HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-07-07, Page 1mgqiefe.47.-* Valifoo.• Apstr 4. tr. 9 BEV° E OU NT -=- , GODERIOH, ONT., FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1882. GE N EI1AL INTELLIGENCE 1 MCGILLICUDDY BIROS. PVai.taltgan t $1.80 A YZAR IN ADVANCE. New Ailraralseaseate Medical xi. -T. Jordon. Preaq vIggjare.-(1. H. Olds. For Rase eislati.-Aeele at this °Mee. Sheep Iliapay.-Jeraph Hetherington. Ayer's Cathartic Pills -Dr. J. C. *Ter & Co. Dentistry. NICHOLSON SURGEON DEN - A. (miettitrararada. West Street doors )(slim nit if Morel. baits- 1,1DWIN KEEFER, DENTAL SUR. GEON. date with Trotter & Caesar, the Leading Dentists of Toronto.) MI operations malts and carefully performed. Rooms, Ulan) Blo over W. Taylor's t loses CLIN- glePaelests front a distaape will please make appointment in ethane. by snail. 1N5. EWIS & LEWIS, BARRISTERS, 14 Attorneys, Solicitors in Chanoery &c. )flee lath* Court House, (Alder/eh. 1u. LeWto. M.A.. B.C.L. Z. N. Lama MD. /1 ARROW & PR,OUDIOOT, B AR RISTERS. Attorneys, Solicitora. etc Goderich. J. T. Gamow, W. Proudfoot. 1751 lek L DOYLE, BARRISTER A ND AY. Attorney, Solicitor in Chancery. fte., Godmich. Ont. 1751. EAGER & MORTON, BARRIS- k...7 'MRS, &c.. &o.. Goderie.h and W C./kern Jr.. Godersch. .1. A. MorioNIZ.- ham. 1751. Q, *ALCOM$ON, BARRISTER AND t-ioStitor. Ofilce -Corner of West Street and et Square, over George Acheson's, 0 k. 1731. VIEAMPION: ATTO R N WY - A T- 1:41. LAW. Solicitor in Chancery, Convey - &c. Office over Sheppard's bookstore, Oat.Asy .most of atoraty to rosilicatrest rates of interest. 1751-y. N, HOLT & CAMERON, Water! in Chapstory, Etc.. ileum: M. C. Casneron, it c.; P. Holt. M. G. Cameron, Goderich. W. E. Mortara Wet/brim 1731. - ' it '' bit l ''. Ifl 1 - e I • D. HUTCHISON, DUNGANNON, Ont. 1812 • . G McDONAGH, M.D. PHYSIC- • IAN. SURGKON. &a., Graduate of Tor. onto Unlveney. Licentiate of the Royal Col. te Batitys Hotel. stallion street. 0 od- ' Ivni Phobias'', Lo n. England. &e..c.. &c..c., IC I'. 8.. Ontario. es and residence Op eri . 17954m DR. MuLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- OKON, Coroner, kr. Office and residence Bruce Street, soeond door west et Victoria Street. 1751. • HG. MACKID, M. D., PHYSI- . elan. Surgeon and Accoucher. Graduate of Torento Un iversit y. °Mee opposite Comer -on & Cameron's Bank. Lacknow. ; f not in ' Mee. enquire at the Bank. 1762-y. DP.. SHANNON & HAMILTON, A-, Physicians. Surgeons. Amouchars, kr. trace at Dr. Shlunon's residence, near the Tall. Goderich. C. SHANNON. C. HANIL 1751. Loans anb 3nsurance. MONEY. -PRIVATE FUNDS TO A lend on easy terms in MIMS to suit bor- rouses. MAN. McD A atom. Osiderieh. Nov. 171h NM. 1313.1m. Q500,000 T() LOAN. APPLY To SP 'CAMERON, HOLT k CAMERON. Oode- kb. 1759. !It 75,O TO LEND ON REAL ES - Kee TAM Terms favorable. Appist to B. L. DOYLE, Goderich. 1751 fk50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND CP on good Farm or first-class Town Property • t8 per cent. Aortic' to R. R ADCLIFFE. 1751 ikrOlifil7 TO. LEND IN ANY & amount to suit borrower» at 6 to 64 per emit. Private funds. Apply to SEAultR and MoirroN. God er ch. MONEY T4 LEND. -A LARGE amount ot Private Funds for investasent .itkoweet tatte eoa flret-elass Mortgages. Apply - BARROW k PROUDFOOr. ,OANS FREE OF CHARGE. - AI Money to lend at lowest rates. tree ot any oasts or charges. SEAGER 4. MORTON, opposite Colborne Hotel. : • sr erloh. lard Maras Int. 1770. g PER CENf. -THE CANADA. NI Landed Credit Company is prepared to lend money on good Farm security. et oils per cent. Full partletilarsiiren upon application to HUGH HAMILTON. C. L. agent. Goderich. 