The Huron Signal, 1882-06-02, Page 7• I w rS er n - w is dr d. et 71 R 34 rid int a d or it 11 4 0 t. a &C. :tori -R. IE tt r seek Lent soma CO 1.g= - tlsis l Y 7 Tr, s win tag e mead I es - Wok e Irt� 4 THE !11' liON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JUNE 2, 1882. She Poet's Q.orner. gveef W aerate. Ok. fee; they are all seamed us. lad In every walk et Yt•; Heroes the beet, that ata.d eke test In many an uamartad semen. Heroes of home. al nisi, of farm, And at duty's oa i abase, Though unaware et hoaels ahem, And by a0MY WW1 eaWbwa. Tress •Neale -girt lefty widow Wild frees end hands entreat Vast crowds, agape, 'hal no swaas can shape, Vier aid from the icy street. Wien a W,ut-blaok climes au ad,;.. Tent pole. And smite from its peak impels A rope of wire down the wall ut are, Aud the cry, They are saved! upswells. High wr v lug his danger signal, The under paid switchman speeds O'er the quivering ridge of • braked bridge. Thaleu, death and dlstructwu leads, To sink, ar the thundering train alums up, am -taxed. in the headlight's glare, While but sew can know what to hint they owe. Though he should be dying there. Ob yes, they are all around us, And to instance there deeds are vain, So hidden away in the crowds are they. In the paths obscure and plain; From these whose chivalry, unesteemed. Through a lowly lifetime shines. Te such in the rout whose stand out • Fur the rest like starry rigor. And nothing V lost, (Lough hidden, 'Mat springs front Leroic seed; le the larger force. and the higher course That are shaped from a single deed. The environment of • masa of seen May brighten and spread apace, T111 the deeds shall throng all pat iso along To the glory of W the race. • Fun anb Fancy. Probably the finest exhib itiou of human courage that is ever witnessed can be seen by iuter%iewing the paasen- gers of a western road train half an hour after the rubbers ate g..ue, ' -What building tr that ' asked a arra oc•• ••f a boy, pointing to a nch,N.l hon:,:- "'what 1' said the boy. "Why, that ..• • ,.•rye : And he fee:ut,'y t ao- betio she pausal on. tetoher," nays the celenrated Weak.), :..oaring qty father say to my mother. "How could you have the patience to toll that blockhead the same thing twenty tones over 1" "Why.' said, she, "If I had told hem but nineteen times a should have lust my labor." The following remark of a little girl shows an opinion of her elders the re- verse of Battering: "Oh,dear '" the ex- claimed to her doll, "I do wish you would sit still I neter saw such an un- easy thing in all my life. Why don't you act like grown folks, and be still and stupid for • while." A Calf, full of Wantonness and Play, piecing au Ox at the plough, could not forbear insulting him. "What a sorry, poor drdge are you, said he, "to bear that heavy yoke, and go turtling up the, rrouod for a master "See what a hap- py life I lead he added, when at even- ing the ox, unyoked and going to take his rest, saw him, hung with garlands, being Wil away by the Barren, a vener- able an with a fondness for veal pot- pie. Sidney Smith, the English wit, char- acterized the following as the meet per- fect fun he knew: -In Mrs. Hamilton's "Lecture on Education," a story is told of a school -girl, who, during her exam- ination, insisted on miscalling the word patriarchs -partridges. "Oh," visa the comment of an auditor, "she snakes game of the Wrier -ells." A St'aosarioN.