HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-06-16, Page 48`l
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THR UURQI* too- iltw FRIDAY. JUNE 16,
•=g: ;:f.
kinsmen by psrwaally ab esrsE Mr. J. T.
barrow, alter that gentlanaa W ad-
vocated the come of Mr. t messes. Ill
_ is tint. lite
sists, but altlie.gh
FOPRItMiER—HON. IL BLAKE. �tlemanly in
soundly , Mr. Porter was not
WI ST HURON—M. C. CAMERON. the lees • rowdy. After Mr. Cameron
icor HURON_Da $14 AN. had cid the meeting, Mr. Potterag�im
esdeavoted to speak, " Daly fur five
SOUTH HURON—J. MtXILLAN. minutes," he mid, but Mr. )(EO
who was on the platform, re-
s OUR MOTTO : minded him that he had gotten fair play at
"thitfirrialtigia we will maintain." all Mr. Cameron's meetings, and never
pee fair prag at his own. Mr. Nester
"ITP AND AT TRIM." did not again ani ter live minutes, and
Lectors, stand to your guns. Before the meeting closed. At Hoover's sch.wl-
anolLer week has pawed the battle will house and at Mr. Camerons meeting at
have been fought at the pelt, and Can- Donnybrook, the Mahe tactics were Iar-
ads'a fate for the next five yen will 1s sued by Mc. Porter, betl
without avail.
dwindled. Di therefurr, kokcwves every At the nomination Mr. f orter agsiu en-
elem.? to be up .ad doing with yoke deave ed 10 manipulate the speaking to
and vote. suit himself. H. had arranged that
Are ye freemen or aro ye slaves that his friend, Mr. F. W. Johnston, would
*It first. thea that Mr, Cameron's
the iniquities of the ltaa lonald lamina-
ris.nta.«re ww,uld address the elee-
fialkm ere to be submitted to tamely.
Tun aro freemen "wkoes the troth tom and after that Yr. Porter would
Makes free," and your rights are is your deliver his address The impudence of
own hands. See that you retain them. this offer was so apparent then Mr.
An effort has been made to despoil Porter afterwards withdrew it, and the
Ontario s1 the bidding of tbe Quebec meet1ng was conducted 0n • 01515 eira tr
19tslaa, and Sir John Macdonald has `WI beefs. In his reply M alluded is -
inside the effort. sultingly to Col. Rose, and indulged in
Ontario's autonomy has been interfe - personal reflections against that gentle-
-fermi' witb, and by the diaallowaace of man. We give the above resew. to
otar- Provincial Legislature an attempt show that M►. Porter dose not believe
bas Leen made to rob Ontario of that in equity or fair play to an opponent
measure of Home Rule which our fair H• has personally abused every man
Province was guaranteed at Cenfedir- who him yet appeared 00 a platform
ation. against him, forgetful of the fact that at
The North-west has been placed under his first meeting in Goderich he depre-
• grinding tyvaney by the snit sMosa said th. ilMewiu it d pern+s 1 abuse
bargain with the Pacific Railway Synth- into the contest, and contended that a
cate. " sneer was nut an argument, a serum
Your relatives in the Prairie Province • syllogism, or declamation positive
1 l•
and further wast have had their Anvil- Proo[. Besides' abuse 1.a two edged
egos curtailed by the Governmental reg- sword, and Mr. Pons's inconsistency
Editions, and the colonisation schemes and other delinquencies aro just u open
in the interest of speculators. The set. to attack as those of other people. We
tier sullen that the speculator may have let his personality alone, because
' we 'believe the present contest should be
1 ( 8 The N. P.—that syren song which be_ fought out on the square issues before
Soiled the people in 1878—has been the people, bet it is high time to raise a
tried and tasted; it has been weighed in protest against a man whose chief attri-
the balance and found wanting. The bates on the platform with his own fob
tall chimneys are not to be seen in Hu- I°wen, are a loud voice, a brazen face,
ron. Two blade. of grass have not been a seared conscience and an abusive
made to grow where one had grown be- due` What 1" Peopls want now is
fore. The labseinn roan and methane, argument and not loud -mouthed decls-
' has not marc work or bettor wages. The motion or abase.
