HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-06-30, Page 1THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER NW GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1882. McGILLICUDDY BROS. PU.Ln1Was t $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. Sew .fdvertlsesaeats Notlos-ln Lewis. Notice- Robt. Doak. Music -MW Skimm1n e. Tenders Wanted --IL Radcliffe. Dental Surgeon -Edwin Keefer. OOIm:ta s Wanted -McGillicuddy Bros. Sheriff's Sale of Lands-1tobt. Gibbons. Sheriff's Male of Lends -hobo. Gibbous. Sheriff's Sale of Lands --Robs Gibbons. Ayer's Cathartic Pills --Dr• J. 0. A7& & Co. Dentistry. MNICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN- TIST. Office and residence, West Street hree doors below Yank of Montreal.odo- rich EDWIN KEEFER, DENTAL BUR- GEON, (late with Trotter R Caesar, the leading Dentists of TOront..l Ail opentioae o neatly and carefully pertornted. Mounts, Coat's Block. over W. Taylors S• Sou's CLIN- TON. trPatients from a distance will please make appointment in advance by snail. 1e13. Legal. a LEWIS & LEWIS, BARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors in Ctaaeery &c. Office in the Court House. Uuderich. Ina Litwin. M.A., U.C.L. E. N. Lewis. HMO. CI ARROW & PROUDFOOT, B A R • RI$TERB. Attorneys. Solicitors, etc Goderich. J. T. Gamow. W. Proudfoot. 1731 B. L. DOYLE, BARRISTER A ND Attorney. Solicitor in Chancery. tc., Ooderlch. Ont. 176L Q EAGER & MORTON, B A R R I S - 1J TARS, tic., &c.. Goderich and Win`ham. C. Seager Jr., Goderick. J. A. Morton. Wing - 1761. ```( MALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND 1J. Solicitor. Office -Corner of West Street and Market Square, over George Acheson s, Goderich. 1751. CAMPION, ATTORNEY -A T- -EA. LAW. Solicitor in Chancery Convey- anoer, &c. Office over Sheppard's bookstore, Goderich, Ont. Any amount of money to I •...ea a{ lowest rates of interest. 1751-y. !'CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, J Harriman, Sollelters in Chancery. &a. ioderich and Wi ham. M. C. Cameron. Q. MaE. sao, W 4hi n. Oodeeloh. 1731. ,I ledical. • DR. HUTCHISON, DUNGANNON, Ont 1812 .X ( R MCDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC - .'IAN. SURGEON, exc.. Graduate of Tor- onto oronto Unlvereity. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians, London. England, 8:c.. &c.. M. C. P. S.. Ontario. OMee and residence Opposite Bailey's Hotel. Hamilton street..)od- erich. 1796-6m DR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- GEON, Coroner, Ac. Office and residence Bruce Street se• and door west of Victoria Street. 1751. H G. 11ACKID, M. D., PHYSI- . clan. Surgeon ..nd Acooucher. Graduate of Toronto Univers : . Ofceopposite Lamer -on & Cameron's Bank. Lucknow. 11 not in state, enquire et the Bank. DRe. SHANNON & HAMILTON, lJ Physician,. Surgeons. Accouchers, tc. Alice at Dr. Shannon's residence. near the Tail, Goderiob. G. C. SHANNON. J. C. HArIL .0N, 1761. Loans anb insurance. 1`1ONEY.-PRIVATE FUNDS! TO 1 lend on easy terms In sums to snit bor- rowers. ALEX. &CD ALLAN. (loderich. Nor. 17th 1121. 18111 m. e500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO 'lW CAMERON, HOLT &CAMERON. Gode- ich. 1730. 11k75.000 TO LEND ON R E A L E S - 9P TATE. Terme favorable. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Godericb. 1751 ilk50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on good Farm or first -clue Town Property • t 8 per oent. ADDIS to R. RADCLIFFE. 4761 \TONEY TO LEND IN ANY lvl amount to suit borrowers at 6 to 6i per cent. Private funds. Apply to Strome and MORTON. Goderich. 4ONEY TO LEND. -A L A R G E amount of Private Funds for Investment it lowest rates on first-class Mortgages. Apply to •ARROW 8t PROUDFOOT. T DANS FREE OF CHARGE. - 1 Money to lend at lowest rates, free of any costa or charges. MEAGER 4k MORTON. opposite Colborne Hotel. Goderich. 23rd March 1121. 