The Huron Signal, 1882-05-26, Page 4it. HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAY 'G 1882 'THE HURON SIGNAL pshilahel o•ory !'rtdal Mnuroid by Mc GILIJcUeov Itaoe et tial► Ode . Hueck Rt tor the iletrr•1 GODERICH. ONTARIO. And is •sp�a eaed to W parte of lasuwrroend pm�pooadatry ey litho aiMt wawa mails see waa B y gonswil adwls .. M hoe a Wager ousel► elm than any other no la lila part of Vas= .1rl, 4 L. era the taoMat, uewstlel 71d Iwo manias )earwls Im Omtst'te =7 it •s to does. the foe uIng •weu4a a �Dd ►scoot la addltlea to ILe abo . a Int -claw .rd le ds lo Werofose • desirable adws.+sy wit/w. -♦Lie In al pre pall b►y7 Wlehsn; Sue, it mad bet- pre lots months: 1111LIM If not so paid. TILL rule will be strictly walercerL Ram w Anvsarwwo. Sight cents ps Ilse Orr Ant I.•ertioa: throe oenI per line for schsubeequcntinsertion. Yearly,halfy, I7 aid aaeterly auatractset reduced rates runtime.— Jrie have also a arst-c ms department is communion, and powwow n g the moat complete rand( and powwoweet facilities for tanning out work n( t:udsrlch, are prepared to do business in that hue at priors that cannot be beaten. and of a onalit7 that cannot be sareas•ed. -- newer CoA FRIDAY, MAT 18th, 1111199 ELECTION. Ir it were posield to bey Mr. D. W. John.ten at the tales tet upua htui by his pan friends joie after the Sinittee Hill lueettug, and sell him at the value he placed upon himself previous to that fateful gathering, the dealer would I,e able to clear a fortune far ahead of Any- thing laude in Iltlaaitoba let& He went up like a rocket, and came down like a stook -- — WEST HURON. M. C. CAMERON Will address t.be Eteclora of Wes: Iluron at PORT ALBERT, on Monday, the Rth of May. at 7.00 o'clock p.m At kikmaBR iimat, on Tuesday. the 3Jth of May, at 7 o'clock p. m. At R6 JG*lNON. on Woda•a1ay, the slat eJ May, at 7 o'clock p. m. At RELFAOT, on Friday. the 2nd of June, at 7 o'clock p. nn. At eUNI'ON on Monday, the Sth of June, at 7 o'clock p.m. At altTR'a RILL, on ednestia}', the 7th of Jose, at 7 o'clock p.o. At mined goat, on Friday, the Mk of Joao. at 7 o'clock p. m. Mr. I'ortcr, or his representative. will have am opportunity of addressing the meetings. THE South Huron convention will be held at Clinton to -day, and not at Sea - forth assisted by us last week. for the Refotm,astdidate to do is to call upon the electors to bury the crushed youth deep under an overwhelming mo- jority when the Local elections occur. AT Smith's Hill on Monday Lust the talented (i) young barrister tried to play cut-throat to Mr. Platt, and Mr. Porter politically. He did notsuc.ued In both oases, but he " gerrymandered" Mr. Platt out of the nomination. The tal- ented (1) young barrister did not receive the nomination, and his bewechiugs sed prayers availed hum not. L'.lititelly, 1[r. Johnetoa .asst tuurder, and had suicide throwa,in as hY pi.rtiun. Ws und:trttand that the writs have been received in Huron, and that return- ing officers 11)01, lawn appointed as fol- lows: —South Murton, Registrar Dickson; West Hurun, Bea Willson, of Wingham ; East Huron, James Perkier, of Hawick. The returning •etlScere for the East and West are strong partisans. Mr. Willson dos not live in the Riding, and has nu connection •uf say art with it. Whet have our West Riding Conservatives to say about mobbing heal inept Cot. Rosa is early in the tield fur the Local House, akkeregh he has allowed his opponent several months' start of him. But the Colonel has a "soft snap"; for the malapert }'.song lawyer having killed himself in a vain atte rpt to get a second :nomination, ill that remains Chit North-west policy, as sententious- ly put by Mr. Blake, is : "The land for the settler, and the price for the public." "03'rAR70 a Rights and 'Fair Play," is the rallying cry of the Liberals of this Province, and it is attracting good men everywhere. Ma. MALcois CAMrssu,•ef Lae -know, is the Reform candidate for the neigh- boring constituency of West Bruce. The Liberals are expected to roll up 1,000 of a majority in that " hive." SIE. Rae HARD CARTWIl1ONT has pluck- ily entered Centre Wellington, and will oust Dr. Orton, the blatant, self-appoint- ed champion of agriculture. The doctor will soon be heard from in Manitoba. Tae Cabinet cards have agaia been 'shuffled, in order to strengthen, if pas- sible, the waning powers of the Tories. Aikens and O'Connor retire, and Carling and Costigan are called in. The dodge 1 rise them to look before they leap. is too transparent to be effective. 