The Huron Signal, 1882-06-16, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JUNE 16, 188.2.
(he Poet's Corner.
ase sad saw easeh.r.
Oas step ase thea mrta.r,
Aird Me Wages draft r ended ;
pas.l$Ub and thus soother.
And the lengesll rens r marled.
One brick nose sa1.h-,
sad the Whilst wall Y matte ;
otic Woe apes aamtber.
and Ow deepest mowtslald.
do the little coral worker*,
By Meir now and mosant motion,
nada built Moes prolt7 Wends
la the distant dark line Dema r ;
AM the aobket .adsrtmkiiar,
]tae. wisdom hath oosoetved.
By oh rspested effort
- nae boon patiently mit Owed
Thee de net his di.heertma.d
Om the week lea have to do,
And say that mak a Mang teak,
You .coos osa g• through ;
But just andssver day by day.
Asotbsr point to sats,
And sees obs mottatala which you hated
Will prove to be s pWa.
Rama was sot built is a dy,"
The molest proverb teaches.
And .stun, by her trees sad Bowen,
The sawn sweet sermon premiss.
TbISk an at forst duties.
Bat of the duties which me sear,
And bowleg ere began to wort,
Rawles to pereevesc-
Fun anti Fancy.
The rued to nlatriat.ay is a bridal
A lover has all the qualities • husband
has not.
The paper hsrtger'a business is very
stook up.
What triad of a Ma Lys the Weed?
A dead ben.
'Phe tells its own story, Gad
is a one se that.
Does a girl cudgel her brains every
time she bangs her hair 1
A cigar is perhaps the only thing that
u devtr..yed by being puffed too free-
"Misery may like cossptw ,'• asys s
eolor'd ,.'t.t.tnlrber; '•but Fd rade,
have .1 rh-srwatis in one leg den ter
have i t both."
Under the ssilewoope a hair has rough
edges Tike a reap. No molder then that
a young oq'a �ttia[tea tickales
Oft Nose
One year ago s entered the
wrist o s young, lady, and the other day
it was removedham the .yrig�.h�t arm of
the fellow a ,' ytegt* tee y eon.
„ (..
The Philadelphia )'yeas cam that the
mark of "a perfect gentleman" is his
making sure that nobody is looking be-
fore he wipes his [south en the t able -
It is said tint at to swim wo-
men are quiskiiilikOi ink This pro-
hably became -go shalom of wearing
trains has keened' them to kick out
There are three prominent phages of
young woman's life, all visibly con-
nected Aa a baby, she's 1 ugged ; se a
young woman, she's hugged; as • wife,
she'. humbugged-"
The gambler lives on our hopes, the
lawyer on our quarrels, the doctor on
our ilia, and the d on our fears.
The millniem wW •throw these people
all oat of employment
"Natural history: "listen, aunty !
What's that r "lt'. the cuckoo, darling. '
Don't you know the cuckoo r "Oh, yes!
the cuckoo's that horrid bird that doesn't
lay its own eggs"
"What building is that?' asked' a
stranger of a boy, pointing to a school
house. "That 1" said the boy. "Why,
that's a tannery !" and he feelingly rub-
bed hie back as be passed on.
"Don't stand on o remony, come in,"
said • lady to an old friend, as she open-
ed the du or. " Why, my goodness ! Ex-
use me, ma'am, I thought all along I
was standin' on the door met."
An exchange says ihit man is very
much like aa egg. Yee, pier man, he
carries his yoke around with him, Gad
had to shell out every time his house-
keeper gives him a rap on the head
A young lawyer was receiving the
rnngratulations of his friends the other
day, nn his statement that he had won
his first ease. It turned out that it was
a we of bottled lager, !end he won it ere
base ball bet. ,
PHYMCIAlts *con Dwvoola . have been
'n the habit ofcharging patient and cus-
tomers more than many of them usable
pay. We are glad to inform our read-
ers that Mstm•s wnewsne Msanni a is
n"Id at the low piece of fifty cent/ a box,
a quanity sufficient to last over t*o
weeks. Read the advertisement in an-
. Cher column.
