latiff Effendi returned yesterday from Arabi's lines. He reports being present at the following conversation between Arabi and' Midshipman DeChair: - Arabi --Would you rather remain with me .or return to Alexandria !" i)eChair-"I wish to return." Arabi -"Why 1" DeChair-"My duty is with the guns at Alexandria." Arabi then (addrea,ing his ohcnrs) .aid: -"This boy is an example to you all. Do not allow a hair of his head to be harmed. I only wish he was born an Egyptian instead of an Englishman. LORD CHARLES EERE.YroRD. This naval officer,who has been select- -, ed CI lead the land forces at Cairo until the arrival of the British army, was at Tioturia B.C., as lieutenant of H. M. S. Clio twenty-one years acro. He was then a young, harum - scarum fellow, full of fire and energy, and when he came ashore with his friends was accustomed to make the old Colonial Hotel "howl." Shortly before arriving at Esquimalt the Clio called in at Hon- olulu. One night Lord Charles and his party, when ashore, knocked the Ha- waiian coat -of -arms from the front of the U. S. consulate, and carrying it aboard ship nailed it up in his rooni. Next morning complaint was made to the cap- tain of the Clio, who compelled his fris- ky young lieutenant to carry the insig- nia ashore. ascend a ladder with ham- mer and nails, and in the presence of several thousand people, restore the coat -of -arms to its accustomed place. Lord Charles is a brother to the Marquis of Waterford, and is a particular friend of the Prince of Wales, whom he accom- panied to India. Rt'ttm1A'a reteeERY. It is reported that Russia has 200,000 men collected in the Caucasus with all stores and munitions of war for a descent upon the Bosphorus should an opportu- nity offer. It is said the delay in Eng- land in forwarding the army to Egypt is caused by the knowledge of these facts, as well as the calling out of the English reserves and the acceptance of services of some volunteer artillery. On Saturday it was hotter still elcur- si ma even aril g their popularity. On 'dwelt h'riday several Mama tainted. WILL YOU ll 36 a case of spcp•Ltor hint:ane s { Zi cent: 1.- al. -tally \vie: fl to •t:t,:e tlb- t: t7t.eninny ai1rner. •: 1....61).1t; 1•ytipep:-1ai t.digest an, 4 Usti 'tired f`tor;actiand hirer. when at.'c otter Is made to you In your own borne in cul sincerity, with ma absolute certainty n� curing won. ZOI'T SA (frons Brazil) curets Dyspepala and Biliousness. A single dose llesr:: ; ct Fang:'. borc le convisees; it 70 oeat bottle cures. It; acts directly tens the Stomach, Liver, and 11.1._neya Cleansin ;, Corr"eting, lte - nlat ing, Zopesa _give* energy and vim to the Brain, Nerve, and Muscle, simply by svorl:- ins wonder's upon the T1'g•es- tion, and giving activity to the Liver. Cat this out. take it to t'.ry dealer In medicines, and gt 6 at least one 75 cent bottle of Zopcsa, and tell your neighbc- r how it acts, It ty warru't-t to care Dy-lpepsi.a and /sit. toasnes& GEORGE II.OLD'S s the headquarters fur FliEERYING Goods. Ladies should one our GEM JARS All Imperial measure, at the price of the old Jars. STTGAR All grades at the lowest price. E I SS For every palate. Try our stock. CROCKEkIY Our stock is large, and should be seen by al lvVlt'�:Al'1'.'.. Trude Mark Registered. ANOTHER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG. By- casual observation, we find all land speculators have a clear head and watch the ape and downs of property, thus making large fortunes. But the whole secret is. they keep the system in • healthy condition by the use of TOIL PRIDE OF Tab VALLEY l6NCIig Wean safely say that hundreds come to us for the great lung and blood purifier before gulag west. Read the following statement. We could give thousands of the same kind if it were necessary. •1 certifythat I was troubled wtth Catarrh in the hea& gathering of phlegm in the throat choking and coughing at, night for years, so i` cupid not sleep. often troubled with dull. life- less feelings, pains in the chest and back. After giving hundreds of dollars to doctors, ■ad giving ap all hopes. I tried the PRIDx OF Toa V ALLIS'. and am now able to do my work after seven year's sickness." MRS. JAMES McNKIL, 908 Simcoe Street. London. On "Tex abore statement/of my wile's is cot rect. JAMr. McNaIL. For sale by all druggists. manufactured by Prof. A. M. Shrieves• London, Ont. Sample package 25 rte; five for $1.00. Can be had in Godertch of the following druggists: Jahn Nan. Jas. bile.*. F. Jordan. lee. Alu- ms. hyew. sad J. A. Naflel. 1895 The Dundas Banner claims to know as mnch about what the decision of theCom t will he in the North Wentworth election case as any other journal. and predicts that Mr. Bain will take his seat. Ooderleh Markets. Oooswtcw. Aug. 10 1884. abbe, (Swell e�k, a 10 01 10 rev o srrreL....�.A :'.:'..... i N t tlo Oat.. 1tM ........ ........... i n 1 M Pe.