HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-05-26, Page 5ra y sr - t: he W lac Le std of ry n ate Le nd to O. u of ds ty ta. he IF sed be in of tr he ea at iC to he to- le ll• IS. ee. se- vo- x be nn is cd IC. u n. h in n D. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. MAY 26, 1882. J MR. BLAKE'S ADDRESS. • 11111101•••• .1 taxa Able Appe 4 Merton. Elwood In Uuderieh, nn the ljaL IR tla n RCM M IM Butler, hoirtb sea of Vett. Aeseas r.1 wood. aged la years. Tuauxro, May 22.—Mr. Brake's ad- dress to the electurs of West Durham is an appeal to the whole country, and is s masterful document. "It begins. "Oentleis.0' The Government, shied but a brief space elute was craving a !oxer trial bd,ars jud;recut has pre- maturely diesulv.d Parliament and pre- cipitate) a geueral election. For what reason f Became it felt that it would be weaker nest year than it is u. -day, and its only ohmic. of victory la, of a sur- prise; but it hos out veuture.l t appal to the constituency of 1878. It hes packed the JuryHe theaoes un to show how the Redistributiuu Bill is sub- versiveof thugs prtnciples of justice, "duality and fair play on which our con- stitution rests. The Pacific Railway policy scathingly deno'_ncad, as is oleo the Government's attitude on the Bound- ary Award and the Streams Bill. Re- gaduig the tariff be says, "You know well that I do nut approve of needless restrictions un our liberty of exchanging what we have for what we want, and du not see that any substantial application of the restrictive principle has beau ur can be trade in favor of the great inter- ests of the mechanic, the laborer, the farmer, the lumberiwan, the shipbuilder or the fisherman. But you know also that I have fully recoguired the fact that we are obliged to nue yearly s great sum, made greater by the obligation im- posed un us by this Government, and that we must continue to provide this yearly sum mainly by import ditties laid to a large extent "n goods similar to those which can be manufactured hero, and that it result" as a necessary inci- dent of our settled fiscal system that there must be a large, and, ss I believe, in the view of the moderate protection- ista, an ample advantage to the home manufacturers. Our adversaries wish to present to feu an issue as between the present tariff and absolute free trade. That is not the true issue. Free trade is, as I have repeatedly explaiued, for us impossible, and the issue is whether the yre.e . tariff is perfect, ur defective and nnj tits. I believe it to be iu a me im- W. title, respects defective and unjust. e ex •r ,.al our views last twwiou in fico -r • ..thaw, which declare that articles of it .-it !.rime neces ity et fuel and ireedstufs should be free; that the sugar i'uties should be so adjusted as to relieve the consumer from some part of the enormous extra price he is pew w liable to pay to a few Mims; that the exorbitant and unequal duties on the lower grades of cottons and woollens should be se changed as to [take them fairer to the masses who now pay on the ehapeet goods taxes about twice as great in proportion se thole which the rich pay on the finest goods, and that the duties en such an article as iron. which is in universal use, should be re- duced so as to enable the home manu- facturer, to whom it is a raw material, to produce cheaper goods for the benefit of Yis home customer, and the encour- agement of his foreign trade. He then goes on to challenge the North-west land policy, and says: "Our motto is the land for the settler, the price for the people. He advocates reduction of members of the Senate, and their election by the people, and claims the richt to make our own treaties. The