HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-07-21, Page 11 E1 .L NUMBERI Mit f GODERIOB, ONT., IIIDAY, JULY 21, 1882. Hew Adverabomesu. Sheet Mugge-Gee. Sheppard. Pc' dos 340101121111-S. Sloane. Ay. a Sas--era-Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Dentistry. `( NICHOLSON SURGEON DEN- Tm . TIdT. Ooesadrresidence, West Street hrte doors below Yank of Montreal. 17(Rode- rick. - rlel. 52 L,DWIN KEEFER, DII?NTAL SUR - 1J 06ON. (late with Trotter & Caesar, the Leading DestWa of Toro.tu. A.11 operaNws newly and carefuUt perforated. Booms. 1 •oat's Block over W. Taylor's o! Seas C'LIN- l'uN. pl'atlenu from •dlsis>♦t awj 3L IM . mate apporlat ent in :sacs b ant. U: Legal 1 'was & LEWIS, BARRISTERS, / dttoreets. Solicitors in Chancery Rc. olSce la tee Court Hous, Goderich. tett Lswta•M.A., B.C.L. F. N. ewis1 L1 ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR ` Itlerrei S. Attorneys, Solicitors, l c uodrrteh. J. T. Darlow, BL, DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D , Attorney. Solicitor in Chancery, &c Curt. rich. Oat 1751. EAGER dr MORTON, B A R R I S- TIiRS. Ata Inc.. Doderioh and Wingham. C. &ager Jr. Gudericb. J. A. Morton. Wing- ham. MALCOMI1ON, BARRISTER AND i7 8otteltor. 0mo.-Coroar of West Street and Market Square. over George Ac ns. te Goderl CAMPION, ATTORNEY - A T- E. LAW, Solicitor in Chanoery - Convey- ancer, &c. Omoe over Sheppard's uoderleh, Ont Any amount of m 1751-y.neto I.,aa a lowest rates of interest !'CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, lJ BasrfacxswSOuottors in Chancery. 3oderlc and inthem. M. C. Cameron. Q. t'.; P. Holt. M. G. Cameron, Goderich. W. 1751.E. Masora. Wbegbam. 3eaical. CR. HU7CHISON, DUNGANN6ON12 , Oat GS MCDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC - . IAN, SURGEON, &c.. Graduate of Tor - ants University. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians. London, Eagland. &a.. Ac., )1. C. P. S., Ontario. Office and remittance Opposite Bailey's Hotel, Hamilton st it d- eriah. She People's Qolumn. CUREIWSAUCTION MART (' a.Ve BLoo=. 1 eel favored with instructions from the i Victoria Batt Coepa.y to sell be public aaoNaa at the smitten mart. o. W 1 u..ea . lk II A, thero property known as the ed& wiz comprising lots Nt. slid Off. the town of (ode- ,_Je at 1 k p. m. Teras easy islsfie known at time of sale, .1. C. Con- ant. Auctioneer. 1617J1 WANTEDIMMEDIATELY. - A Good general aser estaer.. Apply to Mrs. Twrnb 1M7 AOR SALE CHEAP. -A BUGGY, And armee bermes. Por particulars ap- ply at this office. SHEEP AND BEES FOR SALE. -A A .umber of ram lambs. got be a Provin- cial winner. Miasmas oboioe hives of toes. For particulars apply le MATTHEW LEVY, 4th .an. of Colborne. 1617-2.u. TAR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- GEON. Coroner. &c. Once and residence Bruce Street, second door west of Victoria Street. G. 51. MACKID, M. D., PHYSI- H. clan. Surgeon and Acconoher, Graduate of Toronto University. Office opposite Comer ren & Cameron's Bank, Lncknow. 1f not in Mace. enquire at the Bank. 1762-7 j IRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, 1J Physicians, Surgeons. Acoonchcra, &c. Mice at Dr. Shannon's residence, near the 'ail. Godorteh. G. C. SHANNON, J. C. H MM oY. Loans arta insurance. IHEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT I will not be respooatbe for any debts con- tracted by my wife or any other person with- out m7 written order. Roaster IA)AK. Stanley. SBEEP ESTRAY. -CAME ESTRAY. Came en the premises of the subscriber. about the beginning of Jane, • ewe. The owner is requested to proveroperty, pay charges and take ber •w•7 JOSEPH Haro- kaINOTON. lot 6, con, 12, Colborne, Nile 1'. 