1783. a10,000 PRIVATE FUNDS Ti) LEND terest. Rartgoires . no Commievion V on Warm and Tow:Mire, at towed In. obaneee. Conveyancing rem reasonable. N. B. -Borrowers can obtain money in (medley If title is satisfactory .- DA VISON & JOHN- STON. Barristers. ke Goderich. 1761 R. tRADCLIFFE. FIRE, MARINE, envi le oa 184= gg The People's Column. QHEEP ESTRAY. -CAME ESTRAY. k7 "ten as ibe Prenallils of the subscriber, about Hie beginning of Jape, a ewe. The owner is requested to prove _property, par chargee and take her away. J00111.11 Hirai- Itazitarox. lot 6. con, 111. Colborne, Nile P. 0. POR SALE CHEAP. -A BUGGY, A And single harness. For particulars ap- ply at this °Moe. - MISS SKIMMINGS, IN •tv.K. Sheathing her purees for their Ountinaed patronage, would intimate her desire to ur- gent's aa extra oleos, for Instructions In vocal aad loMmunental music. during the approach- ing vacation. Terms, 06.00 per quarter, in ad- vane.e. Goderich, June gith, lstu. 1845- TENDERS WANTED--Foa ST. a Church iheaday School building. Planstlinpecifiostions can be been at the of - doe of IL RADCLIFFE, on and alter Wednesday. July 50. Tenders received until Mondss. July lab. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. RADCLIFFE, Chairman Building Committee. Goderich. June filth, 1881 1813-11 NOT4313--THIA STATUTES OF ON- TARIO. 45 Victoria, Het aretaisw ready for d iscri ration at the onIce of the Mirk of the Peacesiatn Giodertai, rem&tinstes and other fil ocia entitled to same. TR • LEWIS, Clerk Peace OMm. Clerk Peace, Huron. Goderich. June 2d, 1)182 161.5-tt y IfEREBY GIVE Nol'KE THAT I ▪ win not De responsible keenly debts con- tracted by my wife or any other Person with- out my written order. Ronnie? lama. Stanley. AfISS NETTIE SEEOMILLER, A Having completed her steadies in music under Prof. Sipe. .1 London, gad having re- ceived • cerUilcate. 1 now Wir ceed to re- ive a linsitod number of p for Plano isstru 7tion. Mies Seeirrn ler also prepared to take orders for Crayon Portraits. Satisfac- tion is every ease gaarantrag. Residence, owner Ounbria Road and Negate Street. '"C WILL PAY FOR THE SIGNAL, la . poologo free ter also Igkisset of UM SebecrIbe at race, sad got rgeresnem of this offer. rpo RENT. - A COJEFORTABLE .1. Rutter on eivittertItzeek eantlatbrar 8 rooms, kitchen and psntry, with hard and sett water. Agedy to OW. Mchl.AHON. 111334f. VOR SALE OR TO RENT. -THE Large preinimes known as the Teatmseth Salt Well with Block, containing one steam pan 60ft and one Iron pan sort in length, with allps her opportunities for making salt in good mining order. Working capacity 100bbs per day. present prim of salt Sk per barrel. toe a day clear profit. Apply toG go. B. Joitetrros, P. O. Box 70. Goderteh. rflo RENT. - A COM?ORTABLE Huusetin $t. Patrick'slitmet. containing seven rooms told woodshed. Hard and soft water 00 the premises, and the entire place In the best condition. Convenient to the square. Also two brick cottages. near the station. Apply to JOHN Bliit:ENHIDGIII, Newgate Street. Ooderich. Len"`' .i.‘.UCTION SALE OF VALUABLE MARKS. tic VHS TOWNSHIP tflr artrultif, IN TH. 0O10TT OF HURON. Pursuant to the order of Wilmot Richard Smiler, Esquire, Judge of the County' Court of the County of Huron, made in a certain suit or matter of Mitchell v. Mitchell, bearing date the 12th day of May. A. I). 