srt•aingment of the Government on the Boundarl Award is the mem' vigorous and powerful part of the address. THE WORLD OVER. Gen. Rosser has been charged by the I'acific Syndicate with obtaining import- ant papers on false pretences. The trial is expected to be an interesting one. The General expresses his intention of cueing for damages. A general storm of indignation has been raised by the proposed tax on corn - menial, railway and financial enterprise in Quebec. Representatives of the in- surance companies in the Prey [Hee have held a meeting, and obtained legal adrice as to their liability. The banks are also moving in the matter. The progress of "Great Paul.' the great bell for St. Paul's cathedral and the largest in England—from Loughbor- ough to London was followed with an in- herent somewhat abort of that following enmovement! of Jumbo, but still with inherent. The bell, which weighs nearly ansnI.sn tons, has been transported 100 miles on a car with a traction en- gine. A letter has been found in the sleep- ing -room of the Sultan, threatening his life unless his present arbitrary plans are changed for liberal ones and his present personal confidants are dismissed. The Salta., is in utter consternation and keeps himself in total seclusion. His [neral ooursge is undoubted. The Coalition Government of New Brunswick has been remodelled, the Conservative Premier having left it to to to Sir Leonard Tilley's assistance in 'the Dominion elections. Mr. Fraser will oppose Mr. Pickard. the Reform ndidate i can York County, who at the last election was returned by the small majority of 60. The Local elections have been fired for June 22. There is a cue oT small -pox at London that wee contracted in a peculiar man- ner. A man from Chicago, who had the disease in his house, removed to Landon and brought his bedding with him. He stored it in a house on Palace -street, and from this the woman of the house took the diseases A tss.M ll ibileel Reward. The publishen of Refleelees Motttlnlg offer ten valuable rewards is their Monthly for Jttne. among which is the folksier We will pre 820.00 m gold to the per- son telling es which is the middle verse in the Bible by June 10th, 1802. Should two or more cornet sorters be received the reward will fns div' The moony will be forwarded to Ihi winner June 16thI 1882. Persons tepee for the re- ward MUM send 20 emits in raver (no stamps taken) with Omit ane- wR, fast winch they will metro the July MowAly, in wkioh the hone diad address of the winner of the reward and the correct answer will he published. This may b. worth 4190.00 to you; eat it nut. Address, Em.inete Prim:sumo (lotnrrawt. Easton, Peen Lur,. In never t'nek, May 1f IOIU, Mrs. Wm. Later), aged M. Mrs. Lary we. the nether et Chauncey Lamphere,sad Mrs. Jess Ite('ale. sad was otos of, If ot the oldest oswttased resident of the 'Wage eerie of Mew (leek. The funer- al wee held Thursday at the Presbyteries Church. Ilenly In Geeing*1111, May 1St, Mrs. Mary Healy, b p years. t(et yI1=411. 7.4rgey, May 11. 1111. INSURANCE CARD. BRITISII ASA. CO'Y, TORONTO- Estabil.h. lest PHOENIX INS. COY, of l.nxpox Magian!).. ZNablisbed 17 t. HARTFORD INS. CO'Y, of ;:eNTroan, Cosa —Eatebilehed !tile, Risks taken in the Maui first-elmsOaces, at the lowtwt taus by HOR CE HORTON. The asderelesed Is else£smai.sr for the, CANADA PER. LOAN Aso SAVINGS CO'Y Tota. o N Tu. Money 10 Lusa on Mtclass security, rots 7 les per Coat. —Charges moderate. HOI(ACE HORTON. (iodttiib Sept. 1110. TO THII LADIHB. Although toe busy to write a long ad- vertisement, I ata at the service of the ladies of Goderich and vicinity for making up fashionable millinery, etc., os short notice. MI88 STEWART, The Square. THE BIGGEST SALE OF THE SEASON. -- CLEARING SALE OF BOOTS and SHOES .tT JOHN ACHESON'S !I As 1 gas determined to N out of Gal BRANCH OF MY BUSINESS. 