0. MISS NETTIE SEEGMILLER, 1.1 Having oompleted her studies In music ender Prof. Sippgpil of London, and having re- (velved • oertl8o•te, le now prepared to re- ceive a limit., number ot pupils for Pham •tnstruotion. Miss Seegmiller is also prtleared to take orders for Crayon Portraits. Sa tion In every cane guaranteed. Rsideaoe, comer Cambria Road and Rewrote Street. -MOIiEY.-PRIVAT:: FUNDS TO LVL lead en easy terms in sums to suit bor- rowers. ALEX. 5,10) ALLAN. 1813-1m.110.k-rich, Nor. 17th 1881. Qe600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO Sp CAMZILON, HOLT & CAMERON. Code- MA. AMERO Code- Mh. 1759. MUSIC. - MISS SKIMMINGS, IN thanking her patrons for their continued ggnizeeen extrauclassi rfo irmtruciionsire to or - in vocal tied inetreme.tsl music dnring the •ppra.ch- In. vacation. Terms. 96.00 per quarter. ad- vance. Goderieb. June 59th 1 MO RENT. -- A COMFORTABLE 1 House on South Street. combining 8 rooms. kitchen and pantry. with bard and son water. Apply to (1E0. McMAHON. 1833-12. -POR SALE. -THAT BEAUTIFUL Building site, and buildings thereon. lots M6 and 926. in the town of Goderich, be- ing the property owned and oocupted by the late Henryorton sen. Convenient to the square. ill to sold in one Parol or in lots to suit Enquire of J. C. CUREAt, Auctioneer. 7. NEWS ABOUT HOME, A tb jsreen1L [totes+, A s' fat - - TOWN ?MOS - Haw Mg MQS-HavtLpprtg bon#t oat the whole of the •tOie of Jetts Story I w1U00 stastpaa that wUl 401y eaorreetittea. O- M. DAIS. Hl•atK IAaeere• ave. tae planeness of the p meson Ede from the memory by lapse of time. but a picture taken by R. Bellows retains its 2rwh- itesa.5.rman/ ye.se and will !• the toms to poem be. • pte.dng memento of the sweet "toes age Clow Is the tiwe to get a good row boat, cheap est cash. 1t has seated .•pecity for thrall.eta first t elorder. u 1t was matted Hes CW ea Des. B. Robson and talk to him ahem it. He is to be found at John - soles puss 8.tsi-gs:t Sea. at the Variety Store are stag Ne Melt Kovac, thea ever before. Aad tis roam& is not hard to nod. They sell .a lowest voices in townn and guarantee every bake peectly,rtestaun- Wmasyeat or hJames Samd.rs. The !Anapest Hesse Under the Sita Rev. Mr. Hick is Miami a holiday trip. Mr. Wilttspr Smith is shout town again - Mr. L. Wilson is home from his Mani- toba trip. Thecrops premise an abundant harvest this season. Mw Iw McKeown of Clinton, is visit- ing friends here. Mrs. Robertson and Miss Seegtniller are visiting at Seaforth. Knox church teachers' meeting will held to -night at 8 o'clock. Miss Sophia Ellard is ill of typhoid fever, but her case is light. The 33rd Huron Battelion will go into camp at London on Sept. 5th. Miss Knox, of Clinton was the guest of Wm Jessie Wilson last week. Mrs. W. T. Cox left for Chicago last week, to pay a visit to her daughter. Mrs. Willie Logan, of Bay City is the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Kirk- bride. Mr. C. Mounteney is again driving the Kincardine stage for Mr. A. M. Polley. Summer visitors are pouring in. Goderich }las been delightfully cool this season. Miss Ross, one of the Stratford staff of teachers, is the guest of Mrs. Ralph, Newgate St. 1'110 RENT. - A COMFORTABLE `` House on St. Patrick's Street. containing seven rooms and woodshed. Yard and soft water on the premises, and the entire place In the beet condition. Convenient to the square, Al.. two brick cottages. near the station. Apply to Joiu BRECKENRIDGE, Newgate Street, Goderich. fik75.000 TO LEND ON REAL ES - ''•••7 S- TATE. Terms favorable. Apply toB.L. • 1)OYLE, Goderich. 1751 Qt60,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND WW on good Farm or first-class Town Property t per Dent ADDIY to It It ADC LIFFE. 1751 MONEY TO LEND IN ANY -LTA- amount to suit borrowersat 6 to 6 and r cent. Private tunds. Apply o 6Ao Mou'roN. Goderich. /(ONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE LTA. amount ot Private Funds for investment tAt o Gwe t rates on PROL D Fs rerMortgages. Apply LOANS FREE OF CHARGE.