HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-07-07, Page 5,1' THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. .I U LY, i 1 t, , 2. GUITEAU GONE. Oareeld'a £ --'n Hanged on ■t. aorta* Ttsa M Ms neats epee ei bee D-evemeL teSTInri rseH ria 1) y{r Mill1011120S, July 1, 1880. Outtesu was buried this afternoon in the corridor at the jail As tar as known the *Mains will lie there undisturbed Awl future WidA sir. t lour u the coffin was borne frost 1110 A!= teas the ahuuldors of six itpefiscesesai sod without any ser- viceorah111wered into yhe gravy. W. Guitesu, Woksl1and • Iv jail of- ficials WWI nt•NN, Th. coffin was clos- ed lad ev,tung, end ho one sines has been permitted to see the remains. Shortlybaton 4 o'clock Mrs. Scoville arrivat the jell and importuned the warden to be allowed to me the rernai.0 and witness the burial. The warden re- fused permission. She left a few dow- ers and returned to the city. Arriving at the grave the octan was lowered to its place. After the earth had been replac- ed and the top of the grave levelled, John Guiteau placed at the head of the grave a crown of white itumortelles. Not a word was spoken; not a tear shed. Papers here state that when John Guiteau pleaded with the President in behalf of the aasassin the President pos- itively declined to interfere. John got twtd, and said that the President owed his office to the astaasin, and it was un- manly fur tow President to turn his tack upon him. The President then O bDiaiD NVITRAU mom lin ralialini a Currie • crank fruw Chicago, who as - sed thruegh New York yeste day res routr to Washington said he had been vtmnnan.l- ed by God to avenge Guiteau's murder. He wade terrible threats against Arthur. Rev. Dr. Hicks says Outteaa was s remarkable man and his case'wdl never be fully underat.o d by the people. He was sot insane, hut bnlliant,Mshrewd and elcquent. 1f roan of the contents of my journal were my °peat to the r ell : there would be severe! startling dee si-pttlleata ' ler. Lomb. in reply to the rne,;ion if . ;t. • , brain was tumid i. a Dermal c •.:it. al, stated that it mei, as far asthe [rat a is c,noerlie.t, hot the iiiembrane tkat envelopes it was found to be un- heeltby. and will be examined closely. The condition of the brain was no sur- prise, so he had no expectation in regard to it. He simply ,.Lamed the brain with a desire to find as pooch as possible its condition. Dr. McDonald said the brain could hardly be in a healthier a.ndition. The membrane was not healthy and its con- .dition might or might not be diseased. 9tiersc•{ac examination will determine at. The brain wee a geed one: Washington, July 3.—Dr. McWilliams assistant physician at the jail, does m.t think that Guiteau showed all the firm- ness in his last Mer with which he has been credited. He says. "I visited the jail no 'fhursdLy at midnight and found hint sitting on the bed starinv into vac- ancy, the most perfect picture of despair 1 ever beheld. Next morning the guard tept,rted he slept none during night. He would neceeionally g o int.* a doze and :tart out of it with= iraarticwlate sound. The °dicers say he ate nothing for breakfiut. He :nay liege put something in his mouth, but it amounted to no- thing. I1 was the rime way at dinner when he was said to base eaten a hearty meal. I learned from the guards that he broke down into actual despair dur- ing the morting and wept freely, and a_ it was necessary to make every exertion in to keephint up. When Crocker read the death warrant, Guiteae was evidently ! a t .e.or.e r TMOa MARK. (AeT greatly agitated, but was able to stand!. is n Kure. Prompt stet! Effectual Remedy for When he reached the topof the scaffold Yrrrouaaean is nIt eta atagrw. tt"yak Alernorp, be faltered not .tumbled In reading Isis of Hrwia Peu.er. Benin) Pro,trntioa, heard the argument they reserved their decision until to -day, when tin" decided in favor of the Act upon all points, die- unesSig the appeal Gsrbralit. Mr. Attrill's tarot has been all act.