HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-07-21, Page 7Che Poet's Corner.
gibes the Toerlr• eslbei farm.
"1 cauaa loam ay fetcher, II . U. lir hie old
and tumble sew.
the marks of time and mut row, Will. are
mussed, Rpm hie throw: j`
nnot leave my wither, our the fr4u *herr
PM I'll marry Fou WI 'addle. when the ar-
iel's on the nurn.
"They've se Ole le dspesd spun tt I should
leave thea son -
Who weak. thletTas. the berm sad hese, and
sells the cowl
WIto would Ville market! who would sew,
and dare, and aura-
l( 1'd IDs 'way sad be your wife, and never
more return!
-Ah, w 111 I t11strw, If 1 remain with I he old
1'1l mist the tmeatwa Off the fare[ when the
birds bets Metlag.
For years tt•a waggled tattler. end Its worried
,,tither. too -
Without their girl to chew eat work, whit'.
ever wmald times dot
'You need set bows sad Mame your foot--
youkww my heart le true:
1'ou kiwi, meether W, wy lad. eat ere take
1t from yea;
But 1 love the add folk. better than l love you
.r my life.
And I'd reicher be their tankful girl than be
your petted wife.
•'four .road L ewer yonder kilt sad teats. 1.
down the lsae -
Tbe scow win hide these autumn leave. ere 1
see you assist
tt'di, has It es. oetblsss you. lad, my heart
wfti grief is tors;
But w.e71 meet. may lad. sad never part -whim
the tameless the ser. r
The wow his malted ea W ground. Ibe grass
is fresh and green:
The flowery sees& the summer air. all nature
is sere..;
Will wee to tan Ids lases site this perfect
summer sang.,
But she arc. boasaih the daisies -.and the
tamel'S tin tsie °can.
Words or Unshorn.
bell never rings of itself; unless
a,...eone handles or moves it, it is
- spent worthily should be mean-
t' a awakes. line, by desiis not
w .?•.
Niel to etlinail beigiesok diamonds
and pearls are the Mot thing to be met
Did a person keow the Value of an
enemy he would purchase him with pure gold.
Envy is Wind and knows nothing ex-
cept hugs to depreciate the excellencies
ut others.
It is in general more profitable to
reckon up our defeats than to boast of
our attaameamia
There is see aueeolatioa about growing
told -you live to see your friendagrowing
old, too. •
The silence that accepts merit as the
most natural thing in the world, is the
highest applause.
There are acne so low but they have
their triumphs. Small successes auffiie
small souls.
Live out the gospel This is the high-
est style of preaching. It is a kind of
preaching which our Lord Jesus Christ
expects of every follower. Every be-
liever is called of God, as was Aaron. fur
this, and is anointed of the Holy Ghost
and scaled with the spirit of promise.
A Christian life is the most commondine
pulpit. No words are so telling as a
good man's daily walk, and nothing so
counteracts the preaching. of God's min
;eters as the want of consistent life nu the
part of God's people. The thunders of
a Christian Demosthenes may roll alum;
the skies and no one trembles, because
the unfaithful lives of the ,r.enleers of
the church' muffles the sound. If a Chris-
tian will live out the powers of Christ's
ltfe,greet will be the company of the
preachers and glorious the results
rreussI 11rm.
The following references are to a mat
ter of sufficient importance to enlist the
attention of all our readers.
H ANTIS( o , Ont.
i have much pleasure in stating, that
I lately used St. Jacobs Oil in a case of
very severe sprain, with marvelous ef-
fect. I had beer- badly hurt and could
not afford to rest boo long: I therefore
used the quickest means of relief, kit.
Jacobs Utl, which certainly worked
wonders in my case. I consider it to he
an invaluable remedy and shall not hesi-
tate to reoommen'l it to any one whom
I meet, suffering from want of a reliable
remedy. i regard St. Jacobs Oil as a
wonderful preparation,'and shall freely
suggest its use to my friends, -or ene-
mies for that matter -when I find them
seeking utything for the alleviation of
the terrible torture of. rheumatism. 1
write this note voluntarily to any what 1
think of the Oil, and it may be used i
any way to accomplish the most e".l.