1882, there will be offered for sale. with the approbation of thsr7 represientatiteottheCounty of Hur- on liaterdso. tie al I of Jolly. nere.at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, at White's hotel. in the village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, by James Oke, Auctioneer, the following valuable lands in two parcels namely: Parcel uuntber 1. Lot No. 15 its the 5th Con. of the township of Stephen. in the Conety of Huron, contoining by admaissurethent 100 acres of land. more or less. This property is well cleared, and on it are erected a large .vo story brick house and kitchen, a large brick barn. a brick stable, a large brick cowshed. a frame granary. a frame driving house, also a $siceLi is rateable brick yard. There also a bearing orchard. The purchaser will be en- titled to 35 acres of fall is -heat now in the ground. Parcel No. 9. The North 'half of lot No. IS. in the tIth concession of the township of Steph- en. in the County of Huron. containing by admeasurement 50 acres of land. more or less. The property is all cleared and well fenced. The eurehemer will be entitled to 10 acres of fall wheat, now In the ground. Terms. -Ton per cent down at the time of sale. balsnee in 30 days without intOrest. In all other respects the conditions of sale will be the standing conditions of the Chanoery Division of the High Court of Justice. For further particulars apply to S. Malcomson, barrister. W. Hall. liarrister. Exeter 0810 udellkaaktios Hots' & CARIRROR, W. R. 41er. Vendor's Solicitors. Real epreeentatIve. 1851 ttERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. C,OUNTT or HCRON. t By virtue of a Writ of Tf3 wfl nevi racks. issued out of Her Majesty's County Court of the roust, of Huron and to me directed against the land. e nd Tenement' of John Kelly at the snit od John Remedy. 1 bare seised and taken zlecutioa the Heat, interest equity of redrennkta of the above Wendaat la sad to that parcel of hied Strafe, lying and tieing In the County of Homo owl Province of Ontario. comprising the west half 01 401 number two In the ninth coneew dell Of the aastern IN•ision of the township • Asideld. Which land• end tenements I offer for Nile, 1117 nm. n the eoart the tot's' ot Godertch. on Tuesday el OUteber at the hoer of twelve , boos. ROBERT GIBBONS, mice. slogeekb. Sheriff of It urn& Op nth NW tonsorial. W KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR- T V • 15151 .04 Halrgivessr. begs to cetera s Moira eancetatert fanerarcsar." eat braWle ties 004 al veloC h Sharing Parlor, near 47.15 7 Hotels. MAITLAND HOTEL, GODWIlani ONT. The above new and gret-eleas bora*, ekes te the Railway Strains sad eterreratat 10the town, Is mend to none In Oater1o. for eora- fort and aceounnoiation Is boated try Hot A ir It siitus, awn. arm harm. Croquet Lawn and garden en khe Hot gad cold meets .4*11 boars. frie As Oesulans to and fnsett boa% imed cant ern - rano, 10 sttendanee Inc Rrohman Pro Webs, IMO SHERIFFR RALE OF LANDS. 'Corirria or Mown. a ley ?Mee et a Wrft of rp wrr Plead rodeo. Issiral rat Majesty's County Court 01the 00111m7 sm. 10510 40, against the we A Mg::••=itel 11111d irtiljeM of wies the 541108 n the town werand day of 1114V0 of the flock. allt▪ a811 Whkhl • at of October. at tra boor of nova. , ROBERT 0111100Ne. ll1eriffs ()Men. Godorieh Vh•ri IT of Helton 1.ine Inth at 11.414 NEWS UT HOME. Jobe s• "A skid% An' tank g 70. takin' notes, 1 sweat it." 70.11 TONAL -....- . M.ike whole of the stock of ..1.4ce. that *111 defy 111, Market Square. .1.1)11•42 to be phollophing a foozTersons othyitarphoo, atl gallery. 