The Huron Signal, 1882-08-11, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. AUGUST 11, IS81. The Poet's tomer. 4..• Mr. rowed Dosed. Good bye. proud world ! I'm colas begs: Theo art not my friend: 1 ammo' Ibise; Long through las weary crowds I roam A river ark on the ocean brine; ISL 1've been tossed lib the driven foals; But, now proud world, I'm going horse. Oood bye to flattery's faring fa.•e. To grandeur with hi. wide grimace. To upstart wealth's averted eye. To supple Mike, low and high; To crowded halls, to court and street To froaen hearts and basting fart. To than who ge.nd those who e Good bye, pruul world! I'm goti.g hour-. Feigning to my owe boartstone, Bosomed in yon gown hills. alone; A.soret nook in a pleasant land, Whose groves the frolic fairies planned, Where ars .s green the 111.luag dor. iEeho the blackbird's roundelay, And evil teen have never trod A spot that is eacrea to thought end (;o.l. Oh, when 1 am safe in my s7!van home, I tread ou the pride of Greece and !tonic; And when I'm stretched beneath the pines, Where the evening star so holy shines, 1 laugh at the lore and pride of man, At the sophist schools and the learned clan; For what are they all in their high conceit, When ratan In the bush with God nay meet 1 RALP1WALIDO KVKIioN. Wesley's Tart. Fun ana Fancy. Worbs of l iisaom. A queek doctor heads his advertise- All nature is a vast symltulisut: every inset, "Ho, all ye dy-apecties That's material facthassheathod within it a spirt- just pivlust shat dyspeptics won't do. If they itual truth. would all hoe smeetrously they wield not Great ides& travel slowly; and f..r a need any medicine. time noiselessly, as the goods whose feet Said little Editti to her d..11, "There don't answer toe� k. You utusu't be saucy, nu matter flow hateful 1 tau. Yon must remember 1 am your mother '" Strange, what curious ideas children get into their heads sometimes. "What dues Satan pay for swearing t" asked one gentlemen of anther. "110 don't pay rue anything," was the reply. "Well, you work cheap; to lay aside the character of a gentleman; to inflict so much pain ou your friends and civic peo- ple, G. suffer; and lastly to risk losing your owe precieus soul - and all for nothing. You certainly work cheap— very cheap, indeed." Seated one balmy afternoon on the veranda of Mrs. Howe's residence at Newport, Oscar Wilde was heard to re- mark to a lady who was present, "Strange that a pair of silk stuckings should so upset a radon;" whereupon a well-known gentleman, sitting a little remote from the poet, interposed, sotto voice. "It is the calf that is in the stock- ings." A clergyman, lecturing on Palestine, remarked concerning one very rueged locality:—"The roads up these moun- tains are too steep and rocky fur even a donkey to climb, therefore I did not at- tempt the micelle The reverend gen- tleman noticed the smiles which gently panned over the features of smnhe of his hearers. Yet not sexing any particular reason why they should be amused, he pushed on with his discourse. The folies lust anecdote of the founder of Methodism has, we believe, never been published. It reaches us from a trustworthy mouse, and it illustrates in a remarkable manner the miugled tact and piety of that eminent man. Al- though Wesley, like the apostles, found that his preaching did net greatly effect the mighty or the noble, still he number- ed some families of good position among his followers. It was at the house of one of these that the incident hero re- corded took- place. Wesley had been preaching and a daughter of neighbor- ing gentleman, a girl remarkable fur her beauty, had been profoundly impressed by his exhortations. After the sennon, Wesley was invited