HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-06-02, Page 5Vert Wavraaosh. on Wednesday of last week, a barn in course of construction for Mr. John Niviva, of the 2d non., was blown down. Ft.rtunetely no one wee bort u the workmen had left the bui;ding a few minutes before It fell. The ham was a large one, and was almost finished. DUI/101E PIUtSONAl.. -- Mr. George Bear, of Helteesviile, a former resident of this H,lace was visiting friends here last week. e looked hearty.-- the Mimes Tinker, of Hu/lett, spent a few days with Mts. Bean last week. —Miro Clara Emerton, f Goderich, is visiting here. ENJOYMENT.—A large nunober of lads and their sweethearts had a plesaant gathering on the farm of Mr. P. Gal- lagher en the 24th inst., and had a merry time in games, etc. In the even- ing all adjourned to the house of Mrs. Costes residence, and spent the night in dancing, to the strains of Mr. John Gallagher's violin. flarbrat4 Rims/AD.—Mr. Harvey Green cap- tcred a cute old fox one day last week. The gudewives hereabouts are rejoicing at the thought that the barn yard de- predator is in durance vile, and think the young gentleman is deserving of a testimonial for capturing Reynard. Stat L11'E—The old side line, long used as a foot path, has been reopened, and pedestrians will no longer need G, climb fences in making the short cut to town. U the council were to spend • few dollars in levelling rough places, it would be a great boon to those who travel to town on "Shank's mare. Lo ift ala` Quite a number of buildings are be- ing erected in this locality this year, there being several fine brink and stone houses on the list. We are pleased to note that Mr. D. McDonald, of Ashfield, who how been seriously ill for atone time. is now much better; and Dr 11th:old uudtr whuae care he is, expects that by the 20th of •i,oeie tie will be so veli :.. t • hes ahle to mod poll his vote fee 'lir. M. C. . , and well govern uten . • ,faction is felt her, at the he nieniltationa at ( •!erica un e 1•u Indeed it wou:,i tie diffi- cult t., tint' two melt note suitable to represent West Huron in the Commune and Legislature than Mr. Cameron and Col. Ross. If the feeling in all parts of riding is anything like what it is here, there is not the leant doubt but that Mr. Cameron will, on the 20th of June, be elected by no small eiajority. We are nearly all "Cameron -men" here, and we expect to give a'good account of our- sel ves. Dungannon. Mr. Wm. McArthur. is authorized to re t•e,re subscriptions for 'I He HCRON FION*L and give receipts therefor. The good people of the Methodist church here celebrated the Queen's Birthday, by holdir:g a grand bazar in the store formerly occupied by Mr. Clendenning. The day was all that could be desired and a large number of people availed themselves of seeing the specituens of handiwork of the ladies of the congregation. All the articles were disposed of with the exception of a very few. In the evening there was a grand entertainment under the auspices of the choir. There was • very full house. The chair was ably fille.l by Mr. Heth- erington, of the Nile, who was iu his most affable humor. All the elections were creditably performed. During the entertainment the autograph quilt was put up at auction and Mr. Varco of this place was fortunate enough to secure it. The proceeds from bazar and entertain- ment amounted to somewhere in the neighborhood of $200. astasia. The Council met on the 27tb May, at I)eL,ng•s hotel, Port Albert. Alt the members present. The minutes of last meeting were read and signed. Letter from Garrow S- Proudfoot relative to that part