0 -so. bora got a tit= at lesr = the rut put- - up trait era litteni. They hove *leo purchased for arab fres a tamake:otios abe sotahinatioa O 10t otcooking stuv hich eirt sell eiseap. . The cikeapeet use ths bus. %guns ti • pl•••••i thing cottage as la An If you want ontrabott in yto -. Be sure to elation Sallow ii. Hell maks oar eud as It =gat CrainsipicipsEa.rou bee. bellows. boost& oa laket to arrasseat Year humble home or tan house Henault your tietisatioesf bent- Th/apkotorraPber Ballow& "Everybody reads Tna Mrs. 011ierne is spending her vaca- tion in town. no Misses Wynne have mane on an American tour. Mr. Charles Mckfauus is spending his vacation in town. Miss Hutchison has returned frau her visit to Montreal. Mrs. Harry Johnston ta visiting friends at Chatham. Mrs. Capt. Sheppard- and family, are taking a trip nn the lakes. Mrs. Dr. Adams of Embro is visiting at her old home on Nelson St. Miss Oakes, of Clinton, is visiting her Aunt Mrs. Kirkhriale, Stanley it. Mr. Fred. Seegmiller has gone up to Sault St. Marie au a business trip. Muss Clendenning, of Forest, is visit- ing her uncle, Mr. Grierson, Brock at. Mr. Nathan Johns, of London, is vis- iting relatives in and around Ga.elericle Mr. and Mrs. George Kidd of Dublin, and the Misses Kidd, are visiting in town. Miss Minnie Weir, of Stratford, is spending her vacation with Mrs. Looney, Nelson St. Miss Minnie Robertson has gone to visit her uncle, Mr. Jacob Seegmiller, of Walkerton. The sisters of St. Joseph held their annual pic-nic in Bingham'a grove on Monday last nem.. of the British Exchange Hota, has been trying the miller:1. waters at Stratford. Master John Detlor, eldest a an of S. H. Detlor, has teen very ill of inflam- mation of the lungs. Mr. Thos. Grahame, of Chicago, spent Dominion Day in t.;wn and visited his home at Sheppardton. Mr. Jas. Wilkinson has left for the Lake Superior region, and will probably be absent for the season. Mrs. Turner and family of St. Louis, have arrived to spend the summer months at their lake rgaidence in town. Mr. John Cee, 1 Detlor's & Co's es- tablishment, i spending a couple of weeks in Chicago, visited his uncle Mr. Ben Allan. Knox church choir will furnish the music for the strawberry festival to be held in the Union church, Goderich tp. this evening. Mrs. John Green, of Port Dalhousie, is visiting relatives in town and in Cul - borne. She is a niece of Mr. John Morris, of Colborne. Renovsting the houses inside and out- side is the oll` of the day,and Goderich oreeente a most attractive appearance to one isitars this season. Mrs. F. C. Rogers, of Brussels, ac- companied her husband, the Reeve of that place, to Goderich last week, and spent a few days in town. Mr. E. E. Wad*, a Brussels, IL for- mer resident of Ooderieh, was in town during the week visiting old friends. He looked hale and hearty. A number of Goderich Masons attend- ed the Anglican church, Clinton, on Sunday last, and listened to an appro- priate sermon from Rev. Mr. Craig. • The Orangemen el this district pur- =celebrating the 1.111i of July in ten on Wednesday. A big day is anticipated by the rainnbers of that or- der. Dr. O'Reilly, Provincial gaol Inspec- tor, was in town on Tuesday, and visit- ed Castle Dickson. He was. accompan- ied on his visit to Goderich by Mrs. O'Reilly. The morning train will arrive in Gode- Ash until farther notice about nine o'elock This will give visitors to Gods - riot' a longer tinse to spend in our beau- tiful town. We understand that the Ontario Pharinaceutisal haseelation of Ontario threaten lepl pitisimithisgs against any his regular druggists selling =rem. Mrs. Dv MeMisising ie, we regret to Warr. very ill of tritlanansehon ot the Byer. Rhe emelt seditenly fll while vie - king at Toren* with her daughter, Mile Georgina Offralgran Pie-erte.- Arrangements are of oak thy tWWI he St. Peter's AVOItuesh fee the holding of la pie-nie in Bleelh_IL' t paws014 IPleidnesday, the huh 70 perthigin will be gir. en item wok. We are Informed that over $T5 were netted at the strawberry festival on the panda of H. Johnston, Esq., 00 Tue.