to this gentleman's house to luncheon, and with himself ore of his preachers was entertained. This preacher, like many of the class at the time,was a man of plain manner, and not conscious of the restraina of good society-. The fair young Methodist sat beside him at the table, and he noticed that she wore a number of rings. Dur- ing a pause in the meal the preacher took hold of the young lady's hand, -and raising it in the air, called Wesley's at- teution to the sparkling jewels. '-What do you think of this, air," he said, "1.r a Methodist hand '" The girl turned crimson. For %Vts- ley, with hisknowu and expressed aver - Mon to finery, the question was a pecul- iarly awkward one. But the aged evan- gelist slowed a tact which Chesterfield might have envied. He looked up with a quite, benevolent, smile, and simply &aid, "The how/ is very beautiful." The blushing beauty had expected something far more different from a re- pcsuof wrapped up in such felicity in a compliment. She had the sense to say nothing; but'then, a few Lours later, she swain appeared in Wesley's presence the beautiful lian., itad been stripped of every ornament except -ore olieh nature had given. SHE WON THE \\'Roza, --Fred Flasher and Miss Flurentia Flounce were tlis- cuuing the mental power of controlling thought. Said Flasher :—"I will give you a pair of gloves if you can think of positively nothing for five minutes and still he awake." "Done," she reloaded. Five minutes passed. "I've Aon the gloves," she eclainted. "How did you manage to think of nothing fer the whole five minutes 1 he asked eagerly. I fastened my mind firmly on your mus- tache and kept it there," she replied tri- umphantly. The referee awarded her the gloves. --[Detroit Free Press. were shod with wool. Nature i.3 a revelation of God: art, a rrcelation of moan. Indeed, art signifies no more than this, art is power. Our chief want in life is somebody who ball make us do what we eau. This is the service of a friend We judge others according to results: bow else; not knowing the process by which results are arrived at. Just as stem as any conviction of truth Moes central and vital, there comes the desire to utter it.Sacritiee is gladness, service is juy when such an idea becutnee a commending power. Good thoughts not put into action are like good seed thrown into the tire, or like blowiug out the dame of a caudle to let the smoke of reproach punish, even as the light is illuminated. Nu manly man will feel anything of shame in looking back to early struggles with adverse circuutstances, and no man feels a worthier pride than when he has couquered the obstacles to his progress. Whether perfect happiness would be procured by perfect goodness this world will never afford an opportunity of decid- ing, but this at least may be maintained, that we do not always find visible hap- piness in proportion to visible virtue. Dwelt fry amid tattle Heel. "When you call -al upon lMr. Roberts what did he„ say ?" was a question pre - pounded to a voter before an election committee. Ere the man could open his mouth to reply the question was object- ed to, For half an hour counsel argued against the matter; then the room was cleared that the committee might oonaid- er the subject after the lapse of another half h••ur the d.a.rs were opened, and the chairman announced that the ques- tion bight be put. All ears were stretched to catch the impending disclos- ure. But the mountain did not bring forth even a House. "t. hat did Mr. Roberta say C' asked the counsel; and the witness replied, "He wasn't at home sir; so I didn't see him." .1 Remarkable tore. From Lewis Phelps of West Tobn- send, \'t.:—"Several years since 1 took a severe cold, which settled on my lungs, where it remained without relaxation. I was then in Massnchusetta; and grow- ing worse and becoming unable to at- tend til my business, I returned home, and commenced searching in earnest for some medicine which would restore my lost health. 