HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-06-09, Page 1t• I TRIRTY-POIJRTN TZAR. WHOLE NUMBER 1102. GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 9, ! 862. Mo4:ILLUC :DoT BROS. Pt•stJsRzltt I Slid A TILAIt IN ADVANCE. Dentistry. Xi (Mreside NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN - '11 TIST. lueandeldeaue, West Street sc!• doors below Bank of Moatteal, 1(7 EDWIN KEEFER, DENTAL SUR- OEON, hate with Trotter t Caesar. the Mediae lb.tbts of T to.1 All uperetione aestb sad wntuYi.u�a.eed. bete Rooms, I1ea- I S will please maksspWttlstestt�in ad- asovo it y mall. 1812 ■ Legal. s 1 EWIS & LEWIS, 'BARRiS'TERS, J Attornrzs, nelloitors Ch*ncety to. (Mice In the ( ourt House, Ooderieh. IRA LEwla.51.A., B.C.L. E. N. Lewis. 18M. ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR T MISTERS. Attorneys. Solicitors, etc G'derloh. J. T. Gamow, W. Proadtoot. 1751 �. L. DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D (5. • Atk.torney, nt. Solicitor in Chancery. alEAGIi.R & MORTON, BARRI8- A7 TER*, kc.. Ac.. Goderich and W�gba., ('. Surfer Jr., Godesieh. J. A. Morton, Wing - ham. 1781. S. MALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND OMoe-Comer of West Str 3t ani erisb. emu, ever George Ache7sGodon s. E CAMPION, ATTORNEY -AT- . LAW. Solieltor in Chaaoery, Convey- ancer. Office over Sheppard's bookstore, Ooderioob Oat. Any amount of money to loan at lowet rates of Interest. 1751-y. .CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, _CAMERON, )i ees�_Solicitors in Chancery• ten, i()amerce.,am. M. C. ()amen, M. G. Cameron, Ooderioh. W. Z. Ingham. 1711. }Fteaicat. 1 D R HUTCHISON, DUNGANNON, Ont. 1811 MoDONAGH, M. D. , PHYSIC- G.fAN. SURGEON. Re.. Graduate of Tor- onto University. licentiate of the Royal Col- les�s d Pbrsiolane. London. England. &e., &c., M. C. -P. A.• Ontario. Oboe and residence Opposite Bailey: Hotel. Hamilton street, Jod- erich. 1716-11m DR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- GEON. Coroner. &c. Once and residence Bruce Street. mooed door west of Victoria Street 1751. HG. MACKID, M. D., PHYSI- . clan, Surgeon and Acconcher, Graduate of Toronto University. Officeopposite Canter ron t Cameron's Bank, Lucknow. It nes In oM(oe. enquire et the Bank. 175E -y. D RS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, Physicians, Burgeons, A000seherh to. OMoe at Dr. Shannon's real .near the Jail. Goderich. O. C. SHANNON, Jail.C. HAInL" TON. . 1751. Loans an insurance. AlONEY. -PRIVATE FUNDS TO 1 lend on ee.v terms In sums to suit bor- rowers. ALEX ..14.-D ALLAN. Ooderich. Nor. 17th 1881. 1813-Im. 100,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON. HOLT it CAMERON, Ood•- lash. 1751. 75,000 TO LEND ON REAL E 8 - • TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Ooderioh. 1751 80,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND ▪ on good Farm or fnt-elass Town Property • t 8 per tent. Amer to R R A.DCLIFFE. 1751 MONEY TO LEND IN ANY amount to suit borrowers at a to 64 per cent. Private funds. Apply to sneeze sad Moines, Ooderich. MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Funds for investment it lowest rates on first -claw Mortgages. Apply to°ARROW k PROUDFOOT. OANS FREE OF CHARGE.- 1 1 4 money to Ned et tower* rotes, tree of any wets or charges. SEAOER ! MORTON. op 1s Gelber.. Hotel. lord Marsh jam. 1771. ja PER OEN f. -THE CANADA 1► Landed Credit Company a ➢reyred to lend m a• Farm security, On/Wed six per cent. F�particu4n given upon application to HUGH HAMILTON: C. L. agent. Goderich. 1786. $20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND IV teset. Y ibwe TeesD. C money mty ode, N. titlecharm* fit -Borrowers Is y.- gag ViBON t JOHN- STON. H•rriste s. te.. Ooderick. 1751 RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, Life bid Ambient I..uranoe Agent. ft,peeseetlagilr•t.dassOompaalsa Also moat oirsern WCaleb*Qioe�l r is Itt107 woy.ewes s. b It s Owbed Me ta es Consorts!. 