HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-06-23, Page 1"er
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NO 31 advertisements
War W. R. befit tirio19, t-
weets Geo miereporepe el me
UMW te
=war Viva Dr. . C. Ayer
• lIerittstrir.- • .4
• ft
11.1174. 211.11111148°4°UriPli
GSM Oate with Timmer __(.1imear.the
arlimosmasfull emeed. deem& Bes-
o( Tareato.) en seseasigne
the Peopleir
VOTICE TO OtlilitTri18-- ALL
alin:WI 71 brhe
'=.41411.1g et rue!
=NT dor knows es "Dods
abls=t mos Dr. Barry findthH":111
as es wilqsige
13111b# 34 H.
Aett ward will be pad tar informalities
which will lead to the esavictios of Me per-
son or perseas who ed &partial of the
and I to.Allt
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oxiy.s oeifit Ito
• 4411 WWI
. Pia' regaliell wee IR"
• 'I soorAn
/0111470103- P
ratit4miratelitilcit 'este ots:Rithwitt
aseapecitioi, G. N. DA 48.491IlLsrket do isaiZ.
irk. Rev connoted her studies is smac
Leaden sad !arias re -
Lona a urras, BAMINIM," allti • -4ti re-
sainaton in channel" ar„,„ alive •Ilintiod timber ot tor
moo House. oodersoh. temireettes. Museeson
so take ardent ter Cryo.
•Pdlt, ts
for London webs intends
Oat N, UN ON, lath
=itabgeralirti,iuliftr termtel sat
MoDONA.011, M. ,D. PSITSIO- raf„'="1=m7114teelroji4
DON he.. Graduate of Tor- n'io. vio„Fae;‘,,W
fie RIZ;
.. Do..
a:opmr. 4141hane
Drees Streak mead dear west ot Sare=
GION. Coroner. /vs. 011as sad
West. 1751.
....." M. agaP,i. Cadireaer81
zolle. Conierea's •••••••, Lack -sow. If net la
enquire at tho Dsak. 211111.
....._.. •
6.1.7..stors jiErele.....111Mmthei
•011. MI
Weisd on mai *erne as moss to Bali MR
rowers. Mhz. ltoG Mahn.
Goderich Nov. 11151751.
14• iak,OWTO arsaWarRiviPtilF• TO
AMMON, 14".
• kik.
75,00o 10 4WD ON REALES-
T Tn. litrft bramble. Apply to B. L.
Dederlak. _ . 1751
good_Tarm or firet-cleal Tow* Property
-east. leaf to a. RADOLIPTIL 1515
amount to suit borrowers et 6 to 111 per
liamorrete rand& Apply to anus sal
' •
amount ot Private for ta
t t iowsot rams at llret-etas. ortgagee. Apply
eljohia razz or mason. -
awes sr Amass. SICAOKR 1031trOlf
Mawr lead st lowest. rdos,
Colborne Hotel.
111114 Kama VOL 17M.
Maaintesh, 11=ii _
s" Nev. Dr.% wigawituallh his
Omsk, peisallie IA ethos& to St. Cather -
About Stre.perions came up from
with „Mike on Monday. A
Ittliabakof Noaforth people
We at tie ate Clinton
Mao* Sbatelowe holding
Weir amid is Galeria% on Tues-
day tits f or July next.
named. wo Wok We to give ma.
head quota items. Items
Now tleatieiLtical excitement has
... -
AkistrWitamwe, whisk
Kr. hugh Love, .r., ot
iref died last week He
week relSnmei the haod-
Pabros .f°54PLI,...-ii,“
the -•1114bu n 111. °""ilitioa
Jame 30th, at the dine of
hear leassoadr• ars
invited to ad.&
Mr. Henry Cresswell, brother of the
Werra Creasing!, Tuckeessaith, who
is one of the largest cattle owners in Col-
orado or New Merlon, has recently made
a ask of three thousand head. This
repress/nits a rood deal of money.
