HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-06-16, Page 5SEEDS FOR 1882. Thanking the public for past favors I take plca.nre instating that I have on hand a BETTER STOCK THAN EVER of choice Wheat. Rvley, Peas. ants. Tares ('lover and Timothy. Pea Vire Clover. Alaike Lucerne and Lawn Grass. IMPORTED BUCK OATS COLBORNE BROS. A first class assortment of FIELD, GARDEN & FL(IW ER SEEDS selected with great care from the beet +ted obits, in true country. 07.-J T 3230�s� ' = COMPTON S SURPRISE CORK. y �v It a£erda us pleasure, through this Circular, to thank our numerous Cunt others for the very liberal patronage extended to us during the two and a half years which we nave been in business. Our sales are increasing daily, a sufficient proof that we do our ),usineu right, and give our customers goad value for their money. Our Spring Goods are now all in stock, and present a completeness for in advance of anything we have shown before. To meet the growing requirements of our business, our purchases have been larger than heretofore in every department. We Show an Immense Stock of Prints in all the Now Designs, Our 10 Cent Le is Great Vali: FRESH GOODS, in Great Variety, in plain all wools, watered, brocaded and checked, from 12ic In Black and Colored Cashmeres we Defy Comretjti We are showing a large range of Cottons, Linens, Shirting,, Ducks, Denims, L-: t,,n Tweeds, All -Wool Tweeds and Coatings. Silks and Satins, Plain and Watered, IN BLACK AND COLORS. IN SMALL WIRE OUR t3TOCI IS VERI COIPLBTE te 1 re, ;N/ r�1 S _ PARASOLS, HOSIERY & GLOVES ES, SPLENDID VALUE CLOTHING MADE ( Highest price Paid for TO ORDER. Butter & Eggs Ros_, The best field corn yet introduced. GODERICH NEW POTA TOE rPlpcfs WHITE ROOK, ST. PATRICK. and WHITE • glls • liV111 ELEPHANT. Mao a good selection of a1) other vara CARTER'S MAMMOTH MARGOLDS The bent and heaviest r ropper growet lea. n. N. B.—Thorough enitivatton and good seed ensures amen In farming. If you want any of the atom i hay. them all genuine THESZTfOtR ALQ kB.IDAY:i JIDNE.:141111112. entsseeti hate tales litho. (se as °Weed° MAn. ) one of the chief heave in tet ;twain( tlevtion contest is the right cat the pro - .boos of Out ri° to the territory declared award w be hen Mis b tits .isew the brass Mr. Blake says the euo/e of a.t:ing the dispute between the Wen end the provisos wee "Use neArstr tesaoea- ble and ateloessry oetksr° t+ttw thee site teferates aad.reeddl.sM M reopeated. Flet J ohs Mea tiva.id hes already sa. ,,tlditted the award. He takes the ground openly that Outside is eat en- titled to a foot of the oosatry north tet the height of lead, p•. vat .•t s line drsee nus north from the eontlueuou of the Ohie and klissieeppi rivers. He declares that in this disputed region (100,000 square miles in extent) there is not "u* .tuck of timber, one sore of land, or use las et lead. ire* or gold, that does not to the Dowiulun." Whet is the best of the Aomori of Ontario on an ukase of seek vast Pre portonce to their own provisos l Is is net cI.sriy to .Wad by the rights of their provisos, and to see that she is nut dismembered oT spoiled of any portion of bot puesessions1 That, et any rate. is the my of every man who i. not a hide -bound party man --for the indepen- dent men who on all great peblie ques- tions give the claiess of country a4 jus- tice the first pose—and for that dams of tnea Fla World mimeos so speak. It would take too mesh time and spats to show w► cm of jetties, On - lane :hull be given TAO poe.eeion of the dispute! ^ousel j, but two or three of the most obvious t-Ms"N soy bo in- dicated : 1, in the negoliMiess with the 0u4 - ions Bay Cospaay fur the.mqutsitiolt of the Northwest territory Bit John Mac- donald and his collagens in various ad- ministttrtioes, from 18167 to 1870, as- serted the clads of Canada to the whole country as far wet eft leapt as the Red river, if net to the Pate& coma In 1868 they5:0000 in public tsaoe� m a read from Lake of tie Woods to Garryi and in reply to a complaint of reeroacaat.rDt made by the H i sos's Beg Company to the im- ih : weersmsnt the Caoadisa minis- tc:. raid so ;.�paeisal ipvestigator of tt., . • • ' es sesii doubt that Crusade „ t the country betwarn the Lake of t.. Voods and Red river..' 