The Huron Signal, 1882-08-11, Page 11 D 711 n. In n- O. a s T I) to• ban. bb' f. THIRTY•FIFTH TEAR. WHOLE NUMBER 11461. DEVOTE°o coUN NEWS -- ' _ _ _ _.., AHv GE HER GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1882. iNTtLLIGENC Yo030SYEBROS. NdAN=ARIDCK New t tdvertlsestests: Notice J. A. Mcl)uiagh. Wanted -Apply at this Office. Card Professor C. J. Newman. (tress 641.04111 —J. C. Detlor t (' , Hall's Hair View.— Dr. J. C. Aver a' Co. Dentistry. U. NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN - SA. TNT. ()Moe and residence. West Street hive door below Hack of Montreal. Gode- rich 1752 L'DWIN KEEFER, DENTAL SUR- GEON.lista with Trotter R Caesar, the leading Dentists of Toront...l Alioperations neatly sn,l carefnll, performed. flown*, Coat's Hi.s k. over W. Taylor's& Oasis CLiN- TON. iliatteats from s distance will piste make appiMstatest In adraac c. by alf. IIK1. Ehe People's Column. `r ANTED -- TO GO TO T H E thatesae seems; a steads. woman. Apply at thio sake. maidatIO CIERVAN'P 01EL WANTED HENT 7 Turndar. Apply to Mrs. A Men Allan. Ooderi.1...Ing : heti !Malt BOY WANTED. -TO LEARN .4N Easy.tog- mamma n. Leona, at Tats BsaaaL Mike. NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A chiel's arcane ye, takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent IL" TOW'S TOPICS. .1), you want a stove' Or any golds in lily line. If so call and ave money, O. N. Davis. All overdue accounts must be settled at once. Have you called at Mallows' studio. yeti If not, just drop in, and you will see the loveliest photos you ever saw. :Sallow' likes to show his work, for 1t always bears inspection. fall and see Cim and then get a good round dozen. Mr& bro,•ks is seriously ill. Miss Jennie Sneyd is t isiting friends in Detroit. Father Watters has again been serious- ly indisposed. Miss Allie Sneath has gone to visit friends in London. Mr. James Richardson, ..f Chatham, is staying at the Albion. Mr. Hops, of Bow Park Farm, was es town dunng the week. Mrs. Edward Campaign and son, have taken a pleasunt trip East. Mw Platt has gone to visit Miss Adelaide Field, of Pickering. Mies Porter. if Seaforth,was the guest -'i TOsir Miss tt illistwnt last week. WANTED.- 2 APPRENTICE Learn the cabinet *atlas- A opt, y Mr. A. Y. Attrill has been sloping D. Gordon. at the Ailien during the past week. ja OR "SALL- CHEAP. -A HFU(iY, Mn. Chiftertden, nurse and two child - 1' And sleds hart Yee ptvterslars age! -- of Dutn.tt, are at the Park Haute. ply atthis 11,.. and Mss Straubel returned home Q+UEEP AND BEEfi FOR SAL .-A tal Wednesday lot from a long trip. 17 A number of ram lams. est by a Previa- Messrs. F. E. Wade and J. M. Mcla• end wirier. Ala some easiest hives et two . mph, of Brussels, spent Sunday in For pntralare apply to M ww AvraLast'. ilia Ate ett'dherae. 14 4 '-3 n I town. I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT l'I The Paris cricketers cleaned out our I will not be rewpsastbte for u7 debts on ee , team on Mondayse , to the tune of to 71 t reeled by my wife or airy °abet versos wit k- • ,tit my written order. Itosuurr 111SEAK. Miss Morris and Miss Nellie are tak- ^ Stanley. ing a trip to visit friends in tViscunam *NEEP ESTRAY. --CAME ESTRAY. and Dakota. 17came ea tbs p'asti'es of the subscriber, abort the bedgalbr of June. a -ewe. The owner L , o prove ropers pay .'surges and tail bar aw JpueKrw ACTH 5RlycurOM. lot., coq 12. Col Nile P. 0. I)RO)'ESSORC. J. NEWMAN, LATE of London. Eng . Academy of Music. Organist of St. Georges Church, Goderich. will give lessons in Organ and Piano playing. tinging and harmony. For particulars ad- drese, care of Rin. Payne, Goderich 1'. O. 3mos-1851 rptiE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OJ7 1 Colborne, will meet In the township hall. on Monday 21st, at 1 o'clock p. m. The trus- tees of the different Section are re pawned to send to the Clerk, on or before the 18th, the amount they require. J. A. Mcl)osAuII. Clerk. Carlow P. 0. It -1851. /{ISS NETTIE SEEGMILLER, lvl Having completed her studies in music under Prof. Sip pi of London, and having re- ceived a certificate, i.. now prepared to re- ceive a limited number of pupils for Plano instruction. Miss Seegmiller is also prepared to take orders for Crayon Portraits. Satiatae- tion in every case guaranteed. Residence, corner Cambria Road and Newgate Street FOR SALE. --THAT BEAUTIFUL Building site. ..i buildings thereon. lots 896 and 998. in the town of Goderich, be- ing the property owned and o•-cil` ied by the late HenryHorton sen. Convenient to the square. will be sold in one Parcel or in lots to suit. Enquire of J. C. CCHttlK, Auctioneer. 