HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-06-02, Page 2t TRE HURON SIGNAL, TWf IY. JUNE 2, 1882. POLITICAL POINTS. Pub7 aftwats EMIR oar Is- IM.ils :08Ile remittals Perms ellbaseees • i.sambea meow ,At is needles to say fiat, in .soh a seek swig b; but against And party may will say. Agsio t the country we con- tend. It is the country that has bow prevented from giving the strep thto the Reform party that it meant to ism That ia where the wreng is don. For neither party considered as a pasty do we cone a 8g. for the ooesiry and its liberties we care a greet deal; and ft is booms* the whole.y.Mo et gerrymandering strikes at the natural sad constitutional rights of the people that we say it is * thing which no one should laugh M or shackle over, het which .very homiest man should condemn.-FMontreal Star. The Nspeted Taunters. It may be et interest to know that while the ountest is going on hen over the question of the territory west of Lake Superior, the tavern.* on whom the privilege of stripping it of timber has baa conferred by the Dominion Gov- ernment are hard at work. If the terri- tory is not secured new by turning out Sir John Macdonald, it will be worth many millions less to us five yeanhencs. It is only fair, therefore, that Mr. Mow- at should expect the Province to declare in favor of its own rights by a majority so sweeping as to tome Sir John to res- ign at onus, as Mr. Mackenzie did in 1678, when be found the popular verdict against him. 0. AN HDITOR'S TROUVAINI. wseme r'_samm"`a'aM` • laisersinsemsles tuukM I lAeocinee or moues Meuse MAW es •aMEIN - "Is the geodes" tido knows irwy- thiag int' pet*d a vision of gold► Asir ad. bloc eget. as.ah.sIood idly laddi the managing editor's leak yonleeday afternoon. "Everything about whatr' asked ilei editor, clawing around under his desk for his shoes,and trying to hide his strok- ing feet under him. ''Upon whish par- tieular branch do you seek ioformatiour' "I don't exactly know what to do," pouted the strawberry lips Pa says I can only have one dress this spring, and I don't know hew to rake it up. I thought the gentleman who answers questions could tell me." "Wm!" muttered the managing editor. He has goo up to Maine to find out why geese always walk in single tile. An 'Anxious Inquirer' wants to know. What kind of a dress had you thought of get- ting?" "That's what I want to know. I want something that will look well with terra cotta gleves." "Yes, yes," murmured the editor. "Then you should get one of these green things with beads that turn all kinds of colours, and some fringe and fixings of that kind." "Would you have it cut princess or wear it with a polorisisel" she inquired, lookin; at him searchingly. "You -you might have it princess arunnd the neck and a row of polonaises at the bouton," suggested the editor. "That's going to be very fashionable and a oeuple of hip pockets would set it off royally." "I dant know," murmured the beauty 'I have t seen any of that ;style. Do you know whether pannien are worn bouffant this season, or whether the skirt is tight?" "Oh, certainly they are made with all the bouffants you can get on 'em. Some have even sixteen button bouffant., and there was a lady in here yesterday who hal a pannier that came clean up to the nec'r. 1 should have it pretty bouffant if it was my dress" "Kell," stammered the blushing blos- som, "would you box plait the skirt or shirr it'" "Shirr it, by all meaner exclaimed the editor. "Shirr it, straight up and down, and fasten it with those loops of Petrolia, who is not only a man of splen- black tape." did business abilities but above the aver - "Yon menu frogs?' asked the beauty. age as a speaker. There was a freshness and originality about his speech at the "No, no. These big loops that elip convention rarely niet with. He pointed over two buttons. That sets off the out that Mr. Mackenziehad been ab- shirrs and gives a sort of tout to the en- ■tirdly charged with the depression ea .emblc " and the editor leaned back and isting at the close of his Administration, smiled superior. "Don't you think revers of a lighter shade would look pretty?" she enquired. on