1:a. Tama raasow, received the Tory I nomination for East Huron, yesterday , t•fhureday). N'• are willing to have hies to the tender uusecies of the o to pre of East Hurn. Peonies:x Cuultervativer how cob •lode the three Hurons to the Liberal party, despite the gerrymandering. Every dry Mr. Cameron h reeaiting aaeuranos of support from then who have heretofore stouei by the old Cou- wrvstive party, but who aro disgusted by the greed for power and place ezbi- )tited et home and abroad. Tea editor of the Conten Neto Era woe present at the big Reform Couveu- tion held here on Tuesday, and write*: Mr. Cameron has had many eueewsful eeute•ts ton behalf of the Reformers of thio county, hut into none uf then( did he enter with better prospects and assur- ances of suc.esa than he deed the contest for the West Ltidiug. 'Flint he is a plower of reootnieed ability red talent, seteveu his o ,poueuts will dispute and we are eoutidetut that sono► his warmest sup- porters in the present content will be 'lumbered many who hitherto opposed 11404. The Huron propounds this query: --"Can Mr. Porter point to any town or village in Huron which has not deceased in population during the past put years, notwithstanding the benefic- lent working of the N. P.—the Tory 'cure Loll' We de nutlike to be consider- ed presumptuous bet venture to answer for Mr. Porter in the affirmative; Clin- ton has not alone not decreased, hut it has increased considerably. Yon did not suppose that all the towns in Canada were as dead as Goderich, did you? Give us a harder one nett time. The above from the Clinton Record, shows the new proprietors of that journ- al are willing to duttut facts about a matter they know nothing of, simply for party purposes. If they will go to the town clerk's office at Clinton they will find from the assessment roll that that tewn has not only not ieereased in pop- ulation during the past year. but that it has decreased. Next tune we would ad - WE are now -entering upon an excit- ing political campaign, and for the next month our columns will contain more election news than perhaps some of our readers would wish. But local matter will not he wholly neglected, and we will endeavor to put all our political in- formation into a fresh and readable form. Our friends throughout the cour,ty will oblige us by sending in brief and reliable accounts .,f political ineet- ngt held in their neighborhood.. Ma. PLATT's address ;is an indepentl- l:oneervative candid.lte is net yet printed, although that gentleman has read the tltcnuscript to a largo number of his ac- elnaintances. The manifesto is vigorous- ly worded, and the aggrieved candidate nukes no secret of his contempt for the manner in which he 1t.ts been treated by pseudo friend.. Mr. Platt s private opinion of Mr. Johnston ' publicly ire pressed is not favortbl.' to the artful dodger who cut his 1 Irl at p ditically on Monday last. Me. 'Ponreit stated at Smith's Hill on Monday that Guest4 of South Perth, had offered to retire in his favor, if he would run fisc That constituency. This state- ment was evidently a pierce of bluff, on 0 par with Mr. Porters empty boast that Mr. Cameron is afraid to meet hien on the platform ! if Mr. Guest or his friends deny the truth of Mr. Purtet's little story, what will those Tories say who went back on Platt for the frothy outsider from South i'crth 1 NOTWITHMT•VDINI; the effort of the Government to gerrymander so many of the Liberal members of 4 hntario nut of the House, we find the attempt is likely to be abortive. The Liberal lead- en are standing to their guns, and will not be snuffed out LT act of Parliament. Charlton will fight w North Norfolk ; Patterson gives no uncertain sound from Mouth Brant ; (1. W. Res will once more lead West Middhvttx to victory in the Reform interest ; Mills, with a majority of nearly 300 against him in Bothwell, is willing to face the music : Mackenzie is fighting heavy udda in Fist York ; and Wt, hut by nu mesas lest, M. C. Cameron ha* relinyuishe,l his claim to South Huron —wiser* the'' Grits are hired" t, the 010, 01 t of seven han- dred—so