HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-08-11, Page 24
Tia Ma/7 of all as
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Sa.aaes.- mange
The last remuanta of the t montages,
balsa of the "Six !Cations.' and the
most enlightened and powerful tribe of
en the Worth American Indians, are
grkdually but surely becoming extinct
am a small reservation, five miles lung
by three wide, dome eight utiles south of
Syracuse, N. Y. Christian Valley is on
ores side of the reservation and Cardiff,
the little hamlet that became famous as
the birthplace of the fraudulent giant
who was unearthed in 1858, is on the
other side. The 4 hnundaga reservation
contains at present 9090 acres. At one
time it contained 64,000 acres, but, like
the great tribe, it grew small by degrees
and beautifully less. Although cit•ili-
zatiun surrounds them on all sides, it is
an undisputed fact that the Onondagas
are sadly degenerating. Prior to the
revolutionary war the Indians of Central
New York formed an offensive and de-
fensivealliance, and were termed by the
early settlers the "Six Nations."
They were composed of the Ononda-
gas, Cayugas, 1 ►neidas, Mohawks, Sene-
ca and Tuscaroras. At the breaking
tout of the war for independence the
Onondagas, . f all the North American
Indians, were the only large tribe that
espoused the cause of .the colonists. AU
others took sides with Great Britain.
The (►nondagas remained true to the
straggling colonists, and in considera-
tion of their services, 8000 after the close
e.1 the war, were allowed a reservation
ten miles square. in the most fertile spot
in central New York, and added to th?tt
the legislature of New York passed_a
law allowing the parents of all children
under 21 years of age :1150 each for their
maintenance. Every few years, by an
act of legislature, the tribe is allowed to
sell ...:f a few thousand acres of reserva-
tion en account of a diminution in num-
In 1830 they numbered about 4030; in
1870 nearly 1200, and in 1880 ci.nsider-
ably Less than 1000. Ito• will only be a
few years when the once brave, true and
powerful Onondagas will have complete-
ly passed away.
Their language they still preserve, and
although surrounded by whites, they re-
ligiously adhere to their old traditions
and customs. The green corn ceremon-
ies and dances areas rigorously observed
as they were 'me hundred years ago.
Various ministers during the_ past fifty
years have tried to convert the Ononda-
gas to some settled religious convictions,
a but all to no purpose; the Onondagas
irill,br Indians in every sense of the
word. They are niore stipend -Bleu' than
the Catfres of Southern Africa. Al-
though supremely indolent and thor-
oughly dishonest, a stick leaning against
the door en the outside cf it house is at
sacred to an Onondaga as if the place
was doubly secured by bolts and bars,
and at the same time not even a key is
Tu illustrate with what tenacity they
cling to an old traditional superstition.
Dearly 100 years ago a sprightly young
Unoad•go was drowned in the river run-
ning on one'ude of the reservation. He
was a good swimmer, and the Indians
newer could understand why he should
drown, unless it was that the great spirit
was angry with the stream, and took
this way to warn the Onondagas of his
displeasure. Tha argument that the
Indian probably took cramps and sank
while in that state in entirely wasted
upon an Onondago. The men aro all
good swimmers, but they never learned
the art practising in Onondago creek.
hey look upon it as certain death to
• tie creek, and nothing would in -
clue thein to go swimming in that
strewn Their favorite swimming place
lake, ten or twelve miles dis-
ft. m the resetvativn. It is a
brigh tittle lake, alwut fifteen miles in
c ,>i running from Cat -mea down into
Scott e'er:E', in C. ttrt'ar,d county-.
Tho Onondaga disdains manual toil ee
entirely debasing for him, and while the
women work, sits smoking his pipe and
dreaming over the vanished glories ofthe
Onondagas. If there is ace ep growing on
the farm, it is almost certainly planted
by some white man who has leased the
place at a very low figure for cash. Once
his lands is leased it is oil' the warrior's
mind, and then he gives his mind to
basket -making er fishin,r. A full-grown
Onondaga can content himself to sit all
day on the banks of Onondaga creek if
he but lands one little eight -incl[ trout.
