The Huron Signal, 1882-05-26, Page 3111.10,\ --difitHAL, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 16,2 er The Noy. by Teo. Tlimmerr• Re. Mao% Toolerehip. $ir John says that he gerrymandered r. Blake has most undoubtedly solely in the intermit 141 truth and jou . ▪ e n himself to be the .ireatest nientel t hi it •Ivainted hie discue• loe, c ie, i a ers to be aynonyinous with represenoi- tion by population. An inspection of the populatiou tables, however, shows that our trkky Premier, if he does think rep. by pup. a good thi14, has inade on the whole a pretty succeMful attempt to resist the dictates of coneeience. In the population of the constituencies as they will *tend when the Gerrymandering Bill betxmies law will be found the fol- lowing startling contrasts: nif DIM/ IIXAMPLins aril -sax IN TEL got•silitteu or POPVLATION. Population. .. 67,5116 tn Montreal Kaat North Leeds and lateen v tile Montreal West . 48.161 lirockv lila 15,007 Hoohelaga ........ 40.0711 North t'ictoria 16.bla Ottawa County 411,421 South Went wort h ..... . . ... 16,223 West Bruce 2.1.618 North Bruce •.. Reauce Monck 22,030 17,381.1 Kea* Middlesex 21.532 south Middling* 11.889 Kent ... . . LA.112 %vow ot otilkIMS • 1...191 West Lambkin 21.350 Kist Lambton ..................18,150 East Mimeoe . , , 37.165 Muskoka ...... . ...... 17,640 North Sime0. ........ 1101,1g) Writ Ontario .... ......... ..... 13.370 South Ontario . 21.154 South Orenville 13,523 North Oxford Frontenac . . .... 11.303 North Perth 3.1,271 1,:innox . . .. 16,311 East Eight ............. .... .. . 36,301 /teat Hosting§ .... ..... . . 17,313 North Knees 2.1,659 West Hosting, ... 17.400 South Oxford .......,... 23,133 West Northumberland .. • • .. • ... 11.364 %Vest KIln „. 21,411.3 Nest Pet erbium .. 13,510 West Moron ..... •• ..... 33,543 Cardwell....................14,770 36.505 114.307 These contracts could be made much more abrupt by bringing into contrast with the more populous constituencies some of the small eastern seats, Ruch as: Laval ... Trois Riviera* 9,208 eleerbrooke, Vercheres. Chambly St Jean. Laprairie. Neegervtlke. Soulaumom % audreuil. Montmor- ency. St Maurice. Montcalm, and Jacques Cartier. oath with. a population of less than 13.000 Sunbury .. 6,651 Itestigouche 7,058 Victoctia. N. 8. . •.......... 13.170 Queen's N. S From this it will be men that the "equalization theory is a figment, and that Sir John might just as well have avowed that everybody knows, namely, that he gerrymandered fur verryinander- iag's sake. --(Globe. • at late of Canade. His speeches las the House during thu post week. IV'', pro- nueticed to bo the finest efforts ever lined, in the Ceti:titian Legislature. First int dealt with the Stream, 11,11 Dioallowance, theu with the Boundary I Award, next with the right which Cann - ds ought to possess in treaty inaking,1 and also with Mr. Coetigan's Irish re- I solutions. he each use the lion gentle- man laid before the House in the plain- est and most cogent manner the seund- nese of the cause he edrocates, and the weakueu of the arguments of his oppon•I ents. Sir John might sneer and cry "defiles/ogee" but he could not reply to one of a dozen of Mr. Blake's arguments. The Star may well say that Mr. Blake! had thrown s leer powerful bombs intil the ministerial camp, which will play havoc in the ranks 44 the Conservative prrty. Mr. Bloke is no narrow bigut. He feels for suffering humanity wherever suffering is known to exist. His speech will no doubt be read in every quarter of the civilized world, while hit John'. week and sneering remarks will be treat- ed as the expressions of a man without either sentiment or true patriotism. He could not deal with the subject as Mr. Blake did, and consequently did his best to spoil the effect, by denouncing' the Oppeeition leader as a demagogue.. It is too late, however. The Irishmen of the Dominion, in place the following Sir John's sneers, are preparing laurels! for the brow of tho greatest champion of Irish liberties un the American contin- ent. - Brockville Recorder. Am blob Gatissilie View, The Catholics of Ontario number 320,- 839 in a population of 1,923.328, or a little mere than a sixth. The propor- tion of population which each of the ninety two ni •: ibers for Ontario in the house of