of 3 and 4 S. R, E. D. on 4th con. Petition presented by John Grif- fin, front a large number of the ratepay- ers of the township, asking the Council to raise the sum of twenty thousand dollars for the purpose of gravelling the concession roads. Laid over until next meeting. Petition from A. C. Hawkins and several others, asking assistance for Mrs. overfield, an indigent. Moved by .1. Whitley, seconded by P. Clare, that Wm, Kilpatrick be pathmaater on 8. R (i and 7, E. D., con. Q, and that F. Mc- Carthy work with him. Moved by D. McMurchy; seconded by J. Griffin, that the following eocounts be paid :—John Spindler, budding culvert on con. 10, W. D„ $2; J. McGregor, repairing hill between lots 19 and 20, $22.50; John `(ullivtn, repairing culvert and pipe across McGregor road, $3. Moved by .1. Whitley, seoonded by D. McMur- chey, that Mr Saunby be paid $11.25, for provisions bought by him by order of Council f.,r Mrs. Burton and W. G. Hardy, $12.50, for board for J. Boyle. Moved byJ. Whitley, seconded by .1. Griffin, tt this Council do now adjourn to meet again at 3 o'clock p. m. One o'clock p. m., the members of the Council having taken the oath required by Statute met 5. a court of revision. The list of appeals having been present- ed was taken up in order. R. Nelson sslueaed se joint owner 14 A, cam. b P; D., J. Shields as farmer's see fel We li, ata, /, E. D., Win. Derain ttwss- meet cm real estate reduced POE, and amassed as owner for Ni epee*. 7 E- D. , E pt e.f W pt 5, out IL W. ),, 27 are cs, apasaaad ea nen-retddent roll at *100, t 12. coo , t's.t D., 100 acres, es asssed an non-ressil roll at 51800. C. Montgomery assessed for NA 3. North South street, Port Albert, a acres. atA $200; Was. Beekeet's anesem_R1 us real estate redwood OM, two apes tikes "(i S. Ill. } 12, sea. 11, W. D.. D. taste 4 aasemsd to own fete Se 1, Mss. 11 t W D., et $1300; J. Kest srsewedr. farmer's sen for !t4 r$ 12, eon. l4 R' 1) Moved by J. Whitley. seconded by P Clan, that the court of revisits adjourn to meet matin on the 27th June, at Mekes, hotel, KintuL The Council mat at 3 o'eloek p petulant to adjeurswet, all the mem- bers pressing as w the forenoon. Mow- ed by D. Mcburchy, seounded by Jos. Grille, that Mrs, Overfield be granted $10 ma chanty, Nd that R. Hamilton be paid *60 as part mama of bridge can tract on the 18 mile liver, lot 38, con. 12 Moved by Jos. Griffin, seconded by P. Clans, that Mrs. artin be granted $5, and Margt and Rose Ma- guire *10 as charity. Moved by J. Whitley seconded by P. Clare, that this Council do now adjourn to meet again at McRee's hotel. Kuntail, on the 27th June. Joan Coon, Clerk. Bsamillsr. Mr.IM C. Cameron, M. P., will ad - draw the electors of this vicinity on Fri- day, the 9th June, in the Temperance Hall, commencing at seven u'cloek. ACCIDENT. —Mr. Thos. Slottery, while working at the erection of Platt's Mill en Tuesday last, had a very narrow es- cape of being killed. He was sti uok on the bead by a falling crowbar, and also fell about 12 teet. Dr. McLean was ,tmino„.nd as soon as possible, and dress- ed the wounds. He will soon recover.by being asreful of himself. Pit' -air. The grand pic-nic, held un- der the auspices of the Benmiller brass band on the 24th was a grand success. A large number of pleasure seekers were present, some coming from the Nile, Port Albert, Carlow, and a good many from Zion and vicinity. Several were also present from Clinton. Various amusements were indulged in during the day, among thein swinging and dancing. A large platform was erected for the con- venience of those wishing to "trip the light fantastic!" Music