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The Huron Signal, 1882-06-09, Page 5
TIM HURON 8IGNAU FRIDAY. JUNE 9, 1882. Mr. Wm. Dentes., US aid triad highly respected citiaen,paved away tensa earth last week. 1[r. Dames, !La been • resideet of this neighborhood for ever 20 years and by his honesty, iutegrity and kindness had won a lege circle of (needs, who aware his seesaw. The weather has helm an M►id that some f trovers hn.e not undressed their sheep yet - A good run occurred from arouud here, to hear the two "Big Men" speak ..n Monday 'sight. The friends of Mr. S, Hal.i..d will be sorry io hear of his sickness which is thought to be rather dangerous. ZlntalL Acrivenr.—Mr. John McPhereuu,s,u .,f Ales. lIdePheraun ut this plate, left about • month ago for Duluth, whore he has been painting. While plying his work recently he fell from • ladder at a height of about 30 feet, and fell upon solid rock. Both hands were broken at the wrists, and he will be laid op for some time. He returned h on Sat- urday on the Quebec. We regret to learn that Mr. Relied Campbell, for many years foremen of the tl Expositor uee, been laid up in Winnipeg for several weeks with rheum- atic fever. He is now recovering. Some of Mr. W ilsue's horses ana mules are laid up with the dreams known ea •'Pink Eye." None el than are danger- ously affected, but the disease 'causes him much inconvenience and trouble it s supposed they caught the infection somewhere iu the vicinity of Listowel, as it was the teams on that route that first became aided. Iltrsssrrnen f3r'(w.—The follow- ing interesting statistics from the Assess- ment lull of this year, are kindly fui- nish.d ns by Mr. lieorge Stewart, town- sh.,• :l -tit. There are in the township 2,3 TO neitlents, of whom 597 are be- t ,: - . o '• t •ns of b and 16; iii! hetweeu 7 it .1 _1, ,.ud 276 between 16 sod 21. Tsai• are MAN acres asse.ard, of which .11,166 are cleared. The assessed value of real property of the tt,wnship is given at 11,671,474, and the personality at 978,990. There are b, 966 acres of fall wheat, and 6,737 aerie plowed. There are 3,61% horned cattle; 3,691 sheep 956 hogs and 1,238 ►oases. Dur ing to year there have Men 42 births and 26 deaths, bat the number of mar- rsttges is not given (,701D0a110a. Fat:rr. -There is all appearanoe of a Targe fruit crop is this vicinity this year. Mr. J. Cousins has returned from a tour to the of District Algoma. He has sold his farm to Mr. Watson. " Chore.- The spring crops are growing i.plendidly and present a most beautiful appearance owing to the ate beautiful showers. "EnrcATIoiAL—The following are the itmes of the pupils of 8. 8. No. 5, who .obtained the highest percentage of marks in the May monthly review viz 4 sen., Thomas C. Wright 87, M. Linfield, 85. 4 jun. D. Hetherington, 56, A. Zorllun, 55, P. Stuart, 51. 3 saw 8. McAllister, 59, A. Rome, 52, B. McWhinney, 48. 2 sen., F. Strong, 83, H. Horton, 78, .T. Hetherington, 77, A. Grin, 75, M. ilreen, 69. 2 jun., R. Cousins. 69, A. Bogie, 68, M. Foley, fig, A. Cousins, 47. }'art 2 sea-, P. Foley, 73, F. Henderson, 71, W. Green, 78, J. Foley, 84, E. Henderson. b7, M. Fulford, 48. Part jun., R. Boyd, 57, C. Strong, 53, S- Hoggarth, 47, A. Burke,46. A. Knuckle, 42. Laalinow. Mr. Win. Bell sold his ftrm on the 12th non. of .,Ashfield, of 100 acres, on Wednesday last, to Mr. Alex. McKenzie, .,f Lobu. The price paid is a good one. Rsvot.vaa AtclDeirr.