HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-08-04, Page 1WHOLsraN UHBSR Been'
- v, areeseet.esserne.
Yo)Wanted'. - -
Music Jewas Dude.
Wanted- D. Gordon.
Canada's Great Fair W. J. Hill.
New Goods --Jae. Saunders & Son.
Valuable Dtsoollsey Geo, H$ytslls.
Hall's Hair V1*.r11r:L(;.'Mgr t Oo.
Servant Girl Wanted -Mrs. A. Mcll. Allan.
T/. T! T. Gaon and reddenoe, Wen Street
ics doer below Hawk of Muwtteat. •It 7
OEON, (late with Trotter & Caesar, the
ready )enand �caully of Toronto., All esp , Its..
('oat's Block over W. Tay 49 Sos's CCiIN-
ION. de Ieate from • de calk p1Mes
make dpj4intmeet isseiseIn advance by matt /M8•
LA Atbraeys, Solicitors in Chancery &c.
Mice is the Court Koine-, Goderich.
1, a Lsena M.A., D.C.L. L it. Lew*.
L2 RISTER8, Attoreeyyww Solicitors, etc
to/lariat. J. T. Darrow, W. Proudtoot. 1TSI
Attorney. Solicitor in Chancery, &c..
oderioh. Ont. - 1751.
TERS, Igo., kc.. Goderich and Winghem.
. Sanger Jr.. U.derisk. J. A. Morton, Wing -
MIL 1761.
J. Solislter. Office -Corner of West Street
rad Market Square, over George Acheson's,
Ioderlch. 1751.
LI. LAW, Solicitor in Chancery Convey -
neer, ke. 011ee over Shsppard's bookstore,
oderyi, Ont. Apy amount of money to
tan et lowest rates of interest 1751-y.
Barroderial Ind
tSo�l4hciatmors W C ie=r'rontcq
'.: 1'.. Iloolt. M.' G. Cameron, Goderich. e W. tk..
IebicaL J
Ont. 1812
LT. IAN, SURGEON, ko., Graduate of Tor-
nto Unlvwrdty. Liorriate of the Royal Col -
.of Physicians. London. England, &c., &c.,
C. P. S. Ontario. Office and residence
ppnnite Bailey's Hotel, Hamilton Street, uefl-
rtch. 1796-0m
OKON, Coroner, kc. Office and residence
Bruce Street, second door west of Victoria
treet. 1751.
. clan. Surgeon sad Accoaaker, Graduate
t Toronto University. OMeeopposite C..mer
& Cameron's Bank, Lucknow. if not In
Mee. enquire at the Bank. 1713-7.
pkyN .ne Surgeons, Acwouchers, kc.
otos e► Dr. Shannon's residence, near the
ata (Wench. O..'. SHANNON, J. C. HANDL
DN. 1751.
Loans anb insurance.
lend os miry terms to sums to suit bor-
were. Max. MCD ALLAN.
Goderich, Nov. 17th 1131. 1813-Im.
7 CiiauO.r, BOLT & CAMERON Gado -
TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to11BS
OILS, Ooderlcb.
on good Farm or firstcleas Town Property
8 per oent. Apply to R. RADCLIFFE. 1751
VI. amount to suit borrowers at 6 to 64 per
Int. Private tants Apply to SILAOOR end
owns. OoderloiE
the People's t'.olumn. !NEWS ABOUT HOME. Miss Ellen Ralph, assistant teacher of
St. David's Ward school, is spending
SIRVAYT GIRL WANTED NEXT I '•.k chief's smaag ye, Whisk' notes, her holidays with friends in Detroit.
l7 Tuesday. Apply to Mrs. A. MoD. Allan. An' faith he'1! prent It." Miss Elliott, daughter of Judge El.
et., Aug 2188Y 18801t liott of London, is spending the mid-
summer season in Goderich, the guest of
Miss Macara.
Miss Lottie Gentles, eldest daughter
of Mr. John Gentles, Kincardine, is
spending her holidays with her aunt,
Mrs. W. Wateou.
