HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-06-30, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JUNE 30,1882. Monis. PaagapTATIOL.-Os Thenday •eves- iMR, of last week, a number of the kends in Coaeeetioo with the Primitive Meth- odist Oberok, drove to Wingbass sad called M the residue, el Mr. Festwell, Rev. R. Weatherill sad wife's present house, sad made the v. peotlemaa the recipient ofa puna conabout address was pa- pered sad ly Rev. J. Markham, sed the preasatatioa was made by Wise (Myer, alter whisk Mr. Weathseill made an , thanking the domes for their kasdsome preast, ask the kind wishes with w tt was aeooa- ponied. After partaking of refreahu eats the piny started for their several homes the evessisi having been oiuvably *pest by all. Rev. R. W and wife leave for their new home in Walkerton about the 4th of Jely._ Rev.Mr.Jones is appointed as Mr. Markham's alleges for the ensuing year. . liesisslsi S 1. The ladies of Union Presbyterian Church intend holding a Stmebiary festival et the church on Friday July 7th when a good time may be expected. Re- freshments served et 4 n clunk. Admis- sion 15e. izoulaavILLJ, Jute 19th, 1982. O. cit met to -day pursuant to d- joaraseeet. Members all present. - minutes of last meeting read and pseud. Moved by J. Laithwatt, eeteded by J. that David Baskerville be re- f $7 un account of having sustain- ed loss by fire to about $1400, aad get no insurance -Carried. Moved by Jas. Laitbwait, seconded by J. Peapack, that motion No. 52, notifying R. Beacom, J. Mott, Juts. Rutledge, W. Elliott. John Woods, J. Burk, J. A. Neftel to remove "their faeces aeoording to Mr. Bay'* sur- vey in murine book, July bth, 1880, be reseeded, cad thee the clerk notify the above parties to remove their fences scoordine to the stone* placed by Mr. Postmen ea per bylaw -Carried. Mov- ed by J. Isitbwait, seconded by J. Pea- cock, that the clerk be instructed to write to the different parties who have snbsenM4 money to be expended on the Flt:, ....1 Lith ...., running from I1 ' ntelvillie to Maitland river, .,e well t r the a'tintoe ourp ratios, and re- %uu . I .Zt •out of the balanoe of their subs,, /mail 'before the 10th of July, • Tear --Carried. u Mo%tri by J • emended by J. Peacock, that L F. Toms, Esq., be exempt from taxes on $800 .f his assessment, as he has had bui diesis dedryed by fire to the amount of $1.W0 -Carried. Moved by J. Cox, seeendd by J. Whitely, that J. Miller, be paid the sum of $7b a year for board- ing one Jos. Miller, an indigent; same to be Raid quarterly-Oqrried. Moved by J. Laithwait, seconded by J. Peacock, that by-law Ne. 0, of present year, now read three times be Moved by J. Peacock, seoondei by Jos. Whitely. that Mrs. Munro and Mrs. Loves be unapt from statute labor for the present year -Carried. Moved by J. Peacock, seconded by J. Laithwait, that the following accounts be paid: - Mar office, printing,,, $12.75; J. hillier, indigent, $18.7b; T. Disney, underdrain, two crossings, Maitland con., $3; John McCartney and others, for work on S. L between 14th and loth con., $10; JI Sterling, fur swelling property of ' person deceased, $2. Council adjourned to meet on the send Monday in July. - Jae. PATrois, Clerk. (1d.. Statute labor is doing a good deal for the road some places just now. Rev. T. J. Sabine has been stationed by the B. C. conference to Colborne cir- cuit. The lecture in Zion by Rev. F. W. Boerne, of England was well worth go - in, out to hear. The speaker has, no doubt, travelled s great deal, and ha* an excellent way of putting into words what he has seen. A large barn was raised on the prnr.ai- 'es of Mr. W. Hill, 1st con., on Wed- nesday, June 14th. The building is 60 x fib feet with stone cellars, &c. The framing was done by Mr. D. Patterson, and bespeakseredit for his ability as a carpenter. At the rising Mullett con- tested Colborne, the former winning their side by several rafters. 