—On Monday last Philo a young man named English, ..f West Wawanosh, was careless! hold- ing a revolver it accidentally discharged, the ball crashing through his hand and and lodging in the third joint of the fourth finger. Dr. MacCnmmon, who was called in, suceeded ii. removing the 'AIL FATAL Aur*DBNT. -As Mr. W. Hood was driving along Havelock street with a loaded wagon on Saturday last, • little three year old arse of Mr. John Grundy, met with a serious and fatal socidont. The little fellow attempted to get on the wagon, but was caught in the wheel, and before the vehicle could be stopped had received rich injunes that drith was caused on Wednesday last. Oerrvanr.—It is our painful duty to chronicle this week the death of a mem- ber of the family of one of Locknow's oldest and moat respected citises, in the person of Miss Bela Campbell, a young woman of twenty-one years, and third daughter of Mm lampbell, Esq., which took place at the family residence on Thursday afternoon, after a lingering illness of nearly two months. This is the aeonnd sad death that has occurred in Mr. Campbell's family within the past couple of month& family have the entire sympathy of the oomniunity in their bereavement. The funeral will leave the family resident* at four clock to -morrow, Saturday, 3rd inst., for the KIioss osmetsry - {Sentinel. Daaganlmae. Mr. Ws McArthur, Y anthorIsed tri re- ee!ve sumei4pUoe. for Tai Hfsion RURAL and glee reed/t. tbrrefer. The streets of our eseelly drier village were enlivened by a ooeple of renserays last week. Mr. Noble of this pace took his de- parture on WednesdayMay 31st. He has gene to work at is trade at Timis- t.ek. Mr. M. C ('Jnentn, the ermine member for Wed lltarnvr," held a Oast - mg in Martin's hall here Mr. Porter was also present. Both gentlemen1�'� • y gond Marisa and earth laid Jena his eras to the destors in a wag keds manner IMr. John itLeles•e, of this pleas, lost • fns blood care lest Wednesday. The! mere gave both W • f. al in the after- I VOU se p`otiuts from year Dreamt • beetlelt!TATseor7e ttowin,snd for a few house was apparently all right whin she soddenly (venues very ill ••d died in a short time. The fuel still live and is in *healthy oonditi.'u. IT WILL. PAY DOMINION 5 I CLEARING SALE OF. �t BOOTS and SHOES HAIR RE ST 0 REI JOHN ACHESON'S • Ties secretary of the Bureau ant Statis- tics for Ontario soot a number of his Schedules to the teacher of our ,shad. The returns for this school sec- tion t.btaiued slow retie iotetesting fig- urer. Ia w.01 the returns drew 236 coarse -wool Stores making • total of 1319 lbs or an average .4 5.59 the per 6ueee; while f a total of 80 hue woo,' fleeces there are 468 los or an aysraue of 5.72 1lr lair tl.•toe, thus stewing a dluht bal- •ute in favor of tine soul per fleece. There were 700 acre. ..f fall *hest sown producing on the average 16.39 bush per acre; while then warn only 49 acts of spring wheat ahich mother on the aver- age 18.17 nosh. to the acre; in barley we End 102 acus sown with an averse* yield of 25 5 hush.; the trots in this mo- tion covered 409 aces and averaged 33.1 bash p r acre;while 143 saes of peas av- •ratted 2LIM bush; and 648 acres of hay yielded 16.86 cwt. par aura. Then viers 61 acres planted in ours; 343 in potatoes, and 686 acres were given to pasture; Then are 747 acres of woods and 17'4 acres of marsh and waste land. Then are 92 working horses 36 uubroken and 17 Mood mares. One remarkable thing that the return shows is the almost en- tire absence of anything like thorough- bred cattle, only seven appearing fur the whole section. Fine wooled sheep are also very scarce, but appear to be on the increase. MON EXCIANIE a alae of or II onsnes for 75 cents? I t is awfully unwise to atconize un- derthemany ailments arising from Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Stomach and Liver. when this offer is made to you in your own home in ad sincerity. with .