"teach the young idea how to shoot," oa uarkets,, because Aserfoan grain wee Guano wool, which we du sal, aid pn.lss;fed ch(Pirs.) As to lir. ihiat-
goeeeelt d his hem, and invalid pre- excluded. Another benefit whack oo- i roof I, but of clic'+ we import 2,- '*'"s gut Irwin” in /itw 111"*.* tMra
cured w-ider the N. P. was that therate UI10 OW Iha annually, d the fin• ams wee Shla' The salt moat ucame
dienesfftfon, how in the wide world is u( interval' had fallen and m•.leey weld soen ler debate within feu diel s of tee
he—this valued iu•ri..it, by his own wow be qui for 7 per cent where ler- wuols which we did not predate in Caa ole „f the •easiwn.: %flew Iif t. Caaw-
atia to any great esteut, and which we are non mid loil The Y.nr•rwwut ked
afllmaaaWw likely to he able w teach taorly 10 •ud 12 per int per aurum impelled w i port to the amuvut .l gerrymandered the enuseitvaeawies sod
Its ilei.%. hose to vete; and how meld and sometimes 2 per cent. per saoath 8.000.000 lbs it+wlly, wen allowed tv+ t „i, the u1Nt►ws ; Ilawn
this par, old, iniirtr peerios•r ua tie seas �cL (U•se, her.) ldn�l•awl sed o.,m. in duty t ?M mwwhettrrrn •nLored M �►t,ych by W.tni Lntlyo se
W b. • ptvtatted ouodrybat had eros forced the (loven,nwent to pupils** say of the sweeties, sad M. C. emoie.o.,
bounty .d Ontario be ezpeeted to ad"- 1846 been s free trade c,untry. Sh. Ibis ins wt w that the might be bwly
cate the claims of the people d Huron did aid go is fur few undo until the had q y igin the i*Msesl of fives whim, lac ropre-
laid • gad f•waadati°a fur h.ewell ani fitted,and t that-the
i 'sintsrnate wereevwt� � ked are kw . l'.. •Ydeatirea:and igluaye for its rightw daring tM ardu I. ,tedw thatthe manufsdurenmight Insethucould.tomakeliiwwausedaysandnights..falungPodia-wanted to be the wortahop of the world.ue euiieh«.l. (Her, Mar.) 1l' iuight �„u,wt ul itself nab«utheof
Eat although England was few t)rdo t» a
greet advantat v to base a bum. re.k.ru'g c..4. (Ue•r, h,.., ra4 Mud
mentary evasion. We do act sy :Vt ,other countries which had pat un ,ark et, feet the N. P. did nut five a
Mr. Porter to frau vestal, .dive duties were uwrehi on side cheers.) -- unites* ar,;eeand bad
�*� �s''� � t ume market for grain or Ivied, two great des alvaooed bHr. Yurtvr, eqd that
literary or physical labor, bet that �y side with her iu the way of progress.fanning products. Neither had any w.atkat ptho ;Zhu. sit intere.t bed keengentbaya %sakes affidavit every yearteethe% yueatiun t• ootiiv before the bwinrw centers been created iu tM tdowny tlrw tiruai inMwsas of
that hris i fated, and if bee cakes electun was the lluundary Award. It county of Hur•.0 p. twat iigiieultorists pessliplseea
�Pma was claimed by the Reformers that lin u,utd dispose .•f their ,igfps, butter and least a pie � rtid
a false a/tlavii bete/mai.