- day last, in aid of the building fund of St. George's church Sunday School. M-. James McFarlane, gardener to Mr. James Gamow has sent us • speci- men of barley grown on the grounds of the latter. The stalks are considerably over four feet in length, and gave pro- mise of a much longer growth. Miss K. McIntcoh, of North Street, on Wednesday sent us in some speci- mens of strawberries, the largest of the "Wilson" variety we have seen this season. They were grown on the farm of Mr. C. McGregor, and were as lus- cious as large. Excusoioo. - Arrangements have been made by the Directors of the Me- chanics' Institute for an excursion from Goderich to Toronto and return on Mon- day next llth inst., good fir throe days, fare $2.25. The train will leave Gode- rich at 7.30 a. w. In the list of graduates in the class of '82 at the commencement exercises of the Michigan University at Ann Arbor, this week, we notice that Mr. R. A. Packwood has obtained hi. M. D. de- gree. He is • brother of Mrs. Chas Le- Touzel, of Colborne. Mr. W. A. Howie, of the Bank of Commerce, has been removed to Sarnia, and has been suoceeded by Mr. A. E. Grassett, of Ottawa. Mr, Elosaie dur- ing the short time he was in Goderich, made a host of friends, and was quite a favorite in many circles. Rev. J. W. Sutton, of the M. E. Church, preached a special sermon to Orangemen on Sunday morning, taking for hi. text : Romans 1: 16. The dis- course is spoken of as an appropriate one, and was much appreciated by the members of the order present. ,The " Maple Leaf" cricket elub, of Goderich, Capt. Percy Malcumson, and the "Stars" of Clinton, Capt. H. Stan - bury, juvenile clubs, played a match game in Goderich on Dominion Day. Two innings were contested, the Clin- ton boys proving victors hy a score of 90 to 55. Rev. R. Hicks wishes in behalf of the congregation of St. George's cheich to acknowledge with very niarly thanks the handsome donation of $23.25 from Mis. Fletcher's sch.00l, the proceeds of their closing enterteinment., a very substan- tial addition to the building fund of St. George's Sunday School. A strawberry festival will be held in the school Peen of Knox Church on Monday evening next, tile proceean of mhleh willibe for the benefit of the choir. 7-1.111 Open at 7.30. Refreshments served at 8. Admission 20c. A pro- gramme consisting of nausic, readings, etc, will also be presented. ACCIDiNT. -A lad named Chas. Sim- mons, aged about 13 years, met with an accident on Saturday evening, whilst at- tending the fireworks. A lad pulled a "mine" off the stand too soon, and it exploded in the midst of a group, strik- ing Simmons on the thigh, and causing a painful although not dangerous wound. Orr THR THAI 'K. -The train for Toronto on which the Goderich High School contingent for -matriculation at the University was on board, laat week ran off the track near Acton. No damage to life or limb was sustained, much to the relief of friends of Messrs E. Duncan, W. H. Clutton, E. Macdon- ald and others. The intermediate examination of pu- pils, which has,been in progress in the Court room during the week, under the supervision of Inspector Miller, will likely close on Saturday. 