111KIOHT PRACTICAL BAR. •�~rotors ima, and trvftp Pslsrl7M 'Aiello• alwaysPes es The People's Column. $20 REWARD. -THE ABOVE RE - ward will be paid for information which will teed to the co.vk:tios of the per- son or persons who destroyed • portion of the wlretence between lots 10 and ll, 8th ooa., Ooderkh Towsaktp, on the night of the lath of May. ROBERT HODGE. WANTED. -A GOOD SERVANT A good seen! servos In a fully of two. Geed wages will be paid. Apply to Mits. limonite ('AnsxoN, East Street- 1814 MISS NETTLE BEEGMILLER, Having oompleted her studies In music under Prof. Slppp1 of London. and having re- ceived a cellar le, Is now prepared N re- ceive a limited *umber of puede fur Pismo Instruction. Mies SregttWler is also proposed to take orders for Crayon Portraits. Satiat•o. tion la every CASA guaranteed. ltesideaoe. comer Cambria Road and Newstate Street. TO RENT. - A COMFORTABLE House on St. Patrick's telnttg seven rooms and w•orrdshed. and soft watla er sad the Slate phare, Also twp k stOm ir t� station. Apply to op" Dot. Newgate Street. Ooderick. HEIFERS STRAYED. -STRAYED From the premises of subsartber, lot 3 fah eon.. western division of Colborne. About the 22nd of April, losteyeartiag heifers. One is white with roan about the neck and head. and the other red, with some white spots. Information leading to their recovery will be suitably rewarded by the owner. lone Timis, Carlow P. O. I1178 -4t DRESSMAKING. - THE MISSES BISBET take this opoortusdty of an - bouncing to the ladies of Goderich and vicin- ity that they have secured rooms ever George Acheson's store. where they will carry on the busbies. of dress and mantle making. Hav- ing bad. several years experience s{ fashion- able demeanoe.. they feel ooddent that they can give perfect Nati sfaotlos„ to all who may wan wanted. with their cede.' 1 rent - FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -THE Luz a premises known se the Tecumseth Balt WeRr with Block. containing one steam pan Ott and ewe iron pan bah V with allpther opportunities for making satin good mining order. Working capacity1t8Ws r • perper barrel dy clew hy toGas.B P. O. Box • RENT. - A COMFORTABLE • House on South Street, ooataining 8 rooms, kitchen and pantry with hard and soh water. Apply to GEA. McMAHON. t833-tt. Auctioneering. ZM JC. CCI.& 11 T)ts !'1.OF'LE'8 AU 0 . TiOBEER dbrl.h, o.t 1781. 1 Cr, C. WILL PAY FOR THE SIGNAL, free for the balance of UM. Subscribe at once, and get full benefit of this otter. Real Estate. H OUSE, ANI) LOTS NOS. 33 AND 76, corner of Victoria and East strata, in the town of Goderich, for sale cheap. or will be zchnnged for farm property. Tor particulars . pp► to JA.. Swaim. Architect. office Ceabb's Block, or J. C. Cumuli. auctioneer. Legal Notices. 1STOTICE TO CREDITORS. In pursuance of Chapter one hundred and seven. section thirty four, of the Revised Sta- tutes of Ontario. Notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the state of John Pasmo late of the town atcedaeti. In the County of Huron, and Pewees. of Ontario, wagon maker and black- smith, d.n... 4, who departed this rte on or about the aftesat) day of April last, are re- quired sasses by post, prepaid. or to deliver ul(i.waGamow t Prothe town Solicitorser tor h. �b �•�w of the town of Goderich. WM .wed Testawment1eotgxecutrix tb said dececeased. the on of bsdaw 110 fifteenth day of June next. a 'Misname e.sWalsg their names and ad- dlemen, ri4 tan particulars of their claims of by them, and that WeVErl"ps:Ybellite soMtiooe<l tee sal. basothesesred the partIes en- = tharsW ratan Dslat bad only to tie olal of wDlob vesico baa been ,elves as shoveuired: and the said Executrix will not be liable for the Bald assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whom claims notice shall not have been received by her said Solicitors at the time of such da ri- button. Clew ! P10VDVOOT. Solicitor for felly Perrairis. EEeoatriz. Dated at Peden h. tk5 4th may A. D. it#!, 1f187-41 MAITLAND HUTS., 0ODSRiCH OKT. bs•e. sloes M tort sassaisaaass rMOW4>fet um :Fe Heit sis'�'M@eaisw�law tare It- tr•Pll. ,, O/ 1O i °=. grost asseHoses, - evessod as to ODIUM MO Banking. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL. - - - acu,oeo,00n. SURPLUS, - . - - • $5,0o0,000. Goderich Branch. I). 11LASS • - - - - !Warw.],r. ELECTION. WEST HURON. M. C. CAMERON At WUILLam, on Friday. June lel, at 7 o'clock p.m. At la5 $ MC■ SL N15R on Monday Joao 18th inst. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. sharp. At mnarar. airmem0 Emma on Wednes- day. JttaeNtb. Mestlng coomenses at 7 p.m. At 4111A11114111€1111141% gimeag Asklod. os. Friday. June lath. The meeting will begin at T o clock sharp. Mr. Porter, or his representative, will have as opportunity of addressing the meetings. NEWS ABOI,JT HOME. • • A cheers/wasp ye, Wan? notes, Aa' blip he 11 prem lt" ?Mir TONICS. The rash still continnes 01 Imriea Book Store fur wall paper at Wholesale prices. Pontius' excitement Is still at fever heat, yet SALLOW'e the photographer takes the pic- tures of bath Grits and Tories In good style and at prices to pteaae all. E. I. Johnson has Jest takes • very gas 8 x Ig hotugr•ph, of the Court House, coptee of which can be had tor 15e each, hated for $L.M. Cali and see it. aad leave your order. Oso. B. Roams. Manager. Mr. Morton is convalescent. Miss Jennie Kerr is visiting at Sar - n1.. Mr. Tom. Sturdy is now on the Win- nipeg police forte. Quite a number of townspeople visited Brantford on the 31st. • Didn't the "Ontario" howl on Wed- nesday morning early? Mr. Richard Parker, band master is very ill cif inflammation of the lungs. 'Mrs. Capt. Rhynes has been very ill at Detroit of inflammation of the lungs. Mrs. Chan Miller and family and Mrs. Alex. McQoarrie and child are on their way to Brandon. Mr. Isaac Martin has leased Snell's hotel, Lucknow, and last week removed his family thither. Mr. Wilmer Smith- is still confined to his room from the result of the accident with which he met. Mr. Connolly of the Detroit "Free Press" was in tawniest week, the guest of the Messrs Currie. Dr. Whitely left Goderich for Strat- ford on Wednesday, having taken up a practice in that town. R. J. Cook, formerly hotel keeper in Kincardine, died in Winnipeg on May the 19th of erysipelas of the brain. PROPERTY SOLD. - The Julius Wise property, in Port Albert, was sold by auctioneer Currie on Saturday afternoon to Mr. George Draper, for $800. Rev. D. McGillivray attended the convocation of the University of Toron- to, to witness the conferring of degrees upon his son D. McGillivray, gold med- alist. Wm. Mills, at one time a resident of Goderich, died recently in a Chicago stnall-pox hospital. Two or three wo- men, claiming to be his wives, have turn- ed up, and demand his effects. A runaway hone on Wednesday after- noon cleared the top of the fence around the court house property. It was a high leap for • horse in the shafts. Two other runaways occurred at the ramie time. The Stationing Committee of the Methodist Church of Canada have ap- pointed Dr. Williams to Pans. His suoce.•or in Goderich will be Ree. J. Wakefield, of Hamilton, a President of Conference. Allows interest on deposits. Drafts, letter of credit sod circular notes issued. payable 1a all parts of the world. 1754. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid up C'apilel - 16,000,000. Neil, - - $1,400,0. President. - Hu.`: WN Neb'ABrKR tenn+.l Maaaaer. • W. ni ....casae.. Goderich Branch. A. M. ROS, - - - MAa•oaa. irostwt allowed es depoalse. Osmole as a Me rt pal Tows mei Mem 1. Camila iae11 • lm sed the Veiled mama. bough w.�•11� pae•e• w Bele.. wttb •et• • mss •mdisemwem wMb/ss mertaati• 17t# al.rmsrsg atl.de.. GRAND TRU11. Pap, lFl :. �r . 