The Huron Signal, 1882-05-26, Page 8THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. MAY 26. 188 1.
unless it was owing to the (set that the
1 N. P. had proved a fraud, sod the Gov -
ES, K1.1NDS, eminent were compelled to go ti the
. • ILDINGS, and every people lettere they allowed it to ruu its
1 ..)e, btion of intenor Finish. lull & wise, in the hope of snatching •
S r Illi, HANDRAILS, verdict (r on the people. Under the new
NEWELS and BALI'STER • Gerrymandering Act, Hurn had been
A Specialty. Send f Prl}ce
Lists. SHIN
Estimates on applies,
tion. r4PAddress
Reform Convention atWroxeter.
fir. Mesa, of INytb. IM Reform eleanlsar -
A large lis/herfsg Cres/ talkarMra,-
"Hewn wine tae l:erryssasder Caadl.
dear"' "oslarli s Higbee- i..1 gas 1s
the East.
Reported ter THtc Swam..
The East Hunan Reform convention,
held at Wroxeter on Saturday last, was
the largest and most enthusiastic gather-
ing of the.kimd ever held in that consti-
tuency. Fr•mt.every municipality there
was a full representation of delegates,
and tmtny tried and true Reformers, and
"fair play" Conservative, were present
at the meeting. • The feeling throughout
was of a most unanimous nature, and a
deterioration to wheel- "East Huron in-
to line" in the coming contest could be
ebacr.etl on every countenance. The
latent rascality of the Government -the
third gerrytn. ndering of Huron Comity
--has, if possible, inteusihed the feeling
in East Huron, and that constituency
which, on the latest basis of 1878, (when
the N. 1'. craze was at its full • gave but
41; of a Tury majority, is now politically
"lost to the Conservative party. The
spirit which animated those present
could be divined easily from the mottoes
severely dealt with, and ell old bounda-
ries had leen changed, but was satis-
fied that East Huron, although cut out
for a Tury preserve, would give a good ac-
count of `Itself, for they now had the
staunch Reform township of Grey ith
them, to h Ip tight their batiks
(Cheers.) ten it was remembeitadd sddd
the member f old North Nunu► had
voted Ontario's rights away, by uphold-
ing Sir John in the non -ratification of
the boundary award; that he had en-
deavored to destroy Ontario's provincial
autonomy; that he endorsed the ini-
quitous'corking of the N. P., and every
other disgraceful act ••f the present
Government, including the gerryman-
dering hill to practically di frau:hire the
Reform majority in Ontario; when all
these thing's were taken into considera-
tion it was really a wonder that be ;Mr.
Farrow) had the hardihood to face the
intelligent electors of East Hunm, and
solicit their suffrages. (Hoar, hear.) If
he (the speaker) received the na-
tion he would tight their battle to the
best of his ability, and had no doubt
East Huron could be carried with the
aid and assistance of the gentlemen be-
fore him, and the other good men and
true of this constituency. There wawa
large number of gentlemen here present
who would make excellent members of
parliament, and he was prepared to
work in the Reform interest for the
choice of this meeting, whoever he
fright be. 'Cheers, and prolonged ap-
Mr. Thos. Gibson, M. P. P., was
not a candidate for the Dominion Par-
arliament. However, he was prepared to
work hard from now until five o clock on
election day to secure the election of the
displayed on the walls of the hall, where Hhear.)etc for East Hureu.
hung conspicuously, "Provincial Rights" Mr. Strachan. Reeve of Grey, was
"No Gerrymandering,- "Blake and Vic- 1 pleased totem such a representation pre -
try,' "N. P. is a fraud," "The Boun- sent. It showed earnestness in the
lary .\ward." etc. cause. Perhaps it was as good that
mouse' ; altosION. Grey was in a riding where there was
•:,sates assembledsome work to do. and she would give a
• ,:uAtug a Reform i good account of herself. ;Cheers. The
Association for the Riding, with Dr. Mc- Tories had carved up Huron so that they
Donald, of Wingham, in the chair, the I might get two constituencies, but in
following were elected officers: Eaat Huron they had counted without
President, Dr. McDonald. Wingham; taking into co...tideration the Reform
1st Vice -President, E. E. Wade, BMW majority in Grey that could be brought
,els; 2d Vice -President, Geo. Fortune,
Turriterry; Secret try, 3. •A. Morton,
Wingham; Treasurer, John Neelands,
Wingham. The Convention then ad-
journed for dinner,and on re-aasembl-
Ing, at'2 p. m., the reception of tho cre-
dentials of delegates was first taken
up. The following were the
kii hoped the electors of East Hunan Mr. W. G. Young, late engineer of
would imprimis •ea the Hebrew ouatoua, the twill. goes to Nine Mile River to act
and keep Mr. Farrow at bane for five as engineer in a mill there.
