HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-07-21, Page 22
o es, taloa' spies,
An' faith hell t /t,"
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The; ter 1802 to be revue
tb. +hila+ At'W� tMp u
which the Ontario elections 1581, in all
probability, be held next year. All
electors should see that their names are
P�' 17.aotered thereupon or very poi
at some may be disfranchised, and re-
gret it when too late to remedy it.
Meta nu grans.—The youth of the
Kincardine Standard thus giver himself
away :—ff a young man truly loves you
he will always to somewhat embarrassed
when with you. If a young man is not
interested in you. If a young matt is
not interested in you at first sight the
chancre are five to one against you. If
a fellow continue to glance at you he is
interested in you; if he hastily averts his
gate when you catch his eye, the chances
are that he's a gentleman; but if, in-
stead, he smiles at you, you may know
that he is a ''masher. "
X. JU 1, 1882.
italLwal TICKETS. —The act relating
to the sale of railway passenger tickets in
Canada le now in force throughout the
Dominion. Under the new law, no per-
son, unless he be authorised by the rail-
way company, can sell a railway passen-
ger ticket without being liable to a tine
or imprisonment. This, if carried out,
pate an end to all seoond hand ticket
selling. Those who travel only a por-
tion of a journey on a ticket can demand
the return of that portion of his money
within thirty days, less the ordinary fare
between the two points for which the
ticket was issued.
SUccasa Arisen Him. — Froin the
Winnipeg Sun of June 20, we clip the
following: --"Constable Sturday, of the
Winnipeg police force, has obtained the
appointment as Chief of Police for the
town of Emerson. No better choice
could have been made. Mr. Sturdy has
for years been Chief of Police of the
town of Goderich, Ont., where he was
deservedly popular and respected. He
is an able and conscientious olticer, and
although only a,few weeks in the Winni-
peg force. will he much regretted, as he
had made many friends. The Emer-
eoniana are to be congratulated on the
choice which they have made."
Mr. E. N. Lewis recently purchased
the wreck of the schooner Explorer,
which was sunk near Tubermorey harbor
in 100 feet of water. in the fall of 1867,
and securing the services of Port Huron
wreckers had her raised, and brought to
this port. The exact locality of the
wreck was not known until some years
ago, since which considerable damage
has been done the schooner by vessels
grappling and trying to raise it. The
Explorer cost about 15,000, and not-
withstanding her long immersion and
rough usage is still in excellent condi-
tion. her hull being of t;oo3 oak timber.
Mr. Lewis intends fitting her up for ser-
vice again, and will undoubtedly find her
good for a long term yet.
(COUNTY CONSraeta..—The following
have been appointed constables for this
ctunty, on the application of the Jus-
tices named, at the Net General Sessions
of the Pence. A number of names were
struck off the old flet owing to removals
and other causes:—Wm. Bowden, Kin -
tail, recommended by deputy -reeve
Griffin; George Rands and Alex. Orr,
Blyth, by Wm Wils•.n. J. P.: Charles
Thomas, Goderich, by H. Horton,
Mayor; Charles Troyer, Hills Green. by
Hugh Love, J. P.; Thos. Hamlin, Exe-
ter, by John MoDonell, J. P.; Simon
VanNorman, Belgrave, by R. Arm-
strong, .7. P.; David .11cNichol, Farqu-
har, by Thos Key, reeve; John Eamer,
Wroxeter, by A. L Gibson, J. P.; Robt.
Sitrctonds, Seaforth, by W. Young, reeve;
Wm Thirsk, Stanley, by John Eason.
A MTR,rsn PrNlaHNIENT.—The Socie-
ty for the Suppression of Vice is an or-
ganization doing a very effective work
in Chicago and the Western States, and
one of their precept cases will interest
residents of Goderich. The item is
clipped from the Times of .July (Ith :—
"Smith Whittier, alias Dr. James, Lock
Hospital, Chicago, the man who has pro-
bable done more than any other one
man to corrupt the youth that he might
grow rich out of their shame, bat who
by false swearing has herevofore escaped
conviction and punialiment, has at last
been convicted of his infamous practices,
and sentenced to three years' imprison-
ment at hard laho.r in Cheater. Ill., peni-
tentiary. This result alene would cent -
pentode for all the expenditures of the
society." This villain will be remem-
bered as a former merchant here, who
left suddenly. with many of our citizens
mourning as his duped creditors.