the wheel." He said "he had discovered 1ey ll do to fin up the back, but I a title not inappropriate to the present wouldn't put 'ant on the front," answer- Rneasls* sad Treaters. Grip and some of our journals -and moon; them The Wm - have been bnngmg out the idea that the Freneh alpnadian Blend are enemies of Ontario and that they it is who are really the ab- etters of Sir John Macdonald in his re- fusal to ratify the boundary award and in disallowance of provincial acts Let us IFant that these French Canadians are jealous, and did "put up the job;" what mast we say of those Ontario membersof parliament, those members of the Ont- ario legislature, and those Ontario jour- nals that have been even warmer abet- tors of Sir John Macdonald in his raid on Ontario, than the French Canadians. Traitor iii a hard name but it is the one that suits him beat. Sir John would never have listened to suggestions from Quebec if he could not count on the sup- port of Ontario Conservatives. r. Every marl from Quebec, no matter where heis, is solid for Quebec every time. -World. Skippers is the Cheese. The East Lambton Reformers have made an excellent choice of a candidate, in the person sf Mr. J. H. Fairbanks of A siglp• mesident for Peres tied !yield wpUino-en have just MN a weadr'obe cepa elisn tar a tiffks did el Acer ,..e., pldch is ee Shoop eta es polity and eeataine sock metal. seoible deth- in8,ttbat I eats de no better them to 4es- o cribs kt OOXMNUIOATIONS. We 4e est bold ourselves rsepoasl lbw of�ouur OorrersspoadsaMs. - esnest p ani a emaitkaw aad M heel• Mite all, Huge is a pay isead, reg add damp days It hi made tdb gins - pore bag, tight -fitting waist wilU fell kilted shirt; a broad gosh of $.etch plaid worsted, with reveres the sae down thud m s; cuffs anti mikes are all the ((immix p. The proade ant color in in the goods is cardinal, ass& their' are cardinal stockings and hair -ribbon mho wore with it, and gums Isrge percale, with eardiaal polts-dots, to be wuea ev- er the very large plaid collars. Another dark dress is • turkey o lion. It has a deep yoke long waist, and fall-pthered rolls The ruffle has a vin worked above the hem in white tidy cotton, briar stitch edges the collar, yoke and ruffles on the sleeves and the bias band which heads the ruffle. Than were two cardinal inured percales os a white ground. One had two narrow ridges headed by • border of cardinal and white in a Greek key pattern. The yoke was simulated (a close fitting sack pat- tern being used), and there -was a cun- ning little pocket. The other cardinal and white percale was cut to open in the front. It had ons seam down the mid- dle of the bask, which shaped the dress into the figure, and three narrow ruffles on the skirt, each having a row of briar sticking in red cotton, and the bias band which served as a heading for the top one, and was also oontinued up the front to the throat was trimmed with the same The half -long sleeves had two little ruff. les and the bias piece above them, and were all trimmed the same way. A blue Chambray gingham cut with close -fitting sack had on each side the front three narrow Webs, and down the centre was a row of inserting made of feather braid. This was awn un the goods, not inserted; a ruffle, five inches deep, with three teaks above the hem, had a row of inserting for the heading. The beeves were also trimmed with it, and there was a deep collar made of the d to be mom with when,'as a matter of tact, the wave of depression had set in before he took of- fice. Our opponents had very courteously designated the Reform leaders, "Flies Governinent, viz: "Skippers in the cheese." (I.