yeore to come, and (or twenty-hve after The *buve exodus will be regretted
that time. Laughter , He was out a here, as all the gentlemen were of cheur-
landidate for -East lluros, and would ful tenipriauent, and popular felluuis.
withdraw in favor of Dr. ti4•an.
Mr. M. Y. McLean, ,.t Seaforth, was I Leelnu >:.
pleased t., bev se large it uatheriug. It - -
te a uruwrs tueant ettat- CoNCzaT.-'
Dees at the west election. There mover next in aid of the Presbyterian ebur•
choir promises to lee largely attended.
Music, short speeches and readings will
wake up the program e. The adutia-
lion is lew,l,only 15e.
showed that Ii H t } rho concert un MendaK
was a time iu tho history of this country
When such vast ileum were at stake es
now. At the dr • g elect' these
questions would be presented to the
electors for solution, and it devolved
upon thele to act in a circumspect man-
ner. The Syndicate question, the boun-
dary award, provincial autonomy, the
gerrymandering, the t)uderdonk con-
tract and similar exhibiti of malad-
ministration would he submitted to the
consideration of the electorate, and al-
though an effort had been grade to pack
the jury in Ontario, he felt Certain an
honest verdict would be returned in the
interest of Reform. tslthough he was a MOS1110p.
strong advocate of confederation, he
was prepared to see the link severed The Mormons are usiug their every
which bound the Provinces oue ter •moth- endeavor to establish a cause in this hov-
er, rather than Des Ontario's provincial ality. They are preaching "perfurn.iug ,
rights infringed upon. The speaker miracle*" and e great litany wuudet1ul
d 11
11E1.F..:ATFs Pi:Est:NT.
Hawick -Chas. McLaughlin, W'.John-
ston,' Geo. lirowatt, W. McKercher,
Thos. Wilson, .10e. McLtughtnn, W:
Sanderson, Jas. Sudden, Wm. Doig, W.
Hood, W. Giles, Jas. Ilazlewood, Smith
Bingham, J. R. Williams, .Ino. Wilson,
P. McIntosh, Jas. Mitchell, Jas. Edgar,
P. P. Aylesworth, S. Brown, C. J. Pass -
mor e.
Wingham- J. A. Morton. Geo. Mc-
Kay, W. Wiley, Geo. Melo ibbon, W.
Rudd, A. Davidson, I. Silo, W. Scott,
D. W. Goodson, D. Stew o •t, H. S.
('�,yne, W. J., 1. Edwards,
J. Anderson, John Small, W. Robertson,
John Neelande, P. McDonald.
• Grey --A. Raymon, P. McDonald, D.
Robertson, A. Stewart, Thoe. Strachan,
A. 'Russ, A. Shaw, John Strachan, Jas.
Ferguson, John Cameron, John Crerar,
Jas. McDonald, •fohn Hyslop, Thos. Mc-
Fadzea, A. McKay. Jen. Mann, John
Stewart, W. Elliott', W. Milne, D. Milne,
D. Stewart, I'. McDonald, Ed. Darrow,
T. •IcF,trlane.
Turnberry-J. Elliott, F. Patterson,
Jun Powell...Ino. green, Geo. Fortune,
R. Miller, Geo. Thompson, W. Hast-
ings, L. Lanett, Thos. Price, J. S. Mc-
Tavish, John Patterson, A. J. Mc-
Donald, V. Messer, Dr. Hutchinson,
Jnn. T►i tint. S. Uruul'.non.1, J. Gren-
\Vroe Ser - Jit+. Paulin, J. B. Vogt,
Dr Ilr.tun, .ion. ('swan, aim,. Davidson,
}.. Cl.trk, 'r'1os. 11. :;.funders, Thomas
Itrpit•I, -E E 1\,,de,Jno. Alexander,
R. Arnstr' ti, F. S. Scott, D. Scott,
W. 11. Kerr. H. Williams, R. Graham,
i. 1.'.i ipbell, W. il. McCracken, R.
l,ii IIaw, .fns. Rnyors, .1. R. Smith.
