The Huron Signal, 1882-06-02, Page 1a . G ENERAL l TELL!ICENCE I THIRT9-• 1I'7STI1 YI•:'.It. WHOLE Yl'NlI •.w :Kl,. r GODERICH, ONT.', FRIDAY, tl U ti E r McOILLICUDDY BROIL Pvtuuwgxs i $1.30 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. New advertlseme.ts 'lopesa. $1) Reward Robert (lodge. forest .-(ut(xss Achieved Jas. Imrle. Hills Hair Renewer - !)r. R. 1'. (fall tf Co. A,Sdit.uual Political Meetings --M. C. Camer- on. Dentistry. i mCHOLSON, SURGEON DEN- T/. TIST. Office and residenue,West Street (tree doors below Bank of Montreal. Gode- rich 1752 L1D►YIN KEEFER, DENTAL SUR - 1'J 0., t :. este wittt '(Totter & Caesar, the hr:► Lits D sonata of Turuuin.I All operations motif • a.t l . u ref uUJJ performed. I tooa.. Rea- r.?Illu„k, t'LINTON. L!1'rtlents from • oaten. a mill please make appointment In ad- ancr by inatl. 1812 :L he People's £olumn. -s ``s•. l) REWARD. --THE ABOVE RE- Q . •.vrnl will l,c paid fur information whi,:h w'.a lead to the conviction of the per - won ur p •trot.. who destroyed a portion of the wire (ea -o hetWeen lots 10 and 11, 5th con., ll yderi. ii tuwnahlp, on the night of the 21th of May. ROHEIt't HUI)OE. AN FED. -A GOOD SERVANT A gaud general servant in s family of two. G,,d ws4es will be paid. Apply to MEd. Dakotan C AMERUN. East Street. 1810. TOfICE. -THE COUNCIL OF THE t'.,rporatlon of the County of Huron will m..et in he Court Room in the town of Goderi.rh, on Tuesday. 1111h of Jame. Ac- counts a&ninet the Council must be sent in efure Cie first session of the second day of eting. I'►TK& ADAMAUN, Co.t'.erkt8 - y 22tid 181t: 1TISS NETTIE SEEGMILLER, Irl Having coinpleted her studies In music. under Prof. Sip pi of London. and having re- coved a certificate. is now prepared to re- ceive • limited number ut pupils for Piano iastru:tloa. Miss Seegmlller is oleo prepared to tak, orders for Crayon Portraits. Satisfac- tion in every cave guarantee(. Residence. corner Cambria ltuad and Newgate Street. RENT. - A COMFORTABLE I II retie on St. Patrick'sStreet• containing seven roome and woodshed. Hard and soft water on t ase premises. and the entire place 1:1 the b.•dt condition. Convenient to the si'tare, Mao two brick cottages. near the cadges. Apply to Jugs BRiutitiKiuuK, Newklate Street, Goderich. J)RICK HOUSE WANTED IN GOD - RICH, not leas than Btu 10 rooms. Mast be nicely (coated. and cheap. State lowest price L. Box 118 Lacknop'Adios w Out. HEIFERS STRAYED. -STRAYED F.ottt the premiers of subscriber. lot 3, 9'h eon., western division of ('olborne. Melte the 22nd or April. lost 2 yearling heifers. Go, i, white wish rroan about the neck and 11.•s 1, ,Ni 1 the other red. with route white spots. Information leading to their recovery will be suitably rewarded by the owner. Jo/re Ttrrty, Carlow P.O. 1834-0 T1R SSMAKI\G. - THE MISSES 11 1(ISSET take this .opuortunity of an- 'nouncing to the ladies of lluderich and viein- tty that they have securcd,romsover (k -erg•• A rhosuu's store, where they will carry on the husinessof dress and tnan;ie waking. Hav- ing had several years etperience as fashion= she d:taaw$k.•- , they feel confident that thr)can give D'aect eatisfsetion. to all who may favor them with their orders. .'. ppreat- keg want. d. IKfis-Im 11t)ll SALE OR TO RENT. -THE, r L urge premises known as the Tecui» wth Salt Well with H1te-k. containing one steam pan flaft and one iron pan 3Oft in ienlfth, with all,ot her opportunities for making salt in good .:nim, ureer. Working capacity I$JObIs per day. pre.ent price of salt t10.. jeer barrel. 910 • day cl++ar'pmllt. Apply to Geo. B. JOIINtTON, P..0. Box 70. Ooderich- fw► RENT. -- A COMFORTABLE House on South Street. containing N • r.•ims. kitchen and pantry. with hand and sari water. Apply to GEO. Mc MAIION. 183111. CSC. WiLL PAY FOR THE SIGNAL, (r postage free for the balance of 111(2. S•ihaerihe at once, and get full benefit of this off •r. £opal. EWIS & LEWIS, BARRISTERS, 14 Attorneys. Solicitors in Chancery &e. Ottice in the Court House, Goderich. IRA I.Ewit:. M.A., H.('.1 . E. N. Lewis 18'JD. Loafs anb insurance. t ,'{ ONEY.