HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-06-16, Page 6l
ONLY A BtflN tri.
"D 11 *mow of
"AO* item. goad
worth r
sone one aloe
wile, Dr. - e
Baines Hayden chewed anau,trely on
•slaving as he *poise
• • Hapden. 1 don't kagw. Coe't
you Tee some one for yotessif r replied
Dr. 111,1mwortb, folding • powder in a bit
of kids paper.
"ko, Doctor, I can't," answered Hay-
den, helplessly; ' 1 have been rotated w
many limas 1 feel rather delimit* about
trying. If you could do something for
ale, I should like to got married It u
eery difficult finding help, and the best
of help don't take that interest • wife
amid. Why, everything's at louse
Milk in my house. Samantha -that's
ay eideet--rhe does the beat she can;
bet what do young girls know about
planning and contriving 1"
"Sure enough," responded the Doc-
tor, feelingly,
Having taken to himself a "child
wife," in hu old age, he was supposed
to know what "shiftlessness" meant.
"And then again," continued the
would-be Benedict, rolling the shaving
under his tongue, as if is hal been aced
of sweet *psi bitter fancy -"then again
it eta. a sight of money t, hire so touch.
Bays jr. M myself tuore'n six months alp,
says I, Salmon Hayden, du you look
rounf for some aware, driving, go -&head
women, and marry her if you can ! But
somehow I haven't seemed to have any,
The Doctor rubbed his left ear reflec-
"Suppos.t now I should say Priscilla
Donley. She would wake an excellent
wife, I am sure; and I really think she
would be irk '.• - • her situa-
t: is �� !lo occurs
to Inc at the moment.
Sarson Hayden's eyes lighted like the
eyes of Jonathan after he had tasted the
honey in the wood.
! "Well, she's a woman I don't know,
but if you think she will do, why all
right. I must consider my children,
you understand, and got somebody who
will make a good mother to them. But
I have a great deal of confidence in your
judgment, Doctor, {,nd if it is your
opinion she will suit all around, you
would confer a great favor by saying a
Rood word for me."
Dr. Ellsworth folded another powder
in s bit of white paper.
"I think," said he, "you had better
do the speaking. I am not accustomed
business myself; never did any -
of the kind but once, and that was
own account."
't, Doctos, I have w much bad
If you will only help me this
, I shall always count you my best
!Band," said Hayden, in a pathetic tore
phich struck home to the Doctor's
volent heart.
So he promised; and that very even-
ing took occasion to call at Mr. Danley's
alder pret3nce of asking after old lady
r 1u7 a rheumatism.
'., - ,Zeieci'1L met him at the door.
"1 would like to see you s few min-
utes alone, Miss Danley." said the Dec -
ter, blushing like Aurora.
"To be sure you may,"
Priscilla, briskly, "if you'll step into the
kitchen where I'm paring apples. It's a
busy time just now, and I can keep my
Linda going while I talk."
'That has got in his head now l"
t heught she, as they walked along til
ether. "Come to borrow money, Ill
.arrant. He may as well save hie
breath; for I've taken all the money out
of my stocking to pay off that mortgage
as fu as the heel."
"Miss Danley," said the Doetor, after
a few desultory coughs, and a few pre-
liminary a -hems, "I would like to ask
Neu your candid opinion in regard to --
t e matrimony."
Priscilla punched the apple -corer a
little way into the bell of her thumb.
•'My opinion, Doctor 1 You didn't
.•me all this length of ways to Feer
that t If you did it's a pity you shouldn't
:et it, though; ao I'll out with it, and
sant wait to be coaxed. It's my candi 1
(pinion that matrimony does very well
in its place."
"But in your own case, Miss Priscilla!
eureeee now a g..o d, likely man, and an
[lent provider-"
I'i'iendlls sprang up as if one of Cut i l's
arrows bad suddenly hit her and ran to
tl,e.Ask in the most irrelevant manner,
wadi her hands.