* tty during the past few. haying us the flats was begun last week, and the nee - roes working amongst the long rows of euro remimded one of the scenes of !Southern life described by writers. The darken prove goodcitisenu, being steady, civil and industrious. WILD C.T.—Mr. ila1' e7 Green on Tuesday last shot a large wild est in his Lush. Mr. Green is evidently going in for the extermination ut "pesky vermin," as he has recently killed afox and a num- ber of pellcats, ground hog, etc. He u a good shot and has lots o1 pluck. Our ladies breathe freer nue that the wild oat is slain, and hook upon the young sportsman as a public benefactor. s:odler. I ■aetels. OODItasett. July 61862. Wheat. i Frill i bush........... !11 21 M $1 22 l 25 6 25 o 43 0 0D y1yaarr►ey, f boob .................. 0 70 M 000 e 1 10 fiat. it ton ..................... > y 1x00 o 16 o 16 0 12 1 00 0 60 1 70 Wheat, lypr,ngl T bush......., 1 Y3 SO Hour, 111 barrel .................. 6 15 is Peas, T bush ................ 0 75 Gf Better, V lb.. .................... 0 15 w Bata V dos. tunpack.dl........ 0 17 et Cheese. 0 11 Bran. ii cwt 00 " ('hop, w cwt......... " Hides.. 7 W " 700 Sheepskins0 40 •• 1 X500 Beef (sed iloets.................. 7 205 7 0 450 6x a case of Dyspepsia or Biliousness 1.)r 7ti cents? it Si c v11i11y unwire to r.gonf'e on- (:arthelJsury ailrtcuts origin." from Dyspepsia, )sn.:ii,cca.:on Dit;ors'crcci filfo, tchand Liver. when this offer is made to yon In your own bomo in cul sincerity, With as shoelace certainty of marine Yon. ZO1 F SA (from Brazil) cures Dyspepsia and Biliousness. A single dose relieves; a samplo bottle convinces; a 75 cent bottle cures. It acts dir^City upon the Stomach. Liver, r.nd Cleansin'', Corr"eting, Reg- ulatin^, Zope;a Ri{'cr energy and vim to the Brain, Nene, and ))Insole, simply by work- ing wonders upon the IY ; es - tion and gloving activi..y to tho Liver. Cott this out, tate it to ur; deo:er in medicines, and {;t 1. at 'cart one 75 cent bottlu t:f, Zopcsa, nndtoll yourTic1--1'h• r how it acts. It i to euro Dy"ipepsia l:Lat ,. - loneness. MISS STEWART, The well known milliner of (ioderioh, begs to anatoutwe to her numerous patrons and the Ladies of our town and the surrounding a.ut.try generally, that, iu addition to ger Usually Well Assorted Stock COMPRISING ALL THE LESIN 111.11 ,111 N W ST & I TEST STY She has received • large cot eigument of Fresh Goods, Specially Suited for the Present Season Among which will be found in Large Variety the following Flirtation Fans, Sunshades, Parasols, Gloves, Laces, Hosiery, Frilling, Edgings Underskirts, Embroideries Ornaments, Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Silks, &Satins The whole el which she has bought in the beat markets in the country, and at the Mec .ica,I :3a i.1, G och.erich A heti. 55101Y sit Yanserrat Lime, Fruit Juice, and Lime Juice, Cordial The purest and b. at brand in the Market. Makes a cheep, delicious. and WHOLESOME SUMMER DRINK. J reeelvoud s great lot of LONDON PURE' eE AND PARIS GREEN, l'OrATO 14Utia- HELLEBOR OR IN8f7CT8, ON SHRUBBERY. PERSIAN INSECT POWDER I'or the daatructfou of all kite!. of Inserts. The new rat and tabus. pola,n. ovcap-H o N R.tA.T s _ I'OblON FLY' PAPERS. P.R. P. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist. CLEARING SALE OF. BOOTS and SHOES JOHN ACHESON'S .\n 1 tun d.•1 rminr•d to go out of thl BRANCH OF MY BUSINESS• w':11 -. it the halwu. ul fay Teck l'IIF:A1'. 70=N A.0H=soN_ The Cheapest House Under The Sun JA S SAUNDERS & SON. ADELER' IN STOVES & TINWARE FACT GOODS and WALL PAPER Having engaa,+d the services of MR. THOS. 1)..It)11N-UN who has had twelve years exper AL1Lein pt.1INDin Canada.Weat aTl)reT 7 Tt0 tRK. On Shortest Notice Satisfaction ganrunteed. In Fancy" Goofs, we hume'new arrivals WALL pAever P R 11 the latest Novelties. WINDOW BLIND, FANO Sr BASKt-Ts_ And a choice lot of =.2" Lowest Cash Prices VERY CHEAP. NEXT DOOR TO 'nip: POST OI•'FICL:. At which it was possible to obtain them. New Goods Constantly N.7 riving 1882 -SPRING -1882 Respectfully Solicited.0111t u r1D Impriatims are Ilow Ill SimCiVerb p y p msiss sTrE c77-AiT_ Every Department is Now Complete. P. S.