2. Ly tie imperial order in council transferring the North-west territory to the Demisters (shed Jame, 1870) it was denlered to be sdmilNi subjects to the provisions of the Bridal. ]forth America sot, and by w.ti.a 6 el that it was de tnlaeed then "the part which formerly constituted the Province of Upper Cana- da .hall constitute the Province of On- tario." 9. The reference of the dispute to arbitration was male freely by the Governments of the mortises andthe Dominion, both Goverasseta [dodged their boom to scoops the award, the ar- rangement was communicated to parlia- ment and the legislature, the money to provide forth* expenses of the arbitra- tion was voted without a word of dis- sent All the evidence obtainable Tae placed in thearbittston' bssds,all doubt- ful points were decided against Ontario, and the award declaring the boundaries of the province was unanimous. Here we have three strong and c.n- •iacing memo why, al grounds of jus- tice, Ontario should be given possession 0 the territory, not to speak of consid- erations of honor or of the duty of n - apecting an intere.tional award. Why in the face of such obvious rea- son. bas Sir John Macdonald repudiat- ed the award t There are two motives. On. is political hostility to the Gov- ernment of Oatario. It baa been shown that up to the acquisition of the whole North-west territory in 1870 Sir John Macdonald claimed that this province extended as far westward as Red river. The assertion of the naroower limit, for which he .till contends, was made for the first time in March, 1872, a few month■ after Mr. Blake's Government was formed. The other is, the jealousy of Quebec at the growing importance of Ontario. The French tnarnbers have put their foot on the award because they fear it would give Ontario too great strength in the confederation,which would increase with the develepementof ita territory. They have influenced the press of their pro- vince to mak* the question an inter-pro- viaoial iwoe,and to crest* a pttiblic feeling p st it. They fear that Ontario would become"too great, too powerful." That we are not doing any injustice to the organs of hooch opinion in Quebec will be made clear by a few extracts from articles oommentsag on Mr. Dew - son's motion in the session of 1.00 for a special committee to invertigate the award, alpinist which .11 the French Lib - arab vet.d. Le Itteeree, rg NIKO However wee Rdµ a�amenr tmaywebWry _ et s el wee the. dio- of — h we isle wsecn1 M r 4 t sir ewe pro- vta.., aM t rotor and want of taeastreVa of interest vative govern- ether tice to the have the asiN est eve. Thus that have acted 1n the past ; Ho they will set le las ts- tlateende of the f1. lam./ Le Nouveau Minds__ �e rete the ostrie Med Mes lio7elietpitif the bias, seem Mut 4 "wily* Ubsrsls vor.d w t the meierdr. Os.ttse.cirg t+ this mute, Le if iwrv. of April dth eetd: V tour ethos, gaetfaa�/i1lent, Wee rlQofapdlfaa•t Fo alp tthe theta. do the Lair-mtndtd thud lade - pendent electors of Ontario thick of each conduct/ They sr the prejudice against *heir pr,viuw w, strung that Quebec sink re- �eossatatiyes stheir flame party dif- ferenoes and agree t., keep Ontario out },f her righthtl poeswiue--out of ted tory declared to be hers by the unasi• thous award of three aide and distin- guished arbitrator.. Surely this is an crosasiuu wheu Outariu men should also sink their party differences and cast their ballots at the lolls against every sandidate who repudiates the reference and the award. Thi. is an issue upon wi.ich the independent doctors of On- tario emelt not to hate suy doubt, and if' they de their duty on next Tuesday - if they make a proper ex- ercise of the trust which they hold— justice will be done to Outariu in spite of the gerrymander act. A word in a,nclusiun as to the value td the territory. We know that it Den - tains some of the richest mines of silver andcopperintheworld,that.uanyportiuns of it are welladapted for gratin and grain -growing, and that 111 the 36,000 Notre miles which the Dominion gov- ernment has sought to hand over to Manitoba, there aro extensive tracts of pine and other merchantable woods. Every stick of timber in that region will find • ready market in Manitoba and the Northwest, where pine lumber is now selling at the rate of }50 QOg ' er 1 leek yhad by the intoning of Dent i:soath the Pacific Railway will be open tar traffic between' Fort William and Winnipeg. What are the timber limits in that country worth? We know that at the