-PRIVATE FUNDS TO 1v1 loud on easy terata in suns to suit bor- rowers. AI.ex. MCD ALLAN. Goderich, Nov. 17th 1381. 1813-1m. 000,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO - CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Oode- ich. 175.. $75,000 TO LEND ON REAL ES- TATE. TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to B. L. I)OYLE, Guderich. 1751 lik50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND Ilex on good Farm or first-class Town Property •t 8 per oent. ADULT to It. IRADCLIFFE. 1751 NIONEY TO LEND IN ANY 11•.11 rmouat W suit borrowers et d to et per •ent. Private funds. Apply to SEAura and NORTON, Goderich. MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Funds for Investment it lowest rates on first-class Mortgages. Apply uGARROW & PItOUDFOOT. LOANS FREE OF CHARGE.- Money to lend at lowest rates, free of SF:AOER MORTON. toy coats or charges. ee opposite Colborne Hotel. Ooder(oh, 13rd March 1881. 1779. t' -PER CENT. -THE CANADA U Landed Credit Company is' prepared to end money on wood Farm security, at six per :est. Full pparticulars,given upon application u til; ells !HAMILTON, C. L. agent, Goderich. 1785. 20,O00 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on Farm and Town Property at lowest in - crest. Nlortgugea purchased. no Commiaaion Charged, Conveyancing Fees reasonable. 1. B. -Borrowers can obtain money In one day f title in aatiatactory-.-DAVISO. & JOHN- 3TON, Barristers. &c.. Goderich. 1751 RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, 1-k. Llfe and Accident Insurance Agent. .tr•presentingllrst-ehuseCompanies. Alsoagent 'or the CANADA Live STOCK INSURANCE CO. looney to lend on Mortgage, either in Town or !arm Property. in any way to suit the borrow - •r. Of ee--lup-etair,t Kay's block. Goderich, Legal J4otices. ` TORTGAGE SALE OF 3:, LUIS IN 1 PORT ALBERT. By Verdict of the power of sale contained al a Mortgage from Elizabeth B. Weise and Julius Weise to the Vendor (which Mortgage will be produced at the time of sale,) there will be offered for sale by I'uhlic Auction. by J. C. Currie. Auctioneer, at his auction rooms, in the Town o Go.ierich, on the 5th of June, 1882 as 12 o'clock. noon, 3'i eont teuous lots, in the South part of the town plot of Port Albert, know as the property otyLed by Mrs. Juliu* Wise. R contains 17 acres of excellent level land. 1 with nearly new tranted'weilinghotse, and good orchard. The property is in every - way es moat desirable tme for a residence. market garden or small farm. Very liberal.. and easy terms of payment will he given. Title • perfect, and immediate possession given. 1' or particulars apply to do, under- signed. Dated 5th May 1882. J. C. Cu RION. 1KAUKR t{' MORTON Auctioneer. liarristere. 1838 -Id Goderich. i" OTICE TO CREDITORS. 1 -- In purs'tanee of (7hapter one Hundred and seven, section thirty four, of the Revised Sta- tutes of Ontario. Notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of John 1'asmore late of the town of Goderich. in the County of Huron. and Province of Ontario, wagon maker and black- smith. deceased. who departed this lite on or about the fifteenth day of April last, are re- quired to scud by post, prepaid. or to deliver to Messrs. Garrow t I'ruud(out. Solicitors for Auily p'asniore, of the town of Goderich, aforesaid. widow. the Exccntrie of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, on or before the fifteenth day of June next, a etatcnnrnt containing their named and ad- dresses. end full particulars of their claims of the securities. Ratty, held by them. and that after the said date lastly Mentioned. the maid Executrix will proceed to distribute the tweets of the said deceased aMuntrst the parties en- titled thereto, regard being hail only to the claims of which notice has been given as above re hired; and the said Executrix will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice ehall not have linen received by her said Solicitors at the lime of such distri- bution. GiRRnw .f' PRnrDFOOT. Solicitor for Emily Pasmore, Executrix. Dated at (,oderi, h, this 1th May A. D.1882. 