HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-08-04, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. AUGUST 4, 1882. W'A P► I '. E .T) Y P '. OOM UNIC&TIONS. Le idovi..1uly 31. —A de -pitch to the /hay 217 -tot from N1a ,8111. -ports the French (i'•verq'ew'►t has 'rrvd that the infentri. malting* hrNtwl'• etairint G. start for E}vpt he 'li'arme-i tool that try wets 1•e with.la•swn. Th ',dhow (to! resolutions 11: vs been adopt tfw t)w '• .ver/:neat .,f weir cur- rtlsprmtleuts in E'v i):—.All correspon- dents are. melrr the provisions of the Mutiny Art, reg•tirxl to have Hermosa Irons the Dur •.f C tmbricltre; jive not al- lowed to go to '••Nl„at', teitho, pernis- sion. Other 'less Oche* are .rhtd,ien. The staff otlioer supe•rvi.i ut telegrams may stop or alter then•. AN t-NF'.RTI'NATI CAPTURE. Alexandria, July 31.— Mihhipman IAtchair was t•'cen nrit mer to Ar4Li's camp by the trsachrtwua netivea furnish- ed him as an escort by the Khe.lir. He carritd important d'.p•►tchas cuttaininil Seymour's direction", re.rtrdins rho pro- possd reduction ..1 the A')rt'tir r•'. all endorsed by the Khe' ive STiLL PALREYING. Arabi is still parlevinit wit'. the Khr dive. The latter II1itnste'I th•tt no term. would Ise acceptable except un- conditional surrender. ui1YAM 1T',Ms r"R•IDbtN T1 LdNi,. The commander of the Herman gun- boat, at Port Said, has been instructed on no exeunt t•• land troops, but if ne- cessary to take German subjects aboard. TERM CAN HOLD TEE POST. Alexanderia, July 31. — There are troops enough here to hold Alexandria against any attack by Arabi, though saroely enough to drive the enemy back to Cairo. Arabi has organized a outn- inittee of five ofisees in Cairo to prepare for national defines. A large number of the worst claw of Bedouins are march- ing from Mariont towards Alexandria. Tse II`1ZWa ..P WAR. The Porte is negotiating for a loan of 103,000 Turkish pounds, and contracting for the eeqquipment of 6,000 troops aboit to proceed to Elvp'. A sn,ill contin- gent of the troops will start for Alexan- dria shortly. to be e:ni.'..vexl ata guard t •'' • Khedive. Curiatamanople, July 31. - Tt is now anr•nt'r••44the Turkish fleet is not :.t ., t•, e;gypt- i."' F•EN.'H FLEET I.,..0:e The Frtnch gunboats caile.i t.• day, the Consul -General being ordered to withdraw the entire fleet from Elvp.t walls FLaue. A rexnnwsnce is about to be affected to ascertain the meaning of the white flags Hying on the Aboukir Forts. One of these forts is said to be the strongest of its kind in existence. It u understood that Seymour has been instructed to de- mand the surrender of the Aboukir Forts, and in the etent of refusal to bombard them. Port Said, July 31.—The English vice -Consul has received • letter, de - caring, as he aided the Guvenor at Port Said to escape Arabi Pasha's vengeance, he has been condemned to death. Paris, July 31.—The Suez Canal Com- pany has sect to the pea the following in from Ismalia:—Bedouin chiefs of etastern region, comprised between the Suez Canal and Nile, have placed them at the disposal of DeLewep.. Ar- abi Pasha has counselled them to obey DeLeeseps DeLesseps has, volunteered to the commander of an English ironclad to go on horseback into the country a- round Ismalia to prove that the country is safe, and there are no Egyptian troops in the vicinity. With a p•asport signed and sealed by De Lesseps any one may travel freely in Egypt is far as Cairo. Merchants who had abandoned their business profit by these passports. The state of affairs in Cairo is grow- ing worse. Siz murders took plaoe in the street last night, one victim being e young woman who was foully ill-trealted first. It is clearly the design of the (; lemaa to force • religious war, and their supremacy carried the day in Cairo Their convictions have been forced upon the Sultan, and they have gone so tar as to urge that all available Turkish troops be despatched to Egypt and placed un- der the oommand of rabi Pasha, and s common was waged against England. It is not improbable under the present serious complications that the Turkish troops seat to Egypt will be arrayed against the Britian fforces. A