1817. XTOTICE. -THE FIRM OF HODGE R Haynes saw millers Sheppzrdton, was this day dissolved. A. Hodge will receive and pay the debts due to and by the company at this date. R. T. Haynes will carry on the slaw mill on his own aeuount. 'WILLIAM PRot'nroor, a ARCH. Hones. Witness. i R. T. HAVYrca. *CO RENT. - A COMFORTABLE House on South Street, containing 8 rooms. kitchen and pantry with hard and soft water. Apply to OEO. MieMAHON. 18x3 -t f. TO RENT. - A COMFORTABLE House on St. Patrick's Street. containing seven rooms and woodshed. Hard and soft water on the premises. and the entire place in the best condition. Convenient to the square. Also two brick cottages. near the station. Apply to Joins Hrtge'KKNRIDOK, Newgate Street, Goderich. A little boy, son of Mr. H. Hale was run over by a waggon and injured dor• ing the week. The recent heavy rains have been doing considerable injury to the harvest in this section. Fifty-eight Goderichites availed them- selves of the Oddfellowa excursion to Torcnto on Tuesday. Mr. Phipps, secretary to Mr. H. Y. Attrill, contemplates a trip to the Mani- toulin islands shortly. Miss C. DeL,rg, of Cheboygan, Wis., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Murney, her relatives. Miss Campbell, eldest daughter of Mr. John Campbell, of Brussels, is visit- ing at Mr. Wilkinson's. Mr. William Salts of Nelson, Mani- toba, lies seriously ill. from an attack of inflammatory rheumatism. Mrs. Allan Martin and family have returned to Detroit, after a very pleas- ' ant visit to their old home. Mrs. Andrew Thompson of East Sag- inaw, and her sister Miss McQuarrie, are visiting friends in town. The 33rd Battalion will go into camp on the 12th of September, a week later than was formerly announced. Mr. James Elliott is suffering from severe pain in his hand, and fears that the loss of his thumb may be the result. Messrs Strattg,p W. R. Miller and others of our teachers are attending the meeting if pedagogues in Toronto this week. The Misses Minnie and Mary Walker, of Kincardine, twin sisters, are spend- ing their vacation with Mrs. Elms, Nel- son St. Fred Marsh, while working on the farm of Mr. Gerard, fell from a stack of rye, and was painfully injured about the shoulder. Mr. C. J. Archer, who has besen em- ployed in C. F. Straubel'C harness shop for the past three months has gone to Mitchell. Last Sunday was Sacrament Sunday at St. George s Church. Divine service was celebrated by the Rev. Mr. Martin, of Chatham. 5 C. WILL PAY FOR THE SIGNAL, • I postage free for the balance of 1882. Subscribe at once. and get full benefit of this offer. Loans anb insurance. 1lfONEY.-PRIVATE FUNDS TO .4!.J_ land on easy terms to sums to suit bor- rowers, Atka. McD ALLAN.Gdtlrrteh, Noy. 17th 1881. 1813-im. Q500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO dD CAMERON, HOLT tk CAMERO 1,o Gode- ich. Q75.000 TO LEND ON REAL ES- TATE. Terms favorable. Apply toll L. DOYLE, Goderich. 50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on good Farm or first-class Town Property 't 8 per oent. AUDIT to R. RADCLiPFE. 1751 MONEY TO LEND IN ANY amount to snit borrowers at 6 t W sad cent. Private funds. Apply to Moines. Goeseteb. MONEY TO L11IN .-A LA R O E saeent of Private Funds for investment u tomtit rate* as Ihnt-elaas Mortgages. Apply to GARROW & PROCDFOOT. LQLDE FEEL OF CHARGE. - Messy to Wail at lowest rates tree re say Nasser SILO/AR & MORTON. 177A g pili CEN f. -TIM CANADA 11 i ai od Credit Tarsi — ts to tend money on Tar■ rent. Full part u1ers gogee s' to HUGH H AMiLTON. C. L nese . al0,O00 PRIVATE FUNDS T() LEND NIP au Tana and Tows £'qat lowest to- temic Mp orfgas polesas.a n conmmission o•,-q—e sw s n„veyrearfnaMeSTOW aseesseee. - The bicycle belonging to Mr. Geo. Cox was taken from the hall of the British Exchange en Monday night and considerably injured. The act was a *teen one. Prufossor C. J. Newman, organist of St. Georges Chunh, is prepared to give instruction in organ and piano playing, singing and harmony. See his card in another column. the happy pair length of days and many At the closing exercises of St. Joseph's looTlne Fitrgu Sunday Ar 'Hs nays: -R. Academy, Goderich, the silver medal