1)i KgfaLu 51114 IRMM'd trootto Mir Alamo 51114. totfkeetrae� maim an. MiMm dq pat [I.ear425. ' 1 Slam 7•ss taeaminer ' 4'adawda y sad elatavderi venues /sae 41 The employees of the Grand Trunk realize the full forceof the coal tax when they are told by Mr. Hickson the Gen- al Manager, that it is such a burden on the company that wages have to be kept down in consequence. -{Ex. HONOR TO A GODLILICH ARTIYTE. - Miss Nettie Seegmiller left for London on Monday morning, by special invitation, to play the a000mpininents at the con- cert of the Philharmonic Society, to be held this evening in that city. This young lady's musical talent seems to be appreciated by the residents of the For- est City. &Mr. John Goodall, sexton, had two young women brought before the mayor recently for taking flowers from a grave in the cemetery. The flowers were lift- ed roots and all and put in a basket. His worship dismissed the girls with a caution, tut any who in the future des- ecrate graves In any way will be severely punished. We omitted to notice the teameeting htld in the M. E. church on Tuesday of Inst week. The chair was oocupied by Rev. J. W. Sutton, the pastor, and ad- dresses were delivered by Rev. Dr. Wil- liams, Rev. .T. A. Turnbull, B. A., and Messrs. J. Mitchell and T. McGillicuddy The choir was assisted by a clarionet and two brass instruments, with good effect In some of the pieces. The ladies of the congregation did their part in goodstyle. the refreshments being excellent. THE RVERSON MsttogzAr.-WO are pleased to learn that a very liberal res- ponse has been seat t• the several sec- tions for aid towards the Ryerson Mem- orial Teachers who have not already for- warded contribution are requested to do so at their earliest convenience. Sums from one dollar to upwards of five dol- lars have been received. D18CHAROED.-The boy Robert Hig- gins, charged with committing indecent 'moult upon a girl named Barnhart, ap- peared before Judge Toms on Wednes- day. 11 was clearly proved by three wit- nesses who were with Higgins at the time of the alleged assault that he had neither touched nor spoken to the girl. Lewis & Son for the Crown; Cameron, Holt & Cameron for prisoner. UNrvsaerry Hoieosa. -- Our Huron boys are distinguishing themselves at at Toronto University. Mr. D. Mc- Gillivrayy, of this town won the gold me- dal in classics, and has reosived the de- gree of B. A. Mr. G. A. Smith, of Winthrop, also won similar honors. Mr. J. C. Robertson, of Goderich, captured the let scholarship in the third year in classics. Robt. Moir, ex -pupil Gerderich High School, takes a B. A. A. T. Mc- Kenzie, of Wingham, formerly of Gode- rich, obtained a scholarship in medicine. John McGillivray and H. Davidson passed their second year examination. At a meeting of the Women's Mission- ary Society held June 6th, 1882, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: that sit d ecognize and ap- preciate the very hearty and efficient manner in which Mrs. Williams, our Cor Sec. has discharged her duty while iu office, and express our expressions •f sorrow at her removal from us, praying that God's blowing may ever be given her. A most encouraging letter was read by the oor. sec. from the Rev. Mr. McLean, a missionary in the far West. Reference was made to many new branches of work undertaken especially amongst the mounted police. Ilse soc- iety is progressing. TEE Pass HOURS. -Thisr summer resort is now in the hands of Mr. John Doyle, who is preparing for a big business this season. We think Mr. Doyle will be able to give guests full satisfaction. Clinton contains a great many smart people, among them is a clever young miss, who, a few months ago, made 77 button holes in ten hours. Last week she discounted this by making 86 hut - ton holes in the same time. Mr. George Brown, for seven years manager of the Ontario Bank at Winni- peg, has obtained • /ears' leave of absence, and will spend his time at his old kpme near God•eieh. Before learn ing \Winnipeg he was presented with a pnrse of $3,500. Lac-rt'ss Rev. Mr. Gardiner, pre- siding elder of London District, will leetare in the M. E. Church, Goderich, on Mondayevening next, on " A Visit to Ireland... As the adm,ssson has been put at the low pries of 15 oenta, there ought to M a large turn out to to hear a rev. leeterer. Wilma Beard. Met last Monday. Messrs. Cantelon and Ball, members elected for St. An- drew's and St. David's