HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-06-23, Page 31r THE HU1U1.Y silliNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 23 x$82 Owrvtas ret Mane t4 &b. opinion that say ardntaQ deg — and be is iJwaFs hungry—will ed and destroy in a swears month, the sget1i est of that which, ii given SU • well-bred pig, would make Lomat the esnisologh of Alva time 800 pooled*, Know 196,000 such pigs wodl aggregate 94,000,000 pounds of path. now worth at the home shipping elation, more than 64,700.000; requiring to NasNscet them erre than 8.000 rhe, oarTytng fifteen Ilse mash, or a train metre than sixteen miles lung. This would repaeses asnely 61,500,000 mon. than the entire amount paid in the country in 1880• for soh,al, kownahhp, and country taxes easbined: it would build 9,400 school horses and churches ,worth $560 Met, or would pay the aver- ages wages et 14,000 school teachers, twice the *maim now employed. A con- dition a which the shove is • poor outline, is at the bottom of what is each year becoming a g eeter impressible conflict between the wool grower and the savage brutes and keep in jeopardy, or destroy the ducks that, protested. would enlarge and increase to the ex- tent of producing the wool for wbjoh we now send so cow pillions across the soca. If the dogs are maintained so • luxury, they are • luxury we csfmot afford. and should give way to.sui.thl$g lees expensive! • sand len productive a Toes and misery. The rearing 4 better classes damp, mp• always indicates • high state of civilina- tion, wheal igitrlliRassg. oomfort and competence abound, and no aero 'un- failing sign d igtlocanoe, squalor and povert'L,cariti•�waifested, than the pregioe of a varied and increasing as- Altottdent r1 gen-Ntten curs, unclean and plow degree. i.. ehold not, be did4- w_silt to Ammo hatwees raising sheep and ie.lgrowing doge. x ., heat . - t/1NitM Mom Knead anlrtev. e' That M is never tired That he n.vitr talL 'nit That hebi1pe[I s. That That rip for any - `4t t la. i�..,., �', .'fee • ' 9111110411, , the ,.. ..ale . n 40.,a,.. is altaapslss. tojltshltel� ,� Duncan Maodouald, who in a quarrel Borne Eve years ago killed Roderick *a- ro, hes been neleerrd from the Peseteo- tiery, and arrived home on Wednesday. He is a physical wreck, and his invade have little lr„pee of his. twuvoiriag W health. MUM Mr. R. Reaa was laid op fog Meed days last week but is new tale the *sand, The sick committee looked atter bin, Mrs. Cissaday bean% her wrist is painful manner recently while- a%tendia$ to household dating. Master 8. Appellor ruse at *o'clock ori Wednesday the 7th inst., and did the Hut shearing 4 tate sttalean in this see - tion. He also meant to get the start of Lesburn. Lee hart. • Mr. P. Kehoe, sr., and oM resident, Ma returned from visiting friends in De- kuta He looks well and hearty after an absence of two Jean. The many friesda of Kr. Thos. Foth- eriug, who spent leek *unifier here, rill regret to learn that lie is seriously ll{ at Winnipeg, which, b4 ARMd.him to re - Win • PWS °,4111q./11141 Pay. . Master Joihlat Sall IIifN►i!dOM sheep thinin this- _ on urday morn rg ut F rillOth 19 ails o'clock. se, l •sJa•'f s` Homs Dian. —A 'relusll1a •~m hone belonging to the Rev. $s, son, of this pla0 , flied os Tbuinds t from pink eye. Paaastrrarms. —Previous to bit de„ parture for the old country, the ovings'ar• gation of the Halos Ci grcb Ihslseefbld, waited upon their pastor, Roe. ML Thomson, and presented -him with an of ectionataly,woaded address M.oiapan- id by a purse of Ilia pa nisi* in dairy- ing the expenses of his trip. This gift is as creditable to the congregation, as it must he gratiAing'.nd engouraging to the receipt. M . and Thermo sail from New York by the 'Anchotis� and they expect to be MAMA about these months. During hie pulpit 'will be roger larly supplied