The Huron Signal, 1882-06-30, Page 44 THE HURON 8IGHA.L, FRIDAY. JUNE 30, ta•!. THE HURON SIGNAL TORY Argument: - We exeunt beat WIWI anDen. Cameron at the polls, but we will see f Boot[ Patel every Friday Dluruiag, by lac et 1 Sinus, at their Ueloe, Nutta St ,r to/lite lig tore) OODB.WCH, ONTARIO. Aad le despatched to all parts of lite surround lag country by the eer1 rot mails aad tralas. •y general admission it bac • larger cironla- Liss thus any other iewspaper is this part o1 , newsiest .ad most reliable one )}}Dorsas of die flat Ontario 5 ss eswsassb1fes l as It does. the fore -going easentlab and betas la •ddlUou to the above, • 4r.t elas, tangly sad armada paler it is therefore • !last dsotira/ie ail rrrt(sitep www. s5Tiouse $1.30 in edvaaos postage re-PS►d pabliaber. $1.75, If paid befot•e sox oaths; by ice so paid. This rola will be teal Marts or ADV$artstaa.- Sight centa pe Una for Int tassrtloa : three Dents per line for easlssbssa t Lase tion. Yearly, vlf-yearly .ssdi yy con w.c% at redwood rotas. JM rnN eS. ke have alaoeflres-clans atg departmeat la one nom, and psssess- lag th. loom complete outfit and best facilities ler turning out wort in Goderich, are prepared 1.4. twetoslo to that Use at pricer that cannot be beaten. and of a q ity that cannot be ..rlfssead.- ser se We osn't count biro nut someway. FRIDAY, JUNE 30th, 1882. Two u 1t*a1 majority of Mr. John Mc- Millan in South Huron is 697. He scored majorities in every municipality in the riding except Bayfield, which gave 29 against him. In McKillop, which the Tories calculated would roll up 150 against hint, Mr. ]McMillan succeeded ie getting a majority of 7. Ass the Conservatives of West Hur- on in favor of • fair and honest count 7 WHEN the rascalities perpetrated by the Tory returning officers at the late el etinn are carefully looked into, the only wonder is that the Liberals succeed- ed in capturing soy of the seats. A Tory 3swyer of Brussels succeeded in getting in a bogus vote in East Wawa slosh on election day. It may mark him as s round Tory, but it does not redound to his honesty or integrity. Persons who have aforetime been sceptical of the miraculous raising of the dead, as cited in the Scriptures need be unorthodox no more. In Goderich the vote of a roan who had been dead sever al months was swore to and polled in the Tory interest. 1VIMHINt. Mr. Csmetvn out will not put him out. He has a majority of votes at his back, and can smile atsnyattempt at " counting in" his opponent. The worst the Tories can do is to put the people to the turmoil and expense of a new election, and that would increase Mr. Cameron s majority fourfold. FAsiow's majority over Sloan in East Huron was 59. When it is remem- bered that . the Tory majority in that Riding was 108 on the 17th 'of Sept. 1878, it will be admitted on all sides that a splendid fight was fought by Dr. Sloan, and the success of Mr. Farrow is a Phyr- rie victory, indeed. Another suoh con- test and a fall by ratio in the majority of votes would relegate Mr. Thos. Far row to the classic precincts of Bluevale for the remainder of his natural life. 7'ns placing of Mr. Shaw on the re- tired list by Mr. R. M. Wells, in East Bruce, is a feat of no small import. The riding, as gerrymandered, gave s majori- ty of over 500 against the Liberals on the basis of the election of 1878. -and the plucky little ex -Speaker •f the Legisla- ture succeeded in lifting a majority of over 100 out of it. A NUMBsa of bigoted Tories in Brus- sels have " boycotted', tho Post, sad are anxious to starve friend Kerr out. But the editor won't be bullied out of the path of duty, and has let the miserable fellows know it. Decent Conservatives newt be ashamed of such a petty war- fare as that indulged in'by the Brussels Lib. -Cons. The font is a credit to Brus- sels. It is a clean, honest, truthful paper, and Mr. Kerr has only to hold his ground to win an early and decisive