HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-08-04, Page 7t '111E HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. AUGUST 4, 1881. Vie Poet's tomer. • Wise 1. mer nada e. One of us Ma►-- Set esr- W Walt he • bid with • marvellous Aed case a band, a bwleg este as It tees for the spirit 1 and Dothan which' este One of ss Best W Ill stand at otter's rose tier, Awl look sad weep, While these iambi, Ups strange silent keep Darltug, which Mei Una of us, dear - Hut elm - Hy en ops glue will drub • tear Aad hsmew•rd Ku, The anguished waabared grief to know - Darilmg which cul ODe of us, darling. It must be, It may be you wUl slip from met Or perhaps ay life tray ameba dose; Which osel Fun mea F3ncU. It a two-wbesled vehicle is a bycice, sed • three -wheeled • taycholc, it doses not follow that the one wheel is an icile. It is • wheelbarrow. Long, piloted fluter -nails aro fashion- able among wumoa, but they will never be popular with married men. When a teal gets so lazy that starva- tion itself weal drive him to work, you will usual! Sid hiss running for office on the woe�tiaRssn'm ticket. A nips judge, whoa asked why he had allowed a totally unnecessary female wit- ness to take the stead and testify, said: "I know that it was not necessary, but I saw that she had a new bonnot and wet striving to show it." Car wheels, washbowls, and even bricks are wade of paper. Now why don't souls towurkand mikeleeth- er • crust l It woo to ma. be lee hoick, Mem iM fa, a at. 1 tied' leen 'Um* j it r .s tat band,, aqd a hp* man with to *tailed mailed just askel the q On, "What is $ boom t" whoa the sail swung rowed, k nocktit r, les tba howeeeppsati The ski , r, ee ,. ' TWA a in a his "Y you pat 1.. Iy ST --"ifs lila you are, saiS,t .S sly," was the imply, "or you weld ba wearing • smock frock, too. "I feel I am growing old." says the lady mincingly W her gueab, "for really 1 am beginning to lose sety heir." (Of course she ham bushels oaf it, and it is Mack as a raven's wing.) "Then, ma," exclaims her little child, with the inno- cent frankness of in i;ocy, "why don't you lock up the drawer when you put it away at night f" "Mamma. dear,' sill a New Haven just in the flush of early woman- hood, "I have mein ling to tell you, ( ;eorge has proposed sod I hive accept- ed.' "My child, I ownnutthink of your thus disgracing yourself. George is not a suitable match for you. Beside, this would make him as one c,f the family and he would pay no more Herd." 'thus will be seen the incompatibility of a boarding-house girl falling in love with me of the boarders. Now 1. Beaave In $ (.lila•.. What to do in a railway smash-up wee well shown in the Long Branch accident by Gen. Grant, whom most marked characteristic is imperturbability under desperate circumstances. When a train leaves tie trash and the car 'aloft bump- ing on tie ties, passengers are likely to be long somewhere with great violence. The head, of metres, is at once the most exposed and the meet vital point, end the travelers should immediately grasp some thing witk both hands to break the violence of the fall. This was what (:en. Grant did, as thus described by J. E. Scott, City Clerk of Jersey City, who sat behind the general: "I knew the ear was oQthe trash and had not Mede un my Bind wbat(Ito do abadt it, whit ilea. Graft Est flip g;gdligteoping down in the aisle grasped the iron work of the seat en each side. I said to myself, "old man, your head is level, if you are • general," and I got up and followed his example. Hardly had I changed my position when thg wt' Rive a lurch te the right and then Went down wb seemed to he an interminable distance. it finally settled into (be water lying on its. left side. The right side was above water, awd (len; Greet, poking out the window, drew himself up and climbed ' ut of the cis." • Tory blew. The Nen is law to admit that Mr. ;Mowat has not modestly owl his power in distribution patronage: but surely no one, esw em us1"* fist toy Om Fed- eral Goverwtaent, elpeets the Provincial Ministry to reward BNB oppweits. 