—Mourning Orders Executed on short Notice Goderich, June 22, 18S2. IT WILL PAY t'(,'eU pr'ocureirmnyour Druggist gbottle ofTAY'St IT1 t Mack's Magnetic Medicine ..,• ' sr e h' }. erect as excessively 1-iphl.S rents..Sprnnafnrr•hao. Seminal Wenk- 1 i M rs er a mac p y ' V,r ne.l (:rnrrxrl ditr o/ 'outer. t t•c a rs thatCr,ckeratonetimewasanxioustost.p Yrrrora Waxte. Rrjrrenaha the Jailed ntel- it. I was Just back of the scaffold, sed lrrt atrrapfhr.. fpphr Enfr'Med Nrain, tend ha rated (sraeratire re•uaaa. 7 e experience us of thoands prover it an i'VAI.t•AALE Jinn- ans.. The medicine is Mem:k' t to the tante. and each box rnntatrssutn,•ieot for1woweek's medication. and in the cheopsf and !wit. 'Full particulars in oar pamphlet. which we desire to mail free to any address. Marie. fllagoes/r Medicine is sold by I)r.ig- gists at abets. per b.:. or 12 boxes for 105. or mailed be ailed Hee of iraidage. on reee ltd of the .toner. by ad,ltwss 1111647104H 14.1111.71114D HH IE 14 Wfndanr. o ink.. i la5tadal Sold in 60,-crklt, by JAIL$ etlif sur. and all itruketiet rvarTwherw inky cotdd hear him catching his breath, struggling to control it. it was dread- ful.' Me Williams says it is not true that Guiteau's brain was found te.be soft and yielding, and the adhesion in places of the membrane to the skull proved no- thing. In Daniel Webster's case, the whole brain adhered to the skull. A, prominent physician who carefully ex- amined (3uiteau's brain says it was wi ttata healthy sad free from exciting or imitat- ing causes as the brain ,,f the est cit- izen of 1Vaahington. THH SCOTT ACT. Tea Ai!aerlawed e..ultstlonal by Ibe cagiest Awa kes-11Y 1.1ae Empire. MoXTI BAt, Jutta 3. —This afternoon news was received bate that'' the P:ivy Council h.'ul decided in favor of the con- stitutionality of the Scutt Act. It will be'r(,00llected the Temperance Act of 1$714 was objected to by many'snti-tem- perascc people and all the saloon keep- ers. Though the Supreme Court had decided in its farm-, there were many who still believed it to be ultra etre... It came before the Privy Council in May Inst in this wise: A Fredericton saloon keeper named Russell was convicted of selling liquor against the law, the Scott Act being in force in the county at the time. rp.nn being convicted he appeal- ed uppponn the ground that the Dominion Parliament hal not the eight to peas the Act. The High Court of New Bruns- wick oleo seemed to have been seized with the seem belief, and althouith they decided against the appeal. they made it plain that they did so only because the Sn reme Conrt of the Dominion had en hekl in a preview ease before. They gave i as heir opinion nevertht - Atoms Rrrprinfo Tenn and fiJor to the Trails Mnrk Rrutatrrr'l. ANOTHER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG. }tr (Atm/ .Ihsetvatlnn, vee fled all land speculator. ,ace a clear head and watch the DOMINION HAIR ! FA K Er Bn n r. , .s ka • `11131 It at:orois v+ pdeat:nr.', tht,n .h this Circuli, to thank our 11uulerous Customers for the 1,-.1y rliLelal 1 atrona_e extended to ms duriii; the tw and a half yenta which we have been.:n business.. (iur sales ate i::eleaai1l d tidy. a sufficient proof that we do our I.uaIne..s right, met give our customers good elide for their utoney. ( tut Sprite Goods are new all in stock, mud present 0 completeness hit ii :,,ltance ,t anything we have shown l.efor:. To meet the ;;roll , re,i,iii..iceute, .,f our 1 usiueso, our purchases hate been Lui;er than herer.,f„re in every department. It keep the hair fresh and natnrai;11 is not offensive nor injurious in its a&'eta, but plem:,• ' ty a Show TSYIpj ell - Stock Of Prints in all the New Dei • and refreshing: it cleans the scalp. and gives tone. beauty and naturalness to the hair. It;.r!•- R e a Jil t1 all loll ie oil 1J oc . . motes luxurious growth and prevent,. premature decay Price 50 Cents Per BottielO 10 Cul I eis Gre C V l leGEORGE FG ISriBS, i ba- NT FOR GQT.?T'RICIi_ THE BIG(IEtir *;ALE OF THE I:EASIIN. in Great Variety, 11 1 1:4-00DS. 0 re is. watefed, bre ailed at,.l cl.e Leolr Lein 121c J. C. 11'TcXE Sz JQ.'