• is himself'
inwH to bLu», two w•• being by Sir Jahr reset other oummoditiea No tall chimneys
and his uraemia's en a platform ah..uld the instance at Pkwards ouuolssivelj twat Ike patk m ea wku ad -
p had been created in the towns or villages vaned sl' dicta t know wiuob about ptisR.d arvu,d iD0 town by the Re d Huron, and no inure teed population tpaswoe duo s ere) ney N. P. did
nut carry welsh/ is aossequ.soma But torinens be.nn �tb• 5.1114 "Qntarlo's
this is not all the Mr. Porter lion re gg could be shown in a single inaasanoe not a date �"s aaswy a.wiiig sato
papR,i e: inbT'he Ite/onnen had no burl-
The �vesment 1911.bowed • large t fall- Canada. (hemmed Isisgbt.r.) He w0ald
rived. Iiisl year the
(.i.riadian census
nese tv mvu.^olis» the loyalty of this •'—. between rhe
was takes, and Mr. Porter, with that Prvvioee. Life was as loyal u anof n. off iu the popuwa..7 p give rfos fans as this nit lu
patriotism for which he is so widely them. (Hear, hear.) The speaker deliv- and the711-78,wo when
whentheN. P. ' �` mould not seU for beer, than
known, ovwrleoked the applieatioss of erect his tggtt�ar version of tM boundary bad been in axisluuce. Every town and ie..but a during years
questien and disallowance, hot a3vaneed succeeding the office-aeekete-fnrm the rank and file no reason why the award should not be bad be in the county except own h better ratty were 11874, d. lie had
of the g}iwrwhich had an increase of Ludy 26, show- ne te Englwid i• 1876, as Truateser
�svatlN patsy is Routh ratified or the Provincial anto,numy ed •large falling ofI Clinton had Iust79, of Huron, to negotiate the mite
Huron, end has himself npp•iut•d en inaintsined. Ho o-ududod by asking Winghain, 120; Wroxeter, 82; Bruwels, of Count Couseil debeafures and led
the electors to vote for him en the 90th yl' old 30; y
omerator in •lief its that Riding- of June. (Loud Applause.) 841 et the N. P. e: r, lbel�ysifim that placed them on the mosey market at
And yet this disinterested patriot has 7 Pc'een the highest prise over offered upp to that
the hardihood to elate to the eleetoue Cul Row, M. P. P., on coming for- towns and villages were being built up time, via: 102. (Ghees..) Tkia fent
ward, wasgreeted with loud and prolong- the N. P., and bum• markets creat showed that during Maokeuatie'e regime
that kis "retire support" is from the ed tAo•n H. commenced by stating
(Loud applause.) Gederich, atsd Canadian securities had began W look
product of hie fifty sire. in Usboese. that M was carry Mr. Cameron the Rs he was sorry to say it, was w ezuetloo up During the years that iuierveiied,
It will be seen from the forwgoinc that form candidate, was • •toted by an to:.11111)":
dewIu1876anduntilamapledyeas.ere• EnglishMr, Pinter sot only poemawes •sheep aRectioo of tM throat from prwnttagit5,015,nowtMaaseasmentcullcurupaniea had been found to hr t,g tAe oypea tat IIeborno and sleato akasp forhs cee° to the .lectors to -day. How- shonly 4,130. Why was this ala T into Canada for inve.tment, and, u a
ever, they all keen it was Icon no lack It was to a large extent du* to the N. P. matter of course, interest weal down.
e appelt, hot 1e r joio s in a dairy as of ability or from no lack of courage (Hear, hear.) A dot] on Western of late some of the coo •ion had
wail, where, in oddities lo stalking kis test Mr. Cameron did not �pp•ar it Resin had been impwesd, and the Large withdrawn, and ooasegoeatlj the rate of
eon bovines, M systematically milks the was simply owing to a physical daabil- ____millat the harbor wield sot obtain grain interest Md perceptibly 1no[eaad. Mr.
Ontario and the Dominion went Yet ity. (Hear, hear). H. was here as Mr, to run to anything like full equity. Putter had stated 8, 10, 12 per cent had
gron's representative, and although although it wu build at Gooderich w been chs and even 2 per oent per
M protea of his diainter.s ed and pat emCameron's
was not as capable of dealing with that it would be convenient to the great month been extorted, m years rune
riotic motives for contesting the the great questions, as his chief would Western grain arketa of the United by. He (Col. Ross) oould inform Mr.