14. Mowat has volt his pro ilieibhl7genii and rematria eeeimeaier GoverawSSt. His c t hey ter could test eamarueI a Cabbie. Oast would not tall M,lases Of its own �teiAt evenbogglingly Maiserle is s eselsei�l Mae, as shows in the Mika elulisgap le aom- vert a 'o tank Hill seds* arldilma BIM= aIMMO 111 aQ s tiOR 1e tlllasiti the 4111. -"Mos veto Household Hints. Parrs THAT wlu. Kale. --Dissolve an owe" e11 Musa t. *1) ovum elf warn wa- ter. Wheu cold stir an sliest Boer uu- td the co/amateuoy of cream tbeu_ald as much powdered mein as you sea lay ua a ten cent picas and two ur three chores, Buil until it thickens stirring mu•teut- lr. Bottle. It will keep a year. Wheu dry suttee with water. Htrrt.saasay Pvuniso.-t .f berries, a pint O.1 water, • cm of sugar aur half a feu sent l..sf of bakers bread. Add the wale • and sugar to the fruit and "ter until tender. Cut the bread into thin slices and butter them. Into a deep disb put a layer of the bread, hee cover with the hotrr.ts and thus al- trreate uutil all the bread and berries ale used. S..t away mod let get oold. .Terre with it eetened CI r:•.111- Jawry Oilman - Buil a chicken in ..s little water as poasiblu until the meat can eae'ly be picked from the bones. Manage to have about a pint of liquor when done. Pick the ine,.t fru.n the bones in fair sized pieces, removing all gristle, skin acid bone. Skim the fat ta..nl the liquor, ado art o"...1 butter, a little pettier and wk, slt.t htlf a i ck- age of tteiatiu.,. Put the ch . ;eu up into a mould, wet with add ds'er; ..Leu 'he gelatine has dissolved pour the li.lu..r hot over the chicken. Turn .out alien q doll Pl. lut:u 114...x. --Boil very tender in quite .alt e.s',r, skin, slice and place iu an etlrtht•o 1a.t or *1 y convenient dish. For cy ry good -sited beet allow a thiu slice ..f onion, a tablespoonful ..f grated ho►se-radisk and a half dozen cluves. Curer with add vinegar. They will not keep over a week. CooEiro PHAot-Boil until oder in very littl; water. ()ruin ofi' the w.ter, an., for .•vary quart ;old two tablesp.anu- ful of butt. r, half a tableslwout.ful of sugar mid • ane .1 salt. Mix (hot- mghly, sOrniler a fie ui:nutea, add e yup •.t rich milk to etch (part, heat a.. i se, v,. Chis will be found t.. I.e very tine if tie leas ere 11.4 10 . ',l 1. CHnrren Plectra. --Otte peck of leen t.,uu►toes, t wo quarts of w.0 di "tit.'ns and hall a .1 ..:en green ,.ep, peri. reel• n oily seed. Choq, rola wluratety, ,hon tots.. sprinkling in three teacup els ..f s.lt. La stand .mer night; in them .r g drain well an 1 ed 1 a tear -morel ..f .nos- tarJ a "•d t..e t$Mewlrr,nsfnl ea. -.A of gruuu.l cloven and ctnuem .n :ut l 'ie teacupful of grated horse ra lisle. P aur over galloon of Met vinegar., MUTTON arta TOYAT.. PI:. --Butter the bottom aid sides of a h eking -dish, cover the b..tt..m with twee; crumbe.asd with alternate Layer* of aid roast or boiled muter cut in thin slices and to- matoes )heeled and sliced. Season each layer with pe¢pper, salt and bits of but- ter. Let the last layer be .of totwato.ee covered with breadcruulbs. Bake three- quartenri an bout. Claw t'Ysetsts.i are Bora. Take an egg out of a neat sea which a hen bas had her full tune, carefully hold- ing C. to the ear; turning it around, you will end the exact spot Windt the little fellow is picking en the inside of the shell; this ha will do ental the inside shell is perforated and' thea the shell is forced outward as a small scale leaving a hole. Now, if you take one of the eggs in this condition from under the hen. remove it to the house or other suitable place, put in a bort or nest, keeping it warm avid moist, as nearthe teuiperatuie of the lien as possible (which can be done by laying it between tiro bottles of warm water upon some cotton or wool), and lay a glass over the box or nest, then