victory over party hate, bigotry and ig- norance. He will likely continue, ss of yore, to advocate the interest of the town, despite the contemptible efforts of these Tory patriots to hinder the good work. They attempted to boycott the Pouf eight years ago, but signally failed. Kincardine town (mai) 44 'luno tow nalup " Klutardiue tp. " Bruce tp. •• K whom (estiw•ted) Sampson '• , Luckuow " Tiverton 66 Ms. M. C. CaYs*oN is not Hittite of the stuff which will permit any po'it.icel tool to swindle him out of a west. He has polled a clear majority of v.o&.., by Tory as well as Grit count, and that in the face of the unscrupulous etuh•'g of the ballot box in No. 2, Ashfield, by. the bogus Tory farmer's sons. Had only good votes been counted Mr. Cameron's majority matelot of being 30 would have ranged from 50 to 75. Any sttetullt to deny Mr. Cameron his seat will prove the death blow to Toryism in Huron. The official count in West Huron, which was to have taken plaoe on Tues- day last, was postponed untihito-day (Friday) at noon, owing to the fact that the deputy-returui g officers in six pol- ling sub -divisions had neglected, through ignorance or -intent, to forward the cer- tificates with the ballot boxes. Thecon- sequenceof the omission of duty on the part of the deputies has placed the re- turning officer in en unenviable position, and we understand he has been forced to take legal advice as to what course, he should pursue under the eirlumstances. The condition of affairs is at present very similar to the Bothwell embroglio. In the Bothwell case the services of the county judge were called in owing to the obstreporous conduct of the ret•irning- officer, who was so blinde I by party spirit that he was unable todo right. In the West Huron case we do not fear the judgment of Mr. Wilson, as he has the reputation of being an upright roan. The case is a simple one. Mr. Cameron was admitted on all sides -Grit and Tory -to be elected. When the day of the official count arrived it was found that some of the deputies had failed to comply with the requirements of the law, and the official count was adjourn- ed. Since that time, the delinquent dep- uties have complied with the law, and forwarded certificates. The count will take place to -day, and we have every reason to belie"e that Mr. Wilson will declare the candidate who received the majority vote to be elected. In which case Mr. M. C. Cameron will be the representative of West Huron. The late elections prove beyond con- tradiction that an unwire change was made when the Dominion Government arrogated to themselves the appoint- ment of partizan returning •(Beers in- stead 'of the officials\rho had been en- trusted with the duty in hast contests. From almost every constituency is heard a (lamer against the manner in which the appointees of the Govetnutcut have endeavored to work iu the interest of she present Administration and to the detriment of public opinion. In 1;t th- well, two municipalities, Camden and Dawn, which gave majorities of 28 and 6, respectively to Hun. Dovid Mills, were ignored by the returning officer, becscse the deputy returning officer in each in- stance haul omitted t•. sign the certifi- cate concerning the ballet. To any un- prejudiced mind it will seem strange that the inadvertence or el ;mina! neg- lect of a deputy Wareing ,f6t'er sill have the effect of disfranchising the elec- tor's of the subdivision ender his *tiper- vision; and if the contentnm be allowed that the returning officer iotaiotajus ited dlsoardiog the h•llots of Calorie* and Dawn i a technical quibble, it will be seen that in A close constituency an in- capable ••r knavish deputy eel easily vi.,el the election..f A candidate. This! m oen' was e4N.l.Utly taken Foy Jude Bell, before e'bolt+ re FnaT aalditipn • 1 the 111 ot.hwell Votes was held on Monday las', cis he tleci.led that Hon. Davi 1 Mills was elected Ly twelve of a majority. The jubilation .,f the Tunes over the electi. n of Mr. J..1. Hawkins was under these circumstances. a little "oro previous SOUTH HURON. No. of electors McMillan, Shannon. on ro- per's list 22 62 186 ''33 52 134 49 39 127 21 32 95 55 11 100- 44 17 92 • 28 33 78 202 90 17 Hitt 93 23 89"• 1 49 32 88 43 25 McKillop No. 