Wseral Debility.
This convenient term inelodes numer-
• us ill-defined and suppnfte incurable
forma of disease, ammpaaied by general
lassitude sad alt tion; without may as
rertainablw eztehid or interest/ mess.
The Psi rvis it Beata undo its renovating
om'en's to inmost recesses of the sys-
tem, and has relieved in our community
many canes of supposed incurable 6.-
`old by dealers generally.
A Tyumen TO Ma Avoltel --.A
asking • thaw gentians coseelroing his
wife, you sbeeid not eery' "How is your
lady 1" This is v.iprity, and *nimbly
Mire?. a loch of edkiatioe The tarts
of wife is far more beatrtif.l tnd appro-
priate and refined, whatever may be mid
to the contrvy Repaose • lad] was to
kayo instead of "my hnsh.nd," "ay
it•attmtl►wr, . er, we wee to
weak oil' x"14&+ tta nee and he.
gentleman." Th. thing would be posi-
tively ludicrous, and es obverse is none
the leas se, 1f rightly eeneidered A
man's wife is he wife, and net his lady.
ilk term should Ns hb0oad.
Rheumatism is greatly dependent on
t aded enp,litirra ci e Golds, and may
1r. ellmi need Meet ib. mem by clean. -
mg the Blood and regulating the Kid-
ney Bardoek Blood Bitten will do
this most effectually Trial bottle 10
cents 9
She Fashions.
Glow a yard Ws •es imported to
wear with dresses that have short
A dark pew& fur pa.r&i wiser, •
white parasol for dew, Mile black ,.are
for tree are the papular
Superb mantles fur aguish visit-
ing are made d Wank remake, with
brocaded velvet /gores of great aka and
silk band -mads Spanish lace fix trim-
Stripes of trails alterusitiag wetbcheck-
.d stripes are in great &rutin the pleat-
ed flounces of walking dresses. The
overdress is the. made of the plain o•.:or
of the **Co stripe, mid way be eithtr of
awn or whiner'.
A favorite o.uibination for • young
lady's costume is ears ChuJdab c'o h fur
for the overdress, with pleated skirt of
invisible greou satin ducheese. The col-
lar cod cuffs ars of the greeu satin mo-
ored with ecru embroidery, and there is
• Awing of the embroidery at the foot
Of the gram skirt.
The now ulster. for travelling are Eag-
lish aseat.unts of a'swore shape, follow-
ing the outline. of a figure a• closely as
cuirass, without & pleat or 1.1d in the
back, and with It single -brewed front
buttoned from the throat to the foot.
The material is English checked 01.41,
known as "matinee" Similar sesta of
velvet were worn during the winter by
English women of Lentos.
Picturesque and quaint styles of dna.
prevail for children. Small boys are
dressed in little prime mesa black vel-
vet, with wide cellar and cuffs 04embrui-
d.7, tyres -breeches, long black silk
Multiage tad pups; their lowing hair
1.rotnw s short across the foreheads.
rI. weer full-sseon hats that
home their fame and have a single great
bow for trimming. Their demos have
gmimp., with shoulder puffs, asd hug
plainly from the sboulders or the fell-
ow is sheared in cks04y by the keens -
The fiat thing tittoseeury to a success-
ful piacis is a plan. You asst kaww
who are to compose the party, whew
you intend to go, and shot you ens do
to amiss yourselves wham you get theca
Than, WO, you most have what in armise
is called a oommi...ty department,
wh skahail nee about the provision*. A
pie-nic without a dinner would be very
Two or three days before the event,
the boys and girls who wish to speed
some long bright summer hours together
in the woods or park should sok their
parents advice about a good place.
A place to be good should be safe,
beautiful, and not too far from home.