you can sit or stand, ma is most conven- ient, and witness the true mod. .per-' wadi. Now watch the little fellow wont his way into the world, aid you will be amused and instructed as we hove often been. After he has got his „pening he commences a nibbling motion with the point of the upper hill on the outside of the shell, always werkiig to the right (if you have the large end (4 the egg fr•m you, and the hole upwards,) until he has worked his way almost around, say with one-half of an inch ilk a perfect circle. he then forces the cap or hitt end of the shell off, and then has a chance to st.aighten his neck, thereby loosening his legshash forcing th reneges' Washington, July Z. -At a meetiug of the Cabinet to -day the principal topic of discussion was Brewster's opinion nn the subject of political assessments, This opinion was accompanied by a letter from 43.0 .4.7 ' view% Alt the sussed Menu was generally discuby 11i t5"e- ra. The President expressed his views freely and fully. They were in substance that no person in any of the Executive departmentsdeclining to contribute shall on that account be ssbjeet b. discharge or criticism, and no attempt to injure him on this ground be countenanced or toisrated. TTas BerWh Lase a.pq Sitesv. Eva,s%vlt.t.", Ind., Jae. 11, 1882. I recently had • very diienit case of C meernptien 1 treated It ht the most cdsNiGe manner pee irde, set le as ef- fect; patient grew gradually worse. Hiaher Iiiipsim up, awl taus last ve• sort, I deified; msec whet nay wish, to use a that hed owed one of mUtamysur- pass. the to d a mesh time tam 1 daredo a soma VIL y<curvd. i• s lrfttlbi/efleeTT ,- tires, f ane nee it altogether in my pprraeetties.-[Iwding M. D., Svsusville. Trial betties free st Rhyme dreg stere. Large sire $1. Co) realiggersig- MllcensRdMR' aid a " and for shiYeta tootling and suhject to bowel emmpiaints, gin Peogrier's 'street of Wild Strawberry, the lives of many infants might be saved that are sacrificed to deadly drure 2 A w.tk.rsM.lt ar. "Now, ow. in Bur:iuxtou, where I live," the jester went am, hastily Weak- iug ie ea at int paweisme a ..ttempt to say aossethl'sg, "-here was a woman, a neighbor of mine, whose husband be- longed to more lodes and societies and fratettihw u,l:_.egtaesmai orders and onions and elute and rites sad teams and things than the two of them could eount in a wetk. Why, this man used to take sem, of his weals at home and go to bed in regalis. And from force of habit he used to call his wife 'Worship- ful lustros ,' a ed he addressed his chil- dren as 'Junior 1VardLn. and 'Chief Tosgh Mogul's' and 'Moet Worthy Bas- hi Basouks,' and other titles. That watt's children grew to regard the entire system of secret societies of the United States as their father. They had a va- gue ides that they were in some degree some relation to Solomon, and they told their cunday school teacher that their grtu ifather worked en the Tower of Sahel, and they spoke of Hiram Abiff as "Uncle Hiram." They believe that Great Heart was a post commander in the Great Army of the Republic. And this man used to go down and pound the boiler, and hold one corner of the blanket, and grease the pole and help heat the pitch nights when there was a candidate to be aanasinated; and he watered himself into a dropsy at • Good Templar meeting, and fermented himself into a chronic indigestion at Odd -Fel- lows' suppers, and sat up nights with sick Grand Army comrades, and visited Mawonic widows and comforted Knights' orphands- female- 16 years and up- w.,rds, and he danced himself into a par- alysis, and gets his eyes blacked at all aorta ..f balls, and has a good busy time ..f it, and was considered a capital fellow hrcaime he had to write 'S.O.O.F.W., an.l H.B.G.L., and K().D. tf, and W.2. R.I.' after his name every time he wrote s letter or registered at an hot«(. -[Bur tiingto,. H,.wkeye. Ter *rve•ee Cough. .e alas Coss 11i Pits, From A. J. Merrit, of Canton PR.