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 Tuck ersmith 1 2 3 4 Hay 1 2. 3 4 Hullett Stanley Seaforth Bayfield Somerville. tee. 80 lib 282 146 100 74 32 44 Majority fur Somerville 794. twl'TM rg&TY. Trues. Kt. Mary's (tai.) 33 Mitchell ' Blaushard Hibbert 1b 1luwuie" 140 Usbonte 66 2 Fullerton 21 211 Majority fur Tom. 177. NOSTH .aVCL McNeill. Arran, (mel.) 142 Aunabel 44 W iarten 1.2 Southampton 31 Oolpuys 14 Hope Bay " 24 Esainor " 43 Lindsay " 8 St. Edmonds 10 Elderslie " Paisley' " Port Elgin" Cheeky " Tara 338 Majority for McNeill -88. 838 tluwet. 10 24 34 Gillies. 65 112 09 45 9 • 2500 FA.RHWHLL BHRVICW. Dr. W YYeem• Paribas Weeds t'earryMMMa Notw+thstaudiug the intense heat eu 1 8terttndo! will .Ins dispense" in tM tlIfiftlFh"K BALI it', LAND.i. Pre ti teri*u church hews on the educes woke or itct ux. 1 Hy vista of a 'Welt of Sunday Isar, Large a►gregati. ores awwbl Y tl ed at the North Street Methodist FI (oh oh iu July. Ivo wet": i lice! racism, tossed sot Chutta, 4o beer the last sermons of Mir Kirkpitric.s. milliner, of this i U. sisde•t1• t'uuaty Corot of th. t'od ly faits t Huron rad to caw dtnxted $4$ i s I ..e the Rev. J. Williams, D. D. who u re- pho i purposed ren; ,vi„g far to hare, I rels sad Teue•.euu w Tlw.a. t'rw.i at moving to St Catherine, where he will and stet Diet • s a lar ,r scale iu Chicago, tee sett of AM seeder Rosa. III yltu mitois A and be Chairtrun of thedistract- Both mono no *bold two wooks. Her resit fiends taken is Exec totes all iltee rmk"16":,,,n,,,."1ild. est ing and eveniug discourses wen of here w ish her tour\ 5..•C(• rIII lana new d,-t,-ndant. 1n •red w that * farewell charaoter. In the erasing the eulerp.ri.0 all e ter ly by sad W tug ia tke,f Hwn.w •red 1'r vts.ee al uwar.e the preacher took for hie text the followingILe young puuhle u1 th s plate purpose I..s. erly twrury .. res .1 t►e N. rte, tall cat L:N Ing a gl:aid p;c-• Ula rt 1s. 1 i„L- r Poit.4 lot aunib. r ala ie the,• tenth . p. tY car of the \Vsstt•rn lhrl.tara Vf lice towesh p of .lahtteld. oil the First of ,July. Complete ar \\ hob lauds pa/ mew noun I •hall .ger for se ua Uda tis,' W,in w, ..t Giuton, leas been' iu obis tillage dnrut; tlti plot wink. BIIPFRI3R. OOURT BITTING8. Are.atesse.ss tor f•se/ag t'lsaaecry te.rt a.4 Vail Asataes 1. the West. WE3TZRN Clg.Ct'IT-THS HON. THS CHAN- clueS. Woodstock, Tuesday, September 12. London, Monday, September 18. Chatham, Tuesday, September 21. Sandwich, Friday, B.ptember29. Sarnia, Tuesday, October 3. Stratford, Thursday, October 26 Goderich, Mond* October 30. Walkerton, Monday, November 6. HOPS inter T -TUE HON. MR. JUSTICI PZOUDFOOT. Whitby, Tuesday, September 12. Guelph, Monday. September 18. Owen Sound, Monday, September 2b. Brantford, Thursday, September 28. Barrie, Tuesday, October 3. Simcoe, Tuesday October 10. St. Catharines, Friday, October 13. Hamilton, Tues 1 iy, October 17. BRoCK t'1SCUIT-TO Ba TAKEN BY h VEBAL JCDOES. Goderich, Monday, October 23. Orangeville, Monday, October 23. Walkertown, Monday, October 23. • Stratford, Monday, October 30. Owen Sound, Tuesday, October 31. 