1 c .resulted physicians, 1 tried many remedies, but obtained no help, but daily grew worse. i had a terrible c .ugh, and raised a great deal of blood. 1 had profuse night sweats and severe pain in buy side. I continued in this state for months, and became so weak that it was with great difficulty I was advised to try \\ I+TAR'`m BALSAM or \V -ILD CHERRY, and to my if rent juy I soon found that this remedy had arrest - the disease. I continued to use the Balsam to the extent of five bottler, and have since then experienced no dithcul- ty of the lungs. I believe the Balsam saved my life, and I shall ever hold it in high estimation." 50 cents and SI a a bottle. Sold by dealers generally. Bernville, Pa., Aug. 1.---llarr'ison Hoag, a leading citizen. and two sons, made n pod' ,nurt,'ni of a valuable cow which died euddenly. All were blood poisoned. Hoag died in terrible agony. It is felted the sons 'will also. die. Literary Netters. Tim CANADIAN MrTHODIaT MAGAZINE for Augilst.'tee. p..levo. r2.00a year. Simfor six months. tingle numbers 20c each. Toronto, William liiI.gss. This nnmber has quite a midsummer Gator of Poetry and Art about it. Dr. Nelles, President of Victoria Univer- sity, has a charming article on "Whit- tier, the Quaker Poet,' with a tine por- trait and copious specimens of his finest poems. The editor has a beautifully illustrated article on •'tine Art in New 'York," and C. S. by a Japan, has a very readable article on "Rhineland," with numerous graphic pictures. Dr. Suther- land, in a vigorous article, urges the election at the approaching General (:uuference of two General buperintend- ents; and the Rey. J. Boss..'I. A., has an excellent article on "Methodist Un - giving much needed information about the minor Methodist bodies. John Mscdonald,Es.i.. contributes a fine poem om old Niagara. "Life in a Pare mage" recounts a etrenge nlldr-ight adventure, and the ,1uecr story 111 a "Pious Tramp's An article on Patented invention. full of interest, and other papers, Hake a very readable midsummer number. .IM Reward Is offered for any case of Catarrh tat can't Iw cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken lord tt;;v Ytice cents Fur esti by George ►:uy a i., role agent for tyuderich. 1843-3m .1 wrnsarkable E.rape. Mrs Geo. C. Clarke, of Port Dalhou- sie, Ontario, states that the had been confined to her room for long time with that dreadful disease, Consump- tion. The doctors said she could net escape an early grave, but fortunately she began taking Dr. King's New Dis- covery fur Consumption, and in a short time was completely cured: Doubting ones, phase write Mrs. Clarke, and be convinced. Trial betties free at Rhynas' drug btere. Large size $1. '3) ag••• Never Give I'p If you are suffering with low and de- pressed spirits, loss of appetite, general debility, disordered blood, weak consti- tution, headache, or any disease of a b'lious nature, by all mewls procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapid improvement that will follow; you will be inspired with new life; strength activity will re- turn; pain and misers' will cease,*and henceforth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a 1,1] If mothers and nurses would cease giving opiates in the guise of Paregoric, I and Cordials, and for children teething and subject to bowel complaints, give instead Dr. Fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry, the lives of teeny infants might be saved that are eacnficed to deadly drugs. 