Morris -A. Sloan, John Miller, R
Annatron„ R. Moffatt, J. J. Moore, D.
McQuarrie. A. Stewart, A. Miller. W.
Arutstrong, H. Gorman, E. It. Ruttan,
John Elson, W. [-bister, .1. Cmiley, D.
McIntosh, .1. Ireland. F. Wright.
Blyth .W'. Drummond, W.N. Young,
W. McDonnell. 0. G. Martin, W. Writ.
son, H. McQuarrie, .las. Logan, .lathes
Truax, Thns. Jones, John Gorman, D.
In addition to the foregoing list of de-
legates there was also present a lame
nu.nber of the representative membets
of the party from all sections of the
of candidates was then proceeded with,
as follows
Dr. WILLIAM SLnAN, of Blyth, was
nominated by Mr. John Powell, Turn -
berry, seconded by Mr. John Dyment,
The other nominations were T.Ktrach-
an, reeve of (trey; Dr. McDonald, Wing -
ham; D. Mco 1illicuddy, Goderich, M. Y.
McLean, Seaforth; T. (iihe.n, M. P. P.,
Wroxeter; E. E. Wade, Brussels; J. A.
Morton, Wieggham; John Mc('rae, Mor -
Itis, .iantes Mitchell, Howick; Robert
Armstrong, Morris; Wm. Armstong,
Morris; Win. Drummond, Blyth.
The candidates were then invite 1
to address the meeting. and the first
celled upon was
Dr. Shari, who, on coming (neward,
was loudly apptalsded. He said he was
glad to see that the fire had hese kiedled
en Feet Hunan; and he hoped it would
not be allowed to die out. Next to
being elected member the highest
honor that &mild be offered any man
was to be the choirs of such a onnven•
ties as the present one. He then
alluded to the action of Sir John on the :Cul bartering ..f the right. of the
North-west to the Syndicate, and stated
that Sir John wan afraid to accept Mr.
Blake's ehallenele at that time to dissolve
the House. Now, however. we were
going t • have an election forced up m
ns and he did not know shy it was do 10,
frt►dsrlah Township.
Mr. W. S. Walker, of Montreal, ou
Thursday disposed of the farm known
es tut 6, Maitland concession, Goderich
township, to Mr. John Hunter un pri-
vate sale. The farm was to have been
sold on Monday next by auction if nut
ptevieualy dutssed of.
Yea ve W kg 4iuM1s.
(lt.tSI) MUNE.
Moe. ltxp's.
Goderieh.Lv 1.3isnt. 1105psu.
TAO" .. 1. W •
Stratford. At 9.13atn . 1.15:.11
Paan t' t Ii s.
titrallurd.Lv I.fYam. 7.' atm
&aroeth.. . elf " ./1.515 "
Godericb.Ar t4tpsa 9.iSp.a..11.00am .T.1Spm
Gttt:A'r Wbooi-•.ttOt.
Mack's Magnetiq Medicine 1
Mnz'A. )1Ix'.d I
1..14 let W •'
1t.30pttt 1.00 "
Mi;'.1. Mixp.
7.Otlsn, 3.0poi
a. Lt •• 5.10 'I
{{ ]tail. F.xp's.
l'L�pt..n ice 1 ,a.17.m ;et
t;uin,t-,.caro 8.l .nn714.
.21 ,.
'ilAHt, 1.'.KM.
