HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-06-09, Page 7li as• w ere rw- for OD - our Oa. to in rdr rid. get ror itis. -72 and car: lava I. 11 nt. &C. ah.i R. epi.. drr 1E ' sae Peeps. Deal � oat ^.Ireq CA Linen rani •••1 as Great Ines, Line Y 7 'rt K ewlU ua e semi du newt S J ; 1 TUE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1882. She Poste Q:orner. The thmelle wr SNOW Ids log. There's Hoer • isdlt SO MY, But • MUM sired agesan ; 1•beim', wirer a ills es loopy Hut hall Its time w tears ; t' et the tat Woos est the brielter Wpm I he sonny temeest siesta There's serer • tlartia l growl ag With raise lase's.? plot ; There's never • heart es katdeaed But it has oar te•ear met— We have only to /s0ow the border To sad the Orat)•ten►aM • here's newer • cep so pteawut out has batter with the swami 1 here • • path w ragged That boars not the prima of tort ; A red we have a helper premised nor the trials we OW meet. here's never •s.rt that rises But we know it wW set at night The Ueu' that glossa In the morning At evening are Bast as bright ; And the hoar that le the sweetest Is between the dart and light. There's never • dream than b•Per Bret the waking makes as sad ; There's never • dreamt of sorrow But the waking makes us glad ; W e shall look some dn7 with wonder At the troubles we lave bad. Three's Dever a way so narrow But the entrance le made straight ; There's always • guide to point us To the" little wicket gate And the angels wW be the aeare•t To the soul that Y deeoIMe. There's never • heart so basghty Bet will some day bow Aad feted There's •ever • heart so weeaded That the Savior eamnet heal ; There's many a tomb fbsehead That bears the bidden reel There's never a day so essay But a little cloud appears ; There's never • lite so Preppy. But bee Its Wee of tears ; Vet the IUD shines out the brighter When the stormy tempest clean. run ana Fendt. ... „d is better than a whole It is no loner the "bttllyboy with the glans eye,' but the "bovine gentle- man with the crockery optic." A little fellow came to school brimful .,f talk abet s brand new baby in his block. "How old is it y' asked some- body. "I don't know how old it is," he answered naively; "obey only found it last night.." It makes a man's mouth water to read of a state dinner, and yet they are most- ly oomptsed of china, soar wine, black coffee, tough turkey and politicians who are going to Europe for the benefit of the party. atter P..110,* Du tet let les dead in tilt. ate yetimid asad r to ml dish i to o works bowl AWN IPS be lesedetag- w kiss brandy .r ..wishing t f the silverware. When mMrsa.a gee herd and bunchy, rilpo= take the bait oat, pull it y by bad, let it lee a clay or Owe tit air, wash tise tisk, My lite ulight and even as possible cad toh It down u before. Thus prepstthey will be as guod as new. Britannia wale should be rust tubbed gallwith a woollen cloth and sweet oil, ten washed is wast water suds and rubbed with soh leather and whiting. Thus treated it will retain Its beauty te the last, It is not well to clean bre articles with vinegar. It makes them very dean at tint, but they soon spot and tarnish. Rotten-stous and oil are the proper ma- terial for cleaning brass and iron, hand- les, bird sagas, Sm. If wiped every morning with flannel and rum, will not need to be olesned very often. Pulverised alum possesses the pr.,p- arty of purifying water. A largo spoon- ful p tn- ful stirred into a hogshead of water will so purify it that in • few hours the dirt will all sink to the bottom, and it will be fresh and clear as spring water. Four gallons may be psnbed by • teaspoon- ful. Rios CAsw. —Buil a cup of rice very soft ; hush it tine.; add a pint of milk and three eggs (or one egg and half a teaspoon suds), stir in a little flour • butter the griddle and pour on in small cakes ; serve hot with