that he would have the prin. lege of redreeesing the const Romney d West Huron from the gerrymanderer. The pluck of the Liberal leaders is *s- eemed en every aide by the action 0f the tank and file throughout Ontario. POLITICAL POINTS. Pithy Extracts from our Ex- changes. Toe aptrlt of the rarlietic Press of Ontario tMw JouNsrON, the talented ?l young barrister, is a sensitive youth, although 2ne would hardly think so. The young than aims high— too high—and because THE S1tNAr. has always given him pod advice and warned hien against over- reaching, young Mr. Johnston must, forsooth, abuse THE S1oNAL at every op- portunity. At Smith's Hill on Monday, young Mr. Johnston, the accidental Warden of Huron, berated TIE SIGNAL in his feeble way, and tried to work .up a sympathetic feeling for himself by so doing. Y, ung Mr. Johnstnn's tears availed him not, ss, far as the nomina- tion was concerned, and his ranting didn't shake the foundation of THE Siert'. (thee. The (noon does not cease to shine although a cur occaaionally barks at it, and Mr. Johnston's coward - abuse of Tae SIUNAI. and its editors at Tory conventions, with closed doors, will not deter this journal (from keeping the overweening ambition and inanity of Mr. F W. Johnston before the public. Mo. Pottrta was killed in South Hur- on hy the gerrymandering brought about through the trickery of W. J. R. Holmes, F. W. Johnston and others of that kidney, but his spirit has arisen in West Huron to haunt Mr. Johnston -- in fact, the corpae has peen galvanized into life. And this is how the thing came aboul. Alter the last division of 11urum, it was conceded on all sides that Mr. Porter and Dr. Coleman were buried under the " hived Grits" in South Huron, and Mr. Platt was looked upon by many as being the coming man for West Huron in the Tory interest. The riding was supposed to be 130 morn Tory than the Looal constituency, now represented by Col. Ross, M. P. P., and Mr. Fred. W. Johnston, with thatcoles- sal cheek for which he is ion widely known, set about to undermine Mr. Platt, and get Himself elected tJ the po- sition of dual candidate for the COM - mons and Legislature in West Huron. But he counted his chickens before they were hatched, and consequently " got left," so to speak. Mr Porter the de ceased of Routh Huron wouldn't stay dead,and dropped over to the Smith's Hill , Tory convention. The result was that while Messrs. Platt and Johnston were pulling and hauling for first place, the defeated of S'nth Huron stepped in and carried off the nomination for Wee' Huron. Never since Tint Fmnigan's wake, when that lamented gentleman cleared out the roomful of ,?sarrellinq mourners, did a corpse dsplay sack ane 1Mtrun Manna Ielta snna W t. Kir Juhu Msodouald entre ., thanked that we have a Senate to prevent w disturbance of the electoral luuudertee —:hak,u u e uosbeing the preeentauu of a bill by Mr. M. C. Cameron to restore use.tt a towbW in Hurto 110 01 loud on Letorw thu first gerrymander of 11772 was ocaouipluheo4. It u law s,4 order for hien t.. " thank Gal" and roll hie eyes lis spmt�im ted t.Iety, because he lila. a Senate that s pot likely tee pre- vent any disturbance in this electoral boundaries which he u ds wiruus of ef- fecting, no aiter how grossly a may outrage d.oeocy er trample upon the pimple. • s ..f thpimple. Nothing could le t er illustrate the wuokery of au ap- peal toinchacb a tribunal as these two tart. send earn.. The general issues of the campaign were clearly stated at a meeting is, Ot- tawa. They were— Anti-Monopoly ' Abolition of taxes un coal and bread - stuffs ! 'rhe right of Canada to slake her own commercial testis ! Reorganization of the Senate ! Provincial Rights Reform of the Land regulations ! No gerrymander Raw Raterlsl Only rite. The legitimate manufacturers of the country are not slow to realize that a great injury is done their business by placing a tax on coal and other raw ma- terials. Heavy manufacturers of the stamp of Mr. Dennis Moore, of Hamil- ton, who is lite Liberal candidate in that city, aro not afraid to trust their busi- ness interests to the care of a party who have for their watch -word, "Raw mater- ial duty free."