2. bottle, by Geo. Rhyme'. De Awl be Decried. In these times of quack tuedicine ad- vertisements everywhere, it is truly gratifying to find one remedy that is worthy of praise, and which really does as rec,mntended. Electric Bitters we can vouch fur as being a true and relia- ble remedy-, and one that will do as re- commended. Theo invariably • cure stomach and Liver t 'l mplaints, Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary difficulties. We know whereof we speak, And can readily say, give them a trial. Sold at KA1d VEO AI UF S%CBIA jIAIFt EN Elly r a ry Has been 1■ constant uses by public for over tw years, and is the hest preparation ever In- vented for RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS YOUTHFUL COLOR AND "arr. It supplies the nate- ral food and color to the hair gland& without staining the skin. It will increw and thicken the growth of the hair, pre- vent its blanching and falling off, and t b es AVERT BALDNESS. It cures Iteking, Erup- tions and Dandruff. As a HAlit DRESSING it 1s very desirable, giving the hair a silken softness which all admire. It keeps the bead clean, sweet and healthy. BSC NG FOR THE WHISKERS 1 e State Assayer 1 and 1 Chemist 1 of Mar&.I and i leading Phyii- clans endorse and recc m - mend it as a t triumph in medi- cine. S Dyy will change the beard to a BROW or BLACK. at discretion. Being in one preparation it Is easily applied, and produces a permanent color that will not wash off. PREPARED BY R. P. HALL & CO., NASMUA, N. N• Saturday, A the 8 Sold by ZI Dealer in Medicine. JUST RECEIVED. AT D. FERGUSON'S FRESH SUIT tOLE FOR THE SEASON Spacial Bagaills in Teas at Very Lon Prices. 25z. par tb and upwards. If you want a really tine Tea try buy 50c. Young Hyson u is a splendid article and worth in ore money. I have also just opened out a corn plete assortment of Corckery Glassware, In.lujing Stone and Chins Tea Sets. Childrens' Toy Tea Setts, Ladies and Gents Fancy Tea Cups and Saucers, suitable for Christmas aid New Year's Gifts. Lamps & Lamp Goods in Groat Variety AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. Call and be Convinced M 1 LLI NERY. Ira Miss Jessie Nilson Takes plea surelin informing the ladies ofjGo',erich and vicinity, that she ;opened out o MUSICAL IIISTRII RTS rile The so r.,cri er would inrinoa'e to the pee- I pie of Uoderieh that he has,decided to ggive up business in his line owing to til heels tt. and that he is now prepared to give exex'eption- ally good baraaiuo. All want my PIANOS. ORGANS er SEWING MACHINES, 1 will end it ta lI e'r a•Ivaringo to tail at once as this is a l. - INK (bertha gale. J. W WEAN',-RERALD. 1•- 1' fifty cents a bottle, by Geo. Rhynas. [4] -►... ,. 1v.aa til Y he most wondertul curative remedies of the present day, are those that come from Germany, or at least origi.ate there. The .HEAT GERMAN IsivnttRATOR, which has never been known to fail in curing a single case o1 impotency, !per- maturrhoea, weakness and all diseases resulting from self-abuse, as nervous de- i i'1:t• bili'y, inability, mental anxiety, fang- ,'`' uur, lassitude, depression of spirits and ,1 e, functional derangements of the nervous I system. For sale by druggists, or sent i free ily mail on receipt of the price. !. $1.00 per box, or six boxes for 83.00. Address F. J. CHENEY, Tuleda, (1., Geo, Mynas, Sole Agent, Godericli. 