HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-07-07, Page 2it 2 VANHOUGH __ HANGIIeD. >!M MI* Sr •i efe..� sbu r els This 1 eton, June %S. tit It tal.aty utiaotes pall eight o'clock Elijah Vankougknet pad ths penalty of hie erica, the murder et Jobs Biehatdwa on the 13th of August Li, near Buck L. The facts of the murder have been fully published and it is bet necessary to revert to them, in brief. He was a 'neighbour of Richardson, and at about eiigb o'clock on the night of the day named he hid himself in the bush on the farm of his victim, and while the latter was going to his house with a scythe on his shoulder he deliberately shot him in his tracks and left the body lying when it fell. He afterwards took Richardson's horse out of the stable and put Lie own in its place, and then BET 1181 TO THE IUU.DZN0 burning it to the ground; the horse was not disfigured sufficiently to destroy its identity. On the following morning be burrowed a buggy from a neighbour, and hitching Richardson's hone to it, be drove to Elgin, where he attempted to dispose of the animal in trade for an- other. The person with whom he tried to trade desired the ownership to be proven, but while the two were driving along the road to s place where Van- kouQhnet said he could be identified, he changed his mind about trading and ask- ed the man to buy the horse. A bar- gain was trade, Vsnkoughnet receiving $27, all the money that the other had. The prisoner then entered the woods, and after wandering through the country he went on an island iri Buck Lake, and there remained hidden for s: me days. No one knew where he was secreted but the members of his own family. His wife took provisions to him by night in a boat. Finally his little four year old girl was influenced by the reception of three coppers to tell where her doomed father was, and shortly afterwards ER WAS DIBOOVRRED AND CAPTURED. When approached on the island he drew a knife and threatened to kill himself, but he was purauaded by his captor to give himself up. His captor afew weeks after, met with a fatal accident on the K & P. Railway. Vankoughnet after his arrest acknowledged having shot Richardson, and related the circumstan- ces in detail. He nays now that he owed him a grudge fur a number of years. A clearer case of deliberate and preconcerted murder could not be im- agined. The prisoner now blames his wife for his trouble and impeaches her with infidelity to him. On many oc- casions he found Richardson at his house when he came home in the evening, but while he had his suspicious he said noth- ing to his wife. Since this fat became known sympathy for the prisoner had become manifest, and it is said on good authority that if he hid made such a statement at his trial he would NOT HAVE BERN HUtli TO DAT. ! t t On last Wednesday he says lie fou peace with his Maker, and since that time a narked change came over him; tt instead of being given to shedding tears he read the Bible dilieently since that date and grew stronger in body and mind. Last evening the prisoner began ' to show signs of weakness and complain. ed that he did not feel well; he could ill, 1! not eat any supper prior to being locked in his cell at mix o'clock; a special guard was placed on him during the night in i 4 order to present any attempt at suicide. He was sleeping soundly at ten, eleven and two o'clock and about four he awoke and got out of bed. He looked very careworn and haggard, ant again com- plained of not feeling well; after giving himself a good washing, he sat down to his bible. The gaoler visited him and asked him if he'would like an egg and cups of tea, but he refused them, saying that it was impossible for hint to eat any- thing. At half -past aeven o'clock he drank a cup of tea, after which the Rev. Mr. Jolliffe read three passages of Scripture, and prayed with him until twenty minutes past eight o'clock. He then told THE HURON SIGNAL, RR bAY. JULY 7. 1F82. was eying the words "God Sim arm on his soul, ' the doomed uITM e}eula fed " wax, a. !onto" At the weediness tae holt climbed and was lntahed into stormily said bis owed to beat fourteen u,*st.. alter the doop. His nook was not broken Death wee trained by elynylsey. He re- quested that his body be handed oyer to his mother, which request will be o0¢1- plied with. The whole affair did I>Ipf oocupy over four minutes. There w only one spectator allowed in besides the press and the jail officials. Thr execution took place by lamplight. Noise of Vankoughnet's friends wan present not even his wife. She had some words with him wken she visited hie four weeks ago. Yesterday afternoon George Vau- kougbnet, brother, and Mrs. Vankeugh- net, mother of the