1Voodstock, Tuesday, November 7. WATZ$LOO CIRCUIT- THZ BON. MB. JCS- TI(a ar1tTON. Guelph, Monday, September '25. Berlin, Monday, October 2. Brantford, Tuesday, October 10. Simcoe, Tuesday, October 17. Barrie, Monday, October 23. WstlT$$ c1keCIT-THE HON. THE CHIgr JtSTICZ Or TER QCEILN'S BENCH. '° Chatham, Monday, September 18. Sarnia. Tuesiday, September 26. Sandwich, Monday, October 2. St. Thomas, Monday, October 9. London . Monday, October 10. The reeling op iestL words, fasll allied Ili L 77m. 1 1S "Hold fret the feria of round words which thou heat heard of me, in faith ratagerucuts hate txr a "Mk' for the 1-3.14' ou wM u Int omnis i$ tai 'era") oust N. iMr, o ILO lune and love which is III Christ Jesus." He reyrnee •.f a 1*rge c "M said *!t ars of lou enc,b. a IYa real its rau,od day or brought to the wands of the the 1 t -tuucr at tar hour .t tett'c u: tar *k* k' X people uuticip whug a Xr*cad ties. mon. wit! leading truths which he eudswvured to Now that the hoot summer eeathur L. s ROBERT t.lh lay before thein the put, and impree- S'IerlleOfate. (IeedJ. er.L, reriR.if Huthem. mod upon them the imnve portaof r'ght fairly set in, the biol. are haviia their June. 30th [lot t s& views •f C: slat and his salvation. In head, sand titnee•) 1, au l t.i7 L: tvy whi - closing he said: And now what retains kered, o tale ateLl Ilia. is that et. bare, but for me to say "Farewell." I trust 1 and the lohl-headed old ecu .[caws utter no meatiinapleas word.I speak in along with hie hat iu • ns. haul ; cad mops b. ,ole with A siirprisin4 vigor, view o1 the interest which has accumu- with the I•dber. While talku.A t n the Istel in three years of intercourse, -in weather question. it might not be out the going an and out amongst yore at of lace to remain k that the preachersaut your humor, and in knowing your joys P and sorrows, your wants and your bless- would confer a great favor on their con- gregations if they would preach 10 in- verse ratio to the thermometer. When the thermometer is skipping round among the nineties the preacher would please his audience wall by preaching a limited number of minutes, and not by the hour. ings. I pray for your welfare. May all thongs gu well with you- May yuu pros- per iu your business. May you have ueace and blessing ir. your households. May your children grow up to be an honor to you and to the church. Above all, may the Holy Ghost dwell in you richly. I scold leave you with more satiafaction did I know you were all sav- ed. That greatest of all facts, aired, ready fur the other world. Shall we ever meet again 1 Never a1L Then I shall take my leave of you by pressing upon you the importance of religion. I ask you to consider the things that make forlde. Ye [nen and woolen whose names are enrolled in the membership of thiacon- gregation, shall bear record how I sought to lead you born strength to strength -to a matured piety and a richer experience of the things of God. Ye young men and young women whom 1 have mot in this assembly and in Bible clasp shall bear me record how I have sought to lend you to s nobler manhood and wo- manhood, and how I have taught you to value religion and religious life as the chief goad. Ye men and women of this church, whose prayers have encouraged me, and whore works have blessed me, continue your efforts for the gout. of your fellows. Maintain affinity with God; let hint behold in your faithful mind the reflection of Himself. He hath built an everlasting world, at once the shelter of victorious goodness, and the theatre of its yet nobler triumphs. If we lean on God, and find comfort in His society; if we feel we are beneath his all sheltering wing, he will enwrap us in his immensity, and sustain us by his love. Distance will not separate us in feeling, 'in puTose, in aim. Separat- ed, but not exiled from the great family,. I shall often be with you in thought; when the mournful cry, and grief asks pity, and the tempted call for help, and the weak implore fresh strength iii this house, as they have often • done, I shall think of the time and gathering, and my heart will ascend in prayer for the desired good. I go to another peo- ple,hut with the same purpose, the same gospel, -to "Live for those who love me, For those who know me true: For the heaven that'smtles above me And .