butter and sugar or syrup. Feathers should be very thoroughly dried before using them. 11 feather beds smell badly or become heavy from want of peeper renovation of the feathers or from old age, empty them and wash the feathers thoroughly in a tub of suds spread them in the garret te dry, and they will be as light and good as new. Never Ly the pillows or feather ticks to air in the sun ; lay them in a shady place where the wind can purify them. Hest makes fathers rancid. If you are troubled to get soft water fur washing fill • tub or barrel half full of ashes and fill it up with water so diet you may have lie whenever you need it. A.gall.n of stroug 1.. pot into a large kettle of hard water will make it aa soft as rain water. For toilet purposes a teaspoonful of borax to a pitcher of water, will make the water soft and is good for the °completion and teeth. Esot aH Poraro Berea—Boil some potatoes very dry ; mash them as smoothly u passible ; season well with salt and pepper ; warm with an ounoe of butter to every pound of potatoes, and • few spoonfuls of good cream ; let them cool a little, roll them into balls ; sprinkle over them some crushed ver- micelli or macaroni, and fry them a light brown. The widows of India, who used to get on a pile of wood and be burned with the homes of their hasbands, don't do that way any more, but go and get mar- ried again. The American widow has always wondered why the Indian widow should leave a world of charming bachel- ors to bury herself in an ash heap with the mean she happened to marry first. A German clergyman who was travel- ling. stopped at a hotel much frequented by wave and jokers. The host, not be- ing used to having a clergyman at his table, looked at him with surprise. The guests used all their artillery of wit up - ren hila without eliciting a reply. The clergyman ate his dinner quietly, appar- ently without observing the gibes and sneers of his neighbors One of them at lam, in despair of his forbearance, said to him—" ell, I wonder at your patience !. Have you not heard all that has been said to you 2 "Oh, yes," was the reply, "but I am used to it. Do toil know who I am T' " No, sir." ••Well, I will inform you. T am chap- lain of a lunatic asylum. Such remarks have no effect on me." He was let' alone luring the remainder of that meal. How ro Coote A HrsaAxD.—The first thing to he done is to esteh him ! Many a good husband is spoiled in the cook- ing. Some woven keep .them coLstant- ly in hot water, while others freeze then with conjugal coldness; some smother them with contention, and still others keep them in pickle all their lives. These women serve them with tongue sauce. Now, it is not to be supposed that husbands will be tender and good if treated in this way, bat they are ort the contrary, very delicious when managed as follows: Oet a large jar, called the jar of carefulness; place your husband ;n it, and place him near the fire of conjugal love; let the fire be pretty hot, especial- ly let it be clear; above all, let the hest be constant; Dover him over with the spice of pl and if you add kisses and other meilet them be accom- panied with • sufficient portion of sec- recy, mined with prudence and n eler• Glint.. EeCSLLor*D POTATOES. —When the potatoes are thoroughly boiled, mash them and rub them through a colander ; to a pound of potatoes put about half an ounce of butter and a tablespoonful of milk. mix them well together, then put them into soallew shells or • deep dish ; make them smooth on the top, cross a knife over them, sprinkle with a few drape of melted butter, and then set them in the oven ; when they are brown on the top take them carefully out and brown them on the other side. The dish or shell in which they are browned should be previously buttered. faa.da Parsee Mad.. The Witees. says: --"We have good authority for the following story offrthe position of Goal}.:—" i'1M Dube of Man. cheater, Lord Etphindone and Lord Mandeville are at present in negotiation with limen. Stephen, Angus, Hill, and Kennelly, of the Canada Pacific Railway Company, for • very lame tract of land, for whish they are te pal d Came'* Pacific UM*. TAU syndicate win, R is raid, take the rounder of the bowls, amounting to $111,000,000. %ht tis far the pole.