Fallot t.
Tax Vortex' Lecr. —There are 512
persons in this township qualified to
serve as jurors. The voters' list for this
year shows 594 persona as owners in this t
township, and 127 as farmer's sons.
Parted this life. Mr.
in life is left be
el the
ron, but of lateears wde net •,' ee
commotion with the order. A few weeks
ago he expressed • desire to become
affiliated with Britannia Lodge in this
town, as that he could be burped under
the auspioes of the order. His applica-
tion was of course, sooepted. The fune-
ral took place on Wednesday, and was
largely attended. The members of Bri-
tennis attended in a body, and
warohed in sL regalia iu the proosasion
to the cemetery, where the last right'
to a departed brother were performed
About a year ago Mr. McIntosh had his
monument emoted on hie burial plot in
the cemetery, and the inscription placed
ou it and only blanks left for the wand
date of his death. At this time he was
in the fullness of health, and to all ap-
pearsnoe was still good for several yeah,
but the grim messenger came, and the
blanks on the monument will require to
be filled sooner than most people expect-
ed. -- [Expositor.
smell and hearing, : •"l e ► rrh Err
will cure you. 75 cents IterbnMlw-
t uggiets sell it. For sale • George
yam, 1515 ywtst, Godeti
Dr. Pyne of Morris, sold ten steers
recently for 1500. The same gentle-
man bought the same steers in the spring
fur 122 each, thereby netting a nice lit-
tle sum by the sale. Farmers ah uuld
feed more stock. It would pay them.
Mr. Alex. Forsythe, cf Morris, near
Brunetti, returned from the Northwest
last week. He had been out in Dakota
visiting his son, who has afarm
and is doing welL He went as far west
as Brandon. Manitoba. While there he
met several old limonites and among
others McInnis, formerly a resident of
Brussels who has a land oftioe, aka
Messrs J. E. Smith and P. Thomson.
He is so much taken ui, with the country
that he has half a notion to sell his fine
farm in Morris and remove out west.
The Rev. 11 A. McCrae alluded to
in the following paragraph from the
Canada Presbyterian is the eldest son of
Mr. John McCrae, of this township near
Brussels; On the 2nd inst, the Rev. D.
A. McCrae, of St Matthews, Osnabruck,
who has accepted a call to Coburg,
preached the farewell sermon to an over-
flowing congregation. On the Friday
evening previous, an address was pres-
ented to Mr. McCrae on behalf .,f the
session, congregation, Sabbath school,
and Young People's Association,expresa-
ing their deep regret at parting with him
and Mrs. McCrae, and their earnest and
united prayer that God would bless
them as abundantly in their new field as
He had done here. Both were also
made the recipients of several costly
gifts. During Mr. McCrae's pas-
torate of only three years, over 300 new
names have been added- to the commun-
ism roll, and very remarkable progress,
has been made iu all other departments
of Church work. .
Moran Presbytery.
This Presbytery met in Bayfield, eon
the 11th inst. Mr. Stewart was appoint-
ed Moderator f..r the ensuing six
months. A call from the congregation
of Exeter to Rev. John Gibson, B. A.,
was sustained- the call was unanimous;
stipend promised, $;tel, with a free
house. Mr. Turnbull, of Goderich, was
nppeizted Convener of Hong Mission
Moderation in a call was granted to
the congregate na .1 Rodgerville and
Chiselhurst, the congregations promis-
ing to pay an annual stipend of 1800,
with a manse, the moderation to take
place on the 25th inst.
A minute was adopted respecting the
translation of Mr. Hartley to the cengre-
gatien of Bluevale, "The Pretbytery of
Huron while agreeing to the translation
of their brother, sir. Hartley, who for
several years held one of the pastoral
charges within the bounds of this Pres-
bytery, cannot allow the occasion to pass
without placing on record their testi-
mony to his ability as a preacher of the
gospel. and to his courteous bearing to-
wards los brethren in the ministry.