e mit election in West Huron. have been had he been able to argue States, as well as of Western Ontario. Porter that there were to day in (lode
them out in his own behalf and in his In 1878 sixty-six vessels had come t' rich " shaving shops" which would not
well-known maskrfy way, yet be be. Goderich with American °urn iu transit scruple to take 2 per cent per monthlieved that he (Col Rose) could present to Buffalo and other p,°it,ts, whicL haul
any one who was so unfortunate as
ile issue. in a way nkat would at once to be handled by our lalautvnrs at the tow t into their clutches (Hear, bear,
.Mw that the opinions advanced and the docks The quantity ot grain Lr ouitht cheers
and laughter). AnBir John's
conclusions drawn by Mr. Porter were by thew easels was 1,394,000 bushels, Government could not be held rrwseppoon-
ne.saa.a to gas isteme,_..•emawy s:s.rrs erroneous, in almost ovary instance. and as uric Goan N estimated to be able sib's for it, either. (Renewed btrrhter).
•p esa as miese--sys. avian r West (dear, hear). Mr. Porter beamed great- to shovel 1000 bushels a day, this item One of the items toed by the N. P ,
m�sses}—O.ss.ds amnesia MGN. ta. . ly of the good times during the peat four alone meant 1324 days labor to the which interested Goderich, was coal.
years, but it was a well-known fact that working which they did not now During 1881 on this item alone $1,657
no evidence of pros ty had appeared ree.ive. In 1881 only 32 vessels arrived' had been collected from the people
anywhere in to any very per- with 365,000 bushels, these sere nearly of G•,dericb. The duty was put on in
.eptible extent until within the past two all small coasting vessels from our own the fauvist of •hes mise owners down
years. The reasons for the improved lake Perla, whit this year bat one sea in Nova Scotia. (♦ " It keeps
outlook were not far to seek. The crops.d had arrived with grain, 12,000 _
had been good and priose ruled fair, anhuh., from Port E14ia. Our harbor marked tlatl Ike rept net
ix.nsogniently more mosey was placed in trade was literally wiped Gut by the Pennsylvania That was not the case.
circulation. This could beesaily shown by N. P. • A voice—"The grain trade at All the coal used in (itderich was Amer
referring to the trade and navigation re- the dock. only lasted for • short time.") scan coal and not one pound of Novo
turns of the jest four years. The ex- CoL Ross was willing to admit that theScotia tical seer Dams bene. (Applause
ports of the last four years were as (01- grain was handled during • few months The speaker then dwelt l�ri.lj en the
lows:—In 1878, $61.000,000; iu 1879, .d the year, but at the present time with Boundary Award sad diealfow•n.s of
149,000,000; in 1880, $56,750,000; and employment scarce and business stag the Streams Bill, with which tbe reader
nant there were many of the laboring efthe Sum LL are familiar. He oonteod-
men of Goderich soh.. would gladly avail d that, after all wasaaidanddons,thelast
themselves of the opportunity to work two issues were the battle ground upon
for even • m•+nth or tv o to gain swami -
which this election should he fought.
once for themselrs., heir wives and .. Ontario's Rights" should be the first
their faimilies. (Cita li and loud •1' thought of the b Ontarian in the
plause.) At the prawns nine there were coming struggle. loyal
our Provineul
six vessels lying isle in Goderich harbor right. and autonomy be kept intact, and
owing to the fawt that the N. P., had to do this itwas neowary thateveryvoter
killed the earn ing Trade (A number of who loved hi. Province and British fair
voices—That's so.') 1- addition t . the play should l his vote for M. ( .
alarming exhibit previously Riven, rents Cameros to follow the leadership for
of the
had gone down, real ear (only
had depro- Hon. Edward Blake in the next Parlia-
ment in value, and the only thuig that ment of Canada
had kept up in Goderich was—taxes.Cheer upon cheer went up from the
(Har, hear, and "You're hitting them large assemblage as Col. Row closed his
on the raw."+ The Liedndituree under m•eterl and convincing address.
the Mackenzie and on contrasted,
Adminis- Mr. Porter, wbo had been anxiously
ecotratnni s were thea contrasted, and the awaiting the close of CoL Ras' remarks,
the extravaganceny of the forme: shown decide then Caine forward, and first amused the
the of the Letter. in 1878 asserrihlage by saying that Col. Ross had
Sir Leonard Tilley had stated that the not advanced any arguments on the
annual expenditure of the Mackenzie I were Finance Minister he questions of the day.He then proceed -
and said if he were
Government, 00,000 was too large, d to attempt to buffet some of the con -
could keep the figures down to $22,500,- tentiens made by Mr. Cameron's repre-
sentative, and wound up by declaring
000. Had he done so . He had not. The that he hoped that on the 20th of June
expenditure now was over $5,000,000 "Porter than any year during the Macken -
Porter would be the man for Galway."