"A man that would give • comfortable
h • , ma--.,
"No more of your "suppose." De.
lir.,sigisd,, The worst
was DOW user, and Meas Priscilla's mat -
10:13.4 Apt man ner't ad bet Nis chops se
"All I ask of yuu, Mime bees,
this: WI11 you o- will you not s•e him r
•'P w:ll, Mrtn•r.iy; why net t" replied
Mime Priscilla, I....kiwt et her qua/ionise
with eyes as penetretingastwo bleb vio-
lets, and With as .ouch composers as
though it ked been a sot et eioti~se is -
'testi of a wife Dr. 1l1Is dotth was be-
"Oh, well ! Thea it'&allsitght, I will
over lith the geaWara and intro-
duce him," returned the Doctor, hastily
drawing on his {loves. ''B, -the -by.,"
be added, remutuberiee his pretended
errand, and tie Wog bac the door,
"however is your gewa, Miss
Kim Primal&
which Seas as ahs
, for
it tt liar noes,
alishlhafie, bis p-
provingly. "Grandfather is no bet-
ter," said she, "ani *ll be no better
while she continues t lire on blue -pills
and Dover's powder!. AFI my wonder
is that she u dive uuw."
"I have t•I•i tow old lady," ••.erred
Dr. Ellsworth, mildly, as became & war-
rior who would a •t speak to the Neje-
tee of his owe weapons, "that tee touch
ALA), effect •• ,e as unfavorably
as to little; trot • ie thinks she hoe livid
long enou,th t.• oil t for herself; ar.d as
I can di, nothi - f+r her I will wish you
g •ud-day for tit • present, and call amen
*son, with lour !wiry to iatTodrea thio
gentleman rsferre.Ve. • , ,
"Of c. write. Oily.not Monday of the'
week, or Se'ur,lay--that is bekiag day,
Kee are suck (eon, and the must foolish
thing about time thee dost know
they are fools,' told kHia,Priscillaaside,
lakkre up a pan of typt.s and ceruse it
down again wilh emphasis.
Miss Denley's figure was adap e.l to
wit, strength rather .than quo, and she
earth 4 dsciltun acid espabllitg re etre;
thtbaI"d .iter ch'osolate calico. Her
1 air, which was the Dolor of -white pep-
per, hada way of coiling itself • up in •
tight twist, fastened byan inflexible steel
comb; and tier complexion Was more like
a russet apple than an apple-blos tom,
But, though not strictly beautiful, Miss
Priscilla Danley had other attractions
besides those in her money stocking.
She never made a failure of mythic'?
she {turned her hand to, fro u pies to
poetry; and in sickness she was worth
her weight in diamond dust.
Dr. Ellworth was quite conscious of
this as he shut the door of the thrifty
Danley mansion i,yet somehow, such is
the perversity of the heart of man, he
went home to his silty " child -wife's "
pretty face and gay spirits with especial
satisfaction that night.
Next week, on the afternoon of iron-
ing -day, which everybody knows is
Tuesday, he called with the impatient
Mr. Hayden, ou Miss Priscilla.
And this was the way the Fates had
ordered it: She and her cousin, Mrs.
Pillsbury, not expecting visitors to toe,
were engaged in taking to pieces and
putting together again the sewing -ma-
chine. Round Miss Priscilla s slender
waist was tied a blue checked apron: in
her left hand was a kerosene lamp with
the top off; while her right hand hran-
dished a feather.
It was not an opportune moment that
nephew David,' aged sixteen, roguishly
ushered the two callers into the Sitting -
room. Priscilla was conscious that scar-
let vied with russet in her face, and that
the tight twist at the back of her head
was stuck full of knitting needles
Introductions were hurried over, anti
t'ie doctor took his leave, feeling Nary
guilty, and very much afraid of the
severe glances which the gimlet eyes
were boring into his soul. The moment
he left the room, however, Miss Priscilla
darted after hien.
"So that is your widower, is it l And
a pretty time of day to bring him here,
without so much as a word of warning !"
The doctor lingered fur no further re
preaches, but shut the front door behind
him with the utmost dispatch, while
Miss Priscilla ran ria stairs to arrange
her toilet, leaving Mr. Hayden and her
cousin together.
As it was a day of blunders, and tl e
Fates had matters in their own months,
it is not to bo wondered at that 11r.