4 On the evening of -he 21.1 inst., pre- vious to the departure of the Rev. T. Brod from the circuit, a number of the members of the Bethel B. C. church, Colborne; met at the parsonage ro pay a farewell visit to their pastor. After they had taken possession of the parlor, Mr. Broad wai called in, and a very nice ad- dress was read to bun, expressing high appreciation of him, both se a minister ted u a man, by those amongst whom he has labored for the last three years, 'and also their sorrow because the bonds of friendship must soon be broken, by his amoral, praying that the Divine blessing might net upon him in his new field of labor. And as a more tangible proof of their attachment they presented him with a well filled purse, which will great* endear that people to their pastor. A lite later in the evening a number of the members of the Ebenezer appoint- ment in Hallett drove over. They also look n of the parsonage, and in of the members, and congrega- tion of that appointment they read to him a very nice address, expressing their appreciation of him as their parlor for the Wt three years, alto their deep n- gret at his having to leave them. They had found that the ties of Christian friendship, had grown strangler, thelon- (ter he was with them, and now tun part- ing they felt it very unfelt, butt u K' ..eased to be the order of Muss Pro.' - donee the bowed in ssbsnieion to that will. They also, to slow their eincers respect presented him with a well filled purse. Never did a pastor lase, s cir- suit with isobar of dee reaped on the pistol the pastor, awdpt't,ple. Wbieh is as it should be. -Cort - Tato Wichita (Kau..$) Nagle_ thus refers to a former resident of the eewsty of Heron • "Mr. Isaac Benible, who for a lone( time was connected with the delivery and mania- departments of the Wichita Pose eau, but who for the past few mouths has been at the head of Mr. Harding's book aad stationery es- tahliwnt, o goings to leave es. He has been offered an advantageous situa- tion with a heavy Chicago Donk and wall paper Saw whisk le at uses Weida to accept. We repot kis Flaw to the City. as h• is a meet worthy and eowpeteat osiimsgm tact is..In ne4`by ao you/hamar 'ad in this city. aleeiwill honourably .add .nooredully fill any station is life which be may be iada..d to soespt, sad as we said Were we ams sorry to lose hiss sad his o=aspls and dunes " mu. Too EXQNANAE a ease of Dyspepsia Biliousness or for 75 cents? Is Is awfully unwise to ...infra heemann __t.1moats -ing from L' yspepeia, Iadljje*Uon . Disordered - Stomach and Liver, when this ofbr is made to you in your own home in ail sincerity, with anabsoluteeertainty of ZOPESA (from Brasil) cures is A e dose relievees;s; a a sof ample bottle eonvinoes; a 75 cent bIt tlcure acs dd t tly *pea tho Stomach Liver, and Kidneys. C1eansinz, Corr+cting, Reg- ulating, Zopess give* energy and vim to the Brain, Nerve, and Muscle, simply by work- ing wonders un the Diges- tion, and Civ>t g activity to the Liver. Cut this out, take it to any dealer In medicines, and gc t at least one 75 cent bottle ct Zopesn, and tell your ncighbc r how it acts, It is wr-tr-n:•^.1 o cure Dripepala and BO. Mack's Magnetic Medicine a to t i t ar owf) TRAPS mama (*FTael. r lea Sure, Prompt and Effectual Remedy for Nervousness in all Us .tepral Weak Newsom less .f Broin Power. *weal Proetral tem, Nick Sweats. Sffermarrekes. &miss& Week- lies& f ltSweats.Nrernterekes.Se.tetatWeek- liess owl General Less .I Pslrer. It nppyyn Yerrora Waste, Rrjrrtante. the Jaded Jsdel- ler•t, strengthens the Enfeebled Brain, and Re- stores Surprising Tone and f-ipor to the EX - /musk(' Generative Orgnea. The experience of thousands proves It an IYVALI'A.La Ray - any. The medicine is pleasant to the taste. sad each boa conte ins.slnalent fon two week's mttedicatton, and Is the cheapest and beat. .irPtill particular; In our pamphlet, which we desire to mail free to any address. asrb's