for Hadwin, one of the bonanza farmers of general proficiency, was awarded to Miss the Valley, agent yesterday in piloting Lizzie Hodge. The medal was present- one of his old neighbors at Winghant,Ca- ed by Mrs. D. W. Curry. nada, J. M Leet, around the metropoliis PERa.,NAL -Mr. R. H. Napier, for- of the wheat and banana belt. Mr. Leet merly of the Registry office, Goderich, has spent the past year traveling on the now of the C. and G. T. R. freight Pacific slope and the Rocky Mountain offices, Chicago,, has been visiting old atates and territories, but has seen no reg - friends here. He looks hearty. ion that impresses hire so favorably as A Court of Foresters will be instituted the Red River Valley. Mathieu says he this (Friday) evening, at Holmeaville by will "catch on" before he leaves, and the P. G. W. H. C. R. Robb, of Clinton. indications are that Hadwin is a prophet. A number of Goderich brethren will at- At any rate he has often and greatly pre- tend, and assist in the ceremonies. fited by his shrew foresight. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dalton and Qt'oirtxo.-The match between Col - the Misses Dalton, of Brantford, Miss borne, represented by J. Strachan, sr., Green, of Caledonia, and Mise Bessie and D. Cumming and Goderich, repre- Keenan, of London, are the guests of sented by E. Martin and J. McNair, Mrs. D. Currie, of the Woodbine. was played on Newgate street on Wed - The Inland Revenue collections for nesday afternoon, and resulted in fever GARsorrzu.-Mr. Walton, who left the year ending 3otth ,lune, 188.2, on of the town men by a score of 63 t. 41i. ter a trip to the old country a few weeks spirits, malt and tobacco, was waste The first half of the garne was closely a.: ,; met with a serious adventure at in the distribt embracing the counties of contested, but McNaireget warmed tip' Montreal, which upset all his arrange - Perth, Huron and Bruce, Mr. A. Cavan as did his partner at the other end. and areata for the ocean voyage. He had is the collector. they walked away fro! i their plucky been engaged to take the oversight of a competitors. A. return snatch will be cargo of ease on the journey across Mr. C. A. Humber is putting in the played at Dunlop on Wednesday neat, g p l Y , machinery of a large mill for Mr. Kidd and while passing through Gra5ntown, at five o'clock p. 'm., when the Colborne on his way to the cattle yard one ! even- removed to that place flet a season. men hope to reverse the score. ing, he was suddenlyoouncel u P on near They report the scenery around Colpoy's A 0001) TIME. G.T.R. excursion- on canal by some men, who "went Bay as beautiful iste returned home late on Saturday through" him, stealing a sum of money, We omitted to mention last week that night from Goderich, where they report a valuable pipe, a pair of spectacles,and having an excellent time. Although other articles. The 'attack was so sud- seventeen cars left this city in the morn- den and' unexpected that Mr. 1Valton ing the acconunodatiun was found inset_ had no chance of defending hiself,and equate and four more had to he added at he was left half strangled, as a police - Stratford, ee it is estimated that fully a man put in an appearance on the scene, thousand people were on board. Al- and the rogues fled. Mr. Walton is to though the excursion was the largest one be congratulated on his escape from more of the season, it was exceedin;tIy well Serious results, as it is not uncommon for managed, nothing occurring to mar the the garrotters to fling their victim into pleasurepf the day; and the G.T.R. em- the canal He has again settled down to ployees are to be congratulated on the the quiet of the registry office, and looks success of the affair.-BrantfordCourier• Iittle'he worse for his exciting adven- Anionic the arrivals at the Brunswick Don't kill the tootle; the ugly toads, Hotel, Winnipeg, as given by the Free that hoparoundyour door. Each meal the Prean of the 2nd August, we observe the little toad doth eat a hundred bugs ur names of M. C. Cameron, M. P., Mr. more. He sits around with aspect meek and Mrs. George Acheson, and Mr. S. until the bug is neared, then shoots he Pelluck and wife, of Goderich. Mr. forth his little tongue like lightning dou- Pollo.ck, it would appear, had some ether tale geared. And then be soberly doth object beside real estate in view in utak- wink, and shut his ugly mug, and pati- ing