-We publish the fol- lowin¢rah from the ('hruteart of way• with a comfortable income. (Fork io order that our local clergymen • 2I Almost despairs of entering the may take advantage of it when the oc- tssarrial;e state. triton requires: Last Sunday evening a 30. Rather fearful of being called an Roston divine suddenly paused near the "old maid." close of the sermon, and said, "We ' 31. An additional love of dress. would be glad if that young man in the 32. Professes to dislike halls: finds it vestibule woul.l come inside and satisfy difficult to get good partners. hunself whether she is. or is not, here. Wonder; how men can leave the A father talking to his careless daugl - ter said:- I wast to speak to you of year mother. 11 may be that you have noticed a careworn Iouk upon Ler face lately. Of course it bar not been brought there by any act ut yours, still it is your duty to chase it away. I want you to get up to -morrow morning and get breakfast, and your mother c.nnea and begins to express her surprise, go right up to her and kiss her on the mouth. You can't imagine how it will brighten her dear face. Resides you owe her a kiu or twu. Away back when you were a little girl she kissed you when no one ole. was tempted by your fever -tainted breath and swollen face. You welt not so attractito then as you are now. And through those years of childish sunshine and shadow she was ready to cure by the magic of a mother's kiss, the little dirty chubby han.is when- ever they were injured in those first skirmishes with this rough old world. Aud then the midnight kiss with which she routed w many bad dreams as she leaned above your restless pillow, have all been on interest these long, long years. Of course ahe is not so pretty and ktssablu as you are, but if you had done your share of the work during the Last ten years the contrast would not be so marked. Her face has more wrinkles than Yours, far more, and yet if you were sick that face would appear more beautiful than an angels as it hovered over you, watching every opportunity to minister to their comfort, and every one of those wrinkles • would seem to be bright wavelets of sunshine chasing each other over the dear face. She will leave you one of these days. These burdens, if not -lifted from her shoulders, will break her clown. Those rough, hard hands that have done so many ':nneoes- sary things fur you will be creased upon her lifeless breast. Those neglected tipe that gave yoo your first baby kiss will be closed, and those sad, tired eyes will have ripened in eternity, and then you will appreciate your mother, but it will be too late. Wreaks ora flirt nom lifters to Fifty. 15. Anxious fur coming out and the attention of the other sex. 16. Begins to have some idea of the tender passion. 17. Talks of love in a cottage and dis- interested affection. 18.. Fancier herself in love with some handsorne wan who has Battered her. 19. Is a little more diffident on account of being noticed. 20 Commences being fashionable. 21. Still more confident in her own at- tractions, and expecte a brilliant estab- lishment. 2'. Refuses a good offer because he is not a elan of fa:.hion. 23. Flirts with every young man she meets. 24. Wonders she is not married. 25. Rather more circumspect in her conduct. 26. Begins to think a large fortune not qu oe so indespensible. 27. Prefers the company of rational men to that of flirting. 28. Wishes to be married in a quiet That would be much better than keep- ing a half-inch draft on the occupants of the back pew.' And in the soletnn sil- ence that fwll.wed, the congregation could hear a sound outside as of the re- treat of an army with banners.- Te anners.- Te the anneal Meere.sloa. and all whom It teas a msee■. Phosphstine, or Nerve Food, a Phos- phate Element based upon Scientific. Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Boston, Mass., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human system. Phosphatine is not a Medecine, but a Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates, Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but Limp ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements found in eur daily food. A single bottle is sufficient to convince. All Druggists gall it. 11.00 per bottle. 1,nemts t� Co., „pie agents for the Dominion, :i5 Front Street East. Toronto. Medicines taken into the Stomach in concentrated forth such as Pills and Powders, are most injurious. The great subetitute for these nauseous little Calo- mel pills is Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters. They cleanse the bowels, stimulate the Liver and Kid- neys, and cure all stomach disorders, such as Dyspepsia and Indigestion. In large bottlesat 50 cents. Geo. Rhyne., agent. Thousands suffer untold wineries from Nervous 1\ eskne.e, Pain 01 the bask, and other distrrasing symtoms arising from disur,tered Kidneys Burdock Blood Bitters 1s the !Sovereign remedy. Trial bottles 10 coots Areou a martyr to headache f Sef- for no longer. A remedy is found su Burdock 'rod Betters It regulates the Bewails, ...w,aui the system, allays ner- vous in ration and restates heath and vigor. Sample bottle 10 vent& The Deree•a+s Last flaeffe Reaaea. KvaiEavttig, end., Jan. 11, 1882. 1 recently had a very difficult ease of Consumption. I treated it in the most scientific coroner possible, but to no ef- fect; patient grew gradually worse. Bather than give up, and as a last re- sort, 1 deemed, winch against my wish, to use a remedy that had cured one of my fanner patients. Greatly to my sur- prise. the patient began to gain, and in a muoh sh„rter time than I dared to ever expect, she was completely cured. Thename ..f this remarkable remedy is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump- tion. I now use it altotgether in my practice.-[Leedutg M. D., Evansville. Trial bottles free at Rhyne' drug stere. Large size 21. (6) Gels( le die Grove. There he goes again direct to a saloon and pours down another heavy draught of strong drink, not PO much because) his appetite demands it, but for the artificial buoyancy it products --the after effects of which leave hint more miserable than before; it is this druedful practise that is daily sending thrusat ds to their gravel. A remedy for all this is found in the true friend of temperance, -the best and purest of all m icines,-Electric Bit- ters. Sold by 'sec. Rhynaa at 50 cents. A cough Or cold contracted in the month of April if not speedily arrested is liable to stick to ole daring the whole summer. Dr. Cantons s Pulmonary Cough Drips speao'ily cure Coughs, Colds, Brouchitis, Pain and oppression of the Chest, and all Throat, Chest and Lung affections. In large bottles at 50 cents. Geo. Rhynas,agent forGederich. society of sensible women to Birt with a f.Ndish girl. 34. Affects good hunter in her conver- sation with sten. 33. Jealous of,the praise of women. 36. Qatrrels with her friend who is lately married • 37. Thinks herself slighted in society. 38. Likes to talk of acquaintances who are married unfortunately. 39. 111 -nature increases. 40. Very meddling and officious. 41. If rich as a dernier resort, makes love to a young man without fortune. 42. Not succeeding, rails against man- kind. 43. Partiality for cards and scandal commences, 44. Severe against the manners of the age. 46. Strong predilection for a clergy- man. 40. 47. tea. 48. dogs. 49. Adepts a dependent relation to at- tend to her feline and canine nursery. 