HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-07-07, Page 4TILE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JULY 1, 11.82. THE HURON SIGNAL pt b& S1 every Friday Morning by Mc UILLICVDDT ZOOS, at their (ghee. North Bt (efitie Square) ' OODE*ICH, ONTARIO. Aad Is des et to all peels et the surround yl134 earliest math' Gad trains. it ►.a • Mew eitie.la- ties f I .wsysper in this part of tie 00515Wri. 4 ems of the racial, newsiest •ad moat rel y. •t. to Ontario oess•salae, as it dace, tie ter'.• ming betlala _Gad teeing n addlttes setae above, • arWclas• tastily sad Arad& pewit Is therefore a moot deete.►te advertising wedism. 1 50 in advance t pre -paid 11/ slttrsre ; $1.76, it paid before stz months; tl u t so paid. This rule will be strictly befer Rees or ADVtRTI•INa.-Sight cent* ye Liao ter Art insertion . three .seta daeerr _]"tae for sache.hesquentlnsertion. Ys 1015-y early and =loontrects •t red rates. NG.- NA have also 8 Art -clam e►Msg ds amt inco dg most complete eut-it to pastatledebin tintioapY seaotdtipoo as od are at tI be beaten, and of • quality tbet eon surpassed.- Terms Cash FRIDAY, JULY 7th, 1882. Publishers' Noflco Ttit Premier will ha os some difficulty in providing offices for all the Tries who put in such hard work for 'the cause' during the late election. He will Viso and it hard to erect "tall chile - ;ma' all along the he of promise, which extends hom one end of the Dominion to the other. Now that Su John is sustained by a large majority, he will doubtless smile at them pledges, and act, like Dioaysisa 11, who hat ung hired a baud of muweiana to play after promising them a great reward, at the close of the performance coolly disinies- ed them unpaid, saying that "They had pleased hien with sweet rounds, and he lead pleased theta with sweet promise s„ Notice is hereby given that all back subscriptions not paid AT ONCE will be charged strictly at the rate of $2 a year, and collect- ed. Persons owing will please Settle immediately, and save 50 cents on each year's subscrip- tion. The date after your name on the address label shows that you are paid up until that time. Af- ter this warning all back sub- sciptions will be charged at the rate of $2 per annum. MCGILLICUDDY BROS. Tim AITION of the Returning Officer in West Huron, in refusing to make any declaration until all the returns were properly certified to, looks as if the x.os- to be elected, being well aware that the I. ition of J. J. Hawkins' friends is unten- contents of the two ballot boxes which able. They will find that Mills of $loth- his subordinates had omitted to certify w ell may grind slow-, but he t' ill grind . to w•.uld give the full returns and place exceeding fine. IMi11s at the head of the poll Ir. West DOMINION DAY. tt ; 19 twos time outward.; 10 elms ales, four lime; 21 sword aria. Thew How it yea spent la Cl<oderloh• efterwarda twaroling ranad the egtdtst» and preformed sereral other vo1slioas Lampe Aimed/meg et eintelaen TIM Viscid lu open flis No. 1y, moo, s'd- m - Id moo, _day Teasssatg nett., °Moored by 0rp4. !tiller, 1Lisst. Sis JOHN A. M1cuONALI1 declared iu 1861 that as a Conservative he was up - posed to the principle of Representation by Population, "*because it let[ by logical sequence to universal suffrage." It will now he in order for the Premier to follow up the "logical sequence," and make a dash for universal suffrage and and the vote of the "bhoys." But logi- cal sequences or past speeches never trouble Sir John A. Macdonald. He is rather vain of his resemblance to the late Lord Beaconsfield, of whom it is said that when taunted with some of his early utterances,he declared with a grand icoee ware of the hand that they were but "rusty phrases." Some of the Chieftain's phrases rust early. a'.tllTI W00%a'lt. ■Irates of the neeetal rewire. WWI j The laic-nic in .1.'01 -lives bush sas a grand succors.The west to mal: of the WardenMies De Heart, of London. is visiting Wu , the follow- at M. 0. Jonas . . s rwmwbers present : Messrs. Webster, Unite, &Yon, Kelly, Rogers, Corbett, The Rev. J. Turnbull, of Uoderich, Tulin,, Allen, Hardy, Johustuu, Cigar will preach in Int, . rwhyt.