1 will sell the balance of my stock ('HKAP. ci , - . -c== The Cheapest House Under The Sun JAS SAUNDERS & SON. DN 1LF:It+ IN-- I1 STOVES & TINWARE FACT GOODS and WALL PAPER ving engaged the services of Mit. THOS. 11. JOHNSON who had twelve yeaar. exper L Lrfn some KIhNDSin Canada. are n,1 ie�•�ed� • 01V�. On shortest Notice Satisfaction gauranteed. In Fancy Goode we have new arrivals WALLevery 11 the latest Novelties. PAPPRS WINDOW BLIND FANCY 33Ad$ETS_ And a choice lot of BABY CARRIACA-=S- VERY CHEAT'. NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE. 1882 -SPRING -1828 J.C. DETI�OR&CO.� stave decided 2 erect their es re stook of clear(•` price., for cash. For the next QO days our Soul Novato; are sow in Stock they will sella prices that wUl astotLh all. imcwipmsus. COME AND SEE THE BARC+AINS_ Every Department is Now- Complete. SRA"L ► And you will be sun le bay. Their stock is sow complete. their Mr. J. C. Detlor haring re- cently purchased in Montreal an immense stock of 1 • Now Compound. Its won Apparatus amity t° t>ie DIncre ve 3 upend Fancy Dry Goods at Lowest Cash Prices. Apparatus Lad the Live. increas- tag the t:':ssoly ng Juices. reliov- int alma • fnstant.iry the dreadful Splendid value In Velveteen. Prints by Wie piece at less than regular wholesale prices. Cove sad ase those ehprtate. Bargaias in check and Laney sbirtinas, and brown ducks. Heger bargaies in brown Holland. The biggest results of, spepsia, Indigestion, and the '1.DPID LIVER, makes Zopada as every day necessity in 'MT hoose. It acts gently and speedily is Biliousness, Costiveness, Head- ache, Sick Headache, Di:: tress of ter 111atin4Wind on the Stntnach. Heartburn, Pains in the Side and Back, Want o�fdyp•tite. Want o1 erSY, Low sifts, Foul Stom- ach. the Liver, car ries off all surplus bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the whole system. Cut this nut and take it to your aa(l .wt a 10 cent ora bo for 76 cents, and • or BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS run Lines is desisted styles in Parasols, Lanes. Edgings tied Kmbrnleer tes at nearly half price. Caaadlan and Scotch Tweeds. French Worsted Coatings, LadiesCloithsand UIst eringe at Unheard of Prion. These goods vast be .old, and the prices at which they are placed must clear them out in a short time. Hoqli at prices to clear. Hata at panic prime. A special line of Towels (pore Ue.nt at sear half price. Se down 5 -Button Kid Gloves, import - ),ed dire_at >6 per cent, lees than regular prices. SO Tweed Vests at 11.50. regular price 100. Ooderie April 13thlrlel. J_ 0_ DETLO & CO_ Steefiliell TTse Ror_i�r _ozz Qi Sample, titll�lDara 1`� acs � RESTO RER It altbrds us pleasure, through this Circular, to thank our numerous Customers for the very liberal patronage extended to u8 during the two and a half years which we have been in business. Our sales are incresaing daily, a sufficient proof that we do our famines. right, and give our customers gold value for their money. Our Spring Goods are now all in stock, and present a completeness far in advance of anything we have shown before. To meet the growing requirements of our business, our purchases have been larger than heretofore in every department. We Show an Immense Stock of Prints in all the New Designs. The Orem ofHair Preparations.0 -- - oces Dandruff, keeps thr scalp clean, anti renders the hair soft, silky and promoting the gre,wth and a-tusing it b, ns�ume lithe beautiful, healthy and ap�r�roe. It Restore' Grey Hair, is a Splendid Dressing and ail