[waits my coming. too. For the cause that lacks amirtance. For the wrongs that need resistance. For the future in the distance. And the good that 1 can do." What more need I .ay ' At this hour of prayer, when we stand within the reality of God; when we hear the sweet voice of Christ mellowed and sweetened as it floats over eighteen centuries of 157 When the news reached Lucknow'that I meaning, saying to us as we bend in penitence: "Come unto ate a'l ve that are weary and heavy laden;" 0, to night as we Own the shameful conquests of tempation, and repent of the abandoned strife, and rebuild the fallen purpose; 149 • M C. Cameron had defeated Mr. Porter 114 183 in West Huron the excitement knew no bounds, and cheer after cheer rent the '32 9 lug air for over half an hour. The Tories 37 11 138 were terribly crest fallen,and went home t; 41 102 utterly disgusted. Large crowds of when we think of the high trust ..f duty them had assembled in the villa 1 69 1311 .e from and the tranquil power ..f faith; when 2 8e, 25 ie,3 the surrounding townships to hear the we speak together of laying the burden S 32 . 28 99result of the contest, but five minutes down, of the symphonies of the blest, ..f 5 4 132after raceiving the news that Mr. Cam- the everlasting that hath no date; -at 5 3 7289 exon was the man, not one was to be each an hour shall not all disguises fall i; 40 100 seen. --[Luc know Sentinal. frvnit our heart. and shall we not to- il confess our commotio faith in a 1 93 179 e, minion' n' Saviour in words we s., often 174 use: - 111 s "Rock of ages. left for me 4 148 Let me hide myself in thee," " 1 157This shall be to me 5 solace and a joy, • 2 183 that we in this parting hour by a divine :; 193. consent have thus confessed our faith - 1 146 the faith 'of that sublime brotherhood who with measureless intensity of love breetbe forth the name of Christ, and 1024 sad whose vows and prayers no recording an- gel can tell, tont only the infinite memory of God. So I leave you with the assurance that ire who have this night thus joined in holy fellowship will come at last to the immaculate glory. "Tbat when Time's veil is rent assun.'er our emits may know 10 30 2 322 38 59 27 47 23 38 53 43 42 tri 52 1621 1024 17 90 76 56 nettling if the Nigh school Board. 4379 2645. 1734 Goderich, June 26th. The Board met pursuant to notice. Present -The chairman, Rev. Dr. Ure, Dr. McLean and Mr. Jordan. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. An application from Miss Oliver for an increase of salary was read. Moved by Dr. Ure, seconded by Mr. Jordan, that Miss Oliver's application for an increase of salary be granted,and that her salary be increased to 3400 after the first of Sept. next. Carried. Moved by Dr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Jordan, that the Board desires to expresa its great satisfaction at the sue tees of the pupil* of the High School who have recently passed examinations at the Toronto University, one of whom has taken the gold medal in classics, an- other a scholarship in clastics, and an- other a scholarship in medicine. which reflects a high degree of credit upon the Head Master, Mr. Strang, and the staff associated with him in the school. The Bosr.i having had brought tinder its no- tice the fact that the Literary Society in connection with the High School has during the past year contributed, for the parebase of a magic lantern the sum of 0115, place on record its reit w*tisfac- t4ne at the tweets of the Society and with their contribution for the .objects abnre refer •ed to. Carried. Moved by M-. Jordan, seconded by Dr. McLean. that the secretary be in- structed to roiliest the Town Connell to pro% i le the sum .,f 31,701 for the sup- port of the Ilitrh Refe..l for the cnrrebt year. Carried. On motion Board Adjourned. McMillan's maj 597 RE.Al•ITULATION. Spoiled McMillan. Shannon. Votes. McKillop ... 252 246 Tuckerwmith., 338 124 3 Hay ... ... 322 • 136 3 Hullett .. . 341 159 2 Stanley .. . . 212 1811 - 1 Sealer th. 128 118 3 Baytield.. . . 