60. Beco mea disgusted with the world and rents all her ill -humor on her un- fortunate relat Ions. We call the attention . f our readers to the advertisement in another column 41 the Smith Medicine Co. We are certain- that thousands of mothers will hail with joy the advent of such a com- pany. Their worm medicine has been tested and found as described. a great boon to suffering humanity. In the Ives of tapeworm we have been shown 6 eine tweasereiwg AO feet. eine 32 foot and one 14 feet,which have been priced from the bowels of different individuals after taken,( a few doses of Dr Smiths Ger man Worm Remedy. Thousands •,f testimonials are in possession of these gentlemen showing clearly that their worm medicines aro all that they claim them to he. -(Montreal Post Bold try .las Willing", Gdorieh (hit Left o■ the shelf. Mr. Thos. Claydon, Shelburne, Ont., writes: "I have been suffering with a lame back for the past thirty years, and tried everything 1 heard of without suc- cess. Nut long ago I was persuade•I to use St Jacobs O:l. I purchased a bot- tle, and, strange to say, before I hue used it all, I was perfectly cured. i can confidently' recommend It Go any role afflicted. No one C.‘11 speak too hiehly of its merits." Mr. W. E. Weecklev, also of Shelburne, thus mentions a mat- ter of his experience: "I have been a sufferer with rheumatism for years. I was laid up with a severe attack a short time ago, and I can truly say that St. Jacobs Oil produced the quickest relief that I ever experienced. I cheerfully recommend it to every sufferer." Enrage,l at his desertion. Becomes despondent and takes to Turns all sensibility to cats and iwetlea's Amina liaise. The best salve in the•world for Cuts, Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Itheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil- blains, Corns, and e.9 Sk.i Eruptions, and positively cure. Piles. It is gum au - toed to give perfect sati-faction. nr money refunded Price 25 cent.. per box. For sale by Geo. Rhy tins. 1830 ly, PERCNERON HORSES LAROEBT Importing and Breedix ESTABLISH18En' - ret TIM - WORLD. W ILS ON'S 111213 KI Pilo' DRUG STORE. SEEDS! SEEDS! Fresh seeds; n bulk or packages. Complete Stock. 77,c Oreat American Remedy for c,) t OII$ COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, LOSS OF VOICE, HOARSENESS AND TJIROAT AFFRCTION . P ups'M rf from said 4•rver OOv... ((Dneh- I S il- Sao ler ea{asM 61•1a.I 2142= n oft$ Oen w►(aL armies f ow 1 ie JIM Jprwee tree GA the -ewanwt doubt tea wast namable native 0 .. for lininnwa I purpea /eery awe - In this GRAY'S yyron epatArae- t[ ries wow-Owm neer ha' bared darfei ef- se aerates. Arts of tae a,d ail Us 1. ragas aattapas- .w. tA. SYRUP paha' `t, Pines In ppeetorowt ►vwle, and east• of balsamic Lusa Dia- W p rop.wars ease- are Pre Trance serred. h. Own- RED rat. sr.- /ArP Curr a trstoig shad hilly pre- f/ref, cow- pared at a 'a�p`o SPRUCE per t`ce. spet era te. IA, ire contains trs,wis end a a yy e corder Mem eaaatfty to drink WIAeJi'.e.t a�o.gte GUM. yoked o:. the r ..m Id os made Spruce r singlets topic uwat.on. Its renlarkabk�po►oer in relieving certain forma of Bronchitis, and i' -t alum'),.! apeci4c eject in curing , l• etin••t'e hacking Coughs. is bio,^ • 'i kion,, to the public at large. sal by all respectable chemists. large. sal ane: :.0 r •.At• a bank. . 71.8 r,.d. Syrup of Red .Spruce Gant" r•. •'f ver o r i:egl4ered Trade Mark, aid,n.r r . r� ... ' lel, a, a ala repietercd. KERRY WATSON .0 ..',J a'ade.ale Drevoolr1 , Sok P. ".