•rieu Chi r'ch, hal Mutebison, Elliott, Strwcha"n, tits- al 81111 '11 Rill rust f1,hh•th, at 1:110 lop, Ramie, Kaine, Cook, Wutr, Mason, p. in. Mayes, Wilber., Ft,rs th, Miller, Beattie, Graham, Castle, \Va1kerl, Hsuuah, BewDimes, McPherson, Kay', Currie, (Arvin, newel and Gibson. n. The minutes of the last day's uMetitg were real and appruved. J The Warden addressed the au ,ncil, statin;( that he had called theta together for the purpose of testing the bridge be- fore op i g it u, the puleio, aa Mr. Lockman:, hat informed lion lie would have the bridge reedy for meting oil the 29th nut., and the contract finished with the exception of 'atlanto!„ The Warden (soused canto+ the attention of thee(sousedto the necessity of furnishing iron bed- steads for the jail, the removal of the liked% in the jailer's yard, and the fenc- ing of the county property south of the jail Walls, as required by the Inspector of Prisons A cnuuluuiuttiun Enna Mr. Sands, stating that the new Iron bridge was about eounpletud, was read and ordered to be bled. Two tender fur erecting parapet walls at the new bridve were read and reterred (IRAND TRUNK. to the Jail and Court House Commit,war. tee. Pass. lap's. Mlx'd. )11.1'dThe council then ad'ounted for the AdestekLv7.»twm..nt-elam•.$.I3ial team purpose of testing the Maitland bridge, tR .Art lalamt lie Pm.lezOvm 10A000.,' council met oil Fn ley last Pur - she '•S..Mh" swine tees Sedge --Tier tau• Heck and Eaaien !!lues, were aktu part se .alias .ad s.s.remote-aeeremote- through thele leafage by Major e, AI ureic tosses- dirket, trews madeelei and did ant¢deable ' skirmiebiag" is Read -tam terms, Iaethe w.by-The the Court Hesse Square,to the mends.* hrsad ryrweeh.sc st pier -A Geed AY• wonderu..st Id the civilian beholden. healed May. T/a &ICYCL. *Avg did not uuwe off, then brine but one (►n tiaturday Last a right royal day was beta Thos. Coleman of sword,. etc held at Godench. An efficient c'•tum t Coleuan gave an exhibition run around tee had been appointed to get up a ser- the &loos, and will be rewarded by a lee of athletic and aquatic sports, and so „leer cup for his day's lurk. well did the committee work, and w i&lllrwu rlwuArrA. thoroughly was the fact disseminated This feature of the day's proceedings that (7oderich intended to outstrip all sttraeted considerable attention. There previous efforts in the gala day Incu, were nine entries, and the beats were that an lobo: of outsiders from all started about halt past ten. There was pu1utr was the result, notw'tthatandiig a strong breast, sod the busts flew Ole state of the weather, which during along at a lively rate- The Kincardine the previous night had hewn of a heavy Belle, although she had to give time on rainy character. account of her length, proved victor by TH5 1101011110 about a minute to spare. The yacht also, Looked dark and lowering, and 'Leda Marlton became waterlogged and throughout the entire day ram threaten- had to retire. The Matchless lost her ed, but fottunet.ly kept up until the topmast, but made a good race, au also close of the sports, when a "Scotch did the Water Lily, which hot her bow - mist" and Canadian drizzle set in for sprit. The prize list is as follows: - about an hour, after which fair weather lst class -1st Kincardine Belle, Kin- enatred. cardine; 2nd Matchless, Goderich; 3rd TH. oonanics *ANY Water Lily, Kincardine. surly Gook 'tea of their stand en 2ud chis -1st Mary Alice, iodetieh; the Court muse egad e, and gave forth 2nd Fellowcra(t, Guderich; 3r.1 Bismark, melodious strains, to the great enjoy- Bayfield. meet of the pedestrians, local and THS ATHLI TSS foreign, who promenaded the Square, The prize list hid the result of bring - preparatory