was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. R. McCullough. The amount of $60 was taken in d uring the day. Mr. Adana Robertson, of Guelph, died on Sunday night after a very short int. nese. Deceased was 70 years of age, and lived in Guelph for the past thirty-five years, during which time he had been elected too every municipal office, in- cluding that of Mayor. This year he was elected alderman, and one of his last of- ficial act,, wan the trip made to Toronto al -out a wen; imp, to purchase a flag for the city, sod which was to -day flying at half-mast, .out of respect to his mem- my. OMMINNOWNIIMMIM INdt I:ANCE CARD. BRITISH AM. COT, Toni o- Fitablishe 1811 PH(ENIX INS. CO'Y, of LONO DN 1Englandi- kstsD ihhrd 1782. HIARRTFORit iNS. CO'Y. of HARTFORD, coag - Established 181e Risks taken in the above/kit-class Offices. at the lowest rates by HORACE HORTON. The ender nod Is also Appraiser for the CANADA PERS. LOAN AND SAVINGS CO'Y TOttoirro. Mosey to Ian on first -claws security, role 7 to 8 per Cent. --Charges moderate. HORACE HORTON. Goderlch Sept. Rh 1880. WILL YOU EXCHANGE a case of Dyspcpsi:, or Biliousness fur 75 cents? It is awfully unwise to at. on izo un- dert:ic many ailments arising from Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Disordered Stomach and Liver. when this offer is made to you In your own Lome in ani sincerity, with as absolute certainty of curing von. ZOPESA (from Brazil) ccupre% Dyspepsia and Biltousnesd. A single dose relic%es; a sample bottle convinces; a 75 cent bottle Cures. It acts directly upon the Stomach, Live:, r-nd Kidneys. Cleansin-, C3rrocting, Reg- ulating, Z3pI'sa gives energy and vire to the Brain, Nerve, and Musc!e, Simply by lvork- ing wonders upon the D'ges- tfon and giving activity to the Liver. Cut this out, take it to any dealer in medicines, and gc L at least ono 75 cent bottle of Zopesa, and tell your neigh bcr how it acts, It 11 wnrranf^d to cure 1)31pepsia and Bil- iousness. Mack's Magnetic Medicine lea Sure. Prompt and Rgtrtnal Remedy for Neneouseess in all its stages, Weak Memory, loan Of Hems Power, Sexual Prostration, NightSweats ..pers,nlerrAesa, Hermosa/ Weak- ness and Gen enl fes,.. of Porn-. 1t repairs Nerrers Waif,. Re nornestes the Jaded h.fed- i cl. strengthens the IDetierbled Drain, and Re- store..'iwrrpprwriwwgp Mae awl r ywe fo the A's. Aawbd (feaeral(ee Organa. The erlw•rienre st thousands proves It an iNvatl'Aar.R RaM- teY. The medicine Is pleasant to the taste, Gad each hoz eontatas ste4ent for two week's twedicadee. partialities M Mi e$es,est and heli. N erW pamall tees $ as address. pamphlet. which we Mrin• to ■astlIllogomillig1110111ollomi build by Drug- gists a N d1eaff elf N boss for BS;,, or be MO e1 p 1sja, ea hesipt of the mane ' 1 mAsR ansteritie f.., whether. tie_ ()instillMold in ooderie• 1. by) JrARou W1111111111. and all IhtsytRbts wberw 18131y Shorthorn. 1 win eon at rtee.saahle prices • number of elieM >feyt :n ttolt.ran serge rows. fee service. grodfIN R HAwLgv. per Geo. R. Gorham. Let 7. Maitland eon Huron Road lalf/ i THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JUNE 2, 1882. 5 IT WILL PAY You to procure trees your Druggist • bottle of TA YISCOTTS DOMINION HAIL RESTORER It keeps the hair fresh Gad natural; It is lost aass.hlr nor Workouts ha Its effects. but pleasant sad setrsshlug, it cleans the scalp, and gives tone, !wIuty and naturalness to the hair 11 pro- motes lux urtous growth and prevents premature de'uay Price 50 Ces1.to PEr Mottle GEORGE RIITNTAS, .