•eghter.) In many respects they resembled each other; indeed there ed the editor savagely. "Revers ars very well to trim a hat with, but they don't set off a dress front. • nem= Gauer Sara Mesas. Owen Il.uttd. My rand 1818 iM as !reline of Ons resent to Dant fh . --.1 am out welling yes ea e,. bet merely to give yeg a bpy'e d the beauties d rooky. shores .ed Use wafers of the Georgian Bay, partisuisrly that of Colpey's, tea which I peas in and out on my daily route from Owen Sound and intermediate points. I have been appointed and ase actin ala ;lark or , on the propel- lor 'Josephine Kidd', at priming engaged on much the same mate as the unfortu- nate Jane Miller. Though young at the bookies', I think I asp w.sthw it, haw- ing lots to de with freight and passen- gers to and from the poria along our mute. Colpo] s Bay is o+wdered the best sheltered bay in these waters, being about two miles wide and ten miles long, ed at the mouth bythree noted island, The Hay, Whiteoloud and OeiMtM, each containing water to the depth of one to three hundred fathoms The shores are very picturesque and grand with high and bright rook. if I was tip in the glistening bosiuses I would not be at a loss for 'atones here. I often times think of my schoolmates in Ooderioh and my home, but then is something exciting in my calling that take away my lonesome feelings. We are doing a large freight trade, and ez- pect it to increase M the .atop advances �y with excursions oft the 0. m Wiarten, our present port of stopping You must not thank me boast- ful or presumptive in taking this liberty. Yours with respect. A. M. $vacua feather -edged brai it. Another dress was of unbleached cheese cloth worked in double herring- bone stitch with red cotton. It was cut in sack shape and buttoned behind. Three scant, straight ruffles, two inches wide, were worked with red, and a dou- ble row for a heading to the top one. A long V was outlined in the front with it, and it was pot on around the back in the shape of a square collar; a very narrow ruffle around the back in the shape of square collar;a very narrow ruffle around the threat, edged also with the cotton, and two on the sleeves, with a belt an inch and a half wide in the back, exten- ding only from seam ter seam, completed this charming little dress. BOOTS AND SHOES �In }7ndlesa Variety, Y SPRING STOCK An orator saying that he had "a very mixed audience,' was asked hew it hap- pened. "Oh," said he, "I stirred it up with my .loquewe." was quite a family resemblance. (Lough- How wouldyou have the " A dark calico was laid in three box ter.) Their habits were similar. Skippers corsage!" d in - five get blown into the curd, or cheese, and "I wouldn't have any at all jplsita were stitched down within You ches of the bottom, which was five in - this was the way the Tories get into pow- would look much better without one. hed et, and generally by some neglect on the ••Sir!" she exclamed, rising. with a pretty border. part of the people.. When skippers get in "Oh, ifyou insist ou might have a i The best dress was of darned nett, to they don't want to leave. So it is ' J g be worn overpink, blue or scarlet slips with the Tories (Laughter.) indeed, small one, certainly not over three in-' the latter seem to think that they ches long, for short dresses are the style have a divine right a. the position, now." and flat the cheese is far better for "You -you don't seem to understand their being them, although a good many people think differently. He knew -" she commenced. of only one more unhappy at'ht than a "Oh, don't le' he retorted. "That's skipper out of the cheese, and that was a what I'm here for. sI think there is Tory mut of office. (Renewed laughter nothing so lamentable as to see a young and applause. osseoo , lady dragging her corsage through the The thief ■fee.. mud and dust. Still, if you want one, By abstracting Liberal townships from you should have it, so you can take it adjacent ridings, in which it was desired to leave Conservative majorities, there are now, on the basis of the last electitrn returns, the following Liberal majorities in these riding: Constituency. North Oxford.. .. West i igin Aortb Brant alb Oxford Hoath Middlesex South Huron ... South tim:oe West Ontario . off when you go on the street and only wear it at home. They are hard to han- dle and not one woman in a hundred will kick her corsage gracefully." "I -I am very much obliged to you," Liberal she murmured. "You are very good, Majority.. .5oo I'm sure. • wo 7o0 "Dorf't mention it," replied the editor wort politely, "I think when you get it shirr- opo ed and revered and polonaised and prin- n