by the Presbytery. uR Wednesday morning a number of th.. friends of Rev. Mr. and Itis. Thome:a and member of the congregalloa, somas - ponied them to 'Seatorth to see them safely off brr the train cad wish lhhti if IM 'whey.. —1 1lxpt>sitor• a .av wlee+. • an*,no- he toes to motive ennamuni- I e 011K 'gVS4 young atl411 5 . thet rear Dei. hand vlogrwhile he voila with iihria7kivisborguiri st1N P��iM Peaar�l„ti r Ntae Faith Bud holm Age dummies than a,edicioe. t� -_ , The secret .d lsaaRi ie ilkilimee terasptitts a+t JuM1Me►. mag t. It r tawu neo► they may refused: -- , ilni1aas s is like do ache; i1 dearer* y'os, bit h doss not Ara "A regi without smutty is all Opelika. tae g.5 wary one to Bead, a w! Yorte•e has rarely oa�aaaM* ell b. toe eueepewee ut Flllirr,t. Wase duty ammo inalgah, "the aeon= law always has the right of way." Eames of eerrwuoi u always the oum- ds • it u a ret that com- sat never grow in a strung sox From the uan.er in which Mimi and blame are dealt out in this world, an honest nun ought to tweet defamation. In life it u difficult to say who do you the most mischief, .semis. with thsi worst intentions ur friends with the best. When i nun dies they who survive hint aak what property he has left oebjpd. The angel who boo .over the dying span asks what stood dee he has sent before Thai Swim extremely grateful for ooln- plicieslary tickets to fres tntettsin- manta. Th .' y` wittiest give the top of the .a weer; Ideseed advertiser be has. he is not prepared to That he is afraid of anybody, and that very clow proximity. As 100n 6i all meet the maddest were prepared to attack the telhsptia� pan of weak min , i r '• A Hang l suT. even - me, Jane lad, • leresy4 t4 of herd of member and adher'eo i d the laeed>/oe oongregation,,, gathered st the brick church with the intention of visiting their pastor, Rev. J. Anderson, B. A., in order to orongrstulate him on his able demonstration of hie belie in the theory, that it is not good for roan to b4 June, and, also, to weloome Mrs. Anderson. The lady obitss* brought with them an abundance of good things of this life, which they duOried to the very best advar.tage on the t ble at' -the Manse. They, the eatables, proved vet'y'krttrac- tive, for soon all present and the table upon which they were spread wore in him. Petarvy Mops. Tuft Poultry' Adviser, pubtishsd at Zandieille, -Ohio, says cholera amoan chiclbsna need no longer no feared when they'ttae fee with Siberian corn, which is ua greatcholerspeoenti'a Th�oud be planted about .illy into h< rows like ordinary corn. It. ana- turaruari•,y, yields abundantly,and makes VbuMpo feed there u. To in - .+men a�am!odng ora. farmers tbituhlillkas al iser will send a l�agat�is nsikde ta! Tsppliessta upon tr.+ b11a■inElerl its: In applying for the seed write your nark p. to, ad- dress ani-alateart♦ sspante sheet Wfeihnai p Pmo cc ause this address you write will be past- ed npoo tb. packegea nerti. Moore - ekes We. to pa►•f5'rrirapiag, paw, Nair.' The iast esidjllua dish trees re - rag pao�es it[+*hiwoora-sw shed to Iris" ito t .•thap wili latera raaality aloud. to the Adorer, he aseurdad• by Shea Wallis owners nip bk.*bummed the need.. .The pub- Minesesy that if sweeyans fwd•ahieeos ehrasssgids et d&A irs ou wkt•ie pulley, riser of ,fruhry,.Iroas Abe. memo 4-tshdsar ttdemt..tgi se* .twee. Adios= parkin ffwale'' tilts, cillo.". ffralmifreffej aiv=ihasoeater tq drunk whiehele-isttwaeiy fiffip,r'ted with camphor. It is the vapu ki)5 the worms ie the windpipe. Bones, when bed to fowls, inducts them to lay • liberal gnantiry of fine flavored eggs, at well as maintain health- fulness and vigor. The bones crush best when dry, mad should be reduced to the size of moll peas Use kerosene freely on the perches in ChrvB al � Black. your hen house, at teat cress a week, to magi who ever