A R STEWART, Chief r Police.
A 2. -mile bicycle championship roue
came off at Leicester, Eng., on June 24
between 7. %Food of Birmingham, and
W. James, of Leicester. The men vier.
of egad weight, age and height and net.
5 -ineh .machines The men were cl'.se
together all the time, but at the Ia,t
Jaws spurted up and beat by one
length. The time, 1 hour 20 minu'ee
15 seconds, beat the record.
Ilesis ed to MM reseal wealta.
From $11/N Mitchell, a well known
limaglisloor M i pringtiel.l, Vt ' `..,
mudiM t sea attacked with
which was quite
lower* night sweets,
ita17 symptoms .,1
he tried several
genus and with-
osl hews.. I wit Ilse %ite-
vaa'e Bahian of WILD CRIRAT, the
firet Wes whisk alneded immediate
raftfillfalieleillimietis of it. use srw.n
refMri tee els op, usual health. TO
twentp•0es yam* pest it has never fail
ed M And Mike satisfaction in all
eases of midle eP say throat fir lung diff
cnitiea T w 0f no merrlicin. its
owilrsl. " meads and ¢1 • ►. ,ttl. v„!,t
b7 dealer. Ifewerallt
Toad .e ■ens..
It u a great mistake for • Mut, in kis
eerily married life, to be overdone with
domesticity. A f w perhaps, have lived
with Weir relatives; but as • rule a us -
band's meet teoent experiences a of
club and chamber life, and much w sty
whish tilts of often when ha marries,
unless his trite has a large circle vt ac-
quaini.utceb, She, probably, is quite
Oont?ut with his 0' nl•tuy alone, while
the titre is apt to weary ti then totelour.
• T,. enjoy house hfe, thereto e
cultivate your friends, lust the weans
dwio ?le down int., a uteri• housekeeper
end hood nurse, with it spice of the dress -
m aker. Shut out fro a family life be-
fore marriage, many men have eiper-
ieaeed but little family affection, and
affect to disbelieve in tt, and to give
themselves up to excitment and money -
winning. But deep in the heart of each
o to Is a yearning for the love of some
good woman, who, to keep hit love,
should be a wise one. Club hfe and the
world rutty have set s hardening crust
over the hus'iaod'e heart, but this is
moet aaaily broken tkro4gh in those early
days of love and marriage by tenderness
aympath=, and tacL Do not, however, I
mate the sympathy futile byovertalking
-a kindly pressure of the husband's
hand, a little forethought, waiting until
he wishes to unburden his mind without
forcing confidence, will best establish
your claim to be a worthy friend and
help meet.
M. D. of New York, says: '•1 have used
Dr. WH IC LZ1p t7seegand of Elixir of
ely In my pray
mimes be oom-
Sales* women.
Mamas co.-
wt it. In
lit fact In
leea.ea, It IS
ot whom wfo MVO f OW.
hard) owttrtngot
DYSPEPSIAk.it acts like a
aanyEo trehe less Uat of exhaustive
Tamer be Wt$ ..t 11.
Tourists and all who are subjected to
a 'change of climate, water, diet, &c.,
should never be without Dr. Fowler's
Extract of. Wild Strawberry, the infalli-
ble remedy for all Summer complaints. 2
The Nae.rs secret.
Probably no new developement will
more surprise the public, than to learn
the secret of success of certain leading
physicians, when they have a difficult
case of throat or lung disease that lef-
ties their scientific skill, they prescribe
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump-
tion, Coughs and Colds, having it dis-
guised in a prescription bottle, with
their own directions and name attached.
The patient is cured, and they get the
credit. -Tribune. Trial bottles free at
Mynas' drug store. Large size $I. (2
$ eetdrle* .srdlea Salve.