prisoner, and a neigh - lour, Mrs. Darling, visited the prisoner. It was a sad scene, especially the meet- ing of the poor old woman, who is 70 years of age and much wrinkled, and her boy. The prisoner gave to his friends various articles as mementoes, and cheered them by saying, "1 am prepar- ed to die, and when I die I will go to Heaven." He expressed a desire to be buried beside his deceased brother in the country. He also said that when he killed Richardson El INTENDED TO THROW TEE BODY into Buck Lake, but his heart failed him after firing the shut. He spoke harshly of his relatives by marriage, and said they taught him to thieve, and his poor old mother seemed to hold his wife re- sponsible for most, if not all, of his troubles. The parting was affecting. The son and mother again embraced, and he asked "God to bless her," and she prayed, "that God would be good to him..' ,k we bigurebstliminiars. sed hearted babas boy, who S» as 'bank Oloesigia, and said that he was Symms cid. was brought ZwJestioe l/ltgett� the ! .. teeb ]erlsadaY. an eAyg et the `w, who e4rged hid wild ilw Mng a lookvas ed th it had never seen a ei1tb said hid tree as 14 had not been washed for months. He spoke English very imper- fectly. The (nicer said that he found the boy gathering cigar stomps freta the gutters and streets and sidewalks, and showed Justice White a basket half fil- led with the butts d old cigars oovered with mud and water soaked "What do you do with them" caked his honor. "I sell them to a man for ten cents a pound," replied the boy, "but I don't know his maw, and tbey are aced for making ciearwttes, like they sell in stone " The officer corroborated the child's statemeut, and said there were many boys and even girls, scouring the city iu search of stumps and half smoke' cigars, which were dried and then sold to various parties who used them in making cigarettes. The boy said be liv- ed with his father in Ons Hundred and Eleventh street, but could give no -fur- ther account of himself. Justice White thought the case one of the society for the prevention of cruelty to children to investigate, and temporally committed the "cigar -butt grubber," as those chil- dren are called, for examination, -direct- ing that the officers of the Society be notified. LAPORTE HEARD FROM. Slum While Mattering a Michigan Stare at a m.. Marty Meer. About eight years ago Daniel Laporte was sentenced to the Provincial peni- tentiary for five years for stealing pork from the store house of Mr. John Lec- kie, Brussels. The Laporte mentioned below is evidently the same man, and it would seem that "durance vile" did not cure the fellow of his thievish propensi ties: HERSEY, Mich., July 26.- At about 2 o'clock this morning H. T. Snyder, who slept in his store last night, heard a noise at the front entrance. A stone was thrown, which shattered the large glass of the door and fell on the floor near the center of the door. In a few moments another stone was thrown and more of the glass shattered. Then the burglar was heard to pick off the broken fragments of glass, so as to ,Hake easy climbing through. The burglar then crawled through, and as soon as he rose to his feet Mr. Snyder raised his double- barreled shot gun and aimed at the dark red shadow which he could see oetween hi and the door. The first barrel whi was loaded with buck shot, missed fir He then aimed the second barrel, whi was !Laded with bird shot, and fired bringing down his man, wh, cried ou "I ant killed," and asked Snyder come to him; that he forgave him; th Snyder had done no more than h right, etc. Not knowing but that the might be a revolver in the burglar hands, and that there might be an ac complice, Mr. Snyder did not go direc ly to the wounded man, but called hi clerk, George Newell, and together th went to him, took him and led him the jail, which was only twenty-five ru off. Dr. McCollum wu then called, an upou examination it was found that th shot had taken terrible effect. Th right shoulder was shattered. and th shot had badly scattered, penetratin his face and breast and arms. One sho went in below the right eye and has no been found. If the barrel loaded with buck -shot had been discharged he world have been a dead man. The burglar's name is Daniel Laporte, and he has been known here about four years as "Red Dan " H. has been heretofore regarded as honest. He says there was no *one ap with him, but the fact that a hless was stolen from the Richmond House barn and the burglar's hat was found in a buggy at the barn looks as if there were accomplices. At about daylight this morning Mr. Snyder went before Justice Radcliffe and gave bail for ap- pearance whenever he shall be wanted