Commons reereatents is 20,904; so that the Catholics of Ontario are en- titled of their own mere numbers to elect fifteen Represeutatives to the House of Commons. As a fact, they have not the power of their own votes in any one constituency, to elect one Representa- tive of their choice. Bas it ever struck Sir John Macdonald ULM it is a grou injustice to deny representation to more than a sixth of the people of Ontario' Upon the principle which Sir John ha. exemplified in the construction of his fifty-four new constituencies, how easily could he have carved out fifteen, having Catholic votes in majority, and thereby done an act of public justice in accord- ing to Catholics representation according to Cathnlics representation aocording to their numbers 7 But it is now evident that Sir John Macdonald, under color of providing the new members with con- stituencies had in contemplation the deeper purpose of desiroying the politi- cal preponderance of the Reform party in Ontario, and giving to his own fol- lowers a factitious superiority out of all proportion to their numbers Instead of creating four new conetituencies, Sir John has created and reconstructed no less than fifty-feur; and, by disregard- ing county boundaries, and (creeping to- gether in electoral districts Townships with Conservative majorities, nc, matter where situates or how far apart, he has utilized the Tury vote to the etmost; whereas by massing Reform townships together into a few constituencies, he has deprived them of the power to use their numbers with effect, and mininiiz- ed their influence on the result et a gen- eral election. It is the most daring act revolution that ever hes been tornmit• ted hy a Minister pretending to act within the C muititution. It is a quali- fied disfranchisement of a great political party. How thatparty will bear the blow, the future •anly can reveal • • • We ask the Catholics of Ontario to take these matters to heart. and aid us in combining as one man to get rid of this monstrous anisetio*.—(Irish C6•71Odlan- A Question of Liiir or Desalt for •silarlis. On 20th June next the,electors of On -1 tario will be called upon to decide theset questions: -- Shall Ontario remain the Keystone a Provinoe of the Confederation? Shall Ontario, at the dictation of a1 handful of French Bleua, be degraded to the position of a fifth -rate Province ? Shall Ontario be reduced in size till she isles. than one half of the area of 1 Quehec, less than two-thirds of the area of Manitoba, less than one-fourth of the size of British Columbia, .and less than one-half of the size of fifteen or sixteen new Provinces hereafter to be created ? Shall Ontario be deprived of the rail- way terminus on Lake Superior, with the city which is certain there to spring up ? Shall Ontario be robbed of 60,000,000 acres of fertile land 7 Shall Ontario lose the revenue of 11254000,000, the sum which the pine alone, to say. nothing of other valuable timber, on the disputed territory is computed to be worth ? Shall Ontario be defrauded of a miner- al region the wealth of which may ex- ceed anything else in the known world 7 Shall Ontario be driven to adopt di- rect taxation for Provincial purposes ? Shall Ontario, by thia confiscation of her property. be made to cease support- ing her public hospitals,prisons,amylums, and the like institutions from Provincial funds ? Shall all these expenses be thrown where they properly belong, upon the municipalities? Shall the burdens of municipal taxa- tion in Ontario be increased because the Province has been robbed of 100,000 square miles 01 her Crown Lands ? In a word, will Ontario suffer herself to be dismembered and despoiled in order that the Bourbons at Ottawa may be sustained in power by French votes ? Every ballot cast for the Conservative party at the next election auswers "Yes" to the above question& Every ballot cast for a Reformer answers "No!' The future of this Province lies tremb- ling in the balance. And the confeder- ation will acarce withstand the shock of a corruptly -gained verdict endorsing the vile ebbbery proposed to be commit- ted. A condonation of Sir John Macdon- ald's shameless repudiation nf the Bound- ary Award involves a hies of property to every man, woman, and child in this Province estimated at 1300, in respect of the timber alone. Surely this huge spoliation will net be permitted by the electors of Ontario. Surely it needs but to have the matter explained to them, and the fate of the Government is sealed.