HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-08-04, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY AUGUST 4. L882
meenases, sae Meths* at frsfal.saa.
ii;. `li emsHe •ie.eeiias "A Great
14Qsrw' brie Jwdy "Obriiary,"
whir► has hoes -steam• in the c+oepttun
and mainly in the execution of le chart -
table work of ¥t•s Louisa Lew Schuyler,
of New York city, the leading member
of the "111eial.tie Charities •,soctett,,n. "
4e1,44b aartoliewsteelia one
of the
of the association, when
the subject of preventing pauperism by
giving a proper training to the children
fbf papptafs was under cddWderaaun. Dr.
Mishit Harris related the terible story of
"Margaret, the Mother of Cri final&"
It has been published in the newspapers
but can profitably be read again to illus-
trate the great importance of one branch
of the sa.ocution's work. Margaret was
a pauper child left adrift in one of the
villages on the upper Hudson, about
ninety years Ko. The was no alms
house in the place, and she was made s
subject of out door relief, resolving oc-
casiesally fond and clothing from the
town officials, but was never educated
nor sheltered iu a proper home. She be-
--came the mother of a long race of crimi-
nals and paupers which has cursed the
yountry ever since. The county records
show two hundred of her descendants
who have been criminals. In one gene-
entration of her unhappy line there were
twenty childreu, of whom seventeen
lived to maturity. Nine served terms
aggregating fifty years in the State Pri-
ion for high crimes, and all the others
were frequent inmates of jails and alms-
houses. It is said of the 623 descend-
ants of this outcast girl 200 committed
crimes which brought them upon the
court records, and must of the others
were idiots, drunkards. lunatics, paupers
ur pfrwtitutes. The cost to the country
of this race of criminals and paupers u1 ills n is one uf the chief novelties
estimated et et hast one hundred thou- 6 ,n
sand dollars, taking no account of the of t
Plain null dresses are made effective by
damage they inflicted upon property and flounces and trimmings of pxolko-dotted
the suffering and desrradatiun they Caus-
ed in others. Who can say that all this embroidery.
Very small bonnets were worn by the
loss and wretchedness might not
been spared the community if the poor ladies at the Ascott races; very large
ones at the Grande Prit.
White ostrich plumes are worn .,n
white chip, English, Dunstable, Italian,
Msnil•v, and Panama braid hats.
Student blue is ei lovely shade of pale
gray blue,. much in demean for light
• •Gentlemen will please throw up their woollen snits for country wear.
hands," Such is the polite manner in Hats and bonnets of white dotted mus -
which a Missouri traiu robber usually ad- lin are shirred on white' spots and trim -
dresses a car load of passengers as he 1 ined w ith flowers, feathers, and lace.
appears at the door, playfully covering Dressy suits for children are made of
them with s revolver extended in each lateens, plain and figured, and trimmed
hand. Perrbap.,tjiere is a party engaged profusely with lice and embroidery.
in s game of euchre or old sledge; :hey Dark blue or gray blue gimpes or
promptly throw up their heads without yokes and sleeves are worn with pale
• murmur, no matter how interesting a blue and pink gingham dresses by child-
criaia there may be in the ganle. Men ren.
partially paralyzed in their arms have In spite of the effort to introduce bon -
been known to throw up their hands at ffant skirts, lenient, and bustles, the
this summons with an alacrity surpris- outlines of all costuines remain about
ing to themselves and everybody else. the same.
"Throw up my hands !" said • man Flowers are worn to excess not only
who was relating an esperieuce with I on all festival occasions, but also in the
train robbers Root he had been through.1 morning,
toilet. at
home, in the street and fur
"I had $10,000 iu a belt round my body, carriage
all that I had made in fila years of min -1 Children wear Muther Hubbard and
-ing in Califernia, and when I heard the I Kate Greeaway dresses of Turkey -red
command and realized how useless re- calico, with white muslin yokes or gilu-
etatanco was, as the gang surrounding pes and sleeve&
the oar was armed to the teeth, 1 not' Tho corsage byuquets of the passing
only threw up hands, but the thought of I moment are of white daisies, with eel-
benne my mouey made me so sick that I low centres and yellow daisies with
black centres or dwarf sunflowers.
nearly threw up my boots."