to witnessing the sports. hag to town a number of athletes from The band has of late greatly improved, outside points amongst whom we noticed and is now in a highly efficient condi- A. Fiulay, London; W. Scott, A. Currie, tion, underthelemderahipof Mr. Richard Geo. Currie, J. Ballantyne, D. Ross, Parker. They recently adopted a neat Brussels -Barr, Blyth; C. J. Noble, uniform and show to good advantage, McKay, Schwartz and others. Finlay musically and in personal appearance. and the Brussels contingent showed to TIMcA1ITHurP1Ax Ptoc:rAtalox good advantage in the series of games, while our townsman Toni McKenzie in made its appearance about 10 a- ni.. and the vaulting with pole, and Angus was beyond all gtdpstion a most goo- Matheson in the long running, evoked tesque affair. The grand marshal was favorable comment from the spectators. gotten up in the style of a circus clown, The following is the prize l start the and bestrode a prancing steed of cnuid- athletic sports: - erable "go;" this functionary was ably I00 yards race -8 entries -M Findlay assisted by a sable lieutenant with a col- and C J Noble tie, dividing 1st and 2d lar so high That he was constrained to stoney. 'stand in the stirrups to see the 200 yards race -5 entries -let C J spectators. The horse of the "con" Noble, 2d 0 Austin. was averse to taking part in the public Hurdle ace -5 entries -1st C J No - demonstration unless "dressed for corn- bee, 21 G Austin. - pany," and accordingly rejoiced in a pair Race once around the square -6 en - of uumentionables oD its fore tries -1st G Austin; 2nd A Colvin. legs, said unmentionables being "but- Four times around the square -6 en - toned behind," after the style of Paddy tries -A Matheson •cod J Geddes tie from Corks coat. Next came the dividing lst and 2nd money. Go -as -you please, one hour -5 entries --let A Matheson, 2nd W Mckay. Three legged race -3 entries -Hen- derson & Colvin; 2d Austin & Noble Standing long jump -3 entries-lst M Findlay 10 ft. 1 in.; 2d W Scott 9 ft. 93 in. Standing high jump -3 entries --lit W Scott 4 ft. 11 in.; 2d M Findlay. Running high jump --4 entries- 1st prize G Currie, 21 D Ross. Threestanding jumps- 3 entries-lst J Ballantine 30 ft., 2d W Scott 20 ft 10 in. Running hop step and leap -4 entries -1st prize D R,se 41 It. 4 in., 2d A Tits London Free Press is unfortunate in its citation of the recent West Huron "recount," in support of J. J. Hawkins There was no recount in West Huron by a judge or anybody else. The cases of West Huron and Bothwell as they first came before the returning officers were. pavalld. In each electoral division deputy returning officers had neglected to certify to die returns. In Bothwell - the returning officer declared Hawkins d their' get up" was as odd Huron, Mr. Ben. Willson, a Cunaerta• grou, an the as werepsthe outfits of the leaders whom THE TORY press, it would seem under I tive returninv officer, but an honest one, they followed. First came the "Mani- .. instruotiuns, are vilifying the Mlowat i firming that .sine ..f his deputies had tuba Emigrant Party," done to life; then Administration, and are using every failed to enclose certificates, ;ttliourned a representation of "G. T. R. luny - f 11 d • after these means to make it unpopular with the peop'e. The present d'Intario Govern - the count for three days in order to take men m a war chug Or er; werr. Iiiuu's Heavy Draughts" a,t work legal advice in the matter, and give the packing salt; a burlesque of the "Gude- nnent is a credit tai the country. Eco- pe.'cant uflicials time -to send in state- inch Band;' next showed up; and last, nomical,honest,active and progressive, it I ments. Even with the Bothwell case but, the judges thought, not least, was I' a "Chinese Laundry" in full operation stands the premier local administration before his eyes, the West Iluron return- -,pigtail waahee -menup to their eyes in of Canada. Ontario is the finest