1843.3m Tim 8111 Orgwlattng Intmlgrntlon. Washingr•m, July Mt---Somuo doubt i I expressed as to whether the Hill regu- lating immigration will receive the ap- proval of the President, in consequence of the difficulty of construing it so as to effect only immigrants ns they are ordi- narily ktl'w•n. The Hill declares there shall be paid it duty of fifty cents for every pselment:et met a citizen of the 1 -noted States who cines from a port to any lime rt in the Fnited States. The '1 uestlon new rninefliswbether this would The msgrrtwMadrN Is Lear. not compel the payn.ent of fifty cents Supt. E. t) Neill, of the L1 nninion for each peraen, whether immigrant or 1 visitor, er whether coming tethe 1-nited Polies Force, Ottawa, .5 ..iOOua.wrt1•.t •el•:a.'•-. `- kS alt laas.ese t...a eaa r.•,: t,. z fA:LARUE STUCK OF TRIMMED UNTRIMMED GOODS ni A; u'1 ani fine assortment of FLOWERS AND FEATHERS. And everything in the shape of f,.�TEST NO77=2mif =3. The 11.11es are cordially ire ited to inspect gem's, and I " i11 scent' it o pleasure to show th LATEST AND BEST STYLES. ORDERED WORK ASP) ECIA= Y - Canada, thus' states for pleasure, for temporary vteit, spoke to a rer's.Sntative ••f the of fk tart stay permanently It is nr(fcd that insets lending jlwrsals: i ase actually resseegPra by ferry boats from Canada il I l U at bowls and to the i •nited States will he liable to the likewise here ln' me o hoose if made twice • day. MsseMa Fres the Have. Mrs. Arlen Phsrviz, No. 331 Ihytt,w t. Chicago I11., u now in her sixty- I all In love with that wonderful me lmemne St, Jacobs .ei imposition of tine tax every visit, even Ries and though my duty should rail tae to an hour to journey- me tikeusst►d relics, St. 3aiealt9 011 w 1 st i 1 I* enpele- iun It is the mast wtai isle•uith W to the trend, w•ttt+'i1t * r"certir.n. 1 - believe. My entire family have bcrn cared by it. W a have wed it fortwenty different ailment., and fanny' it worth ' half a ,core of doctors. My ma here on the Duesini.n P.,lice iu right .Meg tate: eery jngtty t� tiR I those is nothing like it. 1 believe it is the long eowght Kb.sir Fitt" and pos- aesase the power of making the old, young 'lain. 1 know it often ashrams me. and altbouyh I am past fifty years of age, I am. thanks to that wonderful agent, a lively man yet. I feHall's Catarrh Cure is taken%internal• i it acts directly upon the Vocal sad the mucous aurfsees of the ardent. Price 75 cents. For sale by Ce •rge Rhynas, sole agent for (Iodericb 1lt4.3-'3mi Trayelling Gsldr. GRAND TRUNK. East. Pass. Exp•+. Mnx'ol. Mix'd Goderich.Lv 7.30am..13.05pnt..3l.ipm. 9.ouaut !leafortIt.... 7.50" .. 1.10 •' ..I.I " ..10.50.. Stratfurd.Ar 9.laam ..:.15pm..6.30pin.. 1.00 " r wrey. Pass. Exp'b. -l:ix'd, Mix'd. Stratford.Lt I.rihtm..T a0pm.. S.takim..3.iapm Seaton)).,... 2.17 " ..8.7.5 " .. 7.1n " ..5.10 • Godcrich.Ar 3.13pm. 9.SOpm.. 9.t%ium..i.l5pm UI;EAT WE.'i1'KRN. Fop's. Mail. Fop's. Clinton going north ...9.Ham...1.23pm..S..Spn " going south STAG I.3.51pm .8,0• am ..7.21 " LIN intcknow Stage (daily) arr. 1O.l.iam .. dip 1pm Kincardine •• " " 1 00am .. • Tam Benniillcr " t Wednesday and Saturday) arrives Oam.. 9.1 eighth year, and states that she has sof tem! with Consumption for 'thole ten Yeats. wits treated by nine physicians, all of whom prnnose'ui her sass hopelen. flits had siren ap si1 hopes of erer recoe- 9erse bottles d Dr. King's New jll sa.ery for oempktely and her ilnuhti g ewes, *age her a postal end satisfy jttas�es buttes free at Rhyttss'tl Pau Stela. Large size •1.00. (1) ALLAN LINE CH II,NO,ROCK ISLAJD&PkCIFIC R'F Calls the at antiOn of trave.err to the erntrA posi- tion et its line. connecting the Nast ani tho Wes. by the shortest route, sad carrying parte cis, without change of oars between 0111004o and an - ss Co,. Council Blalts. Leavenw-n. , Atchison, Ylnneapolis and IDV. P..l. It connects 13 Union 15 Atlantic and all sthe Pudaol -Oce ns. Itsoad atw sea equip- ment Is unrivaled and magnificent. Ming composed , .f Most Cemfortabts an! Beautiful Das Coaches. Magnlacent Forton Reclining Char Oen, Pa11- man's Prettiest Place Si.