• The situation doesn't admit of a mo- ' _ t I j r__�.;
anent s hesitation, and every man knows We ,lo not soften mtllite any editorial
it. A movement ii the direction of a mention of tie propprietary tneeicine 1 "Is it all right?"
weapon would not escape the alert eye advertised in otir codus na, but we be- 1 "It's a very small pattern," answered
Leve it to sae a duty we oma to our rend- the voice, which was that of a woman
of the robber, and it would be the ins I era to call their attention to the •dyer- '
mediate signal for a shut. Brave men , tisement of Dr. I C. Ayer'* Ague Cure I "but it will do if we take pains.
think and braggards b stat of what they i which appears is this issue of our paper. The doctor caught the hist words and i
would do under such circumstances, but We know from sad experience that I called distinctly:
when suddenly contronted by a cocked nothing is more diaheaQteuing that.i rho I nice it paregoric!"
i spro.ekia .red p.rl.diial at- I
revolver and the stern command that vier taunt of ntslitriei ^and miasmatic disord- . There wait a '" rndnibled discussion
nifies surrender, the hands are very apt ere. The remedy prepared by Dr. Ayer I which we could not hear, and then the
to iso up, though the situation be a & Cu. has been in use tnaey years, and voice called:
humiliating one. Such attacks are gen- has proved ha positive antidote fbr dis- I 1, this Do,Ctur ---t"
wife an l h amleu sone Itois;a e,thbeing i "No! It's Doctor ---, of Furt-
crally rade at night, *hill/ most of the
passengers are sleep and off guard, and composed entirely of vegetable nave-li street."
then there is the uncertain•y as to the clients, without either quinine oT mine- I Then he heard a chorus of mirth and
number of the gang. Jesse James once r'als, unlike other se called /woo Cures, was informed that lie was in cominunica-
sald the bravest man he ever know he tint ile lootsblo effuafs whs.k follow the
encountered in an attempt to rob a pee-
senger train. The fellow stood . on tale
platform of a car and coolly exchanged
six or eight shots with the gang. Ad-
miring his bravery, Jessie shouted out
to him to C':sse firing and they wouldn't
molest hie ear. "111 bet you won't,"
said he, "while I'm here." The robber
captain said he would have given $5,000 he most wonderful curative remedies
to have had that man income a member 1 of the present day, are those that come
1 fmm Gerany, or at I,yast originate
n1 his band. But he did not censider!Ithere. TheOSRATuMtwANI`1VIOO.A7Yaa,
that a man, brave as a Lon on the side which has never been known to fail in
.•f eight, retch' prove the veriest coward 1 curing • single case a�kea d tsps 1 du sper-
m advazlcunq the slewdani of viols
. P�'�t n 1� as nerofees de -
The Fashions.
PaorvISLY PLoWINUN.--Mrs. Walter
Helwtivpe is sg uu io fash'.on. Cook, of Princess street, has a cactus
now in bluoiu, ..0 whish are one ht o
dred and sixty dowers.
Tea Brcvt•ts.—Ow Monday afternoon
H. (rant and Thus.Challoner, of Strath-
roy, parsed through town en bicycles, on
their way, to Winghate. The distanoe
from Straflhmy to Clinton, in a direct
line, is nearly 60 miles, and this they
made in a little over six hours. Between
Exeter and Clinton they only dismount-
ed once, and then it was "to smile" at
Our readers will regret to learn of the
death of Miss S. Weir, formerly of this
town, and fttr some times teacher in this
county, which occurred in the county of
L ambton last week. at the resideuee of
her father. She was a young lady of
estimable qualities, and her death will
be regretted by many friends.
White rs as much worn as ever.
Eoglisb polka are in Idris favour.
White boan•ta are again in fashion.
Large and swan Dollars are both worn.
The swallower dies hard, but it is
'fluted veiliugs are more wuru than
white noes.
Buanets are gradually encroaching ov-
er the ears
The brims of children's hats- are wider
than ever.
Cadet blue is a favorite colour for chil-
dren's straw hats.
White alpaca, trimmed with velvet, is
Doming in vague.
Society in Paris is adopting English
style•, habit, and customs.
Brandebourgs and fourages fasten and
decorate many corsages.
Bonnets with back curtains falling ov-
er the chignon are revived.