feeling of general alarm and insecurity prevails in all clavee except the Muwulman fanat- ics, who are courting strife. Anxiety and dread rule at Port Said and in the interior. None know when an outbreak may take place, or who will be on hand to quell it. The French have given up all ides of even acting .a p slice, all their ships being off here, in- deed, but ordered to observe the strict- est neu rality. On the English, there- fore, mulct fall the whole burden of pro- tecting the lives and property of the Europeans. The rebels swarm all round and are doing all they an to erect fott- ificationa in the neighborhood. Every plata suitable for a garrison or a rallying point has been seized upon and earth- works are being thrown up. The guns and are either on the way or are .towed away safely. Arabi has managed to se cure a large following', of whom many are trained soldiers. To these, it is feared, will he added a host of irregulars whore saivry is more to be feared than the national troops. For instance, it is reported that the Bedouins herr have undertaken to furnish Arabi wi'h 0.0,000 men. The chiefs are to remain as hos- tages in Arabi's hands. The prevalent idea was that the Bed•mins were un• friendly to Arabi. It would :sem they are not. The Porte has received a petition ■tgned by two thousand Igyptians no- tables requesting the Sultan not to rat- ify the the dinning of Arabi by the Khedive. The ease of L L Peder, advocate, for libel• is in Be claims that La Afiaer se aalisi him a Freemason, with • view to gleffinift his Amities of inaction. Tighe ( of the easinary of 8t. Balpiee, was smunined •• a wit- ness, Et Heeled N.sln th,.howing that ?rewrswr,Or debssa i, we .zoommn- alesbd. It woulds damage a man In the opinion of the tioINe public were M impree.nte.d as a Malum We ds sus bald estsehreeta�st►sihim fur tae to envoi to rassUmt.ai er Prelir UBE IO • "AwMeHa nd be brlif Ma, Burma, —Iu last week's issue of ?°ss teluvAy Noy atteutuon was c -.fled to au article headed "Trouble in, Dungen nor.," and signed by one "Annabelle," whom evident desire was to slander Conrad." ,For instance, iu ouu place he called him "infamous," while further on he IAtly contradicts himself by giving for poatsemiug good mor .1 habits 1, a think that "Auua- l.eli.•' was a little "too previous," or he woe d not have made such a mistake as this; and. judging by the whole tone of his krticle we are le.i to believe that he and the notorious "Snodgrass" could go arta in arta in their course of vile slan- der. In one place he mentioned about "Conrad" tnisrepresenting the true facts of the case. There could be nothing f.uthae from the truth than what was c-utained in his article of last week. Still in another place he tries to wake light of "Conrad's" composition; and if se take his for an example, we don't think that it stands hint to hand to , throw %tunes, for it would take a "Phil- adelphia lawyer" t mak.Bernie out the se (4 the latter part of his (Annabelle's ar- ticle. We are of the opiuton that he was writing in expectation of receiving eulotgiums front the young ladies' of Dungannon for being the defender of their cause. But he does not receive the expected eulogy(!) For from it ' They Post him one and all in the •ttong- est language as a person not fit for soci- ety. Again, he says .at "Conrad" de- served to be horsewhipped f .r his so- called misrepresentations. We are in- clined to believe that if he who styles himself "Annabelle" had justice meted out to him, he woull be treated to a free ride on a rail. In conclusion, I wuu d just say that it would be far better fo • such ambitions writers as "Annabelle" to ascertain the correct facts before re- sorting to the press. Thanking yon, Mr Editor, fur the space in your valuable paper, 1 remain, • A CITI7Ew. "Conrtd" credit The alter Bitten. 