zie rrgein., for the estimates for the pre -
elector — And Cameron will he
sent year were $28.079,000, independent the man for West Huron. (Laughter.)
of supplementaries, which would stiff! Mr. Porter—That isn't witty.
further increase that enormous annunt. A vote of thanks Will then given to
the chairman, and alter cheers for the
(Applause.; The revenue is mainly
taxes 1. cieol by Mr. Mackenzie were in candidate and leaders of parties and the
raised by duties—which isttaxation. The
Queen the assemblage dispersed.
187.-8, $17,840,933. In 1880-81 Sir
John had increased them to $23,942,388,
an increase of 16,000,00) The taxa-
tion per head in 1878 was $4.32, in 1881
Sir John has raised it to $5.50. What
proportion of thisdne. Huron pay? Hu-
ron has a population of 67,000, and her
share of duties foot up $371.442 every
year. There is taxation for you with a
vengeance. Let us see what the town
pays of this enormous taxation. our
population is 4130; Goderich, therefore,
pay $22,715 every year to support the
Dominion Uovernrnent. Then the Con-
s3rvatives boast of a surplus of $4,-
030,000, as if it was a thing to be
proud of. What was the surplus, but
undue taxation. The county of Huron
had contributed over $62,000 to the
surplus, and the town of Goderich
$3.920. And was Huron the gainer be-
cause that large amount had been ex-
tracted from the pockets of her people
by unjust taxation and placed in the
coffers of the Ottawa treasury 1 , Loud
applause.) What would be thought of a
municipal Council that would increase
the rate by jc nn the dollar, when it was
unnecessary, and then boast of a surplus
at the end of the year, which had been
wrung from the people. +A voice 'We'd
turn 'em nut.') They would be turned TEE elodns has prevailed to an
out, and that is what is asked of you to
do now in the matter of the Dominion alarming extent in Huron during
Government. (Cheers and "We'll do the wit year. Thirteen town
it.") Mr. Porter had speech
Mr. chip, have been heard from, eleven
Cameron for not making w speech en the of which, accordingto the &Parc
salt interest when it was sttaeked at
Ottawa, b a Lower Pn,mino* monitor. Sora' returns, have Ioat in pm r
it did not lie in the mouth of Mr. Pax- tion. Every town and it1Cotpor
ter to attack Mr. Cameron nn the sah ..ted vi hair also. 1 in
question. Who of all men is Goderich the number of its ishabitant.e
denied the greatest credit for •.tab We give fife latione of the
licking the wit indestry. hirci .A voice pops
—" eats Platt,") No it was mw1 Mr. townwhip in the year 1582 ami
Platt, it wasMr. M. Gt. Gn,aera The 1881, eau} "inviwu• the Tory eanh-
apeakir did and wish to undsiy . what d• ate to pima. the
Mr Ilett load done, b it 3(r, Platt at ttgg flea
that time was aimpl,y M,rng far a mm- r� e4>I flm Low
which d him well ter kis laf. ,r. tiro
pan psi vee
Ha� he h..red through to the °entre nt O• rey rick i
the earth he would have het nothing, Hr
bat ..n the contrary have been tl,. in. Nt c
es. The men soh., stood the brunt and 1MMoote',
exp•tid.d their means to establish the emote',
industry were M. C. Cameron the late Toet.rn„ith g>111
J. V Moine and (iso Rnmf.all i.ond yrswaeora 1111
w$wanora wear tel t_
farmer does not receive • better price
for his produce. Wealth by act of Par- QUESTIONS FOR WORKINGMEN.
liament has not yet been the portion of L Has worn for the mechanic or lab -
the poor, and the monopolists alone aha been more abundant in Godesick
have reaped benefit from the see -called this year than ander the Liberal Admin -
National Policy. istration ?