Pro- Mg officer refused to snake a declaration .business. After ntakiug three la}re ..f , vince in the Dominion, and the good on the first count, but accepted the cer- , the Square, the proceuton drew ap Reform government with which the Pro tificates so tardily presented by his - de- i the corner of East st. , where the indff at vince has been favored during the pug puties, and upon a full count declared awBarded thedprizes as T. R., 1st, Chi- nese laundry; 2 Porting' the n , e nez un e a liar el case is one of the strongest argu- j chaunpaf(ne lunch given by the \layor eleven yeah has teen one of the chief Mr. Cameron elected. So far from sup- "T' A,4T1N l" THE IRON BRII$IE. ratites of our advancement. t' Buthwe'I steal the West Th t 1 ri of business was Tue MANITOBANtt are to be commends; ments against that bit of political ras- ' Reeve and Court House officials in hon- ed for their noble baht for Provincial cality. Rights. The disallewance of provincial legislation was -r thing the men of the - North'w'est wouldn't stand, and the con- sequence the party of progress and lib- l of Returning Otficer \Wilson, in the mat- weighing in all about 25 tons -had walk- eral opiuiens g"t three out of four con- ! ter of the West Huron election. From I ed,trotted and run over the bridge in tested teat.. Dlauit .t,a drat 5 .Couser- ! tt w e observe that MrCameron polled { company without straining the structure li3d votes to Dir. 1.. utter 1707, and that to any perceptible extent, and every one satire and n•. Reformers to the last there were 37 rejected ballots and 11 present felt proud of the handsome new Parliament. That Province will send spoiled ballot.. The majority for Mr. public work. It was decided to formally . but 2 Conservatives to Ottawa this tenni, Cameron. 29, is a decisive one :- name the bridge on the 1st, but the die- anithe Liberals wall hate 3 rept e- 1'olling`ut.D:v. Cameron. Porter. tense. from the place of holding the seutaticea, who will uphold prucinc al Go'lerich town .. N. 1 42 39 games militated against the carrying out 2 48 00 - of the original project, and the suuptu- or of the opening of the Maitland Iron Bridge. On the previous afternoon the Bridge had been formally completed and West Y.ron. thoroughly tested to the entire satisfac- tien of all who witnessed the test. Six The fullowint is the official statement teams with wagons laden with stone -- rights and support Edward Blake. We • are glad to. bee the haekbore shewn by t the men of the Prairie Proviuce. 4INTAILIO ala el: Lada Tory .adminis- tration. The San•lfield Mac'l'nald gor- erumeut was a coalition, and survived but Otte term. Quebec has had almost uninterrupt Lel Tory ruga, the Re- form Administratioal of 11.. Jely having Ashfield had too short a term of office to nce•om- push mach. Cuutr.bt Tory Quetec and Liberal Ontario : The first is openly corrupt, heavy in .:ebt, and behind in its legislation. The Liberal province of of Ontario is ruled by he nest and honor- ed men. has millions in its treasury,and Clinton is the tenet n ivatned province in its leg- „ islatien',doinestic,cducatiortal apdgeueral - • laws. Ontario Las it government •.f \.. \Wawar oeh,.Ku. 1 which it is justly .3 .No. 1 2 3 (:.Je.t•_htp 3 37 34 4 :: • 6 51 .l No. 1 35 ;t 8 4 24 5 4u 6 let No. 1 52 2 41 3 84 4 98 5 1'2(; Coll erne . .- N. 1 1;4 2 31 3 . 81 4 33 . No 1 52 2 53 3 42 32 rel As we anticipated last week, Return: ; F• \Wawatl.'all.. ing Officer Willson At the final count in Winghatn, en Friday hist, declared in favor of Mr. \f. C. Cantonal by a •,ajar- i ity of 29 votes. Soule of• our Coneerva- tive'•'o4frrres. 11,'tally the Clinton Remo/ and Seafmth . • were e;uite confident Ashfiel1 ( nlbotne that Mr. Wilson, would not act honestly Clinton in the matter,aud w nhld declare in favor' East V'awanosh o1 Mr. Porter; but knowing the return- West \Vawanotsh (lodcrich Town ing officer for many years, end having a G', lerich tp. firm faith in his integtity, ne said bef•-re the count and we Dow rcpt at. th:.t ear 214 had every cenfidetiee that a j.tst ant4im- --- o and whtsn ...... ... Ana others, - - --- --- - Caswell, • __...