BAD Boys. -For -For •Ottill tune past a
number of boys have been in the habit
of collecting on Elgin St for the pur-
pose of playing ball, but not without
wrangling and quarrelling
takiacialmilde on each ocoasion. The
moot ene and blasphemous language
ed in, and fights are continual-
ned. It would be well to have
boys looked after, and an end put
to such *aim&
Subscribe at once, sad get tall benefit, .1 1511
aft. •
1. jri.
TAW Vitt& ; f.
LA. WARM. III VWE 111013X8XDP 00•8111M11111,
1101.WrY ITIRCItita'
oat or al = v. bearing
Mee thelliNIA my et ta A. D. them
will be *dere& ter &
ca isedt at
hoed, la
at ;knew, ta Pm* Harem
by Jaime .0 Amtimmer. the for=
rideable loads in two pareele waseely:
number I- Lot No. 16 isi the sta Co.. of the
cleared. sad es itxbi •
bria Sem sad
a blink slab* a animated, a trams
.0;t4Ekrvrlittr.lr: Zil
will be es -
MGM to 36 soeMlifilsri re= sow in the
ground. _
Iniareclairi maemsain or Boob -
No. 2. The N of lot Wo. G.
so. in the be
ad messurenieTtal adres et land, more or
TIM property in on okeared sad well fenced.
The puroleser will too MOM* le IS sores of
fall wbeisk sow is the
sallsenilLe, -TlaPr- 41- 01
au otbasiteMSOB thg male will
he the owedltiene ot Chancery
Glvisloa of th IfIgb Court et Jostles. For
further particulars tedirtekaltsiocionees,
barrister, Gederich, Darriebtr.
.W. R. . mokiesielialtors.
loam .rto C/IMIMIN Ira Oaaremoar,
ADDINHIAD Y. 8. (8U00111410*
- Real 11162.
lootfrd to • geekeemed sad a 's -
.ani aliebratien. The programmes di
ttaso atl:0. ip
uceedimp varied.
o k'olock • the
bete alligne • ead
genes alil qteisia if male*
vaultues • the bicycle rom te
• poptillikf of the dies %pat,
se oared! -
fleseaZiegt be WASS
*AGM idle
tor 72P14111.iiie: -
DeT.-lane • satinet day
,K in 0°411rioh thio l'oor To diirldltor oats* Num% or.
* management of the Su. -As or object i:`747%.664I
n ID °04, Noma and we be teehe elillseasiel we MS* and 1 de
au t kiiiijirtar I oleold w' /as &km* •0)
numb • thin in any other We, es to
aid • Omit assent of my nip te
Neat wee, 411101111111melgt
11.1* U;iebtea the' seemileiti
Imam Gederiel3
f mt.
Ws had
1100 passagaMiodel Is*
46.11 and
151,1 agi"apd°11tho, ICI*Isreath CtledigiSbians,
Ths ter apericl to be very Teepee -
C. arm -li• te table people, the Jews wets the
sat degrecied ass of pimple I scar set
Ayes epos. Thee were direct from Res-
eal, aid were dirty and filthy in every
ass of the word. Of course they Were
fig, anew passeagers. I took 4 walk
difraigh the ateseses be hare • II. look at
and my heart seamed. to sink
within nie when I beheld their wretched
condition. I did not remain longer than
wu necessary to get a glimpse of thein,
Nei wadi afraid neighs carry away some
ermanbraases of these poeple that I did
not wish to. They were sitting and ly-
ing in every conceivable shape of misery
and dirt, and you could scarcely met
threagh without walking on souse of
them; they were so bad that a number
of the other immigrants positively re-
fused to go below, aid remained all
night on fleck, though cold and wet.
The Captain afterwards put ap esamass
to protect them from the cold and rain.