1779. PER 'CENC. -THE CANADA '► landed Credit Company is prepared to lend money on good Farm security, at sox per cent. Full particulars Oven upon application to HUGH HAMILTON. ('. L. agent, Oodetrich. 1766. Qt20,0110 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND 'IV on Fart* and Town Property at lowest In- termit. Mort/mots purchased, me Commisslo* charged, Conveyancing Fee* reasonable. N. B. -Borrowers can obtain mo*e7 y It tltie 1s satisfactory. -DAMSON & JOHN- STON. Barristers. to.. Ooderteb. 1751 RRADCLIFFE, FiRE, MARINE, . Life end Amhara& ineat•aos Asset R.presrnting firet-elsssCompots,. Ahseassat for the CANADA Lina ATOM IwstSA //Ca CO. Money to lend on Mortgage, either In Town Or Tarn Property, in any way to melt the hereea- er. OMoe Airy -stairs) Ears biook. Godsetalt, Eonsorial. TKNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR- • Mtn and iiatr-dre•aeg. hap en return etetts to the publictnu&n or past patronage and sll*tfs • eda in*aneat of cnsCom He can always be found a his Shaving Parlor, near Poe Office GoderIeb. 1753 (he People's ttoLurnn. MUSIC. - MISS SKIMMINGS, IN thai ting her patrons fur their continued patronage. would intimate her desire to or- ganise an extra clam, fur instructions in vocal and inetrumentaa morlp, dnriag the apprunch- Itew vacation.Tsruu, 00.20 per quarter, ad - vanes. Ooderloh. Jnae Ma, tier lea - TENDERS WANTED-FokST. (George's Church Sunday School building Plana and speoil)wtlons can be seen et the of- fice of R. RADCLIFFE, on and after Wednesday. Jury 615. fenders received until Monday. July 111th. The lowest or any tender nut necessarily souepted. It RADCLIFFE, Ckalrmaa Bulldiug (.ontmKlee. aa ()oder**. June 15, 1111. 18(5.11 NOTICE -THE STATUTES OF ON- -el 43 Victoria, t1t am now ready for dtatributlou at the office of the Clerk of the Peace In Ooderich. to ami istntes and other oamide entitled to same. lltA LEWIS, Clerk Peace Ogee,Clerk Peaceuron. g Goderich. June 11Ii I I 18LS-at NOTICE TO DEBTORS. -ALL Pss- soas Indebted to H. H. SMITH by nob or book m aoount. are requested tp pay the in- debtedness by the let of July, I81, otherwise the amounts will be placed in suit. I will be at the office of A. Mc 1 Allan every day until that date for the purpose of receiving oollec- tloes. H. H. SMITH. Merobaat Tailor. I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT I win not be responsible for any debts con- tracted by my wife or any other person wit b- out my written order. Itnacwr Dort. Stanley. "QIGNALS" WANTED.-ANYPER- 17 sea having copies of Trim Sweat of the Pad otJuoe, will confer a favor by letting us know. We want • dosee copies of that date for a epochal purpose. McotLLICtiDDT Bites. KISS NETTIE SEEGMILLER, Ifaving completed her studies in music under Prof. Hipp, of London. and having re- ceived a certificate, Is now prepared to re- ceive a limited number of pupils for Piano bortruotlon. Miss Seegmiller is also prepared to take orders fur Crayon Portraits. Satisfac- tion In every case guaranteed. Reetdenoe, corner Cambria Road and Newgate Street. DRESSMAKING. - THE MISSES BISSET take this opoortuaity of an- nouncing to the ladies of Oodericb and vicin- ity that they hare secured rooms over George Acbeon's store, where they will carry on the business of dress and mantle making. Hav- ing had several years sago -mace aa Caabioa- able dressmakers, they feel confident that they can give perfect satisfaction, to all who may favor them with their orders. Apprent- ices wanted. 1838 -lm C. W ILL'PAY FOR THE SIGNAL, t7 postage free for the balance of 1882. Subscribe at once, and get full benefit of this offer. To Let. HOUSE TO RENT -THAT EXCEL- LENT dwelling known as "Rosedale Cottage,' at present occupied by Mr. Harry Smith. will be rented on reasonable terms to • suitable tenant. For further particulars apply to H. H. SMITH. • RENT. - A COMFORTABLE 1 House on South Street. centslnitie, s rooms, kitchen and pantry, with hard W soft water. Apply to t1EO. MCMAHON. 