- .,._. rtiml dsciaiow wool,! 1 e rendered ', THt Ltsl MLATiv1 ih INInL (:RANT.-- •Vr. John Hwhq , l.odenc h' tl:uodl advantage. The effort to send up a spoke briefly in favor of Sumtay sch• ole Y 'tins work ie completed the ant ire strum tura will lw one od the handsomest in the Pr'vince of (hattrio, roan feelin,(. \We here 18132: Goderich, 1531 for public sebcrol, THS YANA DCS, oq 40 44 32 70 61' 75 u9 60 48 76 100 72 48 41 39 33 58 51 42 46 28. 37 53 ous luncheon in the Court -noon* was the substitute presented. After ell had pl artaken of the refreshtuents, Mayor Horton was called to the chair, and int- utediately proposed the toast of the "Qounty Council" and paid a tribute to their public spifitedness in pn senting thepeopleof Godcrich town and vicinity with so handsome and durable a *eruct - as the new iron bridge. Warden John- ston responded to the Gast o:t behalf of the C•,unty Council. Then followed the "Road and Bridge Commissioners," re plied to by Messrs Hardy, and Mason; the "Ccu•ty officials,'• replied to Mr. Adamson, Co. Clerk, and Cul. Rees, M. P. P. 0 Co. Treats , the volunteer toast of "the Mayor and Council of Go depch," responded to by the Mayor art Mr. Jur- dan; "Ez-Warden Gerrow,' responded to by that gentleman: and "The Press," respoonded to by Messrs. Mitchell and D. McGillicuddy. Cheers were then given for the Queen and the company broke tip. tf0 i e PGw•RIPTI.,N OF 711P. RRIRnF-. 114 43 The lfaitland Badge, as now can 81 tit atructed, is a wrought -iron bridge, up en 84 77 the principal known as the },inconnect- ed, (onl'le-intersection over -grade truss. It is 450 feet long, front abutment to abutment, with two intervening piers. Rad APITULATION. it consists of three sections 150 feet ('Gowen l orter. long, and was erected by the Hamilt' n 1;4 ' Tnnn Bridge -Co. Go -each end of the 28 bridge is an iron plate with the following 28 inscription in raised letters : St11 F. w. JOHN•.ToN, WARDEN- :17 P. ADA11ae.N, o n. . LSRR. 1 1734 1707 cRA+, t/lftt'tlt, L RAtDT- SARI. MlLtilt -Os June wife of W. It llitiller.PriaolgalefOtoderich M.alci ec! ods of twins, both girls, saltness. Kerr --Rodger .41 the res t:esue of the bride, by *Rev (1. W. Simpson. ou Mkt111a), William Kerr, formerly of tie tercet to ](tabes Y. A. Rodgers, ut Morr, s own, Ilam Co., EarltTenneswr, Oamtt-(hoyden - At the rrs.dunce of the brides father, on the 6th ur July, to R. W. Leitch, Intnpt,non, Jane s Gaunt. 'vernier son of Elis .0 (jaunt, Deputy Reeve of West Wawa•.••,•,, to Anne 11, Gorden. second daeghter of Jobe E. Uurdun, mer- chant. Mt. Iff lewd 0. •: its. Johnston - In Ooaleric't. on TneviLiv,July, itb test.. Margaret, beloved wit • o' Mr. Thoma. Johnston, aged N years audio tnonthe. Millet -At Manchester, on the 1015 ult., Per- cival er clval A. son of Thos. Iii. Miller, teacher, see 1 3 years and 6 months. Young. -In Ash'cid, o•, Thursdty. Jus 13th, 1110, Jain,* Young, aged 61 yawn. mento end 6 days. 8imess -lo Ooderich, on Saturday, July 1st 1003. James Simons, aged 79 years. Teaselling Guide. to meet agein at 7.30 p. m. wMT. Par. Esp's. !taxa. Mli d. ttnales4.Lv 1.3aan 7.3 11.. 11.00am laapm 8e forth . . L 17 " .. L36 " .. 7.10 " S.4e ' Ooderieb-A (11(Eon t TEi N m..7.15pin Ex s.. Mall. Lap's. (Tinton going north...9.1'tyam .,4.Y3pm..0.tSpn •• truing south t. 141..m .9Atlem. 