An extravgsnt Government has held 2. Are wages higher, unless in cases
to the reins of power bathe past four years. where hands are now"scarce, on account
A corrupt Government has endorsed the of mechanics having been driven by lack
Onderdonk oontract, the Carillon easel of work to seek employment in Pennsyl-
job, the M. C. Upper steal, and ether in. vaoia, Michigan or Dakota l
iquities of a similar nature. This oar- 3. Have the hardworking men who
e rupt Government would appeal to you depend upon the harbor trade for a lir-
that they should be maintained, but the ing in summer had anything save an odd
;c appeal will be in vain, for "Mene, wine, job to do this season 1
) iekcl upharsin,"is already written on the 4. Has not the Tilley tariff killed our
walL carrying trade,and kept vessels from en -
Let the work be done, and well done; tering the harbor with corn, wheat, and
smite the usurpers hip and thigh; save other products?
Canada from ruin, and Ontario from 5. Have you paid less nroney in
spoliation; diad vote for your hearths taxes since 1878 1
and your hones. 6. Is the population of Goderich
larger than it was in 1878, or is it about
800 leas 1
7. Is the- cost of living—of eating
and clothing—cheaper than before1
8. Do you like to have to pay $6 ex-
tra on • $20 stove?
• 9. Have you been able to lay by
much for a "rainy da," since the pre-
sent extraysbant Government came into
10. Do you not prefer M. C. Cam-
eron, who lives in your midst, to an un-
known outsider, who has no interest in
the town. and never will have 1
If you are in favor of good Govern-
ment, if you wish for a breaking up of
monopoly of all kinds, if you favor a
better and freer opportunity to settle the
great North-west, if you wish our
country to become what it ought to be,
one of the grandest and most glorious
under heaven's sun, vote for able
man in our Legislative halls, vote for
honest and upright men in the Cabinet
of the Dominion, vote for men who will
go to Parliament to strengthen the
hands and forward the views of Ontario's
noblest son --Hon. Edward Blake.
M. C. Cameron is lilake•s lieutenant
in West Huron. Oia the 20th of June
endorse his candidature by your vote.
Mr. Porter, at Smith's Hill, said, with
that weer on his lip which is4his chief
°' AN IMPORTED BLUSTERER. attraction as . speaker to his Tory
( friends, that he was $ farmer and Mr.
Mr. Robert Porter will be long re- Cameron was a lawyer; and putting it
membered after his defeat on the 20th of stranger, remarked, "I shear my sheep
June next, for the cheeky manner in down in Usborne, and Mr. Cameron
which he endeavored to prosecute the shears his sheep in the Court -Hoose at
campaign. At alr:oet every meeting Goderich." Of course Johnston and the
held by Mr. Cameron he attempted to lambs "yelled" at this sally of wit, on
have the closing speech, while at nearly the part of the ex-dommie from South
every meeting called by himself he en- Perth. Butwhen Mr. Porter clinched the
deavorwd to beldame Mr. Cameron's rep- above remark, by stating that he d.-
rementativea- At Port Albert he tiled lived his "entire support" from the
to carry the appointment of a chairman, product of his farm, he stated what was
and wanted to close Mr. Cameron's not true. He forgot to inform his hear-
meeting. These who were present st ers that he was at the present time a
?' Oliver's schoolhouse will remember that pensioner on the Ontario Government
Ise avoided personalities in his opening superanuatinn fund tc teachers to the
remarks. and after Mr. Cameron's rep- amount of $123 a year; that, Ming ea-
ras.ntat+ve lad spoken for the time al- der 60 years of age, he was not entitled)
lotted to him, Mr. Porter took nearly to the superannuation, unless homed* an
forty minutes to personally abuse the affidavit every year that he was d.p.ed-
epeaber and IKr. (lanraeros, in the lane, est on the pension for support, being
geathaaas's bsmso.,kmowingfullwellthat unable to follow his vocation of tuella.