Tile best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sures, Tetter, Chapped Hada, Chil-
blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures Piles. It is guaran-
teed to give perfect satisfaction, or
money refuuded. Price 25 cents per
box. Fur sale by Geo. Rhyne. 1830 ly.
%Inc tMyalrlaaa •utona.-
ll on t(euera:ly considered a htt•tty r.tf-
t:cult tusk t., oUtt10 a physiciaul, :tut the
fallowing will prove conclusively where
nine were c nnpletely outdone. Mrs.
Ht len Phary-z, 331 Gayton St., Chiotl;o,
Was treated for Consumption by nine
physicians, and all pionuurcrel her ca -e
'ocurable. `even bottles of Dr. Kiiiu's
I1 Jw D.scovery for Consumption comple-
te), cured her. Doubting ones, please
drop her a .oust-.) and convince your-
es free at Rhsua's
Drug .Store. Large size $1.00. 41
Te 15. Ase as& all wases
is mer semee.
Phietttw, or Nene rued, a Plow -
I hued upon tiei.nufie
Formulated by Professor Auadiu,
M D. of Nostee, )lass, cures Ptlltin.on-
ary Consumption, Bink Headache, Ner
vow Attacks, Vercyte and Neuralgia
and all westing diseases of the human
bystem. P' , epbatine is not a Medeoine,
•'- i:Leot, because it contains no
Vedetablu or Mineral Ps.isuts, Opiate.,
Ntrcotioa, and no Btitnulutta, but amp1p
ly the Phosphatic and Gattrio Elements
found in four daily food. A single bottle
is sufficient to convince. All Druggists
sell it. 11.00 per bottle. Low ore A
Oo., sule agents fur the Dominion,
55 Freat Street East Toronto
Per severe venom ash Lanz PearlsI.u,
From A. J. Merrit, of Caton Ps. -
Gentlemen- About ten years ago, after
having had a severe attack of measles, 1
was troubled with a serer, cough and was
threatened withooasumption. Myfather
having died at the age of thirty-one with
oonsumption of the lungs, and my aunt
having been carried of with the same
o,mplaint,it seems to be hereditary in
our family. At the time alluded to, I was
induced to buy a bottle of Da. WIRTAs's
BALIIJ of WILD Criatlx, and can ay
conscientiously, I believe it saved my
life. I was blackamitbing at the time,
sad often felt pains ia my cheat and
lungs which the Bel*am relieved. I
cheerfully give this statement, and hope
you may have success with so beneficial
a preparation. 50 cents and $1 a hot-
tle. Sold by all druggists.
meaty -four years• Rumerteser.'•
Says an eminent physician, conv,neee
me that the only way to cure .cocas
exhaustion, and weakness of .pe sexual
organs. is to repair the •:raw by giving
brain and nerve fox,; and of all tie
remedies oompoo4ided, Magnetic Medi-
cine is the 'test. Sec advertisement in
another column. Sold in Goderich by
Ju, Wilson, druggist.-lni
Begs to acquaint the ladies of Goderich nd
vicinity, that she la now showing
8piii and 8 for Dory
1t her shop. Hamilton flirt -et. in great and
bemutilul varlet se
She baa cured the ser-
vices of a city milliner, sod feels assured that
she can give
She ho •foe to be/ay.:wed with a visit from her,
patrons. and the Ladies generally.
MRS. WAR\'1r'K.
iAsewaq. CorrtAtwt-e and Acereners
whish HALYARD'S YiLLow Ott. is fuarae•
teed to etre or mime either is loan for
Tena MTIMMUV ran
:OidZPd, so= rfko42,
Lill=A, coz»B, ed.
£Pptl10 IXTcnuur trot
1XXrx4Tr*»4 NM -RA LGIA,
I1LLS, FRONT srrx,
______ S,
esers4e^rro iutrnu R,
sval,4so, /TM,
Retry Mede 5.ae.eaed to res satlic.