- Mosey to lend at lowest rstes, tree of any costa or charges. SEALER 2• MORTON. opppoosite Colborne ilotel. Uodrrleh. 21rd March 1881. 1779. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. --THE Large premisesknown as the Tecnmseth Salt Well with Block, containing one steam pan 10ft and one Iron pan 5011 in length, with al r opportunities for ak salt in good mining teorder. Working capacity IOObis per day, present price of salt 80e per barrel. $80 a day clear profit. Apppply to0Eo. B. JouN,ITON. 1'. 0. Box 70. Goderich. TO DROVERS, CATTLE SHiP pers and wholesale butchers. For rent Mr. H. H. Smith has returned to Winnipeg after a few weeks visit to his Goderich homy. Mr. J. T. Garrow left yesterday for the seaside, where he intends to sl•ead about three weeks. There is no excuse for borrowing THE SIGNAL when 50c will get it poet free un- til lstJanuary next. Price of THE SIGNAL for the balance of 1882, only 50c. Tell it to your friends who do not now subscribe. Mr. John Cox, for a number of years in the employ of J. C. Detlor & Co., will leave next week f, r a situation in A memorial sermon in connection with the death of the late Maggie Aitken will be preached in the North St. Meth- thodiest Church on Sunday next by Rev. Mr. Wakefield. Mr. Isaac Salkeld, Bayfield road, had such good success with his sorghum crop last season, that Le has put in another crop, but expects a rather light yield of the juice this season. The St. Eimo is a popular spot with Koren of good ice-cream. The chief parlor is inviting, and a beautiful new piano is at the use of visitors. The ver- andah is delightfully cool afternoons and ev enings. The brethren of Court Goderich C. 0. F. paid a visit to the Londesboro Court on Friday evening last, and were enter- tained at luncheon by the brethern of that court. This order is making rapid progress of Canada. Mn. MoGsw and three childten left for Winnipeg on Saturday lest, by the steamer Quebec. She goes to join her husband, our former townsman, Mr. Alex McOaw, who is employed as book keeper in the large Ogilvie flouring mill in Winnipeg. HORAN; roa DAxara. -On Saturday Messrs. I Rattenbury and J. Mooney, of Clinton, shipped by beat from Gode rich, about 45 horses, fur Grand Forks, Dakota. They also accompanied the horses, which were in charge of J. Rat- tenbury sr., F. Rumball jr. and J. Fox. The decoration of St. Peter's R. C. church is about completely, and presents a tine appearance, speaking well for the artist Mr. H. Clues,. Mr. Aleck Saun- ders was up yesterday putting on the finishing touches in the shape of gilt mouldings around the -caps and base.~ of the pillars. fora term of years. the propertyopposite and Chicago. in the town lands of Goderich nt., known as Mr. Brown and bride, of Chicago, Mead island d distillery flats t PER CENT. -THE CANADA 11 Landed Credit Company- is prepared to lend tnoney on Eodt Farm security. of six per cont. Fulpparticulars then upon apppUoatton to HUGH HAMILTON. C. L. agent Oodr • 17115. Q20,0I0 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on Farm and Town Property at lowest in- terest. Mortgoges purchase[. no Commiston charged, Conveyancing Fees reasonable. N. IL -Borrowers can obtain money in one day. JOHN- STON. is satisfactory. AtmJ. Oodertch. -DAVISON a JO 51 - the B ow n an with the buildings thereon, all fenced and watered by the Maitland river and springs. being about two hundred acres more or les of grass land. about one hundred and twenty five acres of which has been seeded down to a mixture of the beet meadow grass These meadows are early in the spring and f.11 grasses and capable of carrying a large amount of stock for fattening or shippping. For particulars apply Cy J. T. (Jarrow_ Barris- ter. Goderich Ont. 181, -Pins. C. WILL PAY FOR THE SIGNAL, rrer postage free for the balance of IwtP. Subscribe at once, and get full benefit of this offer. Legal Notices. it weddin' tri and were the guests of Mrs. Geo. Aches- on. Nelson St. visited Goderich .'n the 3 p .1 MCGILLICUDDY BROS. PD i p.