28 52 1,021 1024 12 1,024 Majority .....597 THF. VOTE IN 1878. Municipality. Reform. Con. Tuckersmith .. 28.'1 140 Senforth 145 138 Hallett . . • 272 152 McKiilee * ........ 270 186 Stanley ....... ... 270 215 Hay --. 422 143 Hayfield :10 4$ 1712 1008 1023 Reform majority .. 806 It will l* Neon that there were 1t0 votes more polled in this Riding in 1878 than at the last election. A tate. hose t1t.tew The (',•nacre afire* may henceforth make up their minds that when M. C. (', nss..n is A csndie ete, they hate to hake a hack seat, for he will met *neur- ally grow stronger in the constituency for which he has been ele:ted, And his m* otity will hereafter be much larger hew Ere. Ket1110>p. Ar:hih'tl Fer¢uaeii..4 Cie 7t'i c •n ee.•1"n McKill•p, diel last work• h:t.;n; been a resident • 1 the t .wroth, for .•ver thirty yell:.. Sir Jolla toed t pr ea.•:It critoi,• a lo gelryinAnder'nl the abieet Liberals ,e*i.- era. Vet nearly ever) one of thein is sent hack to stand ai.le by •1.1e with Edward - ' Blake No fearful Change nor sudden wonder. Nor sink the wetglit of my -eery render. But with the upward rise. and with tlitr Vastness grow. The choir sang a very appropriate piece of music at the conclusion of the dis- course. Dunlop. Pre, ONAI.--Master H. Horton has been visiting friends in Hullett.--Miss Jane Murchison, of Ashfield, is spending a few'..ys in this neighborhood. - Mire. .7. C. Currie and Mr. Black, Goderich, spelt a day er ltn with friends here last week. fdhs,partltca. Mr. ('has. Hawkins Ann wife have gone to roan's. at. 1t.y C ty, Michiean. (Milts Bewtie Hawking is home again after a visit to her friends in the states Ren•Arrn --Mr. Thos Thurinw and Mr. Robert I1uln,ste have rot -trne•Ifrom 1'nele Sam a dementia. They 1..ok as tf llfr aeras the (lues agree' with them. A Joliet. TIER On Fnday last a logging bee was held ••n the farm ed Capt A Mope. The lads w.•rked with a wt:l• an' foto:net o1 the alar were % ores forgo:len as the lads and lasses entered into the Inez .lance ..n the floor of the bora The imlldung wag lighted with ('hino.e hte.tten., gaol dresinelf with ever- greens. Miss Mat-ot••nall. .4 Dunlop, and Mtge Bogie, pl*yr.l on the organ, and Mr. George Carrell, of Ashfield *e- compsnied on the violin, LOsbura- There was moderate excitement here •n election day. The polling for No. 4, Colborne, took place in the Temperance hall here. Mr. Geo. McKee, of Dun- lop, was returnin_ offi&ter; Messrs. A. Allen and J. 0. Stewart watched the in- terests of their res},ecuve candidates, and Mr. A. t-NcAllister, armed with a blackthorn by way of a baton, maintain- ed order. The I. (l. G. T. funaisheal the voters with copi •us draughts of Adam's ale. Sleepy voters were hurried along by the teams of Messnt Graham and W. G. Young. The Conservative candidate had a irajority of 1S at this subdivision. Number of names on the roll 106; .number •f votes .1011ed M, or exactly four-tifths ..1 the available cute. THs Csoes.-The recent rains have freshened up the crops. Itu•lev has taken quite a change for the better: the hay crop promises two tons to the acre Spring crops are in splendid order. and the fall wheat Looks aupe:b. Our Dun- lop cousins will have to look to their laurels. We understand that Mr. Hugh Chisholm has offered to gives tine turkey to Mr. Tobin if lie can beat him in the yield of fall wheat per acre. Dunlop. is now to be heard fn :n. . FINI,HE1,.-- Pat iutasters, Shaw and Stirling halo a finished their stretch cf statute labor. The boys turned out in large numbers On the beats. and as pd- itics.were not permuted to be discussed matters went harmouniously. But it was hard work for some of the lads to stick to the rules. De. !,tea's Esrapsde. Dr. Orton, the Tory member for Cen- tre Wellington, arrived in the city yes teed and registered at Queen's Hotel-' All went wellwitli the uwluler until dinner time, when he becawe very dig- orderey. It soon became apparent to the Waiters that the man was very much in- toxicated, and that thay w'o ikl have to hand hint over to the Police for safe- keeping. 'The heath a Inter trietl to smooth ladders orerf •r "r_•vpectability's sake" :s he said, but the Do,{•r became enrage -1 and threw a glees ..t head uf.the said waiter. A couple •f •constables were then sent for, and the Doctor was seized and carried off t.. No. 1 Police Station, where he was kept in custody for aortae time. Subsequently 'mime friends called at the dation and bailed him .out. He was then escorted Lack to the queen's Hotel, but here he was re - 'fused admittance, and his name was er- ased Iron the register. Ex -Mayor Beaty then came to the rescue and consented to provide the Doctor with a ni.cht'e L,t1- ging. Centre Wellington has'reas.n t•• be proud f the high moral character of its r.:preselitative.'-[(%lube .f Friday. StiEItIFF S (SALE Aft: LANDS, con. soy or He itoo. • By vlrtua of a Writ of ru wee i Fon Fastas, lssue 1 out of Her Maierly , coil e y C.•urt ut the County of Hums tied to me directed • -alas: the Londe sad Tenemcuts of John /lent at 11 e 80.1 od John )1cHsrdy. 1 have se:aed at d taken in b:11'eutiut all the r,gl.l, title. tolerant and equity of red.mDtlou of tt.e abuse named defendant In and to that parcel of load situate lying Siubeing la the l'ou•t)' of Heron and 1'ruvlut3. a Ontario. 04.411 w-isia.g tbs west half of lot number two to tate Ninth emcee - skin of the acorns Divlsfen of the township k•Lt of Asht. WLi.L lauds and tenements shall offer for sate. at my °Moe in the Court House. In the town of Goderich. un 3 uoaday the third day of Octuber et the hour of twelve of the cloak, nom.. ROBERT GIBBONS, Sheriff's Olney, Outdo -14h, Sheriff of Korea. J aye 71.1111 It*L 1643. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. ('uutrrY or Hcnox, t By virtue of a Writ of To WIT: 1 ileal Facies. issued out of Het Majesty's County Court of the County of iuddleecs and to me directed against the Lands and Ta nenients of J. S. Reid at the suit of Geo. S. Innen and William A. Birree. 1 -have seised and taken in execution an the rj-t t, title. interest and equity of redemption of the ;Mot e named defendant in and to that pas -el of laud situte. lying and being In the County of Huron 1n the Province of Ontario, and beteg composed of the South Masterly corner of the east half of lot number twelve in the eleventh concession of the Eastern Division of the township of AshfleW, contain- ing three quarters of an acre more or less in- cluding lot number eight and part of lot number seven in the vinare of AltonvUle in the County of Rerun. Which Lands aid Tenements I shall offer for sale, atm umee In the Court House. in the town of Goderich, on Friday the twenty-ninth day of September at the hour of twelve of the clock, noon. ROBERT GIBBONS. Sheriffs Office. Godsrteh, Sheriff of Huron. June 3001 1182. 1643. ROBBED -Tbousandaotgrave'. are annually robbed of their etetims,lives prolonged. happiness and health restored by the use of thereto! GERMAN INVIGORATOR, wkkt positively and permanently cures In - power, [caused by exceseee of any kin sr.sl.a1 Weas.ese, and all diseases that fol- low as a sequence of Self -Abuse, as toes of en ergy, loss of memory. ,tnlversal lassitude. pais in the back, dimness of vision. pnma- Dire old age, and many other diseases that lead to insanity or consumption and • prema- ture grave. Send for vie:mien with testimonials free by mall. The 1\rlt:ONATSt is soli at $1 per box. or six boxes for 4.. by all druggists, or will be sent free my snail. securely sealed, on receipt of price. by addressin. F..1. CHF g F.Y. 1►ruggiat, • 167 Summit et., Toledo, Ohio. Geo. Rainiest. Sole Agrat for Goderich. Banking. (ik'' MONTRZAL. CAP! 41., •- eJr lra son. SURPLUS. - - - • Sikestssor. Goderich Branch. D. (JLA$.1 - Afa,:aler. Allows interest on deposits. Drafts. rettrr of credit and circular notes issue& payahl total parts of the world. 