• of the lands, t)Nir leeaRieo, or the piles at which the bands saw to be taken, has not been settled, nor can be %poled until the noble l!iaveslers return 140 million dollars of the bonds were tabes by the hanks and Montreal commodes some time ago at fabs sad it was expect- ed then that the synthesis would get 96 and 97i for the rewsunder. Thea if he NOWT is a -ntwarel it mow Via• •'Naso Om, *Molly Artt♦tllaiurwl now le Mate tee Cream. direouigis are afi•aded to, this eked will be aooumpli•hed in & few minutes. Have ready plenty of ice and ..it, say a hal[ s t sake' of the bei a galloon et the Isla. Put yoar We te mane mwe bag said b -et tip)* with • heavy mallet or ansa substitute at hand. 'Put alternate layers of toe and salt, follow the instructions given sb..t•o, red you will be astonished at the 1 modify s iib which the process of Treating goer on. Thr furs et Para. Now that winter has gone and the sprung bluesouus have come, most of the fair cax are prepared to peek away their winter furs with hope of keeping them secure from moths, those insect maraud- er whish play such havoc not only with furs but with almost every textile fabrie The most approved method of securing furs during the seminar is to clean them thoroughly and then pack away in very tight boxes. About every two weeks they should be taken out and shaken and beaten, well aired, and replaced. Noth- ing can be put in that will not leave traces of mortice lees injury. Camphor, for instance, is injurimus to sable, think, and others, even some of the colored ones, and its odor clings to furs tnuch longer than to clothing. Tar paper also leaves an unplessent smell. Tobacco and oedar chips are of little value. In abort, there is nothing so effectual or so certain as constant care in airing, beat- ing and packing away Hatters at the close of the winter pack away their small goods in pasteboard boxes, pasting paper over all the tracks, and- says it works well for the der of light goods such as they handle, but this method is impracti- cable with heavy furs and fur -lined goods, which would beruined by it, even though moths could not get at them. The keeping out of creases is quite as important as providing against moths. In fact, the sealing up process, though it may aniwer fora season or two, is ruin- ous in the end. People who have valu- able furs generally send them to a fur- rier's establishment to have them cared for, just as they send heating stoves to the stove dealers for summer storage, and in the same way send valuable plants to the gardener's hot house for safety during the winter. To give ice cream that smooth, rich, yet light consistency so much admired, requires that from the moment of being set to freeze, the freezer should der shak- en rapidly to and fro, the cream be cut down from the sides of the vessel as soon as it hardens, at intervals of two or three minutes, and then with a long wooden paddle or iron spade, Made for the purpose, beaten and stirred with the same movement that we term " cream- ing" when preparing butter for cake. For this work the stronger the arm the better. Replace the top ton the freeser, stir again briskly and repeat the cutting down, beating and creaming until as hard as you desire. When pretty well frozen some 'tenons turn out their cream into a large dish or bowl to beat it up with greater convenience to themselves. It may then be returned to the freezer, or for a more elegant