tiffs north-west journey. We wish eptly doth wait until there ceutos another bug. -[Ex. Mr. U. Gordon, our esteemed citizen, had some startling newIrma s frhis daugh- ter,. Mrs. McLaughlin, the other day. Mrs. McLaughlin had a veru severe at- tack of quinsy for three weal', and dur- ing her convalescence, her husband, the Rev. Jas. McLauchlin, feeling unwell, Hook a dose of *dine in mistake for some tonic, he'ltept in his medicine cheat, but by the prompt administration of an emetic, no serious result fulk.wed. The Mission teacher , too, Mr . Secord , while shouting for recreation, lodged some of the contents of lis rifle in his aide, and is in a very weak state. M'. and Mrs. McLaughlin, are en- j'".ying the pleasures of camp life, fur a few weeks near the Rocky Mountains. Rev. Mr. McLaughlin has the mission of the Victoria district, Sasa.itchewan Valley. -[Cost. at Wiart' n and his entire family have the handsome silver ice -pitcher and gob- lets presented to Mr. E. F. Moore were purchased from Mr. James Lurie, who carries a choice stock of silverware in ad- dition to his stationery, etc. Business men should not growl about dull times, but advertise in THE SIGNAL, tell the public the truth, and sell at bottom prices. This is the best way of making business brisk we can think of, Advertise early, and catch the fall trade. The following' visitors have ben en- joying themselves at the residence of Mr. G. N. Davis during the vast week: Mr. John Bend, Miss Kate and Miss Elizabeth -Junes, Detroit; Mrs. Harry Goriest, Sarnia; Mrs. ,Icahn Plummer, London. GENEROUS Grrr.-Cul. A, M. Roes, M. P. P. has generously presented the Lucknow Caledonian Society with ten dollars, towards the prize list of the ap- proaching games. We hope to see the Colonel present on the 13th of Septem- ber. ---[Sentinel. WEATHER PRonASLLrrias.-The great North-Westent telegraph Company, dur- ing the harvest time issues a weather bulletin at all of its offices throughout Crnada, at 8 u'clo,ck each morning, giving a forecasted the weather, for the succeeding 24 hours, it bout 700 excursionists peeled through on the 0. T. R. to Goderich on Friday last from Mitchell. The peculiarity about this excursion waste ---there were no good looking girls ahnard. We will pit Mitchell against Clinton for ugly old maids -[Seaforth Sun. LATE ARRIVALS AT THE POINT FARM. - A. J. Robertson, Mrs. Roheraeon, 2 children and nurse, Toronto; A. B. Hay, Jas. Hay, Mrs Hay, 3 children and servant, A. Pattullo, Miss Jessie May, Woodstock; W. J. Blaclhurn, London; J. G. Asterbury and family, Detroit. Miss Weyms, daughter of G. Weyrns Esq., police magistrate, Brantford, is the guest of her cousin, Miss T. O'Neill, Hamilton St. Mrs. Fred Marlton end children, of Jamaica, West India, arrived at Gode- rich on Wednesday, and are the guests of Mn, Cattle. Mr. Nicholson, Inspector of the Rank of Commerce, is spending a portion Of his vacation in Goderich. He is stopping at the Park House. Miss Josephine Voiaard, of St. Cathar- A former resident of Brantford, now living in Goderich, gave meals to thirty- four different persons on the occasion of the big excursion on Saturday. Such hospitality as that, if more general, would make Goderich the most popular point for excursionists by any ling of rail. On Wednesday night of last week, as Mr. George Parke, was driving home to Bayfield from Zurich, the horse became unmanageable, and ran away, colliding with a telegraph pole, smashing the buggy, and seriously injuring Mr. Parke. The horse was also considerably hurt. Mr. A. W. Wright, Socretaary of the Ontario Manufacturers' Association, hut 11 better kaown at an advocate of rag curt rency, was in Clinton last Thursday. is IT Foaasar ? -On Tuesday He was there for the purpose of indite -1 Con- ing the Salt Association to join the stableGill, of Exeter, passed up to Manufacturers, but there was no meet- Goderich with a young man named ing of the Salt Association that day. Arthur Carrick, of Hay, who had been He is small in stature, thin, and not at i prepared t, back it up at any time. We On Thursday nest the town Band will committed Ho jail for tna) under the fol- all powerful looking. But he has& keen I do not state it as a fact that Waddell hold a picnic in ing lowin: circumstances. Some time ago scuttled the Ex lnrer, but gave the story an agent for Hegg•rt Bros., of Bramp- ton hear that Carrickwantedto pur- chase a steamer