—(Advertiser. The PyIrma Appeue. The Mail, notes the happy fact that the election day—June 20—is the anni- versary of Austerlitz. But the Auster- litz of whoin, the conquerors or the con- quered? So the Pythian Appollo told Creesus that in the campaign he was about to enter upon a great kingdom would be destroyed. And his Lydia was wiped put. Thus there may be • polit- ical Austerlitz on June 20. And the Liberals may be, like the French at that battle. victorious. The Nail is very dis- creet in its prophecies. —[World. Meets. 7•he a dour 41 Gewgaw • leas bees brewtht rmlot W a 111sn' ' u 1 HE Termite T.( pun., 1111 puts the wetter Ili Its propel litchi is, the ful- tee u.:t ref. -remelt " Ser J.•hu 1La.xLon- sld lou Ielwa1w1 114.1 awatuu .11 the thee, tem law utakileg .l,eiidt sod ragutrwre returning-tfluere, Letwit•e thesis, gi oily - mei batttsg 6%011 iti.1- •1uwd 1.y the"y� Liesil t overlluiellt, will to pettier/4o. and can- uot be depended ••101 w conduct ala election I estly. That or to ,toy, gon- tleu.en of sufficient I. prumineua Lo fill these nip rterot (tiers, bootleg been apls,I,teet th..ereto le lauet.ararily to run ss, eleetlun, but 1..1 111x, (d hae- log retired from active ruin:. 1.. they are applied 1.. (10, (111 lid 1'1 I0 pothole) iistarest s,1 the nwu11 of lite, elections, will he partisan and dislioueet. But active p..litleias., appulutl.l Ir) the Dominion (rot .11 11.1,4 for 11(e role lour• pose of running the election, rift( the:e future lir.41 cin as permanent ufllce- holde•ts 1r1eid111g :.ine..tlltr veil this elect of their tatty samdidats, they will rise superior to teuiptstiou, std b• perfectly honest." Aa Caealled Ar Mises. Taking his cue from his chuul Buult- bee, who trade a groes attack on Sheriff liow uf Welluigtou, Mr. Heston• is, the debate ea the Gerrymandering Bill, had the etfroutery to charge Shertff Hosie with partispsiip mud "interference in the elections in the interest of the Grit party " 1)f emirs* the statement is case. Except Mr. Hese.ii and his un- .crupul„es fuglean en Erie street, we do not beliur eve there is a single Tory in the entire oouuty of Perth so moan and utterly devoid •,f truth as to wake such an accusation agutut a conscientious and efficient public uttieer. There never was a fairer, there on uld not be a fairer, re- turning officer than Sheriff Rosie. A man of unflinching integrity and keen sense of holier, he would not deviate a hair's breadth from the strict line of his duty to please a friend or fee.—[Beaocin. A rinehy Reformer. Nothing could better show the temper of the Liberal party than the offering of the South Middlesex nomination to Mr. G. W. Roes and the refusal of it by that gentleman. The offering was a recogni- tion of Mr. Ross' ability, and was a tri- bute that trust have given him a thrill of pleaaure. The refusal of it shows that hfr. Res is not afraid to trust the jus- tice of his cause to the sound sense of his friends and neighbors, and does not care to shirk the issue. The good -will of the adjoining constituency, however, will d , Mr. Ross no harm. --{Advertiser. O+tart. Lawyers 1a Manitoba. The act now before the Legislature o Manito7a with reference to Ontario haw yers practicing in that Province is neo likely to be se sweeping as was expected. Only those Ontario lawyers will he ad mitted who hare fyled their articles and are residents of the Province at the time of the passing of the act. The act wil pass this week, and those not en the ground will have to put in a year's pro batten. Hugh John Macdonald, Stew art Tupper and a number of others ar now camped in Winnipeg waiting for the act to go through. ♦■ Obvtsa Moral. The Conservative paper to Ridgete marlines 4. enoenw tAhe wn had the ger- rymandering fraud in vigorous terms. The Hamilton Spectator says: A Ridgetown paper pn.tested against the Redistribution Bill the other day. A few days afterwards tire destroyed the entire business portion of Ridgetown. The mural is obvious. Ys, the mora: is obvious. The Ridge- tewn tire was the work of an incendiary. The coral is that if a Tory journal dares to have a wind and conscience of its own, a fire -bug will be sent to burn the town in which it is published. If the Spertatur intended this heartless and in- sulting paragraph for a joke it was a very unfortunate one. Most likely the organ thinks, like the Mail, that it is beat to try and be "funny" ever a fraud that cannot be defended by ar'gumeut.