=n Black and ColorEd Cashmeres we Defy Competition Ifaye decided to offer their entire stock of clearing priers. for cask,. For the next Ca any s they will sell at prices that will astonish all. CO1ME AND SEE TIIE BARC1-AINS_ And you will he sure purchased In Montreala limmetheir stock of 1'. Delo: 1,C4'1:11.: re- cently Staple and Fancy Dry Goods at Lowest Cash Prices. lend(d value in Velveteen. Prints by the piece at leis than re,rulir wholesale prices. Como and see theme cheap prints. Bargain, in check and fancy shirtinga. and Aron docks. lI ,rarer bargains- in hr.ovn Holland. 'rite MYgent BARGAINSINDRESSGOODS Full Lines In the latest styles in Parasols, Laces. It:Aging+ and Eni it ,i ler:es it: nearly halt price. Canadian and Scotch T weeds. French Worsted Coatings, Ladies ('lo!hsand I'isterinits at t ',heard of Priors. The -.e K,avts mint be sold, and the prices at which they are placed mast clear them out in a short time. Hosiery at prices to clear. Hata at panic prices. ' A special line of Towels *pure linen) at nearly halt pride. SO dozen 3 -Button Rid Gloves, import- ed direct. at 25 per cent. less than regular prices. 50 Tweed Vesta at 1.50, regular price 0.3.00. (Goiter:eb. April 13th 1664. J- O. D21'1'1-.074 de 00. ups and downs of property. thus making large fortune.. But the whole secret Is, they — — keep the system In a healthy condition by the _ use Ttlr. eat of iy TAR un re Itosifter.. we can n.s(elp fay that hundreds come to e - for for the great Iraq arid blood purifier before going ye.i. head the rhilnwing statement We could give thosutads et t1» sante kind if it seem rY in the hes,!, gathering of hiegm in the thewn choking nud coughing at hi Inc years, sn 1 rnnld not sleep, often teen ed with dull. life - '-t eche Met 1 was summed with Catarrh lead that ails AM was oilers sire. The ra- less ;ertlni[s. tains In the chrst alert hack. alt of the Amines nae that the appal- After ,rix "4( bra t reds rat dollar+ to derteA d Il b sKM 1 trtrA rhe 1'wmr nr Ault an it,vmg rap a o 14.8 ()Mniord trend leave to carry the t 1a ` ALt.Rv, aNd stn naw able to do my work case to the Privy Oednctl. Accordingly, after seven year a atekncus.' NRR. JAMES McNEi1.. on the lir*) cad 4th of May last the case 102 Sinicoe street. London. ()nt. was argued Worn their Lordship. J. P. Tis abov. "meats of my wife'. to car- Benjamin. Q.Co, of Landon, far the ap- pellant, p- p tllant, Sheeted the Aet as an interfer- ems, with the powers of Loea1 Parlie- i Matra four points. 1d municipal in- eeMtnents; 24, property and eivit ts; 1111, the right to get .eveeie. from lima - am; and 4th as being private and local. J J McLaren, Q. C., of Montreal, ap pITi4(, Rc pp+te+ alerl for the seppirters of the Bill TAatMltES Aee leet Their Lordships et once ,iroldrri against °' .°1111”. F'lawa sed the first three points, and asked Mr. Me- ly, Carpenter's' Laren to answer to the lack having t.eaatlrii sad JaMns Mc Nam • Tn. sale by an levo .itrugg1. . O A. Jt. tltlttlrvv ssv w. Owt Sam plhe railactiered Prof. A. tbeg rdlN dreaska fames. Jae. Mimeo. P. MAC. ars. 5541. t. %•0 1e16 We are showing a large range ,.f Cottons, Linens, Shirtinga, Ducks, ikmini.. Union Tweeds, :\Il• ',sd Tweeds and Coatings. Silks and Satins, Plain and Watered, IN BLACK AND COLORS. IN SMALL WARE OUR STOCK IS VERY COMPLETE PARASOLS, HOSIERY & GLOVES SPLENDID VALt'E CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. 'Highest price Paid for Butter & Eggs C sz s= -= Ros- and SUMMER SU!TS' 1N ALL THE LATEST STYLES Et IT -H D tJ NLO P Fashionable Tailor, West Street, (loderich. sswr-.". A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS TO SELECT FROM DCS1111 ill P11C1S • the time. if no wish nn,• or two nick rooms at home, to see Pot 4. r', r... ,.1 ,aper., Ile has over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs, Besutltul colors. and at prices leas than very much inferior goods. Ca:1 and see thres, tbly are the host ',elute In town. and mast be Pohl. Tho lath Spii fact I atimeits atol fashioos, . .t Res_