1837-11 f1s THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. 1 t.'IL\NCERY DIVISION. a Pursuant to order of the Iiigh Court of Jos Lice. Chancery Division, made in the matte] LMARROW & PROUDFUOT, BAR T Itfsi ERS. A*torneyTs. Solicitors, etc lioderlch. J. T. Garrow, W . Prondfoot. 1751 13. L. DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D Attorney, Solicitor in Chancery. &c., Goderich. Ont. 1751. QEAOEIt & MORTON, BARRIS- , f TERN, &c., &c., Goderlch and Wingham. C. Seeger Jr.. Ooderioh. J. A. Morton, Wing - ham. 1751. L MALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND iJ Solicitor. Office -Corner of West Street and Market Square, over George Acheson's, (loderirh. 1751. GCAMPION, ATTORNEY -AT - .1.4• LAW. 9olcltor in Chancery Convey- ancer, &c. Office over Sheppard's bookstore. lloderich, Ont. Any amount of money to loan at lowest rates of intermit. 17M -y. `IAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Ilerrlste t4olleitors In Chancery, &c„ p inybam. M. C. Cameron, 4- (f' x. 0. Cawteron, Goderlch. W. R. Roar+, Ingham. 1751. 3Rebical. T1R. HUTCHISON, DUNGANNON, II Ont. 1811 R MCDONAOH, M.D., PHYSIC- kfi • IAN. SURGEON, &e., Graduate of Tor- onto or onto University, Licentiate of the Royal Co1- ittis of Pbs olaso, hoodoo, England. to.. to.. lktf C. P. PA Ontario. (Mee and residence ) Planer's Hotel. Hamilton street, od- 1796&n T' R MCIEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR - S, GROS. Osesser. to. Offloe and residence Orme Weet..ese.d door west of Vietctrla 1711. . clam. Puirgeoe G. MACKiD, M. D., PHYSI- and At-enneher, Graduate Awie, Toronto University. (Mlernpposite Owner rets It Cameron's Rank, Lneknow, if tto1 in odlos. enquire at the Bank. 171111.7. 111R8. SHANNON & HAMILTON, Physicians, Surgeons. Acnonnhetw. &n. °See at Dr. Shannon's residence. near the Jail.Oodor$ob. 0. C. Nwassos..1 C. HAMIL- TON. 1731. NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A chlel's amang ye. takln' motel. An' faith he'll Arent it." TOWN TOPICS. We are turf ing out some very tine ('ard Vignettesat E. L. Johnston's just now. and out., 12 a dozen. We also do Copying and Eaf►eging in first-cltaa style. Gao. H. Run - aur, )tanager. The politicans who purpose attending the meetings in the West Ridingshould get their pictures Wren by Hallows the Photographer. before starting out. (allows can take a good picture of even a poltticiatt. Rver•yhody vote. for Saunders & Son as •' The Cheapest House in Town," for Stover, Tinware, Wall Paper, Fancy Goods, &•c. This week the have received • stock of Baby Car- rtagee, able ('utlery and Fancy Baskets which they will sell at Sow prices. Weat tit., next door to the post office. Mrs. Fred. Platt, of London, isvisiting at the home of S. Platt, Esq. Dr. Duncan, of Seaforth, was in town on Wednesday. He looks well, Contractor Graham has got both the Government scows off the stocks. Mr. and Mn. GrahamMoorheuse have returned from their wedding trip. Communion services will bo held -in Knox church on Sunday morning next. The June meeting of the CountyCoun- cil will begin on Tuesday next, the 6th instant. The watering cart On Tuesday wty joyfully hailed. The shower on Wed- nesday mere so. Rev. R. McCpeh, late of Bayfield, has been appointed Rector of St. Paul's Church, Wingham. The .Josephine Kidd went into dry dock at Owen Sound thi!' week and put on a new screw.