1111_ EDIToi,—•' d bone the gods tit- stroy they tint make orad,' was utter. d centuries ago, but the sentiment was strung iu its truth to -day as then. ' Iu the moaning' cf "Annabelle" we recog- nize the thoughts which impelled the boy to cry for the moots. He site amid dissolving thoughts, views the shiftinvs of ideas and the development' of genius, and because he has not kept apace with his more worthy and energetic neigh- bors, both in learning and in gaining the respect and esteem of the public at large, he in desperation sets up a hue and cry, hoping by slandering through the press, to attract attention to himself. He tries to make us believe no virtue exists save that which has been chaper- oned by him, and no genius displayed except that displayed by his bigoted self. Io his article of lest week he signs him- self "Annabel s " Why 1 Bemuse he it not„ratan enough to come out and give his own tutee, but instead must hide (1) himself behind that of • women's, in order to do his back-biting. In one place be aye: "Several parties were seen last Friday night vainly trying to find the meaning of tens grant, ,aha, and that such expressions were intirely `toe previous' for the inhabitants of a place ke this.” Now, if "Annabelle" is the scholar he claims to be, and if such re- marks are an example of his education, I should say that he was a little "too previous" in quitt'ng his t rition, and should consult his dictionary before staking a laughing stock of himself. He iusinuates that I found the quotation in some old spelling book or dictionary. This evidently is intended as irony—but oh, what a mistake. Could he open his eyes and look the facto straight in the face, he would perceive that the world is moving onward. Since he left school the standard of education has been ele- vated, and what satisfied hint some years ago (he has made no progress aince) does not supply the wants of the present gen- eration. Possibly he has become • con vert to the theory of Mr. Japer, the negro preacher of Richmond, Va., who claims "That the sun do stand still." If so I excuse him Again, he says I claim to belong to the "upper ten." This, like the other statements of this "grand luminary," is obscured and eclipsed by the truth. I defy him or any one else to prove I ever said I be- longed to such s party. As for showing "blue blood," you could scarcely find a more consequential person in the place than he who styles himself "Annabelle." I also deny there being any trouble in the villa ;e with the exception of what he has stirred up himself. None/will thank hint for what he has done, but the majority will condemn him, both for his silly and untruthful article, and ineffec- tual attempt to create contention among the young folks of the village. He evi- dently is a man who never sees a good quality in another. He is • human owl, vigilant in darkness and blind to light, coolly walking about the Livelong day with sneering lip, uttenng sharp speeches in the quietest manner, trans- fixing every character which is present- ed, kis words are softer than oil, yet es drawn sword,. Again, he ays I "hold the young ladies here up to ridicule." This igen entirely false assertion. Noth- ing war farther from my thoughts, I only gave a humorous, yet truthful amount of the gimes that were played; nothing was meant outside the p ya, and no harm was intended. But this man had not common sense enough to see it in that light. Why ? Because he is al- ways mousing for vermin, and never seeing noble gam.. He leaves his worst pies*. of slander for the last. He states i was “endeavoring to east drbonor upon these young.ladies." Dotes he really 'spentsensibe persons who know toe to soespt melt twaddle as the truth 1 No, a thousand times, no. I re/remand respect the sex too much to cast dis- honor upon them. instead, I would give honor to women, the till blown Rower of creation's morning; God's latest, best and brightest gift to man. In conclusion, Kr. MUM., I mud Mate ✓list "Annabelle'i" effusion of irrowenes and impertinence has already inspired all the 'ont.rnpt it merits No, 'Wield he repeat hie insolence. i shall rteem if I 'y 1 • sneeotw•ry to treat of the eabjed fat sr Apologising, sir, for mammy- Mg oonpyint{ w ninth of your valuable spats, I ...Ascribe myself, (feeling confident that if nut entirely bletuelese, I am al least innocent of the charges brought against >M•) Corrup. WiLL YOU EXCHAN E Dayssease of I311fouenej for 7a centtt4Y It is awfully