What is to be done with these Jews
when they get to Winnipeg I do not
know. The only redeeming feature in
these people is that they amitiply very
rapidly, two children being born on
board the steamer. The water was en-
joyable, and ws arrived at Kincardine
at half -past two p. m. We sailed out
under a good stiff breeze and passed
the notorious Clientry bland, with its
light house, aid to be noted for Clovers -
mut jobbery, and sailed into South-
ampton harbor at 6.90 p. m., took on a
few more passengers and left. Sunday
morning found um mailing past delight-
ful scenery , die Duck Islands brag
north of us --one of these is inite large
and well wooded. The Manitoulin Is-
lands lie north of these, and the steam-
ers et !kaoline that carry the mails to
Gollingwood, pea to the north .1 these
Wanda in going down on the return trip.
Reached St. Joseph Island at 1.40 Ben -
day. We had Divine semis at 11 o'closk,
conducted by a Baptist clematis who
was on boarel-en unmigrant going to
Manitoba. His text was Matthew vi.
and 33rd verse; "Seek ye grist the King -
dein of God and His nrhteousnes, and
all these things shall be added tact° yom "
I think the words were appropiate for
people going to the Northwest, for I am
afraid there are more people seeking for-
tunes than anything else. We had
a ooneert in the evening--eacred, of
courea-and we ooritiantW to hold °m-
oats, with variations in the exercises
during the rad of the voyage, each af-
ternoon and evening. There is abund-
ance of delightful scenery in going up
the narrows, that is the channel that con-
nects Lake Huron and Superior. There
are rocks in abundance and islands, and
the passage is narrow enough to make it
interesting. We remedied the Sault en
Sunday evening, and landed on the Ca-
DII/e0aNNON. nad* side, when an amusing scene pre-
sented itself in seeing those Jews molly
The political gathering et Dentesdnrin forth for provisions. Not one of the
on Monday last was one a the largest whole party could speak English, and
demonstrations ever held in this section they, with difficulty, secured their pro-
of the country. The electors turned out visions, when we crossed the river to
by thousands to hear Hon. Edward the Americsr. side to report ourselves
Blake speak on the public issues. When and pass through the canal. There is •
Mr. Blake arrived at Nile with the God- rise here of 18 feet, and the lock is said
erich party, kit was met by hundreds of to be the finest known in the world as a
electors in vehicles who greeted him single lock. The masonary and lock is
with cheer after cheer. A procession was beautiful to look upon, and is worked by
at once formed, and headed by the Ben- hydraulic pressure, the water being used
stiller Bead,promieded to Dungannon. At for all purposes, the water being used in
this points some thousands of people had all along the bottom of the lock, the
gatheredtoseethegrestLiberalleader,and veinal being raised without rocking or
cheer upon cheer rent the air as the jarring. We then enter the canal and
cavalcade drew up at the door at the go quietly into the waters of Like Sups-
drilleheel. The crowd premed forward rior. There is a nice town en the Ameri-
to gain othatiatiee into the hall in the can side at tkia pas, aod it is alio •
most slated .maanee, and DOM the pre- military natio*: but. the town on the
mamas were fried to surfeit by aearty two Canadian side is &pone affair. Monday
thomand sapestent peewees a ameba morass when we awoke ws were passing
of when wane ladies. Mr. Beate then some rooky most on the canadian shore,
delivered an arena and convincing bet ao land viable on the American
speech of two hours and a half duration, shwa At half -past three Monday we
and was followed by Kr. Porter, who met the Frances Smith of the Coiling -
sadly relinquished the platform in wood line. We had been sailing os
shoat 40 minutes. The set Lek. Superior 90 hours, and were jest
war then that 0o/ ltoes, P. P., =teeing American water which contuou-
'hada reply to Mr. Porter, bet ed wail the sad of the voyage. It is •
oa a mves signal the Tory *aeons* sight to meet • steamer when
" lambs began to bleat, and nothing but water is visible. Get int*
fee some immense pandemonium appear- Silver Islet at 11 o'clock Monday night.