-[Wiartou Echo. Mr. Kilburn, of Stratford, G. T. tie Inspector, and his son Mr. Joseph Kil- burn,arcl..tect, were in town this week on business. Mr. Win. Craig has been appointed Captain of the Government steam tug "Trudedu." He will be a faithful and ef- ficient officer. Mr. A Williamson, engineer of ;the Ontario, was home last week on a visit. There was an interesting addition to his family on Friday; that's why. Mr. J. H. Hibbard, of Fargo, arrived yesterday evening from the far west. He came over to see his invalid brother, and will be the guest of his father, Hon. Jno. Hibbard: A cricket match will be played on Saturday afternoon next, between the members of the professions and the lay - sten of the Goderich cricket club. Wickets will be pitched at 1.30p.u.. AeolusvT. -On Saturday last lir.' C. Thomas, yardman, stepped on a piece of coal and sprained his ankle. He has been off duty since,and has suffered con- siderable pain from the injured member. INDECENT ASSAULT. -A lad named Higgins, aged 13, of Crediton, was ar- rested a few days ago on a charge of in- decent assault upon a 15 year old virl. He will come up for trial on Wednes- day. aur Little Ones for June sustains the high reputation of this must excellent juvenile magazine. It should be in every family ',fantail children. Published by Our Litt!. ()ies' Publeshiug Company 30 -Bromfield Street Boston. While the steamer, Manitoba, was on its way on Wednesday morning early, one of the deck hands, who was intoxi- cated walked overboard. The darkness prevented any assistance being rendered. Ilia hat was found On the upper deck. Name unknown. of the estate of Daniel Wilson. I etc of the township of Goderich, in the('ountof lihron, yeoman deceased and in a cause Lloyd aping 'richbourne, the gyeditnrs of Daniel 1i Neon. late,of the township of Goderich. (nthe County of Huron. who died on the 9th December, 1475 on or before the 3rd day of lune, Mat to be sent by post, prepaid, to Malcolm Grahame Cameron, of the town of Goelerich, in the County of Huron, the solicitor for the plain- tiffs; their Christian and surnames. addressee and description. the full particulars nt their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities lif aryl held by them; or itt default thereof, they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the sold order. Every creditor holding any sceurity, is to pro- duce ro duce the same before me at my chambers, at the Court House in the town of Goderich, on the 12th day of Jnnc 1442, at 10 o'clock. 1n the fore neon, being the time appointed for adju- dication on the claims. Dated this 21st day of May, 1482. 8. 11 sheosttnN, CAIKRON IioLT & l'AM ERON, Master at Goderich. Pink. Solis. Real Estate. HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND 76, corner of Victoria and Fast streta, la the town of Ooderieh, for sale cheap. or w111 he xehanged for farm property. Forpe rticulars p y to Jett, 8MAIi.L, Architect, Mace Crabb's Block, or J. C. Crews. auctioneer. Auctioneering. ANSAULT. -00)n Tuesday evening Mr. Henry Bell was badly beaten by a man named 1Vm, Kirkpatrick. Bell was knocked down and kicked about the head, and has since been under medical care. A summons was issued for Kirk- patrick, who has disappered. - Mr. Michael Higgins, conductor os C. T. R., scouts need the funeral cortege of the late Father McUauran fo Montreal. By the collision of two freight trains on the St. Paul & Manitoba road, near Delano, Minn., on Sunday lest, our townsman, Mr. Horatio Secord, the well- knuwn lumber dealer, who was en route to Winnipeg, had his shoulder blade broken by being thrown from one end of the car to the other. We are pleased to learn that he is in a fair way of recovery, and will be able to continue his journey in a few days. MARK or ESTEEM. --The -following re- solution speaks for itself :-"Resolved : That the officers and teachers of North- st Methodist S. S. hereby place upon re- cord, their esteem and affectionate regard for the Rev. Dr. Williams, won by hint during his 3 years' pastorate, and also their high appreciation of his success and those of his estimable wife and daughter, as teacher of the adult claaa, leader of the childrens' primary class and organist, respectively. They pray that Heavenly benediction may contin- ually rest upon them." 'SALINE Barxs.