unwise to agonize nn- dcrt.hc tunny ailments sr !sing Irons Dyspepsia, Indigestion Disordered Stomach and Liver. when this offer is made to you In your owls home In ati sincerity. with au absolute certaLuty of airing von. ZOPESA (from Brasil) cures Dyspepsia and Biliousness. A single dose relieve.; a aaniplo bottle convinces; a 73 ceLt bottle cures. It acts directly Imo% for Stomach, Liver, end 1 J c:sc'. Cleansing, Corr•'CtI::;;, Lege- ttlatin , :Lope' a g(v. r c ne r>`;l and vim to the Bra:'‘, Neme; and Muscle. r:m,ly by work:. ing : ork- ing wonders r:rcn the I' ;• do and Coma the Liver. Cut t...b or-•., tate i. dealer in nuc, ..:eases, t.nel ^ at least one Ss, heat i►...,.... or Zopesn,ncdte.l3^arrtei; _.. how itac's. 1: iter;-':iv''^g1 to cnre 1-y-::v2i-a tottssie.s. Trade Mark Registered. ANOTHER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG. By casual observation• we find all lard speculators have • clear head and watch the ups and downs of property. Ibus making large fortunes. But the whole secret is they keep the system in • healthy condition by the use of TRE rases OF TRE VALLEY MENrl11E. We can safely say that hundreds come to us for the great lung and blood purifier before going west. Head the following atasetnent. We could give thousands of the same kind if It were necessary. 'I certify that i was troubled with Catarrh in the head, withering of phlegm to Uie throat, choking and coughing at night for years, so I could not sleep, often tronbted with dull, lite - lest feelings, pains in the chest and back. Atter giving hundreds of dollars to doctors, and giving up all hopes. I tried the Taxis or THE VALLEY, and am now able to do my work after seven years sickness." MRS. JAMES McNEIL. 102 Simcoe Street, London, On •'The above statementlof nip wife's is cot rect. JAIIri Mc NEIL. For sale by all druggists, manufactured b3 Prof. A. M. Shrieves. London, Ont. Sample package 25 eta; five for {1.00. Can be had In Goderlch of the following druggists: AMER Aloud, Jas. WIltems. F. Jordan, Cee. Eby. sus. and J. A. Hanel. 1855 Mack's Mag etic Meaicie 1a a Sure, Prompt and Effectual Remedy for Nervousness iw all its at es, Weak Newsom, toss of Brain Power. Hrswal Prostration, Nig ht Sweats, SpervmaWrtaea, Seminal Weak- ness and General Loss .f Power. it repairs Nervous Waste. Rejuvenates the Jaded Intel- lect, strengthens the Enfeebled Brain, avid Re- stores Surprising Tone and Vgor to the Ex- hausted Oenerafir•e Organs. The experience of thousands proven it an INVALUABLE Rea - mV. The medicine Is pleasant to the taste. and each box contain, sufcient for two week's medication. and is the cheapest and heal. WIrull particulars in ear pamphlet. which we desire to mall tree to say address. Meek', r•waeltk Neale/se 1s sold by Drug- gi s t be at 1111 eta. mailed s per bO1. or ill boxes for es. or addressingwill ■ 1 MAGNETO!' ofpostage. on receipt of the money.t 1ETO!' 111111101C111111111111101C111111t'•.. %%Indoor. Ont., Canada' Sold in Ooderich, byJAMES WPILS S and all Owletsrlets everywere 1813.1♦ GKORGE II. 013'S e. the headquarters for PRESEIYIJG floods. Ladles should see our GEM JARS All imperial measure, at the price of the old jars. GAR 1 SAUNDERS VARIETY STORE.' N' EW 0-00 C UTLER Y BIRD, C.4GES FRUIT J.4RS PL.4TED W.4RE COOKUI G STOVES F.INCY'BeISKETS PRESERVING KETTLES JA S SAUNDERS & SON. The Cheapest House Under The Sun' NEXT IX)Olt Tel'f1IE POST OF'F1l•F D r Bargains in Prints RARGAI N S IN TWEEDS All grades at the lowest price. TMS 63 For every palate. Try our stuck. i;nOCBEIiY Oar sok lel trt;e. ai,1 should be seen b) al I."tri... G-- =sail= THE -. i o -T21ot,auJaof ':+Lee R i aro heartt.l: tibia l,v a D 14 ' their ei.t:tu..i.vcs .1 au/ heat, :tree els au/ health retitled by the u.'.rah1uget a' GERMAN INVIGORATOR, which positively and permanently cures Ism ..traes {caused by exeemee of any kihd,t ,terslral Weskae..a, and all disease* that fel- low as • sequence of Self -Abuse, as loft of eu ;Mal of memory, ar (vernal 14551• ode. pa a 1n the back, dlmae.s of vWm., prrma- turr old age. and many other diseases that lea's to insanity or consumption and a prema- ture grave. Send for circulars with tcetimoniala free by mail. The IIVIti B %TSR is sold at 31 per box. or Mx boxes for g6 by all druggists. or m will be sent free my all, securely melee, on receipt of price, by addressing. F. J. C ENEY. Druggist. 