faaga lir laedIelne is sold by Drug- gists at a eta. per box. or 12 boxes fur ({S, or will be mailed free of postage. on receipt of the money. by addressing 111 Arbil MEEalt'r. IE (..WS Rud in Qederieh.wwAl•LI WILSON. and aDm/MUM every 1d12 -1y Trade Mark Registered. ANOTHER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG. ' MISS STEWART, The well known milliner of (*Ashok bogs to swans, to her numerous patrons and the ladies of our town sod the wnueading enestry generally, that, iu addition to Her Usually Well Assorted Stock COMPRISING AL!. THE NINEST & LATEST STYLES IN MILLINERY She has received a large consignment at Fresh Goods, Specially Suited. for the Present Season By casual observation, we End all land speculators have a clear bead stud watch the ops and downs of property. ,hue nuking large foetuses. But the whole secret 1ta they keep the system in a healthy cogdition by the use of TUE PRIDE dr TRE e.ILLE% 11La1e'INs We eats safely any that hundreds come to us for the great lung and blood purifier before going west. Head the following statement. We could give thousands of the same kind if It were necessary. certify that 1 was troubled with Catarrh in the heal. gathering of phlegm in the throat choking and coughing at night for years, so I could not sleep. often tumbled with dull. life- less ;actings. pains In the cheat and back. After ,riving hundreds of dollars to doctors. aad givinuup all hapea. I tried the PAWS Or INE V ALL*T. and am now able to do my work atter seven year's sickness. MRS. JAMES MCNEIL, 202 Si.icoe street. Landon, Ont. ` "The above statement,' of wry wife's M cor• rect. JAMS MCNEIL. For sale by all druggists. manufactured by Prof. A. M. Shrievca. London, Ont. Sample package 23 cut; rive for $1.00. Can be bad in Goderieli of the followise animists: Juba Head. J... wl•ees. F. Janos, Geo. aby- sm. aad J. A. Ndtel. 1t2 McCOLL BROS & CO. TORONTO_ MANUFACTURER FACTURER S OF Among which will be found in Large Variety the following : Flirtation Fans, Sunshades, Parasols, Gloves, Laces, Hosiery, Frilling, Edgings, LARDINE OIL -AND- CYLINDER OIL. Four Mobilo aad three diplomas awarded rheas In to iI.nd sxhiW- afota MANUFACTURERS. And all rams fermi macho will mare tinily nr alt...MI tap ARRHINammt, Fartss saad that woriw sod t • polate flus ottt M er rog ea asarrun ee are erne. by try- ing ing ossmpie of war• Ii prime err.. on ay to Underskirts, Embroideries Ornaments, . Feathers, Flows ;s, Ribbons, Silks,. CLEARING SALE OF. BOOTS and SHOES 3 -AT JOHN ACHESON'S As 1 an determined to go out or tbl BRANCH OF MY BUSINESS. 9 I will sell the balance of my stook CHEAP. 13 INT AC9OINT _ 4111111111.1101, The Cheapest House Under The Sun JA S SAUNDERS & SON. --ADELER9 IN - STOVES & TINWARE PACT GOODS and WALL PAPER Having engaged the services of MR. THOS. D. JOHNSON w ho has had twelve years exper- ience in some of the best Cho in Canada. We are now re to attend 10 ALL KINDS OF T TWO RK. On Shortest Notkx Satisfaction gauranteed. L, Fancy Goods. we have new arrivals WALL ever week gall the latest hoveltNovelties,.PAP RIB WINDOW BLIND FANC Y BAIfSFTS- and a choice lot of 7 3ABY CARR2A - S V ;itv CHEAP. NEXT DOOlt TO THE POST OFFICE. 1882- :PRING-1882 Our S11r1F J1llFOr1ti011S ore nowiu Snick Every Department i^ Nov Comfle!e. ll 1 c:„ The whole of which she has bought in rite Leek rsrsllsefa in the cntno: ry , at .i..t !. . C 1:1-9'7:). 1 t I Lowest Cash Prices ' . It at.. rds us plesnute thn.tigh this Ciieul,,r, t.. tl.>.t.l. . f. r tit very liherni t•atronape extended t.. us t;;:tii.u, II,. t we have been t4 hil•Meis... Our sales are increasing daily, a sutttcicot pt,...f that e e and give our customers goad l aloe for their u.ufloy. Our Spring Goods are now all in stock, cud ptercut a 0 of anything we have shown befnrv. - 'l'o meet the growing requirements .