Hayden had made a mistake at the out-
set -the trifling mistake of supposing
Mn. Pillsbury was the lady of his love,
"I am glad it was not the other one,"
said he to himself, complacently; for
Mrs. Pillsbury's comely face and plump
little figure did certainly contrast very
favorably with the grimness and angu-
"Yes, • poor, bereaved psis," tepsapd
he, in more assured tones; "and really,
tlhadatw, t. word of condolence from
os is worth s great doral to me -worth
more than you out think."(
M looked up again, and
this s`(�", nolieaksVlpria. 1 wee
nut really oldr her why her sympathy
mho be so me+ecMl1 .ahiabfb.
"You hare a feeling heart, Madame,,'
"I hope I have, Mr. Hayden; but
your lonely condition must touch any
one, 1 atm *era. 1 always thought a
how tweet mesa wttekly &white when a
tan goes home and finde motherless
children in place of his wits"
Mrs Pillsbury, as she spekalooked ttM
into the eyes ut the bereaved with amok
tender pity that his heart heaped with a
great bound toward his gentle *yrpa-
thiasr, instantly taking her into its ewp
ty corner.
I don't know how to thank Dr. Ells-
worth enough for till`- favour ut thin in.
erodsatioe," said illi -ptstdnlly • .'ii
suppose you understand the object of
my reit upon this ooessioa, and are will-
ing, 1 hope, to receive attentions eith a
view to merrlsge 1 I seppow, toe, you
must understand that f wish to hasten
natters as fast as is convenient to you.
I sin all ready tutus, and I hope you will
name as early a day as possible"
S., saying -the mind of Mr. Hayden
reverting to the old days of his first
courtship -he took Mrs. Pillsbury's pin-
cushion of a hand in the most affeotioo'
ate scanner -the very hand which ought
at that especial moment to have been
frying fritters for its impatient owner,
her husband. Impatient, sure enough;
for before Mrs Pillsbury, in her amaze-
ment, had eimaln speak.. or evuu drew
back, the oppo.ite doors opened, and
fro is in. mute rte triceof 1~IF Nit -
bury, inquiring, with conjugal freedom,
if supper was nearly ready. Then Ise
stepped over the threshltold, gad steed
in dumb surprise, just as Mias Priscilla
appeared in the other doorway.
"Sarah Matilda! my wife '" was all
t5e astonished husband could utter;
while "Morey on -us!" fell from the pars-
ed up lips of Miss Priscilla like a quick
Corm of hail Which was the must
astouiahed one of the party it would be
difficult to say; but the first to regain
e luipoise was Sarah Matilda.
"An apology is due to Mr. Hayden,"
said she, with ready tact. "He has mis-
taken me, an old married woman, for
my cousin, Miss Danley. Pre.cille, be
has asked for my hand, and I refer hien
to you for answer."
"Yes, yme," gasped Mr. Hayden, with
as Rood grace as he could Command. "A
natural mistake, ladies; and I hope you'll
excuse it, Mime Danley, I mean Mrs.-
"Pillsbury," suggested .the outraged
husband, severely.
"And I sincerely hope" -faltered the
father of six, with appealing glance at
the spinster's topknot of steel colored
ribbon, which protruded from each side
of the tient twist like a two-edged sword
-"I sincerely hope, Miss Danley, it mil
be so you can overlook this little blun-
der, and take me for -for better or
"Tea is ready," said Miss Priscilla,
without bending her head; "walk out and
sit down iit'i us, Mr. Hayden."
This invitation looked propitious. If
the lady had been of:oaded beyond all
hope of reconciliation she would not
have asked the enemy out to tea. Mr.
Hayden's india rubber spirits had suffer-
ed collapse on account of his innocent
mistake; but they inflated and rebound
as Miss Priscilla spike.
He watched her,sittiu { upright befpre
the little Ja tau tray, pouring & stream • •f
tea as eeirly as possible at right angles
wit`1 the nose of the tea-pot; and
thought within his own soul that this
"other nue" would rule hie house bett r
than the sympathetic Mrs. Pillsbury, ur
whom lie had wasted five minutes of
hopeless and unlawful adoration. Ycs,
he was satisfied that the happiness of his
future life depended up.m' one shoot
w ,rd frons Miss Denley's decisive liior,
which es yet had only opened to nett her
guests if they would take sugar anti
cream in their cups.
Miss Priscilla di 1 not for a n,otnelt
forget the proprieties of the oocasi in;be
while she was acting her part as ho.tes
with the strictest decorum, her mend was
bay- with thoughts of the future.