The -amount realized at the Catholic
pis-nic was $547.00 Disbursements
$90.00, net profit $457. The cane real-
ized the sunt of $173.50.
Miss Marian Gooding had a tumour of
small growth taken from her cheek
last Fnday. Dr. Stewart performed the
operation successfully, assisted by Dr.
will not be rireponsible for any debts con- nld / !I call tial Mr. and Mrs. Malcotnson and family,
traded by my wife or any other person wit p-
out my written ceder. ROBERT DoAi. baso cheep left on last Friday, by train for Port
Stanley• to Hope, from which point, they will take
the steamer and enjoy the pleasures of a
lake trip.
Rev. Mr. Hutchison, Baptist minis-
ter, St. Thomas, passed through town
this week on his way to Goderich, where
he enjoys n short respite from active
labor. -[New Era.
G. B. Cox, of the British Exchange
and S. McV. Lloyd, of the Bank of
Montreal, have -each a bycicle. Mr. J.
McCullough expects one daily, and the
wheeled pastime promises to be very
popular here.
SALTronn PAsToe. -Owing to a mis-
understanding between the pastor of M.
E. Church, Brussels, and the members,
the church has been closed, and Rev.
Mr. Sanderson removed toMaitlandville,
near Go.'erich,-I'ost.
Mra. Duncan, of Aurora, Ill., daugh-
ter of the late John Clark, ESP,., Crown
Lands Agent, one of our old citizens,
more family known as Mrs. H. Newman,
is visitinguld friends in town, and is the
guest of Sheriff Gibbons.
Mr. Wtn. McLean, of Goderich, one
of the largest cattle dealers in Ontario,
is in Montreal superintending the ship-
ment of one of the finest hits of beef
cattle that has been exported to England
this season. -[London Free Press.
Mrs. A. S. Hardy, wife of Mon. A. S.
Hardy, Provincial Secretary, and Mn.
Creighton, wife of the manager of the
Bank of Commerce, Brantford, nurev
and two children, arrived on Wednesday
and are stopping at the Park House.
Mr. T. Weddup, the boot and shoe
dealer, ..n Monday shot a monster crane,
which measured 51 feet in length, and
the. same from tip to tip of wings. The
bird has attracted much attention, being
Easy. geed--�pa)•lag. busbies... Enquire
at Tyre nicest. once.
Learn the cabinet making. Apply to
D. Gordon.
And deeds bermes. For particulars epi
id at this af�a
A number ut ram lambs, got by a Provin-
cial winner. Also some choice hives of hees.
For particulars apply to M•i'raaw LEVY. 4th
Jon. of Colborne. 1817-3m.
110 you want a stove/ Or any goods In my
lice. If so call and save money, G. N. David.
All overdue accounts mut be settled at once.
Postponed Sale. -The sale of the Victoria
Salt Works property, advertised to take place
at the Auction Mart, is postponed until Satur-
day 12th inst., at halt past one o'clock. p. m.
sharp. J. C. Currie, Auctioneer.
Last call 'end fair warning to all biIders.
$10 cash will buy the Naiad Queen, • Ana-
cleto row boat, with competed seats and
cushion back at the stern. Call on Geo. B.
Robson at E. 1. Johnson's gallery end see
about It.
The summer visitors who are now In Gode-
ri.b. who wish to obtain any of the views of
beautitu, loc,llties in and around Goderich;
or who would like to obtain first-class photos.
atter tha Goderich air hes had • effect
upon them, shonot to upon -
lows, the photographer.
T ch gloves et James Saunders &
Sen. continue to go off. Everyfarmer and.'Jtte-
chanlc, in need of a new • ve should see
them. Every stove Is warranted a Bret -elms
oo4*iag They have just rwstved a fresh
stock of beautiful iron preserving kettles and
also intperialatse frust Jars,whida tbsy ar 86M -
Ing cheap.