read his paper. That he can write obifaery at the, sate of a milt a wiltute, en give any one a good send off at a moment's notice. That he likes to have people drop in to read his exchanges, and leave them in a disorderly mess, after he has arninged them for his own convenience. array, Mr. Will. McKay rose and the following address:—To the Rev. Mr. Anderson, — Dear Pastor : — We, tba' timbers and adherence of the Fordyes oongregation feel desirous of making some tangible acknowledgment of our appreciation of your labors amongst us as pa tor, and thinking the present oc- casion a very suitable opportunity, we now beg your acceptance of this souve- Tae Toe -Mandl FreeTesde. nir. We do not tender it as an intrinsic 3 IL 1101111111111 AND SGWiNG MACHINES: TM eeleeriber weal✓ Wawa. 4 pee Wawa. pigpigel tiuderlub alit h. teas 4eolded to • s u la hie hue owing to in ud that ► ',�p 1.p v• esecepoos aUv shod hsreaka.. AQ ...attar PIANOS, ORO ASS er SEWIIYQ lift. 8 wW lad it to their says= Narlr/ to Dill J. W. WEATHE1LD.at mos that u s OIrN l.' 1N1 c think. Owing to increase expenditureti'rhich, I equivalent for your service', upon which an intrinsic valve cannot be set, but we as I have said the „e imposed f intrinsic it to sigh c that b y tendour services spun you that being so is Mr. ]Ifcken- I and devoted efforts for our spiritual zie'a time, in the time of those who Pre welfare you have our warm sympathy resent U1°e— I and in your schemes for the advance - impurities, and to feed it regularly three IA MAN to06.161406/0100 wt.* viz 0040100•••• 00 •0144616611. MEMO,iturci lux ROCK SLARIUt�&P ��tlitk eau is �lsaie Drab with all the ti mrly JIJST-�CEIVED D. 4 • FERGUa�N'S .sluowu serval • eat 4. a .. tug a• F no s -a .ratkraals ae:ai+*4 so .• r, . ; • re - .di. sQ .14 a /rL l F'IiES�I •.Y'•stlwir ,I��•ryi a -est sot •,.1^+.. •✓•Best Socia1 Baais.tTSi . tt Rao. per It; at.d upwards. 1t ler splendid article and pinto assortment of 4f you want a really One Two try 3 worth more money. I have also tYd . ,to l:.•i Corckery Glassware, >sfeluding Wee sad China Tea Sets, Children: 'soy Tea Seth, Ladies and Gents Fear/ Tea Ceps and Sewers, suitable for UBeistmsa and New Yor a • pi & �p Good in Groat �� 1*J utig r., . • ' AND LT VERT LOW PRICES. ' a �Jand beConvFnced. n%arIo:t$1Bar4 • • , Fsice Co. ad ;Wirt Mom Tlat,.�oa st..r lWeC..i aitill '`.ta=Spain! sae �ALIW LEA Ittoffrii� a a.n. street Lea. via V4:44..., Arlan.. au- 4Yu stew nurse:. 'npei ea set Bares ta. +.ricu'siew.�a[tAro�r: r nista oar's w r y N*fM�w,. ta5 awe 10551 rea- `'''%Ce..u... +oa..0 the Wow e.4 raw- our a We CRIIAT ROOK MUMS- RODU. R. R CAalLL « [. UT. Juww, . Tts►h— a m.al w.tW.[1 rirsa AM 014434°43. GODERICH BOILER WORKS. ee ut f f in pp your po rryy rte roes vermin, (pies your tow ta scat food in the monk - sod the n1. -..ole grain at night ink, Rus ig OePI TO MITI MEN and SALT WELL MEN a little wheat or cracked atm placed to • in the scratching place to Aire them ex- ercise. Care feu peave. Heave* u a complicated disease of the respiratory organs, and u frequently the reialt of imprudent feeding, both as re- gards quantity and quality. Musty hay and oats and damaged grain of any kind is partieslarly injurious. Solite horses, especially ravenous feeders, Lire liable to become habitual glntons, if a1 - lowed free access to provender, and the horses that are fed in such a careless manner are the usual victims of heaves. The proper way to prevent horses from having the heaves, is to *elect the very best food, free from duet and all other ceded him and in the p taxes have been imposed to a consider- able extent upon articles capable of be- doub ., although this sodry; no raised as to what is called the adequacy or in - 4 -1 d •sUohletagiaiips ure you ere impost greater or smaller, so as the advantage accordingly greater