- Grutlenten- About ten veers a3o, after having had a severe attack of measles, i was troubled with *severe cough and was threatened with coneemption. Myfather having died at the age of thirty-one with consumption of the lungs, and my aunt having been carried offwith the same aottrplaint,it Beeves to be hereditary in our family. At the time alluded to, I was induced to buy a bottle of Da. WteTAZ'S BAIAAM OF WILD CHEERY, and can my conscientiously, I believe it raved my life. I was blaeksmithing at the time, and often felt pains in toy cheat and lungs whiok the Balsam relieved. I cheerfully give this statement, and hope you may have success with so beneficial a preparation. 50 cents and $1 a bot- tle. Sold by all druggists. A French photographer claims the au- thorship of an invention that will take accurate impressions of the motions ..f a bird in full flight.which is along advance on photographing a gallnpine horse. Twelre pictures are taken by this pr.. cele in a second, of which less than one - fiftieth is used in the actual reception of impressions. The rest is spent in the movement of the hand which turns the instrument to bring several plates suc- cessively into operation. Do Not be Received. In these times of quack medicine ad- vertisements everywhere, it is truly *ratifying to find one remedy that is worthy of praise, and which really does as recommended. Electric Bitten we can vouch for as being a true and relia- ble remedy, and one that will do as re- commended. They invariably cure stomach and Liver Complaints. Disuses of the Kidneys and Urinary difficulties. We know whereof we speak, and can readily }ay, give them a trial. Bold at fifty cents a bottle, by Geo. Rhynes. [41 Bockk*'a Armee* Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil- blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, d pmitively cures Piles. It is guaran- teed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Geo. Rhyne. 1830 ly. • Iht tiedieSi Measles. and all mantas N may minces. Phusphatine, or Nerve Food, a rhos - to Element bed upon Scientific Formulated by Professor Austin, M. A of Boston, Masa, cures Pulmon- ary Consumptern, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Amoeba, Vertigo aid Neuralgia and all wasting disesaes of the human system. Phosphatine is not a Medecine. but a Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates, J irootios, and no Stimulants, hut limp ft the Phosphatic and Gastric Elements ound in cur daily food. A single bottle 1. widialeat to convince. All Druggists sell it. h 00 per bottle. l.ewbsx t Co. taste agents for the Dominion 56 lama Street Nast Toronto MRS. WARNOCN Resift Stgts•k1t tb. WM eT Bodarlea ,,,t vleNty. fiat sae r sew showing A t it*s 1 stew visa' eta ally twtw, sod Osis esawevl that *be ern give �1iTBIFACJ T I O.T iN ROTH STYLE AND MAKE. Ahab* we to be favored with • vl.lt from bet g lama', and ti. ladles generally. MRS. WARNOCK. 10 OUR SUBSCRIBERS. Tbe address -label we the first page will Dhow each subscriber the state of his amount with Tim &sew., and (it may be hinted) that this is an ap psepriate season for Raskin, an el- teftttiuu in the figures, ?here a^e other 41101111 iu our books, also, which might eery appropriate ly he adjusted before the end of this month. "Owe no man anything," has been wise ly enjoined upon all, and this in- junction is especially binding upon all who do business with newspaper MOO. A word to the wise is sufficient, and we will say no more at present, for we detest dunning. Tba al.esers Secret. Probably no new developement wiiJ more surprise the public, than to learn the secret of success of certain leading physicians, when they have a difficult Daae of throat or lung disease that led ties their scientific skill, they proscribe Dr. icing's New Discovery for Consume - tion, Coughs and Colds, having it di.