187 Summit cit.. fole':a. ;Elio. Geo. RHTs►s, Sole Agent for Godericb. I NSUI#ANCE CARD. BRITISH ASS, CO•Y, Toaowro—Establtal.e 1833 PIHONIX INS. CO'Y. of Loewe; tEnglandl- Established 178E HARTFORD INS. CO'Y, of HAxrrone, Conn -Established 1810. Risks takes in the above first -clam Ofilces, tt the lowest rates by HORACE HORTON. The undersriwwvl is also Appraiser for the CANADA PER. LOAN Lon SAVINGS OO'Y Tonoxro. Money to Loan on firm -clam security, rom 7 to 8 per ('ens -Charges moderate. HORACE HORTON. Goderich Sept_ IR DOM. SC a week In your own town. Terms and 66 pl outfit free. Address H. HALi.arr dt Co. Portland Maine WILSON'S PRI9CItI PTION DRUG STORE. Pare Lime Juice Helebore PARIS GREEN. Fly and Insect LMat oyer for sale in B1 DI _ Valuable Pisco- ersr_ iITHO can doubt that both for one* own comfort and the pleasure of other► --a most lmpor sTV ole Met is • well and prematurely head of hair when the scalp gets dry and feverish and the prematurely gray, go to your Druggist and oak him for a bottle of D0MINI0N HAIR RESTORER Made by TAI' -(•OTT. of Rrantfonl, and foe will be more than satisfied. Price 50 Cesz.ts Per Bottle GEORGE ~IIS, .11L02:12PT 7'O21 OO731o31IO8. PLA/N AND FANCY PR/NT/NG EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. AND AT LOW RATES AT "THE T HE SIGAL OFFICE. " BARGAINS IN TABLE LINENS ! EXTRA VALUE IN CASHMERES. GOOD PLAIN Dress Goods, l2 2 cts. THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS COLBORNE BROS, C+ODERIC73. Medical. =oily God.erich A large supply of lianserrat Lime Fruit Juice, and Lime Juice, Cordial The purest and bc. t brand in the Market. Makes a cheap. delicious, and WHOLESOME SUMMER DRINK. Jun retched • great lot of LONDON PURPLE r AND PARISAGREENFor , BUGS l'KELLT-BBORE POR INSECTS, ON SHRUBBERY. PERSIAN INSECT POWDER For the 8dttisottoa of all kinds of Insects. 'f he Tic w rat and mouse poison, R O'LT 01-13 O INT- RATS _ • POISON FLY PAI'Eit.-. Ft,. P. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist. THE BIGGEST SALE OF THE SEASON] J.C. DETLOR&CO. Have decided to offer their entire stock of clearing prices. for cash. For the next 61 day, they will sell at prices that will astonish all. COME ANDpsEE THE BARGI•AIN$_ And you will he sure to buy. Their stock is now complet'•. their Mr. J. C. Detior having re- cently purchased to Montreal an iivncnae .hx:k of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods at Lowest Cash Prices, lendid value in Velveteen. Prints by the pie. a at less than regular whol•sal • price.. Colne and see those cheap printa. Bargains in check and fancy shlrttnga. an 1 brown ducks. Bigger bargains In brown Holland. The biggest BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS Full Lines in the latest styles in Parasol., Lace., Edgings and Embroideries at nearly halt price. Canadian and Scotch Tweeds. French worsted l ratings, Ladles Cloths and I'lstering. at Unheard of Prices. The.. goods must be sold, and the prices at which they are placed must clear them out in • short time. Hosiery at prices to clear. Hata at panic prices. A special line of Towel. (pure Linen) at nearly half price. 50 dozen 3 -Button Kid Gloves, Import ed direct. at 25 r cent, less than regular prices. 50 Tweed Vents at 1.60 rreePggular price 13.00. Ooderich, Aprlpl3th IPSO.J. 0- DETLbde co_ SPRINC ilE MAIER 'SITS IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES HUGH D L- .1\T 1_10 Fashionable Tailor, West Street, I:,..le•rich A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS TO SELECT FROM. Ari Desi&us ill Wall Papers. Now is the tithe. If you wish oho tie two Dies rowta at bms, to see Bailer's nem gegen. He hes over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest DosigaS Be•ntifnl orlon- and at trite. Imre than rare nor* interbv goods. ('.a1 and se- them tb., ere the boa •sine is town. and wins* tw sold. Thi Int st SPriag 6&lar Pa11citlls ,fill h18hIIIS, At R R'S_