government male in this cityolaat Decem- ber the privilegeto cutpinetimberuu1412 rglare miles sold for s total bonus of 5730,800, not including the ground rent lir per square mils each year, or the dies at 75c. per 100 M paid to bethe gov- seamwtt wham the timber is cut. At the same rate the right to out tim- ber on the 36,000 square miles in ques- tion would sell for abenwuf 518,000,000 and at the estimate of timber in the dis- trict made by Lieut. -Colonel inennis(,26,- 000,600,000 feet board messmw) the tim- ber dace would bring 519,500,000 more This snakes 37,600,000,aud if we add of the value of the timber, ground rent, land and minerals in the whole territory in dispute (100,000 square utiles), it will maks 660,000,000 at • very mod- salstioo. Sixty million dollars jadicioualy in- vested would enable the Outerio govern- ment to double its yearly pante for schools and other objects, and to place our public institutions en a staple basis for all time. is there an Ontario nnan with a.y sense or respect for his own province, who will hesitate to east his vote for the acquisition of that valuable territory? the wlhtie w y 15 e sets soh a r .et the hes et the won wtay. per se p trlw tf It aril tensalAbeeinle et our pew at ii Minna the he. perastade New- 814 they set .ICwateside rid eir the awsad weals be NU48 Om& he e Mmes• Yew hew ,Zees a le the N made _ thine ntwipsatset • MINNESOTA, DAKOTA. um MONTANA. EXCRANOE a case of Dyspepsia or Biliousness for 78 cents? It is awfully ly unwise to a onize txn- dertbe many ailments arising from Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Disordered Stomach and Liver, when this offer is made to you in your own home in ail sincerity wttI ea absolute certainty of curing von. ZOPE:8A (from Brazil) cures Dyspepsia and Biliousness. A single dose relieves; a'cample bottle convinces; a 75 cent bottle cures. It seta directly upon .ho Stomach}, Liver, and It ie`neys. CleansinT, Corrocttng, Reg- ulating, Zoperai1ve'r energy and vim to the rain, Nerve, and Muscles* simply by work- ing wonders upon the D:ges•- tion,_ and giving activity to tho Liver. Cat this out, take it to any dealer in medicines, and gr at least ono 75 cent bottle of Lopes*, and tell your neigh r how it acts. It is warranted to cure Dr epsla Bil- iousness. Mack's Magnetic M edicine FAY ya prv,eIe tram SOUP BrwlNat • bsttieet TAY8170'rls DOMINION HAIR RESTORER It taw tise Ler bele mid and r8t lag; It Moses the awes, lazsrto.s growth aad pre It L not offensive nor injurious in IM effects. but pleasant gives tame, beauty and naturalness to the hair. It pro - L premature dou►y i'xtce .zits In'ex Mottle GEORGE RSYNAS, 1C3-11:1NT FOR QQD�RIGB_ THE BIGGEST SALE OF THE SEASON. J. C. DETLOR&CO. Have decided to older their entire ,tett .f clearing prtuea, far cash. For the next .0 days they will sellat prices that will a•Wntsb all. • COME AND BED THE BARGAINS_ And you win be sure to bay. heir stoat now complete, their Mr. J. C. littler haviu6 re aridly parr/wised 1e aa mimeos° stock of Staple and Fancy Dry bads Lunt Cash Prices. "len" veyeletainn. Prints by the piece at less th.tn regular wholesale peter. VOID. a*d sae those cheap prints. Bargains in check and fancy skirtings, and broom docks. Bigger bargains in brown Hollsad. The bliMert a t 3 BARGAINSINDRESSGOODS Fall Uses to the latest styles in Parasols, l•:dgin i and Kbcdderien at ne•trly half Comedian aad Scotch Tweeds. French Worded &s ib:* IadisCloth.and Ulan Brings et U. d et Prints, These feeds teem be sold. ami the prices at which they are placed meet eller them eat in a oberi thee. Hosiery at priers W clear. Hao at pante prices. A =ore of Towels leers Ilse.) at warty halt price. 50 citizen 3-Botsan Kid Gloves, import- iireot, at 1B pprr est, less than tegnittr prices. 60 Tweed Vesta at $1.60, regular prior $3.00. Osderieb. April Lab MIL J_ O_ DMITT..OR So 00_ SP Gni SUMMER SUITS IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES CLEARING SALE OF. BOOTS and SHOES —AT— JOHN ACHESON'S IEE vG PI DTT 1NTL0 P Fashionable Tailor, West Street, Guderich. As I am determined te go out of tri BRANCH OF MY BUSINESS. i w111 sell the ►ethane a my steak ONICAP. T O H sats .t.