or smaller; and as according to this smeoure the advantage is in favor of the manufacturer who pro- ceeds to manufacture the article for the home market; therefore it is what I say that those who have contended that the practical inane before the people of this country on ths tariff question was an is - me between absolute free trade apd this tariff, are trying to raise a faLe issue to- gether, (Hear, hear) i say that no part of this county -y has ever rained the standard mpoea y mea- ls ti►i tax is to our af- ;trt dn•� ete •• , air'wtc went of the cause is which you labor so ef8cientl you have our hearty co-opers- tion. We also extend a cordial wel- come to Mrs. Anderson, and would ex- press the hope that she may never have cause to regret coving amongst us, and that you, in the multifarious and arduous duties which devolve upon you in your capacity a. pastor ama find in her ali in•valuable helpmeet Mies Campbell then presented them with a purse of money. Mr. Anderson briefly" replied, thanking ihem in very suitable terms for their kind expressions, both to himself and Mrs. Anderson, after which the demoli- tion of the cakes and pies was proceeded with. The company then adjourned to the sitting room, and after spending an hour or so in pleasant conversation, re- tired to their homes Social gatherings, such a these, serve to establish and nourish that spirit of harmony and unity which should always exist betweea.pa- tor and people, and it is to be Loped that the menials amicable diapositicns which animate these respective c of titu- ents of the church at present may con- tinue to do so in the future.—PHrLas- :moornstT. upon a few act 1 IP= y, not capable of being produced here, and all that we differ upon at this time—but not Blr ..�est Iwe via eAdtes, mr., s04 tariff, raises the taxes upon articies upon 91' lust and -Liberal cme;um whit - r . wf+ipla tatsJ► -T improper: party maintain, that this tariff is defect- ..0and 1th h' h ' ion the w its clear and serious defects, we laid before Par- liament this sesame aotiosawhich point- ed eat where we thoeight that N was whir! we desd. t 4 j - ( iremil JEV:J*arum f Draggy -Is spy a twisty e.,edit- fa■ el aha billed► 4/and.et .pun dxa- esrie& kideeyal�dooaaaogt�t Ruyan BM ' ooneeq- acting on, 111to a,atlar r tent on visited homeal i os d w 15440, and may eleam- Kid- 11 do th sNsl #eetodly. Trial bottle 10 aorta 2 New f3OILERe and !LT 14N8 - awnts* tared on shortest notice. it kinds of Repairing executed under Mpersonal supervision of the !Proprietors wbAa• times a day. Horses should not be al- lowed to overload their stomach and bowels with hay, it should be fed at night in limited gtantities only. The greatest care should be exercised in se- lecting food for horses. The hay, when at all dusty, should bs well shaken and sprinkled with salt water, previous to being fed. The treatment of heaves eon- sist of proper restriction indieting,these- lection of healthy, nutricious and easily digested heed. Attention should be given to the watering. Horseeshouldnotbewat- ered immediately after or before feed- ing, especially the latter; the better way being to water a little and often during the day. It is well to commence the medial treatment by giving • cathartic, after which much benefit will be derived from the following powder mixed in the feed morniag and evening:—arseeic,four grains; powered nut voodoa, twenty grains; powered gentian root,one drachm powered Jamsca ginger, one half drachm mix for one does. Sick Headache, Neutelgis, Dyspepsiaand Constipation relieved and cured by the use of Dr. °arson's Stomach and Constipation Bitter& Try them. They aro safe and dkctu•l. Sold by all drug- rista Gen. Rhyme, agent for Gode- rieb. Pracricoi Workmen. P. O. Boz 100. 