-Mr, John Brohnian, the new proprietor of the Maitland House, has completely renovated the saline baths in connection with that es- tablishment. Hot and cold baths, in fresh or salt water can be indulged in, and the utmost privacy is secured m each of the 12 compartments. The baths are open daily from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m., Sundays, from 6 a m. to 8. p. m. The swimming bath is kept open for ladies only until neon each day, and the bathers must furnish their own suits. On Saturday afternoon the swimming bath is open to boys only. Mr Breh- m!) is determined to give. satisfaction to patrons, and is evidently the scan for the place. Harper's Ma jazhite for June starts off with a description of "Quaint Old Yar- mouth," built upon the sands .and de- voted to the catching and curing of her- ring. "The Social Athens of America" abounds in portraits of Baltimore cele- brities. "Torpedoes and Torpedo Boats is an interesting scientific article. "King William and his armies" is a story of Georgia life well told. "Mrs. Winter- row•d'a Musicale' gives a sharp hit at the peculiarities of Boston society. "The Overthrow of the French Power in America" is other diffuse, having fully as much Europe as America in it. "Shannon Bolls," William Black's new novel, grows in interest. 34 a year. Hakrper Brothers, N. Y. Ceier.ctt DEcoaATlova.-The frescoed coiling, and tinted wall id St. Peters do great credit to the artistic taste and skill of our townsman Mr. Harry Clucas. The ground work of the ceiling is paint. ed white, with a lour{ centre panel, onus mented at the ends with handsome scroll. The panel is bordered with buff and up- on it are painted three very handsome circular Grecian designs on a bnff, bord- ered with ground patterns in ceruleau blue and maroon. At each side of the ceiling in the centre two half medallions are painted on a blue ground represent- ing Rafiel's cherubs. The walls are of a French grey tint with borders of Grecian design in blue and maroon Magistrates' ( curt. Before the Mayor. May 30th, 1881. YULE. v. JOHN RAMSAY. -Vagrancy. 21 days in gaol. May 31st, 1882, J. S. McDougall. v. MICHAIL HOGAN. -Hogan was charged with being drunk and disorderly. Fined 32 and coats, 35.25 in all. Committed to gaol ter 21 days in default. June lit, 1882. CRABB v. SMITH, -Prisoner charged with uttering a forged note. fur 522.50. Remanded. for eight days. Settee. The Canada Fire and Marine Insur- ance Company hereby give notice that they have transferred their Fire In,ur- arce business to the Citizens' Insurance Company of Canada, w hu assume all claims arising under their current poli- cies. The businesswill be carried on without interruption at the office of the undersigned. ALEX. tMcD. ALLAN, Agent. „2 t:oderlrh Dlstriet Meeting. The annual meeting of the Goderich u District of theMethodist Church i o f Canada w 13 heist in Clinton on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, under the direction of the Rev. Dr. Williams, chairman of the district. The business of the first day related purely to the ministry -embracing character and qual- ifications. Rev. Jas, Harris was ap- pointed secretary of the district. Three probationers were recommended W be continued on trial. Mr. R. W. Jamie- son was rec.nnniended to the conference to be allowed to attend college, and Mr. Cuyler was recommended as s proba- tioner. The public service on Tuesday was conducted by the chairman, and was of unusual interest. The Rey. Dr.' ex- celled himself while discoursing on the "Comforts of the Holy Ghost." It was a sermon that will long be remembered by those who were privileged to hear it. Score than usual interest to the meeting of Wednesday fr'.nt the fact that the laymen present formed the electorate for choosing representatives to the Gen- eral Conference to meet in Hamilton in Sepetnber next. After the financial ani other returns from the district were made, the f,lltwing persons were elect- ed to the various committees :-Station- ing committee Rev.. W. McDonagh; Sabbath school, Rev. A. Andrews; con- tingent fund, George Sturgeon, Est{.; representatives to general conference, A. S. Fisher, Esti.. Clinton, G. Stur- glxon. Est{.., Kincardine, Steel Pollock, Esq., Guderich. The returns. of the district. en the whole, were satisfactory --though the exodus to Manitoba and the Nest. ni States, has somewhat diminished