7.14 '. Lurknow stage (daily) arc. 10.1.5am .. dep ipm Kincarline " " 100am .. ' ham Benmiller " 1Wt-ednes.ley and sat order) arrives Oarn 5.1 FRIDAY EVENixo, 7.30 u'ch,ck. The council resumed iia session, the Warden in the Chair. A letter froul Mr. Lockman, Superin- tendent of the work on the new bridge, stating that it was now ready fur tenting and travel, was read and fi1ed. A letter from Mr. Jamieson, in refer- euee to the payments for the bridge was all• ,?luctloneering. hloved by \Ir. Ctaok, sacoudea by 3[r. - -_ --_ re Weir, that the Warden, I: ,al Cummue 7 C CURRIE, THE PEOPLE'S ACC sionets and Clerk be authorized! to nary a TIONLLR Goderfeb, Ont. 1761. Mr. Jauiewen for thea ire bridge when he completes his coet,tact and snakes a satisfactory settlement with this council its connection with the bridge contract. Carried. The account of John Hislop, for atone work at the brie:ge, amout.t of 912, was read and ordered paid. Moved by Mr. Keine, seconded by Mr. Elliott, that the tender of John Hit- _ lop fur building the parapet walla ►,e ac y HERIFF'S SALE. OF LANDS. ceeted. Carried. _ The council then adjourned!, tuaneet ('oeery or HCRos. By virtue ofa Writ of at 9 o'clock to -morrow. To wiT: f lrferi Freta& issued ou: auOVD UAY-aArt'RDAv• of Hen JMajesty's County Court of the County of Middlesex and to me directed against the Tete council wet again, the \Warden Ladda and Tenements of J. 8. Reid at the suit of Geo. S. Birrr11 and William A. Burrell. present, i hate mixed-anetaken in •z.cOtion aU the Minutes of yesterday were rt -ad and- n .t, tale, inter -,I and eyutty of redemption of the shote named d.•fendant is and to 1bat confirmed. pa nasi of land litotes !yin and being In the Moved by Mr. Keine, recnnded by ('ountyof Huron to the icrovince otOnario. Mr, Elliott, that nu action ne taken at end bei composed ut the South Easterly corner . 1 •be fast halt of lot number twdvr present in reference t•. the report hof the in the elevrnth concession pf the Eastern Inspector of Prisons relative to the re- Division Ot the township of Ashfield, conain- mntal of the ail buhldin s Gaul the Euro- ing threr quarters of an acre more or less In - J g eluding nut numta r etl ctht and Wrt of lot ishiug of iron bedsteads. but that the uumtdr.i•ven in the ytllalrr of ,tltonrulle in JAIKENHEAD, \'.S,, (SUCCT.LoSOR. . to ler. Duncan, Graduate of Ontario Ve erinar) ('ollege. Office, etablesandresidence" o Newgate Street. four doors east of Colborn Hotel, X. B. -}gorses examined as to sons,. tea. 1751.d Currie 39 ft 4 in. Clerk maks enguirles Iib n, ;he cyst of the t'utaty of Huron. t1 ouch tends Goa Running long jump -4 entries -1st A the t" u t 1 shell oxer too sale, at omy office in beolstoads. Carrie.!.. rhe Coast Hna.e, In the town of Oodcrich, nn Currie 18 ft. 10 in., 2d 0 Currie. I8 ft. The account of Henry Dtdd, forint- Friday the twenty-ninth day' of September at 9 in. ance due on cuutract fur furnishin thn,r- the hvarof twelve of the check, ttoon- K lit tBE1 1 18111XS. \-aulting with pole -8 eutries-let M ingg jeitta for iron bridge, w:ta rend, and Sheritr.. OMrc. (oder!, h. Sberlttot Huron, Findlay 9 ft. 3 in., 2d J Ballantine. referred'to the \Warden, Road Cummts- June:tush Iat2. 1x45- Putting 2'2 Ib shot -4 entries -1st DI dieners and C►erk with instructions to Findlay, 31 ft, 4 in; 2d T Swartz, 2a ft, pay if found correct. - FOR BALE. - 10 in. Moved by Mr. Kaine, teeconded by rt1HE SCBS('dltiER, FI\GING Boys' RICws Mr. \\ ilsoou, lira! the Clark furnish a de 1 That his .:hole attention will be requir d 100 yards race -from 12 to 16 years- tailed statement of the • total expense of this sum tier in the, management of the BIG 1st J McKnight, 2d W Pridhant. - the new Maitland bridge at the •ext HO1 14*:. win disport ..t tl.at property known a+ the 100 yards race -10 to 12 years -1st N meeting of this casual, Ctuned. °`WSNT]✓R BRgNQH," Pennington, 2d Geto Price. Mored by- \fr. Kelly se ende"1 b Mlr. (;illr.n:r VK i. = e it laced .•n the til•, n Gravel Road. consisting 50 yards race -8 to lU years -Int Fred liUer, that Thos. Loa ¢' { of a' al. .l ?nno,• or ten rooms, with reran Johnston, 2d J JlcPhbraon, for three months' boatel .