&c - Np FOR GODERIOfi_ THE BIGGEST SALE OF THE SEASON. J.0 . DETLOR&CO LL PAPER CLEARING SALE OF BOOTS and SHOES --AT- JOHN ACHESON'S As 1 am determined to go out of Gal BRANCH OF MY BUSINESS. 1 will sell the balance of my stack CHEAP. 1' 0 T ACS0INT _ The Cheapest House Under The Sun JAS SAUNDERS & SON. -DEALERS IN— STOVES & TINWARE Have de cured to one their entire Meek of clearing prices. for lash. For the neat fit days they wit sell at prices that will sat/mist' all. COME AND BEE THE 3EIA..1=L NS_ And you will be sure to buy. Their stock Is now complete, their Mr. J. C. i)etlor !.,• ing re Gently purchased in Montreal an immense atoek of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods at Lowest Cash Prices. Splendid value in Velveteen. Prints by the piece at less thv-, regular wholesale o:res. Come and see those cheap prints. Bargains fa check and fancy shirting', and brows ducks. Bigger bargains in brown Holla.a. The biggest BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS Full Lines In the latest styles in Parasols. Laces. ging s all Kmb•oiderie4 at ne•trly half price. Canadian and Scotch Tweeds. French Worsted Coetin{a, LadiesClothsand Ulaterings at Unheard of Prices. These goods must be soli. an I tti p:•ices at which they are placed must clear them out in a short time. Hosiery at prices 10 clear, Hate at panic prices. A special line of Tewels (pure linen) at nearly half price, 50 dov+n 3 -Button KM Gloves, Import- ed direct, at 25 per cent, less than regular prices. 50 Tweed Vests at 1.50, regular price $W- Godericb, Aprl1 13th 1882. J. 0_ DE/LOR 8t OO_ Ha. ung engaged the services of MIt. THOS. 1). JOHNSON oho has bad twelve years exper- ience to some of the Inst shops (anadn, We are now prepared to attend to ALL KINDS OF TINWORK. On Shorte.t Notice titiafactlon urantecd. in Fancy Goats, we have new arrivals W ALL FAPE'wRoSf `au the Lacs; Ku,fhie::. WINDOW BLIND, FANO Sr BASKETS_ G aal a ehok, Ir t, f RAMI Y' c .c "ZR=AGES_ VERY CHEAP. NEXT D001t TO TIIE POST OFFICE. 1882 -SPRING -1828 Our Spring Iffiportalions are DOW 111 Stoc SPII!G iiirl SUMMER SOITS Every Department is Now Complete. LATESTSTyLES.COLBORNE BROS. It affords us pleasure, through thia Circular, to thank our numerous Customers H G- Ta 13 Li N T 1 O h for the very liberal mess. patronage extended us during the and a,hulf years which t se have been in business. Our sales are increasing daily, a sufficient proof that we die our business right, Fashionable Tailor, West Street, Goderich. and give our customers good value for their money. Our Spring Goods are now all in stock, and present a completeness far in advance of anything we have shown before. ACHOICE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS TO SELECT FROM.emeet the growing requirementsof our business, our purchases have been larger than heretofore in every Trade Mark Regtatered. ANOTHER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG. lh , oaual observation, we nod all land speculators have a clear head Rod watch the ops and downs of property, thus making llrge fortunes. But the whole secret is. they keep the system in a healthy- condition by the use of TSF: lemon OF THE 'WALLET tefN(•t\E. We can safely say that hundreds come to us for the great hung and blood purifier before going t. We could f give thousands of the st. Head the nsame kind nif it were ne•rewaary. "I certify that 1 was troubled with ('atan-b in the bead, gathering of phlegm In thethroat, choking and coughing at night for year*. so I could not ehrp, often troubled with dun, life- less feelings. pans in the chest and back. After giving hundreds of dollars to doctors, and giving up all hopes, i tried the PRtoe or THR VALLty, and am now able to do my work after seven year's sicknewo." MRS. JAMES McNRI1. 