tho membership in some places, notwithstanding 434 person have been received into the church during the year. the return shows a decrease of 84; present membership 3,48 50 S. Schools, 594 officers and teachers, 4,084 scholars: There was raised in the dis- trict for ministerial support, $11,983; for circuit purposes, $13,060; for mis- sionary society, 33,250; f..r other con- nexional purposes 52,078, a total of 330.371. . There are 50 churches in the district, valued at ,591,588, and 17 par- sonares valued at $24,650, total value of church property in the district, 3120,- 230, During the meeting a very , com- plimentary resolution, expressive of appreciation of the valuable services rendered by the Rev. Dr. Williams to the district was presented to the meet- ing and nnanilnously endorsed. - Com. IMMIGRANT CIIILoRRN. -Mr. John T. Middlemore, the founder of the Orphan I Children's Emigration Charity, London, Ont., left Liverpool on the 1st ult., in the S. S. Polynesian, with a party of 23 girls and 39 buys between the ages of 3 and 18 years, who are brought out to this country for adoption or hire. chiefly among farmers. They aro expected to arrive at the Guthrie Home, near the city, on or about the 14th ittst. This will be Mr.- Middlemore'a 10th annual visit to these shores with juvenile emi- grants from Birmingham, Englaml„since 1872. Already many applications ac- companied with stood references have been made for the children expected to arrive, but more are required. Further particulars may be obtained by address- ing Mr. H. Gibbens, Manager of the Guthrie Hoene, London, Ont. \T...TINEE. -Notwithstanding the dia- egreeable weather on Saturday after- noon. there was a large attendance at the entertainment given in Victoria Hall under the auspices of the ladies of St. Ge'tree's Church. The tableaux, scenes, etc., were much enjoyed by tho au- dience. The relatives and friends who interred their dead in the Catholic Cemetery at Dunlop, have been requested by His Lordship to have them removed to the new Cemetery on the banks of the Mait- land, opposite Piper's mill. The old cemetery will lye sold it being unsuitable for a burial' place. ON THR `ICK LIST. -The many friends of Mr. Harry Kay, t f the express office, will regret to learn that he has been pros- trated by illness since the 24th of May. He auffers severely from pains in the hack, and ft r over a week has been con- fined to his bed. It is thought that the illness is the result of over -straining. 1C. CURRIE,THE PEOPLE'S AUC v . TiONCCR GodeNek, Ont. 1731. MAITLAND HOTEL, GODERICH ONT. The above new and first-class house.• close to the Railway Station and convenient to the town. Is second to none in Itntarin. for com- fort and aceommodatlow. is heated by Hot Air. 11 5191110 R&TU8, 0W111111111i6 RATIO. Crognet lawn and warden on the promisee Hot and cold meals at all hourfor travellers An Omnlhns to and from, Sesta end ears stantly le attendance Jno. Hronman prletor. J' AIKRNHF.AD V.R., SUCCESSOR f to Dr. Denman) Graduate of Oetarin Ve ter( nary ('otter. Office..tablesand reindeer. on Newgate Street. four duffs oast o(Colberme Hotel. N. B. - Homes examined as IS sound nest HOME AGAIN. --Mr. Horace Newton, of Goderich, returned from the North- west on Monday, and was interviewed at Clinton by the New Era man. He has been making his headquar at Bran- don for a considerable time, and his experience of that country has by no means impressed hint favorably. He says between the twoevils-the Gov- ernment and the syndicate -the country is in a very bad state. During the trem- endous snow blockade of April, the Syn dicate charged $4 a day on all cars not unloaded by a certain time, and notwith- standiug the fact that a car for him was almost buried in snow, and utterly unac- cesaible, he was forced to pay 348 dem- urrage. He says that if any coo wants testimonials from the Conservatives up there, condemning the Government he can get them "by the waggon load." While stopping at a certain hotel up there, a curtain across one corner of the bar attracted