for a threshing machine, The largest excursion which has yet ture. visited Goderich arrived from Brantford on Saturday. A big turnout Was expect- ed, but when the visitors swarmed from the long train of coaches our townspeo- ple who were sight-seeing looked sur- prised ang delighted. The G.T.R. and Citizens' Band of Brantford, accompani. ed the excursionists, and played in tine style during the day, under the leader - The Montreal Sar says: "The Young Peeples' L iterary Association of Wesley Church had the pleasure of listening to a very instructive and interesting lecture on Monday evening, on the Art of Per- fumery, 'given by their President,. Mr. Watson, of Messrs. Kerry, Watson & Co. The lecturer leave a statement of con- sumption in Canada and in other eoun- ship of Bandmaster Quillie. The band tries as obtained front the Customs au - uniform was a tlatty one, consisting of a thorities, and the quantities produced grey suit trimmed with black, with in the different countries. He also ex - swallow tails, epaulettes, and brass hibited neenerous specime.ts such es buttons, and shakos with white plumes. musk, myrrh, essential 'oils, etc., and The report of the excursion, by gave some very useful information re - one of the visitors, in another column, specting pomades, hair dyes and cosine - is taken from the Brantford emirirr. tioues, their formation and beneficial ur BASE Iewe-The baseball match be- deleterious results. Several interesting tween the Low -batters of Seaforth.and experiments were made during the lec- the Goderich Actives, played here on ture." Mr. Watson has kindly consent - Saturday last,. resulted in favor of the ed to deliver his lecture in Knox Chetah visitors by a 'etre of 2d to 11, and an on Friday evening, August '25th, the en - innings to spare. The Seaforth club tire proceeds .;f time silver colleetion to gave evidence of hard practice, and good discipline for young players, and promise to nt ke a crack club. Our boys have &tine good material ale,, but one or two of the players talk too touch on the field. With more practice and less "chin music" by some, the Actives would make a tip-top team. We give the number of runs trade by innings: Seaforth -1 14203411 -26S Goderich- 0 0 1 0 1 3 0 0 i- 11 Mr. Levi Latimer, of Sesforth, made a very good umpire. Aei'togNx BEHIND THE BAT. -During the baseball match on Saturday after- noon, R. Deveraux, catcher of the Sea - forth nine, was struck between the eyes by ,t ball hot from the pitcher's hand, and had to retire. The wounded man bled profusely, and upon examination it was found that although the nose was not broken, it was badly cut and swol- len. Deveraua, who was a fine looking young fellow. will have his beauty spoilt for some time. F. Blakely, of the Goderich club, wee also struck on the cheek bone by a foul tip, and went to join Devereux in the temporary hospital. Although his face was badly ewoollen, Blakely got off much better than his Seaforth acquaintance. Both boys born their punishment with pluck. THE LOST "EXPLORER-" It. ti. BIN ■Ilorh, anbsarine DI•er mala Ibat to nomad Twelt r .toner teles 1n the and also a Body and 'several Tons of Nose. Froin the fort Huron Time.,. The story recently published about the finding of the lost schooner Explorer, which was sunk about fifteen yeses ago in Georgian Ikty, Lake Huron, has re- vived a great deal of the interest that was manifested at the time the vessel was sunk. The atatenteut that Capt. Waddell, who was in command, had planned to defraud the insurance com- panies and also caused the death of the sailors, is credited by some newspaper. as being true, while others emphatically stamp it as s slander upon a dead man. Capt. Waddell was well known in Goderich, and a few years after the Ex- plorer was lost he was drowned. The Goderich Star published a long article denying the story printed in several local papers, and stating that the editor had examined the bottom of the boat and could not tind any auger holes, and fur- ther that no bodies were found in the hole or cabin by the divers. The arti- cle in the Stir is replied to by R. G. McCulloch, a sub -marine diver •of this city, who examined the boat and claims te have found the auger holes and some of the wooden pings in the hold, and al- so the perfect body of a man and the bones and putrid flesh of another; but he does not pretend to say who scuttled the schooner. He writes as follows: To the Editor of the Port Huron Daily Times_ St&: -I see by your valuable paper that the Goderich Stir denies the fact that the echoones Explorer was scuttled and sunk, as published in the local pa- pers. I was one of the divers that worked "n the Explorer and'gave the re- port to the press concerning the scutt- ling of that craft, and from personal kuowledge know that the Explorer was scuttled. 