— [Stratford Deacon. As laden/wiliest slew. Tte Toronto Telegram says : There s tee deiiyiitg that Sic John Mscdupad Redistribution hill w111 coulplutely dish the Whigs. There has been no anemia at concealment of the object tiled u. In wane mass the detaching of Reform townships, so as t., wakes Cuu.ery Ative lelection sure, is so, palpable that there is n., shutting your eyes to it. Ti.. Coal- sarrativsa have always been weak in On- tario. This u their weak spat. The new arrangement of the castitueucles will change that. We venture to say that it will be found when the elec- tions are over .that although the Gineervativs have wen the larger num- ber of este, the Reformers have oast the larver number of votes. The Lill has successfully hired them by crowding ad many Reform townships together as possible, independently of the county brwadaris, thus 'inane/ the coustituen- clee from which they were ds.achud sure for Sir John. Rr. Mackenzie 1n Est ler(.. Mr. Mackenzie, on rising to respond, was greeted with loud and prolonged ap- plause. After thanking the electors for the generous manner exhibited in his nomination and in the present reception. he pruceedel to discus a few of the public questions. Referring to the dif- ference between the two great parties spoken of in the address, he clearly drew the broad lines of demarcation between the party which maiutaiued that the best thing for a young country was an estab- lished church, a limited franchise, the keeping of votes within the hands of the few, and which became alarmed at the introduction of our prized municipal sys- tem. He subjected the Administration to a scathing criticism regarding their course as to public claims against the Government the (:aces of the Moffatt, Marshal, Wood, and (other claims, in which the Government had sought to evade the safeguards reared by the late Government for Cie honest administra- tion of the Public Works Department. The retrograde tendency (of the Tory mind he illustrated by a reference to the repeal this session of the Act passed by , the Reform Government in 1878 provid- ing for the appointment of sheriffs and registrars as returning -officers, in order that they mightogo hack to the old fraud- ulent practice of "counting in" Conser- I votive candidates whore the electors had f , left in a minority :.t the rills. Alluding j to the Boundary Award. he recited the t steps taken in the matter so far as he was cvncerned, characterizing the Amer- - I tion of opponents •hat he 1101 reserved the right to repudiate the award as un - tette. The refusal of the Dominion Gov- t ernment, for political purpuers. to recog- nise the award was, in his opir.ion, one of the greatest political iniquities ever perpetrated :ii this country. He was e sure that the attempt of Sir John Mac- donald to fling contempt and ridicule up- on the Admnustratiun of Mr. Mowat, ono• Iv••o.o epee w 11.., Pepwyitaua Dual distracts by the detettuiltati.w ••f re - .1i,,,011. (IS, • of 4:41 )'1 Joiners 1, 4,1,1are a •trin.e i:.ulourwl labour ie s apluy- ed. The l'.,atumaster-Geuerel of t 1 • United 1 a age, en elm miaoil p'1 .loe.;a�be post- age, � abo(limbed. An *manses Opinlas, The Canadian parliament was progued yesterday after having ace plished one of the most barefaced and wicked gerry- manders that even an American politician could conceive. Sir John A. Macdonald has learned a good many dodges from the politics of this side of the line, but it is possible he has applied his knowl- edge a little to boldly this time. [De- troit News. simply because of Mr. Mowat s efforts to A Word for every Liberal. secure justice to 1lrftariu. would he tin - Altogether the outlook for the Re- sparingly condemned. He declared that form cause is far more hopeful than a 1 would sustain Mr. Mowat in his endea- few weeks ago could have deemed pos. your to keep this method the laws of na- sible. The gerrymander has turned out tions will permit him to employ. If he • veritable boomeran.. it is everywhere miens/or net the feelings :of Ontario the condemned by all who are not thorough- refusal of Sir John Macdonald to ratify going Tory partizans. The independent the award would meet with the indigna- press have unanimously denounced it. tion dissent of the electors. Loud ap Old Reformers who have voted