dish packed in moulds, surrounded with ice and salt, covered up closely from the air by a blanket or pieces of carpet, and in an hour or two will turn out into a dish as firm as you euuld wish. When all ready for your cumin wind s scalding hot cloth around the freezer or mould, which will loosen the ice cream immediately, and enable you to turn it without difficulty. A patent freezer if pltoperly worked is generally thought to produce results as satisfactory as can be attained by the abose laborious, and otherwise needful process Many a housekeeper who earls ice create oannot purehase a patent freezer just at a moment's warning. So the knowledge as to how it can be made in an old-fashioned one, or even in a tin bucket upon an emergency, cannot be deemed superfine**. A clean loth ought always to be kept close at hand by tb• person freezing, for wiping off the hater -lid every time it is retrieved, else .sM may get into the cream in that way.' Iwo the freezer he examined invariably blow being need. How many a disap poimgseat Might be avoided by this AlMigl Wipledgardner..1 Blake P. 0., Mures County, Ont., was swindled out at NG by. stranger, at the Brush Knell depot, fruit. Muck lea's arwtsaeat.e. The best calve iu the w..rld 1..r Cuts, Brutus, Ulcers, Balt Rbeuin, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil- blain', ('crus, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles. It is guaran- teed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded Price 25 mote per Rhymeboa. Fee sale by Geo. Rhyme 18 01y. W ILSON'S PRteCSiITIO N DRUG STORE. SEEDS! SEEDS! Fresh seeds in bulk or packages. Complete Stock . "te Oreut American seedy fen ,'•.II(III$ COLD$ ASTHMA, B R: O NCHI TI S, LOSS OF VOICE, HOARSENESS AND THROAT AFFECTIONS. Pooey we�,aas /ars Ou (D�•wN-- sad Teat. .ai. Igiwa jaa� /iew alma alis.. ria • �A�aarO�ie�li{�the seal ootaiorseta. Y agates Oros freeterhord Spruce irtifolwalpawpaws. latch owe r. this has heard edea woo- derfid ef- Tres of las Spruce, and fns Pears in •.ase of Lair N. •.e. le Prows • -5". M5.ea r wad Utah- ens- eared aJ a sa..ptemitiesite to SPRUCE pecan"' r ten at yiwr contains woody awl s r ardor the Quant t1� to dirt oh ,fthe /twest . ba sonde r(eked //row tae lire, id OWL pence replete •careen. Its remarkable power in relieving certain forma of Bronchitis, and its almost speei lac e4'ect in curing ob- stinate (tacking Coughs, is now well known to the public at lare. Sni•i by alt reapee(4ble chemists. -Price, 25 a ed e•.ts a bottle. The word. "Syrup of Red Sorrow Gro" ennx•( ..re ovr Rer4terrd Trade Mari tad our sortl abel. are oleo rev(oteeed. KERRY. WA TSO N et t770., whole.ase D.veelatr. Sole Y. ?e.'eetere sod Mo.wr ue'rrcro, 3Anttrcai A Manitoba paper says:—An elderly man, probably 50 years of age, named Hugh Allen, arrived at Brandon recent- ly from near Seaforth, Ont. Last r ri- day he drew $400 from the bank, that being the total sum of his worldly pos- sessions, with the intention of proceed- ing west to take up land, but instead of doing so he went and gut drunk, and in company with an old crone spent that night in drinking and revelling general; ly. On Saturday he continued his orgies until exhaustion forced him to desist, then he laid himself in a stable where he slept for some tinte. On awakening he was mint, all his money, the disappearance of which he could not explain, and all attempt& to find a trace of it failed. The loss preyed so upon his mind, that on Sunday he swallowed carbolic acid. While on the point of death htslast utterances were blaaphem- ous. Cela to alts Crave. There he goes again direct to a saloon end pours down another heavy draught of strong drink, not so much because his appetite demands it, but for the artificial buoyancy it pneduces—the after effects of which leave him more miserable than before; it is this dreadful