Ilse oremery
edi 504.
1111111~11 SIR gal MTTIL pMlf tip
Z iaL31131x A 00.7 PyWgldill!>M
The (beet Western itailwy will run D M .g N -
their excursions to MANITOBA sac
DA IOTA points during May and Jane
eve: y two weeks, ou.anmeucing TUBS.
DAY May, 2nd, 1881.
Fares Re d u o ed.
Fur uformuatiot, tickets, etc. , apply to
kart:tal Ages& Great W emern Dade v
Oertch. April. Wt. lest. Uo.teric i at.
1e. Rerentoteaded by Phratefana,
Catant f the Nasal Cyvlty - Crew sad Ukwa
ji tivy
IN EIrNALIY alio arts 1' Rw1C1. Tly hvhh.w
:Iced had �Nd Io • rfa
AvO. kbroplir7All
t 17:61""h
Taftl %RR'r
s ftlt
Gtn r:;l sit 7n,
WtLW'D, (tat It•.oii 33 111!1
Wy IIUle,lader r a.,v trou'tle d • WI Catarrh
tor two ys,r :rel ws. ge, moo.1 ben tae tad b
Lb. use of a.1'e e:atarrs .:oro.' Su, 14 sow
about our. L W T. if /USE.
Wtu.ir-n. Out, Murch an ire/.
1 hero usd •• :.Alia C,tarrb Cara,' u.l twitt-
ing float t .s gad retain f derived from one
bottle, bs!leve 1'. wt 1 our) the most sta•.boru
Note or . a:*trh If IS. us. Lo ountiuus,l for a
rearonet°e le tgth o1 Owe.
WmLt. myn. Out, March 9M, 19.O2.
P. J. Connie h .; •..Tido. O.
(Jewfa-Ilave salol Hill's CaS rrh •.tiro tot the
tau )soon, soot it give- satire satisfmt.,,ir.
Y'.srs truly.
H. W. HOBSON, Druggist
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is sol.) by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists
and Dealers in Patent Medicines in
the United Mates and Canada.
75 Centel a Bottle. $&.00 a Doz.
The only. genuine Hall's Catarrh Cure is man-
ufactured by F. J. CHSNET r! CO., Toledo, 0.
lArBeware of Imitations.
Bottled for the Ontario trade by
H. W. HOBSON, Welland, Ont.
Sol, Agent, l it..ierici.. Goderich. March 9. 1882. DOWNING & W E D D U P
S vAt H' 111 I
Begs to announce to the people of Goderich and this section of Huron, that he las
purchased from Mr. A. Phillips his stuck of Groceries, etc., and will
continue the business its the old stand, on the
Corner of Victoria sad Bruce Streets.
Having bought the goods for yeah, and as 1 intend to make all sty purchases from
wholesale men for caah also. I will be in a position to sell at
Very Low Prices for Cask
My stock will always be fresh. I will keep the best brands , f teas, good supra,
and everything iu the grocery line fro•m the heat producers. Bacon, Spiced Meats
etc.,itlwa s un hand iu season. I ant det(Tin in.•d'tr, please, both in quality and price
J00 -Call at the stand, Victoria street, rippers to the Fair (,round, near D. K
Strachan's machine shop.
Gielerieh, March nth, 18i :.
' illus,.
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Hamilton Street, Goderich.
=A good assortment of Kitchen, Bed -zoom, D(n!ttg Room and Parlor Furniture, such as Ts
)files. Chairs 'hair, cane and wood rested), ('tintosrds, Iced-st. ads, Mattresses, Wash -elan
Lounges. sola, *hat -Kota, IA'oktng Olaerts.
N. H. -A complete assort oIt imt of l-unlio and Shrouds aie.yaon hard (also Hearses for h
at returnable rat. ..
Pioture Framing a si ecialty.-A call soLc.to 1.