•. Mos. . ................. Mack's Mage tic Al eaic ie l C own I MAIM. t is a Sure. Prompt and Effectual Remedy for Nerrowas .. in all its adages. Weak Mentor,. loss of Brain Power, Se -meal Prostration. Night Sweats. Sper matorrtuna, Seminal Weak- ness and General boss of Power. It repairs Nerroes Waste. Rejuvenates the Jaded Intel- lect. strengthens the Enfeebled Brain, sad lie- storre Surprising/ Tone and Vigor to the E,r- hawated .4enerwlire Organs. The experience of thousands proves it an iXYALCaaix Ego - any. The medicine 1s pleasant to the taste, and each box contains sufficient for two week's medication. and is the cheapest and beat. ear Fall particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to mail free to any address. /lack's Magnetie Medicine 1s sold by Drug- gists at se eta. per box. or It boxes for fib, or will be mailed free of postage. on receipt of the money, by addressing NACIt'a ■AGERTIC EMMA, Ca. ROBIEI TJJE St,ll'AliE. -Thousands of graves ate annually robbed of their victime,lives prolonged. happiness and health restored by the use of the great GERMAN INVIGORATOR, which positively and permanently curd lin. potency (caused by ezoas.ee of any kind,) aeminal''eakness, and all diseases that fol- low as a sequence of Self -Abuse, as loss of en- ergy. loss of memory, universal lassitude. pain in the back, dimness of vision, prema- ture old age, and many other diseases that lead to insanity or consumption and a prema- ture grave. Send for circulars with testimonials free by mall. The INVIGORATOR Is sold at $1 per box. or six boxes for as by all druggists. or will be sent free my snail. securely sealed, on receipt of price. by addressing. F. J. CHENEY, Druggist. 187 Summit St.,Toledo, Ohio. Geo. RHTxAS, Sole Agent for Goderich. INSURANCE CARD. BRITISH ASS. COT, TOROMrO-E.tablishe 1833 PHONIX INS. CO'Y, of LONDON (F.ngland)- Established 1782. HARTFORD iNS. CO'Y, of HARTFORD. Conn -Established 18111. Risks taken In the above first-class Offices, at the lowest rates by HORACE HORTON. The undersigned is also Appraiser for the CANADA PER. LOAN AND SAVINGS CO'Y Toaoxro. Money to Loan on first-class security, roe 7 to 8 per Cent. -Charges moderate. HORACE HORTON. Goderich Sept. 10. 18110. $66•week in your own town- Terms and $6 outfit free. Address H. HALu.ltrr tr Co. Portland Maine Its WILSON'S w �M� ..::::..:.:... 10 M !s It 00 f......... ... 01. et .14 _ dew morasses, a 17 A . 18 .n eft Met... • 1 7. . iS r . i• PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE. Pure Lime Juice Helebore PARIS GREEN. Fly and insect Destroyer for sale in W lndER Ont.. Canada) j 3 -1:1- all Sold in Oaferlcb, by JANoor p1YrO:, and Druggists everywhere. 1812-1v ei ss .:............ .:::... TM - 7ts ?0"VOW naas� 1M •I• Valuable Risco -ery_ SUBSCRIBE FOR THE SIGNAL WHO can doubt that both for one's own comfort and Use pieasnre of others a most impor. tant point in a well preserved head of hair -when the scalp gets dry and feverish and the hair becomes faded and prematurely gray. go to your Druggist and ask him for bottle of DOMINION HAIR RESTORER Made by S. TAPSCOTT. of Brantford. and yon will be more than satisfied. Price 50 Cents 1=Er Rottl GEORGE RHYNI,B, AG NWT FOR CIFODERICB_ FROM NOW TUI le 15 oftlalluary PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AND AT LOW RATES AT "THE SIGNAL OFFICE." FOR ONLY 50 Cis. Now is the time to Subscribe for a 5 =ion TITY RAYS AT J.C.DETLOR & CO. • SP'EC'IAL VALUE IN - DRESS GOODS. These goods were bought ata discount of t' sty -five . r rent. Call and -ee them. 2 Cases Prints Newest Patterns. J. C. DETLOR c2 Co. SAUNDERS VARIETY STORE. NEW G-OODS_ CUTLER 1 ' . BIRD CAGES FRUIT JARS PLATED TI'd COOKh%G STOVES FANCY BASKETS PRES'F,RJ 1.V G h'1:'1'TLES JAS SAUNDERS & SON. The Cheapest House Under The S'.znil NEXT DOH)it TO Till.: POST OFFICE. Bargains in Prints BARGAINS IN TWEEDS l BARGAINS IN TABLE LIIv SNS EXTRA VALUE IN CASHMERES. GOOD PLAIN Dress Goods, 12 2 cts. Wik Awake Newspaper, C O L BO R N E BROS, GODERICH_ THE Hi(:HEST PRICE PAID FOR------- - '! BUTTER AND EGGS 1 The Huron Signal IS THE BEST Local & Genera Newspaper in the County of Huron. Subscribe Now I Oi 50 Cls. Medical Hall, C--oderich, A large supply of Ianserrat Line Fruit Juice, and Lime Juke, Cordial The purist and best brand in the Market. `.tail, u cheap, delicious, and WHOLESOME SUMMER DR INK. Just 'received a great lot of LONDON PURPLE y ANO DS PARIS GREENFor , HELLEBORE FOR INSECTS, ON SHRUBBERY. PERSIAN INSECT POWDER For ;he destruction of all kinds of Insects. The new rat and n10nse poison, MO -C.70 -MM 0 N R.AaT S_ POISON FLY PAPERS, Etc. F. JORDAIT, Chemist and Druggist; SFRIll AND SVUIII £VITS IN .1I.I, THE LATEST STYLES 9 los oat acs 7 t ■ h 3 th 75 HUGH D U NLOP Fashionable Ta 1,r, West Street Q..derich. A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS TO SELECT FROM. J Ar Bes!glls ina!! Papers.• Now is the titwe. If yon wish o...• or two nice rooms at Mane, to see Butter'. room paper lie has aver 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs RaaUfal eolaes and at acpriees lees es 1 .e beat*SDP`In f•� few Ulla le Call awes tar them. tick The 1a1i1. Bear 1)311ortis anasiis, .At B'UTLER'S_ 4 t