•t Mn, Go•din. , da6on re,u sides. large druvtst house00xT'- 50 yards race -under 8 years-lst Gen . of L'lyth, a:n insane indigent. Car I w Ith one syhdta 1saltawoo e%detlertte tirgdren• Clark, 2d llensotn Coz, sled• wellYe•red. The VnnuiIcserra!1 new and to 1Valking spring {rule -1st D Murray. M.tved by Mr. Touu. , se.otil d by nrt-elai:,. o•rder. To s d.odl man no reeaon (IRL•5' RAI%M. i Mr. Allan, that the 1GoadG•mntissi'•uere'.1,, oticr willt,e ntuoe•d. Ap 1 to J..r. \cRg HT, 100 yards race -12 to 1G years - 1st ', lee instructed to have a plank about one IbtNTT, RM. Sarah Johnston. 2:1 N Noble. foot wide inserted b;•tween the wheel and (7odetich. P. O. 100 yards race -10 t, 12 ye.tro-1st hub guard on each rile o1 the M.t:laud •t; r:1_:-r.1t . It80. • ori* r. 'arried. • Aggie Orr, `2d M Coates• I 1q L \\ s ule! h- o V r. Anker ec ra 1st Ahce Jl,ted b .1 - to 10 ea Y b0 arils race 8 Y y Mr. Kay, that Mr. Hann Road Cout- Reid, 2d A \\'atsou. Y• 50 yards race -under 8 years -1st An• ntivaiouer, have an iro:l supsieteterure uie Reid 'td B :Healon. built -on the new bridge at Clniselhnrst, Egg race -1st Annie Kirkpatrick 21, 12th ern., prorided the. cont do not ex - A Andrew, Geed $400, and the township of Hthbert THL RARy sxow', ; pay one-half the cast. Carried, eleven by Mr. Gibsett, secoude,l by The event of the day with the female Mr Beattie that thus council, Levin'l, seen the bridge tested with a nwnher of element of spectators appeared to be the "baby show,'' and A crowd besieged the heat ily loaded teams, gou,g over the grand stand while the exhibition was in ; brides, first at a s:Hart walk, and after- prugrestl. Thirteen ' darlings pot in' wards at a rapid trot, while a Targe nuns an appearance, with the following re- her of u le were on the triol e. have suit: 1st Etta M Th',mson, 2d Il Lorne' much sttisfaetion iu stating hat }he Martin, 3rd Chas Downing, 4th Char- lotte Gerson, 5th Harry Teweley, 6th confidence of the traveling ;mobile. Car- Wia Matheson, 7th Herbert Graham, I vied - :midge appears to be fully entitled to the I 8th Lizzie Downing. 9th Etta Horton. The council then adjourned to meet the first Tuesday in December. Supplementary prizes were also given to Josephine Edwardes, Wm Crisp, -Miss Snooks, Thomas V idenn- The commit- tee left to the judlges the teskof furnish- ing prizes, which they did to the amount of !8, given by themselves and a few Misa Bella Swint, of (:der cls itao friends. The judges in this event were' baro chelating friends hereabuts. Messrs. P. Adamson, W. Young, Henry' ';, 8. ANetvsesavv.-A very succesb.- Horton and E. 11. \\'ats.n. ful teameetiug celebrated the anurt•er- sary of the *'ort Albert Union Sunday 8chot•I on Thursdayeveuing of last week. Ret•, J. Leitch. Presbyterian minister. occupied the chair iu a genial manner. and intrtaluced the speakers. Rev. Mr. hors were Carrie. Episcoeolu►n, was the first sl'eak- lnf D, Cummings and E. Martin; 2nd er, and alluded to the impxortance of A. Kirkbride and iii. H. smith. Sunday school w'nrk in a brief address THt PYRdrlrticsi' 0VNPt.AY Mr. •f. McGillicuddy, o'f (:uderich fol Pert 1bsM. Qt'oITIIIO, There was close competition in toossing the iron circlets. Four pairs contested, and at the two rinks things went lively for some time. The successful compet- 1145 I A. d:1RM.14, JOHN NAat,N, in the evening nn the square wad a -it- lowed!, and spoke to the younger portion neared by a large concourse of people. o1 the audience more particularly. Rev. moon ev,MMltetONRR'. 1t4 r The contract forerv+cting para}ort walls The "mines" and other fireworks were 1. A. Turnbull, B. A., Presbyterian, de - superintended by Capt Dancey, Mr. A. litered a terse aldreas tun "Pervevet at each end of the hndq. Fate ilea let te Di _--. . M 1" that official, and that lis judgment The follow Ing is the apportionment of would Record with the Sects o1 the cafe, the Legislative Public Sch•sol Grant for and not with part not been dltsa;'p'oiuted in the result of 133 ',perste echo..]: Clinton pehlie While the banquet was pr oceed[inq in Thr slaying ,•f the rations Anthem of ch credit un the ladies o f thge stecti .h. to sell off as Cort, to a y quantity.. the final summing op, and ,ince the te- school 9364: Wingham, 9273: Seaforth, tette Court "Gana Parade 1n mem- em- by theoand brought the (lay's doirn> s Go The choir promisee to be aarµ( one, bars ••( the Encampment „f Ancient Ps a close some of the pieces being given in splen salt was made known we )lave heen1 not 1 !.'138; Ilarbekl, 989; Brussels, !1874 (1,44.