practise that is daily sending thousands to their graves. A remedy for all this is found in the true friend of temperance,—the best and purest of all medicines,—Electric Bit- ters. Sold by !leo. Rhynaa at 50 cents yin( to a ar . gsfi•te then AA. presentatioS of sdted +s. .yam 1 Int every bow -beeper them, mai it km um to an no tssoes wry fates around her, at at least from this rause 5 +sgrreaeta.ades d.vjatnmy is tr. pro -n t. od-.r? ' , 7( tT' tea A cough or cold contracted in the month of April if not speedily arrested is liable to stick to one during the whole summer. Dr. Carsons's Pulmonary Cough Drops speedily cure Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Pain and oppression of the Chest, and ell Throat, Chest and Lunt/ affections. In large bottles at u0 Bents. (leo. Rho nas,agent forGoderich. GRAY'S SYRUP RED preyarn- tios the O... serer ye /.rete., awl all k. w 1 torso. merits, .p ,.atetome, s properties roper ties ore Pr e• •creed. fate syr` rp, e a r r - /rely pre - • Len es as Melt. Mr. Thos. Claydon, Shelburne, Ont., writes: "I have been suffering with a lame back for the past thirty years. and tried everything 1 heard of without suc- cess. Not hag ago I was perinadei to use St. Jacobs Oil. i purchased a bot- tle., and, strnntte to say, before T bad used it all, T was perfectly cured. i can confidently ruomumead it to any one alicted. •No ane colt *pea) ter.' Marbly of its merits." Me. W. E. Wembley, also of Shelburne, thus mentions a mat- ter of his experience: "1 have been it sufferer with rheumatism forears. I wu laid tip with a severe attack a sheet time agoand 1 can truly say that Rt. Jambs Oil produced the quickest relief that I ever experienced. I cheerfully recommend it to every sufferer." Ir MRS. AROCK Mega to apn•Iat the leo of eh „d virltlty, *hes she La IP♦ t Spri aid S'ieer Mary �ie.,,t ala E t e ttltRa t • ♦ern •• SATSIPAC T I ON iN BOTH 5Pf-±412"?(E. sa4 Invent i wItli a veil freer Pru e eireverwe *be MA e..w \{RS. WARNOCK. Burdock BLOOD ITTERS CHEAP GROCER!ESI LEAN SWIFT I Hewitt. annum* to the people of Gud.rich and this .-etie. of Rama, that k. h.. purchased from 114. A. Philips bis stock of Gramme etc., and will continue the business is the old stand, cm the Corner of Victoria and Bruce Streets. Havwg bought the goods for cash, and as I intend to make all my parehases from wholesale men fur cash thlao, I will be in a position to sell at Very Low Prices for (lash My stock will always be fresh. 1 will keep the best brands of tau, (cod �e n and everything in the grocery line from the twat producers. Bacon, 8piosd 1Eiats, eta , alesvrachan'sa on hand in season. I am determined to please both Mq&tty cad �te'(all at the stand, Victoria street, opposite the Pair 0semd near D. L. BtO.deeic , March shop. - s��M'�i- (ldeieh, March 9th, 188'2. �in.T Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. G_ BARRY CABIIIET MIJ1R au' IIIi1JERTAIER Hamilton Street, Ooderich. eaaortmeat of Kitchen. Bed -room. 1Hn'.ag Room sad Parlor Furniture, such as Ta Wes, (.'Wes11Wr elute and wood seated). Cupboards, Bad -steads, Mattresses, Waah-etaa Lounges. bola., What -Nets. Looking Glasses. N. B. -A complete assortment of Coffins and Shrouds always on hand folio Hearse for hire at reasonable rates. P eture thymins • .pceWty.- A call .ot c ltd. 2:1117:03ILIC 111 Dtuwaas. Coevt.wrirrs and *cruse - re which HAGVA*D'. Y.uow On. is teed to ere or relieve either is "drat": =drbear. - t IIItURatlY IM tla3OVP, V roveffs, CRAMPS, SOME THROAT, ASTHMA, COLDS, tr areata t:Ttaw►r Int RRECTIA=IA XRUBALOII, CALLOUS LUn/ ITIPP JOIIVTI, PROST AMR. MAWR BRUISES, ITCH, PAIN nr at c>:, PAIN no iIDZ, eat.