wards, in the room of Megaw, out of town, and Pas - more, deceased, signed declaration and took their seats. Besides the new mem- bers there were present chairman Crabb and Messrs. Butler, Swanson and Fer- OUR TOWN FATI AB. The Council met on Friday, June 2nd. Present. -His Worship the Mayor, Reeve, 1st and 2nd Deputy Reeves, and Councillors Bingham, Butler, Dancev, Humber, Jordan, Ler, Nicholson, Sloane and Swanson. The tninutes of last meeting were read and confirmed The Treasurer's statement showed cash received sinoe last meeting $3060- 66; paid $2,805,61; in bank $782.10. Referred to Finance Committee. The street Inspector's Report was re- ferred to the Public Works committee. The sexton's report was received and fyled. The following acoounts were present- ed: H. Spence, relief, $1.63; J. Hillier, relief, $1; G. 13eaddell, Fire Departed, $4; J. Soobie, salt, $4; W. Stotts, hack, $5; W. Mitchell, relief, KU; C. F. Straubel, $1.80; D. Ferguson, relief, $9. G3. ('tBETJRY REPORT. The cemetery committee presented the following report: 1. That they have con- sidered the petition of Mrs. Cattle, and recommend that she be allowed to place $ monument on the reserved ground in front -of her lots. 2. They recommend that the resolution of Oet. 2. 25, 1878, by which the Council agreed to grant the reserved ground in front of his lets to M. Nichols)n, Esq., be rescinded. 3. They recommend that no further slesof reserved lands be made. 4. They recom- mend that the sexton's house be repair- ed at a cost of say $30.00. 5. They re- commend that a tool house beerected on the cemetery grounds aocording to plana to be adopted by the council. 6. That the supplying of water to the occupied part of the cemetery is necessary, and the committee recommend the consider- ation of the subject to the council. SANORL SLOANi, Chairman. The first clause was adopted; the se- cond clause was struck out; the third and fourth clauses were adopted, and the sixth clause was struck out. The finance committee reported, re- commending the payment of the follow- ing accounts : G. N. Davis, $2L89; W. Mitchell, $8.39; W. S. Hart & Co., $29.46; D. C. Strachan, $17. Among the suggestions made by the fire committee were, that the by-laws for the fire company be printed, and that provisions be made for the care of the firemen's reading room. PUBLIC worms Convents. This committee reported, recommend- ing improvements and repairs to the ex- tent of $793 during the current year: (1) St. George's Crescent to be round- ed up with broken bricks and covered with gravel, and the end of Bruce street gravelled $20. (2) Colborne street to be graded and gravelled, $80. (3) Drain on Colborne street to be renewed, $25. (4) Water table te be made and sidewalk to be repaired on Cobourg at., $20. (5) A drain to rte put in on Wil- liam and Cayley streets, $30. (ti) A drain 10 x 12 to be put in on Bennett street from Eldon street to the lake, $250. (7) A drain to be put in in Wil- liam's survey, $15. (8) Tho sidewalk on Huron Read to be raised, $20. (9) Sidewalk on Maitland Road te be re- paired, $10. (10) Bruce street to be raised near to the Cambria Road, $25. (11) Tank on Anglesea street to be low- ered 4 feet, $25, (12) Two new tanks t, be sunk, the one in St. Andrews and the other in St. David's ward, $250. (13) Street to be cleaned at harbor, $15. (14) Essex street, sidewalk to be grad- ed, $8. guson. The usual monthly report of Princi- tMiller was read, apo informing Bard that a supply of foolscap paper and blank reports is required. Adopted and left with contingent committee to carry nut in the usual way. Account of $5.25 from Jea Fields for teaming 21 loads refuse, etc., from Cen- tral School yard and cellar, and account of $3.25 for teaming from St. Patrick's ward school cellar, and for wood and brushes. These were referred to Fin- amoe committee, and if found oerrect, to d. be Statement of expenditure from Jan. 1st to June sat, showed; Sundries, $56.55; printing and statimmey $36.76; repairs, $143.60; insurance 00;wnod