- guised in a prescription bottle, with name their own directions and e attached. The patient is cured, and they get the credit. --Tribune. Trial bottles free at Rhyntts' drag stere. Large sin $1. (2 Wires ase Best Pbyslesan. ggg The one that does most to relieve suf- fering humanity of the thousand and one ills that befall them, is certainly the beat of all physicians. Electric Bitters are daily doing this, curing where all other remedies failed. As a spring tonic and blood purifier they have no e1u*L They positively cure liver and kidney com- plaints. In the strongest sense of the term, they are the best and cheapest physician known. -{Daily Times. Sold by Geo. Rbynas, at 50 cents. [3. J Niue rbysielaisa ems.esc. It 1s generally considered a pretty dif- ficult task to outdo a physician, but the following will prove conclusively where nine were completely outdone. Mrs. Helen Pharviz, 331 Galton St., Chica►yj,, was treated for Consumption by nine physicians, and all pronounced her case 'curable. Seven bottles of Dr. King's li tW Discovery for Consumption aotnple- tety cured her. Doubting ones, please droop her a postal and convince your- selves. Trial bottles free at Rhynas's D -n; Store. Large sire $1.00. (4) The widow of the late Luke Nable, of Cotten), Essex, has gained an unenviable reputation by marrying her deceased daughter's widower, just eleven weeks after the death of her husband. This is the first kn..wn instance in Canada of a man actually marrying his mother-in- law. Such a n.arriage is contrary t.. the laws "f this country. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. V. Smith, of Winds..r, why., of course, did not know the relationship th. parties bore to each other. ". i Orem Avner ican,.Remetlyy for -MIS, COLDS, ASTHMA, It is')NCHITIS, LOSS OF VOICE, HOARSENESS AND TRROA1' AFFECTION,. P as cid from =Mat Ast *4c . flees (A•H- e..s. IT anon) Aa.A1 "ase! aped Tonle. le•.evnse M sap oarleieir J:.r y/14 neo a .ten cants T aethe Re e er Noe Pr O.w sheaf the soot osw the Red tree -.ration wear tA. wet �s winos puce for Nettac.wat,gwpesea Kerry 0100 fw rAt. pyreps -n- tt•w tin 0.ae M.Yr sad is/1 y eod' ye a J 15 beileasew p n. ,erre• •re ).i -e t *erre Tai. Syrr- acare- Isar pre - t eat tit a tow ",w j�'"GRAY'S fells of the Spruces "d ell* SYRUP Pier. Ise cares of Bene Dir. OP rase. !w Prover t .^ need la their r0w- I .anpr.re rents SPR ',ern hare, pine o10tairr ass, 4 aid a • r pp e order thew (;;;In e l t r to drink pwr,l a ten made k r n fro.. the .10 Np nice r n•plete tops. awsM,r. RED GUM. Its remarkable power in relieni»(1 certain.firrrne of Braneltiti,., and i'.t almost *peelfie efeet in curing ol• stinate hacking Coughs, id now ,rf'I knnven to the public al large. No) 1 by oil re peetabie .Aewbts. r, 4•., Y. ,..,. 10 a rt. a begin :toe ....+d " .syrup . f .3., ". •' e " ' .Err o,r RrpMMr.d read. Nark .10.d our 'reap, re add!,.teas are oleo reentered. KERRY. WATSON Whatnots Prins• acid l.;w: a t ALLAN LINE of ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL. LONDONDRBitY, GLAS- GOW. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS M.4 IL STEAMER'( - - SEASON 1'82 Cabin, intermediate and Steerage Ticket. at °waver 1ATtt•. Steerage Paseengeesare hooked to Loudon. Cardiff. RrUersi. Queenstown. Berry. Bedfast, sieaord waynd Ola-seM w. sumo rues as to •'MILER BlILI1V0-B: /lo= Owebrc. PrrsvlY.11.7 (, ntsesl•r Saturday. >7 June 3 "17 " >N July 1 " 1 ,. Arg,► " frog slept- !g Ort 7 e4 and crave imdetsruen Saw IL A Rammioxte. Iletet A• Is,l-aIle. 1MdMlr1 ro IAMMCB RMAILL, ARORETMCT, do el Omen, ('rabid st.. nee deb. Piaui T (7arpestar'./' • awd Ms's worit swsswr•td ..d va red CHEAP GROCERIESI DEgN SWiFTI Begs to announce to the people of Guderich and this section of I1t,n, that he has purchased from 1[r. A. Phillips his stock of Groceries, etc., and will continue the business in the old stand, on the Corner of Victoria and Brace Streets. Having bought the goods for aasb, and as I intend to make all my purchases from wholesale men for mob also, 1 will be in a position t.. sell at Very Low Prices for Cash My stock will always be fresh. I will keep the best brands of teas, good sugars, and everything in the grocery line from the best producers. Bacon, !Spiced Meats etc. , al ws s en hand in season. I am determined to please, both in:quality and price mer -Call at the stand, Vietorie street, opposite the Fair Ground, near D. K Sta machine shop. G..dereric _ s�-=FT• ich, March 9th, I882. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. G. BARRY CABIIIET au' UNIJERTAKER Hamilton Street, God.rich. .i good asaortnent of Kiteben. Bed-reotu, Dining Hoorn and Parlor Furniture, such as Ts Wee. chairs OrateSofa" d. Looking cane nd wood se Osamu Cupboards, Bed -steads, Mattresses, Wash -sten N. B. -A complete assortment of Coffins and Shrouds always on hand Woo Hearses for h at reasonable rates. Pict ore Framing • apectslty.-A call collated . 1;51 BOOTS&SHOES =)owr , c3� Weddup Beg t. announce to the Public that they hate opened business in the above Stroe in the ltore lately (occupied l.y Horace Newton. Having purchased a large and well assorted stock of Spring and Summer Goods at close figures, we are determined to give the Public the benefit. QUICK SALES & HULL PROFITS WILL BE OUR MOTTO n -Please call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. per Remember tho place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store xer-Custom work wdl receive tar gpeaial attention. fel-None but the beat of matesisl used and first-class workmen employed. r-. Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice. Godericb,Marek9,11382. DOWNING & WEDDUP {1 The (creat Western Railway will run Liteir excursions to MANITOBA and pAKOTA prints during May and June ery two weeks, comniencing TtIES- AY May, 2nd, 1881. :'ares Reduced. • For ofnruoation, ticket', etc., e1 IJv to 1Dlssaass, Csnr,.ttarts saki Ammon Iiawsao's Y.uow Olt isina M elks or relieve tabor V $ s ar TANN taTtsasty $1111 0100/ 7, (,oVaJta, .11.111115,Nmw ttauroAr, AL, COLDS, Iia WPM IMTtaae .LV leg ATZXX, NITT*4LAI1, CALLOI TS Lads. (illi_/ �. rimer An; I, t10Jr1Ia, laioaa■aliet PII5 srl i/tslr, (Spasm. P413 as SID* a Lary bads to gam deals. iso «.B.r emu. LauzaysM • ? Maopiktim lona rro, . STRICTLY PUllit HARMLESS TO THE MOST DELICATE, 11 Dmitri Os f t .rpre:aksr se sea gsnBs tW it tear gee t a,e..ei�r itr. tel 'y"w ie mein IVA." releeMem As an Ifape e*eraset it has no thio/. It ~main* rte Opknrt M gat, flerTs► . 10L1) ST AIS. DIMMILITIL Perry Doris & IROS d taw,,D, amt. Mom GEO. B. JOHNSTON Special Agent Great Wcatern itatleuy L' (ioderit h. Ont. hm:erit•h. April. 2S. lard. 1K5. HALL'S IATARRH URE ie Recommended by Phyalefaaa. C tYI?EE1 Calalr►t 1 . iCwlty-C)noi and Ulcerative; t he s,. Et . or r t, It b takes fN E11 A11 Andy sola IR .TLT upon theh Blood and Mbuvcowt founc�.od of sth. in ilio Wpp`�, and y wase ALL teat e$tM.d for It, foe THAT lea e. TRIC ONLY INTERNAL CURE FOR CATARRH air- t!t TH[ .ARRRT .ai $100 w, tide gra'7 tea sty e1w at Churl :: v11 sot Its, $100 wRLi.r1D, Out, feaaeh 18.1. ter daughter was stesslse well An two yearn, sad was wry mask the as. of - Rate's camera emir - shoes ours& W. T. W a e.t.a re, Oat-, 55areb 110, 1 hers used " Hall's Cater% purer awl Int iug from tl.e good mashie 1 derlvoll ban eaM bettors It will snow i1. meei s� ease of Osiris% tf 114 was la elsY...d e • aesata$Wno mega of U. W. E. RF.i.i.SYlt WatWRo carmeet., armee mlalw- I J ewtrut t CA.. rebid*. 0. eowas. -Kaye sand Ealt'sAiarvb Ones law the 'Ito rear, east Salves dal aetlon. Yews H. M. ROBBONAIrvgg)st Hall's Catarrh Cure la said by An shekel. sed boleti Dren esfs ate sewage b !Mout Ysdllnes to Ike Volls4 flow sad Canada. MICR. ?& Cents a Bottle. U.00 a Dos mead, ti finis• Han'. Caborb Owjssw . & abona lay P. J. C11R1t01 • C0..Toledo, 111rBstisre tell twiNsaesn SWIM ear es ANstSs trade ey H. W. HOBSON, Welland. Ont GEORGE RHYNAS, Rol, Agan', Cedlrldi.