► CHIL1L4179, / s, HALLS, OOHTRA ('170x1 RUMBA GO, Every bottle gusmimed to rive setiehd• donor t.e.ey nee cam sew IIITTLL Pett Sea TACTLIM IT IR 000., P,u ll.Sws roacarro, arr. 1751 x�!iroitxo MANITO • BOOTS&SHOES 2Down.irzag Weddup deg to announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above Stroe in the stere lately occupied by Horace Newton. Having purehaaed • large and well asserted stock of Spring and Summer Condo at close figures, we are determined to give the Public the benefit. QUICK SALES & SCALL PROFITS WILL BE OUR IOTTOI < Please call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. -Remember the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store. ,Custom work will receive our special attention. „OeNone bat the beet of material used and first-class workmen employed. Air -Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice. Gederich, March 9. 1882. DOWNING & W E D D U P MILLINERY. Miss Jessie Wilson Takes pleasure in Informing the ladies of (lodericb and vicinity, that she opened out on Saturday, April the 8th A LARGE; STOCK OF TRIMMED & UNTRIMMED GOOD S The (groat Western!�r,vRIlii tslM their es -newtons to A and nAKIIrA grouts during busty and Jean every tero weeks. etewwesseiag TON& DAY Maw. 2nd., 1881. Fa refs Reduo ed. For tobit mat pen. tickets, etc., apply to .0E0. B. JOHNS YON Spr f Meat great W ese ' !tfll&7 t) .e04.et41 AtpN 1 . ISM , ltah .1 full and tine •sortment of FLOWERS AND D FEATHERS. And ererythin t in the shape of 2.I� .=ST INTO -77=1=2=Z. T he Ia.::ee are cordially invited to tripped gt t ds, and 1 will `teem it a pleasure to show the LATEST AND BEST STYLES. ORDERED WORK ASI'�:CIALTY_ PLAIN ANA. FANCY PRINT/NG EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AND AT LOW RATES AT "THE SIGNAL OFFICE." TEN COMDt? 411.1M -- r 1M -- 1 r hwee at rest rar..a•r ret ope.ee h(aa .Met we fort Nen 111,40 .5 1 So.sod.t re+a.' merle, or foliage" kat .Sesta bee mt. *lace w.11 w• . t t , •• sail s.l..htc .melee seer plaid epos ale werbt ens MOI . + ., o ..... t eaenptto• et t W sort of aft THE TEN COMMANDMENTS is., 1v4. lila twe..bl.et of • Mese marerteg else li bl& the elapses of w'..; • • be w rmier& . Termer. Is sit 11. settle.! .and type, aro the T..e Cc . . - . 1 he owin b n Mosses 114 aanw ass•• hem the Nemo of setaeMs . , w• Mss .ho ten of •sale a�a��hsaat sea asilt Sas hr��r�w ace s- • •r' /e�.a�rrlW .415. le et ere •.diar.e.t weal 7eeme dr rbiretea el lar... , T♦,.5.1• ,mea` ease sera sea .f tba Rfsre, outwear us man nes rove. i• • ... • • , .. .Awed Om pasta. Willits rblab, lis • .vreesspe Met /Orin /ass y er.rse.mmN.awsal oma w will eh.ela r r u� am mf �im a nor . l • t its s e w, res sO•,�•eew+teb••a s bin win I *bow w la pt tkr. .. am t.art :' „, + ....w. r kaAad.....Ihrw a... a1 tbm► • ssrtls ear, wa.re.r atoms a. I o..' 1 WHOLESALE PRICE UST : se big: Srb wJ1f/rY,liwr..ar 1=l abe. PIMA& lase t l ",. 4 E1 tai E MA UIDQOi11?%—Wttb every order for 93, we send F1: eel a we dear four hesetffid premise Cheeses. lues. With awry order fur 50, a hew!. roma strew -lot Ntobel-iist. E.tetver. wit► eery cadet Iran 100, s hanet.e,me Musing Case Wase', sad with every eels fse l=O= we will sale F K I E f splendid Watches. sad 3 flee 'wavy Gold -Plated Watch cissas, t Y tar an- Ibm Lay WILD alt t 1 Fyll tern tths are Iasi 1ht, tar lea - 'the tea - Old re - 1 the And- arch T fare- Bun - Add a the wane e fell ribs. par - No. o. 1 e evr, , and •, w, Eng- lathe elms, re on on it., in bat a ay ex- speak - g one. 'ng the to past letroit, ;. Ster- lay; all ii black 1 there. ewsley, North n Col- ot give lis say - ore he of the . S.No. mg 171, 11; 2 8. ne, 112, senior, intone, Frances t Sarah 3 Emma ting last , Master nut for a ome on ;the'. the reed too irew the tion of a ►king all came en - receiving miracle s of Th in Et regret of h .nitebs Ire Un ret 1, and ce for 8 Mends ng of 0 be ("beet will be t time. pia of ail rhe Tori ng of tl 'toot anal Reforms Well, I will tl tent clan form, a tri]] as 1 he has e' er, of 111 flies black hthe; •