Although the Onondaga creek will not
do to bathe in, still it will do to fish in.
Their love fur liquor is a pasaoin and
for that they will sacrifice anything.
Half the p..pulation of the reservation
can be seen almost any day in Syracuse. ,
It is an etfenoe pusiis.table ny tine and
imprisonment to sell an Indian of either
sex spirituous or Balt liquor in New
York state. The lowest fine is fifty dot -
era, and yet a noble I rave need not
travel around Syracuse tong in a thirsty
condition with,iut striking an oasis
where he non slake his thirst. For this'
reason, no "steer how drunk ati Indian
may be wjllm he is srreete.t, which is an I
hourly uecurrenee. it is impossible to
and ret tenni him whore ha obtainetri his
d Mn i1''BA.fibottlg�p
Sods '' t Injun data,'
anything exc. j► alta. t ►crosionafly
a saloon As haul* nip, but al-
though the adogflist will often charge
twenty -fire er Shy pante a drink, it is
almost impossible to get an Indian to
testify against hint. One day while Pat
Corbett was police j ge at;Byracuss, •a
honest fellow -countryman of the genial
little judge was brought up for having
poured a little too much red-eye down
his secs.
"Hennessy, are you here again i" was
the inquiry.
"Yia, your honor, truth I am thin;
but for the sake of the days whin I knew
you in Tipperary, where we both kin,
from, let the go jilt this wanse,"
For some retake or other he was let
go. An Indian arrested for being drunk,
and who overheard the fereeeing dial-
ogue, was the next called.
"Well, what have we here !" was the
judicial inquiry.
"Me Tipperary, too," was the answer,
but it didn't work; he was sent thirty
days on the hill.
F•rthe Ladles.
Bridesmaids must net wear dresses
lighter in colour.
House gowns trimmed with feathers
are much affected by :esthetic young
A woulan's dress is like the envelope
of a letter—the cover is frequently. an
index to the contents,
Under the present regime of fashion it
is quite legitimate for scarlet satin shoes An honest medicine is the noblest
to twinkle beneath white or blue even -work of nem, and we can assure our
ing toilets. readers that Dr. Fowler's Extract ofNo form of compliment is ext ected by Wild Strawberry is not only reliable,but
a lady from her guests either on arrival is almost infallible to cure Cholera Mor -
or departure. It is., therefore, needless bee, Dysentery, Canker of the Stomach
and bowers, and the various Summer
to give one. . Complaints, whose attacks are often sud-
In attending ladies ti a public enter- den and fatal. 2.
tainment a gentlemen- should proceed -
them in entering the room• or tfhll .an Challenge.
procure seats for there. Six athletes in the corporation of,
There have been several instances re-
cently of n mother giving her daughter l Brussels, says the Peet, "are desiri' us
away when the father •was either dead or of testing the athletic powers of other
acting as the officiating clergyman. towns and therefore, challenge six men,
It is stated that if the sufferers frena residents of a tr• ther town-, to a
asthma will get a muskrat skin and wear friendly ce'::tpetition in thirteen er lif-
it over their Lungs with the fur side next i.teen games for a purse of 8100 to $403
to the body, it will bring .certain re - as agreed upon, Caledonian rules to gor-
lief. 'ern. The above • challenge is open to
If you cut pineapple in thin slice, and any t•.wti in Western Ontario. This
scatter sugar over it the day before you I will all.rd some of tha towns whose
serve it, you need nr.t add any water to . newspapers ha; a dune ae mach "tall"
snake the liquor: Keep it in a cola i puffing a chance of testis:g their' men.
place. i Complete arrangements as to games,
Auburn hair is a fashionable tint,and is; place' time and amount of _purse can be
likely ti) continue in vogue, for nIl Paris' made by corresponding with drawer 31.
is ringing with a recent discovery of a' Brussels.
ttetyiles rr•verbs.
love truth, bet invite the he
t0 I>Il�Drr —[R UMien.
the house is builded, death
satdet jo. — l Turkish.