Moreover he was always found ready to
assist officially whenever his services
were called into requisition. The Pres-
byytery sincerely desire that the divine
I.easing may accompany their brother in
his new Rphere of labor. Alao that,
whateser trial err difficulty my fall to
him may prove to enhance his usefulness
in the future, and aid him, through
grnce from on high. to win the plaudits
of the Master, "Well done, trued and
faithful servant.'
Meson. James W. 1err, and David
P,•rrie were recommended to the Board
.1 examiners o1 Knox College as suita-
ble candidates for the ministry. The
'tending eo.mmitees for the year were
sp.peinted, and members appointed to
take charge of the schemes ofthe church.
The Pre.bytery is to meet again in Clin-
ent en the 2nd Tuesday of September at
10 a. nt.
1NRAxg.—We regret to hear that Mr
Hugh McBrien, "f the Maitland Block.
was last week taken to Landon Asylum
owiug to the lose of his reason. and ho; e
he will soon return perfectly reete•rrd to
Al* ()in Rte4IPINT. — Tbs Winnipeg
Swn refers to a former resident n( al -
lett as f•,tloers: - M r. A. CockerRne, one
of the progressive fanners of the Lon-
desboto settlement, will have• lel acres
under crop this 'mien, and is hreaking
00 terns. Mr. C.•ckerlipe is likely t..
have a bill crop, and if a railroad does
not come within a removable. destan<w.
and tee eatable hiss to diaper •4 his
grsio, he calculates to feed it t.. histge
and make money oat of the park. - !New
.- IM in waret
le offered for any case of Catarrh that
can't he carred with Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Taken internally. Prise 75 cents. Fur
Ede by George• Rhyne. soleent Set
ewleh l1rie
Th..rw affected with weak Len^ Slag.
el.h Liver or Derangements of the Kid.
nets, should pricers a package of Dr.
Careen t Liver and Lunt Compound.
Each 50 cert package makes three pints
.4 Syrup. it is a valuable collection c4
11.e 4s, Herne and Narks, and its results
are wonderful. For sale by all drug-
gist,. Geo. Rkynaa, agent, Ii.nterich.
e. --
The well-known drug Arm of N. C.
Poison & Co , of Kcr�kiw, writes that
iir. Fowler'' Extract d Wjk1 Ktnwher-
ry has lent/ been considered the heat
remedy for summer complaints in the
market, and adds that their cnat..mers
speak in the highest teens ..f its merits.
M ild Strcwhlrry is the hist known re-
medy for Cho: Morbus, Dysentery
and all [towel Complaints. 2
Stephen and reborn. Agricultural
Society will hold its fall show on the
Malt Monde, and 'Pustulate in ()etot.'r
le nut
courts M' the
II[idjre Xges Neve derived an immense
deal of power from tuatrisnonial cases
The prerogative of 'auctioning a divorce,
or rather annulling a marriage, having
unoe bee* appropriated to the Pope, be-
came • source of extra. rdinary influence
in the Holy See; and it is a hackneyed
phrase that the independence of Eng-
land from the Papal power was effected
chiefly t y • Henry VIII'' grand dispute
as to his divorce from Katherina of
Aragon. The Revolution of the 17th
oentury in England might Lave been ex-
pected to legalize divorce by a temporal
tribunal, more especially as Milton had
written one of his most effective works
in favor of such a scheme in 1644. But
the measure was never adopted, and it
was reserved for a Commission appc•int-
ewp in 1860 to advise the removal from
the House of Lords of the monopoly of
dissolving marriages and to afford the
motive power which caused the passing
of the Act of 1857, which introduced
the present rather doubtfully advantag-
eous English system. Amongst other
countries, the example of the United
States is often quoted as the best modern
instance of a facility in obtaining divor-
ces. It is, however, a complete mistake
to suppose that all the States admit this
laxity In South Carolina, for instance,
divorces are almost if not wholly, un-
known. In Virginia and Kentucky the
Legislature alone can dissolve marriages;
and in Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama
the decree for dissolution must be pass-
ed by the assent of two-thirds of each
branch of the Legislature, and founded
upon a previous judicial investigation.