-tetore and Mowur,.e • c Yu:,,: • 'AL Dandelions are now ennsidered very fashionable to weoor on coat lapels and in thebutton holes. They are pretty flowers, and certainly quite superior to the sun- flower. A postal cart wax addressed to Presi- dent Arthur at New Yon/ on Sunday, tbreaeening him with death if he did not immediately recall Minister Lowell and demand the releaa of all Americans con- fined in English dungeons. The next issue of gold coinage from the English mint is to be stamped with a new die only the wooed taken since the aoceesinn of Queen Victoria. it repres- ents her Majesty with an imperial grown upon her head. end the likeliest' of the Queen to -day, and not a reprndnetion of the ynutlg ftiliee which has an long looked cwt form Rritiah ruin M. W. DUNHAM, Wayne, Do Page County, Miaow, U. 8. A. (35 miles west of ChiCag .t /Miring thy post 17 ~Who 310 STAB e LION,. .4%D MARES keen been (wtp.rted trots Prower to Mos eataNl.Awseut, M( est WORE /Ann the resold lord f ewperhet/ewa or all ether Owportery of Drat Uoreee fives all ports of Europe for any eau wan One-11/TA of the entire number at ttw,aere- set Frese& Herera in America can es wen on his farm. His ImportaUnna liars included the Prise Winners of the UN' reefed Erperdtlow. Paris, 1871 and nearly all the Prise Horses of the Great el bows of Francs eines Ids impor- tations began. They also carried off the honors at the Centennial, 1016; and, at the Great Chien,* Fair. 1151, Mr. DwaIam's Heed .f PERCHERONB, On ~pipet Wow with tea largest and theme collection of 011eSee- Saleu ever shown, eondstIna of the pose win- ners at the Oreat Bbows of Reotlaad sad E•n- ��i1aaoodd) was awarded e Gram. Merempaskee A tea taof I1,MO and On sed Oe1d Medal. 110 P4172 CA7'47,01717? s.NE FRP'E eve a4•etlew. Cowta/wa over 40 Illes- trwtlews cstd the 1of the Per cMrww rasa Order "CATALOr>1 TIE Z." army LAR! B BRREDMA & EVSAY NIBIGHBORHOOD - ArO6troe - 'rem trial lees demrn- s Tulse wtwn bred to the nemeses d esanary the prndnee is anis ase swim B .1'.,'- honey 'narken. mins y on the marhe' than any dela et Bonn CHEAP GROCERIES 1 _A_ 1\1- S 1F TI Begs to announce to the people of Goderich find this section of Huron, the. he has purchased from 1[r. A. Phillips his duck of Groceries, eta, and will continue the busiseas in the old stand, on the Corner of (Victoria and Bruce Streets. aving bsU ht the goods for cash, and as I intend to make all my purchases from wholesale nten for cash also, I will be in a positron to sell at - Very Low Prices for Caalt My stock will always be fresh. I will keep the best brands of teas, good sugars, and everything in the grocery line from the hest producers- Bacon, Spiced Mesta, etc. , alwayys on hand in season. I am determined to please, both in quality and price jR6rCal1 at the stand, Victoria street, opposite the Fair Ground, near D. K Strachan's machine shop- �%_=FT_ Goderich, March 9th, 1882 C _�J IBJ V V IRS, ARNOCk Begs to segwaiat the (dies of (Tederi, h rid vleldty, that Me le sow showing S all Mier they .11land eaewre� the mor ;lees a elf, Nils aawere'srea that lane oat OW. E ATSIFAC T I ON IN ROTH STYLE AND MAKE. She he. ye to be favored with a visit from her patrons, sad the ladies ges.rany. MRS. WARNOCK. ,INn1na o Duns, Court/mem and Act -towers which HAcvwsu s YELLOW On- is_� ggI,aae- teed 10 ear. or relieve either in MAO or BeT. ispinewillth TM= t6TERRAIIY Felt CEOCP, COUGH.4, CRAMPS, 4ORK THROAT 411 WA, COLDS, *!Its EXTERNALLY x11 6 ZH TYMITIBM, NEUAALOIA, CSILELLIN1, CALLOUS LUMPS SITHLLI.W08, STIFF JOINTS, GALLS, FROST RITZ, £.4 ZSR, CORNS. aowrXAcT'IOXB SR1781rd, £VImAGO, I7+CW, DLLFlvKSB, PAIN IN RACE, SPZLIlrB, PAIN in BIDE, M, Every bottle ggt.nrarteed to erre ntidat dee Or money ,efurded. t16SIKTMM WTT11 1:A6N NTTIL MNK Dae. 7.3C Qa8Q81N & 00., Proprt tors TORONTO, ORT. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. G- BARRY CABIET IAKER au' IINBERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich. =A good aerortmeat of Kitchen. Bedroom, ltindng Room andtParlor Furniture. such as Ta Ties, ('hairs (hair, cane and wood seated), Cupboards, Bed -steads. Mattresses, 1142h -etas Lounges,,Sofas, What -Nota, looking Glasse s. N. I(. -A complete assortment of Colons and Shrouds always on hand alio Hearses for Lire at reasonable rates. Picture Framing a specialty. -A earl solicited. C:,1 ...GRAZING LAND* Ant retNrn eve -NE Northern Pacific Ra R. no MINNESOTA, DAKOTA, /No MONTANA. BSC CROP AGAiN iN 1E81 BOOTS&SHOES 2�o�rnisig � Wedclup Peg to announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above Stroe in the store lately occupied by Horace Newton. Having purchased a large and e ell assorted atotk of Spore and Summer Goods at cense figutea, we are determined to give the Public the benetit.Et,' • QUICK SALES ti SMALL PROFITS SILL BE OUR IdTTOO1 rir-Please call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. r.9'Remember the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store. ,.rorCustom work will receive our special attention. loIr-None but the beat of material used and first-class workmen employed. Xitr Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice. Goderich, March 9, 1882. DOWNING & W E D D U P LOw "r'ICCS : LONGTIME • REBATE row beacon. Mt.c' Rte.,..AO FARE Arte FsEnCMT TO sE-Tires. roe T. ILL beam-uATOM, A00441 1.1 P. ; "• N:wPCF-, I.:N. LAwo Ac' tlnerns,M P,..a -. PAUL. Mines M 1 LLI N ERY. Miss Jessie Wilson :Takes pleasure in infor'nting the Indica of Goderieh and vicinity, that she opened out on Saturday, April the 8th A LARGE STOCK OF' TRIMMED & UNTRIMMED GOODS. A fun and tine assortment u( FLOWERS AND FEATHERS. And everything in the shape of ZtTEST NC)77=1.�1T=E0, The ladies a 7 . ordlally. invited to inspect goods, and 1 will 1(4•411 i1 n pleasure to shoN the T FOR ISO r MANITOBA LATEST AND BEST STYLES. ORDERED WORK A PECIALTY_ PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING' EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AND AT LOW RATES AT "THE SIGNAL OFFICE." The Greet Western Railway will run their .xrurasons to MANITOBA and DAKOTA punts during May and June every two two weeks, eeommerteing TIIE8- DAT Kay, 2nd, 1881. Fa ren Reduced. Fon inf.,rmahon, tickets,,•tc , apply to GEO. B. J�OHNSTON, 1'pe :al MeatGreateaters Its•? w sy i o1 ririn. newt. Oeaertek. A,wt, s, MIA tyt a INF Rasura Otis e11 , and,75 to Cash, ass w111 seed yea, pa NIOKIL 55T111 WINDING AI,U STAG b&TT1SO we. MIMS. Rotors this slip and 15.00 s.4 we .t11 a,r41) r,fWeeP*t ore of oar errs inviteinviterise 14 0..» PI.ATI Erma to 110 teeth. u veld b7 Amerleaa 8.1.1471 ells site sed 6&60 1a cos. ad . wnlsend ST.•s a t.ADIAlf COIN M1.. wen W *Test ysraustw& rots •.Mabee wars\ M8N Yea asked boy fret de. M�t •11 14t.n tele SIP.arl 67.IS. sad we ort me neer of ger apt.sd141.LU1st • Atari faIn n mar e, w81H fie nil res not 5. breed da mile ftaM .sok . wt,Mas sed awe«& r.•, -n the asp tel 61171 m.4 .r H. a.■ t ren ens of , er LA UIti' or., weARar kt Rri•.e oars W..L e. res. t g soe.a...t R.tarn this slip sed '20 sol we. w mall )on one of oar OLNT1'a a LARAT Ft( LL *MR NIT1.TIN.1 CARR PATENT LLVLA GOLD WATCIIE.a, guaranteed. Risers ibis .din and $1.75. and w. well �1a pe.tt.atn..a. of nor .. 440141111 I SN NICa88L PLATI-n ha. V Refers t' Is sl p s41.1 11 2', an4 w. wi ma,l )ow •tie ,,t ar 1.•1,".no L$k I.. WR1.KT PACKA'lxa eoutaloll•,‘ 21 ,loess ..aerial Jae.lry riders (h'..1 p mid 6'.rn Ie. e• h err, Ire "Ms .•s 1. 'mot . or -oI.W L',r. .rJ o.01.0 M WA"CY 1:Yal..a Rears thin Min ae 1 6 M w rNv-tY rEaA t ' M Ara DiTA(: ^' .. - . n.sesa sol Cala ail"' iL-esso • 1 MIMS LEE & CO., MONT,t... ' w , .r EMI I be- !ode- tday. R. fifth on has Y a tot era- AV - deo, by cad EGO oto by :h- 14, ng ref h. e, h d d 1 y a 3