Maven sends altnuuds to the tooth
less.—{A ubis u.
phsve was never good or ill,butwuman
hail to do with it. Gaelic.
W hat oknowan dosen't know shell
Srei likes to be called grey silver. —
The peat is on tits chopping -board. —
[Chinele.] (Equivalent to "The victim is
powerless against his oppressor.')
It isn't ruse alone, but the tooth,
too, that helps out the fox.—[Russian.
Wed no woman in whom you can find
no claws—[Gaelic.
Speak low, friend; even a dead Czar',
ears can hear.—[Russian.
Though a snake be fed with milk it will
still yield poison. —[Taniul.
Put a crow in a cage, will he talk like
a parrot t—[Urad.
The nim tree will not be sweetened,
though you water it with milk.—
Twang on the golden harp and the
people will admire your playing.—
If the deg Lark at the mountain will
the muuntatn be injured or the dog:--
[Tamul. (Equivalent to our own
l.reverb,'•(•urses come home to roost
The birds live, though not alla hiw-
If a dog has money he.is called "Your
lordship the dos,"—[Kroumir.
Many a man wears a blue ribb n on
his breast that !tact better wear a rope
around his neck. —[Russian.
The thief is safest who lives under•the
walls. of the King's palace.—[Persian.
It is a big beast that there is nut room
for •outside.—[Gaelic.
)fever be WItaeet It.
Tourists and all who aro snbj•erad to
• ehestge of climate, water, dist,
should nes be without Dr. Fo 's
Rattraot of ild Strawberry, the in 1-
ble remedy all Summer coutplait9s, S
V. Edwi tm of Bradford write:—
Burdock Blood Bittern is an exoellent
preparation, gives entire satisfaction,
and salts ' ng ever) day, it sells
now on its rite;— Burdupk Blood Bit-
ters cures�fula, Liver Complaint,
Dyspepsia aid Kidney complaints, in
the worst fern'. 2.
•'Tweaty-r.er rear.' Cxperteaee."
Says an eutiusut physician, ceuvineee
me that the only way to euro nervous
exhaustion, and weakness of the sexual
organs, is to repair the waste by giving
brain and nerve foods, apt of all tt e
remedies compounded, Magnetic Medi-
cine is the best. Sec advertisement in
another column. Sold in Goderich by
Jas. '1Vi1•on, druggist.—lm
These affected witk weak Lungs, Slug-
gish Liver or Derangements of the Kid-
ney a, should procure a package of Dr.
Carson's Liver and Lung Compound.
Each 50 colt package makes three pints
of Syrup. It is a valuable collection of
Roots. Herbs and Barks, and its results
are wonderful- Fa sale by all drug-
gists. Geo. Rhvnas, agent, Guderieh.
Through the present month of july
the Stomach and Bowels are very liable
to become deranged. The proper pre-
ventative is Dr. Careen a Stomach and
Constipation Bitters, for by their sae
the Digestive Organs are invigorated the
Bowels kept regular and the Blood ren-
dered pure and cool Sold in large bot-
tles at 50 cents by all druggists- Gee
Rhynas, agent, Goderich.
voice from congestion.of the vocal cords,
fullicar disease of the fauces, or minister's sore
throat. am often the results of bronchial trou-
bles, extending up the trachea and larynx, af-
fecting the whole mucous tract of the alr pas -
ages. These diseases are the outcome or ex-
pression of nerve debility and blood ltmpovlsh-
mont from overworking the ay stem and ex-
cessive use of the organs involved. herr con-
stitutional treatment is required to restore
nutriment and nerve power. and WHEEL.
ER'S Phosp)utte. and ('alisaya has been suc-
cessfully u -.,t toy si 1errsand publicepeaaers.
it the Oldest Establi.t., Rhee Stara i0 Town, ii [
In Ihid1ess Vriety
tt suit tl-e tnoet fastidiuw and the moat nonc buyer
1s now complete, and I take pleasure in infuru•ing sty contu.nets that et no pre-
vious 'lune have I had such a
Large & Varied Stock
As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price unt
it is a positive fret that no such value in food wear can be gut elsewhere.
of every grade still receives iny prompt and careful attention, and will be me e up
in the most approved styles by first -clan workmen, a and
of the very best material obtainable.