If not within walking distance, it is well
to know whether it ma be easily reach-
ed by boat or cars, or by stage or car-
riage. You should find out beforehand
precisely how much it will cost to convey
the party to the spot- Then select •
treasurer, who shall pay all expenses,
buy tickets, and take charge of the
funds. The treasurer must keep an ex-
act account of everything he or she may
spend, petting it down in writing, that
• report may be given at the proper
Your fathers or teachers will usually
able to warn you against dam;eroua
places, or those which are too public to
be pleasant for • little pia-nic party.
As a rule, you should not admit
strangers or acquaintances picked up on
the way to share your frolic. It is al-
ways beat to keep the party strictly to
its original numbers.
There are two ways of providing the
luncheon. One is to decide in advance
what each shall bring as his or her con-
tribution, so that there may not be tco
large a quantity of one article, and too
little of another. John may be told to
bring lemons4Jane may furnish pound -
cake, Alice biscuits and butter, Louise
sugar, and Mabel sandwiches. Or each
of the company may provide a nice
basket of food. and when the time comes
for the meal everything may be shared,
and the table spread for the general
feast. I think I like the latter way
quite as well as the former.
Hard-boiled eggs, potted meats, thin
dices of ham or tongue, oold chicken,
and plenty of good bread and sweet but-
ter, are amt ng the thist have. Pic-nic
appetites aro famous; and you need
plenty of the "wbstantiala." Jolley in
little gleans, fruit, Dake, and, if mother
says so, a few of her delicious pickles or
an apple pie do not prove as indigest-
ible when eaten out doors as they do un-
der other circumstances.
Do not forget the salt. Nor the pep-
per Bottles of milk wrapped in cab-
bage leaves, or est into a pan of i; • for
cooling, are not to be overlooked.
Besure there is a spring near your
ptc nic ground, or aa old well os souse
kind .sae's farts. Pit hems a lawg
sweep and a deep mons -grown bucket,
so much the better.
Do sot trespass "n anybody • pante
ground& A I ways fond a eosss ittee k.
the house to aak'permisstnn to Mip
salves to water front the well, et to pass
through fields and lanes not open to the
The girl. mast IememaR that so far
as pe.sihle all pie-aio prepsrstiosa should
be made the day before. it is not well
to leave cooking for the morning of the
all When you ars to go.
The boys, too, should have their fish
ing-hetis 1s readiness overnight N
swie«ln to 6e jut up. a to w Amid
be engaged to see shout them, or at
least the oldest and most trustworthy
boys of the party should see that the
repsi*are Ina, .ad the Mea beauties
stout. Nothing is awe tsrtible is its
eeaasgmsaos than • fall hem a swing.
Alway-lea a the grounds h tae I.
reach home ore dark. Take wraps
fur the cool Use day.
Be petits, tttaeelisb, Gad very good-
natured w.: kind.
I ho; a you: too -sic parties may be
very delightful, and that nobody may do
as I once did un suck an uetaeun.
Five of us, Henry, Belie, Jenne, Nel
lie, root I went to speed the day at •
lovely spot • little way from the city.
As the eldest of the number, the Iuucb
sun basket was committed to my earn.
kept it by a, and with a obartuiug
book Gat and read until the little steam
but stopped at its lauding. Then se
all rushed off, and the boat puffed away
up the river. Presently said one .1 the
"Why, Marjorie Precept, what hast
you dome with the bsaket.^'
Sure enough! I W left it oft the
There is no use of trying W toll pit
what the rest of the piety mid tt
me. Imagine for yourselves Ivo boys
and girls, with the appetites that are
pined by a sail le a steamboat, de-
licious leaehden prepared for theta, by
my carelessness. 1
We diid 1101 pt that b..krt again for
there days. Well, what I se(eeed Inas
base a good lesson to ms. Now -e -days
I ksew bow to go pick -nicking,.. I hope
you will agree from the dive tigers I have
tried to give-{Earper's Vomit People.
Tar Besse- as Wafts
"I write this," eye Kr. Noises d.