54 pupils' are writing from Goderich High School and and 15 from the outside points. A num- her of the latter have, however, been Goderich High School pupils in past sessions. A LADY DRILL leirreurroe. -At the Toronto school drill and calisthentc competition held in the Queen's Park on the 30th ult., the 2nd and 3rd prizes were taken by the 4th and 9th divisions of Phoebe at. school. These divisions were instructed in the drill and calis- thenic exercise by Miss I. Straubel, daughter of our townsman Mr. C. F. StraubeL HTMENRAL. Wnt. Kerr, formerly a merchant in Goderioh, has, after a few years residence in Tennessee, annexed one of the daughters cf that State, and persuaded her to change her name. We understand that Mr. Kerr is well pleas- ed with the climate and people of that portion of the South. Some of his old friends would like to see him come up an his wedding trip. Rev Mr. Wakefield, the new pastor of North street Methodist church, arri•- ed lest week, and preached on ;Sunday. Yesterday (Thursday) evening he was: tendered a reception by the ladies of the eongregation and others nn the tone and handsome grounds of Wm McLn, Req. Strawberrisa and cream, etc., abounded, and doubtless by this time the new pastor feels perfectly at home. Tea Poza-r Fenn. --Mine hoot of the Point Farm had • busy day on the 1st, visitors from every direction pouring in. The Clinton New Era thus refers to a young man known to many cf cur read- ers: On Sunday evening Rev. R. Y. Thoinpeon, of the Winnipeg College, (formerly of 11 ullett) preached in Willis church. He is one of the most clever young men in the Presbyterian ministry and gave an exceptionably good sermon. He is on his way to Germany where he will prosecute his studies still fur- ther. By publisher's notice printed else- where it will be seen that all back sub- scriptions not settled at (MCC will be charged at the rate of $.2 per annum. Fair warning is now given, and if our friends who are behind want to save 50 cents on each year's subscription, they will settle early. Do not watt until next week, or next month, but come in at once, or send the money in registered letter. The Clinton Methodist Sunday Schou excursion on Wednesday was largely at- tended. The school "pic-nicked" in Bingham's grove, and marched to that place from the station with banners fly- ing, presenting a pleasing appearance. Not a little amusement was created by the appearance of the provision wagron, which was heaped with bsskets, in the midst of which fluttered a banner bear- ing the words, "Precious Promises." COLD Hounays.-The lst and 4th of July, days dear to the Canadian and American heart, were each exceedingly cold this year. One of the athletes in the mile race on Dominion de?' declared that he "didn't sweat a drop. ' Yet the amount of ice-cream disposed on that day was considerable; but there are some girls who would inch along for ice-cream on Dominion Day if the thermorneterslip- zer t ped and fell ever so many4es below Complaints have been male to WI that a number of our youth are in tho habit of carrying firearms and shooting birds in the orchards of neighbors'and jump- ing fences for the dead birdss, In addi- tion to injuring property,there is consid- erable danger to residents. Some of thalads will be "hauled up" if thiaprac- tice is continued. No one has a right to shoot any bird or animal on another per- son's property, without the consent 'of the owner of the property. SALT BA04. -Last week about fifteen thousand salt sacks arrived here fur the Canada Salt Aasocieti,„„. They are in. -.emu to be used for the Lower Cali- adian trade, the people of that province being accustomed to buy in sacks, in fact will not buy barrelled salt. It is said that after the sack is emptied it is converted into a very servicable pair of pants, and after doing service in this connection as long as possible is turned to a variety of other use.. -[New Era PEAIMPOtte MA,trfolit. - day Ma'am Morton & Creasman, the w I -known carriage miasma of this place shiprof tem handsome canopy tap phae- tons to WinnipegRoth vehicles