Mr. IWOillieeddy was debarred from re- nn account of infirmities of the flesh;
deme At Deneybte+ok Mr. Porter that he has made the affidavit for some
took fisc beer and a half to address ba yews pad, although his friends and op -
own gads$ l'1$ tabooed Mr. M°'3i111k ponente admit that he is perhaps the
caddy only ea Vitt M reply, regardless most rugged politician in the County, en
cif Ile feet that M had the privilege o1 far as health is macerated, mad les there-
____ hie own meeting. At Donny- by obtsintd the pansies es what even
Meek, however. the ".peak" was takes his best friends would not scruple to ad-
dled him, and he endeavored to act like mit was false preteneea If Mr. Porter
agentieman. At Beamill.r Mr. Porter, is in such (holiest* health, se be makes
at Mr. Cameron's roosting, dlagm ed affidavit to •very year, and is enable to
The Preparation for the Battle.
On 1'oesday last the nomination of
candidates to contest West Huron was
held in Goderich, aimultaneously with
other nominations in the Eastern mo-
tion of the Dominion. Mr. Ben. Wil-
son, of Wingham, acted as returning
officer for West Huron, and oonducted
the nomination according to law. The
candidates duly nominated were Mr.
M. C. Cameron, of Goderich, and Mr.
Robert Porter, of Usborwe. Shortly
after two o doth the speaking commenc-
ed, the electors taking up position in
front of the band stand on the Court in 1881, $67,500,000. The two tint
House Square. It was arranged that years were years of poor crops, and the
Mr. Porter would first address the Tweet- two last, through the blaring' of
ing, after which Mr. Cameron who was Divine Providence, which sent the sun -
incapacitated from speaking would be shine and the rain to fructify the land,
represented by CoL Russ M. P. P., and were years of plenty. (Hear, hear.) In
Mr. Porter would have the privilege of the two last years we exported $26,000, -
reply for fifteen minutes. 000 more from this country than we did
Mayor Horton was elected to the in 1878 and 1879, and it was the bring -
chair, and introduced the speakers. ing in to Canada of this $26,000,000
Mr. Porter, was pleased to see so large mere of money for our exported pro -
a gathering. Like Mr. Cameron he was duce, inn not the influence of the Sir.
somewhat out of his usual vigor, but he John Government which caused money
would endeavor to place his case before to be more plenty, and prosperity to
the electors. It was a grand eight to see smile upon our land. (Cheers.) The
free men assembled to take actual part money the farmer makes from the sale
in giving opinion and deciding upon the of his produce, the goods which the
Government of the day. (Hear, hear). merchant sells for cash from his shelves
Few countries could boast of the priv- and the price of the toil of the artisan
degas possessed by the people of Canada and the laborer which they receive for
so far as the government of the country the sweat of their brow is what makes
was concerned. At the present time them rich, and not the legislation of any
there were important questions before government or the desire of any Pre -
the people, and he would endeavor to mier. ( Applause.) Mr. Porter had
eiplain these questions. Of all the said that the putting on of the duty oni
questions, he believed the N. P. to be American wheat had given the Canadian
the most important. In 1878 the prin- farmers the home market, and conse-
ciple question before the electors was quently they were in a position to have
the N. P., and it still maintained pre- the regulating of the pricerm their own
eminence, having lost nothing of its im- hands. 1f Sir John's legistation was so
p.rtance. Many arguments had been efficacious in this direction why slid he
brought to bear to show that it was not not pass an act of parliament making
possible to make a country wealthy by wheat, 12 • bushel ("Oh ! oh ! oh !"
legislation. He did not contend that from a Tory.) My Tory friend over
legislation could make people wealthy, there laughs at the absurdity of Sir
but he believed that wise legislation John being able to increase the price of
could help people to aid themselves. wheat by act of Parliament, and yet
The N. P. had benefitted all classes, and that is what Mr. Porter contends has
the poor did not suffer so that the rich been done by the N. P. (Loud ap-
might gain. It was not necessary to re- pleuse.) But the figures were against
call the gloom which prevailed in busi- the N. P. frrinds, and he would give the
nese circles previous to the advent of local market quotations of 1877, to show
the present government, the lack of eon- that the price of grain was not to be
ployment and the ezodue. The electors' compared now with what it was in that
remembered all these facts. Did any- year. Five years ago to -day, on the
thing so disheartening exist now ? (A 13th of June, the price of wheat in
voice—"Ye., there's no work.") Every Goderich on the market was X11.60,
man could now get a fair days wages for and as far back as Anvil it stood at
a fair day's work, and could work when- $1.80. To -day • farmer of good repute
ever he pleased. (A voice—"Not in had told him that his son sold their
Goderich') Mr. Porter was sorry the crops that sptiwg for $2 a bushel.