But in the other States a much greater
latitude is allowed, and in some the
license of repudiating wives and hus-
bands is carried to an absurd extent.
Ill usage, hebitu tl drunkenness, malici-
ous absence. or conviction for a grave
crime, are all admitted in one or other
State as sufficient causes; and in Illinois
the courts are 'authorized to decree divor-
cee "if they shout he satisfied of the
expediency of doing so."
A Very Modest orator.
A Boston paper has a new reporter
who is enterprising and willinu,as young
men are when they first begin work in
'Journalism," but who doesn't yet know
as much as he probably will at a later
period of his career. He came in with
the'report of a public meeting the other
day, in the course of which he stated
that "The Hon. Mi. So-and-so followed
the previous speaker with a' few feeble
remarks upon the case under discuss-
ion." The city editor remonstrated
with the yonug man, and was not appeas-
ed when the reporter told him that the
honorable gentleman in question had FoEsll
himself said when he first Sot upon his
legs that all he could contribute to the
debate would be a few feeble remarks.
So the editor took up his own pen and
1 uttdEi t, Sol.tic., LI.s&Cj.
S.aiaoh., S..a..o of theCh..#,
hat, Quinsy, Sew Throat,:e.sl!-
aye a0/ :praise, tuwe sad
Soul*, i...ra/ Doldf
Tooth, Ea, tail Nagdech., FiwlW
Foot and Ear*, am! ell .(hep
Iris. ass/ Ache..
Mrd. Prgaraelw on mirth elude et. J•03111 *a
�b rd Brad s. bat em.eewe* aria sal whop e saner
Meng Ma r.n.ae•
aa wt-�nen
ewohne awl padwe
of la einem
Insa..r le fn.w Leasya..
A. VOGEL= & 00..
wepnwers. Md. V. /. I.
The Oreat Amerscan Remedy for
THROAT 477E0270)T&
Prevaredfr�oa �esrf
mamid ics Th)) eyawtar. 1 t_
all the a►aw• --
o/ a fro.—withers. dee* no _
Meeleaaalweasaaraid ~ �Owny
ad 'aaard
♦►tie rioa-
derhl of
flea af tae
ap •rose
and the
Pines in
cases of
Lung Des -
In Tra„e.
.he Osumi
tata ria rept".
arty .fwd
their row.sump re Paredata
nt`10 SPRUCE as flee?.
(ewes to reruns,,
Ae Dawe contains
woods and
order thew g a a n f st y
todriuk efta,tw
tea swede G U VI . �k
from the
tSpruce .arts to
ore. ,o.W.on.
Its remarkable power in relieving
certain forms of Bronchitis, «nil ifs
almost' specific effect in curing ob-
stinate hacking Coughs, is now well
lcno,rn to the public at large.
Soil by all rcepre able chemists. large.
:S an.:
SL a •Man bottle.
The word. Syrup of Reg Spn.e.• Ga+. •• rete<•i.
.v T
rr o,r Registered Sets Mark, and our .-rely.r
u.,dtabel• are also registered.
- KERRY, IV.•17'SOY cE CtJ.,
n-AoikeaIe Druggist,.
Sok N v ---ictus' and Xanµ; cc,,..ere,
is this
repo ro.
hors the
Oma, afore
..+cep rr
baa/.. roaw.wt1
balsa emee
p ropert.rs
are pre-
Th(s Syn
uPlly capre-
t -
changed the reporter's manuscript so CANNf
that it read that "The Hon. Mr. So-
and-so then made a few tren:hant re- 1 CORN BEEF, •
marks upon the case in point, which he LUNCH TONGUE,
delivered in the eloquent and echularly ENGLISH BRAWN
way which is characteristic of all his
public utterances," end having achieved
his feat with proficient ease he sent the POTTED
reporter back to his desk. And early
the next morning Hon. Mr. 4o -and -no,
sent his office boy nround and bought ,
fifty papers, whereas if the reporters l t �l
original "c.opy' had got in the compos-
ing rne,nt unchanged he would probably
have come to the office in person with a
Sushi Rrdlelee Co.