* A YHAH IN ADVANCi. Mr. Ben. Allan, the well-known Chicago jeweller, brother-in-law of Mr. George Cox, of this office, spent a few days in town last week. He looks youthful and has not been spoilt by his success in the Phoenix City. Mr. F. J. Gigging formerly of Tea Smear., and a resident of Goderich for a number of years, has gone to Toronto, where he will live in the future. Mr. Gluing was a good citizen, and we shall miss his welcome visits to our sanctum. Aasl1Atd AT Tam POINT FARM. -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robinson, and Master Robinson, London. Mr. and Mrs A. .1. Parker, 5 children and nurse; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Macdonald, 2 children and nurse, Toronto Mrs. J. N. Herd- ing, Miss Harding, Miss Nannie Hard- in5; Miss Rathwell; Aire Trowbridge, Miss Trowbridge, Miss Annie Trow- bridge; Mr. and Mrs. R. Taylor, Port- age Li Prairie; Col John G. James, Galveston, Texas. Tars SLAUGHTER 01 RAILWAY MEN. - At a recent meeting of the master car builders' association held in New York, Mr. Forney stated that from 1200 to 1500 railroad employes are killed, and from 5000 to 10,000 injured every year. Curiously, the railway train is most dangerous before it leaves the yard, the hazards of the road being slight compar- ed with those of the station. Most of the injuries to trainmen while coupling cars were, he believed, the result of carelessness. TOR HUaos LIVE Stoce Ass. crertee. A meeting of the officers and Directors of the Huron Live Steck Association, will be held at the Commercial Hetet, Clinton, un Tuesday July 25th, at 2 o'clock p. m., kr the purp.rse of consid- ering the the propriety of holding a fall sale of stock. Mr. Andrews, Biytield r•oad,ltas made a great number of improvments on his farm, having built a handsome brick house which boasts of a house bell to call the farm hands to their meals. He has also r'moved other building to give his farm a made, aspect. The Nev. E,o pays the following to a local musician: -"Mr. Bond's concer- tina playing was something magnificent and plainly showed that he was an adept in the use of this instrument, and the hearty encore given him testified the ap- preciation of the audience. At the R.. C. Bazar and prize drawing in Guelph, Jas. Campbell, livery man, Kincardine, brother of the 1st Deputy Reeve of Goderich, won s $50 well-bred cow. As if to counterbalance with his good fortune he hada horse drop dead flex the day he received the news of his prize winning. Mr. i3eo. E. Casey, M. Y.; for Rest Elgin was in town on Saturday last, on his way to the North-West. He was accompanied by Mr. Ermatinger of St. a o pop y The annual excursion of the G. T. R. Thomas. , During the afternoon Mr. employes, Brantford. will take place on Casey visited Mr. M. C. Cameron, and Saturday, the 29th. to Goderich. So partook of his hospitality. Messrs. says a London daily. Cameron and Casey sit side by aide in Toilets-rm.-The wife of Mr. Duncan Stewart, hotel keeper of Mitchell, gave birth to `three children on the 12th of July. Ail doing well. Miss Lizzie Hodge, oldest daughter of Mr. A. Hoxlge of the St. James Hotel, Toronto, is spending her vacation with her grandfather B. Hodge Esq. IN THE HIGH COURT OFJUSTICB_ WHERE To ADvrtarnix.-The sec)nd Chancery Division. Herr vs. Orucr. + coluutn of this page of THE SIONA'. con - Pursuant to the y.dgen.ent delivered in this tains n lot of nr.co. "The Peoles col - cause and bearing the stili day of June unm t 1 closely read every wee . the House of Commons. On Wednesday last 19th inst., wheat was cut on the farm of Mr. \ism. Tich- bourne, lot 17, con. 6., which is the earliest we have yet heard of in this sec- tion. The wheat was of the Fultz variety, which Mr. Tictbourno got from his brother Mr. Jas. Tichbourne who re- sides near Chatham. It is a good yield- ing grain and promises to run from 35 to 40 bushels to the acre. I. O. 0. F.