sad cutting, $142.57; salares,$1,918.55; salaries to July tit, $495.08; weed to Jule 11t, $131.00. Total, $2,919.96. Owing to the endeavors of I(seera. C. Nairn .ad W. Horton, • large sum of may has ben initscitted, te les award- ed as primee for puss .ad sports to be ►des how on Dosuioe Day. A pmblis will be head is the Town Hall as evening who further steps will he i• the aett.r. tlsmour. Ihmenr. - T►e Rev. Mr. esteem will posh a @Postal sermon to ties Ona. htJenm of this viola - ib. oe the 1uaweA of the ant is Job, •_ Om Ilithedist Epic Ae and 181. Goderhh town, and , will M Pteotiaf. They will asstllmbd• in their lode rooms. Goderich, and then proceed m regalia to eherehowe ham. Ledges God*.. •opal Led .erne us. sena Ce7Raatr? TRAIL Raeaipta. -Rebate from county, RC; Government grsr►t,$635.00; Town grant, $4,800. 00. Total $6,412.00. Eapendi- tures-Teaches+ salaries, $3,856; other salaries, NM; wood and entratat, MO prating aid stationary, Ib0; reelm in senses. eta , 0477. Total, $5,441 Aft.r soon dismission, the prevailing terser of whisk was "economy," the trftNeoeats were r.osiived cid Fergosm mound sad Butler seconded, that the Olsrk lip* b the Town 0.sacill for the mm d *4,100.00, being amount impair ed for Public* Schools for current year - Carried. Mr. Osntalan suggested that Maur sive on ssbool buildings night 1N dig with. his ideaing that the twperused M might take its own risks. Th other maabew Aid not approve. Bal end Oantelon wen named upon the enmmittees upon which their pre- decessare were Adjourned E. BINGHAM, Chairman. There was added (1) a small drain from North street, tank along Bruce street, $15; (2) a drain at they end of St_ David's street, $15; making • total of $823. Moved by Bingham, seconded by Butler, that the estimate for the dram on Bennett street be increased to $320 to admit of a larger sized drain being put in, aad that the report so amended be adopted. Moved in amendment by Dancey, se- oonded• by Humber, that the drain on Bennett street be carried through to the Hayfield. Road. For the amendment-Danoey, Hum- ber, Nicholson. Against-Tke three reeves and Councillors Bingham, But- ler Jordan, Lee, Sloane, Swanson. The amendment was declared lost,and the motion carried. The turket'oommittee reported that they had asked for tenders for the fees el the Market under the h law, but get an bids. The committee then gave the market to Robt. Young to look after for the fees, as no one had offered for the saw- -Adopted llatisileh Township. EARLY Sweatt. -A hive of bees be- longingto Mr. James Cox, sr., of Gode- rich ewnahip overload on Monday. This 11 early. Pt( -etc. -The members of the R. R. Hall Debating Club will hold their fifth annual pie -mc at Holmes' grove, on Friday, loth of June. Each pic-nic has been a great success. Such a thing as a failure is never for a moment thought of. Hotaa,VILLI, May 26, 1882. Council met to -day as court of revi- sion. Members all present, these hav- ing q ualitied the appeals were proceeded with. The assessment of Thos. Higgins was confirmed, the change asked for by Messrs. Nixon, George and John ,Sturdy was not granted. The reduction asked for in Robert Miller's assessment was granted. The assessment roll was gone over carefully when it was - moved by John Cox. seconded by James Leith - wait, that the assessment roll of 1882, now revised and corrected, be passed. - Carried. The court of revision being over the minutes of last meeting were read and passed and the ordinary busi- ness of the township gone on with. James Connolly was appointed path - master in place of Edmund Ceurtice, who is away from home. Moved by James Peacock, seconded by Joseph Whitely that a sum of $75 be granted for widening the 3rd and 4th con. to statuary width, in front of Messrs. Rob- inson and McLusky's farms. -Carried. Moved by Jos. Whitely, seconded by John Cox, that a sum of $100 be granted for cutting of a hill opposite let 18, on 5th and 6th oon.