1-wcknnw Mta. a Idea:. l ur . 1U.t am . tiro teal
Kis.ardiee •' " I OOaw lam
firnn.illcr " Ituniay..da,y rad
.at urdav l an•wea Oam 9.1
here diacusee at length the streams b1. , things.
and the syndicate bargain, the (ht- Thos. Hays, the expected candidate for ,
derdonk job and the gerryuiandering the Local House in the iuterests of the CANADIAN BANK OF COJIMEI:CE
bill. Mr. Farrow had sup rted these
('4PiT-4L, - - attl,ruu,a>..
.URPI.U:;. • - - • 40.000,00.
Goderich Branch.
U. GLASS - - - Manager.
Allover Interest tau deposits. Drafts. leiter
of . rc.tit and circ'tlar notes issued. payable
1a all parts of the world. 1.54.
and all the other bad acts ••f the present
Government, and must be lost to all
sense of shame when he had the hardi-
hook to again present himself for re-
election. The speaker then paid a high
tribute to Hon. Alex. Mackenzie, and
said that hunt men and true, like
Mackenzie and Blake were wanted at
the head of affair,. He hoped the elect -
tors of Eaat Huron woeld work earnest-
ly for the Reform candidate from now
until the .evening of the 20th of June
and the Reform leaden w,tuld be elect-
ed to the places of trust now occupied
by sten who could be designated as not
other than tricksters and swindlers.
He withdrew in favor of Dr. Sloan.
Mr. E. E. Wade, of Brussels believed,
with the enthusiasm of the people and
the good cause, the riding of East Huron
could be carried. He would support.
Dr. Sloan, and he believed that gentle-
man would carry Eaat Herm.
Mr. J. A. Morton, of Winghaw, was
not a candidate, not because he believed
he would not make a better representa-
tive than Mr Farrow, but because he
believed Dr. Sloan the man most deserv-
out. He was prepared to put in work ing of the honor.
in his own township or any other to Messrs McCrae, .las. Mitchell, 12obe
elect the choice of this convention un Armstrong, W. Armstrong' and Wm.
election day. (Applause. He w:1.. out Drummond, also declined, in fay.,r of
a candidate at present. Dr. Sloan, and on motion the nomin-
Dr. Macdonald, of Wingham, said the
Tun' Government had promised a great
deal in 1878, but had accempliehed very
little during the past four years. The
Government had introduced a great.
many hills during their tern of office
butolie had a presentiment that very
shortly two other bills would be intro-
duced in the interest of an outraged peo-
ple, --the Bill of Restitution so far as
Ontario was concerned, and a Bill of
Retribution to the Tory Government.
Cheers.` The speaker then proceeded
to dissect the Gerrymandering Bill, and
men.i•med a number of incongruities in
connection therewith. The Gerryman-
dering Act had been passed to help
the Government, which was itself per-
suaded that its past -policy would not
he popular at the ballot -box. The con-
duct of the Government had been dis-
honest throughout, and the gerryman-
dering was part and parcel Wath its other
flagrant acts. We wanted more honest
men at the head of affairs, and we had to
get them from -the Reform ranks.'
Mr. Thos. Farrow had voted to place
Ontario under French domination;ire had
voted to destroy our provincial autono-
my; he had voted to place the .iron heel
of the Syndicate on the neck of the
Northwest; and next election day would
prove whether the people of East Huron
endorsed his action. ("No, No !") Sir
John raised his hand and Mr. Farrow
bowed down, and se did the rest of the
Tory majority. On this occaaion he was
net a candidate, and he wonld now retire
in favor of Dr. Sloan.
Mr. D. McGillicuddy had driven
forty-five miles to be present at this
meeting. He was pleased to see so
Large a gathering, and when he leeked
upon the faces before him and saw so
many of the determined men who had
fought si4e by side with him for Reform
in years gone by, he felt that the cause
of Liberalism was safe in East Huron.