—[Gibbe. Witoomma Cootoet—If ?oar children are suffering with this dialsessisi ',Wady and nearly meshing OMNI/Mem to dezt h , *end to your Druggist and buy • bottle of A it.afi'e Loyd) HAMM. and relief, we can' oonfidently usages eon. will he ,igimmiliate sad sure We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement in another column of the Smith Medicine Co. We are certaitt that thousands of mothers will hail with joy the advent of such a com- pany. Their worn medicine has been tested and found as described, a great boon to suffering humanity. In the case of tapeworm we have been shown one measnring 80 feet, one 32 feet and one 14 feet,which have been passed from the bowels of different individuals after taking a few doses of Dr. Smith's Ger- man Worm Remedy. Thousands of testimonial/4 are in possession of these gentlemen showing clearly that their worm medicines are all that they claim them to loe. —[Montreol Post. Sold by Jas Wilson, Goderich, Ont. 2 Ali thou painful and distressing dis- *Imes and irregularities peculiar to the female sex may be promptly cured by Burdock Blood Bitters. It regulator every organ to a healthy action. mower* .f. A good article that has achieved sun cam and attainied a world-wide reputa- tion by it. true merits and wonderful re- sults, is always imitated. Such is the eau with Dr. King's New Discovery fee Consiimpticm, Coughs and Colds. Al- ready tmprincipled pantos are endear- 11 kinds of Repairing ander ming to delude an unsnapeeting puhlic, by offering imitations of 1114 most fortunate discovery. De not be deceived bet insist nn having the true rernedv, and take no other Trial bot- tlers free at Rhyne& drug store Lange VOA $1 Farm .1.16. itarbert. I In the spring of the year lamest every Ione requires a plod Blom. Purifier, more especially its the month of May. We Iii she ruder, bard. would earnestly advise our readers to 1 try Dr. Carauu s Stomacili and C °neti Tlite 3,1114: clit•t• il, flti lett twat atj4 tea . I14I alcy. ita.,.‘1,1. al Lula **oat anti sell foil, a 111 glee 601 411,404 044'1110i 1110 0 111 ter. 11 101 in.oce..I 111 or ad• j. mu. .14 Litu iu wander freely througu at, they sin do little bor.'s, un- til large suough to ser tell up the beds, and nibble at tit.) plants, while they wall decanter twiny itiseeta. Let thew have; iiIa alomaleuce of pure water and wholesome feed; these, woe good housing from the wet and cold, will secure hoolth and a prolitdlile growth. Disposal of Itabbisb. lit the course of years there will ac- cumulate on every farm, and in every garden, a quantity of unsightly stuff. Bodoni mockery and gliumware, old fruit and tomato cans, wore out saucepans, and other wastes (lithe household. These cannot be composited, or turned to any useful purpose, and if allowed to be 'cat - treed about, make the surroundings un- sightly. One of the best methods of get- ting rid of such stuff, is to dig a dry well, and provide it with a cover too heavy for children to displace and deposit all such rubbish in this. When tilled to with- in three feet of the top, take a piece of timber mid pound down the contents as compactly as leasible, and till up with earth. The well thus covered up can be planted over, and it &Meerut as a local drain, while atiother receptacle can be made for future accumulations. Ameri- can Agriculturist. Tbe Kamp and Lambs. Fatten and market dry ewes 58 1000 as possible. Slit/1e ewes which have lost their lambs, or fr en which they have been taken, will need to have the milk partially rein iced from their full udders for a few days. Neglect not to remove filthy tags. It is well also to clip the wool from about the udders, as much disease in the lambs is often caused by filth from the ewe's wool. There is but little in favor of washing wool on the sheep's back, and for old and feeble ani- mals it is a positive injury. The practice is unnecessary, disagreeable and danger- ous to the health of both men andsheep, and may well be abolished. Sheep ought to be so kept, that the unwashed wool may be clean enough for market Newly shorn sheep need