=naming Weddv p
Begetannounce to rite Public that they baro oleutd Lurirets in the above Stroe
in the btore lately Occup ied l y Hoffer(' Newton. non g purd.aatd a large and
at -Il aaae.rted bt.,ck of Filing mild Eumnier ('Cords tit clire ttutcs. we are determined
to give the Public the l.enetit.
Jr-Plesse call and examine our g• ods before purchasing elsewhere.
s1to-Uementher'the place, .:ext door to J. Wi'Fcn's Drug Store
JINI-Custom work will receive our ',prink' atteutioi.
f.�'None but the beet of material to. d and first-class workmen employed.
r.strEepairing neatly done on the oho 'test notice.
AGENTS MAKE rnatlo TO 70 an COT"
lladsollio Waldo aid Valllahl hiss tilYoll AHa� FRF!
RfiAD! _sr.:
RMAn a R,MAn 2
FOR 81.00.
The Horszwnto hot,, AL 14 altar !ecce the alae of
ort lustre papers, sod tour t; mad as, large a. come. It
1+ sow nee of the largest pnlllahcd, end is nicely Il-
lustrated. ('outs:nm every varietr of literature. It
1s Skied with Illnntr.ted atones at the most interest-
ing apd enrertatutng charnoter. tketeito sod Tat -R-
iled anecdote., aes•tufol Prem, by the best snrhori;
• vast And of Intormarion of what Is going on in the
world. Each nmetier eont.Jne an Illustrated Fashion
De en r,, h Idre"•a Department, ratm and House -
kola Department, bu•:day Reading. WI, and humor,
Msldee many o,1,er minor drl: artment., making 1t the
most v.laable oat] iotereatlog patter published.
Thesebeaotlful works of art (made erperlsl'r for
.a), ons only be secured by sulecri.dog Ion the Horsm-
wote Jne.i* , Serer before hire fonr such Imre
al elegset work. of art leen ger. n .1rh creh a man•
wok payer for the anti) arm of e1. Pally resitting
the demand that will he mete for oar paper sad prem.
baa a seen u It or sweets get to work. we ktre n
at pe'[ of 120.000 ,..de in Nene,. so there will be no
delay with oar agents, but all orale,o it'd be filled the
day flirt are received. 1 helm chowder Chrome
plans +ad deUnit every nue
Retell dealer* are obliged to chs-ge f i each for la-
terloraultjecta And why 1 yrs-.ask.etm�lr Ie,1101.0
kardly a publisher of Che, not ever feta not erer
5,010..5 1. we se..k• 124,000 We par so mea pro.
11,whilethe roes 1 ,:-.ler hu'o pay foorertire be-
fore he sets Chrome to sell.
le.. t is a uplesdld 011 Citron,. tine 13 s 22, G'
I.bsd .s 12 rims sed weed
This really mars/deet ammo will r sees 'ornate
ablillmhar ems mad thorn unworn amine
serer mers.Ie..�Tire eenr,a�hots imeelI mi.ss ftm•g sew laser
assletess waildie'p, 7�isr'esteboast
et ad st ebas/�o MMS S•" 1s wit)
t'rt' b 1!�' et apse* sm.
teems Y mob ears, he▪ n bus
wthe t " +e
allemsee •t 'me
1* 4 4s*o s r la the 0.5. *5
1M elf�lfpsrelm MOW • saeM. the
7715fsT ti>femr OF 5M £ 711NIUMM
nil!.)sole. 4 wt Obese.