Honest -minded Conoervatives were et -
ting disgusted with the conduct of the
Government, and the last rascality -the
gerrymandering --on the top of the Syn-
dicate enormity, the disallowance of
provincial Legislation, the aon•ratihca-
tion of the boundary award, the Onder-
donk-Turper job, and the thousand
and one other rascalities perpetrated
under the N. P. regime, appeared to be,
in many instances, the crowning iniquity
to turn honest minded men from Sir
John and his party, with loathing. He
appealed to the men of Grey to come out
in their old -Bute strengh, and reminded
them that as theirs was the banner
township of Eaat Huron, so would they
be expected to be in the fore -front of the
battle, to bear the brunt of the fight and
pass on to victory, as had been their
portion in the olden time. In his own
town of Goderich he had dept in Centre,
South and West Huron -three different
constituencies -in two weeks without
changing his abode, owing to the fact
that Sir John had gerrymandered the
County three times in that period, and
flopped Goderich into a different rid•
ing every time. And evl rj) change
that Sir John m ide, the Tones ahout-
ed themselves hoarse, and said it was just
the thing. (Laughter.) it proper work
were done the three Hurons were safe
for Reform. South Heron was sun by
act of Parliament. by the ggssrrrymsnder-
ing of the Right Disk Sir John
Maednnald Atte wise men of the East could
seal this constituency to Reform on elec-
tion day by good work; and in the West
Riding where the majestic lake touches
old Huron, there would be heard, on
the evening of the 20th June, over
mountain sad glen. the " March of
the Cameron men. - (Cheers. He
called epos' the electors not to allow
Mr. Farrow to le levered from his do-
mentie ►eWi,tna Under the old Hebrew
dispensation any newly married man
could net he (idled upon to serve the
State for yea- after his marriage. and
Conservatives party, is quietly yet leer- i
sistently pursuing a system of cauvasstug
in this township.
Mod up (lrpited 86,000,000.
Mr. Whitemarsh of Seaforth, the con-
tractor for the •'chool housein S S No
ation of the latter was declared unani-
mous amid deafening cheers. .
In response to the nomination, Dr.
Sloan again came forward, and said that
the convention of the Reformers of East
Huron had to -day elected hint to be
their standard bearer, and it would de-
eolve upon the gentlemen present, to a
gnat extent, to supplement their action
of to -day by electing hint member for
East Huron on the 20th of June.
(Cheers, and cries, "We'll do it, too 1")
If the honest yeomanry of the riding
did their duty the battle was as good asea
won. (Hear, hr,; He wanted every
Reformer and every her est Conserva-
tive in the riding to share in the honor
of striking a blow for Ontario's rights at
the comint election. (Hear, hear.)
He had been chosen from a number of
candidates any one of whom would wave
made a capital representative. As he
had been thus chosen, he was willing to
carry their standard on to victory with
-the aid of the tried and true of Eaat
Hurn. He thanked thentforthe nomin-
ation. Ltd applause , •
The following resolutions were then
put to the meeting and unanimously car-
Moved by Mr. Theis. Strachan, Reeve
of -Gray, seconded by Mr. R. Adamson,
and Besotted: That in the opinion of this
meeting, the policy inaugurated by the
present Government, called the National
Policy, is prejudicial to the best inter -
eats of the general community, and es-
pecially so to the farmers, by increasing
the cost of necessaries without providing
any adequate or additional profit on our
productions. .
Moved by Mr, Thos. Gibson, M. P.P.
seconded by James Edgar, and Resolved:
That in the opinion of this convention,
the action of the present Dotninion
Government in unjustly discriminating
against the residents of Ontario by de-
cliuing to carry out the award made by
impartial arhitraturs,tixing the boundary
and by disallowing the acts of the Par-
liament of our Pruvince ..f a purely local
character, is calculated' to destroy the
harmony and unity which ahoull exist
between the Provinces, and is a blow at
!Sieved by Mr. J. R. Miller, 1)eputy-
Reeve of Morrie, seconded by Mr. W.
Drummond, of Blyth, and Resolved:
That this meeting views with disfavor
the recent action of the Government in
the matter rf the Gerrymandering Bill,
as being subversive of the best interests
of Ontario, in the fact that this Province
is subjected to a redistribution of con-
stituencies entirely at variance with the
original intent of the Act governing re-
distribution each census year according
to representation by population. That
the wiping out of county bonnderies
and the severing of old ties between
municipalities is inimical to the interests
of the people in the constituencies no
gerrymandered, and the fact that no
regular geographical or numerical basis
has been adopted proves conclusively
that the so-called Redistributien Bill
was intrnduoed solely for the purpose of
legislating Ontario out of its right of
having the majority of its electors fairly
represented en the floor of the House of
Commons.tnadjourned The Ooveation thea adjoued with
chore for the Queen, the Hen. Edward
Blake and Dr. Shaft.