ceased, you'll like it very much. You sego might get a sash and somebig buttons to put o:r behind, or if you'd like another style better, you might trim the whole front with booftntt and wear the pan- nier for a hat." "Oh, thank you, air?" exclaimed the blushing hul, as she scuttled down stain. "Swipes!" roared the managing editor In these eight constit.ueucies the Liberal majority is 5,500, equal to an average majority of 100 in 55 constituencies. At the last general election South Bruce was carried by 73 nim.. icy, Carleton 86, Cornwall 34 West Isa-i,:ud 42, East Elgin 40, West Elgin 112, Glengarry 61, South Grenville 23, ol oath Grey 81, Halton 18, East Hastings 20, North Huron 81, North Lanark 4 Leeds and with a complacent smile and a glance of Grenville 36, Lennox :.6, Lin. o oln!14,Lon- approval at himself in the glass."Swipes, don 64, East Middlesex 9 1, North Mid- tell the foreman to send ins a Mid- dlesex 8, West Middlesex 48, Mo.nck .8, y'u may Muskoka 63. Niagara 2. S- volt Norfolk proof of the Fashion Notes as soon as 17, West Northumberland 88, East they come in. I have observed that a Northumberland 63, North irntarito 54, great many errors have crept in lately.' Peel 89: North Perth lt:l. South Perth 77. East. Peters. r -soh 26, Prescott 5, North Simcoe a(l, 'South Wateris' 44, Welland 116, North Wel- lington 108, Centre Wellington 6, North Wentworth 106, South Went to.rt h 74, , North York 10, East York lib. Koine of these contAituencies returns- 1 Reformers and sorneVenaervatlees. Theo•ldarrange-, nowt of conitttuefCSes r., lit hare leen 1 on art.olerably Lair basis, when such results as t1'ior° were possible. The fienres Oren above for the "Grit hives show what km 'ph 4..n. to substitute injustice for ]ensues. Take no more nstn...,ora •.• rgatives. Burdock Blond }littera act 1..1:(11v. ides- antly and thoroughly glom the Bosnia. sod occasion no i,tconvenience, while it • regulate. the Lie r and _ Kidneys and towed the eefe.ble 1 aystew. Trial b.ot• The fishing season has set in again, ami anglers have taken the warpath. Fishing Is a title pastime, assemin; that you are fortunate enough to esteh any fish: otherwise it is one of the most 'mel- ancholy and unsatisfying pursuits in the whole world. Among mother things that fishing ram hes are patience and persever- ance. Noi.sly ever made any headway in trying to force the 8ah to take the h,sok; so that for impulsive or impatient .people to go fishing is a hollow aaoekery. You must 1a calm and keep year eye ne the line and wait. --(Ex. T.. prevent Fevers, Bilious C„los and Aerie; to come up the system and purify the blood, try a course of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters. In large bottles at AO meta Geo. Rhyne, tie 10 cents. '2 - agent. Tonsorial. TKNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR- • HER and air -dresser, bets to return pea banks to rim potato for papafrcoase, and solidus • continuance of costa:flair:. caa always be found it his Shaving Parlor, near Poe oeloe Oodsricb. 1761 made of undressed cambric. Fur wraps, there were two sacks. One was of white Shaker flannel, at sixty-five cents a yard, thirty-six inches wide, ani one yard made the sack. It was pinked in the edge and worked above in a little vine with cardinal and gold colored silk. The other was of heavy gray flannel, cut long enough to cover the great, and fitt- ed in the -back with one seam. It had a large collar, pockets and cuffs worked with black split zepher. A wardrobe for an older sister is in prooeu of making. I will describe it in another paper. GOLD -Is excellent for filling decayed Teeth; but "Truisms?" prevents the decay, makes them white, and make peo- ple lovable. 