•f our huri.,ers, t larger than heretofore in every departnwul. & Sat i r: s'. At which it was passible to obtain them. New Goods Constartly Arriving A Call is Very Respectf ally aolicltad.a , par I 1.•P,1,1'4 (`rt•t..u.ers e . ;u..l ,t i„ •lf ! .:eta n Lich do .era 1.usiLcst t ii:ht, u ;•(e•. tomo. t: i it, ath,.nce ,nr 1 ut•' .. ' •'e Neon HISS ST=W-7A fit_ We Show an Immense Stock of Prints in all the New Pesignst P. S. Mourning Orders Executed on Shortest Notice. Godericb, June 22, 1882. . • IT WILL PAY you procure from your druggist a bottle of TdYtt('OTTS 011r 10 Caul Lice is Great Value. IEPR DOMINION HAIR RESTORER It keeps the hair fresh and natural; it is not offensive nor injurious in its efy;^•a, bat plea ,cut cad refreshing; it cleans the scalp, and gives tote. beauty sad natuealaeas to lie. hair. D pro- tases laxarious growth and prevents premature decay M'xice 50 Cents Pei =Bottle- GEORGE ottleGEORGE RHYITAS, PARASOLS,. HOSIERY & GLOVES SPLENDID VALI E CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. $EI -GOODS . iu Ghat \-aritt} , it. plait, ell wools. watered, brocaded and checked, from 12ic :SII Black and Colored Cashmeres we Defy Competition 1 to showing a largo range .•f Cottons, Linens, Sliittings, Ducks, Denims, Union I/ •j Tweeds, All -Wood Tweeds and Coatings. *i Silks and Satins, Plain cad Watered, IN BLACK AND COLORS. IALL WIRE OUR TOOK IS VERY COMPLETE dGElNT FC/>;t. 0:3DE1:tICi3_ THE BIGGEST SALE OF THE SEASON. J. 0. DETLOR &CO. !Highest price Paid for Butter & Eggs Ks. decided to offer their entire stock of clearing prices, for cash. For the next e0 days C 0 1-1 130 Rsa'a, ) ii m3R \i✓ 1 .' they will sell at prices that will astonish all. COWIE AND SEE THE Q A.INS_ And yon willbe sun to buy. Their stock is now complete. their Mr. J. C. Detlor Lay:n4 rc- . ll WR11 cantly purchased In Montreal an immense stock offt DC811118 Staple and Fancy Dry epode at Lowest Cash Prices, plume value in Velveteen. Palate by the piaci at isms than ecru! sr wholesale prices. Cone and see those theaim prints rga Bain% in chcrok and trey sh,rtings, ani brown ducks. bargains Holland. v_a_s _ w._..Now Is the time. if you wish one or two nice rooms at home, to see Hatter's room papers. He has over BARGAINS IN DRESS G 00 DS Full Lines in Use latest styles in Parasols, 1.eees. E 1,fings ani F.m'r11•1 •ri 14 a' nasty half 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Canadian and Seo eh Tweeds. French Wormed Coatings. Ladie.(lo:heand Chat erings at Unheard of Prices. These goons must be. M. ant th • prime a' which they are placed moat clear them out in a short time. Hosiery at prices to clear. Hats at panic prices. A Pe Tal llne of Towels (pare Hart at nearly half prior. 30 deism 3 -Witten Kid Gloves, impp on- Aitr^_t, at ffiper cent, less than molar prices. 60 Tweed Vesta at 1. regular price t i.00. ped.rleh. April 13th leer. J- C. D Z b t duo 00- r e Beautiful colors, and et priors loss than very much inferior goods. Ca:I and BCC the n, they are the boat value .n town. and moat be sold. flip) Pi 1 ris Fdshmo SPR1NGd SUMMERSU1TS SEEDS AtHVT2.£R'Si P1 ALL TIM JLsT kF.Cgi1 AT THE LATEST STYLES cam. G-oamericlz, Nell Bros & Oa Matt HT,.TG-H .D -0-iv' O p Garden, Field and Flower Seed A tarp aad well assorted stock of fresh The L rdlae is for sale is 044erioh by D. W. MMK1NiID, O E. PARSONS, O. CRASH, aad D. K. 8"1'RACHAN. ttCle4 in. JAMES AI LL, ARCHITECT. &c Nem MN's Moet, 1KIs<ttoe R.. Cede rk,h. Plans and t,pscltee.tloea amens eonest- ✓ a • ,psetery' plyt. Tei s esti masses work measured and vs Pashiaanbl. tl'aitlx, West asset, Godinich. A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF 00000 TO •ELIOT FROM. Rath la hulk and i. packets. Purebred from see «tbo Melee( and ranee misstate modsua n In the Dow/lakes. and will he ante at ('ata1. ger 1`r..... 1'. JORDAN, Chemist an Lruglgliat • Wb..e.M aa4 Retail Dealer in Drop, ('bemicais, Imy'r Statys Horse rad Cattle Medicines Toffee ArIlel.. ire. 418rPbystotsu' Pr.*seletlsas esreteliy al geosso.la