- Bro. Andrew Kerby, P. OUR TOWN FATHRRB3. The ll..se• K she tar. eeestag. July 14th, 1882. The Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment from meeting of June 29th, 1882. There were present-the11Ayor in the chair, the Reeve, 1st and 2d Deputy Reeve, and councillors Bingham, $BBBut- ler, Dancey, Edward, Humber, Jordan, Lee, Nicholson and Sloane. The minutes of the meeting of June 29th, 1882, were read approved and signed. The Sexton of the Cemetery present- ed a report to 30th ult., showing the number of interments during the month to have been 7, also showing amount of work done fur Mr. Cameron. Referred to Finance committee. A communication was received from P. Adamson, County Clerk, advising that the county rate for 1882 be $1,- 596.70. Referred to Finance commit- tee. A communication was received from P. Adamson, Secretary High School Board of Trustees, saying that the amount required for High School for present year was 81,700. Referred to Finance committee. A communication was received from P. Adamson, Secretary Horticultural Society, requesting usual grant of $103. Referred to Finance comnuttee. A petition was presented, signed by Robe R. Symonds and 23 others re- questing that the drain on Bennett st. be contin'ted to Bayfield Road. Refer- red to Public Works committee. An account was received from John Hillier, 51.50, and referred to Finance committee. The consideration of the resignation of the Clerk and Teeasurer, laid over from last meeting, was then taken up. Moved by Johnston, seconded by Bingham, that Mr. Moore's resignation be accepted, to take effect 1st of August. Moved in amendment by Dancey, seconded by Humber, that Mr.Moore's resignation be accepted to take effect 1st of September. There voted for the amendment: Yea -Edward, Dancey, Humber, Sloane -4. Nay -Johnston, Campbell, Hutchison, Bingham, Butler, Jordan, Lee, Nichol- son -8. The amendment was declared lust; and the voting on the motion re- sulted as follows : - Yea - Johnston, Campbell, Hutchison, Bingham, Butler, Edward, Humber, Jordan, Lee, Nichol- son -10. Nay-Dancey, Sloane -2. The motion was declared carried. Applications for the offices of Town Clerk and Treasurer were then read from W. R. Robertson, Harry E. John- ston and E. Woodo ick. It was moved by Butler, seconded by Bingham, that Harry E. Johnston be appointed Clerk and Treasurer, in the place of Mr. Moore, resigned, said ap- pointment to take effect August 1st, and that the salary be the same as that re- ceived by Mr. Moore. Moved in atnendinent by Humber, seconded by Edward, that W. R. Rob- ertson be appointed Clerk and Treasu- rer in the place of Mr. Moore, resigned, said resignation to take effect August 1st. There voted on theaniendment: Yea - Edward, Dancey, Humber, Sloane -4 Nay -Johnston, Campbell, Hutchison, Bingham, Butler, Jordan, Lee, Nichol- son-8. richol- son-8. • The amendment was declared lost. •41"'"'' Moved in amendment by Shane, seconded by Humber, that the offices of Clerk and:Treasurer be separated, and that two officers be appointed instead of one. This amendment was declared hat on the same division as the previous ameud- ment. The motion was then put and carried on the division already given. By-law No. 8, 1882, to appoint a clerk was then read a first and second time. Moved by Dancey, seconde.l by Sloane, that the by-law be not now read a third time -Lost. By-law No. 9, to appoint a Treasurer, was then read a first and second time, and on motion of Jordan, seconded by Nbholson, rule 34 was suspended, and the by-law read a third time and passed. By-law No. 10, appointing R. Rad- cliffe auditor in place of A. Wa l loll, removed, was duly passed. Tho Council then adjourned. KNox S. 8, Pic-xtc.