protection ddring storms. If this is looked after properly, early shearing is not objectionable. After shearing, the ticks gather on the lambs, and may be destroyed dipping them into todacco water, with sulpher added, er one of the various etfective "Sheep Dips. "—(Anierican Agaiculturist. — - Medicines taken into the Stomach in concentrated form such as Pills mid Powders, are most injurious. The great substitute for these nauseous little Calo- mel pills is Dr. Carsen's Stomach and Constipation Bitters. They cleanse the bowels, stimulate the Liver and Kid- neys, and cure all stomach disorders, such as Dyspepsia and :Indigestion. In large bottles at 50 cents. Geo, Rhynas, a.gent. Mr Press and the Outrage. No language can be tat) etrong to de- nounce the Redistribution Bill. It is outside the pale of ordinary politics. It is simply an act of political scoundrel - ism, deliberately planned by the Tory leaders to enable a minority of the elec- tors to place in power a majority of the representatives of the people. --[Galt Reformer. To prevent Fevers, Bilious Colds and Ague; to tone up the system and purify the blood, try a course of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters. In large bottles at 60 cents. Geo. Rhynas, agent. James Vick the well-known florist and seedsman, Rochester, N.Y., is dead, aged 63 years. James Vick was born at Portsmouth, England; was a playmate of Dickens, came to this country in 1833, and set type with Greely on the Knick- erbocker: was a long time secretary of the Americam Poroological Society, a mem- of the Royal Horticultural Seciety of England, and went into the seed busi- ness 1860. He was one of themost charit- able of men. It is reported his gifts aver- aged over/10,000 year. During the Kan- sas graoshoper plague, nine years ago, he sent $25,000 worth of seeds to the suffer- ers, and last year sent $10,0000r$15,000 worth to the Michigan sufferers. Never Give VP. If you are suffering with low and de- pressed spirits, loss of appetite, general debility, disordered blood, weak consti- tution, headache, or any disease of a bilious nature, by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapid improvement that will follow; you will be inspired with new life; strength activity will re- turn; pain and misery will cease, and henceforth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle, by Oeo. Rhyne& [1] AGENTS anugh Work . onstt employmen or Capital moulted, J•te an Leg & Co. Mo real. gumbo 1761 CHUM BOILER WORKS. Chrystal & Black. po- tion Bitters. A few done, will Mani convince you that it as the beat rewedv knue•ti for iffections of the Stomach, Bowels, Lion and Kidneys, In large bottles at 50 bent.. Rhynas, agent w easy -fame years' Iliteurfotoos." Says an eminent physician, ouivinoesj /SO that the only way to cure nervous exhaustion, and weskness of the sexual °roping, is to repair the waste by giving brain and nerve feuds, and of all chi remedies eotspounded, Magnetic Mudi- ClIle is the best. Sec advertisement in another ooluniu. Sold in Gederich by Jas. Wilson, druggist. —1m MUSICAL IIISTRIfIENTS AND 3 UST RECEIVED. 4 • I rt. . • 4 D. FERGUSON'S, A SPLENDID ASSORTMEN71 OF FRESH GROCERIES, SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON. Special Bargams Teas at Very Low Prices SEWING. MACHINES . 25c. par It, .d upwards. If you want a really fine Tea try my SW. Yot113. *inn pitleiltea splendid ant oficle mid worth more money. 1 have also just opened out a OMR The subscriber would intimate to the peo- ple of Ooderioh that he boo doubled to give op business in his line owing to 111 health. and that he is now prepared to give execeptios- ally good bargains. All wanting PIANOS, ORGANS or SEWING MACHINES will End it to their advantage to call at once. as this is a GMNITINE clearing sale. Crockery Glassware, • • Including Stone and China Tea Seto. Children& Toy TeA Setts, Ladies and Gents Fancy Teo Cups and Saucers, suitable for Christmas and New You's Gifts. Lampe & Lamp Goods in Groat Varlet7 AND kT VKRY LOW PRICES. J. W. WEATHERA1 n. `87"7 Call and be Convinced TO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN 11 ow NOTLKUR wed 141,T P74f1 m &neat lured on shortie° notice tli versional sorry iidem fif the !Proprietors wh ft* Practical Workmen. P 0 Box MI 