Mrs. Palmer is visiting friendhim New -
Mrs. Charlton is visiting at Kiscar-
Min Lithe Cattle is rusticating at
Mss A. M. Polley is visiting friends
in Durham.
Mrs C. A. Humber and children are
at W iarton.
Mrs. Capt. Gibeton has ieturned from
her trip east.
• Miss Beck of Saltfos , is v ailing
friends in Toronto.
Miss Dickson is home from Exeter to
spend her vacation.
Mrs. Brown end family, of Dstroi' .
are at the Woodbine.
Mrs Morton, of Montreal. is staying{
at the British Exohanga
Mrs. J. C. Harrisetl has joined her
husband in Manistee, Mich.
Came on the premLes of the subscriber,
shout the beginning of June, a ewe. The
owner is requested to prove property., pay
charges and take her away.� Joett'H ato'
ssrwoyox, Iota, ton, 12. Colborne. Nile 1'. 0.
Having completed her studies in music
under Prof. Slppf of London, and having re -
CO Vali a certificate, is now prepared to re-
ceive • limited number of pupils for Piano
instruction. Mho Seegmiller is also prepared
to take orders for Crayon Portraits. Satisfac-
tion in every case guaranteed. Residence,
corner Cambria Road and Newgate Street.
ITt thanking her patrons tor their continued
patronage, would Intimate her desire to or-
ganise en extra clam, for instructions in vocal
and instrumental mettle. dnring the approach-
ing vacation. Terms, 96.00 per quarter, ad-
vance. Goderich, June 211 1
Building site. and buildings thereon,
ots 816 and els, in the town of Goderich, be-
ing fife property owned and occupied by the
late HenryHorton sen. Convenient to the
square. Will be said in ons Patrol or la lots
to suit. Enquire of J. C. CL'aRtz, Auctioneer.
tt Hanes, saw Jollier. Shepp•tdton, was
this day dyssoIved. A. Hodge well re id%e
and pay the debts due to and by the company
at this date. R. T. Haynes wlu carry on the
saw mill on his own account.
WILI,I ,t PRourwoo•r, 1 ARCH. Honor.
Witness. It. T. Harass,
House on South Street, containing 8
rooms, kitchen and ppa�notry with bard and
soh water. Apply to OEO. McMAHON.
-l. House on St. Patrick's Street. containing
seven rooms and woodshed. Hard and soft
water on the premises. and the entire piers
in the best condition. Coavenieat to the
qwe. Alan two brick oottagea near the
stJWon. Apply to Jose Bascgctratnoa,
Aewgete Stmt. Goderich.
Large premises known as the Tecumseth
Smit Well with Block, containing
�one ream
aea gth. with
lb:Abe andone
Initl pfor makn Met tieg salt in good
mining order. Working capacity10Ibis pm -
day, present price of salt 80c per barrel. ISO •
day clear profit. Apply toOgo. B. JOHNSTON,
P. 0. Box/0. Goderich.
postage free for the balenot d
Sabealhe ai once, and get full benefit Is
Legal Notices.
Mr. W. Gooding, deutist, liar gone to
Michigan� Jto try his fortune. .
Miss 3?ary Denoey left for s trip tip
tho lakes on Wednesday last.
Mrs. W. Stotts, of Detroit, is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Charlton.
Mr. Kerby, mail agent G. T. R, is
lying seriously ill, at T wonto.
Mrs. C. R. Cooper, of Brussels ie
visiting her relative, in tows.
Mrs Robert Henderson has returned
home from a visit to Point Clerk.
Mrs Andrew and Miss Barr, of Chat-
ham, are stopping at the Albion.
Capt. Jackson and wife, of Brooklyn,
N. Y., are stopping at the Albion
Mrs. Cairns, of Forest, is the guest of
Mrs. McBride, of the Albion Hotel.
Mr. Eugene Carey has been laid up
with an attack of sore throat, at Win-
Mrs. John Plummer, of London, and
her boy Fred, are the guesta of Mr. G.
N Davis.