his attention, and asking what it was for, he found that behind it were the bodies of four Canad- ians who had died of fever, and the carousals went on in the hotels just •.he same. Out of sixteen persona who accompanied him out, all have returned, notwithstanding the fact that Rome of them took up land with the intention of remaining, but became disgusted with afiairs,and threw up their claims On re- turning from Brandon to Winni g, the train ran off the track no less than fire times. Winnipeg he describes as a • horribly dirty city, and typhoid fever e raging and claiming its victims by the A local newspaper man le generally ex- pected to be everywhere, see everything and catch every item afloat, simply be- cause it his profession. But he can't do it. His friends can help him through by sending or bringing such items as are of interest. All manner t,f legitimate meal news goes to make up an Interesting Pa r. B. B. Curt. --On Wednesday a meet- ing was called to reorganize tho Actives 13. 13. Club. There was a large attend- ance of young men. The following officers were elected. President, M. C. Cameron; Vice -President, Sheriff Gib- bons; Captain Wm Yates; Secretary, Cee. Nairn; Treasurer, R. Wilkinson. Honorary members - Mayor Horton. Col. Rots, M. P. P., Hon. J Hibbard, J. T. Darrow. We understand that Raine with the Kincardine club is on th fop.+ Auburn. THE CAMPAIGN• Latest Reports from over the County. rartlr.lars of Political Gatherings Far - Ing the Mimic .a tee Flatirons leettl.g Ready for lee rem.. PORT ALBERT. The meeting at Port Albert in the in- terest of Mr. Cameron was well attend ed. The Reform candidate for West Huron dealt with the live issues of the hour, and time and again drew applause from both friends and opponents. Mr. Porter, the Conservative candidate was present at the.meeting, and was courte- ously allowed an hour and twenty minutes to present his views io the au- dience. Mr. Cameron then undertook to chose his own meeting in the usual way, but Mr. Porter, with regular Tory tactics, viz:, the shouting of the rag- tag and bob -tail element, under the leadership of baster Freddy Johnston, undertook to claim p osseuion of the meeting. The nteeting was, however, brought to a succesaful close, but not until Mr. Porter had stated that he would force himself into the control of the next meeting, to be held at Kings- bridge, the following evening. But Mr. Porter was only bragging, and dared not carry out his threat when the heart of Ashtield was reached the following night. KINGSBRIDGE. (In Tuesday evening the second meeting was held at Kingsbridge, and the schoolhouse was crowded to the doors. Mr. H. McPhee, a well-known and respected resident of Ashfield town- shiP, was called to the chair, and per- formed the duties of the office in a highly creditable manner. Mr. Came - run, in opening, alluded to the fact that he was a candidate in \Vest Huron ow- ing to the iniquitous gerrymandering of the county by the party 111 power, and the obliterating of the old riding boun- daries. His old constituency of South Huron had been scattered amongst South Perth, North Middlesex, West Huron and the present South Huron. Ho had leen unanimously chosen to content Nest Huron in the Liberal in- terest. and believing that the honest- • minded sten of all shades of 'tolitica would denounce the ruthless dismember- ment of 54 constituencies, in the in- terest of faction, he was willing to ap- peal to the sense of justice and fair play of The electors of West Huron in the coming contest. The boundary award was next dealt with in a clear and con- vincing manner, and was followed by the history of the disallowance of the Streams Bill, and a trenehant exposure of the extravagance of the Government. The nepotism of the Tilleys, and "'the Popes was also handled in a sharp and incisive manner, and it was clearly shown to the electors that the present Government was worked solely in the interest of the Conservative tarty and the leaders and not for the gooti of the country. The speaker was greeted