Pew. d N.pisrsville, gashes, Canada,,
"to say that, after sefferiag aiz years
with rhemnatisin--accompanied with the
most interim pain web which any one
could be afflicted -I have been oospletet
cured b ' the use of St Jambs Oil. I
Ass urns becalms I" a.ileider it my duty
se to do, amid beep.. I wish to pahliel1
to wtlmiag huwmsity the wosderful ef-
ficacy of the Great German Bawdy.
When I remember Utak during the az
years is which I was beridd.n with this
&etsl diatoms, I tried alt kinds of remed-
ies, timid egtmaded a very Wee amommt of
mune with doctors of all .oho ds, and
uuderweat all kinds of treatment, the
feeling of gratitude at my marvelous re-
covery impresses me to give the widest
publicity to my case
lMw't whim..
Don t be whiniag about not having a
chance. Throw a sensible man aft
of a window and he'll fall on his feet;
and oak the nearest way to his work
The more you have to begin with the
les you have in the end. Money you
can get yourself is much brighter than
any you get out of dead men's bags. A
stent breakout in the morning of life
whets the appetite for a feast later in
the day. He who has tasted • sour
apple will have the more relish for a
sweet one. Your present want will
make future prosperity all the sweeter
25 Dents has set up many a peddler in
buainess, and he has turned it ever until
he has kept his carriage.
T• the nedtesl Preame s• see an whom
14 may eemeem.
Phosphatine, or Nerve Food, a ,)Pho.-
ph&te Element bused upon Scientific
Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin,
M. D. of Boston, Mass., cures Pulmon-
ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Ngtrratgia
and all wasting diseases of the human
system. Phosphatine is nota Medecine,
but a Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates,
Narcotics, and no Stimulants, hut simp
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
found in our daily food. A single bottle
is sufficient to convince. AU Druggist*
sell it. 81.00 per bottle. LowDEY &
Co., sole agents for the Dominion,
55 Front Street East. Toronto.
teeklem's Armies salve.
The best salvo in the world fur Cuts,
Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil-
blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures Piles. It is guaran-
teed to give perfect 'starlit -non, or
money refunded Price 96 Dents per
bor. For ale by Geo. Rhyne.. 1890 ly.
Begs to aopuaint the ladies of Goderich ad
vIelolty, that the 1. now Mowing
S1rixt aed Sher "Eery
At her shop. Hamilton Street, in great and
be*ntttnl variety. tithe has secured the for-
viees of a city sstlMsar,.ad feels aesared that
Oho w give
Mho be ms a M Inverted with • v W t trots her
este'een. GM Ili. Sam gerssally.
0! Pam =pp
The Oteat Western Ra_i_�l�n1y will tan
Unit eew•sioaa M MANITOBA and
DAKOTA padres daring May .04 un.
every tun weeks, .m messing T fum-
DAT Msy, 2nd, 1661.
Fa. re Ile duoed.
Fur infovesation, litths+4 eta, daddy M'
EO.t catIK ON,
0.4e14eh. Apva. fa Mal
"Tw..a•wa. poem Iimpe.teaes n
Gays sr eminent phyisisa, manses.
ms that Owenby way to slue serves.
e ' menden, sed weakness of the usual
argue, s, is to repair the waste by giving
brain and nerve foods, Glad o[ •11 Os
remedies ooutp.ounded, Magnetic Medi-
cine IS the beet. 8.c advertisement in
author oulu,,tu. Need in Oed.risb y
Jaa w' boor, drvptiet-Is.
Is Recommended by Pbv.tdsn .
Catarrh td ti'• Mast! Cavhy C}•nk and 11 UUlc thy
i.41 . t .AAM r arts Di ti tar ky• sr limn.
too, 54 .d tirc••t (wt.e•t •f tis•
w w MSO . a isastworthµ+Lt°.
that Is
mase h, for
r a le rH •t tis -%11' r! -T y a
1 we'kSJO waqu:r,' W IW
'rstt,.q ^.t.M*rob 11, 1M1
try tl ttw via a .t. -z n.. •scute. 1.1 !:..Werk
fm: lar • • .. u 1 *mean. .etch b-n..ethol by
taw one 4 • 't-. 6'. Cote 0.110 tart.- Yh+ to now
wool cow 1.