Ladies and Mise, Boos llI 1)141N1 Fro of'char�,
At time of purchase if so desired.
_ D 0 W N 1 N G
Crabh's Bleck, Cur. Ea
Chilled Plow
N 11
Ilat-ing purchased the Goderich Foundry,
ant attinngg the premises for the nnanufactur
of CHI LLSI)PLOWS and AGltl('l•1.T1•ltA
IMPLEMENTS on a large scale. Mill Work
General Repairing and Jobbing will be cou
tinned. All work guaranteed.
ARRIVALSS of ec Raymean ntsis the only receipts
autj is onixe
to.•ollrc•tpaymentsand trite receipts be
requested to gover
half of the late firm of ltuncinan it Co., an
all persons indebted are
themselves accordingly
W. S. Hart & Co.
Goderich Mills
Reg to return their thanks to the public for
the liberal patronage received doting the past
year, and to state they are prepared to du
on the shortest notice, or for the convenience
of pa -ties living at a distance will exchange
grist* at their town store p
Late 11-. %I. Hilliord•s,)
S. SEECMIi.l.l+lt, Masonic block, East St. Godertcb.
Proprietor. -Highest price paid for wheat
-est +1$- '11ES
ZIT 7,0••••3�- -b 'tr Z$ ,-LW
CHICKEN I xx- ter 1per -4 -srrS- .
new and entirety innocuous dye for , r.- SALMON AND LOBS (LR
ducing this lovely shade. 1. F. Smith, dregeist. of Denville.
under date of June. 1st. • writes •.1 . Dr
In preparing greens fur the table it is Fowler's Extract of %%ild Strawberry :— A FINE ASSORTMENT
a mistake to squeeze the water so entir- '•It sells immensely in fact has the L
ely out as cooks usually elle. If culled largest sale during the rummer of any (oo
fresh they are far better if theyare ser,-' !patent medicine in stick." and adds that
he can heartily re•oommend it t•. the
ed with a Portion of the hector they pace public. The above named remedy is aa -
been boiled in. tute's grand cure for Cholera, Dysentery
The usual number of articles of under and all summer complaints. - 2.
clothing fora trougsean is either six or -- -- - -- - -
eight everything—night-dresses, drawers - A sleeper ii one who sleeps. A sleeper
is that in which the sleer stes- A slee-
and chemises. Three tanner petticoats iter is that on whish the pep
sleeper which
and one dozen stockings, thick and thin. carries the sleeper while the sleeps runs.
The number of dresses made up shoo uld Therefore while the sleeper 'deeps in the
be small ap it ie better net try Lave too sleeperlthe sleeper carries the deeper ov-
m my er the sleeper under the sleeper until the
' sleeper which carries the sleeper jumps etl
, When putting up curtains which are the sleeper .and wakes the sleel`ler in the
O, bo draped, in a ]ow room, put the sleeper by striking the sleeper under the
cornice to which the curtain is to he fas- sleeper, and there' is nowsleeper, on the
tened close to the ceiling,, ei•en if the i sleeper.
window is put in lower down, as it sires i There would be little if any sickness
the effect of greater height betlte room. during the het months o July and Au -
The curtain* meeting at the top will con- gust, if every one would 'take: Dr. Car-
ceal the wall.
These girls who sutler fru;n headache
I ught to bathe the face and -brow regul-
arly for five minutes more at a titno in gists. Geo. Illiynaa, agent, (:uderich.
cold water, to which a little perfumed
vinegar has'been added. This is to be ++Mur•. Genevan Warne Remedy.
dune three times a day. Cold sponging R. Morrison, of the Dominion Elec-
rotype Foundry, 5. ( Craig street, Mon-
te the arms, shoulders, face, and neck is treal, says one dose of Dr. SMITH•s
+est refreshing after fatigne. GREAT Wean Rexenv removed 1:i large
In making mint wrote, wash the sprigs worms from his child, 4 years old. For
let them dry on a towel, •strip of the sale by Jas Wils..n, Guderieh. - 2
son's Stomarch and Constipation Bitters,
as they prevent and cure all derange-
ments of the Stomach and Bowels. Sold
in large bottles at 50 cetts by all drug
Christie Brown &
Pure picyes.