al tie sips enuesse. Mar • taw re- Nies scenery there, but we could only see
seethe the meets, wee trues to ft imperfectle. We missed wens of- the
dor by sheets for Blak., Osiers and bast sights on the hare. At the !Ami-
de* guess. Kr. Ohs Gina. Reeve et hag, Thunder (II. mid to be unser-
Woosardi. sasspied the chair The
WI woe hemdmously ilsoessoni 'di& Mit power seer &Anew Tuesday
on the hes for beauty; bet we
easepeeshailareareprialle amease way "(rein( we weirs passing beautiful
ohnervabes tha assnary, hat wo aeon gre owt of sight of
land. and it onmeseneed to rein and the
The Asseriess biatches of the fruit wind wee high, and the IrSvos tumbled
Lad Leave do am take kindly to shoat fa gond style They say the
peepend stasselise the Lairs ftupsr. being meetly Americas
lend. nag west to ffight the question water is Ilk i the Marian
old on the *ma, making those who till
the all the owners ef it. instead of the
Cleverness! tattier it and renting it ont.
The momenont has helm Mope up lar0-
iv hp the hap in the Wert of the Me-
aseartiot the land weeld some day be
their& To !oho it eed of the hands el
Ib griefs end pet it is the
of the Oseweensen
, sbo make *haw Of sod
week! nit do avec lie Ike hapsong of
engin •
&rite Wet itialltd°1417E
II Mi tra4.11set. DO.
*: tft4ft•
Wieseolold ;
ine, Armholes'.
Andrew MOW& ;
Jos. 8. Cloak •
Z. Loadoobotp,j/aria.
to• plier Herailton ; Blyth, Bieire;
Berve, lea. Philip, Wm. B. Cii '
‘i'am,'Ilenjamin B. Reefer;
sets, David C. Manma, Peter W.
Jesse ; Lesimeser, Jam T. Smith, Joha
Walker, '4' ; Ashaold, Radiant a
Renders, ow); Teamster, Alex-
ander G. linitis ; Riversdale, Elms,*
'Teske* ; Diongeatten, /ha. Caswell ;
Luther, .0. Rai, Supd ; Maachestar,
.Alfred E. Smith, (Auburn ); Berrie,
At.b.ri. Dave , James B. Freeman, B.
A. ; Jas. des supernninerary ; ad-
age, W W. Campbell.
as seem irts mgri. neeeettee la
On Monday afternoon there was a
large amemblege at the statiou to meet
lion. Edward Rieke. He was greeted
with ringing cheers es he got elf the
train The party Musediately proceeded
to the square headed by the band. By
this time the crowd had assumed im-
mense proportions, and. with the ex-
ception of • few inierruptioes Imme a
Tory from Colborne, thopedier
was eitaallsret.
Ndaser.Mation pmemoted the 11
Taker within iffifeese, to Made
replied is &speak of ewer an boar's
length. mooted kis subject
in a plain, straightforward manner, and
won the esteem et 'eery rameemelde me-
mo by the point' of his langemee and
the vinosity of his stela He wee re-
peatedly cheered duns the eloquent
area. A couple of campaign soup
were sung by Ma Liberal Oleg Club, oue
of which contused the following hp..:
" nor gerrymandered Harem and elinskied
10 Thle ilenth ;
thiliorne, was poked
But on the mot m um well run him to the
Al we go marching to viosory.
Ro domes were given for Hon.
Edward e, M. C. Cameron aad the
The editor of the Star, standing on
the railing of the bend stead, waved his
plug hat frantically and yaled for Sea
John A. Macdonald, but the concluding
portion of the cheer was lost in the
Laughter which greeted the arta of the
West street scribe to balance himself on
the railing.
field Win.
110nUi Me, IA
• to Dr et lkoterie Ye.
ems ettitt=
&a le sound
CA PITA'', •- - • ltAKNO.
SURPLCIII - - • - 11.4.0m.em.
Goderich Branch.
D. GLASS - Manager
Allows Weevils as depselle. Drafts, letter
On Monday afteroode the dead body
of an infant about two weeks old, was
found in the woods near Grand Bend, in
the township a Stephen. Constable
Gill, who was informed of the matter,
notified coroner Hyndman, of Exeter,
bet it was decided to wait instructions
from the County Attorney as to what
steps to take. It is a supposed case of
foul play, u a .tick with bloody marks
on it was found near the spot.