.W, Tr M•IUYi.
er.trr.s411st 1fstA t1 4e2
f 4 .-- . 4 Itrn .4P arseynra,• .yid hada.
t -• r
tet •r
•ria -Mit} 1 ..teiet��.
ort+L.lar1 t .t11 t Me z ens
• • O Mho LHON scamars
eves 54 .or ;epic 11 it, Also 1r o.4...4 ,/w a
•s... 0.. to „tu.N b.•,
Wwoosnc at, March 110, 199a
'•, t, r•••e• ova.; 1. 4-4. 0.
Osag .lee ..l - W')'. Q„L.rr1 Ce., for the
..s >•r. are h else •„sire •stlafaetr.a
Vows teat.,
IK W oto risco, Dramatic
Catarrh Cure
Is sold h. all Mab, e. I- and II Gail Drungk..
and Ill -wore iu farces M--dblaes la
tie IJ nod 8t•0 • mid Canada.
Ji Uerlttt a !tattle. 14.09 a Dos
Tbs melt nautilus Hale. Catarrh Como 1. man.
nevab.tsd by r'. J. %li r. N itY a OO., Tot.dy O.
at rBmawrm of lmltMtbona
na•11si fur she Ons. *o tendo by
N. W. HOBSON, Welland. Out.
Sole Agent. Coderich.
The Great Amersoan Remedy for
et•rl+oRv+r.d�•sr!►cs. • ■.s �.w��'v'yw e�rw.m.•yt tDat-
and 70Ma atj..k r awy'.sN4hr ailwet Jbr
..M w...=.4...r�w •• oosAtoo
w sal e.Arb0 eases es. Jbr
Room as•
lode of 1*.
mat the
P1..s to
•Gee• •f
Lire Dtr,
fa :boom
h• piped
SISSY mine
coop teco
►e t.•
emir aw.
order Owe
t• dri1nk.0
ftas made
ront the
Ap r. ee
to tits
to. tan
Chas water
s *perste'.
mad ell as
eats• Erie
D repartees
are pre-
rhe 8vr-
f Y pre -
GUM. r9. *.
Cres to
a caplet•
Its remarkable power in relieving
certain forms of Bronchitis, and its
almost ipeci;fc elect in curing ob-
stinate hacking Coughs, is now well
known to the public at Large.
Atl.t by mit ...pretaide savants. Prise, 1. awd
D hala a bottle.
11re word. "Barer of Red Spruce Gs." wart
iiateaar Rar4tered Trade Mart, and our aewpper
amtleists aro •Yo r•rt•te'rr<
KERRY, W.-1 TSON cb CO.,
Whaimalt Bole Prop -e aridilawi ra:
Dmiaa&Cwtaedwty Acmssrra
HaorAan's YELLOW Oat is
>eedd to core et rakes Mho is lewa lr
511M11 IRRmaatLY bM
44, COLDS„ At.
.write unlit I*tty NM
saizrxlrI M JrZU7tLL0I4,
a(1►A7d a1fO�, DYiPP JOINTS,
CONTRA triols learrn ss,
Sim e a=crd r des width .
oe re■ry
INISTINIS VIM Uri torn& ewe Ogg,
%YILBMAX lb 000TORONTO..1aq�
Begs to anaetla.e to the people of Ood.ncc and this ..etien of Huron, that be has
purchased from Mr. A. Phillips his shook of Groceries, etc., and will
o.ntiuue .he business in the old stand, on the
Corner of Victoria and Bruce Streets.
Hating beughtlthe goods h.t cash, and as 1 intend to inks all my purchases from
wholesale soon for eelah oleo, I will be in . position to sell at
Very Low Priced for Cash
My stock will always be fresh. 1 will keep the best brands of tees, good sagas,
and everything in the grow" line trona the best predusers. Bacon, Spiced Mesita,
eta, ales ■ on hand in season. I sou determined please both inquality and price.