Mrs. Mo:•ris, of Detroit, nice of
Sheriff Gibbons, is visiting her relatives
at Goderioh.
Mr. John Bond, druggist, is off visit -
IN THE HIGH COURT - OF JUSTICE. ing friends in the east. W e wish him a
Chancery Division. Herr vs. Omer. pleasant trip.
Frs. Boubst, of Ingersoll, and Mc-
Evoy, of Jersey City, are stopping at the
Park House.
Miss Holinrake, of Brantford, is
spending her vacation with her aunt,
Mrs. Campion.
Mrs. Dorland, of Toronto, is visiting
her sisters, Mrs. W. R. Robertson and
Mrs. H. H. Smith.
Miss Jennie Sutherland, of the Brant-
ford staff of teachers, is the guest of long illness with true Christian resitgna- u though theyhad beengnawed bya
Mrs. Capt. MacKay tion. She was out for a drive the after- •
An excursion is expect•rl from Paris noon previous to her death. sledge. He also shook five dollars in
on Monday next under the auspices of ( the faces of all present that he could
the Foresters of that town.
Pursuant to the judgement delivered in this
cause and bearing date the Mb day of June
A. D.. 1882, there w111 be sold bypublic auc-
ion with the approbation of Suterland Mal-
comaon, Req,• Muter of the Supreme Court
at Goderich, by John C. Carrie, Auctioneer,
at Martin's otel, in the vtllageof Dungannon.
on Saturday, the 5th day of August, A. D..
1889, at one o'clock in the afternoon, the fol-
lowing property namely:
The north eut,quarter of lot number eight-
' een, and the north west quarter of lot nup
t„fONEY TO LEND. -A L A R G E ber nineteen in the third concession of the
VA- amount of Private Funds for investment township of R'awanoeh containing one bund -
t lowest rates on first-class Mortgagee. Apply red acres of land, more or less.
oARROW t PROUDFOOT. This property ie situated about two miles
_ from the village of n, and about
OANS FREE OF CHARGE.- twelve milts from the tows of Goderich. The
J 11o1sey to Mod as lowest rates, free (If eleasolar a ad et for There are abut lb nuns
I coats or charges. SEAORR & MORTON, sexes ofd ani t fhh capableivation. and shout clear" Colborne Hotel. eta w slash which is difficulty.
1 the
bring clear-
ioderich. 23rd Marek 11181. 1779. ab utt15h but vitae dawell theremainderwooded
Goderich. about t3 acres are dry and wooded with
COOd beech and maple timber and the balance
PER CEN t. - THE CANADA a principally a swamp the timber of which
Landed Credit Company is prepared to (being pine and eedarl is very valuable. The
Ind mono on Farm security, at six per buildings consist of • good frame dwelling
sat. /till given upon applloatioe house a story and a hill nigh.
}wogTU C. L. agent Oodericb. Terms of sale' Teepee ceet down on the day
1713, of sale to the plaisIt solicitor*, the balsam
without Internet. to be paid into court within
20,0$0 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND one month thereafter, when the purchaser
on Feint and Town Property at lowest in- shell be entitled to • conveyance and to be
"'let. Mortgage. parchaasd. ne Commission tet Into possession. The agreement
at the
tarred, conveyancing Parch"/ reasonable. time of agile 1• to sign an agreement for the
. B. -Borrowers can obtaa moss In oneday win be mplesion of the purchase. The property
title to satisfactory. DAVISON & JOHN -
up the Mconditions reserved
sale t,f. its
TON. Harrrtera. Bo.. Oodstid (751 s�p p� otherocgg oosditions of sale d the nourt.
1. RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, EEnCamr o Dm.. So of may he eMalnrO from
Campion ltl.q., Solicitor, tlttderioh. Or from
Lite and Aoeident lasts sees Agent the Auctioneer or train the Plaintiff% Solici-
t -presenting first-class Compeeies. Alec agent tors.
or the CANADA Ltvk S'rnez Lenuasxon Co. meted at Oodericb the 7th day of July A. D.
ones- to lend on Mortgage, either 1a Town or
arm ProperM, "lifer
an� way q MW tae Yeerwr - Gammow k Paornroot. A. Master
at now, The following ladies and
r Omoe-Iup-stain ham's MNose�g. OwdmesseMsshm Plalntltth Solicitors, Master et Gederlch. ng gentlemen,
1N7 -et from Detroit, are staying at the Albion:
Censorial.awing Mrs. Meer and daughter, Mr. and
Mn. McDonald, Min Ramsay.
KNIGHT PRACTICAL BAR A hear, helod, i to Mr. J. Edwards,
to rdarn of Godench, which had escaped some
Saab tm sad tone ago and etrsyed away, waa captnr-
( »aba � GRIND TRUNK RAILWAY ed near Bayfl»1d ani day l.at wwak.
II Y. _ 1. O. O. F -Mr. Neil Campbell u an
1 AIKENAEAD V.8 (SUOCESI3OR - Ma officer o/ the ay to t end a met, will
to Dr"Dwttcasti_Gr ata is Ve Mare le l[owday is attend a meeting of
finery Coils Sia hllawt-efmlls tm ?orcein R. Boo-
n N��.pse }� iSS Tesksse 1e misiat seg see return will bees Rist is ea ;Date. MMm:
etel MIL e>rasslmed t▪ o N i al. at tea pl/metpal ticket elites et the eem- F. F. Lama J. Robina s gm
t+.• pear hem August sat to i epssmbsr 11th 1a ddefstes eggie She pethsrdimltb blew
eladre, geed lemurs *4012 'SIM days hum '� days of meeting are Tuesday sad
MAITLAND 9IJT'ZL, GODERICH date .1 res. Wednesday ed text wash.
t few -eboeus..1ass pLes $less tickets arallabie via •11 the
me Oa
tllswat y Maws the lab sug9se i
taws, rs, is 111.
tlsesbe;M ewe aoaMMr1)Iem
It ad
tag to c techs from Niger.
Hot wt
serene See
A horse belorgin to Mr. Rutert TIEIS IRON CIRCLETS.
Reynolds, took fright at sight of a
bysicle on Wednesday morning last, and
dropped on the Square. Spectators as-
sisted it to arise, and, with the aid of a Mr. H. Martin, of Saltford, beat a
little "long oats," it started off at a commercial traveler by 8 points in) a
rapid gait. gauze the other day. Mr. Martiu can
I rremxtTINU Larruat. -Mr. David throw a pretty quoit.
The �..lting Fever sou EWmg.
Wasson, of the firm of Kerry & otrrxu.-Last Saturday J. McNair,
Col -
wholesale druggists, Montreal, has con- of Watson„(ltderich, beat D. Cumming, of sented to delivver his popular lecture on
home, at single game 21 to 1. Cum -
the "Art of Perfumery" in Knox Church, ening the afttched with atrarlge quoits.
on Friday, August, 23th. The Mon-
On afternoon press speak highly of the lecture, Sy mington and D. Cumming beat J.
and we can promise a treat to those who McNair and R. McLean, in throe games
will go to hoar Mr. Watson., of 21each, with a gain of 5 points, in
ARaZVAL4 AT THx POINT FARM. -Mr CitawasUI.-LI reference to tha chal-
and Mrs. Ruse, 3 children and name, lenge issued in Ihtr and SPINAL. by J.