• [aebsel a certainty of you. LOPESA (from Brasil) cures ✓ la and Billowiness. A e dose relieves; a sample bo le eon'laeea; a to cent bottle I aceta directly t ly Upon oro Stomach, Liver, and Yidseys. Reg- ulating, Zo rlM v 's n energy and vim to the Drain, Nerve, Sad Marla, simply by work- ing weaglvgnitlg Diges- tion., activity o the Liver. Cut this out, take it to any dealer in medicines, and get at least one 75 cent bottle of Zopcsa, and tell your neigh be r how it acts. It is warranted to cure Dy -pepsin and EU- tonsness. INSURANCE CARD. BRITISH A88. CO'Y, ToRori'o-L.tabliahe Ins 1t keeppss the hair fresh and eataral; ft Is sot eitraal.s use injurious Mita elects, but pleasant and re[vaaling, 1t cleans the scalp, ass gine tow, beauty and naturalness to the hair. It pro- utotM luxuries growth and prevents premature dewy Price 50 Cex ate Per Bottle GEORGE R$YNAS, SINT B'0H t3-01310 OU. THE BIOOZST SALE OF THE REASON. J. C. DETLOR &CO. Have decided to oder their entire stock of clearing pets es, for mesh. For the next 10 days they will sell at prices that will satoaLb all. COME AND SDE THD BAP.Or E _ had yea will be euro to bay. '!heir stock Is sow osspl:tea their Mr. J. C. better baying re- cently purchased to Montreal as vasstse steak of Staple and Fane Dry Goods at Lowest Cask Prices. Splendid value la Velveteen. Prints by the piece at les than regular wlwteaal.- yogi •-s Cele Sad ass those °heap prints. Bargains in check and fancy shirting•, an brows dacka. Bigger bargains la brow. Holland. Th. bilogist BARGAINS IN D R ESS G 00 D S 1f1s11 Llas 1n the latest cyte. la Parasols. Laces. Edgings awl Isms l •re , s- UrsUrsine., Wt pries. Canadian and eh Tweeds. French Warmed Coatings. Ladlestlotheaad t'Mori age at U.kssrd of Pries. Them goods sox be sold. an 1 tb-. p -ices at which that are pia cod WIN clear them wt la • sMsi Use Hosiery at prier to clear. Har at palter prda . deo+l � at trowels ow= at steady half pries, e d Veno 3-Butes [ Gloves. ley N per oat, Ms thea regular prices. 50 Tweed Vesta at Melt, ,.ger plOtetQi� Oaderich. AprU 181.11100 J- 0. D.nu-i LOm is As 1 ant detaralasd to go oat of bbl BRANCH OF MY BUSINESS. I will sell Ma balsas at atyssteok CHEAP. 701 -TINT .4.CI =S0N_ The Chea est House Under The Sun JAS SAUNDERS & SON. STOVES PACT GOODS and WALL PAPER Having engaged III* service* el MR. THCM. Il. JOHNSON who has had twelve years exper lessee in sone *too bestla Canada. We are now red to attend to ALL KINDS OF TINWORK. O• ttbertst Now.* atiseactke. puraate.d. In Fumy (ieode, we have new arrlvala 0 week of all the west Novelties. R Lbs and WALL PAP S t, +se'. aif WINDOW BLIND • FANC Y BAth$ET8_ { Aad • choles let at 3EAR'Y GAS_ s 1- 1$ ) N' Y renes out Far TER r CV.L&P. BEET DOOR TO TRE POST OrrICE- 1882-SPRING-1882 Oar Spring liportallous are now ill Stuck SPRING aid SUMMER SUITS Ever y Department is Now. Complete. LATEST LL STYLESCOLBORNE BROS. HITGGH DTJ NLOP Fashionable 'Tailor, West Street, Gudericb. ACHOICE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS TO SELECT FROM. PHONLX INS. CO'Y, of LONDON 4Englandl- E faMbhed 1783. HARTFORD INR. CO'Y, of H.Rrroan, Conn —Established 1815. Risks taken in the above Ant -class Offices, at the lowest rats by HORACE HORTON. The undersigned is also Appraiser for the CANADA PER. LOAN sem SAVINGS CO'Y TortoXm. Money to Loan on first-class security, row 7 to 8 per Cent. —Charges aoderate. HORACE HORTON. Goderich Sept. 10, 1100. Mack's Magnetic Medicine at Is a Sure, Prompt and Effectual Remedy for Nn•twusneaa in all ita *taws, Wade Memory, loan of drain Power, Serval Prostration, .Night Sweats, Speriaator rkQa, Seminal Weak- ness and General Loss of Power. It repairs Nereoue Waste, Rdwornatsa the Jaded hied - tett, strengthens the Abge ebied Bram, and Re- ston, Surrprr•�taaffwepp Tose cord Piper to the Ex- hausfed (7eweratir'e Orpans. The experience of thousands proves it an iNTALI-ARLZ Rang. E DT. The medicine 1s pleasant to the taste. and each box contains sufficient for two week's medication. and 1. the ehsyest and beat. SW Full particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire to mall tree to any address. Mark's Magaelle aedkdue L sold by Drug- gists at Nets. per box. or 1e boxes for ♦a, or will be nulled fres of postage, on receipt of the money, by address MAIMS M11011 ltnt.. to., 1 a�Ont., Canada, Mold In GodeMcb,by JAMS 11111114P4, uel all Druggists everywhere Trade Mark Registered. ANOTHER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG. By casual °beernntion. *c End all land speculators have a clear bead and watch the ups and downs of property, thin making large fortunes. But the whole secret is. they keep the system in a healthy condition by the use of TUE PRIME OF TME YALLE1 RLaN•I\E. We can safely say that hundreds oome to us for. the great lung and blood puriulcr before going west. Read the following statement. We could give thousands of the same kind if It were necessary. I certify tbatl was troubled with Catarrh In the head gathering of phlegm in the thcoat choking Sad coughing at night for years. so I could not sleep, often troubled with dull, life- less feelings. pains In the chest slid back. After giving hundreds of dollars too doctors. and givirI up all hopes, 1 tried the PRIDE or THE VV ALLEY, and am now able to do my work atter seven year's sickness." MRK. JAMES McNEIL, 116. Simeoe Street, London. Ont. "The above statemenyot my wife's is cor- rect. Jstage MCNEIL. For sale by all drnggists. manufactured by Prof. A. M. Shrieves, London. Ont, Sample Arppaacckkasgge� l cts• live for 31.00. Can be had in neth ch^ a the following druggists: Jeb■ Bessd, Jas. Wlrsr. le. lerdaa, Gee. Rhy- s, sad Ji. A. Mattel. 1825 PPM ZAIMN LOOK IN AT "' Shopparil's Book Stora Shorthorn. i will sell at ressnnable prices a number of shoreoammg shorthorn balls and heifers. The splendid yeaeg boll -Reaeensa.M II' will serve cows (-Large for service. grades !D R. HAWLEY per Cleo. Cleo.R. Gorham. La 7, ia1Ulled sea. lineae Road. thea It BWWHE!i nese BRADS v. Northern Pacific R. R. TRIE LES a MINNESOTA, DAKOTA, aro MONTANA. BIG CROP AGAIN iN 1881 FOR CHEAP roK LAWN TENNIS, AND tie MOO : LA NS Toil : aea.TS Post ISPIOPIa- HOW a IelBaswe Pawl ANS Plsaie rr vo sarnawa IPA P ewers urban. AMMO R. M. 9hwronv. seem town aro mown esu nireaa S i*UI. Meplk 9 JAM'S SMAiLL, ARCHITECT, R.- Napa, s nook, atwpto % et. Gude dab.ea affront - 17.r lleae •y �'MagMr • aimee a work measured 11 pd TURNIP SEED. I have on hand a fresh supply of BRUCE' S SELECTED EAST LOTHIAN. SKERVING'S IMPROVED. CARTER'S IMPERIAL SUTTON'S CHAMPION. BANGHOLME'S. YELLOW ABERDEEN. HUNGARIAN GRASS SEED, .MIL- LET, BUCKWHEAT. 8. BLOANE. Corner of Hamilton and Victoria streets, Goderich. *836. SEEDS FOR 1882. Thanking the public for past favors I take pleasure in stating that I have on head BETTER STOCK THAN EVER of choice Wheat, Birley. Peas. Oats. Tares Clover and Timothy, Pea Vine Clover. Alsike Lucerne and Lawn Grass. IMPORTED BUCK OATS A first class assort hien t of FIELD, GARDEN & FLOWER SEEDS selected with great care from the best seed houses in the country. COMPTON'S SURPRISE CORN. The best field corn yet introdnced. NEW POT.A T O E WHITE H.08E, MT. PATRICK. and WHITE ELEPHANT. Also a good 'selection of 111 other varieties. CARTER'S MAMMOTH MANGOLDS The beat and heav'eat cropper grown. N. R.