1 ' Nervousleitily isa result of indis- cretion ire the mode 4s living. H eed memo's e's unerring•wa Blood Bitters, the Great System Renov- ator and Blood, Liver and Rides, d� regul- ator and tonic. Semple bottlesl0 cents. osiers** iaearslr+s• Colorado Round Trip Tourist Tickets at greatly Reduced Rates, via C., 11. & R ht, new Chicago and Denver hrough Line, geed daring summer mals and Natiosal Mining and Indio- taW Exposition September aro now cm sale sad full particulars as to trains . gid rates can be obtained from an Canyon Ticket Otlioe in the United Rates or °mods TSM TAT IT vas. AMC? TOC. 1i excites erpeetorstion and causes the Iaap to throw off the phlegm or meals: shat 8•1!• secession andpe..-4l•s ear blood: heals the irri- tated parts ; rive, strength to tb. digestive sr�aa� beep tin inter to iu proper ethos,and imparts strength to the wool* Mtem. aeon is vxs [110801888 AND &.Tleva(Io.r kr- ✓ aCT that it ,a. rrawtnl W beak .p /h is tae w04 toe tem rs dieg al•ie tasrrta4N Ta/were Pew, if ft Oa toe tans at st- g▪ r.rd chili a�w 711 mom„`(ed do. to Bose ce costlt'w�l:e ( sew to produce costive (which h the naw with most reaon...h fie caret the bead. se ft sontaiss no opiqminitny form. his warmstred go be ssr4eeNv baree.0 to the met Jalkate child, eltho.eh It is sa active and owerful remedy for restoring the sy�stem.(�1 ,,rysoaas, wben ALLEN'S 4s t when At r a LrBo 1 Pbte.11rwi�lr ve0t k t salt' taken In taws. wmptive patients,_ and who. bavtnt woug Bare them with their o•rs me4asioee. ors recommend to Rive ALLYN'S Lo.a BALSAM a trial 9..Lddsion Dreesirte . _ ihhealgeaW weather is trying to the system, rendering it more liable to drew. k. a preventative of ss►kaees- i�m�.� Stomach. Carson's Stomach & Coasting - tam, Bitter*. They purify the blood, Bum all Bai.es Nano* and Liver die - orders, and give ano cad strength to the syotord.' like boa For sale by ell Geo. ll _1, stet for . ar :.ta e•r hit . • iLicensed melee the Glidden Patent,/ MANUFACTURRRS. OY THE IMPROVED LOCK BARB •44 11 Four -Pointed- Steel Fencing Wire, 66 A 67 RICHMOND ST. EAST, TORONTO. A. J. 901filftviLLEO Vloe-bt4es and Wan. Director. R. W. Mol ENZE, Ode Agent lot Oaferleb. DOMINION CARPIAGE WORSS. AMR 4 SNA8DN' TRU>L. JAMES HEALE'S Undated Tire Iindlera are tiro brat t0041 o ten ole l a'..�wit�ris mlealm . Lel » hare weed. ala e�'~'tiae bast n.4 n" wmeth .as lad Wins' lath, et TWENTY CANT* Pelt STIMtID• 1.4itireaeata pit oealkr. ••'1 James 'teals. Makor aid caller, Galeria. erbee a•.••tre was+sr rs LOON t.. s..0n1 MAMA CODER IC , Morton. & Cresman. W. S. Hart & Co. PROPi!IETORA ler TNR C odorich Stills T 0 MI ARM ER S_ We want every farmer needing a carriage to call and see our NEW PLATFORM CARRIAGES stook offered in Thelbest OOpennr.ad top bapiee always in stock have Repairin %promptly aever the w attended to. MORTON 8z CRFSSI/ AN 1831-3m. Shop opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. r t ar((LATE i'IFBR'B.) pi their thanks to tee palMie fee We ret ItatlfrdZiati lnegr^"d durias a past rear. sad to state they arede R I WI' I PT 6T - ea iso truer wrta4_ �r �tM a h.yr d M 1►es rim t —ra mss rim .t yew. goose Lads W 1111: h) tilessate Mine Mob f► LA. Flaimers Atteiitiox .! pence Wtre contracted for n any quantity at very lowest prices pri „e* I SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBED FENCE WIRE. W Ore and barb salva.ised after bens twisted which Bennet scaleol' .. ! 'Use Barbed Wire for Fences. • 1 n d- a ad the �uun- tr h,+ will, on hi:+ ng ui' I. by ,t tool of former ay, -To . ti'Doa. watchinK mesion. st Huron rhe witty Porter hos ,� t1 r. . saj1' ts. at .• r \t J- A1png WS. • s(2. .itd No sNOWC "IFTS - NM:WEEDS NC WKS TEL�ANOS• n y _atilt u le- y maor- "or 44I4 M t tempt a tri ` w her, he hack . has I.t . rt hand 13 telei N`Higlia11t *IA- s r..80,404'4- . • ^,e 'midi Id* •4y,rt► • , , , G. H. PARSONS, CVlkr d8.*DWAIIR 0O011UOIL