-Carried. Moved by James Laithwait, seconded by James Peacock that a special grant of $100 be set apart for the purpose of improving llth and 12th cons., from Holmesville to Maiden(' River, under the superin- tendence of the Reeve and mover. - Carried. Moved by James Laithwait, seconded by James Peacock, that on ac- count of the sideroad in dispute com- mencingat 7th and 8th con., between lots 30 and 31, and running accrues 5th and 6th cons., 3rd and 4th cons., 1st and 2nd cons., the clerk prepare a By- law according to Mr. Passmore s survey, to establish said road and to have it ready at nevt meeting of Council. Moved in amendment by John Cox, sec- onded by Jos. Whitiily, that a By-law be pawed confirming the survey made oy m. Bay, for side line leading from 1st to 7th con., between lots 30 and 31, and that the clerk have it ready for next meeting of Council. The Reeve decided in favor of motion. No accounts were paid the treasurer being absent through Illness. The Council adjourned to meet again third Monday in June. Jsua' Penult, Clerk. e rout snot IAY. it waa resolved that the sum of $100 111 granted towards the celebration of Dominion Day, provided that doable the amount be raised by subscription, and that a public meeting be called at once to eomoder the matter --Carried. Jordan give notice that he would move at the next meeting of Ih• Coon - M1 that the uetion allowing Mr. Nichol- sos to wahine the vacant span in frost d his emmtery Iota be amended by allowing him to use it for purposes of distention without payment of Om $15. Moved by Hum ir, seesaded bW the Reeve, that the plank sidewalk oil Hasilten street in front of Martin's amble* be repaired, en condition that Kr. Martin pay one half the east of illi agate-Oarried. G.errynsNder asap. 1.1171 - fl 7)&11 be king tint Charlie. ('anadians to your trust be true. 843 Rem and be united! And chase from power the vilest crew That e'er • country blighted. Cnoaos-So Tory Porter do your best Where thro' the Wet you wonder, You'll find to late the Huron men. Will have noGerrytaander. Corruption,rank.stalks through the land ' In every garb you find her. The outcome of • reckless band Led by "John A.- the grinder ! - Chorus Taxation. heavy burden, clings t'pon the working classes, While "Sugar lords" and "Cotton kings' Make fortunes of the manse. -Cho. Contractors faire. at the Crib, Like flies around a carcass, No Ondterdonk's will Tupper snub When he their Vote can purchase.rCho • Spoliation of our Nor'-Weet lands Becomes the rampant Tories, Who Jeer at Sysdloate domande, And in land grabbing glories. -Cho. Ontario's rights we will maintain 'Gainst troffer John A. Mender. Who would despoil our rich domain To prop the Gerrymander, -Cho. Now Tory Porter. pull your stake. And make Por the equator. For Cameron and Edward Blake Will bounce Sir John the Troffer. -Cho Pt.t-its Bums. A ♦Moran illetemser. Josiah Henson, the here of Mrs- Stowis "Uncle Tom's Cabin," is • resi dent of the county of Bothwell. He was, born in the state of Maryland, in June. 1780, and is oenaequsntly ninety-three years of age. Mr. Henson is a vetemo Reformer, and has always been an antes supporter of Mr. Mills. He is still in the enjoyment of excellent health. and would seem to have a fair prospect of living for many years to coma Hsu a man dmors than ordinary ability. Forty years of his life were spent in slavery, and for fifty years he eetryed the bless- ings of freedom. Mr. Henson is • man of ready wit. Oa one ommiesiwhen ask •d if his amiss las not tr,sMd him well, he acid yes, sad his Tose interrogator eaid:"•Toa ars a fool fog lamas awn Hensen replied; "WuI s.1 r tried, that place is still vasa -14; yam ass leave it." This is the brat plan ws td d is history in which • Tory is knows M hove refus- ed a rummy when Mimed. He says the Tories ars very ddb M hiss dories the .1setiwa, and harg, tried to theme *OK In bis .y... M Shay have alwalie lie N be we d that slum ant M _ Melees• Q11usI IMMO f=Aa at+ AEI --= to. e� a.. ho m Councillor McKenzie was granted thew months' have of &haemes. The regime them adjourned. an