French lawn and organdie muslin* di-
vide favour with mulls fur white dresses
Anna Domini 1582 will long be re-
membered as the dress -as -you -please
Shirred sunbonnets in the Kate Green-
way styles are much worn by litt'.e girl&
Neat and pretty porcupine straw and
chip hats are rolling fur 25 cents a piece.
Japanese ornaments are as popular as
ever fur summer household decoration.
The bouquet pin is an improvement
uu the lace pin for fastening the corsage
Large bustles are worn only by women.
who are outside the charmed circle of
Young ladies un the other side dress
almost exclusively in white on all festive
Jet embroidery, combined with chen-
SAu Atv:tDirrr.—Owe day last week a
sun of Mr. J. L. t;heppard, watchman at
the foundry, met with a sad accident
while he was visiting some friends near
Exeter. In the orchard the young
sprouts coming through the ground had
been cut off with A scythe, leaving the
sharp points sticking up, and while he
was playing w ase uf the trees he fell
down, when one of these points entered
the right eye, and completely destroyer
the sight, although the eye -ball dol not
appear to be injured The little fellow,
who is only 10 years of age, bore his
paiuful injury bravely.—[New Era.
pauper girl Margaret had been provided
with a good moral home life while she
was growing up to womanhood
Threw Op your Naiads.
MN 1. it's dldetes.
Newer• of 7M
A geed artiele Owe, has achieved sue
Dees, and attaini•d a world- wide reputa-
tion by its true merits and wonderful re
sults, is always imitated. Slash is the
caw with Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds. 41 -
ready unprincipled parties are endeav-
oring to delude an unsuspediad
1public, by offering imitations of this
most fortunate discovery. De not be
!deceived, but insist un having the true
remedy, and take nn other. Trial bot-
tlers free at Rhyuas' drug some. Large
size $1. • 5
1 LAAO[eT 1
Importing ZIT
A citizen whe lately built himself a
residence was the other day showing a
friend through it, and when everything
had been noticed and discussed, he ask-
"Well, do you nee any place you could
improve on 1"
"Yes, I noticed a bail error right at'
the start,' was the reply.
Being asked t, explain, he continued:
"You have no balcony in front."
"But I didn't want one."
"Well, perhaps not, but when you are
running for office and the, band comee
up to serenade you, and the populace
call for • speech, you will either have to
go to the roof or cons down to the
ground to respond. A balcony is s sort
of middle ground—just high enough to
escape making pledges, and not too high
to prorpise all sorts of reform. Ought
to have a bal;uny, sir—regret it if you
TY Tr.thtuI reporter.
The new reporter was rent t., the
school exhibition. His report read pret-
ty well, but there were a few things in it
which did not meet the approval el the
Spacial Baaius i.0Teas atYa�Low Pnces.
2bc. per a try
50e. Young
it is a splendid did art cle and worth and upwards. If more mou want a ney. tine
have also just eel out ay cow
plate assortment of
M. W. DII�HIMP & •
Wane,, E 1
first 27 mss.*. SM ITAL-
LIO%S JCS Aar. been tssp.reed
/rots. Tense* le k waM1L.Aws.et. $.
JIV yEr thew sMes.slt.lsrd be
art Warr 11)..0r::::". t.as
art rinds Jbr sate oats aeon
/! eliarstilo...osieraeTwl.rt-
•41 Primp
1. llwaelaa w is w. a.
pi• tars. of has the r bel !ha
Maar aearty it/r=
Wm -
tenons beim.os tba Graaf•y1 he oos.'riedat Frame dooff ho..sz
at tie CerspnW, 1115; and, at tat. Ceres
e r,1II1. Mr, DsaAMa'. Seri
fit tPw ,CRZAOXI, tin .rw/efSNete with
Ma elpfss-
dohs Weir slows„ ams Parse cansfaissi •
a�nte win-
ners the Orme (mow of
I v tsel • ilwaspwaskes
of was
a.d the
eels MOW.
1I 1 PAOR CATALOGRa NM . i ora •
on a pll.sSlee. CessMfwa ewer 40 livens
troikas., sad th. Masi K � revoker's'
race. Order a CAT X." . —
mos • r mar •a't'AN•1yar�
/EC E ".... dtii bsMdb to
Dom S mares of the amok, fie tpaaless 1.
omen were -
ars, and vee ata a ieffe m me s were
than ear other afire d IDxsSs. -
, ., lil tits
Corckery Glassware,
Including Stone and China Tea Seta, Cltildrens' Toy Tea Setts, Ladies and Gents
Fancy Tea Cups and Saucers, suitable for Christmas and New Year's Gift..