5 cent samples. The "stop my paper" man crops up everywhere. He is as well known in New York as he is in the dullest village in Canada. He got mad in Iowa the other day and wrote to the editor of the New York Tribune as follows: "Your dirty sheet of abuse of March 1st is br'r- fon Me, and I hope to god it is the last soppy that will ever Come to My No- tice. Which led the Tribune to observe that a man who always allude to himself in Capitals, and spells these Almighty with a small rt, mast be a person of tre- mendous importance. In the spring of the year almost every one ore espeeiallyhem month res a tBlom Purifier, 1 W would earnestly advise oar readers to try Dr. Canon's Stomach and Constipa- tion Bitters. A few doses will soon convince you that it is the best remedy known for affectanna of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver and Kidneys. in large bottles at 80 cents. G. Rhynas, agent. Mr D. D. W ilm,n, of Seaforth, who is one of the Largest, if not the bergeet egg dealer in the Dominion, paid out over $70,000 for het fruit during the past month. AFTER THE CULMINATION OF manhood •1 forty. th. pease of life be, On. tedeeltee Iain old age The is,,' et ibe dt,rvative sppar$tus ebieb at feral was asllielent sot only to provide foe the daily waste. bat to odd caw costi rel tater on Is on- ly able to repply the duly ewer and at las/ is tin imperfect to maintain the talent* and imeraln Ste trent" in la evtattng •nttret7. At ills period. when the er► rrndHnre Is greater than the in..,m•. WiIFICI.Rtt'N• 114011- I'H A Tge .4 x 1 1 411.1+.\Vete b anrn- ins feel" and sneoplyine rertamade tlaene eMrnesra. wUl here a'entirety to orolnnit lite. l now complsW, and 1 take.pleastltw in informingmy cestoinets that at 11e pre- 1,/ U vious time bate I hod such a Large & Varied Stock As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price anti it is a positive fact that no such value in font wear can be got elwwhere. CU TOM WORS of every grade still missives my prompt and careful attention, and will be made up in the most approved styles by first -clams workmen, end of the very beet material obtainable. Ladiesaad Misses Boots Keel laced Free oicharge, At time of purchase if so desired. E_�OWNZNG Crabb's Block, Cur. East Street and the Square. Hass been in eoastant use by public for over t . years, and is lbs best preparation ever 1s - vented for RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS YOUTHFUL COLOR AND LIFE. It supplies the sate - rat teed sad eider to the hair glands without aaalaiag the aids. It will farr.w and thicken the growth of the hair. pre- vent its blanching and Ailing off, and thus AVERT BALDNESS. It seros ltekfag. Erap-`\ nems sad Dandruff. As a HAiR DRESSING it is very desirable, giving tho lair a taken sottasas which all admire. It Imps the lead gleam, . west and healthy. 1r` THE VARIETY STORE. I have just received • large stock of WALL PAPER, CREE/•T * WINDOW BLIND PAPER, CAR- PET PELT, ETC-, ETC - 1 have also on band a large stock of all kinds of BRACKETS, SMALL TABELS, CHARIOT HORSES, EXPRESS WAGONS, and CROQUET SETTS. Atl kinds of repairs done to Lounges. Sofas. and Chairs. Clears reamed and perforated seats put in. Carpet and oil -cloth laid. sad ptctare frairoog at bottom rhea. C+. C.ROER'I'SON, variety Store. Eau St. HARDWARE! -GO TO- (� ren' T tr 1>s 'tet Vie- ' - Lar 'rte pa - I -b OIL1114 TO B1'Y YOUR -- Farmers' Hardware Builders' Hardware YOUR KNIVES,. FORKS ANS SPOONS, In fact, everything you want in his line HE IS BOUND TO SELL CHE.Ant' This Spring and Summer. See his FENCE WIRE, the best yet. R. W_ MCK=NZiR 1g1V F R THE S DIT WHISKERS will change the beard to a BROWN or BLACK at dlscrettoa. Being in ere prep$rmtfon It is essay applied, and predmees a perwssmeat osier that will not wast off. PREPARED BY �. P. HALL 4 CO., NASHUA, 11.11. fk+N by all Dukes 1e Meditate. HEM AB1IIYALS. CANNED CORN BEEF, LUNCH TONGUE, ENGLISH BRAWN! POTTED TONGUE, BEEF, H AM CHICKEN FRESH SALMON AND LOBS f L R, A FINE ASSORTMENT t•r Christie Brown & Co'f BISCUITS atrD CA KE$, TEAK, SUGARS An Pure pioeo. TRY THEM Chas. A. Nairn. G1EAVI1 I3AEGAINS! tx BOOTS AND SHOES! GREAT CLE[UNG SALE FOO 30 DAYS Previous to stock taking at AT PIMPBETS BOOT OU SHE ENPORMI Partite wanting cheap goods should call at ease Havteg secured Lrat class mor I am prepared to maaafsetare teener. Nothing but First Class Material Med, AN lo A 3-�d. slit teems WM CAMPBELL Oodwtet'. rear. ietb, lam. GET YOUR HORSE BILL$ OF EVERY DESCRIPT10N, Posters, Circulars, Cards. ate. PRINTED AT THE OFFI CI:OF THE HDRON 1*Edii Heidi Street. Oett.ih..