(plus CarS and 1150 seat betweenlof Dihioago and Mico r Sliver Points. Two Trues between Chicago and Minneapolis and D. Paul, via the Famous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A Neve and DUMC Les. via Seneca ar,d Lsnkc- w ea mhmond, of ItItem has been Openld flet e Needs Newport News. Chili,anooaa, ROYAL MAIL STEAaL�HIPS gust a, bash Mlle Louisville, sit O .otteCinunnau, Iodunapolu ►ad Lafayette, and Omaha, Minacap- LKV ERI'OOL, I r volt 110ti'. Vowed etr..n and 'Canada. Baggage ware w low as c.>mysiiiors that oder Les edeas- 1{at i;rv•at 1,,,•;i•urc I,/ announcing to u r ens • d m. sol and intermediate n •• W A R N O C K All Tarowrw Pasesagere Tncel on Flarrriers ,�tteritiors.! Barbed Fence Wire contracted form any quantity at 'cry lowest priers SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBEL) FENCE WIRE. XC ire, and b.irie g••a an.zed aftcrTe,ii ttee:+t: 1 w'b; 'i c:u:::o; scalcofl'. ( Vise Barbed Wire for Fences. NO SNOW! 71FTS NO :WEEDS yG . WNASTE UNDS. 'For:Sale 1;- G H, PARSONS, CHEAP t1A1tlW.ARF COUERICll. The Greet Cleansing Fluid, McCOLL BROS & Co. TORONTO_ ONDO\- DERRY. O1.AS- MANUFACTURER S est Izpr+as MRS. rratm. Tica.•u for ante at e:: prinCpal Titket OtLess in BUMMER ARRANG1tlaMENTS t h k.•1 •trough and rates c• fare al - •» In Golerlch end ta{es. he Maya and Felt. briny friends ►rid W - rue Tere•t a�, dtnroarr.e•:o i.gM i vicinity. that she has seemed Iha only right MAIL STEAMERS - tiEa"1 \ Jn. ere er tl,, sed prit,tege m tnutteture sod w 11 GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, Cabin. Intermediate sad steerage Tickets at se roar tMrer: T,car Ot' . or ser•+* 0'1 M a. ST. JOM. owasr NATIO.R• a• OA - - mea --e+--•--' At a fire at ton Washington -street, New York. on friday, policeman Rey - n Ills saved she lire' of eight children; baring forced his way into a burning building, and s'andin j on a wtirtdoow sill, caught them as they were dropped from •• a abo ivoce lift.. a lion : a a r. Steers go 1'amenstrrs are hsske.t to London, CHICACO. Camid, Br000l, Queenstown, lora, Belfast. Galway and tile'wow, at same rates as Jo IIM From 9terbec. ---OF— LARDINE OIL DR. LU(' : AN S1 NOVATING CYLINDER OIL. CLEANSING & RB yennedt3 NEER AbZLZNCFOs ID Saturday. (AFTER 4 SKASON'S TRIAL lliall Peruvian. - .. May *r Far : rmorint geeaar ana «til free/ / •.c Nova Scot and everything, frost tie Smelt Nitric to the Nova Scotian. Jnwr 3 T ' here sees esteemed Parisian. •• le a/ A1tES HEALE'S "..'tat"�•"'}�:f a�..a� eaett'eela� ;: 17 kr •p wee tbe•,fDlsataweetls 1w17 e. s se seisetemi .w�,_ M opr= A. ea FLU Flour Medal+ and three diplomas awarded totionsi Fire Kindler: mics gg��tt�� s • t� sti s•�•�• TWwlfl tattle.' ib1reS • e ( ~ eMM}meet 1 R• TWENTY CENTS Pim HUNDRED. i yt'antaa. Itis Pa?'Wgh AGENTS tyert 1•„a.1aa esa.le aNe44e1 "nretn.rt.'4sr. essltt Ang.1 1'2 19 Sept 2 • , ot " t " Y1 Dirt tieSmw ete and every Infnrmatlseals to. It. ARM$TRt)NO, 101 -)Ir 004010 Ticket Ateni, vee West James $sale. ri Maker ,d seller. (loderch or Capital reawred. Jamas Lae Co. M, treat. s Vuebe 17e4 $•yr)I R- -I:ER. 112 a At►y at home e�tsil IIL AAs. /bath nwtit'rree. Addre7 ow t Co.. Aureus. Maine wit' ad.,s.wk.s.s.a,za,ea,111. 11,E -m last i ear at the leading Exhibi- tions. in the Dominion MANUFACTURERS And all min running maehin��widest-, tttl ea re leat t audit*, wine owlkeugaitts out that the re Ms�i�we are trop. hI 117- Intr on. .,mr ear. Qle.siew etc...s e titration to McColl Bros & Co Toronto. The larding is for sal, in lialertrt, by R. W. cKENZIE. R. H. PARSONS, C. CRABS, and D. K. STRACAA1 . tansy* s sod 3 N^ ad tit get tr7 las r 1