to answer to the shooting, but the con- fessions of Dan to several persons re- lieves Mr. Snyder of all blame. This is the fourth time that the store has been entered. The doctor gives some hopes of Dan's recovery, but he is in a critical state. No formal complaint has yet been made against the burglar and name will be until the result of the wounds are more fully known. • WAS TO PREPARE FOR Ex Rr'UTION, when he removed his boots, and taking a clean, white handkerchief in his hand announced himself as ready. On reach ing the corridor, he bunt into tears and sobbed aloud. Holding the handker- chief to his eyes. he ascended the step*. to the scaffold arm in aran with the min- ister, and ona he turned round and maid: "L my brother not here, is not that him at the door r" He was answer - d in the negative when he went on crj - inq bitterly and exclaiming "Oh, my us God ! Ob, dear e!.' He was quite strong and required no assistance to walk. While his arms were being pinioned on the scaffold he told the h angman not M draw the coral so tight, that it hart bun. When all was ready he cried aloud, "My ti.od, have mercy em sly poor sect,' and repeated it twn er three tams HI, requested the jailer to give:his photograph to Lis another, who is 70 years of age. and who visited him for the lad time yesterday. The clesgyrme. whimpered *omeshing in his ear, when be maid "I'm ready." end spat riot a lame tob.eeo quid at the foot ..f en - waged• hangman. The minister then en- .ged in a short prayer. and while he rah e. ch t, to at is re 's t - s ey to ds d e e e 8 t t Morleratimt is the silken string run- ning through the pearl chain of all vir- tues. SI. tlewasr Is offered for any ogee of Catarrh that can't he cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken internally. Price 75 cents For sale by George Rhynes. ante agent for Owlerich. 1 A4.4 -3m AswAd-11. June 27th, 1M82. The Council met pursuant to adjou ment at McRae's hotel, KintaiL T members all present. The minutes lest meeting and the meeting and t preeeedings of the first sittings of th Court of Revision were read and firmed Petition of James Munro an others praying the Council to open si line 6 and 7, W. 11, on con. 11 and 1 Petition of M. J. McOay and oth praying the Council to repair that of the road on the 12th con. opposi Iota 7 and 8, it being unfit for trave Mantra. T. Finlay and W. Kirkpatri called the attention of the Counc to the necessity for opening tha part ofside rnad6and 7RD.,on6an 6 con. Moved by Mr. Griffin, second by Mr. McMurchey, that Messrs. Cls. and Whitley be appointed to let a co tract of clearing and ditching on aid road 6 and 7, con. 5 and 6. Moved Mr. Whitley, seconded by Mr. Clare that the sum of one hundred dollars granted to each ward to be expended the road commissioner for the several wards. Moved by Mr. Clare. seconded by Mr. Whitley, that one hundred dol Ian be expended opposite lots one an two con. 9 W. D. By-law No. 9, vary the polling sub -divisions was and passed. Moved by Mr. McMurchy seconded by Mr. Whitley, that the au of seventy dollars be expended in re pairing the road north of Grant's mill n oon. 12, and $36 opposite D. L. Taylor' place, on 10th con., and that side lin 6 and 7 con. 11 and 12 be opened. Mov ed by Mr. McMurchy, seconded by Mr Whitley, that Mr. McClare and 1%hitle be appointed a committee to ezamin he condition of S. L 3 and 4 on -con 3 and 4. and have it repaired. Moved by r. Griffin, secended by Mr. McMufchy, hat the sum of $600 be granted ter m ravelling on take Shore gravel ad between Amberly and Colborne. The ollowing accounts were ordered to be paid:—G. Armstrong, gravel, $6.06; J. Bryan, printing, $2; R. Wall, repairing ulvert on S. L 3 and 4, between con. and 8, 13.50; J. Murphy, repairing ulvert on Lake Shore road in front of h$6.60; A. McIntyre. ditching on Lake ore road, $6; J. McCaig, repairing ungannon hill and bridge, $3; A. Mog- gach, pathmaster, plank 70 cents; Jas. rant, lumber to D. McLean, pathmaa- 07.80; widow Griffin, charity 15: ae . Sullivan. salary as seesor, $85; J. rows, collector, dog tax which could t be collected $3. The Council ad- urned to meet again at Smiley's hotel, unganon, on the 24th of August. June 27th, 1882.—The Court of Re- gion met pursuant to adjournment, W. rady and W. J. Hall were entered on assessment roll as farmer's sons, J. Riddle as joint owner of Et 2, con. E. D., W. H. Johnston was assessed farmer's son instead of owner. The assessment roll having been amended rdingly, was finally passed.—JOEN es, Clerk. rn- he of he e co d de 2. ens part to 1, ck i1 6 ed re n- e bey be ty d to read m n s e y e M g 7 2 ter no jo vi the H. 8, as woo Coo Sir John tried to prevent criticism by gerrymandering the ablest Liberal speak- ers. Yet nearly every one of them is sent back to stand side by •ide with Edward Blake. Banking. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPI)AL, - - llr,ne0,0o. SURPLUS. - - - - 95,000,000. Goderich Branch. D. GLASS - - - Manger. Allows Interns' en depoeite. Drafts. letter of credit and etrrelar notes inaned, papalIn all parts of the world. 17M. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Pard op (ear - 06,000,000. Asst, *1,400,000. President, leuX. Wit. Mel fddlP = (i ner.1 Mewwper• . PP n. ,, bre,.., Goderich Branch. A. M. ROBS, . • - - Ransom. Isterut eprtselg.l Tawas and (hues la &dewed es deposits. Dr f . w ami tae United testes, dad .old. Adraneete boners AS CMe,t with one o more endoreere. wt,Mret rn.rr►eaee tilt never ewe to If you are suffering with low and de- s�p„tills, lose of appetd, general ility, disordered Wood, wear Masti,- lotion, headash*, or any discal. d s. Whose agree, b aan ohms• fid! of aeais Bitters ?rtes' y lalrpsfsed to ass the rapid that will lolkrw; yogi will with new iiia; strength mil.M tio Mea; psis tae triSSI7 will mei* sod Irawadort you will minis* illi the poise Bittersof asstd.bottle, by "Rhme. at fifty J a s EBY 111111111, assiselle. sN'MrM !1% tli. It feint. Qeiasyf ter. Throat fang - "7n and !praise, eefwl tad %Wit, inose/ Soddy Peas, Teeth, Ear sad Needed*, Fretted Fent cad Ewa, end aHWm' Pease end Jude. a. rowaans. eaaab h mob Mo. sOn ense iii leoris. ear one e slam et In woo .ay W lasWs.ltu' Dimmers l■ Mews lengsegsti. SOLD 'MALL AIDDEALEU Is A. `TOGEL= & CO.. sseMlnserM arra. O- i. I. FRESII AIIBIYALS. CANNk D CORN BEEF, LUNCH TONGUE, ENGLISH BRAWN POTTED TONGUE, BEEF, HAM CHICKEN FRE 11 SALMON AND LOBSTER. A FINE ASSORTMENT ()F Christie Brown & Co'E BISCUITS AND CAKES, TEAS, SUGARS AN Pure picas. TRY THEM Chas: A. Nairn. PERCHEROM HORSES LAIOI.T Importing and Breeding ESTSUSIUENT —mTEE— WORLD. M. W. DUNHAM Wayne, De Page Coaatf,Illtaeb, V. 8. A- 016 miles west of (Mi.) Toirtwg tOte inset 17 warms Ir. ITiL. Lroars Awl. W t is Immo les* hnyereee from ��swer re OM ..taetis*w.ewt, arts* Ra than the eeinetaed t ./ 6211 other Mmperle. a n� SU 'Nei* Serener r as urn a Mas M 62aI one Adeno Art% et re mime meow ot rsarese• $i rWlealkfarm 1� `Aasetea WhinnIlhe y .t�UM.iams have ta.t et OD meat Mows d limmge� Wtenons Beam Taslnno, peasrel N beamsat t Mikado a� est. as w Is e nereei sea mow se lbw all the Orme flitoveli =CU erase tddtever mows et 4 d fee� Pt,A,aC.r�S tuTALA.Se .... •�fretless*pI sed -rho OseMla. neer M J7J.� ateaew order - o� i s z�'r.ri risla- tT* 11�RBO D ea • 11110111.01 IRMillant wsereuse Thee m t~ser i� et She soossrs w awesedims w sea rs me ebbe nospies. Ani BOOTS AND SHOES At the Oldett I stablished Shoe Stere is Town, In Endless Variety, t. suit Lk* moat fastidiou and dm mast eessomis Weyer MY SPRING STOCK Is now comples*, and I take pleasure in informing m) oosto,nery that at no pre- vious time have I had such a Large & Varied Stock As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price anis it is a positive fact that no such value in foot wear can be gut elsewhere. CUSTO.,vi. W ORK pf every grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be made up in Che most approved styles by first -claw workmen, end of the very best material obtainable. Ladies and Misses Boots HoeI Free of ch plated doge, At time of purchase if so desired. _ D 0 QCT N= N- G Crabb's Block, Cor. East Street and the Square. THE VARIETY STORE. I have lust received a large stock of WAIL PAPER C3'11EP1\T WINDOW BLIND PAPER, CAR- PET I have also on band • large stock of all kinds .f BRACKETS, SMALL TABELS, CHARIOT HORSES, EXPRESS WAGONS, and CROQI7ET SETTS. All kinds of repairs done to Lounges. Sofas, and Chale. C recaned and perforated seats put in. Carpet sad oU- loth laid, 0-. C. bottom ZsT variety Mere. -8t. HARDWARE! GO TO izcm K -14P F' .�.011P. 1111( .wr TO BUY YOUR Farmers' Hardware —YOUR-- Builders' Hardware YOI' R---_ KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS, In fact, everything you want in his line HE IS BOUND TQ SELL C$EAP This Spring and Summer. See his FENCE WIRE, the best yet. R. "W. M =N'Z_R GREAT BARGAINS! BOOTS AND SHOE$! QREAT CLEARINGSALEFOR 30 DAYS AT CAMPBELL'S BOOT AND, SHOF EMPORIUM Parties wanting cheap good. abonld call at once. Having secured ant (lase w'or 1 prepared to maufactoretoorder. Nothing but First Clara Material Med, AND 7 A C+ood lit C+1.1.ateed.. WM CAMPBELL. (todt rich. Fehr. IOth. 1MM2. GET YOUR IP Ft 141T 1r AT Or OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Posters, Circulars, Cards. &c. PRINTED AT THE OPTTCEOF TME HURON SIGNAL, Vorth Street, etorisr,eh /