Lamps & Lamp Goods in Great Variety
,The subscriber would intimate to the pen -
,ole of Ooderich that he has decided to ItTe up
local editor --such for instance as these : busineas in his line owing to ill healt�ht. and
that he is now prepared to give execcption-
`�110 essays of the graduating clan were ,IIT good l,arltaine, ill wanttnv
good whoever wrote them;" "the floral PIANOS,
offerings were excessive, 'and from the1 ORGANS or
number received by Miss Simplegusli we ( SEWING ]IfACHLYES,
judge her father owns a fiat -class green- I
house;" "the young lady who read the will End it to their advantage to caul at once
as tbatsalNEcteartna aJe.
valedictory to the teachers has in her •
the making of a line actress. She ant- J. W -W E AT H E R A LD.
ulated sorrow so accurately that the
Call and be Convinced
writer might have been misled had he
not aubseauently heard the young lady
speak of this same `dear teacher' as a
hateful old thing."
NN That Neter.
i A well-known medical luau of this city
was called up by telephone the other day
when the following conversation took
"It has conte, doctor ?'
The doctor thought he knew the voice,
and, wonderiug what he but been sent
for, shouted back:
Miss Jessie Wilson
• • •
Takes pleasure:in informing the ladies of)Goderich and vicinity, that she :optned out us
Saturday, April the 8th
A ull and floe aawrtment of
And everything in the shape of
The taxies are cordially invited to inspect goods, and I will Icon it a plca,urc to .how the
,,,• 44,134,1, 414. T1. Ver 14 1111Z 0144,0141411114.4 rr
• . / snot Kr e/ VI ..:ansa neat*.e Twat Tee
j`i . i V
. �, tF1 �.
[li i, r i' •'
.y. - 1 •
"Ir;r o ' 1
41L -: .e✓.hlw
'._ , �-
Calla the attention of travelers t0 the neutral
yowl -
nos of its line, ocnneettng the tan and th• sat
by the shortest route. and carry ins. oass.oaera
without change of eve between Chieaso a- nd Lu-
sa. City, Council bluffs, Leavenworth. Atohleon,
Min Dayoton
a with an tale lls and tprincipal line. of road nnectsl'botw lJnlose
the Atlantic and the P,wtac Oceans. Ita equlp-
slest 1. unrivaled and m Iseent, being composed
ee(( YatComfortable
Tas..taeent Horton neelt0ing Chair ars.
PPreertt Cnandt
and corlaequently ilcap'lble o1 producing and ataatMul oo
tion with a fasltiunable dressmaktn g
use of ptheIe drugs,, Our R'es tui pe,- i house, and that it was. a silk dress for �elra�a• rest Par.oe 112
a1ere'�f a he
g t� Lia. ea Dining Cars In the ort.. .544 Trains
f t'f d t Ili Ayer Doctor s wile that was under dis I br meal"'"°chi ai rn• /ono�Poi: anal et.
od this 1 ble meds
cine. is timely use will save mirth sof- I which, under the circu:ustances was ra-
fering, and we recommend it with the
greatest confidence in its ability to do 1 ther a relief to the Fort -street physic
all that is premised for it. —[Atkins, i —[Detroit Post.
Ark., News.
yte owe a debt n gra 1 u e n y oc or -- — a. �ettry.e o
RI'vMsae Faunae
for the production ofis rat us cussi ,n, and that he was the wrong man, "ALBERT LEA ROUTE."
I �.*s, ale Direct Liu, via Seneca apd Eantc-
x %Maily lion ,Chs between Yiohreo -
t•n. y 7 rt New., li.. L n,,gio Atlanta. Au-
�e t...fay•tie. anddra Og s.,Canelaaap.
ue1 Lafayette. and Ogqana, Is,nnNp'
i ul and tor. Travel
o Dotnu.
xy♦•ejlt ratrsb raa.en.en Tr.•sl on rP'ut LsprM.
�1oaKa for a st .n pNnetpal Ttoaet O/Se..In
GoLp—Is exlxsllent for filling decayed truts.4sea s. sad-C-.n.e.