1 .t the stand, Victoria street, opposite the Fair Ground, user D.
8traeban's taaoktne shop.
Ooderich, Munk 9th, 1882.
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Hamilton Street, Goderich.
♦ good of Kitchen, lied -nom, Dining Room Gad Parlor Furniture, suck as Ta
Lounges. lk�*baa&--1 � 0weed dlaises�p�rd+ lied stands. mattresses. waslyt•■
N. B. -A complete.saot•tets■t of Coffins and Shrouds always o. hand (also Hearses for lairs
at naaonabls rates.
Picture romans • swish y. -A call antic trd. 1781
3:Dowmisi4" Weddu);)
Beg to announce to the Public that they hate opened business in the above Strom
in the store lately occupied by Horn. Newton. Having purchased • large and
well averted .tock of Spring and Summer Goods at close figures, we are determined
to give the Public the benefit.
Jen -Please call and examine our goods before purohoeing elsewhere.
Am -Remember tbo place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store
..1,0"Custom work will receive our special attention.
AlleNone bat the best of material used and first -claw workmen employed.
met -Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice.
(Wench, Match 9. 1882. DOWNING & W E D D U P
Miss Jessie Wilson
Takes pleasure in informing the ladles o! Goderich and vicinity. that Me opened out on
Saturday, April the 8th
A full and fine assortment of
And rrerythfng In the shape of
The laaee ere cordially invited to Inspect geode, and I w111 teem It • pleasure to show the
ORDERED WORK p�;01.A. 1•
Gua Rae.
Ta• Old fhmr Bt..•
TTt.1 01 J s•• u Rosa
1 "'i.raw"'i , a seir• gap
IIwoes,. jls s what obs
b mold PelOs at O,Mamt -tw m.
tad 9 Oho nails at tis
B 1 rias. Marble
tl9 Wsw Tea W 1 W. roma
pe w1 �ea flaw Mime
tree w=PMnrsa
99 Attest Moods atoms Ma
ss 13.rt,Wbt swill Rosas les
Sennylmtdr woos the P.r-
hos •• LME• _ Paled Moose
rte Harp 0.■uy,Pony Imam
1o00{4Th• Orrt WM* Da
t1 Loot 1,b.►1•d M.,
104 Ms
11M Ossalso
107 fr sly R. Ilse•
it ras
to OY Vie
Jw seances• Beim
117 i'iw�+.rPwP•snts ad t w e°i`.w
11 Tabs M. marl r Moo* sad
Is ohm
ISO Omos,
be My r'% LIMY
151 P1.wMaw Rha fees
111: • Ism Renals
194 Triad 1.•g liar as taw
rig I ppfad
70 Pa looser
179 '!'••Ile• as the Old Ouse
1;e UrbatIt
, .t.
178 7 era pep Ta. q Pool
lea loin& W. n..• r1.•d Ted
189 Ores.
M 111111, to the Poor
188 Deal 0Aaprwith he, Dao
1M m.014 Villas* esasti es Me
1be Deets Masts Lea
190 %riatattw•ttM y
3: �an�►nw••• T...e.d L.*
gal rot waw Psi as hal 111 Toe-
Fab o to the son
starer Softly m«lar•.
811 Inure leen. Me Whoa 1
the .� Slit by 10. s..
111 Ars mw w. Ws...
Soy stem
r He er
0 lata
r nsse
les.. a.•y e1e Mo..a
T011� m...a,
�►•,r Dom. om•
her• navy e•.t�i. woo ,th�
I Darltae tit ED •
t Ltu. Rho., away w�
Uul• If
Last w Resars
,a��o s e.a r toe
111 1'. re a new. ha
Wog •w. Irma fes
mho. iso
alba Modem mus ttas taw Om"
>w ed.lkraa tial• res .I*r«.a e.. n avis= •..� ,.' •0.
R e i m true' MMES LEE & CO., MONTREAL. P •
is the
)noes anal: