HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-06-09, Page 3- .eau.. .,... THE HUHU.Y SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 9 1882 3 DR. BLOAN'S ADDRHSS. 'serve t., stet our Province dismembered !and that laud taken away which ought 'Ile metes hems Tents. mists,. Rise erg ' 1.. bs the inherit* os of your uhiWrwa- wthe MsMew N Ears Rosea. Aries thea ! Electors of Huruu, Ca- _ usatiatu ! and give those despoilers • never to GtixTLBngN. - W. s" tutor t,. face Wath ! Itowa which shall tewh thein acether Steen ,ii. and I heir the honor ' I''y landa upon our tate Prt.vuoue aggais. Wooing ,NWA!'. i fsghotting pair yvotes in this coining' coo Politically, Blrke the supporter of t Hun, Edward , who, a Cas- adian by birth adds to an ardent love of -uuntry,that high-mindedness, eloquence and enthusiasm of the race from which he sprang, and it then be a diaintereeted. patriot in Canada to -day, that roan is Mr. Blake. In the limits of an election addresa we can only glance at the ques- tions of the day, and 1 propose to mou- ton a few of them, especially with refer - nee to the Government now appealing to Maggie Tittin 64, Wesley Wilson 63. the people, and I would Bey : 8r. Third Clam—Eliza Smith 80. Mag- lev. That it is an extravagltut Goi ern- gie Hottaa 79, George Patter 73, Au - ,.tent. Large as was the expenditure eusta Potter 71. Jr. Third Class -1 undorMr. Maekeluie,it is now very touch exceeded In his first year he spent 231 million dollars, and hiss lost, one quarter of a nadirs"' 'sore, taking 231 million. Look at it siuoe: In 1879, 241 millions: in 1891, 251 tuillons: this year 271 mil- lion dollars are asked for doing the work, t n increase of more than 1 •ur million dollars in our expenditure in four years. There may ice a few more Indians to feed and theoonveyauce of 'militia Mani- toba ousts $24,000 more than formerly, but these items cannot explain the al- arming increase in our expenditure. It is claimed that there isworemuney latent on public works than formerly. Our share of that seems to have been the money spent in dredging at Port Albert last year, thereby undermining the pier which has upset, blocking the canal for navigation, and causing the loss of a large part of mossy expended; anti the twenty thousand dollars paid to Mr. Platt for damages to his property caused by the improvements of Goderich harbor, said property being valued at' tifteeo, hundred dollars. It would seem better to have bought the property and therbby saved eighteen thowand live hundred dollars, tut this simple method did not suggest itself to the Government. ;Ir. Platt put this chi n to Mr. M-te'cenzie, who sent Mr. Page, chief engineer, to examine it, whit reported that the pro- perty was not at all injured by the im- provement. made. Mr. Mackenzie there- fore rejected the claim. But now Sir John sends ep an agent who award* Mr. Platt twenty thousand dollars, and thus is called Public Works expenditure. I ask any than in Huron if he believes Mr. Platt would.hare received that money, had he not run two elections simply to annoy Messrs. Cartwright and Orton? And if he says he does net, I ask him, is he prepared to vote for the'men who car- ry out such transactions of which this is only a sample, selected because the cir- cumstances are known to you all? Osborne. tiell•OL REPORT. —The tallow ung is the standing of the best of the pupils in each of the classes in the senior division of 8. S. No. 1, Colborne fur M Fifth Clans--Pha,be Smith 82 %, Elis Howell 75, Maly Roberson 74, Etta Potter 61 Fourth Clam—Ella IRobert- sol, 71, Mary Treble 66, Jas. Sallow' 63, Eliza Wilson, 2 Josie Junes, 3 Seita Tyndall. COURT or RzvnroN. —The Court of Revision fur the township of Colborne, met in the Township Hall, on Friday, 26th May, 1882. Members all present. The following appeals seainat the amass- ment, were laid before the Court, vis: — Appesl of Wm. Chisolm, over assess- ment on lot P. B. C. Con. 1. Appeal of Mr. Hynes, against the acreage of his assessment. Of Robert Ells, to have his assessment raised to rob. Of N. H. Raer, over assessment. Of Wm. Foster, over assessment. The following applications were mad.. John Walters to have his name placed on the roll as tenant, lot 2 M. \ . George McKee to have hu name entered on roll as tenant of part B. B. L. R. W. Oeorge J. Green to be entered as tenant of part of lot No. 28 M. V. James Cottle to be entered as tenant. part lot 1. eon. 7. Frank Nagle to be entered as fanners son. The appeals were disposed of as follows. Wm. Chisholm(' assessment was redoced to $1000. Robert Elis meas raised to $2000, and Haynes, Baer's and Fosters was confirmec'. The appli- cation of John Walter, George J. Green, George McKee, Jas. Cottle and Frank Nagle was granted. H. Tichbourn applied to have his as- sessment for a dog taken off the roll. The roll was then extmined by the court and accepted as correct. The Court then arose and the oouncil formed fur the despatch of business. The es' sensor requested the council to grant him 515, as compensation for extra work on roll. Moved and seconded that he receive the sum of 87.50. carried. Wm. Clark was paid 823.50 for wire fence. Jas. -McDonagh sae paid 811.50 for wire fence. A petition was presented, signed by Thos. Boyd and several others, asking for 8100 to be expended on the road be- tween lots 5 and 9, 12 con. Laid over until the council have an opportunity of examining the roads through the town- ship. Win. Robertson was paid ft2.5Q for teaming gravel, 'she L.er.. eras iiuiructed to notify - H. Wella to remove all obstructions off the road in front of his brewery. Mov- ed and second that the Clerk write to Mn. Ure requesting her te furnish the council with a map showingtheb oundarya of the different lots and parts of blocks at present owned, and also those pre- viously sold by her in the Tp. of Col- borne. Carried. The council then adjourned. Further, the bargain made with the Pali& Syndicate was not the best which the Government might have made. That bargain gave twenty-five wihiut acres of land, twenty-five million dollars, exemp- tion of that land from taxes for years, exemption of the railway with all its works, shops, elevators and material from taxation fer ever, the right to select their land in the fertile tracts of the Northwest, and absolute control of the commerce of that country for twenty yean,u no competing line is to he allow- ed to be built during that period. A Canadian company offered to do the same work for three million acres of land leu, which differenoe would snake three coun- ties like the county of Huron; for three million dollars leu in money, which dif- ference would build 250 moles of road equal to the L. h. 4 11. 'railway, with- out any exetn ition of their land, railway, elevators, tie material from taxation. They offered to take t'toir land of fair avenge quality and to allow any number of competing lines to be constructed, thus giving the settlers the advantage of railway competition and deposited s large sunt of money as security for the performance of the oontract. Strange to nay, the Government refused to accept the more reas,natle offer and confirmed the Syndicate agreement with its iniquit- ous exemptions and its monopoly r f traffic, thereby placing the whole trade of that country in their hands for trlienty years to cone. Mr. Farrow voted for all these iniquitous clauses one by ono, and now comes back to tell you that he has done his duty to the settle,. of the Northwest, and to you who elected Further, gentlemen, in the matter of the arbitration between our Province of Ontario and the Dominion. Sir John has acted in a remarkable manner. That Arbitrntion was entered into by the On- tario and Dominion Gi,v-erninents to fix our boundaries on the North and West, and it was agreed on ti -half of both that the award was to be final and conclusive. Three good iron were selected and after hearing all the evidence bearing on the case, and referring to all documents re- lating thereto, wave their decision, not as much land as we claimed and expected, but leaving oar Province • little smaller than the Province of Quebec. Ontario accepted that decision, but Sir John. after waiting three years, has passed a bill taking away half our ttrritory and leaving Ontario the fourth or fifth Pm - vino' in the Dominion. The territory he took away is as large u (treat 11n- tain, 400 miles long by 250 miles wide, and the timber upon it is valued by Col. Dennis, Surveyor General, at one hun- dred and twenty-five milli.** dollars— t hat is $66 • head for every man, woman and child in Ontario, and the share of the sale of that timber Doming to the county of Heron would be over four million dollars, while the share for a Townsha would be two hundred thou- sand which, at 4 per cent in - pay all our 'school rates, by BM es from school Mxation for pa�� how a toit is that we r1iW eeseas off the terri- tor, stass4si, shish ie eas by treaty, ours by imaysbish Nus arbitration, prepesky eve/ wee never tUW uul Jells, et the dicta- :n.1:1 icta- Has M f 1 Lower Cam.rtism Frenchmen who an joshes of the prosperity s! On- ttub, at ere grubs et kis p1st, out of our iris/ teem. fellow ll2eekers, you .till brigs vein is the makers It is set yet tilp NO/1 This robbery is not et his d.- his & Y to lie ePre- ys hes supported Sir lerW tide Ile tab this Wobble eirdIaly hous is, sad N. knowing these tbsAi. iM diet bias *pie. yogi will d.- meteerelegleal Repair.. the �erear ta.ea. Omits of the " t!.' There area num- ber of theunes for the situ of the Aweri- eau duIlar, Orse is that it is a ousibitia- ttoa of U. 8., tbe,iuitials for the Juite•t States ; another, that it u a w. ditieatunt of the %Run 8, the dollar being formerly called " a piece of eight," and daigaat • ed by the character tib. The third Amity is that it is a combination oT H. 8., the mark of the R imam unit, while • fourth is that it is a eontbislatton of P. and S., from the 8nanish per dura.', which signifies " harddullar." In 8plltn-1 ish auounte are c,ttisw staid by pew writ- ing thk S. over the P. and placing it after the sum. Bet the best origin of the sign is offered by the editor of the tate- London WAifdloil Review, who once propounded the question at a dinner party in that city, at which the Ameri- can Counsel was present. As no one could tell, the editor gave the following explanation : " It is taken from the Spanish dollar, and the sign is to be found, of course, in the associations of the Spanish dollar. Ou the reverse of the coin is a representation of the pillars of Hercules, and round each pillar is a scroll, with inscription ' Phis rttra.' This device in course of time ]las degen- erated into the sign which stands at present for the American as well as the Spanish dollars—$. Tho scroll around the pillars represents the two serpents sent by Juno to destroy Hercules in his cradle." State of the weather for the week ending May 31st, 1882. May 25th—Wind at 10 p. m. S. , fresh, clear, tine during the day. No: of irides wind travelled in 24 hours 263. 26th—Wind 10 p. m. S. E., light air, cloudy, fine. No. of miles wind travel- led in 24 hours 489. 27th—Wind at 10 p. m., N. E., light. No. of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 206. Raining, amount of rainfall 2.7 c. i. 28th—Wind at 10 p. m. N., clear, frost, fine. No. of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 366. 29th—Wind at 10 p. m. S., light, clear, fine. No. of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 168. 30th—Wind at 10 p. m. S., fresh, cloudy, fine. No. of miles wind travel- led in 24 hours 457. 31st—Wind at 10 p. ret. N. W., brisk gale, cloudy. No. of miles wind travel- led in 24 hours 611. Showery. N. B.—It rained on 11 days during the past month. Amount of rainfall 23.6 cubic inches. It snowed on 2 days during the month. Trees began te bud on the 7th. Horse chestnuts in leaf on the 106. Orioles seen on the 16th. C rd' 1a on the 9th Trees in full A Hate awhedle. Most of the readers of the Sweat are undoubtedly aware of the fact that the country is infested with numerous gangs of oily tongued swindlers, who are most thoroughly accomplished in the art of ly- ing and fiatterirg, and it would probably be not uninterested to many to see a copy of one of the many scandalous agreements formed with farmers and others. The following is a copy of one which has come under our notice: SI Ina . leaf on the 26th. G. N. MacnoxaLo, Obserser. Goderich, June 1st, 1882. AB areae., Cariosity. Here is tf simple little experiment of a blind spot in your eyes. Shut your left eye, and with your right one look stead- ily at the cross just below, holding the piper ten or twelve inches from the eye. 1 0 Jut suppose we look at it this way— Sale Agent for Co., in Galt. To prevent Fevers, Bilious Gilds end Meas; to tome vp the eyeless and purify tote blood, try a Gomm of Ik. Carson's Stomach and Vuuatipattun Bitters. In large bottles at 50 colts. Geo. Rhyne, atter'. Consumption, that dread destroyer of the human rao, often the result of bad blood and low ¥atality, a scrofulous ootsdittou of the system ButDoea Emma Barran, cure Scrofula in its worst form. 'J ••tww.ty-ter years* $aper saws.' Says an eminent physician, oeavisoes me that the only way to cure nervous exhaestion, and weakness of the sexual organa, is to repair the waste by giving brain and nerve Reda, and of all the remedies compounded, Magnetic Medi- cine is the best. See advertisement in another column. Bold in Goderich by Jas. Wilson, druggist.—Im YUSICkL IIS?BUIE Ts S' WING MACHINES The suhsoriber would Intimate to the peo- ple of tieeloetek tiNhe hes &waded to fit ve up business in hie line owl to 111 health. and that be to now prretaared `the eseoeption- allv guod us. All want WV PIANOS, ()ROANS or SEWING MACHINES win sad it to their advantage to call at once W. WEATH ERALD. Call and .i e as Ibis is a GENUINE clearing sate. te�Y tt. JUST RECEI.VEI). D. FERGU' N'S A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT 01 FR$SH GROCEIUES SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON. Special Baaiiis iu Teas at Very Low Prices. 25c. par tb arid upwards. If you want a really fine Tea try my 50e. Young Hyson it is a splendid article and worth more in •1.3o I have also just opened out • cow plate assortment of tIE 1' lung toned out Crockery Glassware, r :sr Including Stone and China Tot Sus. e'ol•lrens Toy Te Soots, Lilies and dents Fancy Tea Cups and Saucers, suitable for Christmas and New Year's Gifts Lamps & Lamp Goods in Great Variety AND AT \"E111T L s�\�l'ItICE� OMAN t unAgglialettli.. n tWtalgeasSeev co.. now WILL sea ae aaiwire a was NAP reef tont BM Dyed Is the Awl. At the Reform Convention in South Norfolk, Mr. Jonathan Ellie, of Port Dover, an extensive wollen manufactur- er, (formerly editor sof the Wingham Timer) who was one of the nominees, in his address to the convention, declining the honor, etc., stated that he belonged to a class that is said to benetitted by the N. P. He did net pretend to say that he was not benefitted to some extent by the N. P., but were the benefits conferred thereby ten times greater he not vote for the return of Bir John A. Mac- donald to power. He would do all he could to prevent such a calamity befall ing the country. Now move the paper slowly toward the aye, which must be kept fined on the cross. At a certain distance the other fixere—the letter'()—will sudden- ly disappear; but if you bring the paper nearer it will come again into view. Yon may not summed in the experiment on the first trial, but with a little patience you oan hardly fail, and the suddenness with which the black spot vanishes and reappears is very striking. Now, ex- amination has shown that, when it dis- appears, its image falls exactly on the spat where the optic nerve enters the eye, thus provisos that spot to be blin& 1-)R. WHIIIL$R'S ILLXIR OF sada e�eYse mesa that s�ttwr Fie e -est' ass - pwv+�t. se • en rower et Tae Dotter's seem. CBICLOQ ,1 r ?Si1BB1PLCI[U!T nsturying the attaas aof ita aa..eaideeee�attwaas W ttk aarsl 11= YI toa� t Chested ee({ ski Mona, Use Mimeo aao alaSecitstoad City. DCouncil Depots with all the principal Imes of road betwese tie AiianW and the Paeiae Oceans. Its equip- ment is unrivaled and maffnifiewet, being eomp.Med of Yost Oeaarorta►L and Beautiful Dal eaaoaes. Yegntaoent Horton lgeelbting (*air Oat Pwll- man'% Prettiest Palace Sleeping Care, and the Beat Line of Dining Can in the World. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri River Points Two Trains between C1ioago and Yinnsapoiia and St. Paul, via the Famous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direat Line, via Seneca and Kankc- kee,has reoeatly been opened between Rich min d, Norfolk -Newport Nae., Chattanooga. Aslant►, Au- gusta, Nashville Louisville, Lexington. O ne,nn.ti, Indianapolis and Lafayette, and Omaha, Y.naesp- oli. and St. Pant and intermediate points. All Through Passengers Travel on Fut Express Trains. 'notes for sale at all principal Ticket Omoos in the United States and Canada. Haggai, checked through and rates of fare al- ways ae low as oompetitera that o2er lass adv&a- Probably no new development will more etlxpeiee the public, than to learn the secret of success of certain leading physicians, when they have a difficult case of throat or lung disease that bel- lies their scientific skill, they prescribe Dr. King.New Discovery for Consump- tion, Coughs and Colds, having it dis- guised in a prescription bottle, with their own directions and name attached. The patient is cured, and they get the credit. —Tribune. Trial bottles free at Rhyne' drug store. Large size $1. (2 AGENTS Wanted. HIE Pay. Lush Wort. Constant earleyaee er C apitat moored, Jswre Lit It Co. Mo teal. Queb• 1712 ea. or detall oil intormntion,gst rho Maps and Fold- ers of the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket Omce. or &Miran R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JJHN, vwPres. a Goal apse, meal Tit. a rasa Agli CHICAGO. GODERICH BOILER WORKS.i Chrystal 8& Black. Tot NI LL MEN and SALT WELL MEE New liWILMR.A es,1 ELT P1411 ea sestet hared ea .barest acne.. 11 bled, N Rspslrtas szeeesd wader th peeweaat wrrvUe'sa of tole Wimp/Sere wb 5— Proct cal Workmei. P 0 Boi 1111t1 17V lase and tar's (id nazi Convinced ,fie 0 niario tee1 Barb Feuce Co. J1imited /e t1- iit !Licensed under the Glidden Patent) MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPROVED LOCK BARB Four -Pointed Steel Fencing Wire, 55 & 57 RICHMOND ST. EAST, TORONTO.; A. J. SOIMERVILLE, \-ice-Pres. and lion. Director. R. W. I CKENZE, Sole Agent for Goderich, DOMIN ION CAI,RIAGE WORKS. TEN WAY IT WILL e?FZOT RCM. It excites eapeotoratlon and causes the tuna to throw off the phlegm ormncoua: ctaspea rag secretions andpnritiai tae Woad . heals the irri- tated parts: sires etrrnm h to the digestive urines; brings the liver wits prfooppesr action. sod imparts strength to the wttele system. 1kkcate 7111 IWSIptATR 57'11 $ITIBracroay er- veto that ,t is sirraiefrd t-- break sup h4 most distreeriae coot• is aIle Ansa tine if tot of too loot standing t is warranted TO en■ 141151 astlara((YtiO4. STr1 11 lire start rOnt- Armed rases rJ f n.w.r, apfion / h srrrrwsted not to products sasuvwaem (which is the ease with moet retnediwt. or affect the head. to ft contains ria opium in any form. It is warren* at to M nerfierli Linden to the nowt delicate ebild. although it is so active and � powerful remedy for restoring the stem. There is no reit s•eresrrp r.oimneS4/n'Isir ('s.essyt when Atuw s Lree Flavor iwi � prevent it t only taken in time. PPeh 6aT,1�e�e- sasptive patiaets, and who. having basis rumthem with their own medtetrr,wowtMTaaneadallaY NUL 4old * u ee Asa'1 1 BALSAM s BAtR Morton W. S. Hart & Co. PROPRirToRS OF THE Goderich CODER ICH, & Cressman. T 0 F ARM ERS_ We want every farmer needing a carriage to call and see our NEW PLATFORM CARRIAGES, The)bolOtpeen riage made for a farmer. We have the and top buggies always In stock. Repairingeet stock ever offered in the w Repairing promptly attended to. M OR TON 8s. cRESSMAN 1831-3m. Shop opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. (LAT= MIR'S) ) Deg to retook **oar Ubaldo to tie Pelle text roar. sotbe d to elate are dprepared tt se 0 Art IFM1rir :�w �e.�e ..noes, nor tea r�tt.e■ � their bora .warms. blob W. M. Hillisnd'., ) Harass - t1er11. Ras its. Octans►. /1 afigheet poise paid for wheat ilk Farmers Attentiox .! Barbed Fence Wire contracted for t any quantity at very lowest prices -„4 I SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBED FENCE WIRE. Wire and barb galvanised after bang twiated which cannot sealed,. Vee Barbed Wire for Fences. NO SNOWL'IFTS -NO' WEEDS !1C WASTE UNDS. rt ' Jill,„: e'',*, - :. - id 3 ref sale by G H. PARSONS, ',IAP ,4ARDW AR8. ftODERICK. o. d ion on in a :ex - 6e. rrich. 3n lthe gilt, ter - r• all k le. Forth I Col- t give say - I he the No. 171, 2 8. 112, e, e, les last ter for a on •the too the of a g all e en - lying iracle Et et tetheal ba an torn rid $4 S, to to NT t Well, - i►ill this st classes loom, and u she MI •y of Ti. these* k Ness with 4 lam;