time and again with loud and prolonged cheers, as he exposed the hollowness of the promises of the Government when compared with its practice. Mr. Porter, the Conservative candidate was present, but even he, who is considered to be the best platform speaker in the Tory ranks in Hurtm, could make no headway against the slashing indictment of the Government submitted by Mr. Cameron. Failing in his efforts to successfully meet Mr. Cameron s arguments, the Conserva- tive candidate then fell back 'on the N.P as a claim for election. He talked of the prosperity under the N. P. rrginw, predicted wealth to all by act of P 1- Ant if the Government were Political discussions are now in order in this neighborhypd. The trgtstoes of school section, No. 9, Hullett, have decided to put between three and four hundred drillers worth of repairs on their school house during the Midsummer vacation. al* is sustained, and rinsed by soliciting the suffrages of the electors. Mr.. Cameron ended the meeting in a short ap/teclt, in which leo exposed Mr. Porter "s want 'of knowledge on the boundary award and on the present fis- cal policy. Ile appealed to the farmers present to say whether they had been Ioneti:ted tar not, and quoted extinct after extract from the leading Govern - inept organ to show that the price of BolmN71110. j farm produce had not leen incteasett by -- I the working of the N.P. -He clotted with Mrs, Win. Stanley, of this place, has' all eloquent tribute to Hon. Edward Blake,andhopedthateveryloyal-hearted ORO on a i exit to her sister near Tor- Lriahman and every honest minded na- onto. lice cf ot!t rw c•'o:untridies poous osseaaell of vntua Mr. (:etc. Laves has returned from the ini Ontario poll thn Rho 2yOth northwest and has no desire to go back I of •lune, so teat that gifted and brilliant here to reside. statesmen would be exalted to the pots Themany friends of Miss Ellen Miller ition of Captain of the Ship of State. will be glad to hear that she is recover- L.ud and prolonged cheers erected Mr. Cameron's peroration, and the meeting, which was composed principally of Irish- men and the descendants of Irishmen, was almost unanimous in its reop enmo G. the .,.sing wish of the speaker. Tho meeting was brought to a close with a vote of thanks to the chairman, and cheers for Cameron, Blake and "The Queen." g t ing from her late dines*. The Rev. A. Andrews, of Kincardine, will deliver a temperance lecture in the C. M. Church en Monday evening next at 7.30. Mr. H. Elford ham so greatly improved the appearance of hit premises here, :taco make them tha finest in the neighbor- hood. He will have a beautiful place in a few rare. Mr. Jas. Lnticknap is the oldest actual resident of this village, he having resitl- ed here since 1868. There are ',theta in the neighborhood older restlents than he, but not older residents of the vel lege- wow Tilley Tatted Elm. If tailed him at hnar.t, be rased him In be -d, From the sole of his foot to the crown of his head He tared .im In sleepingthat every night He should dream of the tariff and wake is a fright. He tared him in eating. he taxed him in drink- ing. He taxed him in t•ougbtng, in sneering. and winking- Re tared bim in sitting. in standing. in lying: I He tared hlrnwalklag. In rMlwwgg in flying: oro. He tatted him in living. he tared In dylast. Alex. (Goss, of Mildmay, in it peculiar- ly clever and industrious poet. Accord- ing tohisownopinion he stands head and shoulders els ive the ordinary run of ama- teurs and rankawithTennys,n and Long- fellow. He called on us a few .lays ago and left us shout a quarter of a cord of the moat insipid doggerel that was ever given the name of poetry. in onler that the public may receive a tamer of ' Mr. Rossi hashed English we append the first verse of the "pogo*" shout "The thoughtless husband: Many years hastiest and Read awe. sine ren gave your hand to that Ifonrottnay Wow sbe now reds them and Spa rkhlmw.7e .lea. '1'b_J would meat yoom twilit grate srririsen. rKincardine Rea•rter N Y 6tsng ted out es and sr's (Jif OE to