good times had not come to Goderich !Cheers). But the Reformers did not
Unfortunately a depression still existed claim the credit of the high prices that
here, but it would eventually disappear ruled in 1877 to be due to the Mac-
es hoped. Some people contended that kensie administration. They give the
the good time were caused by the great credit to that Higher Power, which in its
volume of exports during the put few own way, gave peace and plenty to ua
years, but the credit was really due to when fauuns or abort crops were the
the N. P. There was not • country in portion of our follow creatures on the
the world possessed of a protective tariff other side of the ocean (Loudapplause.`
whitl�was not prospering, and the The Tories, however, gave all the praise
United States, France, Belgium and to Sir John when the market rose, and
other countries could be cited. We blamed outside circmatances when it fell.
wanted to make Canada a nation second (Laughter). It was • well known fact
to none in the world. (Hear, hear.) He that the buyers on the market received
was certainly an outsider in Huron for telegraphic messages keeping them pest -
electoral purposes, but for municipal d on the ups and downs in the great
purposes L'sborne was still in Brest Lirerpool oommercial centre. ft often
Huron. in the natter of the salt (lues happened that a farmer came to town
tion Mr. Cameron deserved *ensure for during the past apringand received $1.30
not advocating that interest when it errs in the morning, and his neighbor coming
attacked in the Horse by a lower to market in the afternoon received. per -
Province member Hnnest old Tom haps 6 omits more or 4 Dents par, simply
Farrow was the only member from this because the buyer had received a tele -
section who abed acted as champu,n for gram frown the outride world that ppances
the salt industry Hear, hear , The had one up or down. (A grand cb'rus
wool question was a mutter of contention - "That's .o. ") Well, if that is •n, how
dtaring the present conte.•, and few in the name of r•wmmen assao did the
maid understand why the prim had big mill or the N. P regulate your home
mase down. He had been informed by media in Goderich t (Maw. Mr.
Mr. Meyers, of St. Marys, a woolen Mer h.4 tstartenately, fur his arra
tsanefaeturer, that the pries bad gone event. aloe touched ne the wen, gaeetioa.
down because the fashions had changed I. 'MA wool was quoted at 28 cents a
sad the coarser woolen goods heed geneand in 1574 it was M high as
out M fashion. ("Oh ! oh ' from the be,it cents. What was it to -day
'rood.") Bet ii the price was not rasa- (A verses—"lea ") Te., it was naly 1!k
ed the sellers of wool had now their own and yet is Ian it was eont nded the;
market. He then *int .labnrtely into eyed d et the wail market would he
the cotton and groin question, end le is the °median termer it they
regard to the latter 'Wed that eve, if total he Iib P. P. Whet did the
tho price of the grain was not as high .• Government do to enhance the prim o.f
the average as donng the IM•cko re- wool 1 This, and only this : they placed
pion.. the fanners had now their home m duty of 34 rants s peeled npnn the
THs elections by acclamation have
given the Conservatives an apparent
lead, but it is just as we expected. The
Reformers snake it a practice to spare
the country the expense of • contest in
such censtituencis as they have no hope
of capturing. On the utherhandtheCon-
servatives have instructions from head-
quarters to"allow no Grit to be returned
by acclimation." No Reformer in a
a "Grit hive" has been returned by ac-
clamation, although the election of all
of these Liberal candidates is sure.
In Ontario 2 Conservatives have been re-
o-turned by acclamation, but a Reform
majority 1. confidentially expected on
the 20th of June. Onr Conservative
friends who do not understand Quebec
are laughing loudlyust now; but "he
who laughs last, laughs bast."
Do Yorr fail to read Col. Row's speech
at the nomination. It ie the ablest expo.
ure of the failure of the 14. P. to benefit
Horan that has yet been given.