Mr. A. McQuarrie assistant postmas-
ter here, has left for Kincardine where
he will enter a .More as elerk. He will
be eneeseded here by Mr. W. H. Me
Qtrarrie, of SanfRobotism,Mr. T. Robotism, blacksmith, takes
the platy at foreman at Mr. Hates'
wageswos shop, OederlM.
9, is to have the building completed by
October 1st..The buildingto be frame, 28
x 45 and,is to cost 11120. A pic-nic in
connection with above school is being
talked of for July 1st.
John Oughton his purchased 100
acres of land in this township Irian John
Wade formerly of Ethel.
Jas. and Daniel Logan started this
week for the North: west with the inten-
tion of making their home there.
According to the amassment roll now
in the hands of the Clerk, the value of
real property in the township is $1,687,-
140; purso,nal property, $77,060, inakingl
has arranged for a series of excursion trains.
in charge of at.ecial agents, to run through to
Dakota and Manitoba without change of cars.
a total of $1,764,200.
John Whitfield has been seriously ill
this week with inflammation of the lungs
brought on by getting overheated and
taking cold afterwards. Monday morn-
ing he was not expected to live but we
are pleased to say he is now improving.
Among those who left this vicinity for
the North-west during the past week;.
were John and H. McNeil, 11. Sinclair
and M. McKenzie. They purpose going
to Dakota first and if pleased with the
country intend taking up land and staking
a home there.
Matthew Mitchell, a young man about
24 years of age, whose father resides in
the township of Turnberry near Wrox-
eter, was visiting relations and friends in
Molesworth not more than four weeks
last. Shortly afterwards he he took his
departare to Dakota, but having been
taken sick on the route, he died tefore
reaching his destination.
Gaderleh Markets.
Gonciocn, May 23. 1802.
Wheat, IFalll M bush.......:'... ¢I '3G
Wheat. (Spring) IP bush........ 1 25
Flour, M bartel.............. ... ti iS
oats, es bush ........ .... ... 0 42
Peso w bush........ 0 75
Barley. V bush...... 0 73
Potatoes V bush .. 0 70
Hay. le ton .................. ..: 11 00
Butter. aP b.. 0 18
Eggs V dos. (unpacked) ....... 0 11
Cheese, -•- 011
Shorts. P cwt .... ... ..... 0 90
Bran, y cwt 070
Wool ...... ............. ... n 10
Wood............. .. 3 00
Hideo.... 7 00
Dressed Hogs.. ....
Beef ..
( oes t MAI. l Ar
Is a Sure, 1'runtpt and Effectual Remedy for
Nervousness is off its stapes. Weak !Mese-.
loss of Waits Parer. Serena ProsdwtW*•
Night Sweats.$'pseereat rrh4r•a,Drs.raal Weak-
ness net (,,neral Loss of Power. It rep"it
Nervous Waste, Hefecen rtes the Jaded
feet, slrrrtylkens the Ea/rrbled Arai•, and /k-
stans Nvrppris�ifnsgp lose and 1 door to the re -
handed Uncreative Organs, Tek experliece
of thousands proves 1t an lat'ALl:AWLS RS
WY. The medicine is pleasant to the talk'•
and each box containssuMeleat fur two wort a
medication. and is the cheapest and brat.
tErull particulars is our pamphlet. wbi.h
we desire to rna•I free to any addre e.
Ilark's Magnetic. Iledlelae l* sold by Dad -
gists at 5e eta. per but. or 11 boxes drfor M,
will be mailed free of portage. pt
money, by mill rival nngg
t1Al'K1111ASA 14'1111*.e'InEl'e.
Windsor. Ont.. Ceani'1
Sold in Outleric h. by JAMES WILSONi aril
all Druggists ever. where•
1 have on 1, end a froth supply of
14"41.:f,JW,tkK�• ST'TTON'S CH.11[PiON,
1'1.44de/0, • HON. IVy, MfrM .ASTER
Ges.rnl Jla..sager, - H'. n...-,...:......