Should she not accent the horny hand t.f
Salmon Hayden, and with it the six re-
sponsibilities which ro•nped around his
hearth -atone'
There worn :ia'n -that was
brother --M had ► wife, lust
visiting, and eigit (-fiddles.
Priscilla's duty to stand forever over
thou children with a towel, a cake of
soap, a dentine needle , nd a pair of gre-
enest She had dome it thus for erre
Mums Saar had married that tneapabie
Lovejoy and do it she might to the end
el the ekapter, and who was to thank
Bat for mol Sox was not as bad as eight
Use might take these ski lab her nen
Milds as ran maiden &eat might dare,and
utters would be only an irresponsible,
easy going man to say, "Why do ye Peii
Kies P'riscills considered. As for' the
mistake Mr Hayden had matte in ati-
dressing Kra Pillsbury instead of her
self, it did not weigh a feather with the
asssible Prieoills it only showed what
Ellsworth. If you've got anything to linty of "the other one. There wee
say, say it." net the shadow of a doubt in Mr. Sal -
"8o I will, ail but the name. i've no mos Baydsn's mind that the lady with
Asa d trifling with you, Mime Priscilla, her heir feU d battlingneedles had left
He i• k ern I oma recommend." the room en parpies to pro him an o4 -
"A widower r"
"How many children t"
"What are his means I
"Well to do, Miss Danley. or I
WaliiIa't have watt here on such an er-
t" What do you went me to say, Doc-
tor 1 I ehogial like to bars the certi-
fic re arab eat, and the minister spokes
t,, you Wet. before Td mgt eyes on the
lean 1
partially to express ilia sentiments
Then was no time to be lost, be thought;
ter tis aside some frisk epie as aad-
desh as As lad dlaNMerad•
"I am a poor, bereaved man. said
he, tryiag to get a view of the sole of hh
boot, "admen ' as I suppose my Mind
the doctor hes told yru." Mrs. Pills.
bury looked op sympathetically.'
"I am merry for yon Me. H&ydes."
Therm wase a tee/ is, her eye, which
was very encouraging to the poor atrm-
obrosimm4lhility gams tke Due
ter was, to risk tie possibility of soon a
blunder. 11 w dtsaaeted flame ked
made fore to Sarah Matilda he 'opposed
e was neekidlg 11 to ;Iptia flu, so prey
what was the diinnoef It is out best
u "sella a bar frog" facet .fo n th
side' .slats Miss Maley never wa
time i. ouch puerile employment. Ilbe
had been weighing this matter of mar-
riage ever sinus the Friday before; acid
now that she had seen the bridegroom
expectant she had no particular fault to
find -with Dint sxespt that be would tack
with his mouth lull. She considered;
gad ounsidmred; and before the pile of
WSW had Sank tq nerd gnome Mr.
Raydee's proeped. had risen in a re -
proportion. Miss Priscilla had decided
.het lie would do to aft at the fuut id the
table at which she should preside at the
head. She woald as lief pour tea for hint as
any man she knew; and being • wornan
whit tjld.wjtpt she had lo do SI oke ahos{-
hestsapail nl face ante with the feweljt
possible words, she stein nude -Ms esta-
tic meas aoquainted with the state of her
heart; whereupon he smiled like the sun
after $ shower, and tlumediMeiy salted
together all the scattered rays of his af-
fections and beamed down upon her trop-
Alter supper Mrs. Pillsbury stepped
into her cousin's place once more. Nut,
as here, in the affections of her suitor,
but this tinea more acceptable in her
work of cleaning away the tale at d
overlooking Mrs Sara- Dailey'• eight
ohiidreu, who, from oldie& to young-
est, inherited their mother's incapa-
city ; " Mannah all over," as their
aunt Priscilla often said, with a dig-
oours,ged sigh. And thus Miss Danley
had time for a little nouwsary conference
wit tier selected bride4'altw ip 1W'parr
lir; s season not wkult list, POO Miss
Dawley alloys carried i ball of yarn and
a crotchet book,in her poskst, and many
was the tidy and yard of edging that
hal grown out of such odd minutes.
"I hope," said Mr. Hayden, with the
impatience ofahotiaeholder rather than
of a lover, "I hope you won't keep me
waiting long."