- Thorough cnitivatlon and good seed ensurers ,nese in farming. if you want any of the above. i have them all genuine. JAMES McNAIR. 1831 Hamilto McCOLL BROS & CO. TORONTO_ MANUFACTURER S Or LARDINE OIL ANI CYLINDER OILa� Fear Medals sad thaw dipplons awarded thea test year at the l.ediag 1La1 11*- tisms, V the Dominion MANUFACTURERS. And all men mania( maehl will wove t�ys�� gay o.1eg dmr eiY. uv L.A i 1N& and CTLIN D A R (ii L haw, no e� eels acy s�y� =Imp word■, and the peddle osa Nd vet tbet ole t asennlo.o are true.. by try - lag new. sample of ver Mea pries,* site.. ea ado- ption p-ption ion to IeOoll Bros it Co Toronto. The Lembo, is for t.. 1* (*od.rirb by R W McICZNZIE, G. 11. i'ARSONS, C. CRABR. and T.) K RTRACHAN. 1t stords us pleasure, thrs. gh the Circular, to thank •ser numerous Customers for the very liberal patronage extended to us during the two and a half years which we have been In business. Our sales are increasing daily, a sufficient prof that we do our business right, and give our customers geed value for their money. Our Shoring Goods are now all in stock, and present a completeness far in advance of auythtng we have shown before. To meet the growing requirements,.uf• our business, our purchases have been larger than heretofore in every department. .We Show an Immense Stock of Prints in all the New Designs, Our 10 Cent Lige IS Greal Value. FRS SH GOODS, in Great Variety, in plain all wools. watered, brocaded and checked, from 12ic In Black and Colored Cashmeres we Defy Competition We are showing a large range of Cottons, Linens, Shirting., Ducks, Denims, Union Tweeds, All -Wool Tweeds and Coatings. Silks and Satins, Plain and Watered, IN BLACK AND COLORS. IN SKILL WIRE OUR STOCK IS VERY COMPLETE PARASOLS, HOSIERY & GLOVES SPLENDID VALUE CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. Highest price Paid for Butter & Eggs C O z R0 RN = R R O S_, GODERICI1; ri Designs in Wall Papers. Now is the time. If yon wish one or two Moe rooms at boom, to see Butler's room papers. He has over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs, Bsot:fttl oolors, and at rr!ees lees than very mach Inferior goods. Ca/1 and see t i,. 1 , 1 *he) ars the boat value In town, and mast be soli. The Iis1 Siog Bazar Pallras and Fashioos At SEEDS ' SF JI AT Hg,-EIVEt) AT THE 242ec lice 1 C+od©rich", A large and well assorted stock of fresh Garden, Field and Flower Seed:, Both !w holt 554 n'a.h.(a. Pere....4 os. set the eldest end tensa reliable sreddsren e th. Ibmlwiow, sM will he said at ('etaiog*r 1'ri r.. P. JORDid1N, Chemist awl Druggis Y YIM1ssa s sad 10 1.0 Dealer d Drug, ids ONO hetes and Cattle >reW mei 1st ♦ ill► !i!t-1 u.. /y'byeialW' Pnrev/Mlene .rrefauy dre.mMd. fht lee dell roe, Ind W, °IF: 1' #the Past 1 troit, Ster- i; all lblack Tore. Paley, !forth Colt .'give 1 'ay- es- es e the S. No. R 171, 1, 112, enior, stone, ranee* Sarah Emma tg last Master 't for a • see On lel. the ted too sw the on of • ing all .me en- iceiving miracle of Th 1 Et tgret 4. heal iteba e nn return and h 3-� LV for K4 Monday g of the e absent 11 be no ime. .c of '* n - te Tories t of the ot stand a< dormers • Well, I will this set classes arm, and ey, as she t halt ever v, of Tire • thought Mack hoc yon with led 4 ate - 111e month 6h ars