Eitel- remedy for Headache. Itrew y lir cil mc is fell natural lent Price =O =Er MctC1e , Fora le by Trade Mark Reg.aterrd. ANOTHER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG. By casual observation, we flnd oil laud speculators have • clear head and watch the npe and downs of property. thus making large fortunes. But the whole secret IR. they keep the system in a healthy cond:t.on by the ue of TelE FRISS OF TMsta ALLOT ■OlCINl}. We ran safely say that hundreds come to us for the great itsgg and birxrcl purttter before ggoing west. Rv'ad the foilow•3ng statement, We could Rive thousands of the same kind if It were necessary. I certify that 1 sax, troubled with Catarrh in the bead gathering of phloem in thethruat, choking and coughing at night for years, so I could not nag] 7p). ufteo troubled with dull. Ilte- leee feeling,, lain, in the chest and back. After .riving hundreds of dollars to doctors, A and giving up all hopes. I tried the Paton or THU VAt . and am new able to do my work after Peven wear's sickness." ..RA. JAMES McNEIL. !D2 Slmooe Street. London. Ont. "The above statemer.taof my wife's it. cor- rect. .Jars• McNutt.. For iaie by ail drngsistti manufactured ]M Prof. A. M Bhrieves. Londe. Out. OlssMsaifes pack LS eta: five for 1.04 11ss be (toderich of the fallowing Jls1a plead. Jas. wires. I. ass. sad J. A. Mafia. I� GEORGE RIITITAS Pharmaceutical Chemist, Market Square, Go ierich. SPRINGmg viiuurin viivryl Uauks and Satins, Plain and Watered, LATEST STYLES ax SMALL WIRE OH TOCK IS EERY COMPLETE 1;'R SH [GOOD. , in (creat Variety, in plain all uouis. watered, brocaded and ehecke'l, from 124c In Black and Colored Cashmeres we Defy Competition We are showing a large range .'f C..ttons, Linens, Shit i tugs, Ducks,, Denims, Union Tweeds. All -Wool Tweeds ant: Coatings. IN ALL THE IN BLACK AND .-�,�: AND i roi,.I;.�. H U GH D u 1\T I O p PAEASOLS, 1105IERY & GLOVES PPM WIRM; LOOK IN AT Shepparil'a Boo Siore FOR CHEAP Kro K LAWN TENNIS. Faaiiionable Tailor, Rest Street, Guderich. CLOTHING- VALUE CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS TO SELECT FROM. MADE TO ORDER. Highest price Paid for Butter & Eggs 1 L 1NERY Ztt1 =30 RNE R RO S_, ■ IC O .tii)i.R1Cii. Miss Jessie Wilson .Ari Ill Wall Takes pleasure in informing the ladies of (lodcrich and vicinity. that she opened out on P3IllerS. Saturday, April the 8th A LARGE STOCK OF TRIMMED & UNTRIMMED GOODS. .t fell and fine asaortroest rot FLOWERS AND FEATHERS_ Aad ersrythirte is the shape of I.IIS TEST NOVEL TIES. T be iad,es aro cordially invited t. Impost wets. sod 1 salt ham It a pleasure to show the T I A,TEST AND BEST STYLES. Ric ciiEs.rte I ORDERED WORM A Pi30 T T 1"ST- 4 PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING EXECUTED WITH JA `EA SEAM. 4 NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AND AT LOW l�1su� aM.� , "'• •"aa• RATES AT THE SIGNAL OFFICE. 1 Now is the time, if you wish one or two nice rooms at home• to see Butler's room papers. Ile has over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs, Beautiful colors. an.. at pr;ces lees than c.•rmuch inferior goods. Call and .rr them, they are the boat value in town. and must Deltoid. The I1si Spriog Bear PiI aid Fashioos, �tTTI 'S_ SEEDS! SEEDS! JUST WICK' V ED AT THE Meca.i 1 IIaa11, Goc!Lerich, A large and wen ass er.1 stock of fresh Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, Both is buck sod to p•. ken 1 nor te. �1 from our of the otdeist er,.l m•�., re:uMr • is the Itevnln'ern, s,.i w li M e.54 MOsWnaue Prices JORD , _ chemist and whei.saM aid itetell Dealer .e Drop, CJlartnlelvb., Dye Putt~ Hors sad Cattle bledietaa 'P ,stsur rsas..1piI r "snit b dj s-.otilli Dig 1