"Nothing to wait fur, as I know t,f; I
was never one to dawdle. When there
is a thing &e be done, do it, say I," re-
turned the intended bride; making • rs-
pie circulation of the necessary time for
the preparation of & state dress and bon-
net, with the inevitable contingencies
of washing, iruning and baking thrown
"Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, yes,
well -well -two weeks from to -day is as
early as I can arranve to leave here.
There are the dresses to finish for the
children, and I have protgi.sod to make
some bottles of sarssparilla and cordial
for grandmother; and then there will be
some little things fur etyma Yes, to-
day two weeks, we will my; and you can
call again about next week on Wednes-
day; there may be something to talk ov-
er. I shall not expect you more than
that .acs for I shall be very much et:
gaged, and it must be just the luny sea-
son with ou."
Thus, in her practicil way, Miss Pris-
cilla took at once the family retns,which
she held with a firm hand e: er after. As
a housekeeper, a wife and a step -mother,
she showed herself all she had been re-
commended, giving Mr. Hayden no rea-
son to regret that his momentary admin:
&tion far any lady but herself pros ed to
b i only a blunder.
nom gone
Was i•
DS. WM1311111118 zLLYtft U1
me gad =lc earth
ev�rses V
r A iYsl��+
II uM a i tkmt se$ las
fetes Ude* tl� • ttrMat
warmest depm..ata.. Otey over
weesea will Sad its s.etalstas powers et
• tr-
AGENTS Wars eft. 13Ig Pay. Llgh
Work- Constant employmen
or Capital rcqutred, Jauae Lia & Co- Mo
real. ()oche 1752
Importing and Breeding
_re Tem—
6H>iG1Lil d•,><R
Chilled Plow
=AN D—
Having purehasee this Ood•rtoe resadrryy,
am some the premises for this sr matador
I*PLZMENTS o. • large scale. 1111 Work
Geas.sl Resatriewand Jobbing will be cog
thee& ♦ work _gawateed.
Mr. D. Rueolaasls the avant' gateman
to collect wisest. aid give aeoeipls ea be
half et the este arm of Reechoes .t ' Cs, an
all persona Indebted are remsested to rover
themselves accordingly.
Wayne, De Page OCnaty, Miele l7. B. A.
i 35 nudes erect of Chlosgal
During las peal 17 moeeda. JM SIAL.
Z1i1,V.• IWD MARES knee beets imported
rr.in Fromm. to this e0sMw
iak•r,it, bring
MORE than rhoe•m./e•d importations er
e11 ether imporeeve amt. g•ewrs !ram
en perk el fairoN !tie M/ am resin
MUM satlrs sa hoe of ha sppea•e.
anent 1111aasss&Wmna bars MMeasEE this
w re, weds
AM, lfgrL Me. vwisaarwr. a.rd
' pzaemfraoar.,, aa a mepswNew erre
*5 t anowed *IMP* oeDea1sa of t012td
win -
sus M Om sad Ra-
t was wssded Oa Dewed
or 111 AM .tad 6e11.sd 6.11
fee PAG/ tfftlALlOtyi1 rear tries
ea awe made boeswwsmw/ a AO
eweMeds. Order
s Ota{e•ww e/ L . —
more a' a0"ema
Iors. mid odd neta`p'nmp'M
/es sett emir clause et Irmo. ,
'a.'4s ` t1' 0.10* day h.gq.ea:M/q
s• . a
for int stiryof reeaos,able rates.ton land as
The subscriber Is now &rg�I the brick
mmkta[ hostages at the ttta(a11n win
sive a➢ orders ehteb may be mss$ tk
most prompt attention. The betek 1. o ant
class quality, sad the terms are reasonable
Bin tall
8t. Gathering Uareerte)i
WETAM4111111 Ill 18911
tla•iag tater fwd
awe sew greets, � s u sswyittasiege oe win got be d
to v et -
Moot *AALY lo the w
mat. waw sago "gads''-
egg to announce to the public that he has
just received
Garde ei Seeds,
Of all kinds.
mad Leap, mid tw�emisstt�emYlvs.
receipt of Ips. or either ter {l. >�M wmaMcad
Titrnip & aiigo0 Seeds
Of all kinds and at bottom paces. Also •
very large stock of first clam
A speciality
95, 40, 50, 60, and 75c. Per Lb.