Ise. etas 16 m 4t, be
♦ M krr lesI magus esag.M.hos the aheso,
�rAm1•a• erith le s MN t.eeeatF ireti�sate
iN artsie wib. nk' w�eirde taishR W eek
lfw a ~� fromabed Mel I‘l.pwl•
a WWI Mi M soon ass
nr►,�disr 1. M Naeee �
? i t be Set I t Ie.Ar aures Ra l i sa..
parr Inc ha. thrown himrlf two, 'end his fait, lame
cent, childish face wrapped 1n it...,wful Sobs la
prude for Roy loner -1 the bea,.a t, at
dear mother at home, td In Amor le slrpad 1. ar
IsHarares,00ce more. [Only in the elands that.
is bloomed and many tender memories will be awake
e1 by It. bloomed,
oeaaot prerend to dh ti 1. plcbore 1
thee. It moot 1,e seen to he apnea, Med.
No. h is n lew:Wool 011 Chrome. ser 16. 22, t
.5.4 1n 12 eobrs and ostltled r.
Two Tear, nen we g+yrs s. premium to err parer
fon, chrou.+, 12 z 1 U, sod t he one wikh was most um1-
rerrslly edmlrr 1 r-.14 n tame of PI .wens, no mueb 1•t -
decd was It thceteht of that we have leen encouraged
to ret op oar " Basket of R iowera," which will1.
Tut noun, the size and fiuhotei eros 1..--t v than tb
ate of Plower.. lilt oo'r p0nys.rr to stare that HO
rlc'nre sea. punted hr ttartk.e•t from Bator. •-,
he h,. tomei■t pane to heron no ars hick reputation
N ..!; ng In t"e f .veer line to equ•i this hoe we:
otFere 1 as s ',retainm.
No. 4 1. a mazr.Lls-ot 01 ('hro,,,. dee 10 z 22
Mashed 1.12 ("tiara awl sett. kJ
Se.nrr-, ...I -wittily scotch .'ensu, 1..pnrecta...d
hr every' otor. Who has ant rend /Or Water r.e,tt'.
e •I- i rate1 romance entitled Ti."Lady of the Late
whic'. , rem , -1 u;+,o th'. spot. How many happy
res- d'eol n. t', . v.^tore sea awoke* it the nein& ane
m •:no-f.•.t of o.tt ender.. Dear to the boort of r. cry
Mentehena" or soman. will be a sight of t,rtr moire
rnaorry. which 1111 a •ere as a tie to *Ind pelmet et-
anc,st.nws with rho peat Whit finer scenery can ry
one auk than this 1 It 1s Indeed n pletnre that will
'e doubly valnahle both on account of Da `teat
hetet., ami .leo w a reminder of our mother land.
We .111 ebeerfullr forfeit the prier paid and tan tames
no moth ate -e t' prone who eon prove we hive ever.
drawn or exaggerated 'ha v+lae end beauty of this
phone*. *Molt le owe of the finest that has yet been
w. ia oat ears n sett our eanvatalntt ouNt, hat
r �rerr� who really mere badws. rd littera to
aad weaay sad ywaly r est .Ser,'MMMeg sitter
tad whole or r stash Maze se M eat epos le tis beai-
sem s preens wWrateabe omit. well worth 53,
F�r... remember. se /reser *0 a.*itt Itke � ea yup
ewer color re. teems N ss,. if Sue ter marmite.
Oa Meant haired merles the eget u ba
wsedwtem r seek subscriber. on rho eei
M_ tfw�pwthenmkr Meseta O•
�e�e �e Ifs iwhem .
� eAa1 .�. oeY •�
gage tie keineir e' ►y�ssesrw'k4' _��IG1ew►-
sueae IM5iwMFitUf.M ll ea. wwtes M ~b.r r
♦ P*IS T OF $100 CABB.'
Dell we5e..omme bht-hea0MJ agcat acsW.. 05,
N's of �p�p�p 1 Mar eas�ednv /.(b 1 (t$.1gsam.