„ .. ass naiad thro s sad rates. of fare s1 -
Teeth; but TaasiltaY prevents the I was• aa law ma e..estl • that carr 1•s..dTan-
decay, makes them white, and make peo- , *M� d, a,;,a infarsn.aon. /t tn. 1gAp..,a rald-
ple lovable. 6 cent samples. ers of tate
At veer t1l.area T1.t.t Oiea, or addra.s
• re.asrhaM- r Nerser. 0. R. OARLS.. r. SI. JOHN,
Mrs. Geo. C. Clark.. of Port Delloo.. e1 • r,.... 0.+11 ere uw a TO s n.. er►
sit, Ontario, states that she had been OMICAOO•
confined to her ro,,m for a long time
and wrotag.—{CiapanstiSaturday Night.
bility, inability, mental anxiety, iang- ( with that dreadful dies, e, Common -
'or, feesatude, depression of spirits and pm. The doctors said oh. could out a£ 4 slurs TRILL
_ I functional derangements of the nervous were w sari, grave. bet fortesately 111 TRILL
tit walk Lepage, filo - grin.. For sale by druggists, or rani as taking Dr. Ki a New Dns -
Those alerted wa the iI�• twirl co id the ser Cuaso s and
gee laver se Dommipmests el .yres my Caress's Wit ••+ Address F.
&ole API". G•derich. 16434 ' "'; Trial betties free st Rhyme' Fire Kindler'
snmle, doter• aw.y wish Dalt 0E
reeeipl in • short
nem d • Whale of Dr. 81.00 per bort, or Fez Doses forrat ties wM eorsp10N1 cured. Doubting
al F. J. Comore, Toledo, O., (see. wase )�n. nark.. •ad ha
gash M art peke e es t►tras Pisa
of it is a eel delis eedeseioa of
Hos sad Narks, trod ifs melts
are ererierint Fer sale �f li drwR-
girts. Geo. RhYnas. scent, (ioNrtml•
Fla,rxrs.ers -Aatterition.!
Barbed Fence Wire contracted fort n any quantity at very- lowest prices
Wire and barb galvanised after bong twisted which cannot aculeoff.
Use Barbed Wire for . Fences.
1•'orlaalc by
The Great Cleansing
.saM's limpness Were, me•eb•
R. Morrir'n, of the Dominion Elee-
rot • Foundry, V17 Craig strop, flew-
sqs one dose of Dr. stroll
Gals= Wont Ronny removed 13
„was itgaiii, .had, i piens oFd
elk WOOS ISM o ertoh
dreg Store. Large sire SI. (3)
1. Y. Smith, drsailpst, of Denville,
ender dale of Jess 1st, writes of Dr
Pewter's Ysao.t est Wild fltuwbervy
"It silk i-gsMedy in feet has the
lowest rete dating the samow a any
maim to mesh, sod ddb thM
Le esa Mar1y teesdiO -dis to the
psblb. The shove wool wsmdy is Its -
t re's grand cure for Moises, Dysentery
and all summer complaints 2.
O p•
Ra+ great ,banner in annoen ing to her
many frithat and al ,.errs in tMdeolo and LARDINE OIL
cicinity,th•t arta has .a•atrd the aisle right
and privilege to manufacture and *ell
sw garb k y�will reef
��e fewasaysaaoss tufo rests.
Will seta ladles' hands. held as
No dlm'renee In prir.+„r quality
James Seale.
Maker and seller. Ilodptieh.
.',r Medals and three diplomas awarded
h^n last year at the leading Kxhihi
Conn In the Dominion
F� re from .eu rronays L t n e M AN U F A C T U R E R S
sM the to tht•
And all men runa= rybe will save
saes M ed.t ear DtAt` a.d
; ert5clt�!ttsr.r. b7
tlfestte. ti �
MN Bros & Co Toronto.
fN sad we far
AGENTstrutted. mss Par. LJsb
S Week. Comsa t eoytaypien
at Capital wired. . MIMS Comsat tlo. )lo
i gPrLtt. a Spy hose WI
a Cwtcy o
vas It Co., Annista. Waist)
A uv a,.++4ers '1.,5 ssowisssissi sw.raa,as.aassosein/ara;aseear• omeofuararreetessassnrw..sysso.ar-. air rvwoaterr
The Lardine is for sale in (ioderich by
C. CRABS, an 1 1`. F. I'TRACHAN.
t3 -;m►