GENTI.RMEN,—I hare made a trial i A FINE ASSORTMENT
one tax of Dr. Stmth's Great German
Worm Remedy, with such good effect
It now complee.e, a-ul I take Q1oesttrw,ttp iuturn'ing suraers that kt ti0 pre
view'• lite aye I lied su 'rte.
Large & Varied Stock
Lowered at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and .wered the Price untt
it is a positive feet that no such value in foot wear can be got elaewhere.
orevery-grade still receives wy prompt and careful attention, and will be made up
in the most approved styles by first-class workmen, end
of the very beat material obtainable.
Ladies and MiSSPF Boots Archi)lated Fete otcharge,
♦t tiny of purchase if to desired.
Crabh's Block, Cor. East Street and the Square.
Chilled Plow
Having purchased the Goderich Foundry,
am sestets the pre nee for the mannfaetur
of CHILrii) PLO ,q 8 and AG RIC U LTVRA
IMPLEMI<%T8 on a Targe scale. Mill Work
General Repairing and Jobbing will be con
Unwed. All work guaranteed.
Mr. D. Runctman Is the only'man authorize
to collect payments and give receipts on be
half of the late firm of Runciman & Co., an
all persons indebted are requested to gover
theme! yes accordingly.
W. 8. Hart & Co.
Goderich Fills
Beg to return their thanks to the saute for
the liberal patronage received dune. the pest
year, and to state they are prepared to doR
on the shortest notice, or for the convenience
of ps-ties living at a distance will exchangeit
grins at their town stere
Late IV. M. Hill is rd's, )
Masons block, East St. Goderich.
I. -Highest price paid for wheat ink
. . J.�
Farmers' Hardware
PI is
Builders' Hardware
— —
:n fact, everything you want in his line.
This Spring and Summer. See his FENCE WIRF, the best yet.
R_ W_ Mc TZ=
Previous to toot k taking at
that 1 have nu hesitation in recommend- t 1111 1
tug it to the public as a prompt and re .� ujiri zj 1 ll nuu�T u 1�
liable medicine. Ine fact, thnee who nee Christie Brown dC CO ; 1 LL AJ\ tj �11,�' 5110 EMPORIUI
it once will always do lo. Yours'ruly, BISCUITS AND
.1. HAavig, 172 Cadiux at.
Montreal, Dec. 9th, 1881, . CAKES.
Sold by Jaa Wilson, Goderich. TEAM,
he meat wonderful curative remedies
of the present day, are those that come
from Genneny, or at least originate
there. The a+BRAT .: RAMAN INVIsal,s AT(R,
which has newer been known to fail in
curing a single else of impotency, toper -
Pure pices.
i'arties V. an':ng cher, goods ehonld call et once Having secured dist clap wor
i ant prepared to manufacture to order.
Nothing but First Class Material Used,
TR i/�rTH((��EM ..A. - ccd Fit Guar x teed
mat..rrho ons, weakness enol all diseases Chas. A . Nairn.
resulting (nips self abase, as nervous de-
bili•y, inability, mental anxiety, lapel
war, lassitude, depression .d spm'- •'
functional derangements of the t. -
system. For salt h) druggists, ..r sent
free my nisi) nn receipt of the price.
11.00 per 11..1, nr rix tw.xes for 11.10.
Address F. .1. Camay, Toled ., ft„
Rhy rasa, Side Agent, Goderich. 1543...
Through the present month of jely
the Stomach and Rowels are very liable
to become drrance.l. The proper pre.
ventative ie Dr. Care •n a lku sell atsd
Conetilation Bitters, for their OW
the Digestive Organs are in the
Bowels kept regular and the load rows-.
dere.1 pure and cord. Sold in large ba-
thes et 60 cent' by all drergiebt new.
Rhyrse, *gont, O..,derieh
Goderich. Feby, 10th, Mt
Bal H -
ern Pacific R.R. ip nApTA., OAKO
.no 1 iv Iry
is re • ;or rearre 41 taro ,===.iPosters, Circulars. Cards. ac.
R. M. NtwIZIA , Dart LAee tare
tatta.o.rw.t...a. 4* pout Miatla PRTNTF.D AT TiFF (►FrCFAr TH= HURON SIGNAL'
Norah ere..., flnrlerieh