1f the editor of the Star will get the harbor -toaster of Goderioh, and go on beard the Explorer and lift the 'limber' boards, the harbor master ( who th..roughly understands his business) will show the editor of that paper where he can find twelve inch -and -a -half holes,. eight on the starboard side and four on the port side. I will further state that the schooner was stripped of all her sails, bucks, rig- ging and booms, and the sheet blocks were cut with a cold chisel, and part of the links left on the traveller; and the lamp and compass were taken out of the binnicle box. The schconer was weighed with (as near as I could judge without weighing) fifteen tons of stone, and thirteen lock- ers in the cabin were also tilled with stone. There was one perfect body found on board with a shirt and pair of pants on, and the bones end putrid flesh of another was found on deck, having evidently floated out by the surging of the water while we were, working at the wreck. The hatches were spiked down, and the hatch bars on and securely fast- ened. I also found seven of the plugs its the hold of the vessel that had been be devoted to the Sunday School library used to stop the holes until all was fund. We -hope to see the lecture room I ready. The small door leading front the packed. I cabin to the hold of the vessel was also Fuez mat's ExccIullot. -t )n Monday, colt. The cabin dour hall been locked, last Court Paris, Canadian Order of For• and the key left in the lock, but the esters,of Paris, paid a visit to oar town door was lying on deck, having been, accompanied by the Paris band, and turn off with an 'anchor or grapnel. t about six hundred excursionists. Through have no hesitation in raying the schooner some mismanagement a number of courts was scuttled and then sunk. who had etgnitied their intention of be- Mr. Lewis, who claimed to own the ing presetl`t, were prevented 8rem doing schooner, asked me to say nothing about so. The visiting brethren were received it in Goderich, as, he said, "The least by the members of Court Goderich No. told the sooner mended." The schoon- 32, andlGoderich band. After forming is i er had been under water ft several procession they marched to the Square, years.'but the name was perfect, on the where Bio. C. Crabb presented an ad- quarter and stern, as follows: "Explor- dress of welcome, which was responded er of Chathaut.' Who scettled the to by C. R Ereehoff, of Court Parts, P. schooner, I do not know, but the facta G. W .LLC. R. Bro. Peter Robb, of Min- which I have stated can be peeved by a ton, was present, and being called upon, dozen witnesses. expressed his pleasure at tweeting the Hoping you will publish this, I remain. Brethren, and was sorry that sufficient yours truly. arrangements hail not been made so that R. le MI'CULLneH, more could have been present. He then Sub -Marine Diver. gave a history of the Order, its progress Port Huron. August 3rd, 1882. and advantages to all of the community, and at the close of his address mutual The "Tribune" ea the '• Exelerer." congratulations were indulged in for The Port Huron Tribes, says: "D. S:, sometime. Gooding is the name of a Chicago atior- Lieut. Mitchell, who woxt the Prince nay who thinks he has a clear case of li- ef Wales' Trophy and $50t) in money bel Against the Tribune because we pub. against all England in shooting at ranges dished that Waddell -Explorer affair. He Of 200, 500, and 1100 yards, hails from is cordially invited to w.tde in and try it. Port Elgin, Bruce County, (Mt. The We have the best authority for every London correspondent of the Mail says : statement made in that article, and are h 11 R h&tw m lfmve Every grey eye, and there is much self poses - into, and Miss Early, of Hamilton, visit- 7 sign about him Pert Elgin ought to be ed Goderich with tide Brantford excar arrangement has been made to rutile h delighted over his triumph, and the sionista en Saturday last the affair a completes success. The members of the 32nd Battalion, to which RRADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, . Leo Accident 1an A first -else' Cnnpas allortissek IFa•l Rf w1 at la not war Ill eg tgk, 141,7 "mane Key's hand under the leadership of Mr. Rloy- heome him (, Meier star. lffet ca>mpwn eody, one of tthe Brentford he Brantford I Parker, has mad° groat pr min during ed n d purwuaded nt t.