were splendidly hill, symmetrical and well- Sd are a credit to the eetablish- mese lime turned than out. We trust that Ws consignment is bat the prelude to a huge and steady shipment of carria- ges, etc., to th Prairie Provinee, hy Messrs. Morton & Creasman. The phaetons were 1or Messrs. Westbrook & Fairchild, Wirinipee. who will her., rigs they mac he pond Crirket-eoderlek V. ClInkon. A game at cricket was played on the grounds of the Goderich Club on Wed- nesday last, between the clubs of Clin- ton and Gederich. Wickets were pitch- ed at 11.30 a. ni., Goderich going to the bat. By the annexed score it will be seen that the home team hal the game, the first innings giving them a lead of 30. In the second innings Goderich made 79 runs, and on time being called the visitors were found to be 35 behind with one wicket to go down. Under these circumstances the first inning de- cided the game: - W Proudfootb Kennedy. lo Cralb . 7 T Armstrong, b Kennedy. 9 run out .12 R 8 Morris, e Kennedy 41:e Hovrson K A Stark. b Howson nee bof. wicket 4 J A McDougaiTc Kennedy 1' runout 2 T McDermott, Is Kennedy lib Howson ... C C' Ross, It Howson.....1 b Howson . 12 r b Howeoe.. 6 Is Kennedy 8 Hayes, net out 18. b Kennedy 1 II Elliott. leg bef. wicket0 e Harland W K Roan, h Howson5 c Craib 7 Hyes 10 64 79 cLINTON. A McF.wan, b Morris 0 h McDermott . 2 DA Forreister. b MeDer. b Melkugall • 12 mott . . 71 J Cralb, c Armstrong 1 e Roes J Kowloon, b McDougall - 10,o Stark T Johnstim, It Morris. Te McDougall2 W Jackson. b Morris. Olb Stark. .. 0 J n . c Mtark. G MoTaggert. h Morris 0 A Manning, b Morris 2 I. Stephens, run out 4 T Kennedy, rus out 0 Tease. 5 sot out. . .. 6 c °remelt .0 not out .. . . 1 e Elliott. 41 At Cramforl. A FIN, BARN; ( In the 27th ult., af- ter live weeks' work, the framers under command of George Morrts,olf Oarbraid omnpieted the largest barn an the town- ship of Ashaeld for Mr. Thee. Harris. It i 70 x St feet. and has • tine steno foundation 10 fat high. It is built over a running sprint, to which a he.. is at teams& eo that 30 heed of oattle, 11 hones and 20 sheep can be fed and watered all the year round. At the raking of the timber* for the foundatioet there were 57 pereen. prowent: mad at the raising of the heavy timbers to their owes ever 40 men on sash side. fls stalwart sena of Ashfield, this sins. modes of walmone$i. ani the sturdy his ol Oa:Ahura quickly pot the largest barn m this section on its baae. Aftee- wards all united in devouring a splendid repot served by the ladies of the house - head and friends, and story and jest Oiled rip the balance; of the evening. It tor& 72 *quarts of shingles to cover the barn reef, and the rafters were 67 feet long. The eaptains of the Wes were J. Peensilitie and edam ',edam Vow OUR TOWN FATHERS. The Mantes of the last Meeting. June 29, 1882. The regular meeting of the Town Council was held this evening. Present -the Mayor in the chair, Messrs. John- ston, Campbell. Hutchison, Bingham, Butler, Dancey, Jordan, Lee, Nicholson, Sloane and Swanson. The minutes of last meeting were read and anproved. TRItAtURICR'A IMPORT. showingAmt. Amt. paid out AAmt. recd. since last meeting. 