Chas. A. Nairn.
Builders' Hardware
In fact, everything you wast in his line
This Spring and Summer. See his FENCE WiRE, the best yet.
R_ Mc1-=17=2=
BE WHEAT (x itE.�'f 13111 U A 1 N ti !
„Northern Northern Pacific R. R.
rr.no. own Pow. ST. PAUL, MINN.
leaves and chop thein very tine; put in a
sauce -boat with a cupful of vinegar; let 1
it stand an hour, and serving stir toge•
ther. 'Mint sauce, if bottle.!, will keep i
for some time and just as good, if not
better, than it was the tirst day.
is a worm!.. fill thing, yet so natural, so
rL'asrmable. Why f if- you have feel
ings of gameness; tee weak and dra{tgin,•
to rally; tee nervous to sleep; en appe-
tite hardly sufficient to keep body and
soul together: headache, with pains
across the back; the whole system relax-
ed: perhaps coughs and sore lump: and
will use one to six bottles of 1)r. (1. L
Austin's Phos .patine as the cans iflay
demand: it will net fail to make yon an
enthusiastic friend. Why do we say
thus' Because I'hooaphatine eupp,lies a
want, the ,vol p nperfie.. the mysfe,n is fn../ -
iN ( owl yearning for. it is not a medi-
cine, hut nutriment instantly converted
into blood, bone and tissue. It is also
delicious to the taste. Try it. The re-
sult is as certain as that cause and effect
Or hand in hand. All druggists. Low -
nee; & Co.. S.do agents for the lama -
'lien. 55 Front St East, Torentn.
if Cetarrti has deatro ed your eenee of
smell and hearinsr, Hall's Catarrh Care I
will cure you. i:, cents per Mottle. All
di uggists Sell it. For sale by George
Rhynaa• Nolo Ritant, (I...lerieh 1x41 -em
Parmci $131d. :a.,
,sw. a t • • cf T''.t A•!-1.rRlot -
cf 1w(• 3..... w-•-•.. . • - -• - •. , ft. -t-,, . it i, l t,som'
:.i -d solo. a .. roar •s' v- t , , ..t • . a.. I ', -,t w-
f.MI it is t. ,- y tt,i a.t T . -. 1 _. t'., • .,,_c
TERr;.l i.. • 1, 'LLF .. s^ I t n ► r•
Coserset, Oat , `...,ra 3, 1$$O.
I hero l.rn s :ing Ter.y I^., -• : a.a-Cider for the past six rxrm, see lase
woes p:es ar• iu setting that lt+ see is that time Las bee target tele say star
latent metiie:a. 11.1 1 !.are in n.y sl.e:ves ac.l in those years i have never heed a
restorer sly sugIt bat wutlt of tae hig.e..t iniac is its favor. It is es ertisistbat
semis to I:av, tcmbiae 1 i.i it all that Byes to make affrat-ela.,/easily w..tiei*s, sad
along as I Lave a hennaed stare, Perry Davis Fun -hiller will be tweed hi bath.
Veers, tic., 1. E. KENNEDY.
Beware of ('oewtuNMte toad ineltatlw.
Pries 20c . 25e.. and ',lee per bottle
i'recioa. t . +t�kk laking n
1'artirs wanting cheap goods should call a1 onrc having secured Ars. c:a.+ wnr
1 am prepared W manufacture toorder
Nothing but First Class Material Used,
AO- c c d Fit Guarariteed
Goderi. h. P -e hy. Mb. I*t
Posters, Circulars, Cards. lie
North Wriest, tinderneh