-The annual pic-nic of Knox Church Sunday School was held in Bingham's grove on Wed- neaday. The younger children were con- veyed to and from the grounds in the street ar, driven by that smiling knight of the whip Mr. Phil Reeves. The day was a glorious one, the provisions were abundant and excellent, and the youngsters had plenty of sport. Mr. Bingham has the grounds in nice order, and the spat is a pleasant one for pic-nic parties. The Goderich band in the evening played s number of airs in good style. FOUND DEAD. -An unknown man was found on Monday about three o'clock, on the farm of Hy. Peck, Stanley, about 2 miles from Bayfield. He was noticed by some boys on Sunday last and was then alive. A letter ready for sending away was found in his pocket, signed Thos. Clark, addressed to a coal ntorchant, Yorkshire, Eng. On the body wore found a good walking cane, a pair of new socks, cotton gloyes, pipe (clay,) tobacco and 74c in money. He appeared to be about 70 years of age. An inquest was held by Coroner Stan - bury, and a verdict of "Found Dead" re- turned last Monday night. LAWN SOCIAL» --Although a heavy shower of rain early in the day threat• ened to put a damper upon the lawn party held under the auspices of the Ladies Aid Society of the North Street Methodist Church on the tine grounds of Mr. George Acheson on Tuesday evening, the attendance was very large. and the whole affair was one that reflect- ed credit on all concerned. The lawn was in good condition, the promenading was general, and the visitors seemed merry. The grounds were lit up by torches and Chinese lanterns, and the moving throng presented a fine sight to those who chose to look on it. Refreshments were provided to all desiring, and the following programme satisfied -the lovers of music and literary section of the guests of the evening: PART Ist. 1 -Tour.• Duet by...Misses Acheson and Prier. 2- '• Solo Miss Frances McLean. 3 -,Song .......................... Mis Ferguson. 1 -Real ing . Mr. Moore. 5 -Inst., solo.. Master liruco . A. D.. Ian, there w 1 be sold byy public a au. - ion with the h h hetit 'tutherland Mel Mr. Y DlcL1ren, aid wife left this G: of Huron Lodge, No 62, G.xleric , to con ee y at Goderich, by Jo n C. Currie, Auctioneer. Martin's hotel, to the vulagrot Dungannon. they tale the boat fur Duluth; they re-(Bro. Kerby has been a great on Sutdast y. the nth day of Augu, A. D.. flto rheumatism, but he 1842, t one o'clock In the afternoon the tot- turn in a short time. -[New Era. •the hes strung hopes of soon resuming his Fifrom inflammatory b e ap ro os. o rson. e,.. M r of the Supreme Court I r► e k b G. T. R. for Uoderich, where in the city under medical treatment. • 60 C 't --F -. u rowing f lot toe T S t address win 7 namely: ONLY zNT't or us e. a ition, that of post -office clerk on the The n east qcarter n n number eight.will send as IANIL o any s see in X106 ren and the north thi quconc concession tot Dem - Canada the United States from the rtuff-al,• and Goderich division of the own which anion her nineteen to the ilii rni neslon of the ur le Grand Trunk Rai p gpresent time until 1st January 1853. y' township of R'awsnorh containing one hund- h. • lila held for over 20 }ears last - rod acres of land, mere or loss. This property it. situated shoot two miles Ion Tuesday morning the tug Blac [Mail of the 15th. from the village of Dungannon. and about She'by, Capt. 11I.•rrl4tl11, and a hs tweltemura mleft 1 t o en a' a in fishing t cleared ano fit for cultivation and about 1, 1 at Golden Valley, Manitoulin Island. meeting was held at the Commercial It is ruinored that Mr. Janice Chari• i hotel. Clinton, on Tuesday the following ton General Passenger and Ticket k 1 -Inst., piece by........ Miss Trneman. 2 -Reading ................ . Mr. Strang. 2 -Song, . . Mrs. Dachas 4 -Instrumental solo 51ies Sregmiller. 5- Miss Price. Mr. and Mrs. Acheson were indefatig- able in their endeavors to make every- body feel at home, and their hospitable mansion was open from basement to ceiling for ally guest. The gathering was considered a decided success by those who had the nleasure of attending. A Bto RAiLWAv MAN.--Thefollowiug, from the Chicago Trihuw refers to a brother-in-law of Mrs. D. Fraser, wife fro the town of G ..Irrieh. The h' H1 -an - MEDD' IL A'..VM7ATION. -A of the Deputy Registrar: -- soil Is a cls loam• There act about 30 acres and crow, e t hero engaze G ana et slash fetch M tele of teeing eke -itRADCLIFFE FIEF MARINE. ad with bet title dirbslt3. CH the retnaiader i Mr. A. Waddell, late Deputy Clerk . f medical men being present. Dix. Iinl Agent of the Alton, a to tx offered the Lite •.d Accident inssrnoe Agent abort 13 acme are dry the Crown pl -Imes and Graham, $ y position of e g d an well wended with of Huron,has been a rouN- m russela; Taylor and General Passenger Agent of R^pressattnfi firsttl•s('asipanlM Ales agent good beech and maple timber and the balance I embosser and collector of Brandon for the CANADA Lira TOC iNeralesa Co. s principally a swamp. the timber of wbMh t AicLean, Goderich; A. Sloan. Blyth; the Amalgamated Grand Trunk it Great salaryper Young Londesboro; Bethune, mg Western silways. I! is Suite probable Money to peed , i Mortgage. either to Town n. builds buildings and cedar) is¢ ,10,11y rat a dwelling The Matt., at a Sala of 5100 [moot Farm property, In say way to snit the borrow- build rags consist rah go h frame dwelling The timber, left from the old Irish- ham; 1I ndman, Exeter; Williams, Clin- 0 on tiahirda in 47 „ • an,l Stewart, Btvicetield. The fol- parcols. and realized over $200. early lowing eases were brought before those tett tons of iron offered were withdrawn. present: -Two of cardiac disease, one of progressive muscular atrophy, one of stricture of the bowels, anal a uterine tumor that has bean successfully remov- ed some three weeks ago. Other sub- jects of considerable interest t.. the as- sociation were discussed, and a profit• able nteetit.g hell. that there is some truth in the rumors. era Ornee-lacestainl i eta s block. Goderich h T use a story en a a g 1•rnis of sale: Ten er cent down on the day land bodge was sold rim; Mr. Charlton was formerly prominently tonsorial. I: be Of le to the Matfett ffk solicitors, the balance s/HAo,u tpte t, to be paid into court -""- pp loth thereafter. when tit:, 1•- e entitled to • conveyeroe al WI foto p..sat•asinn. The p bass! TKNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR- . HER and Hair -dreamer. liege to re.= baake N the 'with,- for pima pat rotug act *Alts a e sitiseanec of etstea. He nen Pro be OMen (3oder,c• h.h8lrclrig Parlor. near Auctioneering. j C. CURRIL,THE PEOPLE'S AUC IP . MIN$Z Qederleb, O.1. 1751. JAILZNHZAD V.A. , (SCCCEsaOR . tol 17•naaat Itradtrte of Ontario V. Most Oe. , 1rlGbll a st encs axi, 18. t foot Hors sant etCoharn• Mama) 7f. Y -H.eeN mumbled •a t0 sou1751. • r AITLIJT H(YTZL, GODURICH hNT. ,here new avid first-class house, elose to Railway ftiMlN and osave.aleat to the town Is •erowt/ , }Mtn In . boa), toe eHo OW and • nn is heated by Hot ill sawne,nptset t is hNis4 m Tia, ora. Hot amt eohi MOWS tor trsveele' s. In OMatbe$ to end holm cite n 'matte to attemtanee Yea tact arc time et sale is to sign an egowa s0ut were so *banned with Goderich last year te- n of the purchase. '!fie sap w put sap se to a as simmer resort that they have roe n se turned to .pend this Fifteen at the .\1- as lab Further Capt. and Mrs..facksnn, .1 New York to Auctioneer or the .fao1H 1- F Campion Req.