6 lbs. For $1.00 -
Try • TlZem-
1 have just received the largest stock of
Crockery, Glassware, and Chinaware ever
•Wered In Oodertoh, all at bottom prices.
Please call and get my prices before purchas-
ing, and save your money.
of all kinds.
The Great Cleansing: Fluid.
Has greatlegemas
ate is aaaeag to bar
many treads and patrons t• Dederick and
.tetany that she has earwred the ante right
and prl r liege to wean stainers sad earl
((����,,�� DR. L (T CYAN'S �j�1
V 1-7:),
rot rvmeevlig Bream ma 011 from anything
mad everytbtsg. tress Ow seem rabele to the
eear+met anon.
Ne M the b*ve bass saturated
with :vimMse
aury kInA, h tan.
No mood
es Wore
.Z ehtlWlMfar
It flan t h•I,
4eR !elle o&t R!l
titsifi1ss R end rearmalltsa wit
V' I C K'8
Illustrated Floral Guido!
Par gess is as Rhulleae Meek or sob oases.
two Ceases. Mese e! now eve, sod .M�.*�
Mao N M d ss ls flow -
of the c
errewPl�eratel1 and wamM&We gal --- --
»t Taui ora
name sad Post Ofsi address.
sad 1 sal mead yes • mM0i. pasta.
1. a rtsr at Its rest, 1t
sad Germs& Irma
order wads dsduet the is eta.
vii*'s *WM ere the bus in the world.
The 11.45su. dries will tell you haw to RM
and Snow them.
Ike** flower *ad Vegetable Gerdes, sl.
Pasta. • Colored Puree. 302 Uglify Ings- Tor
30 creta to paper ewers ; 51.01 t elegant cloth -
le German or IneW-
Vles1 tiUmassi011alarm! iss...lwe-32
Page< &dC oredd Poste In every Bombe lead
day ane 10agrsvl hos Pel-in a year;
rive Copies for x6.0. Specimen Number*
sent for 10 cents: 1 trial copies for ES cents.
JAN wits. Borbesser. 111.1.
Composed tamely of powdered Ytca or ma -
Mate, Uthe DIST and CHeAPEeTIobrica-
tor, t:t theworld--ihm SE.T !soarer %dose
net Mousy tont rags a innesieemetem mar -
oven tore sato, redusletwlsabw sad
tightening tlae anal the Ottt<APORT bmf
came It costs NO td0w2 men IPArier4
brand*, and onto boa .As do Yee erm.h°ttr
two of any other mato. Animal M IMS
for Harvesters. Mel Gearing, l kretlte g Ya.
cdoes, Corn -Planters, Carriages. lsttgglsa,
etc., as for Wagons. CUASANTE[D b
contain NO Petroleum. unkrtiy .110ealisi
1V our Ibeld tyolpph. a1 7agays Iwta
R nowt. g mailed tree.
tt20 HudeonSt., New meat.
CI•.e1,nd, O. and Owlemga, lit.
SAMUEL ROC Ewe. CO.'pronto.Ont.
• ,..nee fog the bime al° 1.
Saw mill, Dunlop P. O.
saw mill. Sheprardton e. O.
$5 to $2O per day at home. Sample
�oVV G worth ,OS tree. Addre
STINaoN & Co., Portland Maine.
Wit% Tne
And all
notal. le Iowa, l�,ot1
Nebraska. M ism rl Ras- l J,l`
mea, New Mellen, Arizona, Mo -
t.a. ant Tessa
PEST Ilse to It Jestrpn,
tcbisnn. Tenets, Deni
ono. n.11.., Gu
V1E3E I g c c
l ereeme V ta. tiierad
IS Mom ter tetei
is hose. ha too essease tea Albert
Lea. Minneapele sal et. Pew
watlessrr tM�ed ea•
,e, Car
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the C. S,
Meet Maas M
Pea saegpy
ries Petal • �p�swii t lfawerw�Cp„a wt
Osl..go. 111. CS/ese•, ll<r
J. Ronan,,,
Canadian Peas- Ag't,
Torene, Ont
Oen B Jon/sorrow,
Ticket Agtmt, Oederick-