1833-tf. Strayed Animals. ear HEIFERS STRAYID _STRAYED From the preen hos of subscriber lot 1 e 0 h can . were ern diviMon rat Cel'bneie. About the Sind of Aprilpmt 'yearling heifers, One U m white with an •boat the nook and heat. and the other rod, with some white s a. in'ormnWa t•ndlar M their reeovet•y *15 be enttsby estrnMM M the cower. Jowle ?trete, Carlow P O 'ORM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -THE Large premises known as the Tecumseth Salt Well with Block. containing one steam pan loft and one iron pan 50f1 in length, with $JJ theropportunities for making salt in good mining order. Working capacity 110bls per day, present price of mit sec per barrel, $m • day clear profit. Apply toileo. B. JoHNaroN. 1'. 0. Box 70. Gudcncl.. TO RENT. - A COMFORTABLE House on St. Patrick'e Street. oontaining seven rooms and woodshed. Bard and soft water on the premises and the entire plane In the best condition. Convenient to the equate. Also two brick cottages. near the station. Apply to JOHN BRxc'I: MN RI Dot, Newgate Street, Goderich. Auctioneering. JC. CURRIE, THE PEOPLE'S AUC • TIONEER Goderich, Ont. 1751. Coro-incr.-The Concert on Wednesday evening by the pupils attendin4 Mrs. Fletcher's private school proved a mark- ed and grand suceas. Tho Temperance Hall was filled to overflowing with a very orderly and appreciative audience and a varied and excellent programme of music, recitation, dialogues etc., was gone through, not only without a Bingle failure, but with a readiness and ease which could only have resulted from careful and thorough drilling. We did not keep a copy of the programme and cannot therefore, even did time and space permit, to enter into a detailed notice of the different pieces, but we trust that we shall not give offence if we say that in the literary part we were especially pleased with "Fanny's School," by Mise Mabel Cameron, "Henry V before the battle of Agin- court, 'by Miss C. Gornto and`The Court- ship of Henry V'b Misses Williams,Ross Mr. M. Graham Cameron and wife and B. Widder, the French princes in left for a European trin on Thursday the last pteoe acting her part charmingly noon, and will be absent a couple of and speaking her Ftenoh almost as if months. We wish them a pleasant voy- •-to the inanner born." With regard to age and safe return. the music w5 thought that the selection We trust that the programme of of the pieces showed excellentudgment amusements for Dominion Day, will and the easy and correct rendering of satisfy the facetious portion of our citiz- them did credit alike to the pupils ens, whe draped so many of our business themselves, and to their highly houses in mimic mourning Int year. (NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A ohlel's amass ye, taktn' notes, An' faith hell paean it." TOWN TOPICS. Haring bought out the whole of the stook of John Story, I win sell at ppeloes that will defy competition. O. N. DAVIS. Markbt Square. Mr. John Newell is laid up with in- flammation. Hold your horses, if the military fire a volley to -morrow. Miss Emily Tye, of Haysville, is the guest of Mrs. Cattle. Mr. W. Martin, of Emerson, is in town, and will remain for a few weeks. Miss Maggie Brophey, of Cleveland, is visiting her uncle Mr. R. Bonnamy, town. The strawberry seasou is now fully "in," and is about a fortnight later than usual. Clinton promises to send a tremen- dous crowd of sight -seen to Goderich to -morrow. You need not expect to see all the sports to -morrow. They are "a leetle numerous.' Mrs. C. Shannon, of Tawas, Michigan, is visiting friends and old scenes in and around Goderich. Mr. John Desoun has beec elected warden of St. George's church, rice Mr. 0. H. Parsons resigned. DsNTttrriY.-Mr. Edwin Keefer, the Clinton dentist, has removed to Cot's Block, over W. Taylor &Son's. Mn. John Vanatter, un 31antford, is Paying a visit to Goderich friends. She is the guest of her daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon, of eylvia, drove to Goderich, and are the guests of their daughter, Mrs. W. Griersoa, Brock 81. Mn. Baker, sister of Mn. R. B. Smith, came to visit her father. the late Mr. George Andrews, during his ill- ness. Mrs. John' Dutton, of Stratford, ac- companied by Miss Mary Dutton, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. T. McGilli- cuddy. Dr. M. R. Elliott, of Goderich town- ship, leaves this week for Great Britain, where he intends to perfect his studies is medicine. Mr. James Trow, Perth, was in town looks well after his splendid victory. On Wednesday next the Methodist S. 8. excursion from Clinton to Goderich Will take place. They will camp; int Bingham's Grove. Mr. J. W. Weatberald has been prostrated with a severe attack of illness during the pant week, but at last so - counts was improving. Aa exciting game of lacrosse was played at Wingham between the Clinton and Wingghatn clubs on Thursday 22nd June. Winghani won Mr. G. W. Andrews, merchant tailor, of Kingston, was in town during the week to attend the funeral of his father, tie late George Andrews. Mr. J. S. McDougallon Monday last showed us a stalk ofrye which measured 7 ft flinches in length. It was grown on his farm on the Huron Road. Single copies of the SIGNAL can be had at the bookstores or this office. Price 5 cents. Subscription price, post- age prepaid, $1.50 per annum. Mr. John Galt, son of the late Regis- trar, John Galt, Esq., is in town, visit- ing old friends of the family. He is the guest of Mrs. Fraser, West Lawu, - Dr. and Mri. McLean and Mrs. M. C. Cameron left on the Ontario on Thurs- day morning for Glidden, Wisconsin. They will be absent about two weeks. Mr. Troy Savage, of Buffalo, came to spend Dominion day in his old home, Mrs. Savage has been paying a visit to her parents, Capt. and Mrs. MacGregor. The County Council have been - invited to witness the opening of the Maitland Bridge on Dominion day. The bridge will be actually tested the even- ing before. PIC -NI.. -School section No. 2, Gode- rich township, will hold its annual pic- nic this afternoon in Holmes' grove. A large number are expected to attend from Goderich. M. P., for South on Tuesday. He hard canvass and quell -11M and palnatakmR esac ere Mr. Platt met with rather a pain Amongst others we may cafe) to the ful accident on Wednesday morning instrumental pieces by Miss Hattie while working in his father's shingle Puce and Miss L. Acheson. •duet by factory, ten of his fingers having had Musses B. Widder and M. Strachan, anti their tops "shingled" by the machine. two songs by Miss Renwick, as being alike well rendered end well received. On Tuesday next the 4th inst, the ad: Two "Motion songs" by the younger journed General Sessions of the Peace children and the Mavpnle dance were will he held when the present lid of very prettily rendered. and gave a pleas- County (`.constables will he revised and a ing and ettractirs variety to the pro- new ono printed all interested will take gnrame Altogether, the entertain- aotioe wont, as we hare already sant, was a Exccrtaww. -The first excursion of meet suo sed's, one, and reflected the the season arrived from Stratford on greatest credit on Mrs Fletcher and her Tuesday. Twelve coaches were packed thocoenplcshsd assistant, Mw Geode. Bo- and about 1,000 persona were on board fete stopping we meet not forgot to The visitors appeared to enjoy thew merr.tinn that Mrs Fletcher herself ad- selves. The waters of Huron have dad largely to the pleasure of the sod- great attraction for our inland friends ienee by two songs, the former of which, and a little endeavor on the part of som "Esmeralda," was particularly acceptable of nor citizens maid make the town even to Iiteaedienre more popular with event -summits FIssT or JULY.- -We understaud that the railway authorities have agreed to Meld the afternoon train over until five o'clock to -morrow, so as to give excur- sionists a chance of witnessing all the games. Miss Ellen Gibson left yesterday for Manitoba where she will "keep house" for her brother. Miss Gibson will be missed in the choir and Sunday School of Knux Church, of which she was a valued member. A meeting of the ladies and gentle- men of St. Peter's was held in the Ves- try on Thursday evening, to organise proceedings, for the holding a mammoth plc-nic in July, in aid of the Church. Further particulars will be given next week. Mr John Maokid an old Goderich chemist, has lately bought out one of the best Brantford drag steres, and will, no doubt, make a great Become. as he has had large experience both in Ontario and some of the leading cities of the States. On Wednesday evening, previous to her departure for St. Catharines, Miss Carrie Williams, daughter of Rev. Dr. Williams, was presented by a number of her young friends with a handsome photograph album, as a token of friend- ship a:rd esteem. Mr. J. Small', who has an outside re- putation as a draughtsman, has prepared plans and specifications for a handsome residence to be built iq Clinton for Mr. Thos. Jackson. 'Mr. Smaill has recent- ly sent approved plans to Michizan and other distant points. BABY SHow.-A feature of to -mor- row's proceedings will be the baby show. The judges have been carefully select- ed. and will fiurnith their own prizes. Their names are as follows: Henry Hor- ton, Peter Adamson, D. Doty, W. Young, J. McBride and S. McV. Lloyd. PIRRONAL News. -We will be pleased to record the arrival or departure of visitors or citizens during the season. We cannot hear of all, and hope our friends will help us with the list. Ad- dress, Tea SIGNAL, Goderich, and ap- pend your own name, (for our informa- tion only.) A recount has been demanded and granted in behalf of Mr. McKechnie, the Tory candidate for North Wentworth, who was defested by Mr. Bain by two vote. Protests are to be entered against the return of Prof. Foster and Mr. Jos- iah Wood in King's county and West- moroland, N. B., respectively, on the ground c f bribery. Mr. John McMillan, M. P. for South Huron, left last week, on a visit to Scot- land. He expects to be absent about two months. It is about 37 years since he left the old land, and he will see many great changes both in people and things since he left. His constituents of South Huron will join with us in wishing him bon royale. The Expositor says: -A man named Calighan, who resideci on the south side of the railway track, was taken to Gode- rich qn Saturday night and confined in jell as a dangerous lunc.oic. He was ser- iously given to intemperance, which is supposed to be the retain cause of his present mental condition. . He has a wife and five small children, who are left utterly unprovided for. GOD6RIrH BOYS AS USUAL STILL TO THE Fogs. - We are pleased to meet Messrs. (4. H. Watson and W. C. Ham- ilton, two of ourGoderich barristers who have just returned from Winnipeg for their holidays. They have just passed very creditable examination as barris- ter's etc. in Manitoba. E. D. A. Carey and A. McKay also Goderich barristers came out very well at the late Manitoba examinations. NIGHT BLOOMING CaR6rK. - During the past week a large number of persons have visited the green -house of Mr. A. Watson, South street, to witness the flowering of the species of cactus known as cereus (grandf oraddi Marofottnldi. ) This plant blooms only at night. The flower is a large and handsome one, and the crowds who throng Mr. Watson's premises are well repaid for their visit in seeing this rare plant in bloom. We understand that our town clerk, Mr. E. F. Moore, has been offered and has accepted a lucrative position as book-keeper ins Chicago jewelry estab- lishment. Mr. Moore has been a model municipal officer, able, reliable and im- partial, and the council will have difficul- ty in securing the services of as efficient a man to succeed him. Mr. 'Moore will also be mired in religious circles, he having a county reputation as a Sunday School organizer. The Seaforth Expositor thus refers to our esteemed townsman, Mr. T. J. Moorhouse:--A gentleman from Gods - rich left here on Tuesday morning at nine o'clock and drove to Lynn's school - house. in the township of Morris, 8 miles north of Brussels. and rot tack here in time for the express train going west, making the distance of 50 mato in les than 5 hours, and got hack to Goderich in time to vote there for Mr. Cameron. Be was driven by en enthusiastic Grit front this town. The largo number of would -he hooey weight champions will have to step talk- ing and wasting when Donald Dinnie the Scotttah athlete arrive* in America,, which he will do in the course of a few days At time of the champion's but visit to Canada he swept everything before him, and although he is now getting int. the ranks of the "sere and yellow,' he no doubt retains mach of hie old time vitr and strength, and will probably be eh le to take the starch net of the Amen man heave weights a e BLANK CASTSIDos.. -On Saturdayeve- ins the Gotlench light infantry, paraded on the square and fiaed a number of vol- leys froeu the rifles. Several runaways were the result, a waggon belonging to Mr. Robt. McLean butcher being bandy broken, and the driver having a narrow serape from a serious injury. It was a mistake to indulge in volley firing on the public square un Saturday night, and the wonder new is that as little daibage was done by frightened horses. However, the experiment is not likely to be re- peated. DOMINION Day. -To -morrow, should! the weather prove fine, will sae Gode- rich crowded with visitors to witness the games and sports. The very e12i- eient committee have arranged a splen- did progrsmine, and the prizes are lib- eral. The varied character of the amuse- ments, such as bioycle races, foot races, jumping, vaulting, boat races, street parades of firemen, etc., must commend the sports to the public generally. The pproetdings of the day will open with a Calithntnpian procession, and close with a grand display of fireworks. Rev. Dr. Williams and family left Tuesday for St. Catherines. The Dr. during his three years residence in God- erich made may friends outside of his ewn congregation. Our own intercourse with him has been of a close and pleas- ant nature. Scholarly, pleasant of speech, yet honest and fearlaas in "lay and twice only, at sunset and after his utterances, 'am an of healthy piety !sunset. Flowers should always be watered when the soil about their roots look dry. 'Some plants require to be watered twice a doy, some three or four times, some once, and others four or five tines a week. Care should be taken to water the soil stout the roots, and not to sprinkle the tops as many do, think- ing that if the leaves and (powers get a dainty hath from the spout cf a water - pot, all is well. The root of tho plant wants the nourishment, and not the blossoms and leaves, although, of course. they present a far lovelier appearance when sprinkled over with diamond dmpeof water. Another thing foramateur florists to observe is the careful prunit.g of all plants removing ha'f withered blossoms and leaves. These may be collected in a box, and will stake excellent manure. Dead flowers and leaves on a plant spoil its beauty, as soiled lace at the neck and sleeves spoils the beauty of a dross. Roses grow well in any ordinary garden soil that is free from standing water and well drained. The soil should not oon- tain too much clay, but if this is appar- ent it niay be remedied by an applica- tion of wood and coal ashes, lime and stable manure. The rose bushes should be pruned in October, and not in the spring -of the year as many suppose. Mr. George Andrews, father of Mr. Charles Andrews and Mrs. B. B. Smith o[ Godortch, and of John Andrews, Bayfield Road, died on Monday, at the ripe age of 82. He canoe to Canada from Plymouth,Devon,England,in 1841, and settled in Kingston where for seine years he carried on a very extensive business as victualler to the troops in Upper and Lower Canada. Heafter- ward carried on a large butchering busi- neas in Kingston, from wheuoe he re- moved to Rochester N. Y., in 1866, to reside with one of his sons. About four years ago he and his aged partner came to Goderich where a number of his fancily had already located, and had since that time been a resident of this town. Mr. Andrews was a man of exemplary conduct and a consistent Christina. In early life he was con- verted to a knowledge of the Saviour, and for the past 65 years had been ac- tively engaged in religious work as a local preacher. He leaves a widow in her 80th year, five sons and three daugh- ters to mourn his loss. A funeral ser- vice was held in the North Street Meth- odist church on Wednesday afternoon last, when Rev. Dr. Williams preached the serinon on the occasion, io which special mention was made of the kindly and Christian qualities cf the deceased. FLURI.•ULTCRI,-It is a mistaken idea that dowers should be watered twice a and a large heart, he was a welcome vis- itor to our sanctum, and we will miss his genial presence and wholesome converse. The peop'e of St. Csthatines are gettinga good and an able man in Rev. John Williams D. D. 14r. J. M. D. Gordon, of the Domin- ion Lands Department at Ottawa, son of the late John Bell Gordon, barrister, Goderich, has been appointed land agent for the Qu'Appelle district, with head- quarters at Qu'Appelle. His jurisdic- tioe for the present will extend to lands west of the second meridian. In order to meet the convenience of any one who has squatted on hinds:now open for en- try. and to save them a long journey to Fort Qu'Appelle, Mr. Gordon will camp along the Canada Pacific Railway at dif- ferent points, taking entries as he pro- ceeds westward - FoeaasrnY.-The High Court of the Canadian Order of Forrestera met at Guelph en the 13th ult. Mr. R. N. Brett who attended as a delegate from the Court of this town informs us that the three principal officers, viz: Messrs. Long, Lindy and Green were re-elected to the offices of High Chief Ranger, Secretary and Treasurer, respectively, Mr. Peter Robb, of Clinton, had the honor of High Chief Ranger conferred upon him. There were about 70 dele- gates present, who represented the or- der as being in a flourishing condition, and numbering over 2100 members, and 72 courts, of which 12 were added last year. The 'next meeting of the High Court will he held at Gananoque on the 2nd Tuesday in June, 1833. -[Exposi- t or. A Requiem High Mass was celebrated at St. Peters on Tuesday, a. no fur the repose of the soul of the late Father Mc- Gauran. Fathers Lennon, of Brantford, Shea, of Seaforth, Connolly, of Bid- dnlph, O'Connor, of Wawanoeh, and Father Waters officiated. Father Con- noly preached a very appropriate sermon from the text " Remember, man, thou art but dust, and unto dust thou shalt return." He spoke feelingly of the rev- erend deceased expressing the wish of The feast of the Sacred Heart, which fell on Friday, 16th inst., was celebrated in the church of the same name in this town with very impressive services. At 7 a. m. mass was celebrated, at which those who had prepared for the occasion, received holy communion. At '10 o'clock, by virtue of sub -delegation front Bishop Walsh, the pastor, Father Bou - bat, assisted by Rev. Father McDonald, of Guelph, and Father McKeon, of Strathroy, presided over the canonical erection of the rio Cruets in the church. The Rev. Father McDonald addressed the congregation on the subject. At the close of this impressive and most rare ceremony, the Rev. Father McKeon celebrated the solemn High Mass, and Father McDonald again addressed the congregation on the subject of the Sacred Heart. In the evening, Vespers were held and a discourse by Rev. Father Mc- Keon on the Sacrifice of the Mass. The the late Archbishop Hughes, " Bury me discourse was followed by solemn Bene - in the sunshine," where he lies among diction of the Blessed Sacrament. The the many of his flock to whom he had choir of the church was under the direc- been a faithful shepherd. The high tion of Father Boubat, with Mina Doyle, altar in its mourning drapery with the of Gederich, as organist, and was assist - numbers of candles upon it looked grand. ed in the morning by Miss Ellen Mur - A black velvet cloth with a handsome doch as leading alto, and Messrs. Drum - Maltese cross in white adorned the front. gide and Lebel as tenors. The sophreno Upon the drapery of the chandeliers and baiso pparts were sustained respec- boquets of natural flowers were fastened, tively by kites McDonald, Miss Emma which gave a cheerful effect to the heavy Smith, lliisa O'Connor, Mises Donnelly drapery enshrouding the church. The and Miss R. Dunn, and Meagre. Thos new funeral pall of black velvet is very Henderson, A. Murdoch, and the lead- handsotte er. -[Ingersoll Chronicle. H. S. Lrr'ss1 HY Sociwr%.--T11e most interesting meeting of the above society during the present term was held last Friday evening. It being the last otli- eial meeting of the quarter the following officers were elected for the ensuing term: -Pres.. Mr. D. Petrie; 1st Vice Pres., Miss Heise; 2nd Vice. Pres., Miss M. Robertson; Sec. Mr. W.Taylor; Tress Mr. A. Hislop; Editres, Miss M. Cam- eron; Sec. of Committees, Miss Lizzie Dickson; Councillors, Misses. J. bogie, L. Gibson, M. Ferguson. The usual programme consisting of readings recita- tions songs etc. was carried nut. The most pleasant part of the meeting how- ever was occasioned by the fact that Messrs D. McGillivray B. A., and J. C. Robertson wet* present for the first time after their return from the i-niver- sity. Mr. Strang made A neat speech paying • high tribute to the ability and industry which had enabled Mr. McGil- livray to carry off the gold medal in damns. Mr. McGillivray being called upon, made an excellent addreu, throw- ing out some useful hints relative to pre- paring for and paving examinations. Mr .1 (' Robertson made a highly or i.'mal, humorous and interesting speech which was received with great en thnsiasm by throe present Addrews were glen given by Messrs. W. Clutton and F. McDrmsld who were to leave for the Metric -elation Examination in Tele- nntn. The late meeting of the term will he held on Friday evening the 7th Jul . Exhibitions with the lietniticon wilt furnish an interesting part of the programme ear. iMiew's camera. S-llows, the photographer, is making a "big strike" in his large photographs. These pictures are 17 x 21 inches in size, and are handsomely mounted in frames 22 x 28 inches. A number of these fine photographs are now on exhibition in Mr. Sallow'. studio. Among thein is tip-top photo of the celebrated trotter "Lucy" and her train- er, E. R. Palmer. The black mine looks clear and clean, and very natoiral. The residence of Mr. ,John Buchanan, of Colborne, is nicely taken. The Laird is in thy, foreground seated in a buggy, and the family are grouped main- ly around the door step. There are pictures of the reeidenca, of Mr. R. gallows, which are eery homelike and satisfactory, the family groups be- ing large and natural in position. Mr. George Morris, of Colborne, scythe is hand, stands in another pie- ture at his own residence, while the "-ent- erable yet active John Morris Is seated on the verandah of his sons hoosee, reading This picture is suggestive of • well -worked farm, •vlth powerful norms at the plow We have sewn few finer family reaps than that of Mrs. Attrill, the Wawa Attrill and Master Attrill. it is a photograph that Mr Sallows may well be proud of. We would incite our readers to ins et these large photngraphs. Mr. Sallows will be pleased to show them, ant give particulars ae to more. eta Ila 1