N. P. plause was bestowed on the statement cannot stomach this latest display of that this was an issue in the o.r,test they Tory shamelessness and treachery. Hon- est Conservatives will not defend it. It has everywhere carried division and dis- cord into the Tory ranks, while rousing among Reformers a spirit of activity, unity end perseverance esential to sur -be jealous of their political autonomy, cess. We would urge upon our friends I and to guard faithfully the popular rights the necessity of hard, asiduous work to won after a lung struggle by the Reform ensure victory. Let the canvass be patty on behalf of the people. The hon. steadily pushed forward. Perfect the gentleman proceeded to mention the local organizations. Have every rit''!t, ground taken by his party upon the re- Luwnship, and village so thoroughly till solution moved by Mr. Blake ezpresung ganized that every worker will have his the belief that Canada was litter able particular duty assigned to hien and no than British statesmen to make her own voter be left nncanvased. Circulate commercial treaties, when his words campaign literature freely. Let plenty were broken m upon l.y a storm of lip. of meetings he held, not merely in the plause, indicating that the views • n this larger centres, but in the smaller, nut -of- subject expressed in Parliament by Mr 1 the -way places, wherever an audience of Blake and himself had Leen keenly no - a doyen can be got together. Bring out ted by Scarb,re electors, and received their hearty end even enthusiastic ap- proval. He pointed out how he had g. - and whose known integrity will give von effect, as far as possible. t.. this new their neighbors c(,nfideare in their state- when in office. Referring O. the com- ments. De not wait f„r speakers from a paign, he remarked that this was the distance. There is nn time to loose. In tenth contest in which he was 'Limited ridings where no nominations have yet and he had never Deet an election, add- b•en era's the best available candidates ingo amid cheers, that he did not intend should be plot in' the field without de- lay. Nii single constituencv, howerer to defend the infamous gerrymander .of the Tory vote may perpnder.ite. must which the present Government ha': been be allowed to gni hy default. Even if ginityy, std said he believed, netw,th- ,w Items of Lend 1at.reat. JULI EWEN a PHUrE idl0NAL win b'Lala at the Ner- w,*lri.n.ul, tueonro, )loads Jai) 10th, at 2 p.w. lutcnueJut. a .1.• Ht h ofthc .m County. Homier. July +. ,. T..e profeesionel .1 430Iativa low Unit -class cenll.ettes will bet n al lh.• ,...r!ualon of the n..11- professional , aewinAl ton. grades "A' TheexaJUluatiuo ler List -chew, g and "H,- w.11 Isegii, on 141 lit.. ,•u.. u.wn of the professional cabin WO Ina. nal !1y �hludlgea.t,t4 ,ti'a1 ,41.1 11.114 t5 should J0ne. 141 1,.••,1 pateetie , w proem ijwuii lVOW he exam....U"a, 401 turnWl the aew•,asary rt ueiacste. ,d character and 54) voce. Furors of Waite to be ,t r els by • mw'h caadl- d. 1e prevottOtt .tan (.1 ., •.t.cd m(:_plalcalon w Mr r, rr err. Taichcn desiring to pts the inteltsediale Esawlnallua m l.I berpert s' alar a mate the High Foch.. I at ., ,., 1t , to ett'u.artd the 'ptiu..al •u(y,�• t L.l. h ticy .111411d lO (alta I'ETpat AI,AMOON. Os -co -tor. Guderleh P.O. I have d taken in ion ell the tzod E June ••Clinton hours. • p e ted arouvint; an election campaign will half advantage taken of the Liberal minority fruit in the retnre Clone the ranks ' in Parliament, et would iia - f surreal. Push o:, the column ' With unity, en- if he did not mistake the temper of the 'orgy, mid organization victory is within country they w.,:ihl yet he ',Mari,ms our map {alone (Laud cheers. 1 e City et MAIL ARRANGEMENTSMAILisCabin.1 Steerage Passengers are hooked to London. Cardiff Bristol gtte.netown. Derry, ileltast, Galway and Goer ow, at same rues ea to Liverpool BUMMER BJILIN GB_ From Quebec, Saturday. Peres UM Mar 10 Cir,-awtan - to Nora Scotian .. June 3 Parisian Ki Starnatian. '• 17 )'olyne.W. '' M Peruriaa. July 1 ('Ircamfaa.. 8 arlinlaa. ,. u Pvtanas ., M Rennet fan. Pnly)n.slaa Ra1+11n1an. vstrvmainan ( t l Itirteian'ernad. RarmatW hIb►ra�lynwla lnu�Ynees..f. d.W... . , Iafo'•••V.4•4s .4u•4 a(art a>pihMp ly 10 ARMSTRONG. Ticket Aged, Goderlah • so Aeg,b .. IS Sri' 1 90