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROSS, - - - - MANAOYR.
Interest allowed On deposits. Drafts on a
the principal towns and Cities in Canada
Great Britain ar:.1 the United States. bough
and sold.
Adranewto Verniers ea Notes, with one n
more endorsers. w. /:out mortgage. 1753
1882 -MANITOBA --1832
These trains will commence to run about the
Bret of March. Parties who intend going to
the Northwest should bear in mind that the
Grand Trunk is the shortest and best route,
having an independent line to Chicago. thus
avoiding all ennecoesaay bus tranafera and
tedious changes, and this year offer facilities
to the travelling public unequalled by an
other road. The undersigned will have much
pleasure in furnishing every information as to
fares, tickets, page, ireight and live stock
to all parte of Dakota and Manitoba. and du-
tiabl goods checked through to destination.
Pamphlets maps etc., free on ap lieation.
Agent G. T. It., or
. Excursion sad ticket agent G. T. R.
a week in your owe town. Terms and
PUU $S outfit free. Address 11. HALLgrr et
Co. Portland Maine
S. S1.40 -NE.
Corner of Itamilton and V!,-t..r:a aIree'
Four Medals apd three diplomas awerd.••I
them last year at the leading Exhibi-
tions. in the Dominion
And all men running maehider, will sat,
mon* byusing` our oils. Our LARDINK and
CYLINDAR OIL has nominal. Factsspeak
louder then words, and the public can Bad on:
that the foregoing assertions are true. by tel
ing one sample of our. Oils prices etc.. on ap
plication to
McColl Bros & Co Toronto.
The Lardine is for sale is Goderich by
ienee .
111 :b
.I 1 .12
e1 6 95
.K 044
ss 0 75
a 073
.s 15 01
to 0 W
u* 012
. 5S ,. 7 50 ,
lye " 095i
1 will Mier for sale and positively sell to the
highest bidder, at the Auction Mart, without
any reserve. on Mat ■hay, Jane the 3M, 1881.
the following property: 2 notch ,..Ws; 1 sett
bctbalalgha: l Seegmiller Chilled plow, new,
1 Melodeon;1 elegant walnut aideboerd: f cen-
tre tables: 2 bureaus; 30 cane -seat chairs; 24
dining room chair.; 21 yards all wool rever-
sible carpet: 1 first class family sewing
machine; 1 Sieger machine, for heavy work:
2 bedeteads; 1 sett springs; 1 sofa;1 cook stove;
1 parlor ttove;1 mirror; 1 cluck; 2 aide tables:
1 encleeed washstand; 1 side saddle; 1 gentle-
man's saddle; i sett double harness; 3 dozen
brooms, 2 chandeliers: a lot of crockery glass-
ware, knives and forks, and a miscellaneous
lot of other useful articles. Rale at 1 o'clock
p, re. Terms as usual. ,
i810-lt Bailiff end Auctioneer.
i will sell at reasonable prices a number of
choiceour shorthorn bulla and heifers.
The splendid young bull "Besoonsfleld II"
will serve cows. C for Service, erodes
per Geo. 8. Gorham..
hot 7, Maitland con. Heron Road.
Thanking the public for pan furors 1 take
pleasure Instating that i have on hand $
of choir* Wheat. Beeley, Pet, (fats.
(lover and Timothy. Pea Vine (cover. A
Lucerne and Lawn Grass.
A list claw assortment of
sewed with great ease from the brat seed
houses is the coaster.
The best held cern yet introduced.
WHITE ROSE, 1rr. PATRICK. sad warm
ELKiN(ANT. ulA�: {cod aslsetlaa of WI
The brat and beeriest romper grown.
M. a. Tharoo{1t ewIMvagea sed fiend terata
eaatltYs MOMS 1,1 fatwtag. if yew -rant way
of the above. 1 have the,. all geestae•.
I31 HsailIo
Imrie's Book Store.
Having been brought direct for the Manufactures for Cash can guarantee the
jOrOSt Pries and the Neust Paileriis.
The largest variety of patterns of cheaper paper
W=ST of TORo1�-TIS
SUCCESSOR TOT J. Mllr)R1141178E,