• the mill hCarnck to gi eere he was phim right lheartily iongs, ll The Prin ees wsslcof Wales the past mason, and we hoops the pic nie 1 excursionists on t .turda) 1a.t, and an order for one, the young man sign- with superb grace went nut to see the S will he well patronised by our towns- I "dropped in" to see Tee torsi_ mit his father's name to the order. In Canadian team, and Lieut. Mitchell fold. due time the engine arrived but Carrick must have felt pnwd when with a beam - A child ttelewlginv to the Brantford Mr. Walter N. !floosie, bursar of the pay anything p exoetsienists was sunstruck on Saturday I refused to accept it or &n bin on I ing smile she pinned on his breast the LetMedical aid was celled, and we Brantford Blind Asylum, and at one j it. Ha rt Bros offered to settle the' badge he had so gallantly earned in time •resident of Goderich, was in town ' matter on payment "f $100 to cover ex-; shooting for her husband's prize. Truth trust the little one is none the worse. for two or three days during the week. The lists, of the Wast Huron permits of shipping, etc. hut he would to say the royal couple lingered a long priseOn Sunday he gave an interesting ad- 1 not agree to this, and a warrant was ac- time in the Canadian camp, and seemed Agricultural Sooiot lie been publish- dress to the scholars of Knox church cordingly issued against him, on a oharge I most reluctant G. leave it. They were ed. The show wtil be held on Tuesday S.S. of which he was • scholar for a of forging his father's name to the or- introduced to Captain and Adjutant and Wednesday, Sept. 19th and '2Oth. number of yeses. Mr. Hosie takes a der. He was tried before Mr. McDnn- MacN.ohten ore they Mr. and Mrs J. T. Darrow returned keen interest in Sunday School matters. ald, of Exeter, who committed him to this week fawn a sojourn at Orchid I A Foliose Amisenb.-A dispatch stand his trial. The plea upon which from Greenock, Sootland, says that the police of that city arrested John Rapier nn the steamer State of Nevada, on his arrival at Greenock. Rapier is charged with forging three thnassnd dollars nn his employer, Mr. Ben. Allem, of Chi- cago, formerly of Goderich, now a pens - germs jeweller in the Phenis citt Beach, Maine. They both appear to have derived benefit from the salt ma hreme. The Sons of Auld Scotia in this ss.e- tion are already talking of the gond time they anticipate at the Lucknow Caledon- ian games to he held nn Wednesday, Sept 13th. deteno* will likely root, is that the sig- nature. being made in the presence of an agent, wail not a forgery. When Gill and his prisoner arrived at the rail- way crowing here, they got off expect- ing to catch the morning Trunk train, but it had paned and a convytnee had to be talon to Goderich -(New Era left, and the Prince heartily congratulated and warm - I half a day removing the stone with who ly shook hands with Lieutenant Mitch-', she had been filled." ell. Senator Skead poet with • serious accid- Two men, attempting to climb over the ant on his farm, near Ottawa, Saturday railing of the Tnilleriee Gardens Paris, evening. A horse which he was driving daring the display of fireworks, nn Sun- ran away, and he was thrown out of a day, aught hold of the electric wire light wagon to the ground, the result b♦ need in the illumination of the grounds. ing that his left shoulder was discolated, Roth were struck dead. and he had two ribs broken told by himself and the condition in which the veesel was found. People can draw their own inferences." Another item in the same paper reads thus :-- "Every wird of that article about the schooner Explorer, recently published in the Situ rine Triha,w^, is true and can be verified under oath, if necessary. Among the witnesses would be found Captain H. - N..lex, of this city, Captain Matthew Watts, R.G.McOull ugh and D. Fecteas, all of whom were present at the raising of the vessel. Captain -lex personally assisted in plugging up the twelve auger holes that had been bored in the bottom og the vessel, and his crew spent nearl7 I