Huningo Brum - The following,
from a correspondent, was overiaoked
last week : -On Sabbath evening return
ing from church my attention was called
tee ler chirping sound proceeding
els metre branches of a bu-ge ap-
ple triple • g irden on LAIL; um ars
and on looking into it saw quite a flock
of humming btrds, more like a swarni of
bees than birds, and was led to exclaim
- surely this prognosticates urea
weather • and to -day, Monday, is the
warmest of the imam -{Ver.
alroorm"itthse10.41 "I" 'Wahl.
revAirturiedir-' flipakono
. 81,400,0oo.
Presoak& Molt WM. IfelfAliTZR
Omni - N.
13416111411h Wendt
It RO. • - • Mow koaa.
Timm =Vase is
se Greg elerb
sad the Venal lease&
n 1:7111-1
Janes A Dixon, who fired a revolts
as he says, to frighten kis wife, wee to -
01 ider eneleet
Heaa Patens Fon Fan. -Kr. O. W.
Gauthier. a fiek dealer of Detroit, who
lately took a dook at Sarnia is doing an
exteneive business in purchaming wad
shipping fish. fle is paying forty meta
eaoh for sturgsoo, fiver ests per pound
for pinker'', two cents and a YU a
pound for herring, and !we doges and
a quarter per half barrel for malted her-
ring. He is skipping an average ed tam
horrels of fresh fiah each morning on gie
beat to Dana. The sturgeon are
ned and dreamed at the warehouse R.
Unites ler be oared. amskied.
and fk market.
is; thou ski in los an Doan*. and
• Gaines SatillarLaoost. -altab=
last, as previously
of Tomparanim pro en me.
al UM Tinahonmess
It was a decided moms The spooks
woo preceded by paper, W
se Robert C. Todd, 0 Os
progreatme elSabillid el
rations, dialogues and tahisons.
Witco teat paa iesner-Ifialima Osagga
117reiviiillObrelealsouded• Arse IL Jahn -
r.. c-Tnalir a v. .
for the IdiSaltoillo oomored.
.1e"wr: 1r I
Mode hid t
of e Yeln that
the ;Petiteness kir 40
',seal as awe hod. amid . of • ail Ise
reseiresse, eitel ho ing#16v• bw04 twak
liddinff fit
most a the iin
t .1'1111gelligtasiattlt
nisesingi and mfr. mme
essael was chow of soomediedase poinsw
When we peed en DulutWan
the dealt tho steamer we were
ed of a prrtion of Serlptuirellerblek anti,
"That a eity set on a bill cannot be
hid." That toe position of Didet/i.
It is aid to pontain fg0 inhabitania
It is a growing town; fiMy oesthirtrtf
its buildings are neer and in mutat' ef
erection. Its chief business is from the
waters as I might ass bare tha thua Eat
we hat, not soon enough of good Land to
make a decent far. It is a great
lumbering klace, lozs being brought in
Iarge qnanties from all around the late
and the St Louie/liver. There are also
two large grain elevators. From the ap-
pearance of the country you would
wonder what thwy were for, but there is
better land sonsewbees. We oksibed
thentountain, Lamppost/50 fathigh., insd
had a beautiful view uf the lake and 'sur-
rounding country to the south across the
bay to Superior City,* city of Indiana
and half breeds. There are two lines a
railway running in here on the one track.
Price of rock lots $125 per foot; did
not invest. Mom home to Godeurioh, 22
miles ; Godwin1i to Kincardine, 35
Kincardine to Southampton, 30; South-
ampton to Hilton, 176; Hilton to the
Sault, 40 ; the Sault to tidier Islet,
250; th Prince Arthur's Lading, 22;
to •Duleth, NO; total, 765.
• Joule Burris..