= S O ei V w A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS TO SELECT FRO M. 11 ,1ASK. t A A. 1s • Sore. Prompt and Effectual Remedy for loosNervousness in aU W stews. Wl ak Prostration, toss ofBrat* Power, shun Night w.ata Operwstarrama, 9rmta.t Weak- wwa�sM sad Oewwwl Lase .f Power. It r�atr. lvweswt Watveet,�r s the JJaded /wlel- se err d neer re the lik• 1r proves Its iev at.o..sa less. sliiii t se the tast% tater welt. tr ..d attar. ssese�`�a r1 OsISO Mt sassalist, which ga«ellse ll ter b Dr.e- wvbe ~ eftsins.l tetras thbear toi ft. e t� egad iso eedewtck. ! ' �Ltlr laUMIZAIalit A Dewggaasa ewer )Oily Trade Mark Rcgutere L ANOTHER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG. By usual observation. we find all land speculators have • clear head and watch the ups and downs of property. thus making large fortunes. Bat the whole secret is. they keep the system in • healthy condition by the nee of TEM PRIDE of eve WALLET ■ESItI f6 We can safely say that hundreds come to us tor the great lung skid blood purifier before going west. Rent the following statement. We could give thousands of the same kind If it were necessary. • i certify that 1 wan troubled with Catarrh in the head gathering of phlegm in the throat choking and coughing at night for years. so f could not sleep. often troubled with dull. lite- )ess feelings. pains in the cheat slid back. After giving hundreds of dollars to doctors, and giving op all hopes, I tried the PRIDE or THEY ALLEY, and am now able to do my work after seven year's sickness." MRS. JAMBS McNEIL. 20I Simone Street. London. Ont. -The above statemenlof my wife's is cor- rect. w� MA=!Ms Lw has ew Northern Pacific R. R. New whet was the .list of this attaeb tote the}+e� who voted to 1880 agnate the award 1 They were alarmed by it; they were in fear and great dtsad lest the electors sbo5Y eldest tem for desiring to re- aped the award: sad where last sereion !ba divides tank plea es Plesb's mso- BIG CROP AWN IN ISM 1118181111114$ tiM Ttit t tlssltn ewe awaow- Pamir Pen Illisielliawf wheal♦ 7a SEM.* ia R. M. Nswnoav, Swum ace. .t..n..... sow 6RT Pat.. Maw JAMES McNair_ For laic by all druggists, manufactured by Prof. A. M. 8hrieves, ndon, Ont. Sample pprrk�ltaaggre 15 eta five tr 0.. Can be had in (iodericb sf teff r druggists: Jeer ste.a. Jae. Warm. I. a.. see. s♦y sea, .std J. A. Wed. 1016 PPME11;;;;;;;N LOOK IN AT Sheppari1' Boo Store FOR CHEAP KroK LAWN TENNIS. AND TRICCLES. The Cheapest House Under The Bun JA SAUNDERS & SON. —ADELERS IN— STOVES & TINWARE FACT GOODS and. WALL PAPER Having engaged the rrrlese of MR. THOD. JOHNSON who W led twelve eine r ALL bt se� IsrD ' N. OF TI "Zinc. RK. On Shortest Notice entistaotion gauranteod. In Fano, Goode, we have new arrivals ever week of all the latest Novelties. WALL PAP R.8 WINDOW BLIND • FANO Y BA> KETB_ And a choice lot of 33A.723Y VB1tY CHEAP. NEST DOOR TO TRIC POST OVPICK. TURNIP SEED. I have on hand a trash supply of BRUCE' S SELECTED 1882•SPRING-1882 Our Snu IuinoflaPous_aro uurr m Stock Every DefmrCeais Now Complete. BAST LOTHIAN. SKERV ING'S IMPROVED CARTER'S IMPERIAL SUTTON'S CHAMPION. BANOHOLME'S. YELLOW ABERDEEN. HUNGARIAN GRASS SEED, MIL- LET, BUCKWHEAT. 8- SZOANE. Corner of Hamilton and Victoria streets. Goderlch. 183b. JAMES sM&IZL, ARCHIT111CT simest were umeiterse end JAMES MCNAIR• 1011 Hamilto McCOLL BROS & GO. TORONTO_ MANUFACTURER S -01— LARDINE OIL AND CYLINDER OIL. Per Me+ai. .rt throe dlplomss awarded the.., hest your s* els Mmitag Eabthl- afews is tw. Ileast.(os Now is the time. It you wish one or two nice rooms at borne, to see Butler's room He has over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Desig Reant)ftl colon. and at prices lens than eery teach Inferior goods. Call and see theft, t are the hoot value in town. and mot be sold. The Ia1sl. Spring Bazar Pallails aad Fa�hio� Art T ' ' 'S_ is the b' AN w 'IRE. tot .01 SEEDS! SEEDS! JUST RECEIVED AT THE M�AaN U F ACTU..EwtB� S; caz ocieilcr�., re of O.rw Jl,~i►l<DU•is aced C T ♦ at /fees Is.iM aM goon est eer. oar r Mme sea., 0113 - Moll Moll Brest 0s Temus. The Cardiami id forage 1. Osd.rleb toy L W. 11.csxlIIR, O. O. PARSONS. C MASS. aid Il L ITRACHAN. ease . A laewe tad well s.s.orted stock of treat, Garden, Field and Flower Seeds Both la balk flied M packet* Purchased from ens of the oM.et and m,,., r, 0%1.. .4.04.1...n i. the DMt.w. tad will be sold at Qateleto o 7. JORDAN, Chemist and Drng +,, whom. al. and Retell Dealer 1r. [?neaps Mares, Ste.leer 1. Hassan end CAN • 41.410r .' pkrama Pv.aerliK10.. ser tutlyy wan.