Toronto; Miss E. Nodine, Brooklyn N. McNair and E. Martin, for a game of
Y; Miss Lama McCormick, Emit Sagin' quoit., W be played in Goderich, and re-
ew; Mrs. Dr. Gouvinlock, 2 children turn game to be played in Colborne, we
and nurse, Seaforth; Josiah Blackburn, J. Strachan and D. Cumming,sxept tho
Miss Blackburn, Master Arthur Black- male, and will give th tee gentlemen an
burn, London; Mrs. George Young and opportunity of trying their skill in Gode-
2 children, Mrs. E. Y. Williams and 2 rich on Wednesday first at 2 p. m.
children, Bay City; Mr. and Mrs. The quoiting ground near Martin's
Funke and son, Kansas City; Mrs. C. stables on Newgate street, is occupied
Funke and daughter, Detroit. every evening, and some fine shots are
HARviv'r Eat-Immo:N TO MANITOBA.- frequently made by such enthusia.iio
The Grand Trunk Railway announces pitchers as E. Martin, A. M:Nair, R.
that harvest excursion tickets to Mani- McLean, A. Colborne, Grierson and a
toba will be placed on sale at all its half dozen others. The challenge of the
agencies after tho 1st of August. The Colborne pair will probably lend sddi-
fare for the round trip from Goderich to tional zest to the practice between now
Winnipeg and return will be $55, and and Wednesday.
tickets will be good fur forty days. Five rail routes and one combined rail
and steamer and offered, but passengers
selecting any route to go, must return .t Well Deserved Te.tlese dal 1e an Zees -
by the same route. getle Chervil worker.
BZAla AROL-NM.-On Thursday last al
lad named John Scott, grandson of Mrs. When it became known that Mr. E.
Dunlop, who lives on the Bayfield road F. Moore, who fur the past seventeen
about five miles from Godench, went Years has been identified with the Meth -
into the swamp to look for the cows, . odist church in Goderich as a zealous
but was terror-stricken to find himself officer and faithful member, was about
confronted by a large she bear. .The W remove to Chicago, a number of the
animal was accompanied by • young members of the congregation decided t)
cub, and got up on its hind lege, slid get up a testimonial to present to hitn
prepared to fight the intruder. The boy as a mark of their esteem for his Chris-
fied precipitately, and left the swamp to tian qualities, and his devoted work in
the bean. The animal was observed in their midst. On Friday evening. at the
the same place about six weeks ago. Young People's meeting the presenta-
Bttcx Ce.trrs= Masrnto.-The an- tion took plica, after Mr. Moore had
nual meeting of the Grand Black Chap- uttered a few parting words. When the
ter of B. A. Royal Black Knights of Ire- friends stepped to the front and present -
land, was held in Orangeville -on July d the handsome silver ice -pitcher and
26-27. W. H. Murneyy was the only re- gRoblletav d atrtaon rerread e $40,
�,Dthe re -
r. W.
preseatative from Huron, Perth and cipient, who was completely surprised,
Bruce, he returned last Friday. Among could not master a sentence in reply.
the Sir Knight officers for the ensuing His silence, and the emotion which pre -
year we find several from this County:- vented speech, told nacre eloquently
pre -
Associate Deputy Grand Master, W. H. than words could, how he had been
Murrey; Grand Lecturer, J. B. Edward; touched by the expzersion of affection
Grand Pursuivant, G. Hawkins, Port shown him by his old associates Tho
Albert; on Grand Committee W. Magill, following is the address:
Blyth; Henry Perkins, Gerrie.
one of the largest ever shot hereabouts To E. F Moore, Esq.
The town of Nelson, elected its first Oats. -We are called upon this week DMAR SIR: -We, the Sabbath School,
Council Board last week, and among tO� the death of Mr. John Har- members and adherents of the Metho-
those honored with a seat thereon are J. neon, for many years • resident of Goole- dist Church of Canada, Goderich, Ont.,
H. Ruddell, formerly of Londesboro, rich, at his home near Westfield. The desire to manifest our appreciation of
and Thos Johnston, formerly of Varna.deceased `ran Morn in Lanarkshire, Soot- your valuable services t° us as a &b
ies come to the front every land, and emigrated to this county in bath School and Church, while Sabbath
time. 1837. He came to Goderich in 18f 9, School Superintendent, Class Leader
and lived here for about 16 years work-
MA.aoNtc.-Amon the list of recent] and Steward.
1g ing at his trade of carpenter. About We have noticed in you that ezecu
elected officers of the Masonic Gran
seven years ago he ni oved on to a and
Lodge of Canada, we And the following owned byhim in West Wawanosh five ability, firmness of purpose, aptness
Huronites-W. T. Bray, of Wingham; of illustration t ton and untiring seal, comber
Grand Junior Warden; C. Benedict, of which he had purchased nearly u 1851, d with that Christian urbanity which
and resided there with Mr. W. A. Har -
Zurich, Grand Steward; R. Radcliff, of are essential to an officer of worth in any
Goderich, District Deputy Grand Mas
neon, his only son. He was ailing for Christian enterprise, and we feel that in
only two weeks, and died on Wednesday your removal we are losingnot onlya
ter at the advanced age of 7`J years. He citizen and church fficial, but a
(eoitM SSION.-J. W. Smaill, of Crys- was a member of the Methodist church, worthy
tal City, Man., has been appointed by a sound Reformer, and a tnan who coma warm friend andnt laborer in the
Chief Justic3 Wood and associates a marded respect. Vineyard of the Master.
Commissioner to receive within that Asa small token of our appreciation
Province recognizance of bail, affidavits,
and affirmations in any action er suit in
the Court of Queen's Bench and County
Courts of the Province.
Miss Jane McMahon, who has been
an invalid for three years, died petee-
fully in Tuesday. The deceased
lady was much esteemed by a large
circle of acquaintances, and bore her
KIDD's IRAN-JAILU Max. -A few of your lengthened andsuccussfullebors,
days ago Mr. P. Farr, managing cooper we beg you to accept this Silver Pitcher
of the International Cooper Shops, and these goblet., hoping they will re-
Goderich, having wagered a certain sum call to your remembrance the many hap -
upon the the strength of his teeth, held py seasons we have spent together; and
up two hundred pounds of flour on an our ardent desire is that your future
empty salt barrel made by himself for career may be one of eminent use
the occasion out of suitable material, for fulness and prosperity, and that at the
one minute, leaving afterwards marks in last it may be yours to receive an "abun-
the hardwood staves where he took hold dant entrance, and to hear pronounced
upon you by the Master, "Well and
faithfully done."
W. R. RosaRT.oN.
throw a filled barrel of salt weighing 1 J. W. Agster=oxo.
three hundred pounds over his head Signed on behalf j KATE JAM ISSN.
with his teeth, but found no] takers. - of S S. and Church j Scams ACUaeoN.
[Mitchell Advocate. IAMB Wanes
We oopy with pleasure the following Sorer' GoanoN.
rererence to a former resident of Gods. Goderich, July 28, 18821
rich, taken from the Emerson beternat- Mr. Moore leaves Goderich with the
item!: Archibald MacKay, formerly of esteem of all who know him, and will be
BASE BALL -The "Low Batten." of Godench, but latterly with Bain & missed not only in Methodist circles, but
Seaforth, and the "Actives." of Godo- Blanchard, of Winnipeg, has leased by the Sunday School workers of the en-
rich, will play a game of baseball on the rooms over Bird & Walton's hardware tire county.
Lacrosse grounds, Godench, to -morrow store and hung out his shingle for the
($sturday) afternoon. Game to be call- practice of law. Mr. Mackay appears to
ed at one o'clock. A cline game is ex- he an active and resolute young man,
pected. As this will be the first match of the right stamp to grow up with a
played in Goderich this season, our brtys place, and we hope will seemed in build-
cxpect a good crowd nut to see the game ing up a lucrative practice. Ir, connec-
on the diamond field. tern with his law business • loan and in -
SALT AT Exeree. - The following serene* business will be carried ,n un-
less received from Exeter on Moeday: der the mine of key & Maeka , the
"Salt was struck here at 1,L25 feet- other ember of the Arte beingpir.SD.
about 80 feet of solid rick. bm
riliesg is may. lately of Mnm.