[Fenereuri, Manitoba, June 5th, 1882.
tic Nines, John /Joni, Tillilha41111t
Onorgo Nam& gees
rilis A apri0
Osseemitomesons etts4resee. .
This On* pis opened by 10ior
Judge Tome pit Tuesday, of gat ilia.
TheOrs•nd 'Any hating boon resamorha,
Kr. John italksr was cholien lioeiewin.
His Muer is addressing the Jury refer-
red to a oospimcy case which would
Oollie before them. It was tho first of
the kind coming under his notice. To
toprepaiiihavent aneamedjust and. thounnoomearyiaapar lairtrosuoubwle.
iag mem of this nature to go directly be-
fore a grand jury had been changed, and
the charge WM now required to be in-
vestigated by a magistrate, who if
he saw fit might send it te the
grand jury. The offence of oonipi-
racy was one al common law, und
might be either an agreement to
do an unlawful act or to do a law -
fl act by unlawful means. In the
present came the complainant had entered
into a recognizance to lay his charge' be- !`o
fore the grand jury, and it was now
their duty to investigate the mats,
taking the evidenence as submitted. to
them by the Crown Attorney.
The jury then retired, and Court ad-
journed until 4 o'clock p. m. that
hour a further adjournment was had; ism
til Wednesday morning.
Wednesday, June.14.
Court opened by His Honot Jtidge
Toms, and the Grand Jury baringpre-
sented a "true bill" against Petec• -
mug, charged with the larceny of, a rug,
he was placed on trial, having, elected to
be tried by jury. From the widens it
appeared that Drennon did net attempt
to retain the artiole, but hawked it over
en • search warrant, and Juke Toms
holding that felonious intent had not
been proved, directed the jury acqnit
the prisoner, which they del
The appeal cases of Hannah vs Mor-
rison, and Yates vs Sohwartz, were
wain traversed until December ssasions.
The Grand Jury, after examining the
witneem* and evidence in the conspirecry
charge of Grace v. F. W. Johnston .1 .1
for several boor, returned "o bill."
were in favor of a
Nine of the ju
"true bill," anT:ianne for no bill" The
foreman's vote settled the case.
Thursday morning.
The Cour, being opened, the Grand
Jury osme in and submitted their pm-
sentiment as follows •
TPA Amy* qf our Lady fit" Queen beg lease ' fIRE.
Tbat we have examined ths esti.
find the prisoners very few for our innee
Suety. They are satisfied with treat,
meat. We find one pawnor
removal to asylum, and rum
be done as son as possible Theory
beg to state they found the jail clean
and orderly. Ws congratulate your
Honor on the ivied mewls of the oounty,
which have very much lightened the
labors of the jurors and you^Honcer
civilly and origninalle.
1011W BUTI.113, Foreman.
11 •
• 0
mats a stir. We too '
right, het about supper time 15. 1051.
woe thin and • greet ainotwer ware
king %mai yea would hare thought they
had kn. all their Moeda. NM we ar-
rived atthe &eh in 1)elu15 *beet 11
eeloolk p ao. without any mishap oily
A* 4ip uf a child belonging to oleo of
the Jovial **Oleo am we wore loading.
If So* amid he ho called a "ilhaieles!
INS as I do in the
• IS was a hIamakag
1, A • 4. • • • •
.:1 ••
het lbws.
- The anniversary 01 h•
Port Albert Sunday school will be cel
ebrated by • tesameting, to be held in
the Presbyterian church on Thursday
evening melt. 291h ins Suitable ad
driest will be delivered to young and
old sod • pleissist anti profitable time is
looked fo.
Ranorme. -UV. Wm. Moffat, of the
ith sessamoci illonley, who has rented
the farm of lir. HWi Gilmour for •
tens of three yeses, Ma moved into the
house vlbSeitt slue the family lett for
the North west.
Are -mere - Mr Deneen Melees, of
the lind concession of Stanley, while
cerryine • plank Mopped ren • spike
no -airing tri a board The spihe ran Into
lidifeet arse cased • pastel woned
bet. ...1