8318117 mt. In Hank l: The Treasurer presented a statexacrueu.Nts Referred to Finance committee. COMMUNICATIONR. A communication was received from the Torouto General Trust Company, and ordered to be filed. A communication -was received from the Provincial Beard of Health. Re- ferred to Health committee. A communication was received from the secretary of the hoard of Common School Trustee asking grant of $4,800 for school purposes for current year. Referred to Finance committee. A communication waa received from the Clerk and Treasurer, tendering bis resignation. It was moved by Sloane, seconded by Hutchison, that the salary of the Clerk and Treasurer be increased $200, as an inducement tor Mr. Moore to re- main. Moveu in Amendment by Johnston, seconded by flolutler, that Mr. Moore's resignation be accepted. On division there voted on the amend- ment yea -Johnston, Bingham, Butler, Lee, Nicholson and Swanson. Nay - l'he Mayor, Campbell, Hutchison, Dan- cey, Jordan and Sloane. The amend- ment was declared lost, and the motion was declared lost on a 'similar divis- <=11=11 Moved by Johnston, seconded by But- ler, that Mr. Moore's resignation be ac - "proved in amendment by Jordan, seconded by Dancey that the further consideration if the resignation of the Clerk and Treasurer be deferred to a meeting of the council to be called to meet on Friday, the 14th July next. There voted on the amendnaent.yea- the Mayor, Campbell, Dancey, Bing- ham, Jordan, Nicholson, Shone and nwanson 8. Nay -Johnston, Hutchis- on, Butler and Lee 4. The.amendment was declared car- rie4 Moved by Nicholson, seconded by Butler, that all dommunicatiorut refer- ring to the Clerkship and Treasurership be laid over to next 'fleeting. Carried. A petition was presented frinn John Blake and others; asking for repairs to drain on South St. Referred to Public Works committee with power to act. aceouers. The following accounts were presented and referred to the Finance committee: d Murray, $193.41; Weller & Martin $3; 1). Ferguson, $8.32. The Finance cammittee reported, re- commending the payment of the follow- ing accounts: H. Spence, 51.63; John Hillier, $1; Wm. Mitchell, 56.241; John Scobie, $4: D. Ferguson, 59.53; C. F. Straubel, $1.84. The consideration of the cases of Mc- Lean and Newell were referred to the Relief committee with power to act. In accordince with notice of motion of last meeting Jordan moved, seconded by Campbell, that Mr. Nicholson be al- lowed to use vacant ground in front of his cemetery lots for purpose of orna- mentation, without charge. Carried. Moved by Swanson, seconded by But- ler, that the P. W. committee be em- powered to make necessary arrangements for the pumping of water for watering these treets. ThReeve, itt his capacity as War. den of the County, gavean invitation to the Council to attend at the celebration of the opening of the Maitland Bridge. The council then adjourned. 1 ANOTHER OLD PlONEER GoNE. -We regret to learn of the death of Mr. James Young, who died June 15th, at his residence in Ashfield; at the age of ' 68 years after a long and painful ill- ness. He came to Canada from Nairn, Scotland,with his father and rest of family in 1835, and settled in Colborne. In 1841 he removed to Ashfield, and re- mained there till his death. He I oriel a widow, three eons and two daughters to mourn hia las. He was much re- spected by all who knew him, and his remains were followed to the grave by e large concourse. Lotilmra. EUCHRE BY LOG LIGHT A party of We playing cards by the weird light of a bleeping leg heap was one ef the sights hereabouts Pm night last week. The leas shuffled the cards until the grey dawn of day, in order is while away the tedious watoh. To a passer by 1145 00140 was picturesque. -Co. Howe ADAIR. -W. ars plaallild to MSG Mr. J. Strachan moving amongst us 0000 MOTO after a two in,oltall' visit to - relatives ot Sault Rt. Marie. in ben& health end spirits than before T11•04101. -Our 'heir and others who went (nun here to Itimmilla 10 tho strawberry fatten/liven by the Sons nt Tenapmonce, whh 15 thank the &ins for their kind and the bountiful *early of hum asip«•A •• • ID rn 41