' sial goingen, and the drill is not Owrcasy. -Master Robert Elliott,
through te salt rock yet. About 10 who died on Smtday moaning aged 16,
pounds of first-class salt was meds sou the nephew of Mrs Swami Bowden
from a little over half a pad of brines." et town, anti Mrs. Pattisk Cant o1
The lest soutanes is rather hard to he- Col norn., sed hait buss► .i ,,,o7 dells e
hove Ten pounds 15 jest a leetle ooaMitwtsom linos his blab m father
heavy the Wolfe. John Elliott Saving did el
The following in reference to singers eiomsemptiom. The little Meow asked
has •ws ention. Iisigns permission (nen his aunt to visit Clinton
who hays adMgreat ambition sad smell on the 12th July with some friends,
maces are much to he pitied. They are aid eame home complaining of feeling
like folks whose prospects in life hem lemma Dr. McMicking was summoned
been more or less blighted. They are but he gradually grew worse, and nn
handicapped from the Myst, Still they SattMday leek jaw set in, and death en-
aret et the fact. indeed most dd his sefierings on Sunday at A a. m. The New York lb raid refers to the
e( tem imagine themselves great. Inflammation of the brain MOM to have bicycle as • slender. graoefel, and alto
They suffer from Irmo* 41 aita, mbet Men the nature of the di.esse. Mrs. gether harmless a: rangement, chiefly
sane the less dangerous form. No one Bowden has the eympethy of the public compo,'d of two wheels turned by two
•ret saw a poor Tamil( who was not in her bereavement, as she eared for him cranks, one of which is .ental on • little
conceited "and i nitiag for a shame."- during life as M mother. and is severely saddle and operates the machine with
(Ex tried by his lees hia
The Misses Vanstone and Williamson,
of Kincardine, are the guests of Mrs.
Bailey of the Unic n Hotel.
Mr. Walton, for some time employed
in the Registry ()office. has taken a trip
to see friends in Newcastle, Eng.
Miss Lizzie Hamilton, of Ayr, and
Miss Ellen Hamilton, of St. Paul, Minn.,
re visiting their parents on West
The price of this paper for the balance
of the year is only 50 cents. postage
paid. Annual subscription price $1.50,
strictly in advance.
Advertises should beer is (mind that
Wee Sweat hut the largest circulation
at this section, and is the best Meal
medium for reaching the eve of the pub -
110 lel lies mimed iab 761 ro'wrbthr this
FARE FROM GODERiCH $65.00 part 10 Mwty folk r11ZNiwody
e Stemat." Our eieeslatioe is
0.1 kit
t� . I tcs
IU.- . +sreTt saiog every week
The Toronto World says: Summer
travel never was smaller at this season
of the year than it is at present. Last
year at this time the leading hotels were
crowded, whereas this year many of
them are not half full. Summer excur-
sionists to Toronto from the United
States appear to be diminishing.
Fovea -ram. - On Monday evenin4
Court Benntiller, Ne. 86, was instituted,
by D. D. H. C. R. Bro. Arthur Wood-
man, assisted by Brethren from Londes-
borough, Manchester and I:,dertch.
The charter members number twenty-
five. twenty-one of whom were present.
The Court is onmposed of memttses of a
Tent of Maoabees, which formerly exist-
ed there, but which, owing to dissen-
sions in the high tent dissolved, and
mode application to be admitted into the
Foresters. They are ee.mpnsed ..f re-
sidents of Besssiller, and farmers of the
viteimity, and are just the clam of men to
make a first rete Court. The following
Mimeo were installed to serve the en -
seeing term: C. R Jesse Gledhill; II. C.
R Ale: Robertson;Secty., Wm. Robert-
s,n, Finance Sec' y., Th. is. Elltutl;
Treas., Thoa Ginn, S. W Daniel Mc-
Laren, J. W., Wm. Blake. R B. Breen;
J. R. O.n. Handy: Chap., Rtephoe
rota wrik#Pw.r.,-,..+.va* Ktowtoraw..,.... a -ear... ago....m.... a-cro.w•