E'- w�, r w 1.4174wrstpiota em
11.1 mrwn5 .lei 11,5 wCt foes St
N aad Y! l vise.
wire m h% for rite 1, 0. ter tee asters.
y tear brother. MOM w It swum *et wad,
w 141 s yr wee, w seed Ie ill tae were le year
. oar % It y. mosso req mese kers s aesow oe.
eroiont silo; nes e.iw* mr1 ail a .oke tram estp Frank
• for t le y is eke s�tg1l1a Is tar epe yea el�t�
a taws ar �j std *Will 11 '1) E:tlhe sembe of
vaiiwwraanw��dw IMI ralrkl�eteyrs* 1.415li unter.-
fe a -der ea rIw,t.n fare psi►Monk we M w NL
nesse .feet
*for even. order for 100 sets ehremo, at one time or
ottani S0 day.,1r Tom rod to ordain amounting to 100
4 -et., we a III mead i fou• handsome °old -Plated Hunl-
r 1 If Cove Watch free. Tell this n our suit -agents and
ram .el liter kn♦ do not
set 100 es
b•oriftrn within .
4U days
5-wltbat env troslle. Aad hetero than tAl. a tense
srndng 1. 1p0.abserlben wttbio 30 days wilt get
e. 't • re , 'her tem ).est 'his offer) We think nut l
. Ma as Ila ererr care seoompspv theerdrr on ens
ser.' 1•..1. t'., le whleh rase the Agent inapt send e2 ss
• gamin -aro- the M to be deirted from the bill whoa
g.w'da ate w-nt.
Agents sometimes ark as 1n vary our terms. Thiene
were •• ter eap Ma Our books are kept In conform.
a I1T with our tern.• .ei 10 v.ry one toren. for am Dee
e 1• simply Iwpeedbb, ud we *ever take any oo ice of
• eneh let'n, 50 save your vamps if you are going 10
SC nm to s. 00 change our Lerma
The cwt way 1a to seed is sad pay tern number of
snteeript woo. receive the peeminma sad rrrWpta, rd
the* go to work sod recon .ah.arlt.ere sad deltarthe
premium, and receipt, mi on /mood th ue are going
over Me t'trltory • s nee to deliver the mime
mad eetl•etyour pay. Por Iutaxo when you enter
r nor octet, or after re. bare meet rod 11 • mend to as 570
.nigh pre for the stet kindred saaoriptlnns. Re
r ,u' n' .11 or empress you will reeolre one herded
.rte of foot cream sod re hsadred retie*, wniob
1•.n onto for the ��aaatkedre' s.h.erllen. The re.
Nivel will he ell raM.•I ad arab he u, and each
good for • rear 's asksarlgess to Sr fever.oLD Jona-
sot sod an yes left her y wins ,a will be the nb-
relbet', Oe, T .t o�/a take • peeksge of
the pre/0111111
11 beim m reit-WS s&�.,. poo dog.
MN TO easU ewe he est will
n. you have
w will roller[ al ow
eheol sad rtes 4 rah esSat?l •set et eke bur
ohromea, sad a e.tRtnar him w }yr la the
fier sae:.si work Is awe, Wary low
su . yr wW to eshoerlhrn• sums le el, ee
Mals yen for that nig with-
out •ay mem.Ira well already Geri pad tar
rmow see w•` ktekf�wowitwt
.see. sed skew Nm 1ka�
un Iuee f�� hew tme
p.poF sop Y hetemilait IL balm
t ow pew as
aMl'Mtw. .e'w��
5P6,....wkpas tin iemd.• -a 01
Me itm.eer �eltr lW . es w,awt5 every W+� a�
thtsMlreaa 1345 *505 S• Tie ta :. arglif•
As hire
AN elm be deee, sed me row Pse ecru
We wish tone a•. word I
lave fes hose bedmee sew
e tsratyhoMMs ear •.i
maS we M
.crops M ere me gel ear - -
wt paysaf awlr. All baso) gala
a 14"4:sent loam
d �j
ell ee. ..i
bet i►game
by It. for people cannot fall to One that the loudness li
conductedin a buolneaallk, manner, and tiler will
have no fon, of I.rior defrauded of 'the snl'seiiptlon
money. When agents order rerelpta and cbron.ce la
n trance, we ell the receipta all out ...trent the sub.