(4,, in fern unifertt wag in progress,151 ROw Mt RA -E Bili style. Mr. Yellow ]ed, and Mr. T with the sports on DorRin- A. Hawkins presided at the organ -A balloon with the word "Grimier( ■•' iu as a Kele to, and indeed a part ..1the Ossining letters upon it, proved abortive, elturch. All the speeches were well re owing to the igniting of the material of mimed. The supply of refreshments was ; hi tt was coo a and o we urs it • ss to n wh' h ' pored larg [ t k f 1' y Acct . grece+ rohbcot of their riets, lite pr dongtd. happinte" 1 itoBiEl."-Tellawnisanunalttior and health restored h., the use of thtgeaet GERMAN INVIGORATOR which positively and permanently citrets lm - potency u••nv d by exceears of any kind., retinae! Weak.e.., and all distaste that fol- low as n •l gnem o of Self -Abuse. as loss of en- enry, hes of memory. universal lassitude, pain lii the bat k. dimness of vision, prema- ture old age, and many other diseases that lead to inannity or ruu,cmit:on and a prema- ture grave. sendfor ei -ruler• with ttvttimoniala free by mail. The IV5Ii.OR.tTOR i. sold at 51 per box, or six hoses for =5 by all druggists, or will be sent tree my mail. securely scaled, on recite of price. M- atldreasing. F. J. C'HENEY, Druggist. 1S7 Summit ('1., Tn9'llO. Ohio d,'-',, 1litvsAi. Sole Agent for Goderich. Sheppard's Book Store SALE OF BERLIN WOOLS! 1 here a large and Well AssrEed S1ock of Wools, the whole of which T crepes.. A few Conservatives as web as Ref,'nl:- Blyth, P162; Exeter. 9243; Wr,zetrr, and the following evolutions were gone ers endorse the action of the Returning ; 985: Aahfielth. 9521; ( '•!borne, officer. The choice •'f rho peoplr [nue (;ooderich tp, 9390. (;req, 9at14: Haj(, 9488: Hawick, 9836; Hullett nes been declared elected: an '1.1 and trial aeh' •I, l4Gli, septate achos•1, 91e:19s parliamentarian heft been voted to the I Killer, public ech• . 1, *)1P; Mde,i., representsyns of Wee. Huron;and 11(n. fen; 4 2;1,S94tt4. s, SIX school. Stephen, put i - E [ward Blake has in Mr. Cameron, a school. ch ol. 9.. s. TurnlxhCs• lieutenant upon whom he can rely in the i erImei !t2^; W\awanrnlh Bast, ! !; battle for Ontario's rights in the nevi Wawanosh West: public school. 9JM, parliament of Canada *operate school, 922 through in go x[ a'yle:1 Fall in and num- in connection Pomo- her: 2 aaratace; S fours right about: ion day was pn4tpone•1 to .Wnnday .men 4 lef, ahs tit} b cd to on of fours t , int* .t 7 o'clock. and was witnessed by a right; 6 wheel into line: 7 two's circle large number of people. The meek was melt; 8 hetes circle left ; 9 sections circle ss follows: Arks; 10,ectiosu circle outwards ; 11 c..1- Slagle scull race --lot James Thoma,, time ••1 lours to left; 12 farm divisions: 2n4 H• McLean, Sed .1 A. McDn.Rall. 13 advance in sections; 14 change the dh i ufl race --let Moe and Hit - ceder of sections, repeat; lei form ereva; 1 end M'Dnegn le mince the crew. i7 Open tiles engin- with Rohan Gaul crerm.oR c nsits1 the termareh: i8 leading seeti"ria counter l'r"ontainn social was hen on the following evening The entire proceeds of the annirersarc amounted to 945, which willt.edev.otedt" the Library fund. The votes of thanks to the speakers, ladies, chair, etc., were C 1 01 A . Depo e heartily received. The annual election School fir// of °dicers for the Sunday school resulted as follows: Superintendent, 3. Quaid; (1UDSRi0H. Seto -Trema, 3.. Hayden. Librarian, T F. Yong. Parcels seat 1.y (sprees or met . SHEPPARD HURON