202 Simeoe Street. London, Ont. "The above statement$of my wife's is cor- rect. J•MIZEI McNRtL. For sacs by all druggists• mannfactureel by Prat. A. M. Shrievee. London, Ont. Sample package 25 cow; five for $1.00. Can be had in (;oderifh of the following druggists: Joao Rood. J . Wi4+a. F. Jer'da■. Geo,l y. .l!atas. sail!. A. smut. ;PPP ;;MtlItN LOOK IN AT Sheppard's Book Sore i-1,1; 1 Ill•.AI' Kro K LAWN TENNIS. AN f► TRIC CLES. TAXIS MMAILL. ARCHITECT, Qc eOlder. Creak's Mock. klssetow et.. pawl. rteh. Plans and it ifleatl.na rswn correct - IT, carpenters' plkwitiwee's and nssann's work meaenrwl ►ad esfaw,t TURNIP SEED 1 have on hand a fresh Enpply of BRUCE'S SELECTED EAST LOTHIAN. SKERVING'S IMPROVED. CARTER'S IMPERIAL. SUTTON'S CHAMPION. BANGHOLME'S. YELLOW ABERDEEN. HUNGARIAN GRASS SEED, 7!1L - LET, BUCKWHEAT. S. SLOAINT E; Corner o: Hamilton Gad Virtu.,;. Gode-ria: _ hIIGb. SEEDS FOR 1882. Thanking tl.t public for past 'a. „- . 1 taae pleasure in elating that I hay c• en hand a BETTER `ToC•K THAN EVER of ehok•e t( ..u. Barley, Peas. (,rete. 7a-.'. PAE'ASOLSS HOSIERY & GLOVES ('loyfraeod Timothy, 1'ea Vine l'bcer. A:afL'e ' and Lawn (.rant We Show an Immense Stock of Prints in all the New Designs, Our 10 Ceut Line is Great Value. R (2! () D S, int Great Varit1y, in plain all wt,oh. watered, brocaded and checked, from 12}c In Black and Colored Cashmeres wo Defy Competition e are showing a large :aitge of Cottc-.ne, Linens, Shirtino,s, Ducks, Denims, Union Tweeds, All -Wool Tweeds and Ci,Sti nga. Silks ar,d Satin, Plain and 'Watered, 1 N BLACK AND COLORS. IN SMALL STARE OUR -' TOCK IS VERY COMPLETE Leree me SPLENDID VALUE IMPORTED BUCK OATS CLOTHING MADE TO ORD' ;R A tirst elms moor' Merit of FIELD, GARDEN & FL( )WER SEEDS ec•1rfJM with great fare from the test seed bonne, In the renniry; Highest price Paid for Butter & Eggs . COMPTON'S SURPRISE CORN. I C _, 0 17Z1NT = The host field corn yet introe!tced. _ ill/DF:RICH. NEW POTJ T O E WHiTE DOSE, ST. PATRICK. and WHITE ELEPHANT. Moo a good selection of all , es!gffln ether varieties CARTER'S MAMMOTH MANGOLOS 1 The bc•wi and heaviest cropper grow'r.- N. H. Thorough enitivattnn and good eco : ensures .%14.C4.1111 in farming. if you want a- ,• of the ahoy,. 1 have them all genuine. JAMES McNAIR• llamilto McCOLL BROS & CO. TORONTO_ MANUFACTURER -0F LARDINE OIL ANI) CYLINDER OIL• Four Medals and three Zionists •warded taws ism rear lot the Int tines In the Dominion MANUFACTURERS. And all toes Itter byyA inoltu,nrtnaanl1t,, f. Oet h wsNer0 k.tlew teeabltInAlrw.It,tlwiNbnRpw•wwtd t►- theta, McColl Bros & Co Toronto Tie , Inrdine Is for sale la Ooderlch by R. W. McKEItiZiR, G. H. PARSONS, C CRAKE, and D 1C RTRACHAN. engem :.ow :a the t.me, if you w •.i, ,,,,. •.r two nice rooms at home, to see Butler's room papers. He has over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs, Besstaul eolora and at priceslery than very ranch inferior goods. ('a;1 and Ger tii.•is. tile, are the bowl value to town. and must betudd. The Ifrs1 Sprilloi i it PiIIEuo FshAs At vfrzl R-1_ SEEDS SLEDS! .It'+T RECEIVEi. AT THE Meclical Rall, Ci-oc erich .4 larre, and well Assorted stock of fre.h Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, Both la hulk and ,n psi-ke,* i'ur, ha.ed from one of !he eldest end MOM. reliable e•-fd..o,.a .n the Dominionwild and will he aaat ('stalc.ee F. JORDAN, Chemist and Drigg Wholesale and Retail healer in irroatp, ('itemirals. Ilya Ji n(vt. H.e o..s/ (atlw I'br.lelsa.' P ..rrintie.. 7MMt Art,* • •• Toiling R sed out a M and (1 ►r'a Gifts.