17fr MAN r teuNscquaterio tape 101 6114000APBCI Or 7015 COUR. TWY WILL 5*155 IDLAA•4444444 TOWS MAO TWAT INC CHICLII0, ROCK ISLiiiD It PACIFIC RT ceuethe attention of travelers to the central &tonl- Boa of its One, °outwitting the East Med the West by the shortest rota,. and carrying without change ef ears,betweek Maser aZalCt ses City, Connell Bluffs, Leavenorth. Atchison. Minneapolis and 11. Pant. It oonnects in Union Depots with all the principal knee of reed between the Atlantic and the Paola° Oceans. Its dews- ment is unrivaled and esagnigeend, being composed of Most Comfortable and Beastifitl Day Coaolea, Magnilloent Norton Reclining Chair Cam Pull- man's Prettiest Palace Sleeping Cars, and the Best Idne of Dining Care to the World. Three Trains between Chicago and Nisei:turf River Pointe 'Two d Minneapolis and 'ALBERT LEA ROUTE.- orton. & Cressman. Train. between Chicago andt. Paul, via the Famous A New and Direct Line, via fleneoa and Kanka- kee), has recently been opened between Richmond. Norfolk. Newport News, Chattanooga, Atiallta, Au- gusta, Naahville, Louisville. Lexington, Cincinnati. Indianapola and Lafayette, and Omaha, Minn's,- ohm and let. Paul and Intermediate points. All Through reengage... Travel on Past Bspreas Trams. Tickets for sale at all prinapal Ticket 058.5 10 the United :Rates and Canada. Baggage checked throng* and rate. or fare .3 - La low as competitora that oder law edema- -77r detailed Int • rmetion, get the Napo and Pold- er. of CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, 51 10)1? nearest Ticket 0E33, or addrese R. R. CANAL L ST. JOHN, Vb. Frac & Geo 1114 r Get. 1 Tkt 1 Pug. AM. CHICAGO. 1 1 LE :il+ing Hy wa out a c kr Ontario Stool Barb Fence Co. Limited. timit Literused w ruler I he Glidden Patna./ MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPROVED LOCK BARB Four -Pointed Steel Fencing Wire, 65 dr, 57 RICHMOND ST. EAST,_TORONTO:.'; A. J. SOK KR VI LLL Vice -Pres. agul.Mais. Director. 1:1. W. MO ItMl\TZ Sole Agent for Goderich. DOMINION CARRIAGE 'V7011,10. m VAT IT WILL £U11 T017. It excites expectoration and ociume the limp to throw off the phlegm or mucous; eliatioo. the eeeretione nod punk.* she blood; heals the irri- tated part.; gives strength to the digestive organs: brings the liver 10 18. proper aetioe, and imparts strength to the whole arntema. ECCII 13 1111 jiIiICDIAIE AND giatalearTORT RP - Irv,. that it le in it -milled tit break lip the moot dieerrowler .00tyA so aim boort tine, if agog of too long standing it is spreereimml vo cora 551'115 414TIPVACTI0N. RCVS DI 1,55mad etim- Reseed rnseq, rf Cirmetemiptioli 14 4. 504 10 proclaim eostimneas (which is tins mom with most remedies), or affect tbe whedordrzi3 contains on opium in any ftivm. It i• to b. 11444.4.44.41), 6.044424.11 to the most c= child. although it le sn motive &p&p remedy for reptoring the system. 7hore bre 1/141.N41444/611. on swim &wait C-'-- when enly taken in time. hneetans having ems - when Auks's! Lyon will provost it M sinaptive pationts, and who. having fat= ears th.m with their own motieloo. we reeomsnrod to gir Aurvs Letwe Su -sex 6 trial. .bid by ea W. S. Hart & Co. PROPRINTORS OF T If Goderich Mills (LATE PIPER'S. Bei to return their thanks to Oie public tor the liberal patronage received dining the psis year. and in mote they alio prepared bo du CI- Al IM 7r 1NGt on the 'dalism not1ne, or for the nonoosioen. of parties flying at a dieteatee will eveattaget wises he their tows .10,. (Lots W M HJlsards, TO P A_ IR, S_ We want every farmer Needing a carriage I,o call and sioi our NEW PLATFORM CARRIAGES, The hootcarrt.jo nuide for s farmer. We have the target° stook ever offered in the w Open asd top buggies always in stock. Repairing promptly attended to. 111 ,MORZ'ON & CRESSMA.N 1831-3m. Shop opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. Masonic block. Raid Pt. anderielli SOP-Fligheat price paid wheat ' Fennels ..etterltio=1 Barbee relict Wire contracted for • any quantity at very lowest prices I SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBED FENCE WIRE. Wire and barb galvanised after hong t wistful which cannot sraleoff. tree Barbed Wire for Fences. NO SNOW lIFTS NO WEEDS NO WASTE UNDS. Per sale by G. 1-1. PARSONS, ,.1411AP d Alt PIDW AR L CODIL11111(11 • Nir