scribers nameand re+ideno. which the agent ells la
its be tater sultan ipUona PO honest agent w111 object
to our plan ot d{ul our own reoelppta, for did we
allow .want. to elgn them. All the •• Amid beats.' won ld
get an ut.tlit and drtrand the peonde .11 oyer the
country, and nun the tw.Ine.e for on sod all I,nne.t
agnate too. We want honest 14 urs and don't err 10
eao0nrag;' aro l ben&1•
a C'om
114 to
m,'arriben, b do many u Ptrare to v make aet 11 dbustoads of It.
To orb we offer hendanme pHs.. hotrod of s com-
minion, any one or more of which you may mono
with little or net trouble.
A* osesending to 59 awl two •'Mcrlhers w111 14
entitled to one 01 the following ha1d.ornn prl,es; A
,toll 1 Doli Rand Ring worth Wit • baartwl (told
Plata two -pictured Locket, fallsize, or a handsome
stz-hhde Pen-knlf..
Anvose sendlsgS 1a 5.1 sad three 'Werrlbe-a will get
• ani four-0rsw Telescope.or • handsome t:uld )tad
glow with. beautiful AI•.a diamond in 11-
Anyonesending ln a/sod four •nlw,•r'ler, well fen
entitled to a handsome Motel 1'1�, . d 01,0:1 Clog ite-
volver, ora matnteneat'Ipe :a Chain net Lo, het
Anyone seeding 55 sod Iles subscribers w111 get a
beautiful PMyer Plated Cake forst, or • (german
xltlern or H.rpelle.
Anyone *011,04 10 $11 mod els subsett ,era may
ANN one of the t illowleg presents: A slid !liver
or heavily roiled Oold Plato Watch Chain, or • hind-
most lure, Plated Bon for MO.
Anton. sending la $10 and ten snb.crlhers a-1,1 gat
a bnantltsl Heetla(Oase W.tck.
5eynne srdlsp ra 515 end )Meeh subscribers will
got one half dosoo splendid P11k Ilatedbrohiete. or a
eat-eara violin, or a b •aUtalty engraved Rinkel
anter .Munn -.hot Revolter with Pearl hands,
*570 'formg 15 540 mel tummy an heron hen will
memos arrest's tall Nee Detached Lever led4d eller
it.nting Cos. watrh, nr tw..1 osr Han,�ng Car
e 4 auks .. 5410,. ed is our (`.1•logwe at
e0 cool.
Asyeae reitag Is SU rd talrty.ave ■n Ment... s
altssrn a he.drmealaopnt rrune..oats ao1M
1►steb, et • hematite' rl•.rtte, eleng with a
atsettea of saw sad popular tsar
we weer nary para who nand. Ike le take ear
s&levi4▪ 5▪ a br stt#/wdcast,rttq
wlr list, 55uat w1U see-
:...... ,es oo w M .ye sup Navy f
".EI"c% 'xaei'1 gtllraa
e rr bre ersrrrOtlSi .star, aM� l Ui:aavat Illrt aW
a h e et �k al� rd W.
5.. s i.
Dow seeder, Is i tet meow ws bare eased
hedge. Somme yes. 11.yN see to WWI of wort, N
.liWara`sew imam tee crass y Saw Was seas, wow
ir shi�w.wfo e W mtarea.!t 1e Mt
_r e7_arerm�mm...mover b meb� �.y�� M
...8881.4... =Ten t,.
�e s1we.��;With•.., ..,
• M astaSee tdesioevee Net we fere the saw
bwlssm I•••
E:4m� ......i .. It *Ime owl Ww. dcooy
riji�rb r weet•N...foe y..nr
imunfwa. y'e� Melee* *OM w 5.e..e dm pea 11 I.
JAS. LEE & CO., 517 Lagauchetiere St. Montreai n `'