•. or teen bion. The Ctitasof Temperance had a pie- r . ••. m SII tors. drove M9A M g listed at GodeHcb the 7th day of July A. D. ware to h lee, d sow k Pttornro r. Pl. MAtrowox. sod we USIQMra they had a p PWnte er estio sera. 1Wter at h. care is um The ourgstore The new 6 -tent large shoot Emir at Shepperd's bookstore is make e1 nip idl 209 pieces were rsneelly digae& of bm two days. And yet Ikon le woe to foil.w. At the Mart, the Victoria sell weeks lots. Safe eommenoss at one n'ebsi, om Wednesday. the 2nd rat eleyei . Chancery sale, to t.tke place at Mar- tin's Lobi, Dungannon, on Platerday. Anna 6th leasant ehatisAllon Martin, of Detroit, end tlsle vintieg the old folks sd (1etne-Yr. and Mrs. D. Ferreous, '!M! jstlgttd remsning for a ample Ci The $ uou.r Explorer is toadies 11A Mr Johmtem Harbor. where Mr. Jansen J. C. Corete's Oak Lett Clark lin a taking satioon. Eche will be towed 4) her dMtlootios by the tug sersemt tatty thiab that the hone aerialist of Ahotomjrb was nothing se spared to the nide of Tort Coe_ • where be smelt poetise ander Lotti Gong, Tats "Garr-+A"E" Is OLT. -We have nesived from the publishers a sopy of Nie new Comic Annual, the Ret thing eirho kind ever attempted in Canada reedrogrephted appearance it would do to soy Leedom or New York bones, ki`ie ht its finery i owlaolio osetoeto of the hoesoteae el the ally. it i. w Arfp's boat van two is11-p.Rs pbiros poised 1st felon. Aseemot the stray noel things in the table of s(Mgmb ws farcy specify Mr. Bengnuh's batzug e eet'1'r'atire of advnturecs, tint "Baron Munchausen, Jr., Manitoba" ee particularly mirth -provoking. The Grip - flack may he had st any bo.ketnre for 25 cents connected with the Great Western of Canada. He has the reputation of be- ing one of the ablest and most energetic passenger -men in America. Ile has few equals and no superiors. The fine re- putation he enjoys all over this country even extends across the ,ocean, end his merits are well known to the English manager. of the Canadian mute, and it is therefore not surprising that they should try to sect,re hie valuable services for the responsible position of General Passenger Agent of the amal jamated roads. It is not by any means certain, however, that Mr. Charlton will accept the positive is offered to him, unless to are .o great as to make it asks.' him to leave the Alton with w he has been identified so keg, sod mmee(ssn e1 whisk so fell appasei*e Mho 'duel& owl obis work ie hos arra, while erilsd with their rood it world be m limAt matter for then to And a lean to YIllit. Aeritom's place as acceptably as ile has den for so many years, and for this moon they will no dente make strenuous egrets t.. keep Trim if they can. The Allan Steamship Company has entered an action of libel against the M mtreal Erani,o•1 fust for stating that passengers of Moth sexes are huddled to- gether on steamers corning out frons England. Damages are laid at $20,000. Sutton roe Ills SALARY. -Judge Fri - lick gave judgement on Monde y in farce of the defendants in the case of Irwin r. The Bond of Education, in which Mr. Irwin, who was head master of the Fut- lie School department of the Central School, Clinton, claimed 51,000 as five years' salary as heel teacher in the Model School. Mr. Irwin will appeal. The Parkhill fin,.fte has had i c visitor in its office during the past week who has only bne hand and that the left one. Hr an do an average )ournq- man's day's work at case, empties hie "stick," and does not seem much dis- abled by the absence of his rihht hand. Of all employment, that of a type+ -setter requires dexterity .of the hands and fin- gers, but thissang man, an English- man, who has been earning 24 shillings per week in England, and whose labor re worth SA to $10 per week her, stews what may to done by hopeful. persever- ing, industrious cripples ti 9 :OS. nuts t3r d 3 t cot s. the 1