1754. CCANADIAN BANK OFCt1111MER('E i'..! ..p Capital, $6,fa0,(i(N'. Reit, - $1,48Na,rKn,, Presiders!. - err:: 11'.11.31r11ATER hotels. General Jlfaseper, tt'. .v.....r,6.,•.. MAITLAXD's H11TEL, GODERICH 1 ON The above new and Bret -class house. close to the Railway nation and convenient to the town, is second to none in Ontario, for com- tortand accommodation. 14 heated by Hot Air. IT SALINE I&TNn. SWIM11170ti NATE. ('roquet LA•rn and garden on the pn•miws, Hot and cul.[ meals at all hours, for travellers. An Omnibus to and trona boats and ears ctrl. stantly in art••mlanec. Jno. morn an, Pro- prietor. 1830. Legal Notices. Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - • MASAUzr.. Interest silos. d nn 4cpoaits. Drafts on a the principal Towns and Cities in ('anode (hast Rrttaln and the United States, bough and sold. Mean. coo Farmers on Notes, with one n more endorser.. wit host mottasore. 1753 S66a week in your own town. Terms and V/ $S mem tree. Address 11. Maidism & Co. Portland %Iatne ,.., Shii'sBookStore SALE OF BERLSN WOOLSI I have a large and Well Assortsd S1ock AUCTION SALE ABLE rotors. 1N TIM ToteN*Har 01• UTLI iiKN, to TMC COUNTY Or Hl -11.014. Pursuant to the order of Wilm-,t Richard nicer Es:yuire, Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron rade in a certain suit or matter of Mitchell v. Mitchell. bearing date the 12th day of May, A. D. 16[2, there will he °tiered for call', with the approbation of the real representative oftlieCount y of Hur- on Ml.May, the Nth of July. last, at the hoar of 1e **clerk noon. at N hit's hotel. to the village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, by James (Ike, Auetioneer, the following valvate, Wands in awo parr•Is name[ : Patrol number 1. Lot Ne. 15 in the 5th Con. of the township of Stephen. In eke l'ouaty of Huron, containing by admeaeoremeni Imp acre* of tent mon• or les*, Tito proVerty is wt11 cleared. and on It are *'rest -1 nIarg,- oro story brick Loasr and kitchen. a lar,,ro prick barn. • beck stable, • itgrhock . owshed, a frame granary. • frame driving also t 'cry valuable Mlek yen*. Tiwre ;t also a ,food bearing or.Wird. The p.irel it . r w.11 be en titled to la acres of fall wheat now in the geeload. 1'ar.'l No. 1. The Norah halt of Sot No. 13. in the e h res.cessloa of the township of memo ea. In the *'..antil of Munn. eontainiag hy sidnicp•ii,ement 10 s. res of land. morn or ;roc. 1'be peep rty Rs all (leered mei wc11 fen. wl. The pun haw-- w .1i he r nttl led to ie Beres of tall w Leat. Dow .a I►t gene nd. Te, -m.. Ten ;or rent down at the time ff sale, balance io Indeye without tatereet. in I other respects the coedit ions of sale will be the sta•ding conditions of lb. t haneery le1,tes se the High (hurt of Joatiee. Fur poopee ram. Ansa aptly to S. 1N*,conms.n, kar •[t,'ater, (.04.. : h. II 1* Haj. Barru•rr IcIelcr, far to set:i,,i lb LT R e trswnN, W. R. .lee. Vendor's sol ; s. Realativr. JAIKSAHL►D, V.a . (1NI'CCIt 4nOR . to lir. Dass.lt er•dwte eat Onssrie Vs.. er inary t'ollegr (Jr,. manta...and residesrt w Ne to meet. Nur doors east of Colborne Hotel. R. $._Hemet esammee as to cries sea 1781. GI Weeds. the whole of which 1 propose is NII ,df at Cost, to any lusntity. G.SIMPPA110 IF/ VIRON School Book Depot. O(•DE1,1C11 Parcel* sent by t t1 nos ..r mail 1' ins(, In cc ..dial calls Rev, hum r sett pars and (thy an e, for t kind pani the] the t by.1 leave abou for pt T1 Chun (esti whoa tresl bion 0 jour MID Mot Whi funs ed1 no h it mot f Elli Wee t hei vey reso the. seen Pass ed t cocl writ solo s.a '' tut tube Com Ton 11/101 buil of tl secs be ing to b J. I that rest: Mo- Wh Lev t he .1. I that Mui indi two Mel L 1 Stet deo met Jet. 8 the F by 1 suit 4 Boi ing dot exe he, ses nes 600 fru ane car test the 1 ( Vio Bo me Col far list Br (Ire hal l he ant of his ble fiel pro hit are A the Ito he tic hit ath, gr ha fri vs in to de wi re pi ati th u n of 1. 01 ti h h t